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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2023; 63(2): 199-223

Published online June 30, 2023 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2023.63.2.199

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

On Some Skew Constants in Banach Spaces

Yuankang Fu, Zhijian Yang and Yongjin Li∗, Qi Liu

Department of Mathematics, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510275, P. R. China
e-mail : fuyk5@mail2.sysu.edu.cn, yangzhj55@mail2.sysu.edu.cn and stslyj@mail.sysu.edu.cn

School of Mathematics and Physics, Anqing Normal University, Anqing, 246133, P. R. China
e-mail : liuq67@aqnu.edu.cn

Received: May 2, 2022; Revised: February 10, 2023; Accepted: March 14, 2023

We introduce the constants E[t,X], CNJ[X] and J[t,X] to describe the asymmetry of the norm. They can be seen as the skew version of the Gao's parameter, von Neumann-Jordan constant and Milman's moduli, respectively. We establish basic properties of these constants, relating them other well known constants, and use these properties to calculate the constants for specific spaces. We then use these constants to study Hilbert spaces, uniformly non-square spaces and their normal structures. With the Banach-–Mazur distance, we use them to study isomorphic Banach spaces.

Keywords: geometric constant, uniform non-squareness, normal structure

The geometric theory of Banach spaces is an important branch of functional analysis. It has important applications in many mathematical fields, such as approximation theory, fixed point theory. Since Clarkson [7] put forward the concept of the modulus of convexity in 1936, geometric constants have evolved as a useful way to compare the geometric properties of Banach spaces. Quantifying geometric properties with numbers is an easy intuitive way to understand these properties on a given Banach spaces. Some of the more prominant geometric constants to date are the modulus of smoothness ρX(t) proposed by Day [15], the James constant J(X) proposed by Gao and Lau [12], and the von Neumann-Jordan constant CNJ(X) proposed by Jordan and von Neumann [22]. There are, however, many other geometric constants worth noting. For readers interested in this field, we recommend the references mentioned in this paper.

Fitzpatrick and Reznick [26] introduced the skewness s(X) of a Banach space X, which describes the asymmetry of the norm:

s(X)=suplimt0+x+tyy+txt : x,ySX.

They showed that s(X)=0 if and only if X is a Hilbert space, and calculated the values of s(X) for Lp spaces where 1p. Moreover, they showed that the uniform non-squareness of X can be described in terms of s(X). Further, based on the work in [26], Baronti and Papini [19] established the relationship between s(X) and ρX(1), and Mitani et al. [13] established the relationship between s(X) and J(X). All the results mentioned above illustrate that a geometric constant which describes the asymmetry of norm is worth studying. In this paper, we introduce three constants, E[t,X], CNJ[X] and J[t,X], all of which describe the asymmetry of the norm.

In Section 2, we recall some necessary concepts.

In Section 3, we introduce the constant E[t,X]. Some basic properties of E[t,X] are given and used to calculate the values of E[t,X] for some specific spaces. The relation between E[t,X] and CNJ(X) is established. Also, E[t,X] is used to study some geometric properties of Banach spaces. Moreover, we discuss the relation of the values of E[t,X] for two isomorphic Banach spaces in terms of Banach-–Mazur distance.

In Section 4, we introduce the constant CNJ[X] and use it to study Hilbert spaces and uniformly non-square spaces. We apply results from Section 3 to establish properties of CNJ[X].

In Section 5, we consider the constant J[t,X], relate it to J[t,X*], and use it to study the uniformly non-square spaces.

Throughout the paper, let X be a real Banach space with dim X2. The unit ball and the unit sphere of X are denoted by BX and SX, respectively. We now recall some concepts that we need in this paper.

Definition 2.1. ([23]) A Banach space X is said to be uniformly non-square, if there exists δ(0,1) such that if x, ySX then

x+y21δ or  xy21δ.

Definition 2.2. ([17]) A Banach space X is said to have (weak) normal structure, if for every (weakly compact) closed bounded convex subset K in X that contains more than one point, there exists a point x0 ∈ K such that

sup{x0y : yK}<d(K)=sup{xy : x,yK}.

Remark 2.3. For the reflexive Banach spaces X, the normal structure and weak normal structure coincide.

