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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(3): 423-433

Published online September 30, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2024.64.3.423

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

On Some Sums at the a-points of Derivatives of the Riemann Zeta-Function

Kamel Mazhouda*, Tomokazu Onozuka

University of Sousse, Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, 4003 Sousse, Tunisia, and, Univ. Polytechnique Hauts-De-France, INSA Hauts-De-France, FR CNRS 2037, CERAMATHS, F-59313 Valenciennes, France
e-mail : kamel.mazhouda@fsm.rnu.tn

Multiple Zeta Research Center, Kyushu University, 744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
e-mail : t-onozuka@math.kyushu-u.ac.jp

Received: September 30, 2023; Revised: June 3, 2024; Accepted: June 12, 2023

Let ζ(k)(s) be the k-th derivative of the Riemann zeta function and a be a complex number. The solutions of ζ(k)(s) = a are called a-points. In this paper, we give an asymptotic formula for the sum
1<γa(k)<Tζ(j)ρ a (k)  as T,
where j and k are non-negative integers and ρa(k) denotes an a-point of the k-th derivative ζ(k)(s) and γa(k)=Im(ρa(k))).

Keywords: Riemann zeta function, a-points, value distribution

Let ζ(s) be the Riemann zeta function, s=σ+it be a complex variable and a be a complex number. The zeros of ζ(s)-a, which are denoted by ρa=βa+iγa, are called a-points of ζ(s). First, we note that there is an a-point near any trivial zero s=-2n for sufficiently large n and apart from these a-points, there are only finitely many other a-points in the half-plane σ0 (see [4]). The a-points with βa0 are said to be trivial. All other a-points lie in a strip 0<σ<A, where A depends on a, and are called the nontrivial a-points. These points satisfy a Riemann-von Mangoldt type formula, namely



ca=2if a=1,1otherwise.

This is the well-known Riemann-von Mangoldt formula when a=0, which Bohr, Landau and Littlewood [1] generalized for all aC. We observe that these asymptotics are essentially independent of a, that is,


where N(T)=N0(T) denotes the number of nontrivial zeros ρ=β+iγ satisfying 0<γ<T. Levinson [8] showed that all but O(N(T)/loglogT) of the a-points with imaginary part in T<t<2T lie in Re(s)-12<(loglogT)2logT. So the a-points are clustered around the line Re(s)=12.

In [2], Conrey and Ghosh suggested the problem of estimating the average 0<γ0(k)Tζ(j)(ρ0(k)) for non-negative integers j and k, where ρ0(k)=β0(k)+iγ0(k) denote a zero of the k-th derivative ζ(k)(s). One of the first result on this topic was given by Fujii [3]. He gave an asymptotic formula of the sum 0<γ0Tζ'(ρ0)Xρ0 for a rational number X>0. The k=0 case was treated by Kaptan, Karabulut and Yildirim in [5]. Garunkštis and Steuding in [4] gave a generalization of Fujii's asymptotic formula with X=1 that if T, we have

ρa; nontrivial0<γaTζ(ρa)=12aT2πlog2T2π+C01+2aT2πlogT2π+(1C0C02+3C12a)T2π+E(T),

where Cn are the Stieltjes constants and

E(T)=OT12+εunder the Riemann hypothesis,OTe-ClogTunconditionally,

for any ε>0 and some constant C. Using formula (1.2), they concluded that the main term describes how the values ζ(1/2+it) approach the value a in the complex plane on average. In [4], Garunkštis and Steuding also proved that the set {(ζ(1/2+it),ζ'(1/2+it))|tR} is not dense in C2. This result tells us a value distribution on the critical line. Note that Voronin [14] proved that the set {(ζ(σ+it),ζ'(σ+it),,ζ(n-1)(σ+it))|tR} is dense in Cn for all positive integers n and every fixed σ(1/2,1).

Recently, Karabulut and Yildirim in [7] studied Conrey and Ghosh's average and proved that for fixed j,kZ0 and large T, we have


where δj,0=1 if j=0 and 0 otherwise,


the sum over r being void in the case k=0 and zr(r=1,...,k) being the zeros of Pk(z)=j=0kzj/j!.

