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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(3): 461-478

Published online September 30, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2024.64.3.461

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Some Aspects of λ-△m-Statistical Convergence on Neutrosophic Normed Spaces

Reena Antal*, Meenakshi Chawla

Department of Mathematics, Chandigarh University, Mohali, India
e-mail : reena.antal@gmail.com

Department of Applied Sciences, Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Jhanjeri, Mohali, India
e-mail : chawlameenakshi7@gmail.com

Received: February 25, 2023; Revised: March 12, 2024; Accepted: March 13, 2024

Neutrosophication is a useful tool for handling real-world problems with partially dependent, partially independent, and even independent components. By examining some properties related to λ-statistical convergence on neutrosophic normed spaces, we provide some functional tools that are helpful in situations of inconsistency and indeterminacy. Additionally, we establish some related results on λ-△m-statistical Cauchy sequences on neutrosophic normed spaces.

Keywords: Neutrosophic normed space, &lambda,-statistical convergence, difference sequences

Numerous research studies have been conducted and various classical theories have been developed to address real-life problems in science and technology. However, classical sets are inadequate in explaining uncertainties that occur in daily life situations. In modern logic, three-way decision situations, such as accepting/rejecting/pending cases, yes/no/not-applicable situations, win/lose/tie in sports, etc., cannot be adequately explained by the theory of standard analysis. To solve this problem, non-standard analysis is employed. Neutrosophic sets are a valuable advancement of classical sets, fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy sets for non-standard analysis, introduced by Smarandache [25]. Neutrosophic sets can manage inconsistent, indeterminate, and imprecise data for problems where the fundamental rules of fuzzy set theory and intuitionistic fuzzy set theory are not sufficient. They are used to investigate the degrees of correctness, wrongness, and uncertainty of the elements in the set. Each element of a neutrosophic set has a truth value, a false value and an indeterminacy value, which falls within the non-standard unit interval. Because of this nature, neutrosophic sets are more adaptable, reasonable, and efficient tools for handling not only the free components of information but also partially independent and dependent components. Neutrosophic sets are suitable for real-life situations such as databases, image processing problems, control theory, medical diagnosis problems and decision-making problems. In a neutrosophic set, elements may have inconsistent information (i.e. the sum of the components >1) or incomplete information (i.e. the sum of the components <1) or consistent information (i.e. the sum of the components =1), and other interval-valued components (i.e. without any restriction on the sum of superior or inferior components).

Definition 1.1. [25] Let U be a subset of X (which is a space of points) with aX. Then set U is called neutrosophic set(NS) with τ(a), υ(a) and η(a) in X and expressed as


where τ(a), υ(a) and η(a) denotes truth membership function, indeterminacy membership function and falsity membership function respectively, such that 0-τ(a)+υ(a)+η(a)3+. Also I=]0-,1+[ represents a non-standard unit interval.

Wang etal. [27] and Ye [28] revised the existing definitions of the neutrosophic set using the interval [0,1] by introducing the single-valued neutrosophic set and simplified neutrosophic set respectively, that can be utilized in the applications of engineering and scientific areas.

Mahapatra and Bera [5] looked at the concept of neutrosophic soft linear spaces. Kirişci and Şimşek [15] introduced the idea of neutrosophic metric spaces and established their fundamental topological and geometric properties. In [16] proposed the following notion of neutrosophic normed spaces, which is an important consideration of neutrosophic metric spaces.

Definition 1.2. [16] A neutrosophic normed space(NNS) is a 4-tuple (X,,,) consisting of a vector space X, a normed space ={<τ(a),υ(a),η(a)>:aX} such that :X×R+[0,1], a continuous t-norm and a continuous t-conorm ⊙. For every x,yX and s,t>0, we have:

  • 0τ(x,t),υ(x,t),η(x,t)1,

  • τ(x,t)+υ(x,t)+η(x,t)3,

  • τ(x,t)=1, υ(x,t)=0 and η(x,t)=0 for t>0 iff x=0,

  • τ(x,t)=0, υ(x,t)=1 and η(x,t)=1 for t0,

  • τ(αx,t)=τx,t|α|, υ(αx,t)=υx,t|α| and η(αx,t)=ηx,t|α| for α0,

  • τ(x,) as continuous non-decreasing function,

  • τ(x,s)τ(x,t)τ(x+y,s+t),

  • υ(x,) as continuous non-increasing function,

  • υ(x,s)υ(y,t)υ(x+y,s+t),

  • η(x,) as continuous non-increasing function,

  • η(x,s)η(y,t)η(x+y,s+t),

  • limtτ(x,t)=1, limtυ(x,t)=0 and limtη(x,t)=0.

The tuple (τ,υ,η) is known as neutrosophic norm.

Example 1.1. [16] Let (X,|.|) be a normed space. For all t>0 and xX, take

  • τ(x,t)=tt+|x|,υ(x,t)=|x|t+|x| and η(x,t)=|x|t when t>|x|,

  • τ(x,t)=0, υ(x,t)=1 and η(x,t)=1 when t|x|.

Also let gh=gh and gh=g+h-gh for g,h[0,1]. The 4-tuple (X,,,) is a NNS which satisfies above mentioned conditions.

A generalized version of intuitionistic fuzzy norms has been considered in neutrosophic normed spaces that helped to investigate fundamental properties such as convergence and completeness in these spaces. Omran and Elrawy [23] discussed the relationship between continuous operators with bounded operators in the structure of neutrosophic normed spaces. Khan and Khan [13] also contributed to this topic by studying various topological properties and characterizations of these spaces. Further, Kirişci and Şimşek [16]established the concept of convergence for sequences on neutrosophic normed spaces.

Definition 1.3. [16] Let (X,,,) be a NNS with neutrosophic norm (τ,υ,η). A sequence x={xk} from X is called convergent to x0X with respect to neutrosophic norm (τ,υ,η) if for every ε>0 and t>0 we can find k0N provided τ(xk-x0,t)>1-ε, υ(xk-x0,t)<ε and η(xk-x0,t)<ε for kk0. It is represented symbolically by (τ,υ,η)-limkxk=x0 or xk(τ,υ,η)x0.

Remark 1.1. In the previous example of the NNS (X,,,), we have xk(τ,υ,η)x0 if and only if xk|.|x0.

Kirişci and Şimşek[16] established the statistical convergence for sequences in the neutrosophic normed spaces using natural density. Although, natural density of set A(AN)has given by δ(A)=limn1n{an:aA}, provided limit exists and . designates the order of the enclosed set. Further, sequence x={xk} is statistically convergent to x0, if A(ε)={kN:|xk-x0|>ε} has zero natural density (see [11]).

Definition 1.4.[16] Let (X,,,) be a NNS with neutrosophic norm (τ,υ,η). A sequence x={xk} from X is called statistically convergent to x0X with respect to neutrosophic norm (τ,υ,η) if for every ε>0 and t>0, we have

δ({kN:τ(xk-x0,t)1-ε or υ(xk-x0,t)ε,η(xk-x0,t)ε})=0.

It is represented symbolically by St(τ,υ,η)-limkxk=x0 or xkSt(τ,υ,η)x0 .

Some noteworthy results related to statistical convergence on neutrosophic normed spaces in different directions have been studied (c.f. [13, 17, 18]). In this paper, we have associated the theory of neutrosophic normed spaces with λ-statistical convergence of sequences. The λ-statistical convergence is a generalized form of sequence convergence presented by Mursaleen [22], using a non-decreasing sequence λ={λn} which tends to such that λn+1λn+1 and λ1=1. Also, the generalized de la Vallée-Poussin mean has been given by tn(x)=1λnkInxk, where In=[1+n-λn,n].

Throughout the paper we use In for [1+n-λn,n].

Definition 1.5.[22] A sequence x={xk} is called λ-statistically convergent to x0 provided for every ε>0 satisfies




It is represented symbolically by Sλ-limnxk=x0.