The above concepts are closely related to the fixed point property, since Kirk [27] proved that every reflexive Banach space with normal structure has the fixed point property in 1965.

Definition 2.4. ([14]) For isomorphic Banach spaces X and Y, the Banach-Mazur distance between X and Y, denoted by d(X, Y ), is defined to be the infimum of TT1 taken over all isomorphisms T from X onto Y, that is,

d(X,Y)=inf{TT1 : T:XY  beinganisomorphism}.

Based on the Pythagorean theorem, Gao introduced the following two quadratic parameters called Gao's parameters in [9] and [10], respectively,

E(X)=sup{x+y2+xy2 : x,ySX}.
Eϵ(X)=sup{x+ϵy2+xϵy2 : x,ySX},  0ϵ1.

He showed that both uniformly non-square spaces and normal structures are closely related to them. More results on E(X) and Eϵ(X) can be found in [2].

As mentioned in the Introduction, in this section we consider the following constant,

E[t,X]=sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,ySX},  t,

which can be regard as the skew version of Eϵ(X).

3.1. Some basic conclusions about E[t,X]

In this section, we will give some basic conclusions about E[t,X], and calculate the values of E[t,X] for some specific spaces. First, we give the bounds of E[t, X].

Proposition 3.1.1. Let X be a Banach space. Then

2(1+t2)E[t,X]2(1+t)2,  t.

Proof. By taking x,ySX such that x=y, we can easily get E[t,X]2(1+t2). In addition, by the triangle inequality, it is obvious that E[t,X]2(1+t)2.

Next, we give the some equivalent forms of E[t,X], which will be used in our subsequent discussion.

Proposition 3.1.2. Let X be a Banach space. Then

(1) E[t,X]=sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,yBX},  t.

(2) If X is a reflexive Banach space, then

E[t,X]=sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,yext(BX)},  t.

(3) E[t,X]=sup{E[t,X0] : X0X, dim(X0)=2},  t.

Proof. (1) First, for any x,yBX, we have


For convenience, we denote 1x2,11x2,1y2,11y2,xx, xx,yy,yy by a1,a2,b1,b2, x1,x2,y1,y2, respectively. Thus

x=a1x1+a2x2,  y=b1y1+b2y2.

It is obvious that x1,x2,y1,y2SX and a1,a2,b1,b2[0,1] such that a1+a2=1,b1+b2=1.

Let t. Since f(x)=x2 is a convex function on [0,), for any x,yBX we have

x+ty2+txy2=i=12aixi+t(i=12aiy)2+t(i=12aixi)(i=12aiy)2=i=12ai(xi+ty)2+i=12ai(txiy)2(i=12aixi+ty)2+(i=12aitxiy)2i=12aixi+ty2+i=12aitxiy2=i=12aij=12bjxi+t(j=12bjyj)2+i=12ait(j=12bjxi)(j=12bjyj)2=i=12aij=12bj(xi+tyj)2+i=12aij=12bj(txiyj)2i=12ai(j=12bjxi+tyj)2+i=12ai(j=12bjtxiyj)2i=12aij=12bjxi+tyj2+i=12aij=12bjtxiyj2=i=12aij=12bj(xi+tyj2+txiyj2)max{xi+tyj2+txiyj2 : i=1,2,  j=1,2}sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,ySX}.

This shows that

E[t,X]supx+ty2+txy2:x,yBX,  t.

In addition, it is obvious that

E[t,X]supx+ty2+txy2:x,yBX,  t.

(2) Since X is a reflexive Banach space, then, according to Krein-Milman theorem, we know that BX=co¯(ext(BX)). Then, by (1), we obtain

E[t,X]=sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,yco¯(ext(BX))},  t.

Further, according to the continuity of norm, we can easily know

E[t,X]=sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,yco(ext(BX))},  t.

Now, for any x,yco(ext(BX)), there exist {xi}i=1nx,{yj}j=1nyext(BX) and {ai}i=1nx,{bj}j=1ny[0,1] such that

x= i=1 nxaixi,  y= j=1 nybjyj,   i=1 nxai=1,   j=1 nybj=1.

