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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(3): 435-459

Published online September 30, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2024.64.3.435

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Real Hypersurfaces in the Complex Projective Space with Pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon Solitions

Doo Hyun Hwang, Young Jin Suh*

Research Institute of Real & Complex Manifolds, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea
e-mail : engus0322@naver.com

Department of Mathmatics & RIRCM, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea
e-mail : yjsuh@knu.ac.kr

Received: April 6, 2023; Revised: September 1, 2023; Accepted: September 4, 2023

First, we give a complete classification of pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton on real hypersurfaces in the complex projective space Pn=SUn+1/S(U1Un). Next, as an application, we give a complete classification of gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton on real hypersurfaces in the complex projective space Pn.

Keywords: pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton, gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton, pseudo-anti commuting, pseudo-Einstein, complex projective space

From 21th Century, many authors have investigated real hypersurfaces in Hermitian symmetric spaces with rank 1 or rank 2 of compact type. For the case of rank 2, real hypersurfaces in the complex two-plane Grassmannians G2(Cn+2) or in the complex quadric Qn were extensively studied by many authors (Lee-Suh [19],[20] and [21], Pérez [26], Pérez-Suh [27], Pérez-Suh-Watanabe [28], Suh [32], [33], [34] and [35], and Suh-Hwang-Woo [36]).

Motivated by the study of rank 2, in the class of Hermitian symmetric spaces with rank 1 of compact type, we can give the example of the complex projective space CPn=SUn+1/S(U1·Un) (see Kobayashi-Nomizu [17]). It is geometrically different from the case of rank 2, which has a Kähler structure and a Fubini-Study metric g of constant holomorphic sectional curvature 4 (see Cecil-Ryan [7], Djorić-Okumura [12], Romero [29], [30], and Smyth [31]).

Recently, Yamabe solitons and Ricci solitons on almost co-Kähler manifolds and three dimensional N(k)-contact manifolds have been investigated by Chaubey-De-Suh [9] and [11]. Moreover, the study of the Yamabe flow was initiated in the work of Hamilton [14], Morgan-Tian [22] and Perelman [25] as a geometric method to construct Yamabe metrics on Riemannian manifolds.

Let g(t) be a Riemannian metric which is time dependent on a Riemannian manifold M. It is said to be evolved by the Yamabe flow if the metric g satisfies


on M, where γ denotes the scalar curvature on M. From such a view point, in this paper we want to give a complete classification of Yamabe solitons and gradient Yamabe solitons on Hopf real hypersurfaces in the complex projective space CPn.

On the other hand, it is well known that there exist two focal submanifolds of real hypersurfaces in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type and only one focal submanifold in Hermitian symmetric spaces of non-compact type (see Cecil and Ryan [7] and Helgason [13]). Since the complex projective space CPn is a Hermitian symmetric space of compact type, any real hypersurface has two focal submanifolds (see Djorić-Okumura [12], Pérez [26]). Among them we consider two kinds of real hypersurfaces in CPn with isometric Reeb flow or contact hypersurfaces. In CPn, Cecil-Ryan [7], and Okumura [23] gave a classification of real hypersurfaces with isometric Reeb flow as follows:

Theorem A. Let M be a real hypersurface in the complex projective space CPn, n3. Then the Reeb flow on M is isometric if and only if M is an open part of a tube of radius 0<r<π2 around a totally geodesic CPkCPn for some k{0,,n-1} or a tube of radius π2-r over CP, where k+=n-1.

When a real hypersurface M in the complex projective space CPn satisfies the formula Aφ+φA=kφ, k0 and constant, we say that M is a contact real hypersurface in CPn. In the papers due to Blair [2] and Yano-Kon [39], they introduce the classification of contact real hypersurfaces in CPn as follows:

Theorem B. Let M be a connected orientable real hypersurface in the complex projective space CPn, n3. Then M is a contact real hypersurface if and only if M is congruent to an open part of a tube of radius 0<r<π4 around an n-dimensional real projective space RPn or a tube of radius π4-r over Qn-1, where 0<r<π4.

Motivated by these results, in this paper we give some characterizations of real hypersurfaces in the complex projective space CPn regarding a family of geometric flows. Indeed, we know that a solution of the Ricci flow equation tg(t)=-2Ric(g(t)) is given by


where Ω is a constant and LV denotes the Lie derivative along the direction of the vector field V (see Chaubey-Suh-De [10], Jeong-Suh [15], Morgan-Tian [22], Perelman [25], Wang [37] and [38]). Then this solution (M,V,Ω,g) is said to be a Ricci soliton with potential vector field V and Ricci soliton constant Ω.