Kizmaz[19] discovered the difference sequence spaces conception by considering Z()={x={xk}:{xk}Z} with the spaces Z=l(spaces of all the bounded sequences), c0(spaces of all the convergent sequences) and c0(spaces of all the null sequences), where x={xk}={xk-xk+1}, and x={xk} is a real sequence for all kN. The spaces l(),c() and c0() are Banach spaces, due to the norm endowed by |x|=|x1|+supk|xk|. Moreover, the generalized difference sequence spaces were defined by Et and Çolak[8] considering Z(m)={x={xk}:{mxk}Z}, where m be any fixed positive integer, for Z=l,c,c0 and mx={mxk}={m-1xk-m-1xk+1} so that mxk=r=0m(-1)rmrxk+r. The m-statistical convergence concept studied and established by Mikail and Nuray[9] with the help of statistical convergence.

Definition 1.6.[9] A sequence x={xk} is called Δm- statistically convergent to x0 provided with every ε>0, we have


It is represented symbolically by St-limΔmxk=x0.

A lot of work related to convergence of difference sequences as fusion with different structures, has been done by various researchers [1, 10, 26, 4, 24, 21, 12, 2, 7, 3, 6, 14, 20] which leads us to investigate and explore λ-m-statistical convergence with the theory of neutrosophic normed spaces.

We first mention the conception of λ-m-statistical convergence of the sequences on neutrosophic normed spaces (NNS) that will be helpful in studying the major results of work.

Definition 2.1. Let (X,,,) be a NNS with neutrosophic norm (τ,υ,η). A sequence x={xk} from X is said to be λ-m-statistically convergent to x0X with respect to neutrosophic norm (τ,υ,η) if for every t>0 and ε(0,1), satisfies

δλ({kIn:τ(mxk-x0t)1-ε or υ(mxk-x0,t)ε,η(mxk-x0,t)ε})=0.

It is represented symbolically by Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 or mxkλ-St(τ,υ,η)x0.

Example 2.1. Let (R,|.|) be any normed space. For every xX, we take τ(x,t)=tt+|x|,υ(x,t)=|x|t+|x| and η(x,t)=p|x|t+p|x| when pR. Also, gh=min{g,h} and gh=max{g,h} for g,h[0,1]. Then, a 4-tuple (X,,,) is a NNS. Consider a sequence x={xk} such that


For t>0 and ε>0, we have

A(ε,t)={kIn:τ(mxk-0,t)1-ε or υ(mxk-0,t)ε,η(mxk-0,t)ε} ={kIn:tt+|mxk|1-εor|mxk|t+|mxk|ε,p|mxk|t+p|mxk|ε} ={kIn:|mxk|>0} ={kIn:|mxk|=2} ={kIn:k[n-λn+1kn]}.


1λn|A(ε,t)|λnλn0 as n.

limn1λn|A(ε,t|=0. Thus, Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=0, i.e. x={xk} is λ-m-statistical convergent on (X,,,).

Definition 2.2. Let (X,,,) be a NNS with neutrosophic norm (τ,υ,η). A sequence x={xk} from X is said to be λ-m-statistically Cauchy with respect to neutrosophic norm (τ,υ,η) for some non-negative number r if for every t>0 and ε(0,1), we can find k0In such that

δλ({kIn:τ(mxk-mxk0t)1-ε or υ(mxk-mxk0,t)ε,η(mxk-mxk0,t)ε})=0.

Example 2.2. Consider a real normed space (X,|.|). For every t>0 and all xX, we take(i) τ(x,t)=tt+|x|,υ(x,t)=|x|t+|x| and η(x,t)=|x|t when t>|x|, (ii) τ(x,t)=0, υ(x,t)=1 and η(x,t)=1 when t|x|. Also, gh=gh and gh=g+h-gh for g,h[0,1]. Then, 4-tuple (X,,,) is a NNS. Consider a sequence x={xk} such that


For t>0 and ε>0, choose k0 with 2-k0<ε we have

A(ε,t)={kIn:τ(mxk-mxk0,t)1-ε  orυ(mxk-mxk0,t)ε,η(mxk-mxk0,t)ε}={kIn:tt+|mxk-mxk0|1-ε  or|mxk-mxk0|t+|mxk-mxk0|ε,|mxk-mxk0|tε}={kIn:|mxk-mxk0|ε}={kIn:k[1+n-λnkn]}


1λn|A(ε,t)|λnλn0 as n.

limn1λn|A(ε,t|=0. Thus, x={xk} is λ-m-statistical Cauchy sequence on (X,,,).