Moreover, since f(x)=x2 is a convex function on [0,), then, for any t and any x,yco(ext(BX)), we obtain

x+ty2+txy2=i=12aixi+t(i=12aiy)2+t(i=12aixi)(i=12aiy)2=i=12ai(xi+ty)2+i=12ai(txiy)2(i=12aixi+ty)2+(i=12aitxiy)2i=12aixi+ty2+i=12aitxiy2=i=12aij=12bjxi+t(j=12bjyj)2+i=12ait(j=12bjxi)(j=12bjyj)2=i=12aij=12bj(xi+tyj)2+i=12aij=12bj(txiyj)2i=12ai(j=12bjxi+tyj)2+i=12ai(j=12bjtxiyj)2i=12aij=12bjxi+tyj2+i=12aij=12bjtxiyj2=i=12aij=12bj(xi+tyj2+txiyj2)max{xi+tyj2+txiyj2 : i=1,2,  j=1,2}sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,ySX}.

Thus, by (3.1.1), we have

E[t,X]sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,yext(BX)},  t.

Further, it is clear that

E[t,X]sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,yext(BX)},  t.

(3) Let t. First, it is clear that

E[t,X]sup{E[t,X0] : X0X,dim(X0)=2}.

Second, for any ε>0, there exist x,ySX such that


Let X0 be a two-dimensional subspace of X that contains x and y, we have

E[t,X]εx+ty2+txy2E[t,X0]sup{E[t,X0] : X0X, dim(X0)=2}.

Let ε0, we can obtain

E[t,X]sup{E[t,X0] : X0X, dim(X0)=2}.

This completes the proof.

Now, we will use the above conclusion to calculate the values of E[t,X] for some spaces.

Example 3.1.3. Let X be the space 2 with the norm defined by




Proof. First, notice that the unit ball of the this norm is a regular hexagon (see [14]).

By the above figure and some simple calculations, we can get that


Now, because finite-dimensional Banach spaces must be reflexive spaces, according to Proposition 3.1.2 (2), we can get

E[t,X]=sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,yext(BX)},  t.

Thus, by some simple calculations, it is not difficult for us to get


EXample 3.1.4. Let X be the space 2 with the norm defined by

x1,x2=x1 ,x2 1x1x20,x1 ,x2 x1x20.



Proof. First, because finite-dimensional Banach spaces must be reflexive spaces, by Proposition 3.1.2 (2) we get

E[t,X]=sup{x+ty2+txy2 : x,yext(BX)},  t.

Now, since


by some simple calculations, it is not difficult for us to get


Example 3.1.5. Let X be the space 2 with the norm defined by

x1,x2=x1 ,x2 1x1x20,x1 ,x2 2x1x20.



Proof. First, we will prove that

x+ty2+txy22(1+t2)+2t,  t0,

holds for any x=(x1,x2),y=(y1,y2)ext(BX).

Let t0. Then, for any x=(x1,x2),y=(y1,y2)ext(BX), we consider the following four cases:

Case 1: x1,x2,y1,y20.

Case 1a: (tx1y1)(tx2y2)0. Then


Case 1b: tx1y10, tx2y20. Then


Case 1c: tx1y10, tx2y20. Similar to the proof of Case 1b, we can get


Thus, we obtain (3.1.2) holds for any x=(x1,x2),y=(y1,y2)ext(BX) with x1,x2,y1,y20.

Case 2: x1,x20,y1,y20. Let z=-y. Then, by Case 1, we obtain


Case 3: x1,x20,y1,y20. Similar to the proof of Case 2, we omit it.

Case 4: x1,x20,y1,y20. Let z=-y and w=-x. Then, by Case 1, we obtain


Consequently, we prove (3.1.2) holds.

Now, according to Proposition 3.1.2 (2) and the fact that finite-dimensional Banach spaces must be reflexive spaces, we can get

E[t,X]2(1+t2)+2t,  t0.

Further, put x=(1,0) and y=(0,1), we can get

E[t,X]x+ty2+txy2=(1,t)22+(t,1)12=2(1+t2)+2t,  t0,

which shows that E[t,X]=2(1+t2)+2t,  t0. Since, it is obvious that E[t,X]=E[t,X],  t, we can also get E[t,X]=2(1+t2)2t,  t0.

3.2. The relation between CNJ(X) and E[t,X]

Alonso et al. [8] introduced the following constants CNJ'(X) in 2008, according to the characterization of Hilbert spaces called the rhombus law given by Day [16],

CNJ'(X)=supx+y2+xy24 : x,ySX.