As a generalization of the Ricci flow, the Ricci-Bourguignon flow (see Bourguignon [3] and [4], Catino-Cremaschi-Djadli-Mantegazza-Mazzieri [6]) is given by


This family of geometric flows with θ=0 reduces to the Ricci flow tg(t)=-2Ric(g(t)), g(0)=g0. If the constant θ=12, it is said to be Einstein flow. Its critical point of the Einstein flow


implies that the Einstein gravitational tensor Ric(g(t))-12γg(t) vanishes. For a four-dimensional space time M4, this is equivalent to the vanishing Ricci tensor by virtue of dγ=2div(Ric). In this case, M4 becomes vacuum. That is, g(t)=g(0), the metric is constant along the time (see O'Neill [24]). For θ=1n, the tensor Ric-γng is said to be traceless Ricci tensor, and for θ=12(n-1), it is said to be the Schouten tensor.

Now let us introduce a Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,V,Ω,θ,γ,g) which is a solution of the Ricci-Bourguignon flow as follows:


for any tangent vector fields X and Y on M, where Ω is a soliton constant, θ any constant and γ the scalar curvature on M, and LV denotes the Lie derivative along the direction of the vector field V (see Bourguignon [3], [4], and Morgan-Tian [22]). Then (M,g) is said to be a Ricci-Bourguignon soliton with potential vector field V and Ricci-Bourguignon soliton constant Ω.

If the Ricci operator Ric of a real hypersurface M in CPn satisfies


for smooth functions a, b on M, then M is said to be pseudo-Einstein. Then we introduce a complete classification of pseudo-Einstein Hopf real hypersurfaces in the complex projective space CPn due to Cecil-Ryan [7] as follows:

Theorem C. Let M be a pseudo-Einstein real hypersurface in the complex projective space CPn, n3. Then M is locally congruent to one of the following:

  • a geodesic hypersphere,

  • a tube of radius r around a totally geodesic CPk, 0<k<n-1, where 0<r<π2 and cot2r=kn-k-1,

  • a tube of radius r around a complex quadric Qn-1 where 0<r<π4 and cot22r=n-2.

Let M be a Hopf hypersurface in the complex projective space CPn. Then we have


for the shape operator A with the Reeb function α=g(Aξ,ξ) on M in G2(Cn+2). When we consider a tensor field J for any vector field X on M , which is a Kähler structure on the tangent space TzM, zM, then JX is given by


where φX=(JX)T is the tangential component of the vector field JX, η(X)=g(ξ,X), ξ=-JN, and N denotes a unit normal vector field on M.

In this paper we introduce a new notion named generalized pseudo-anti commuting property for the Ricci tensor of a real hypersurface M in the complex projective space CPn as follows:


for a smooth function f on M in CPn (see Ki-Suh [16], and Yano-Kon [39]).

It is known that Einstein and pseudo-Einstein real hypersurfaces M in the complex projective space CPn satisfy the condition of generalized pseudo-anti commuting Ricci tensor, that is, Ricφ+φRic=fφ, where f denotes a smooth function on M in CPn (see Besse [1], Cecil-Ryan [7] and Kon [18]). In Yano-Kon [39], real hypersurfaces of type (B) in the complex projective space CPn, which are characterized by Aφ+φA=kφ, k0, also satisfy the formula of generalized pseudo-anti commuting Ricci tensor in (1.2).

Let us define a pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,V,η,Ω,θ,γ,g) as follows:


for any tangent vector fields X and Y on M, where Ω is said to be a pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton constant, the functions θ and ψ are any constants and γ the scalar curvature on M, and LV denotes the Lie derivative along the direction of the vector field V.

When the function ψ identically vanishes, the pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,V,η,Ω,θ,γ,g) is said to be a Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,V,Ω,θ,γ,g). We also say that the pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton is shrinking, steady, and expanding according to the pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton constant function Ω>0, Ω=0, and Ω<0 respectively.

Now in this paper, by using the notion of generalized pseudo-anti commuting Ricci tensor (1.2), we give a theorem as follows:

Theorem 1. Let M be a Hopf pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,ξ,η,Ω,θ,γ,g) in the complex projective space CPn, n3. Then M is pseudo-Einstein and locally congruent to one of the following:

  • a geodesic hypersphere, Ω+θγ=2{(n-1)cot2(r)+n}, and ψ=2n,

  • a tube of radius r around a totally geodesic CPk, 0<k<n-1, where 0<r<π2, cot2r=kn-k-1, Ω+θγ=2n, and ψ=2.

Let us denote by Df the gradient vector field of the function f on a real hypersurface M in the complex projective space CPn defined by g(Df,X)=g(gradf,X)=X(f) for any tangent vector field X on M. Now let us consider the gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,Df,η,Ω,θ,γ,g). It is a generalization of gradient Einstein soliton derived from a generalized Ricci potential for a Riemannian manifold (M,g) (see Catino-Mazzieri [5], Cernea-Guan [8]). It is defined by


where Hess(f) is defined by Hess(f)=Df and for any tangent vector fields X and Y on M


Then a gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton in CPn can be defined by


for any vector field X tangent to M in CPn. Then first by Theorem C and Theorem 1 we can assert a classification theorem of gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon solitons in CPn as follows:

Theorem 2. Let M be a real hypersurface in CPn with isometric Reeb flow, n3. If it admits the gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,Df,η,Ω,θ,γ,g), then M is pseudo-Einstein and locally congruent to one of the following

  • a geodesic hypersphere, Ω+θγ=2{(n-1)cot2(r)+n}, and ψ=2n,

  • a tube of radius r around a totally geodesic CPk, 0<k<n-1, where 0<r<π2, cot2r=kn-k-1, Ω+θγ=2n, and ψ=2.