The next result can be obtained using above Definition 2.1.

Lemma 2.1. Consider (X,,,) as a NNS with neutrosophic norm (τ,υ,η). Then following statements are equivalent for the sequence x={xk} from X for ε>0 and t>0,

  • Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0,

  • δλ({kIn:τ(mxk-x0t)1-ε or υ(mxk-x0,t)ε,η(mxk-x0,t)ε})=0,

  • δλ({kIn:τ(mxk-x0t)>1-εandυ(mxk-x0,t)<ε,η(mxk-x0,t)<ε})=1,

  • Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limτ(mxk-x0,t)=1 and Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limυ(mxk-x0,t)=0.

Using above lemma and definitions we obtain our results on λ-m-statistical convergence on NNS:

Theorem 2.1. Let x={xk} be any sequence from a NNS (X,,,). If Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0, then limit x0 is unique.

Proof. Assume, Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 and Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x1 and x0x1. For t>0 and ε>0, take κ>0 with (1-κ)(1-κ)>1-ε and κκ<ε. Define


Since Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0, then due to Definition 2.1 we get


Further Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x1, due to Definition 2.1 we get






If kIn-Aτ,υ,η(κ,t) then either kIn-(A1,τ(κ,t)A2,τ(κ,t)) or kIn-(A3,υ(κ,t)A4,υ(κ,t)) or kIn-(A5,η(κ,t)A6,η(κ,t)). If kIn-(A1,τ(κ,t)A2,τ(κ,t)) , then


As ε>0, we get τ(x0-x1,t)=1 for all t>0, then x0=x1. Also if kIn-(A3,υ(κ,t)A4,υ(κ,t)), then


As ε>0, we get υ(x0-x1,t)=0 for all t>0, then x0=x1. Further if kIn-(A5,η(κ,t)A6,η(κ,t)), then


As ε>0, we get η(x0-x1,t)=0 for all t>0, then x0=x1. Hence, limit is unique.

Theorem 2.2. Consider (X,,,) as a NNS with neutrosophic norm (τ,υ,η). If (τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0, then Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0. But counter part does not hold.

Proof. Assume (τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0. For given ε>0 and t>0 we get k0N satisfying

τ(mxk-x0,t)>1-ε,υ(mxk-x0,t)<ε and η(mxk-x0,t)<ε

for all kk0. This provides the set

{kIn:τ(mxk-x0,t)1-ε or υ(mxk-x0,t)ε,η(mxk-x0,t)ε},

have finite members. As λ-density of every finite set is zero. Then,

δλ{kIn:τ(mxk-x0,t)1-ε or υ(mxk-x0,t)ε,η(mxk-x0,t)ε}=0.



However, counter part of the above mentioned result fails to exist. That can be explained from the following example:

Example 2.3. Consider any real normed space (X,|.|). For every t>0 and all xX, we take(i) τ(x,t)=tt+|x|,υ(x,t)=|x|t+|x| and υ(x,t)=|x|t when t>|x|, (ii) τ(x,t)=0, υ(x,t)=1 and υ(x,t)=1 when t|x|. Also, gh=gh and gh=g+h-gh for g,h[0,1]. Then, 4-tuple (X,,,) is a NNS. Consider a sequence x={xk} such that


For t>0 and ε>0, we have

A(ε,t)={kIn:τ(mxk-0,t)1-ε or υ(mxk-0,t)ε,η(mxk-0,t)ε} ={kIn:tt+|mxk|1-εor|mxk|t+|mxk|ε,|mxk|tε} ={kIn:|mxk|>0} ={kIn:|mxk|=1} ={kIn:k[n-λn+1kn]}


1λn|A(ε,t)|λnλn0 as n.

limn1λn|A(ε,t|=0. Thus, Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=0, i.e. x={xk} is λ-m-statistical convergent on (X,,,). Using above defined sequence, we get






This implies (τ,υ,η)-limmx0.