This constant is closely related to some geometric properties of Banach spaces and some other constants (see [8]), and also plays an important role in the study of Tingley's problem (see [24]).

It is clear that 4CNJ'(X)=E[1,X]. Thus, it is natural for us to ask whether there is a relationship between CNJ'(X) and E[t,X], t1. In order to answer this question, we need to give the following result first.

Proposition 3.2.1. Let X be a Banach space. The following statements hold.

(1) E[t,X] is a convex function of t on .

(2) E[t,X] is a continuous function of t on .

(3) E[t,X] is an even function of t on .

(4) E[t,X] is non-decreasing on [0,+∞) and non-increasing on (,0].

Proof. (1) Let t1,t2,λ(0,1). Then, for any x,ySX, we can deduce that

x+λt1+(1λ)t2y2+λt1+(1λ)t2xy2λx+t1y+(1λ)x+t2y2+λt1xy+(1λ)t2xy2λ x+ t 1 y 2+ t 1 xy 2+(1λ) x+ t 2 y 2+ t 2 xy 2λE[t1,X]+(1λ)E[t2,X],

which implies that


(2) By (1), we can obtain E[t,X] is continuous on .

(3) By the definition of E[t,X], it is obvious that E[t,X]=E[-t,X] holds for any t.

(4) Let t2>t10. Then, from (1) and (3), we have

E[t1,X]=Et2 +t1 2t2 t2+t2 t1 2t2 t2 ,XE[t2,X].

which deduces that E[t,X] is non-decreasing on [0,+). Then, from (3), we can obtain E[t,X] non-increasing on (,0]. This completes the proof.

From the above proposition, we know that we only need to consider E[t,X] on t[0,], since E[t,X] is an even function. Also, it is obvious that E[0,X]=2 for any Banach spaces. Thus, in the following discussion, we only consider E[t,X] with t(0,). Now, we use the above proposition to give the relation between CNJ(X) and E[t,X].

Proposition 3.2.2. Let X be a Banach space. Then

4tCNJ(X)E[t,X]4tCNJ(X)+2max{t,1}|t1|,  t>0.

Proof. Let t>0. First, notice that, for any x,ySX, we have


From the above equality, we can imply that

E[t,X]1+t2=E1t ,X1+1t2.

Now, since E[t,X] is convex function and (3.2.2), we obtain


which implies that 4tCNJ(X)E[t,X].

For the other inequality, we divide the proof into the following two cases.

Case 1 : 0<t<1. Using E[t,X] is a convex function again, we have


and hence E[t,X]4tCNJ(X)+2max{t,1}|t1|.

Case 2. : t1. According to (3.2.2) and Case 1, we have

E[t,X]1+t2=E1t ,X1+1t24t1+t2CNJ(X)+2t(t1)1+t2,

which means that


This completes the proof.

3.3. The relations between E[t,X] and some geometric properties of Banach spaces

Next, we will discuss the relations between E[t,X] and some geometric properties of Banach spaces. First, we will use the following lemma to characterize Hilbert spaces by E[t,X].

Lemma 3.3.1. ([4]) A normed space X is an inner product space if and only if for all x,ySX there exist λ,μ0 such that


where means either or .

Theorem 3.3.2. Let X be a Banach space. Then the following statements are equivalent.

(1) E[t,X]=2(1+t2) for all t(0,).

(2)E[t,X]=2(1+t2) for some t(0,).

(3)X is a Hilbert space.

Proof. (1)(2). Obvious.

(2)(3). Since E[t,X]=2(1+t2) holds for some t(0,), we can deduce that there exists t0(0,) such that

x+t0y2+t0xy221+t02,  x,ySX.

Then, from Lemma 3.3.1, we know that X is a Hilbert space.

(3)(1). Since X is a Hilbert space, then, for any t(0,) and x,ySX, we obtain


This shows that E[t,X]=2(1+t2) for all t(0,).

Remark 3.3.3. The above conclusion also shows that the lower bound of E[t,X] given in Proposition 3.1.1 is sharp.

Second, we will give the relation between E[t,X] and uniformly non-square spaces.

Theorem 3.3.4. Let X be a Banach space. Then the following statements are equivalent.