Next by virtue of Theorem B let us consider a contact real hypersurface in the complex projective space CPn. Then we can assert a classification of gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton in CPn as follows:

Theorem 3. Let M be a contact real hypersurface in the complex projective space CPn, n3. If it admits the gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,Df,η,Ω,θ,γ,g), then M is pseudo-Einstein and locally congruent to a tube of radius r around a complex quadric Qn-1 where 0<r<π4 and cot2(2r)=n-2. Moreover, the soliton constants are given by Ω+θγ=2n and ψ=2(2n-1).

Let (M¯,g,J) be a Kähler manifold and R¯ the Riemannian curvature tensor of (M¯,g). Since ¯J=0, we immediately see that


holds for all X,Y,ZTp(M¯), pM¯. From the curvature identities in Kobayashi and Nomizu [17] we also get


Let G2J(TM¯) be the Grassmann bundle over M¯ consisting of all 2-dimensional J-invariant linear subspaces V of TpM¯, pM. Thus every VG2J(TM¯) is a complex line in the corresponding tangent space of M¯. The restriction of the section curvature function K to G2J(TM¯) is called the holomorphic sectional curvature function on M¯ and K(V) is called the holomorphic sectional curvature of M¯ with respect to VG2J(TM¯).

A Kähler manifold M is said to have constant holomorphic sectional curvature if the holomorphic sectional curvature function is constant. Now we want to introduce the following.

Theorem 2.1. A Kähler manifold (M¯,g,J) has constant holomorphic sectional curvature cR if and only if its Riemannian curvature tensor R¯ is of the form

R¯(X,Y)Z=c4{g(Y,Z)X-g(X,Z)Y    +g(JY,Z)JX-g(JX,Z)JY-2g(JX,Y)JZ}

for any vector fields X,Y and Z on M¯.

The complex vector space Cn (nN) is in a canonical way an n-dimensional complex manifold. For pCn denote by πp:TpCnCn the canonical isomorphism. We define a Riemannian metric g on Cn by


for all u,vTpCn and pCn, where <·,·> is the real part of the standard Hermitian inner product on Cn, that is,

<a,b>=Reν=1naνb¯ν  (a,bCn).

The metric g is called the canonical Riemannian metric on Cn. The complex structure J on Cn is given by the equation πp(Ju)=iπp(u). It is easy to verify that (Cn,g,J) is a Kähler manifold. In fact, (Cn,g,J) a complex Euclidean space with vanishing constant holomorphic sectional curvature. The Kähler manifold (Cn,g,J) is known to be the n-dimensional complex Euclidean space.

We define an equivalence relation ∼ on Cn+1{0} by z1z2 if and only if there exists λC{0} so that z2=z1λ. We denote the quotient space Cn+1{0})/ by CPn. By construction, the points in CPn are in one-to-one correspondence with the complex lines through 0Cn+1. We equip CPn with the quotient topology with respect to the canonical projection τ:Cn+1{0}CPn. Then CPn is a compact Hausdorff space and τ is a continuous map. There exists a unique complex manifold structure on CPn so that τ is a holomorphic submersion. In this way CPn becomes an n-dimensional complex manifold (CPn,J). For zCn+1{0} we also write [z]=τ(z)CPn (see Kobayashi and Nomizu [17]).

Let S2n+1 be the unit sphere in Cn+1 and denote by π the restriction of τ to S2n+1. We consider S2n+1 with the Riemannian metric induced from Cn+1, which is the standard metric on S2n+1 turning it into a real space form with constant sectional curvature 1. The map π:S2n+1CPn is a surjective submersion whose fibers are 1-dimensional circles. There exists a unique Riemannian metric g on CPn so that π becomes a Riemannian submersion. In such a way, the map π:S2n+1CPn is known as the Hopf map from S2n+1 onto CPn and the Riemannian metric g is known as the Fubini-Study metric on CPn. The manifold (CPn,J,g) is a Kähler manifold and called the n-dimensional complex projective space. The complex projective space (CPn,J,g) is a complex space form with constant holomorphic sectional curvature 4.

By virtue of Theorem 2.1, the Riemannian curvature tensor R¯ of CPn can be given for any vector fields X, Y and Z in Tp(CPn), pCPn as follows:

R¯(X,Y)Z=g(Y,Z)X-g(X,Z)Y+g(JY,Z)JX -g(JX,Z)JY-2g(JX,Y)JZ.

