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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2020; 60(4): 797-803

Published online December 31, 2020 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2020.60.4.797

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

The Infinite Hyper Order of Solutions of Differential Equation Related to Brück Conjecture

Guowei Zhang*, Jianming Qi

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, Henan, 455000, China
e-mail : herrzgw@foxmail.com
School of Business, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 200240, China
e-mail: qijianmingsdju@163.com

Received: December 17, 2019; Revised: May 12, 2020; Accepted: May 18, 2020

The Brück conjecture is still open for an entire function f with hyper order of no less than 1/2, which is not an integer. In this paper, it is proved that the hyper order of solutions of a linear complex differential equation that is related to the BrÜck Conjecture is infinite. The results show that the conjecture holds in a special case when the hyper order of f is 1/2.

Keywords: entire function, hyper order, Brü,ck conjecture, complex differential equation

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the standard notations and basic results of Nevanlinna's value distribution theory in the complex plane C [11, 20]. The order and hyper order of an entire function f are defined as follows:


respectively, where M(r,f) denotes the maximum modulus of f on the circle |z|=r.

If f and g are two meromorphic functions in the complex plane, f and g share a constant a CM if f-a and g-a have the same zeros with the same multiplicities. Rubel and Yang [16] proved for a nonconstant entire function that if f and its derivative f' share two finite distinct values CM, then f≡ f'. Later on, Brück [1] constructed entire functions with integer or infinite hyper order to show that f and f' share 1 CM do not satisfy f≡ f'. Therefore, Brück proposed the following conjecture [1].

Brück Conjecture. Let f be a nonconstant entire function such that its hyper order is finite and not a positive integer. If f and f' share one finite value a CM, then f'-a=c(f-a), where c is a nonzero constant.

In general, the conjecture is false for a meromorphic function f (a counterpart is presented in [10]). Brück [1] showed that the conjecture is valid for the case a=0. Afterward, Gundersen and Yang [10] proved that the conjecture is true for the case in which f is of finite order. Furthermore, Chen and Shon [5] showed that the conjecture is also true when f is of hyper order strictly less than 1/2. Thus, to solve this conjecture, the remaining case in which the hyper order of f is between [1/2,+)\ should be considered; however, many attempts have failed.

There are many results that are closely related to the Brück conjecture; they can be mainly classified into two types. One type comprises generalizing the shared value a to a nonconstant function, such as polynomial, entire small function of f, or entire functions with lower orders than that of f, (e. g. see [2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 17]); the other type comprises improving the first derivative of f to an arbitrary k-th derivative (e. g. see [2, 6, 7, 13, 18]).

To study this conjecture, F(z)=f(z)a1 is chosen. Thus F(z) is an entire function, and ρ(F)=ρ(f),ρ2(F)=ρ2(f). Because f and f' share one finite value a CM, according to the Hadamard theorem,


where h(z) is an entire function. Hence, F satisfies the following linear differential equation:


Yang [19] converted the conjecture into a question: Is it true that if h(z) is a nonconstant entire function, the hyper order of F satisfying Equation (1.2) is a positive integer or infinity?

When h(z) is a polynomial or transcendental entire function with order less than 1/2, the case is true, see[2, 5]. However, the answer for the remaining case with $\rho(h)\geq 1/2$ is unknown.

The following theorem provides a partial answer to the previously presented question for the case ρ(h)=1/2.

Theorem 1.1 There exists an entire function h(z) with order 1/2. Thus -eh(z) is of hyper order 1/2. Let it be the coefficient of a differential equation


Consequently, the hyper order of the solutions of Equation (1.3) is infinite.