(1) E[t,X]<2(1+t)2 for all t(0,).

(2) E[t,X]<2(1+t)2 for some t(0,).

(3) X is uniformly non-square.

Proof. It is clear that we only need to show that the following statements are equivalent

(i) E[t,X]=2(1+t)2 for all t(0,).

(ii) E[t,X]=2(1+t)2 for some t(0,).

(iii) X is not uniformly non-square.

(i) (ii). Obvious.

(ii) (iii). Since E[t,X]=2(1+t)2 for some t(0,), we can deduce that there exists t0(0,) and xn,ynSX such that,


Notice that xn+t0yn2(1+t0)2 and t0xnyn2(1+t0)2, thus we obtain

xn+t0yn2(1+t0)2,   t0xnyn2(1+t0)2.

Further, we obtain

xn+t0yn1+t0,   t0xnyn1+t0,

which can deduces that

xn+yn2,   xnyn2.

So, X is not uniformly non-square.

(iii) (i). Since X is not uniformly non-square , there exist xn,ynSX such that

xn+yn2,   xnyn2.

Thus, for all t(0,), we obtain

xn+tyn1+t,   txnyn1+t.

Furthermore, from Proposition 3.1.1, then we obtain

2(1+t)2E[t,X]xn+tyn2+txnyn2,  t(0,)

Let n, we obtain E[t,X]=2(1+t)2 for all t(0,).

Remark 3.3.5. The above conclusion also shows that the upper bound of E[t,X] given in Proposition 3.1.1 is sharp.

Finally, we use E[t,X] to give a sufficient condition for normal structure by the following lemma.

Definition 3.3.6. ([11]) Let X be a Banach space, a hexagon H in X is called a normal hexagon if the

length of each side of H is 1 and each pair of opposite sides are parallel.

Lemma 3.3.7. ([11]) Let X be a Banach space without weak normal structure, then for any ϵ, 0<ϵ<1, and x1SX, there exists an inscribed normal hexagon with vertices x1,x2,x3,x1,x2 and x3SX satisfying

(1) x1=x2x3.

(2) (x1+x2)/2,(x3+(x1))/2>1ϵ.

Theorem 3.3.8. Let X be a Banach space. Then

(1) Let t[23,1]. If E[t,X]<5t22t+2, then X has normal structure.

(2) Let t[1,32]. If E[t,X]<2t22t+5, then X has normal structure.

Proof. (1) Let t[23,1]. According to Theorem 3.3.4, we know that X is uniformly non-square when E[t,X]<5t22t+2. Hence X is reflexive (see [23]), and normal structure and weak normal structure coincide. So, we only need to show that X has weak normal structure.

Now, suppose conversely that X does not have weak normal structure. By Lemma 3.3.7, for any ϵ∈ (0,1), there exist x1, x2, x3∈ SX such that

x1=x2x3,  (x1+x2)/2>1ϵ,  (x3+(x1))/2>1ϵ.

Now, we have



tx1x2=tx1+tx2tx2x2    =tx1+tx2t(x1+x3)x2    =t(x1x3)+(t1)x2tx1    t(x1x3)(t1)x2tx1    (22ϵ)t(1t+t)    =(22ϵ)t1.

Thus, we obtain


Let ϵ0, we have


This contradicts E[t,X]<5t22t+2.

(2) Let t[1,32]. By (3.2.2), we have E1t,X=1t2E[t,X]. Further, since E[t,X]<2t22t+5, we get


which implies that X has normal structure by (1).

Remark 3.3.9. Through simple calculations, we get that 2(1+t2)5t22t+2 if and only if t[23,1]. The reason we take t[23,1] in (1) is to ensure that there exists space X satisfying E[t,X]<5t22t+2 by Proposition 3.1.1. This is also why we take t[1,32] in (2).

3.4. BanachMazur distance and stability

In this section, we will use the Banach-–Mazur distance to discuss the relation of the values of E[t,X] for two isomorphic Banach spaces. This relationship plays a decisive role in our subsequent discussion of the relationship between E[t,X] and E[t,X**].

Theorem 3.4.1. If X and Y are isomorphic Banach spaces, then,

E[t,Y]d(X,Y)2E[t,X]d(X,Y)2E[t,Y],   t>0.