Let M be a real hypersurface in the complex projective space CPn and denote by (φ,ξ,η,g) the induced almost contact metric structure. Note that ξ=-JN, where N is a (local) unit normal vector field of M. Then the vector field ξ is said to be the Reeb vector field on M in CPn. The tangent bundle TM of M splits orthogonally into TM=CRξ, where C=ker(η) is the maximal complex subbundle of TM. The structure tensor field φ restricted to C coincides with the complex structure J restricted to C, and φξ=0.

In different way, the complex projective space CPn is defined by using the fibration


which is said to be a Riemannian submersion. Then naturally we can consider the following diagram for a real hypersurface in the complex projective space CPn as follows:


We now assume that M is a Hopf hypersurface. Then we have


where A denotes the shape operator of M in CPn and the smooth function α is defined by α=g(Aξ,ξ) on M. When we consider the transformed vector field JX by the Kähler structure J on CPn for any vector field X on M in CPn, we may write


Then by using Kähler structure ¯J=0, we get the following


where ¯ and ∇ denote the Levi-Civita connections of M¯ and M respectively.

Now we consider the equation of Codazzi


By the equation of Gauss, the curvature tensor R(X,Y)Z for a real hypersurface M in CPn induced from the curvature tensor R¯ in (2.1) of CPn can be described in terms of the almost contact structure tensor φ and the shape operator A of M in CPn as follows:

R(X,Y)Z=g(Y,Z)X-g(X,Z)Y +g(φY,Z)φX-g(φX,Z)φY-2g(φX,Y)φZ +g(AY,Z)AX-g(AX,Z)AY

for any vector fields X,Y,ZTzM, zM. From this, contracting Y and Z on M in CPn, we get the Ricci operator of a real hypersurface M in CPn as follows:


Then by contracting the Ricci operator in (3.2) the scalar curvature γ of M in CPn is given by


where the function h denotes the trace of the shape operator A of M in CPn.

Putting Z=ξ in the Codazzi equation, we get


Since we have assumed that M is Hopf in CPn, differentiating Aξ=αξ gives


From this, the left side of (3.4) becomes

g((XA)Y-(YA)X,ξ) =g((XA)ξ,Y)-g((YA)ξ,X) =(Xα)η(Y)-(Yα)η(X)+αg((Aφ+φA)X,Y)-2g(AφAX,Y).

Putting X=ξ in (3.4) and (3.5) and using the almost contact structure of (M,g), we have


Inserting this formula into (3.4) and (3.5) implies the following for any vector fields X and Y on M


By virtue of this equation, we can assert the following

Lemma 3.1. Let M be a Hopf real hypersurface in CPn, n3. Then we have


for any tangent vector field X on M.

By using the formulas given in section 3 we want to introduce an important lemma due to Okumura [23] and Yano-Kon [39] as follows:

Lemma 3.2. Let M be a Hopf real hypersurface in CPn. Then the Reeb function α is constant. Moreover, if XC is a principal curvature vector of M with principal curvature λ, then 2λα and φX is a principal curvature vector of M with principal curvature αλ+22λ-α. on M, where C denotes the orthogonal complement of the Reeb vector field ξ on M.

Now by using (3.2) and (3.3), we introduce an important proposition due to Cecil-Ryan [7], Djorić-Okumura [12] as follows:

Proposition 3.3. Let M be the tube of radius 0<r<π2 around the totally geodesic CPk, k{1,,n-2} in CPn, which is said to be of type (A2). Then the following statements hold:

  • M is a Hopf hypersurface.

  • The principal curvatures and corresponding principal curvature spaces of M are given by

    principal curvature eigenspace multiplicity
    λ=cot(r) Tλ 2
    μ=-tan(r) Tμ 2k
    α=2cot(2r) Tα=RJN 1

    where =n-k-1.

  • The shape operator A commutes with the structure tensor field φ as


  • The trace h of the shape operator A and its square h2 becomes the following respectively



  • The trace of the matrix A2 is given by


  • The scalar curvature γ of the tube M is given by


Remark 3.4. For k=0, M is pseudo Einstein, that is, a geodesic hypersphere, which is said to be of type (A1) such that


Now let M be a tube of radius r, 0<r<π4, over the real projective space RPn, which is said to be of type (B) and a contact real hypersurface in the complex projective space CPn. It also can be regarded as a tube of radius π4-r over the complex quadric Qn-1.

The tube of radius r around totally geodesic and totally real projective space RPn has therefore three distinct constant principal curvatures 2tan(2r), -cot(r), and tan(r). It also can be regarded as a tube of radius π4-r over a totally geodesic complex quadric Qn-1. Then by (3.2) and (3.3), we want to give an important proposition due to Cecil-Ryan [7] as follows:

Proposition 3.5. Let M be the tube of radius 0<r<π4 around the complex quadric Qn-1 in CPn. Then the following statements hold:

  • M is a Hopf hypersurface.

