We apply the twisting technique that was first introduced in [1] and later generalized in [8] to obtain an infinite family of adequate, homogeneous or alternative links from a given adequate, homogeneous or alternative link, respectively. Thus we con...
Key Words:
Adequate links, homogeneous links, alternative links, twisting
this paper, we us the Hermite-Hadamard inequality and the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator to obtain an inequality to generalize that generalize known results on the Tsallis relative operator entropy; the elementary convex power functio...
Key Words:
Fractional integral, Relative operator entropy, Tsallis relative operator entropy, Hermite-Hadamard’s inequality
We introduce two kinds of clasp-pass moves for knots called self, nonself-clasppass moves (SCP, NCP-moves) related to self, nonself-crossings. Moreover, we introduce another two kinds of clasp-pass moves for knots called clasp-pass moves of types II,...
Key Words:
Clasp-pass move, Γ-polynomial
We study the onset of synchronization in the time-discretization of the Kuramoto model with multiplicative noise. Specifically, we present a sufficient condition that ensures that, starting from generic initial data, identical oscillators in the disc...
Key Words:
Kuramoto model, order parameter, synchronization, Euler- Maruyama method
In this paper, we look at the projective relativity of (α, β)-metrics. Let α and α¯
Key Words:
Finsler metric, (α, β)-metric, Projective change, Douglas metric and S-curvature
This research paper focuses on obtaining sharp bounds for Toeplitz determinants whose entries are the coefficients of starlike functions satisfying specific conditions. The conditions are related to the quantity
Key Words:
Univalent functions, Subordination, Toeplitz determinants, Fekete-Szegȍ inequality, q-Calculus
Recently, Zhang and Qi introduced and studied the concept of uniformly S-projective (u-S-projective) modules, where S represents a multiplicative subset of a ring. In this paper, we first derive a u-S version of the well-k...
Key Words:
u-S-exact sequence, u-S-isomorphism, u-S-projective module