Proof. Let x,ySX and t>0. For each ε>0, there exists an isomorphism T from X onto Y such that T1T(1+ε)d(X,Y). Set

x¯=TxT,   y¯=TyT,

then x¯,y¯BY. Now, according to Proposition {3.1.2} (1), we obtian


This means that E[t,X](1+ε)2d(X,Y)2E[t,Y]. Let ε0, we obtain


The other inequality follows by interchanging X and Y.

Corollary 3.4.2. Let X be a Banach space and let X1=(X,1), where 1 is an equivalent norm on X satisfying, for a,b>0,

axx1bx,   xX


a2b2E[t,X]E[t,X1]b2a2E[t,X],  t>0.

Proof. This follows from Theorem 3.4.1 and the fact that d(X,X1)ba.

Finally, we will use Theorem 3.4.1 to show that E[t,X]=E[t,X**]. To do this, we need to recall the definition of finite representability. A Banach space X is finitely representable in a Banach space Y if, for every ε>0 and for every finite-dimensional subspace X0 of X, there exists a finite-dimensional subspace Y0 of Y with dim(X0)=dim(Y0) such that d(X0,Y0)1+ε.

Theorem 3.4.3. Let X and Y be Banach spaces. The following statements hold.

(1) If X is finitely representable in Y, then E[t,X]E[t,Y],  t>0.

(2) E[t,X]=E[t,X**],  t>0.

Proof. (1) Let t>0 and X0 be a two-dimensional subspace of X. For any ε>0, since X is finitely representable in Y, there exists a two-dimensional subspace Y0 of Y such that d(X0,Y0)1+ε. Applying Theorem 3.4.1 to the pair of X0 and Y0, we obtain


Let ε0, we obtain E[t,X0]E[t,Y]. Further, by Proposition 3.1.2 (3), we obtain E[t,X]E[t,Y].

(2) For any Banach spaces X, by the principle of local reflexivity, X** is always finitely representable in X. Then, by (1),

E[t,X]E[t,X**],  t>0.

On the other hand, X is isometric to a subspace of X**, therefore,

E[t,X]E[t,X**],  t>0.

This completes the proof.

In 1935, Jordan and von Neumann [22] pointed out that for any Banach spaces X there is an unique smallest positive constant C between one and two with the property that if x and y are elements of X, not both equal to the zero element, then the following relation holds:


In [22], Jordan and von Neumann also demonstrated that C=1 is a necessary and sufficient condition for X to be a Hilbert space. This is actually a famous characterization of Hilbert spaces called the parallelogram law. And then in 1937, Clarkson [6] gave a precise evaluation of this constant C for the Lebesgue spaces Lp and lp, for all p≥1. It was these two articles that attracted the attention of scholars to this constant C and began to study it. Later, scholars always define the constant C in the following equivalent way, and call this constant C the von Neumann-Jordan constant, denoted by CNJ(X),

CNJ(X)=supx+y2+xy22(x2+y2) : x,yX, (x,y)(0,0).

After a large number of studies by scholars, it is found that CNJ(X) can not only be used to characterize Hilbert spaces, but also can be used to characterize uniformly non-square spaces (see [28]) and superreflexive spaces (see [20]), and even has the close relation with uniformly normal structure (see [25]). For more results on CNJ(X), we recommend [1, 18] to interested readers.

As we mentioned above, the constant CNJ(X) is closely related to the parallelogram law. Note that Lemma 3.3.1 that we used earlier in proving Theorem {3.3.2} is actually a generalization of the parallelogram law. Therefore, we naturally want to define a new constant based on it. To this end, we need to explain the following two facts first. The first thing is that, by Lemma 3.3.1 and let t=μλ, X is a Hilbert space if and only if for all x,ySX there exists t0 such that


where means either or ≥. The second thing is that, according to the definition of CNJ(X), CNJ(X) has the following equivalent form:

CNJ(X)=supx+ty2+xty22(1+t2) : x,ySX, 0t1.

Therefore, based on (4.1) and (4.2), we consider the following constant

CNJ[X]=supx+ty2+txy22(1+t2) : x,ySX, 0t1,

which can be regard as the skew version of von Neumann-Jordan constant CNJ(X).

Moreover, it is clearly that

CNJ[X]=supE[t,X]21+t2 : 0t1.