  • The principal curvatures and corresponding principal curvature spaces of M are

    principal curvature eigenspace multiplicity
    λ=-cot(π4-r) Tλ n-1
    μ=tan(π4-r) Tμ n-1
    α=2cot(2r) RJN 1

  • The shape operator A and the structure tensor field φ satisfy


  • The trace h of the shape operator A and its square h2 becomes the following respectively

    h=TrA=2cot(2r)-2(n-1)tan(2r), h2=4cot2(2r)+4(n-1)2tan2(2r)-8(n-1).

  • The trace of the matrix A2 is given by


  • The scalar curvature γ of the tube M is given by


  • For cot2(r)=n-2, M is pseudo-Einstein such that


Let us introduce a pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,ξ,η,Ω,θ,γ,g) which is a solution of the pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon flow defined by


Then it is given by the following


for any tangent vector fields X and Y on M, where Ω is a pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton constant, ψ and θ any constants and γ the scalar curvature on M, and LV denotes the Lie derivative along the direction of the vector field V (see Morgan-Tian [22]). Then by virtue of the Lie derivative, we have

(Lξg)(X,Y)=ξ(g(X,Y))-g(LξX,Y)-g(X,LξY) =g(ξX,Y)+g(X,ξY)-g([ξ,X],Y)-g(X,[ξ,Y]) =g(Xξ,Y)+g(X,Yξ) =g((φA-Aφ)X,Y).

Then the formula (4.1) can be given by


From this, by applying the structure tensor φ to both sides, we get the following two formulas




By using the almost contact structure (φ,ξ,η,g) in the right side above, we know that the generalized pseudo anti-commuting property holds as follows:


Now we want to introduce an important proposition due to Ki-Suh [16], and Yano-Kon [39], which will be used in the proof of our Theorem 1 as follows:

Proposition 4.1 Let M be a connected complete Hopf real hypersurface in the complex projective space CPn. If M satisfies the generalized pseudo-anti commuting property, then M is locally congruent to a geodesic hypersphere in the class of type (A1), a pseudo-Einstein hypersurface in the class of type (A2), or M is locally congruent to of type (B).

Among real hypersurfaces of type (A2) satisfying the generalized pseudo-anti commuting property (4.2) is only pseudo-Einstein. Then it is exactly the second case in Theorem C. That is M is locally congruent to a tube of radius r around a totally geodesic CPk, 0<k<n-1, where 0<r<π2 and cot2(r)=kn-k-1.

Now geodesic hyperspheres and pseudo-Einstein real hypersurfaces are included in the class of type (A1) and A2 respectively. So by Theorem A, they are characterized by the commuting shape operator. That is, Aφ=φA. Accordingly, from the notion of pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,ξ,η,Ω,θ,γ,g) of M, (4.1) becomes


This means that those hypersurfaces are pseudo-Einstein. Then by virtue of Theorem C there exist three kind of pseudo-Einstein real hypersurfaces in complex projective space CPn such that

  • a geodesic hypersphere,

  • a tube of radius r around a totally geodesic CPk, 0<k<n-1, where 0<r<π2 and cot2r=kn-k-1,

  • a tube of radius r around a complex quadric Qn-1 where 0<r<π4 and cot22r=n-2.

For the case (i) it can be easily verified that a geodesic hypersphere in Remark 0.4 satisfies the following


for any vector fields X on M in CPn. Then Ω+θγ=2n+2(n-1)cot2(r), and ψ=2n.

Now let us check the second case (ii) whether it satisfies a pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton for cot2r=kn-k-1. Then for the Reeb vector field ξ we have the following

Ric(ξ)=(a+b)ξ =[2(n-1)+{(2+1)cot(r)-(2k+1)tan(r)}(cot(r)-tan(r)) -(cot(r)-tan(r))2]ξ ={2(n-1)+2cot2(r)-2-2k+2ktan2(r)}ξ,

where =n-k-1 and cot2(r)=kn-k-1. Then the coefficient a+b is given by


Moreover, by using cot2(r)=kn-k-1 and Proposition 0.3, for any vector fields XTλ, λ=cot(r) and YTμ, μ=tan(r), we have the following formulas, respectively

Ric(X)=aX={(2n+1)+hλ-λ2}X ={(2n+1)+2cot2(r)-(2k+1)}X =2nX


Ric(Y)=aY={(2n+1)-(2+1)+2ktan2(r)}Y =2nY.

Then the Ricci operator of pseudo-Einstein hypersurfaces satisfying the pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton becomes


where soliton constants are given by Ω+θγ=a=2n and ψ=-b=2, respectively.

Finally, in the third case (iii) let us check that a tube of radius r around the complex quadric Qn-1 with cot2(2r)=n-2 in the complex projective space CPn could satisfy the pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton.

