Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(4): 591-606
Published online December 31, 2024
Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.
Investigation of Toeplitz Determinants in Ma-Minda Classes of Starlike and Convex Functions using q-Calculus
Pradeep Kumar and Amit Soni∗
Department of Mathematics, Government Engineering College, Bikaner-334001, Rajasthan, India
e-mail : and
Received: July 22, 2023; Accepted: November 16, 2023
This research paper focuses on obtaining sharp bounds for Toeplitz determinants whose entries are the coefficients of starlike functions satisfying specific conditions. The conditions are related to the quantity
Keywords: Univalent functions, Subordination, Toeplitz determinants, Fekete-Szegȍ inequality, q-Calculus
1. Introduction
The paragraph discusses classes of analytic functions in the open unit disk
Denote subclass
The field of quantum calculus, also known as q-calculus, does not rely on limits in its computations. Its widespread use in mathematics and physics stems from its application in various areas, including but not limited to, ordinary fractional calculus, basic hypergeometric functions, orthogonal polynomials, and combinatorics. Its importance is due to its versatility and ability to address complex problems in a variety of disciplines.
We note that
For definitions and properties of q-calculus, one may refer to [9], [16], [18].
Definition 1.1. The class
In the limiting case
The class
In the limiting case
Toeplitz matrices and their determinants are of significant importance in various areas of mathematics, and they find many applications in diverse fields. (See [32]). A survey article by Ye and Lim [34] provides information on the application of Toeplitz matrices in several areas of pure and applied mathematics. It is worth noting that Toeplitz symmetric matrices are those matrices that have constant entries along the diagonal. For a given function
The bounds of
This article presents sharp estimates for Toeplitz determinants
respectively, belong to the classes
The primary outcomes of this research are established based on the aforementioned estimate by associating coefficients of the functions in the classes
The condition can be waived by using the definition of
2. Main Results
The sharp bound for
Theorem 2.1. If f
Proof. Since
Corresponding to the function w, define the function
so that
Clearly, the function
Using (2.4), (2.7), (2.8) the coefficients
The equations (2.9) and (2.10) (see Ali et al. [4] for a general result for p-valent functions) readily shows that
and, when
Using these estimates for the second and third coefficients given in (2.12) and (2.13) , we have
The result is sharp for the function
proving the sharpness.
Theorem 2.2. If
Proof. Let
The Taylor series expansion of the function f given by
Then using (2.14), (2.15) and (2.7), the coefficients
Using the well-known estimate
For a function
The result is sharp for the function
proving the sharpness of the result.
Theorem 2.3. If f
Proof. Since
it follows that
Using these estimates for the second and third coefficients given in (2.12) and (2.21), and the bound for
Theorem 2.4. If f
Proof. The given conditions on
Using the bound for
The result is sharp for the function
3. Exploring Some Special Cases
3.1. The Ma and Minda classes of starlike and convex functions encompass various notable subclasses that have been extensively examined by different researchers (see, for instance, Kargar et al. [20] and Mahzoon [25]). Theorems
which implies
and for
The classes
In particular, as
3.2. Mendiratta et al. [26] introduced and studied the class
shows that
3.3. Sharma et al. [30] defined and studied the class of functions defined by
3.4. The class
3.5. The class
3.6. Ronning [28], inspired by Goodman [13], introduced and analyzed the parabolic starlike class
This yields
3.7. Yunus et al. [35] investigated the class
3.8. Wani and Swaminathan [33] investigated the class of functions defined by
3.9. S.S. Kumar and K. Gangania [22] examined the class of functions defined by
3.10. J. Sokol and J. Stankiewicz [31] examined the class of functions defined by
P. Goel and S. Sivaprasad Kumar [11] investigated the class of functions defined by
4. Conclusion
This research paper established precise bounds
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