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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2022; 62(1): 167-177

Published online March 31, 2022 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2022.62.1.167

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Classifications of Tubular Surface with L1-Pointwise 1-Type Gauss Map in Galilean 3-space G3

Kişi İlim, Öztürk Günay

Department of Mathematics, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli 41380, Turkey
e-mail : ilim.ayvaz@kocaeli.edu.tr

Department of Mathematics, İzmir Democracy University, İzmir 35140, Turkey
e-mail : gunay.ozturk@idu.edu.tr

Received: December 26, 2020; Accepted: March 23, 2021

In this manuscript, we handle a tubular surface whose Gauss map G satisfies the equality L1G=f(G+C) for the Cheng-Yau operator L1 in Galilean 3-space G3. We give an example of a tubular surface having L1-harmonic Gauss map. Moreover, we obtain a complete classification of tubular surface having L1-pointwise 1-type Gauss map of the first kind in G3 and we give some visualizations of this type surface.

Keywords: Cheng-Yau operator, Gauss map, tubular surface, Galilean 3-space

Finite type immersions are first given by Chen [6]. Let M be a submanifold in m-dimensional Euclidean space Em. An isometric immersion x:M Em is of finite type if it can be written as a finite sum of eigenvectors of the Laplacian Δ of M for a constant map x0, and non-constant maps x1,x2,...,xk, i.e.,

x=x0+ i=1kxi.

Here, Δx=λixi,λi, 1ik. The submanifold is said to be of k-type if the numbers λis are different [6].

Chen and Piccinni generalised these immersions to the Gauss map G of M


for a constant vector C and a real number a in [7]. A submanifold that satisfies the last equality are said to have a 1-type Gauss map.

In the last equality, one can take a non-constant differentiable function f instead of a. Namely, one can generalise the last equality to


A submanifold that satisfies the equation (1.1) is said to have a pointwise 1-type Gauss map. Also, if the vector C is zero, the pointwise 1-type Gauss map is said to be of the first kind. Otherwise, it is of the second kind. If Δ G=0, the Gauss map is harmonic. Surfaces satisfying the equation (1.1) are the subject of many studies such as [3, 4, 13].

In [2, 10], the notion of finite type submanifolds is generalised by replacing the Laplacian operator with operators Lk(k=1,2,...,n1) that represent the linear operators of the first variation of the (k+1)-th mean curvature of a submanifold. Here, L0=Δ and L1 is the Cheng-Yau operator. Recently, some papers have been published about surfaces having L1-pointwise 1-type Gauss map in some spaces, such as [11, 12, 18].

Tubular surfaces are special cases of canal surfaces which are the envelopes of a family of spheres. In canal surfaces, the center of the spheres are on a given space curve (spine curve), and the radius of the spheres are different. In tubular surfaces, the radius functions are constant. These surfaces have been widely studied in recent times [5, 13, 14, 15, 16]. In Galilean 3-space, tubular surfaces are studied in [9].

Here, some preliminaries about Galilean geometry are given. For more detailed information, the studies [19, 20] can be examined.

The scalar product and the cross product of the two vectors a=a1,a2,a3 and b=b1,b2,b3 in G3 are defined as




respectively. Here, e2=(0,1,0) and e3=(0,0,1) are the orthonormal unit vectors. The length (norm) of the vector a=(a1,a2,a3) is given as follows:



An admissible unit speed curve α:IG3 is given with the parametrization


The associated Frenet frame on the curve is given as


where κ(u)=y(u)2+z(u)2 and τ(u)=detα(u),α(u),α(u)κ2(u) are the curvature and the torsion of the curve, respectively. Thus, the famous Frenet formulas can be written as


Definition 2.1. ([1]) A regular curve in Galilean space G3 with constant curvature and non-constant torsion is called a Salkowski curve.

For an isometric immersion X:MM˜ from a hypersurface M from an (n+1)-dimensional Riemannian manifold M˜, and for the Levi-Civita connections ˜ of M˜ and of M, the Gauss formula is given by


where X,Yχ(M) and S is the shape operator of M. It is known that the eigenvalues κ1,κ2,...,κn of S are the principal curvatures of M. For a smooth function f on M, linear operators Lk are defined


where ∇ is the gradient, div is the divergence operator and

Pk= i=0 k(1)iskiSi

is the Newton k-th transformation, sk=nkHk is the k-th mean curvature [8]. Thus, for k=0, P0=In (In is the identity matrix), and for k=1, P1=tr(S)InS.

Now, let M be a surface, e1,e2 be the principal directions correspond to the curvatures k1,k2 of M. From (2.1), for a smooth function f the Cheng-Yau operator L1f can be given as

L1f=div(P1(f))  =e1[k2]e1f+e2[k1]e2f+k2e1e1e2e2f+k1e2e2e1e1f.

Hence, the Cheng-Yau operator L1 can be given

L1=e1[k2]˜e1+e2[k1]˜e2+k2˜e1˜e1 ˜ e2 e2 +k1˜e2˜e2 ˜ e1 e1


Let the surface M parametrized with


in G3. To represent the partial derivatives, we use


If x,i0 for some i=1,2, then the surface is admissible (i.e. having not any Euclidean tangent planes). The first fundamental form I of the surface M is defined as


where gi=x,i, hij=y,iy,j+z,iz,j; i,j=1,2 and


Let a function W is given by


Then, the unit normal vector field is given as


Similarly, the second fundamental form II of the surface M is defined as






The Gaussian and the mean curvatures of M are defined as


A surface is flat (resp. minimal) if its Gaussian (resp. mean) curvatures vanish [19].