Next, we will discuss some algebraic properties of λ-m-statistical sequences in NNS as follows:

Theorem 2.3. Let (X,,,) be a NNS. Let x={xk} and y={yk} be any sequences from X. Then (i) If Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 then Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmax=ax0aR, (ii) If Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 and Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmy=y0 then Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limm(x+y)=x0+y0.

Proof. (i) Assume Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 .Then, for the fixed ε>0 and any t>0, we can take

A(ε,t)={kIn:τ(mxk-x0,t)1-ε or υ(mxk-x0,t)ε,η(mxk-x0,t)ε}.

Which provides

δλ(A(ε,t))=0 so that δλ([A(ε,t)]c)=1.

Let k[A(ε,t)]c and a0, then

τ(m(axk)-ax0,t)=τ(a(mxk-x0),t)=τmxk-x0,t|a| τ(mxk-x0,t)τ0,t|a|-t =τ(mxk-x0,t)1 >1-ε,


υ(m(axk)-ax0,t)=υ(a(mxk-x0),t)=υmxk-x0,t|a| υ(mxk-x0,t)υ0,t|a|-t υ(mxk-x0,t)0 <ε,


η(m(axk)-ax0,t)=η(a(mxk-x0),t)=ηmxk-x0,t|a| η(mxk-x0,t)η0,t|a|-t η(mxk-x0,t)0 <ε.

Therefore, δλ([A(ε,t)]c)=1. Hence, Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limax=ax0,a0. When a=0, we get


Hence, Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmax=ax0,aR. (ii) As Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 and Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmy=y0. Then, for t>0 and ε>0, take κ>0 with (1-κ)(1-κ)>1-ε and κκ<ε. Define sets for the given sequences x={xk} and y={yk} sets




We have, δλ(Ax(κ,t))=δλ(Ay(κ,t))=0. Consider A(κ,t)=Ax(κ,t)Ay(κ,t), then δλ(A(κ,t))=0i.eδ([A(κ,t)]c)=1. For all k[A(κ,t)]c,

τ(m(xk+yk)-(x0+y0),t)=τ(mxk-x0+mykr-y0,t) τ(mxk-x0,t/2)τ(myk-y0,t/2) (1-κ)(1-κ) >1-ε,


υ(m(xk+yk)-(x0+y0),t)=υ(mxk-x0+Λyk-y0,t) υ(mxk-x0,t/2)υ(myk-y0,t/2) κκ <ε,


η(m(xk+yk)-(x0+y0),t)=η(mxk-x0+Λyk-y0,t) η(mxk-x0,t/2)η(myk-y0,t/2) κκ <ε.

Theorem 2.4. Consider (X,,,) as a NNS. A sequence x={xk} from X is Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 if and only if set J={j1<j2<j3.....}In exists with δλ(J)=1 and (τ,υ,η)λ-limmxjn=x0.

Proof. Necessary part:

Consider Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 . For t>0 and κN, we consider

A(κ,t)={kIn:τ(mxk-x0,t)>1-1κ and υ(mxk-x0,t)<1κ,η(mxk-x0,t)<1κ},


K(κ,t)={kIn:τ(mxk-x0,t)1-1κ or υ(mxk-x0,t)1κ,η(mxk-x0,t)1κ}.

Since Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0, then δλ(K(κ,t))=0.

Moreover, A(κ,t)A(κ+1,t), and


Next, for any kA(κ,t), we have (τ,υ,η)λ-limmx=x0. We prove this part by contradiction. If for any kA(κ,t) we have μ>0 and k0N satisfying

τ(mxk-x0,t)1-μ or υ(mxk-x0,t)μ,η(mxk-x0,t)μ, for allkk0,

This implies that

τ(mxk-x0,t)>1-μ and υ(mxk-x0,t)<μ,η(mxk-x0,t)<μ, for allk<k0.