In order to do this, first we should check that this tube is pseudo-Einstein for cot2(2r)=n-2. In fact, it is characterized by Aφ+φA=kφ, where k=0 : constant. Moreover, by Proposition 0.5, the principal curvature are given by λ=-cot(π4-r), μ=tan(π4-r) and α=2cot(2r). So k=λ+μ=-4α. For any XTλ the vector field φXTμ. Then by (3.2) we know the following for any XTλ


and for any YTμ


Then from cot2(2r)=n-2 we can verify the following

(hλ-λ2)-(hμ-μ2)=(λ-μ)(h-(λ+μ)) =(λ-μ)(h+4α) =0,

where by Proposition 0.5, we have used the following from cot2(2r)=n-2

h+4α=2cot(2r)-2(n-1)tan(2r)+2tan(2r) =2cot(2r)-2(n-2)tan(2r) =2{cot2(2r)-(n-2)cot(2r)}=0.

Moreover, Ric(ξ)={2(n-1)+(hα-α2)}ξ. So for a pseudo-Einstein real hypersurface in CPn we may put


where by Proposition 0.5 and cot2(2r)=n-2, the constant a+b is given by

a+b=2(n-1)+hα-α2 =2(n-1)+{2cot(2r)-2(n-1)tan(2r)}2cot(2r)-(2cot(2r))2 =-2(n-1)

and by the property of contact hypersurfaces, we know that λ+μ=-4α. So by virtue of (4.4), it follows that h=λ+μ. Then the constant a is given by


By the above two constants a and a+b, another constant b becomes b=-2(2n-1). Then if the third case satisfies the pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton, we can assert the following

Ric(X)=2nX-2(2n-1)η(X)ξ =12(Aφ-φA)X+(Ω+θγ)X-ψη(X)ξ

where the soliton constants Ω,θ and ψ are given by Ω+θγ=2n and ψ=2(2n-1). Then for XTλ and φXTμ the formula (4.5) is given by


This means that λ=μ. That is, -cot(π4-r)=tan(π4-r), which gives a contradiction. So there does not exist a real hypersurface of type (B) which satisfy the pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton.

Then summing up the above discussion for (iii), together with the cases (i) and (ii), we can assert our Main Theorem 1 in the introduction.

In this section let M be a tube of radius r, 0<r<π2, over a totally geodesic CPk, k{0,1,,n-2,n-1} in CPn, which is said to be of type (A1) or of type (A2). In Theorem A, we have mentioned that the Reeb flow on M in CPn is isometric if and only if M is locally congruent to a totally geodesic CPk in CPn for k{0,1,,n-1}. Then for k=0 or k=n-1 we say that M is a geodesic hypersphere which is said to be of type (A1) and it has with two distinct principal curvatures. For k{1,,n-2}, M is locally congruent to a tube over CPk in CPn. Moreover, it is said to be of type (A2) and has with three distinct constant principal curvatures.

Then the shape operator of M in the complex projective space CPn with isometric Reeb flow can be expressed as


for three constant principal curvatures α=2cot(2r), cot(r) and -tan(r) with multiplicities 1, 2 and 2k respectively, where =n-k-1.

Then, by putting X=ξ in (3.2), and using Aξ=αξ, we have the following

Ric(ξ)=(2n+1)ξ-3ξ+hAξ-A2ξ =2(n-1)ξ+(hα-α2)ξ =κξ,

where we have put κ=2(n-1)+hα-α2. So by Proposition 0.3, the constant κ is given by

κ=2(n-1)+(hα-α2) =2(n-1)+{(2+1)cot(r)-(2k+1)tan(r)}2cot(2r)-(2cot(2r))2 =2(n-1)+2{cot2(r)+ktan2(r)-(k+)} =2cot2(r)+2ktan2(r).

Then by taking the covariant derivative we get the following two formulas




Since M admits the gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,Df,η,Ω,θ,γ,g), we could consider the soliton vector field W as W=Df for any smooth function on M. In the introduction we have noted that Hess(f) is defined by Hess(f)=Df for any tangent vector fields X and Y on M in such a way that


Then the gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,Df,η,Ω,θ,γ,g) can be given by


for any tangent vector field X on M. Then by covariant differentiation, it gives

XYDf+(XRic)(Y)+Ric(XY) +ψ(Xη)(Y)ξ+ψη(XY)ξ+ψη(Y)φAX=(Ω+θγ)XY

for any vector field X and Y tangent to M in CPn. From this, together with the above two formulas for the derivative of Ricci operator and the constant scalar curvature γ for the isomeric Reeb flow, it follows that

R(ξ,Y)Df=ξYDf-YξDf-[ξ,Y]Df =(YRic)ξ-(ξRic)Y+ψφAY =(κ+ψ)φAY-Ric(φAY)-h(ξA)Y+(ξA2)Y.

Then from (3.1) we have the following for a real hypersurface M in CPn with isometric Reeb flow

R(ξ,Y)Df=g(Y,Df)ξ-g(ξ,Df)Y +g(AY,Df)Aξ-g(Aξ,Df)AY.

From this, let us take a vector field YTλ, λ=cot(r). Moreover, we can decompose the tangent space TCPn as


where λ=cot(r), μ=-tan(r) and α=2cot(2r). If M is of type (A1), that is, a geodesic hypersphere in CPn, it can be decomposed as


or otherwise


Then for YTλ (5.3) gives

R(ξ,Y)Df=g(Y,Df)ξ-g(ξ,Df)Y+αλg(Y,Df)ξ-αλg(ξ,Df)Y =(1+αλ){g(Y,Df)ξ-g(ξ,Df)Y}.