Lemma 2.2. ([11]) Let M be an oriented surface in E3 and K and H be the Gaussian and the mean curvatures of M, respectively. Then the Gauss map G


Definition 2.3. ([11]) Let M be an oriented surface in E3. Then, M is said to have an L1-harmonic Gauss map if its Gauss map satisfies L1G=0.

Definition 2.4. ([11]) Let M be an oriented surface in E3. Then, M is said to have an L1-pointwise 1-type Gauss map if its Gauss map satisfies


for a smooth function f and a constant vector C. If the vector C is zero, the pointwise L1-type Gauss map is of the first kind, otherwise, it is of the second kind.

A tubular surface M in G3 at a distance r from the points of spine curve α(u)=(u,y(u),z(u)) is given with


Writing the Frenet vectors of α(u) in (3.1), the parametrization can be given as


From (3.2),


An orthonormal frame e1,e2,G of M is given by




Here W=r. The coefficients of the second fundamental form are obtained as


From, (3.3) and (3.6), the curvature functions of M are obtained as



Corollary 3.5. ([9]) Tubular surfaces are constant mean curvature surfaces in Galilean space.

By (3.7), we write the gradient of the Gaussian curvature


Thus, from (3.4), (3.7) and (3.7), we obtain the Cheng-Yau operator of the Gauss map as


Now, we consider the surface M has L1-harmonic Gauss map, i.e. L1G=0. Then, from (3.9), we have




Writing κrcosv=0 in (3.10), we get


Multiplying the first equation with cosv and the second with sinv, we obtain κcosv=0, which implies κ =0 or cosv=0. If cosv=0, again from (3.10), κ =0.

Then, we give the following theorem:

Theorem 3.6. Let M be a tubular surface given with the parametrization (3.1) in G3. M has L1-harmonic Gauss map if and only if the spine curve α is a straight line and M is an open part of a cylinder. Thus, the surface is flat.

Example 3.7. Let us consider the tubular surface M, which has L1-harmonic Gauss map with the parametrization (3.1) in G3. Taking the straight line α(u)=(u,u+1,u+2) and writing the Frenet vectors of it n(u)=(0,1,0), b(u)=(0,0,1) and r=4 in (3.1), we write the parametrization of the surface M as


By using the software Maple, we plot the graph of the surface in (3.11).

Figure 1. Tubular surfaces M which has L1-harmonic Gauss map with the spine curve α(u)=(u,u+1,u+2) and the radius r=4.

Now, we assume that the tubular surface M has L1-pointwise 1-type Gauss map of the first kind, i.e., L1G=fG for a smooth function f. Then, from (3.5) and (3.9),

1r2 κrcosvt +κτr2cosvsinvκrsin2v+κcos2vn +κτr2cos2v+κrsinvcosv+κcosvsinvb.=fcosvnfsinvb

From (3.12), we have




Similar to above, writing κcosv=0 in (3.13), we get


Multiplying the first equation with cosv, the second with sinv, and combining them, we obtain f=κcosvr2. Moreover, since κcosv=0, we have two cases: κ =0 or κ is a constant. If κ =0, the tubular surface M has L1-harmonic Gauss map. Thus, κ is a nonzero constant.

Theorem 3.8. Let M be a tubular surface given with the parametrization (3.1) in G3. M has L1-pointwise 1-type Gauss map of the first kind if and only if the curvature κ of the curve is constant and f=Kr.

Corollary 3.9. The spine curve of the surface which has L1-pointwise 1-type Gauss map of the first kind is a Salkowski curve in G3.

Example 3.10. Let us consider the tubular surface M, which has L1-pointwise 1-type Gauss map of the first kind with the parametrization (3.1) in G3. For the curves α1(u)=(u,cosu,sinu), α2(u)=(u,u22,0), and the radius r=2, we write the parametrizations of the surfaces M1 and M2 as


We again use Maple to plot the graphs of the surfaces in (3.15).

Figure 2. Tubular surfaces M1 and M2 which have L1-harmonic Gauss map with the spine curves α1(u)=(u,cosu,sinu), and the radius r=2.

Lastly, we consider that the tubular surface M has L1-pointwise 1-type Gauss map of the second kind, i.e., L1G=fG+C for a smooth function f and a nonzero constant vector C. From the equations (2.6) and (3.9), we can write the vector C as




Since C is a nonzero constant vector, ˜e1C=0 and ˜e2C=0. Thus, we have

0=˜e1C=e1κcosvfrt    +e1A(u,v)fr2+τB(u,v)fr2+κκcosvfr    +e1B(u,v)fr2τA(u,v)fr2b,





we get


From the last differential equation system,


where a is a real constant. By the equation (3.17),


which means


Here h1(u) and h2(u) are any functions of u. Moreover, from (3.16),


Writing (3.19) in the last equation, we obtain


which has a solution as


From (3.16), we have


Again writing (3.19) in the last equation, we obtain


which has a solution as

h1(u)= τ h2 (u)+κradu.

Then, we give the following theorem:

Theorem 3.11. Let M be a tubular surface given with the parametrization (3.1) in G3. M has L1-pointwise 1-type Gauss map of the second kind if and only if f=aκcosv for a real constant a and the equations (3.19)-(3.21) are hold.

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