Let ρa(k)=βa(k)+iγa(k) denote an a-point of ζ(k)(s). Similar to the a-points of ζ(s), there is an a-point of ζ(k)(s) near any trivial zero s=-2n for sufficiently large n and apart from these a-points, there are only finitely many other a-points in the half-plane σC for any C<0 (see Lemma 2.3)

In this paper, we give an asymptotic formula for the sum


The basic idea of the proof is to interpret the sum of ζ(j)(ρa(k)) as a sum of residues. By Cauchy's theorem, we have


where f(s) is ζ(j)(s) and R is the rectangle joining the points b+i,b+iT,-b'+iT and -b'+i with some constants b,b'>0.

Our main result is stated in the following.

Theorem 1.1. Let j and k be non-negative integers and a be a complex number. For sufficiently large T, we have


Here and in the sequel, the implicit constant in the error terms may depend on a.

Remark. By Theorem 1.1, we can deduce the average value of ζ(j)(ρa(k)), over the a-points ρa(k) of ζ(k)(s) with 1<Im(ρa(k))<T, i.e.,


where Nk(a,T) is the number of terms in the above sum. Because of the asymptotic formula Nk(a,T)(T/2π)logT (see [9]), the average is


So this tells us about the size of ζ(j)(s) at certain points (namely the a-points of ζ(k)(s)).

In this section, we prepare some lemmas and equations to prove Theorem 1.1.

Let k be a positive integer. We start with some results (see [9]) about the a-points of k-th derivative of the Riemann zeta function (see also [13]). For c>1, the following equation


holds in the region {sCσ>c,|t|1}. Equation (2.1) (see [9, Theorem 2.2]) yields an a-point free region for ζ(k)(s), that is, there exist real numbers E1k(a)0 and E2k(a)1 such that ζ(k)(s)-a0 for {sCσE1k(a),|t|1} and {sCσE2k(a)}. Moreover, in [9, Theorem 2.3] the second author proved that there exists N=Nk(a)N such that ζ(k)(s)=a has just one root in Cn:={sC-2n-1<σ<-2n+1,|t|<1} for each integer nN.

Let us recall that ζ(k)(s¯)=ζ(k)(s)¯, then if aR, there exist infinitely many a-points, or infinitely many a¯-points, of ζ(k)(s) in {sC0<t<1}.

In the following lemma, we prove that equation (2.1) yields another a-point free region for ζ(k)(s).

Lemma 2.2. Let k be a non-negative integer. For any real number C<0, there exists a constant Tk,C>0 such that there are no a-points of ζ(k)(s) in {sCσC,|t|Tk,C}.

Proof. By Stirling's formula, for |t|>1 and fixed σ1-C, we have


Moreover, one has


for fixed σ1-C. Using the last estimates and (2.1), we get


for |t|>1 and fixed σ1-C. Hence, there exists a constant Tk,C>0 such that |ζ(k)(s)|>|a| holds for all E1k(a)σC and |t|Tk,C.

From Lemma 2.2, we deduce easily the following lemma.

Lemma 2.3. Let k be a non-negative integer. For any real number C<0, there are finitely many a-points of ζ(k)(s) in


For a positive integer k and a complex number a, we have (see [9, Theorem 1.1])


and for sufficiently large T, we also have


Now, using [9, Lemma 2.6], for any constants σ1,σ2 and sC with σ1<σ<σ2 and large t, we have


Lemma 4.1 in [9] states that, for a positive integer k and a sufficiently large σE2k, we have ζ(k+1)(s)ζ(k)(s)-a=l0n0,...,nl2(-1)k(l+1)al+1(logn0)k+1(logn1...lognl)k1n0s...nls(a0),l0n02n1,...,nl3-1(log2)kl+1(logn0)k+1(logn1...lognl)k2(l+1)sn0s...nls(a=0).

