Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2018; 58(3): 519-531
Published online September 30, 2018
Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.
Uniqueness of Entire Functions Sharing Polynomials with Their Derivatives
Pulak Sahoo*
Department of Mathematics, University of Kalyani, West Bengal-741235, India
e-mail :
Gurudas Biswas
Department of Mathematics, Hooghly Women’s College, West Bengal-712103, India
e-mail :
Received: May 25, 2017; Accepted: June 28, 2018
In this paper, we investigate the uniqueness problem of entire functions sharing two polynomials with their
Keywords: entire function, derivative, uniqueness.
1. Introduction, Definitions and Results
In this paper, by meromorphic (entire) function we shall always mean meromorphic (entire) function in the complex plane. We assume that the reader is familiar with the standard notations of Nevanlinna’s theory of meromorphic functions as explained in [7, 9, 17]. For a nonconstant meromorphic function
Theorem A
Theorem A suggests the following question.
In 1996, Br
In 1996, Br
Now it is natural to ask the following question.
Question 2
In 2008, Yang and Zhang [18] answered the above question by proving the following result.
Theorem B
In 2010, Zhang and Yang [22] further improved Theorem B by considering
Theorem C
In 2011, L
Theorem D
Regarding Theorem D one may ask the following question.
Question 3
In 2014, L
Theorem E
In the same paper the authors posed the following conjecture.
Conjecture 2
Recently Majumder [12] showed that the above conjecture is true for any positive integer
In [10] the authors posed the following two questions.
Question 4
Question 5
Our aim to write this paper is to investigate the Conjecture due to L
Theorem 1
The condition
Example 3
The following example shows that the hypothesis of transcendental of
Example 4
2. Lemmas
In this section we present some lemmas which will be needed in the sequel.
Lemma 1
Lemma 2
Lemma 3
Lemma 4
3. Proof of the Theorem
Proof of the Theorem 1
We now consider the following two cases.
Now from (
Therefore, it follows from above that
We now discuss the following two subcases.
Hence from (
Then (
First we assume that
From (
From (
and so on.
Thus in general we have
Thus we have from (
Using (
is a differential polynomial in
First we suppose that
Note that from (
is a differential polynomial in
This shows that
Clearly Φ ≢ 0 and
From (
Using (
By (
Therefore from (
a contradiction.
Next we suppose that
So from (
Integrating we obtain
which contradicts to the assumption that
Next we assume that
and hence by (
a contradiction.
Case 2
Thus we get two different forms of
The authors are grateful to the referee for his/her valuable suggestions and comments towards the improvement of the paper.
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