Twisting Some Classes of Links
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64: 519-530
Adequate links, homogeneous links, alternative links, twisting
On Estimates for Fractional Tsallis Relative Operator Entropy
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64: 531-547
Fractional integral, Relative operator entropy, Tsallis relative operator entropy, Hermite-Hadamard’s inequality
On Two Kinds of Clasp-Pass Moves for Knots
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64: 549-557
Clasp-pass move, Γ-polynomial
Synchronization Estimate of the Discrete Kuramoto Model with Multiplicative Random Noise
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64: 559-578
Kuramoto model, order parameter, synchronization, Euler- Maruyama method
Projective Changes Between the Polynomial (α, β)-metric and the Generalized Kropina Metric
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64: 579-590
Finsler metric, (α, β)-metric, Projective change, Douglas metric and S-curvature
Investigation of Toeplitz Determinants in Ma-Minda Classes of Starlike and Convex Functions using q-Calculus
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64: 591-606
Univalent functions, Subordination, Toeplitz determinants, Fekete-Szegȍ inequality, q-Calculus
Uniformly S-Projective Modules and Uniformly S-Projective Uniformly S-Covers
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64: 607-618
u-S-exact sequence, u-S-isomorphism, u-S-projective module