The right-hand side is complicated, so here we abbreviate it to d1α(d)d-s. When k=0, ζ'(s)/(ζ(s)-a) also has a convergent Dirichlet series expansion (The case k=0 and a1 is mentioned in [11, (29)]). Note that α(1)=0 holds if k>0 and a0.

We finish this section by the following estimate


which holds as |t| for any small ε>0, where the function μ(σ) satisfies the inequalities


Let a be a complex number. We write s=σ+it,ρa(k)=βa(k)+iγa(k) with real numbers σ,t,βa(k) and γa(k). The case a=0 was already proved by Karabulut and Yildirim in [7], so here we assume a0. By the residue theorem, for a sufficiently large constant B and constant b(1,9/8), we have

1<γa(k)<T1b<βa(k)<Bζ(j)ρa(k)=12πiR ζ (j) (s)ζ(k+1)(s)ζ(k)(s)ads,

where the integration is taken over a rectangular contour in counterclockwise direction denoted by R with vertices 1-b+i,B+i,B+iT,1-b+iT. Since there are finitely many a-points in {sCRe(s)1-b,Im(s)1}, we have


Hence, we have


The integral I1 is independent of T, so we have I1=O(1). Next, we consider I2. Using (2.5), we get


where we define (-logn)j=1 when n=1 and j=0. The integral factor can be calculated as


By these estimates, we obtain


From (2.4), we have


Now, we change the path of integration. If γa(k)<T, we change the path to the upper semicircle with center ρa(k) and radius 1. If γa(k)>T, we change the path to the lower semicircle with center ρa(k) and radius 1. Then, we have


on the new path. This estimate and the bound (2.6) yields


In view of the number of a-points (2.3), we obtain


This leads to I3T since 1<b<9/8.

Finally, we estimate I4. By (2.1) and Stirling's formula, for fixed 1<b<9/8 and large |t|>2, we have


Therefore, there exists a constant A such that


holds for any |t|A. We divide the path of the integral into two parts


Then, the second term is O(1) since it is independent of T. Using


we get


By (3.3), the integrand can be estimated as


Hence, each integral can be calculated as


for any small ε>0. It follows from the last estimate that the sum for n2 is bounded as


Similarly, one has


Therefore, we get


Karabulut and Yildirim [7] already studied K1, and they gave an estimate


It remains to evaluate K2. From (3.4), for k1, we have


so hereafter we consider the case k=0. In this case, we use Conrey and Ghosh's result (see [2, (16)])


for σ1/2 and |t|1, where χ(s):=2(2π)s-1Γ(1-s)sin(πs/2) and :=log(|t|/2π). Substituting this equation into the integrand of K2 with k=0, we have


Since the path of the integral satisfies Re(s)=1-b with 1<b<9/8, ζ(1-s)1 and ζ(j)(1-s)1 hold for any non-negative integer j. Therefore, we have


Combining K1 and K2, we obtain


From estimates of I1,I2,I3 and I4, we finally obtain Theorem 1.1.

In this section we present some problems that will be considered in a sequel to this note.

  • Let L(s,χ) be the Dirichlet L-function associated with a primitive character χ mod q. We believe that we can extend Theorem 1.1 to higher derivatives of L(s,χ). To do so, we first extend Karabulut and Yildirim's result given by equation (1.5) (see [7]) using the same argument as in [6].

  • The a-points of an L-function L(s) are the roots of the equation L(s)=a. We refer to Steuding book [12, chapter 7] and Selberg paper [10] for some results about a-points of L-functions from the Selberg class. Therefore, it is an interesting problem to extend Theorem 1.1 to other classes of L-functions (the Selberg class with some further conditions) and its higher derivatives.

The authors thank the anonymous referee for his careful reading of the manuscript and constructive suggestions which improved the paper.

In fact, in the proof of (1.2) Garunkštis and Steuding used the following formula established and corrected by Fujii in [3]


where the summation is over all nontrivial zeros ρ=β+iγ of ζ(s).

The Stieltjes constants are given by the Laurent series expansion of ζ(s) at s=1,


For example, C0=limN+n=1N1n-logN.

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