δλ{kIn:τ(mxk-x0,t)>1-μ and υ(mxk-x0,t)<μ,η(mxk-x0,t)<μ}=0.

As α>1κ, we've δλ(A(κ,t))=0, which leads contradiction to (2.1). Then, we get set A(κ,t) with δλ(A(κ,t))=1. Hence x={xk} is λ-m-statistical convergent to x0.

Sufficient Part:

Suppose there exists a subset J={j1<j2<j3<}N such that δλ(J)=1 and (τ,υ,η)λ-limmyjn=x0. i.e. N0N for every ε>0 and any t>0 satisfying

τ(mxk-x0,t)>1-ε,υ(mxk-x0,t)<ε and η(mxk-x0,t)<εkN0.


K(ε,t)={kIn:τ(mxk-x0,t)1-ε or υ(mxk-x0,t)ε,η(mxk-x0,t)ε}.



Since δλ(J)=1 then we get δλ(K(ε,t))0. Therefore, Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0.

Theorem 2.5. Consider (X,,,) as a NNS. Then Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 if and only if there exists a sequence y={yk} with (τ,υ,η)λ-limmy=x0 and δλ({kIn:mx=my})=1.

Proof. Necessary part:

Consider Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0. By Theorem 2.4, we get a set JIn with δλ(J)=1 and (τ,υ,η)λ-limmxjn=x0. Consider a sequence y={yk} such that


Then y={yk} serve our purpose.

Sufficient part:

Consider x={xk} and y={yk} from X with (τ,υ,η)λ-limmy=x0 and δλ({kIn:mx=my})=1. Then for any t>0 and every ε>0, we've

{kIn:τ(myk-x0,t)1-ε or υ(myk-x0,t)ε,η(myk-x0,t)ε}AB

where A={kIn:τ(mxk-x0,t)1-ε or υ(mxk-x0,t)ε,η(mxk-x0,t)ε},


Since (τ,υ,η)λ-limmx=x0 then above defined set A has at most finitely many elements. Also δλ(B)=0 as δλ(Bc)=1 where Bc={kIn:myk=mxk}. Therefore


Hence Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0.

Theorem 2.6. Let x={xk} be a sequence from a NNS (X,,,). Then Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 if and only if there are sequences y={yk} and z={zk} from X with mxk=myk+mzk for all kIn where (τ,υ,η)λ-limmy=x0 and Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmz=x0.

Proof. Necessary part:

Let Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0. By Theorem 2.4 we get a set J={kq:q=1,2,3,....}N with δλ(J)=1 and (τ,υ,η)λ-limkqmykq=x0. Consider the sequences y={yk} and z={zk}




which gives the required result.

Sufficient Part:

If two such sequences y={yk} and z={zk} exists in X with the required properties, then the result follows using Theorem 2.2 and Theorem 2.3.

Theorem 2.7. Consider (X,,,) as a NNS with norm (τ,υ,η). Then S(τ,υ,η)(m)Sλ(τ,υ,η)(m) if and only if limkinfλnn>0.

Proof. For given ε>0 and t>0 we have

{kn:τ(mxk-x0t)1-ε or υ(mxk-x0t)ε,η(mxk-x0t)ε} {kIn:τ(mxk-x0t)1-ε or υ(mxk-x0t)ε,η(mxk-x0t)ε}.


1n|{kn:τ(mxk-x0t)1-εorυ(mxk-x0t)ε,η(mxk-x0t)ε}| 1λn|{kIn:τ(mxk-x0t)1-εorυ(mxk-x0t)ε,η(mxk-x0t)ε}| λnn1λn|{kIn:τ(mxk-x0t)1-εorυ(mxk-x0t)ε,η(mxk-x0t)ε}|

Take limit as n then we get S(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0 (As limkinfλnn>0). Hence Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0. Conversely, Suppose that limkinfλnn=0. We can take a sub-sequence {nj} such that λnjnj<1j. Consider a sequence x={xk} such that


Then take t>0 and ε(0,1) such that 1B(0,ε,t). Also, to each nN we get njN such that njn for j>0.