Then by taking the inner product of (5.4) with the Reeb vector field ξ and using (5.2), it follows that (1+αλ)g(Y,Df)=cot2(r)g(Y,Df)=0. But cot2(r)=0 for the radius 0<r<π2 of isometric Reeb flow M in CPn. It means the following for any YTλ


From this, together with Proposition 0.3 and (5.1), we get the result (i) in our Theorem 2 in the introduction.

Now let us check (5.3) for YTμ, μ=-tan(r). Then (5.3) gives


Then by taking the inner product (5.6) with the Reeb vector field ξ and YTμ respectively and using (5.2), we get

(1+αμ)g(Y,Df)=0 and (1+αμ)g(ξ,Df)=0,

where g(R(ξ,Y)Df,ξ)=0 and the left side g(R(ξ,Y)Df,Y)=0 is given by virtue of the following formulas




Since 1+αμ=1+(cot(r)-tan(r))(-tan(r))=tan2(r)0 for 0<r<π2 for isometric Reeb flow M in CPn, (5.7) implies that


for any YTμ, μ=-tanr. For a geodesic hypersphere of type (A1) in CPn it holds either g(Y,Df)=0 for YTλ=C or for YTμ=C from the above decomposition, where C denotes the orthogonal complement of the Reeb vector field ξ in the tangent space TM of M in CPn. Of course, it also holds g(ξ,Df)=0 for a geodesic hypersphere in CPn.

Summing up (5.5), (5.8) and the above documents, the gradient of the smooth function f is identically vanishing, that is, g(Y,Df)=0 for any tangent vector field YTzM, zM. Consequently, we can conclude that the gradient pseudo Ricci Bourguignon soliton (M,Df,η,Ω,θ,γ,g) is trivial. That is, Df=0, the potential function f is constant on M. Then it means that the gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (5.1) becomes pseudo-Einstein. That is, by Proposition 0.3, we get Ric(X)=(Ω+θγ)X-ψη(X)ξ, where Ω+θγ=2n and ψ=2.

Consequently, by virtue of Theorem 1 and Theorem C, we give a complete proof of our Theorem 2 in the Introduction.

In this section, we want to give a property for gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton on a contact real hypersurface M in the complex projective space CPn. Then by Theorem B the scalar curvature γ is constant. The gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton (M,Df,η,Ω,θ,γ,g) gives the following for any tangent vector field X on M in CPn


Then by differentiating (6.1), the curvature tensor of Df=gradf is given by the following

R(X,Y)Df=XYDf-YXDf-[X,Y]Df=-(XRic)Y-Ric(XY)-ψ(Xη)(Y)ξ-ψη(XY)ξ -ψη(Y)Xξ+(Ω+θγ)XY +(YRic)X+Ric(YX)+ψ(Yη)(X)ξ+ψη(YX)ξ +ψη(X)Yξ-(Ω+θγ)YX +Ric([X,Y])-(Ω+θγ)[X,Y]+ψη([X,Y])ξ=(YRic)X-(XRic)Y-ψ(Xη)(Y)ξ+ψ(Yη)(X)ξ -ψη(Y)Xξ+ψη(X)Yξ

where we have used the Ricci soliton constant θ and gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton constant Ω, and the scalar curvature γ is constant on a contact real hypersurface M in CPn in Proposition 0.5.

Now let us assume that M is a contact real hypersurface in CPn, which is characterized by


Then it is Hopf and the Ricci operator is given by


for any tangent vector field X on M. From this, let us put X=ξ. Then M being Hopf and Aξ=αξ implies


where =2(n-1)+hα-α2 is constant, and the mean curvature h=TrA is constant for a contact hypersurface M in CPn. Then by taking covariant derivative to the Ricci operator, we have




From (6.2), together with above formula, by putting X=ξ we have the following for a contact hypersurface M in CPn

R(ξ,Y)Df=(YRic)ξ-(ξRic)Y -ψ(ξη)(Y)ξ+ψ(Yη)(ξ)ξ-ψη(Y)ξξ+ψη(ξ)Yξ=(+ψ)φAY-Ric(φAY)-h(ξA)Y+(ξA2)Y.