The Koenigs function is considered first. For β(0,1/e), the function Eβ(z):=eβz has a repelling fixed point ξ on R with multiplier λ=βξ>1. Around this repelling fixed point, there exists a unique local holomorphic solution &#_120509; of the Schröder's functional equation according to Koenigs:


It is normalized by Φ(ξ)=0 and Φ(ξ)=1 (e.g., [14]). Moreover, &#_120509; increases on the real axis and approaches infinite, i.e. limxΦ(x)=; however, it grows more slowly than any iterate of the logarithm. In other words, the following expression can be obtained for all m:


where Łogm denotes the m-th iterate of the logarithm [15]. For the purpose of this study, ε:(ξ,)(0,+) is defined:


This function approaches zero more slowly than any of the function 1/logmx, where m. In the next step, the following expression is constructed:


for some rr0. Thus, ρ(r) is a proximate order (see [8], Lemma 3.5]). The definition of proximate order is as follow:

Definition 2.1.(Proximate order)

A function ρ(r) defined on [r0,), where r0>0, is called a proximate order if it satisfies the following conditions:

  • (1) ρ(r)0;

  • (2) limrρ(r)=ρ;

  • (3) ρ(r) is continuously differentiable on [r0,);

  • (4) limrrρ(r)logr=0.

In [8], the author constructed an entire function by using the Weierstrass canonical product:

h(z)= n=01z an,

where {an}n is a positive sequence tending to infinity such that 1a0a1 and n(r)=rρ(r)+O(ε(r)3rρ(r)). Here n(r) is the number of the element of the sequence {ak}, which are contained in the disc {z:|z|<r}; ρ(r) is defined in (2.2). According to the result of Borel (see [9, Theorem 3.4]), the order of the Weierstrass canonical product h(z) is equal to the order of n(r); thus the order of h(z) is 1/2.

Lemma 2.2.([8, Lemma 3.7, 3.8]) Based on the previously defined h(z),ε(r) and ρ(r), the following expression can be constructed:


for ε(r)θ2πε(r) as r.

The following expressions are true for some r0>0:

γ+={reiε(r):rr0},  γ={reiε(r):rr0},



The following fact is a consequence of Lemma 2.2.

Lemma 2.3.([8, Lemma 3.7, 3.8]) The function h(z) is bounded on γ+ and γ and in G(γ).

Lemma 2.4.([6]) Let f(z) be an entire function of infinite order; the hyper order is ρ2(f); note the central index of f by ν(r). Consequently, the following expression holds true:


Lemma 2.5.([6]) Let f(z) be an entire function of infinite order ρ(f)= and ρ2(f)=α<+; moreover, the set E(1,) has a finite logarithmic measure. Hence, there exists a sequence {zk=rkeiθk} such that


If α>0, for any given ε(0<ε<α), there is a sufficiently large rk such that


If α=0, for any large N>0, there is a sufficiently large rk such that


Evidently, the solutions of Equation (1.3) are of infinite order. The hyper order is assumed to be ρ2(F)=α<+, and the assertion is obtained through the reduction to a contradiction. As in Lemma 2.5, a sequence {zk=rkeiθk} can be chosen such that


According to Equation (1.3), the following expression holds true:

eh(z)= F F1F.

By applying Wiman-Valiron Theorem to Equation (3.1), the following expressions can be obtained:




If θ0=0, there exists a subsequence {zkj=rkjeiθkj} of {zk=rkeiθk} such that zkjG(γ). Because F is of infinite order ν(rjk)>|zjk|N for any large N>0. In addition, according to Lemma 2.3, |h(zjk)| is bounded. Thus, (3.3) presents a contradiction.

If θ0(0,2π), there exists a subsequence {zkl=rkleiθkl} of {zk=rkeiθk} such that zklG(γ). Based on Lemma 2.4, the following expressions can be obtained:




Taking the principal branch of the logarithm of Equation (3.2) on both sides leads to the following term:


Thus, because ν(r)>|z|N for any large N>0,


Lemma 2.4 and ρ2(F)=α lead to the following equation:


for sufficiently large r. This results in the following expression:


for sufficiently large r. The combination of (3.4), (3.5) and (3.9) leads to a contradiction for l+. Thus, the proof is completed.

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