First, the bounds of CNJ[X] are shown as below.

Proposition 4.1. Let X be a Banach space. Then 1CNJ[X]2.

Proof. First, Let x,ySX such that x=y, we can easily get CNJ[X]1. Second, for any t[0,1] and x,ySX, we have

x+ty2+txy22(1+t2)(1+t)2+(1+t)22(1+t2)=1+2t1+t21+sup2t1+t2 : 0t1=2,

which means CNJ[X]2.

From the definition of CNJ[X] and the results shown in Example 3.1.3, Example 3.1.4 and Example 3.1.5, we can obtain the following results easily by some simple calculations.

Example 4.2.

(1) Let X be the space 2 with the norm shown in Example 3.1.3. Then CNJ[X]=3+54.

(2) Let X be the space 2 with the norm shown in Example 3.1.4. Then CNJ[X]=3+54.

(3) Let X be the space 2 with the norm shown in Example 3.1.5. Then CNJ[X]=32.

From the Theorem 3.3.2 and {Theorem} 3.3.4, we know that E[t,X] can be used to characterize the Hilbert spaces and uniformly non-square spaces. Moreover, form the definition of CNJ[X], one can know that CNJ[X] is closely related to E[t,X]. Thus, it is natural to ask whether CNJ[X] can also be used to characterize the Hilbert spaces and uniformly non-square spaces. The answer is yes.

Theorem 4.3. Let X be a Banach space. Then X is a Hilbert space if and only if CNJ[X]=1.

Proof. If CNJ[X]=1, then, according to CNJ[X]=supE[t,X]21+t2 : 0t1, we have

E[t,X]21+t2,  0t1.

Further, form Proposition 3.1.1, we can obtain

E[t,X]=21+t2,  0t1,

which implies X is a Hilbert space by Theorem 3.3.2.

On the contrary, if X is a Hilbert space, then according to Theorem 3.3.2 and CNJ[X]=supE[t,X]21+t2 : 0t1, we can easily get CNJ[X]=1.

Remark 4.4. The above conclusion also shows that the lower bound of CNJ[X] given in Proposition 4.1 is sharp.

Theorem 4.5. Let X be a Banach space. Then the following statements are equivalent.

(1) CNJ[X]<2.

(2) X is uniformly non-square.

Proof. (1) (2). If X is not uniformly non-square, then, by Theorem 3.3.4, we obtain

E[t,X]=2(1+t)2,  t[0,1].

Then, we have

CNJ[X]=supE[t,X]21+t2 : 0t1=sup(1+t)21+t2 : 0t1=2.

This contradicts CNJ[X]<2.

(2) (1). Since X is uniformly non-square, then there exists δ>0 such that, for any x,ySX,


Without loss of generality, for any x,ySX, we always assume that


Now, Let t[0,1]. Then, for any x,ySX, we have

txy=2txy21ty    2txy2+(1t)y    2t(1δ)+1t    =1+t2tδ.

Further, for any x,ySX, we have

x+ty2+txy22(1+t2)(1+t)2+txy22(1+t2)        1+txy22(1+t2)        1+1+t2tδ22(1+t2)        1+sup1+t2tδ22(1+t2) : 0t1        =1+(22δ)24,

which implies that CNJ[X]1+(22δ)24<2.

Remark 4.6. The above conclusion also shows that the upper bound of CNJ[X] given in Proposition 4.1 is sharp.

Finally, we need to point out that since

CNJ[X]=supE[t,X]21+t2 : 0t1,

we can get the following conclusions easily through Theorem 3.4.1 and Theorem 3.4.3.

Proposition 4.7. Let X and Y be Banach spaces. Then the following statements hold.

(1) If X and Y are isomorphic Banach spaces, then


(2) CNJ[X]=CNJ[X**].

In 1990, in order to simplify the Schäffer's girth and perimeter of the unit spheres, Gao and Lau [12] introduced the following constant called James constant

J(X)=sup{min{x+y,xy} : x,ySX},

and they proved that J(X)<2 if and only if X is uniformly non-square. After a lot of researchs, it is found that James constant has good properties. For example, it can be used to characterize Hilbert spaces (see [21]), and has a very beautiful relationship with CNJ(X), that is, CNJ(X)J(X) (see [29]). For more results on J(X) can be found in [5, 18].