Then the diagonalization of the shape operator A of the contact real hypersurface in complex projective space CPn is given by


Here by Proposition 0.5 the principal curvatures are given by α=2cot(2r), λ=-cot(π4-r) and μ=tan(π4-r) with multiplicities 1, n-1 and n-1 respectively. All of these principal curvatures satisfy


On the other hand, the curvature tensor R(X,Y)Z of M induced from the curvature tensor R¯(X,Y)Z of the complex projective space CPn gives

R(ξ,Y)Df=g(Y,Df)ξ-g(ξ,Df)Y +g(AY,Df)Aξ-g(Aξ,Df)AY=(1+αλ){g(Y,Df)ξ-g(ξ,Df)Y}

for any YTλ, λ=-cot(π4-r) for a contact real hypersurface M in the complex projective space CPn. Consequently, (6.3) and (6.4) give


From this, by taking the inner product with the Reeb vector field ξ, we have


Then for any YTλ in (6.5) it follows that


where we have noted that 1+αλ=1+2cot(2r)(-cot(π4-r))=0. Because if we assume that 1=2cot(2r)cot(π4-r), then tan(2r)=2cot(π4-r). Then it follows that


which gives sin(r)cos(r)=-1. This gives us a contradiction for 0<r<π4. Accordingly, the gradient vector field Df is orthogonal to the eigenspace Tλ, that is, g(Y,Df)=0 for any YTλ.

Next, we consider for YTμ, μ=tan(π4-r) in Proposition 0.5. Then using these properties in (6.3) and (6.4) implies the following


From this, by taking the inner product with the Reeb vector field ξ, we get

g(Y,Df)=0 for any YTμ,

where 1+αμ=0. If we assume that 1+αμ=0, then by Proposition 0.5, we get 1+2cot(2r)tan(π4-r)=0. Then it gives -tan(2r)=2cos(r)-sin(r)cos(r)+sin(r). Since tan(2r)=sin(2r)cos(2r), we get the following


From cos(r)+sin(r)=0 we get sin(r)cos(r)=1, which gives also a contradiction for 0<r<π4.

Finally, let us take the inner product the above formula with YTμ, and use AY=μY, AφY=λφY for a contact hypersurface in CPn, we have

-(1+αμ)g(ξ,Df)=(+ψ)g(φAY,Y)-g(Ric(φAY),Y) -hg((ξA)Y,Y)+g((ξA2)Y,Y)=0,

where in the second equality we have used the following formulas




From this, together with 1+αμ=0, we can assert that


Consequently, from (6.6), (6.7) and (6.8) it follows that the gradient vector field Df is identically vanishing on the tangent space TxM=TλTμTα, xM. Then Df=0 in (6.1) means that M is pseudo-Einstein Ric(X)=(Ω+θγ)X-ψη(X)ξ, xM. Since λ+μ=-4α, we get the following

Lemma 6.1 Let M be a contact real hypersurface in CPn, n3. If M satisfies gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton, then M is pseudo-Einstein and


Proof. By the above arguments, we get that M is pseudo-Einstein. Then Theorem C gives cot2(2r)=n-2. From this it follows that


From this, together with λ+μ=-4α, it becomes h=λ+μ. This completes the proof of our lemma.

Then if we put Ric(X)=aX+bη(X)ξ, then the constants a and b can be calculated as follows:

Proposition 6.2 Let M be a contact real hypersurface in CPn, n3. If M satisfies gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton, then M is pseudo-Einstein and the soliton constants are given by

a=Ω+θγ=2n, and b=-ψ=-2(n-1).

Proof. Since M is pseudo-Einstein, we may put Ric(X)=aX+bη(X)ξ. Then from (3.2) it follows that

a+b=g(Ric(ξ),ξ)=2(n-1)+hα-α2 =2(n-1)+{2cot(2r)-2(n-1)tan(2r)}(2cot(2r))-(2cot(2r))2 =2(n-1)-4(n-1)=-2(n-1).

Next for any vector field XTλ, (3.2) implies the following


Then by using Lemma 6.1 it follows that

a=g(Ric(X),X)=(2n+1)+hλ-λ2 =(2n+1)+(λ+μ)λ-λ2 =(2n+1)+λμ=(2n+1)-1=2n.

Then the other constant b=-2(n-1)-2n=-2(2n-1). So from the pseudo-Einstein property


we get the above assertion.

Then summing up the above discussion, together with Lemma 6.1 and Proposition 6.2, we give a complete proof of our Main Theorem 3 in the introduction.

Remark 6.3. The metric g of a Riemannian manifold M of dimension n3 is said to be a gradient η-Einstein soliton [5] if there exists a smooth function f on M such that


where γ denotes the scalar curvature of M and Ω and ψ are η-Einstein gradient soliton constants on M. Here 2f denotes the Hessian operator of g and f the Einstein potential function of the η-gradient Einstein soliton. So this soliton is an example of gradient pseudo Ricci-Bourguignon soliton.

Remark 6.4. Let M be a contact real hypersurface in CPn, n3, with gradient η-Einstein soliton. Then Lemma 6.1 implies that M is pseudo-Einstein. So by Theorem C it satisfies cot2(2r)=n-2. From this and Proposition 0.5 implies that the scalar curvature is given by

γ=4(n-1)2+4(n-1)(n-2)tan2(2r) =4n(n-1).

Moreover, by the definition of gradient η-Einstein soliton, the soliton constant θ in Remark 6.3 is given by θ=12. Then by Proposition 6.2, it gives


This means that the gradient η-Einstein soliton becomes shrinking.

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