1n|{kn:τ(mxkt)1-ε or υ(mxkt)ε,η(mxkt)ε}|<1j.

Then Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=0. For kInj we get

limj1λnj|{kInj:τ(mxkt)1-ε or υ(mxkt)ε,η(mxkt)ε}|=1.

This implies that xSλ(τ,υ,η)(m).

Next we establish the result related to Cauchy criterion for λ-m-statistical convergent sequences in NNS.

Theorem 2.8. A sequence x={xk} from a NNS (X,,,) is λ-m-statistical convergent corresponding to (τ,υ,η) if and only if it is λ-m-statistical Cauchy corresponding to (τ,υ,η).

Proof. Necessary part:

Consider Sλ(τ,υ,η)-limmx=x0. Then, for any t>0 and ε>0, take κ>0 with (1-κ)(1-κ)>1-ε and κκ<ε. Consider A(κ,t)={kIn:τ(mxk-x0,t/2)1-κ or υ(mxk-x0,t/2)κ,η(mxk-x0,t/2)κ}. δλ(A(κ,t))=0 and δλ([A(κ,t)]c)=1. Let B(ε,t)={kIn:τ(mxk-Λxs,t)1-εorυ(mxk-mxs,t)ε,η(mxk-mxs,t)ε}. Here, for the result we show that B(ε,t)A(κ,t). As kB(ε,t)-A(κ,t)τ(mxk-x0,t/2)1-κ or υ(mxk-x0,t/2)κ,η(mxk-x0,t/2)κ.

1-ετ(mxk-mxs,t)τ(mxk-x0,t/2)τ(mxs-x0,t/2) >(1-κ)(1-κ) >1-ε,
ευ(mxk-mxs,t)υ(mxk-x0,t/2)υ(mxs-x0,t/2) <κκ <ε,


εη(mxk-mxs,t)η(mxk-x0,t/2)η(mxs-x0,t/2) <κκ <ε,

which is not possible. This implies that B(ε,t)A(κ,t) and δλ(B(ε,t))=0 i.e. λ-m-statistical Cauchy corresponding to (τ,υ,η).

Sufficient part:

Let x={xk} be λ-m-statistical Cauchy corresponding to (τ,υ,η) but not λ-m-statistical convergent corresponding to (τ,υ,η). Then, for any t>0 and ε>0, we have δλ(C(ε,t))=0 where


Take κ>0 with (1-κ)(1-κ)>1-ε and κκ<ε.

Let D(κ,t)={kIn:τ(mxk-x0,t/2)>1-κ or υ(mxk-x0,t/2)<κ}. Now for kD(ε,t) we get

τ(mxk-mxk0,t)τ(mxk-x0,t/2)τ(mxk0-ξ,t/2) >(1-κ)(1-κ) >1-ε,
υ(mxk-mxk0,t)υ(mxk-ξ,t/2)υ(mxk0-ξ,t/2) <κκ <ε,


η(mxk-mxk0,t)η(mxk-ξ,t/2)η(mxk0-ξ,t/2) <κκ <ε.

Since x={xk} is not λ-m-statistical convergent corresponding to (τ,υ,η). Therefore, δλ([C(ε,t)]c)=0 i.e. δλ(C(ε,t))=1 , which results contradiction for x={xk}, assumed to be λ-m-statistical Cauchy. Thus, x={xk} converges λ-m-statistically corresponding to (τ,υ,η).

In this paper, we have introduced the convergence structure, called λ-m-statistical convergence, on neutrosophic normed spaces for difference sequences. Neutrosophic sets are efficient tools for handling indeterminate and inconsistent data. The theory of generalized statistical convergence acts as a powerful mathematical technique for dealing with convergence problems. The computational methods and techniques may not always be sufficient to provide the best results alone, although merging two or more can lead to improved solutions. The introduction of λ-m-statistical convergence in this structure is significant because it provides a new mathematical tool for practically addressing convergence problems. Moreover, this concept can be further explored in KM fuzzy metric spaces and KM fuzzy normed spaces.

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