In 2007, He and Cui [3] discuss the following constant called Milman's moduli which can be regard as a generalization of James constant.

J(t,X)=sup{min{x+ty,xty} : x,ySX},  t>0.

Based on the motivation mentioned in the Introduction, we consider the following constant

J[t,X]=sup{min{x+ty,txy} : x,ySX},  t>0,

which can be regard as the skew version of J(t,X).

The value of J[t,X] for Hilbert space is shown below.

Proposition 5.1. If X is a Hilbert space, then J[t,X]=t2+1 holds for all t>0.

Proof. Since X be a Hilbert space, then for any x,ySX and any t>0, we have


Thus, for any x,ySX and any t>0, we have


which means

J[t,X]t2+1,   t>0.

On the other hand, it is obvious that there exist x0,y0SX such that x0⊥ y0. Thus, for any t>0, we obtain

J[t,X]min{x0+ty0,tx0y0}  =min{x02+2tx0,y0+t2y02,t2x022tx0,y0+y02}  =t2+1.

This completes the proof.

Next, we will use Hahn-Banach theorem to establish the relation between J[t,X] and J[t,X*].

Proposition 5.2. Let X be a Banach space. Then

2J[t,X](1+t)J[t,X*]12(J[t,X]+1+t),   t>0.

Proof. Let t>0. First, for any ε>0, there exist x,ySX such that


In addition, according to Hahn-Banach theorem, there exist f,gSX* such that

f(x+ty)=x+ty,   g(txy)=txy.

Then, we have

J[t,X*]min{f+tg,tfg}  =f+tg+tfgmax{f+tg,tfg}  f+tg+tfg(1+t)  (f+tg)(x)+(tfg)(y)(1+t)  =f(x+ty)+g(txy)(1+t)  =x+ty+txy(1+t)  2min{x+ty,txy}(1+t)  2(J[t,X]ε)(1+t).

Let ε0, we have


Second, let f,gSX*, then for any ε>0, there exist x,ySX such that

(f+tg)(x)>f+tgε,   (tfg)(y)>tfgε.

Thus, for any f,gSX*, we have

min{f+tg,tfg}12(f+tg+tfg)        <12((f+tg)(x)+(tfg)(y)+2ε)        =12(f(x+ty)+g(txy)+2ε)        12(x+ty+txy+2ε)        12(min{x+ty,txy}+1+t+2ε)        12(J[t,X]+1+t+2ε),

which shows that

J[t,X*]12(J[t,X]+1+t+2ε),   ε>0.

Let ε0, we have


Next, we will establish the relation between J(X) and J[t,X], which will help us to give the relation between J[t,X] and uniformly non-square spaces.

Proposition 5.3. Let X be a Banach space. Then


Proof. For x,ySX and t>0, we have

min{x+y,xy}=min{x+ty+(1t)y,txy+(1t)x}        min{x+ty+|1t|,txy+|1t|}        =min{x+ty,txy}+|1t|        J[t,X]+|1t|,


tmin{x+y,xy}=min{tx+ty,txty}        min{x+ty+|1t|,txy+|1t|}        =min{x+ty,txy}+|1t|        J[t,X]+|1t|.

This shows that max{1,t}J(X)|1t|J[t,X].

In addition, for x,ySX and t>0, we also have

min{x+ty,txy}=min{x+y+(t1)y,xy+(t1)x}        min{x+y+|1t|,xy+|1t|}        =min{x+y,xy}+|1t|        J(X)+|1t|,


min{x+ty,txy|}=min{tx+ty+(1t)x,txty+(t1)y}        min{tx+ty+|1t|,txty+|1t|}        =tmin{x+y,xy}+|1t|        tJ(X)+|1t|.

This shows that J[t,X]min{1,t}J(X)+|1t|.

Now, from Proposition 5.3 and the fact that X is uniformly non-square if and only if J(X)<2, we can obtain following result easily.

Corollary 5.4. Let X be a Banach space. Then the following statements are equivalent.

(1) X is uniformly non-square.

(2) J[t,X]<t+1 holds for all t>0.

(3) J[t,X]<t+1 holds for some t>0.

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of P. R. China (Nos. 11971493 and 12071491).

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