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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(2): 271-286

Published online June 30, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2024.64.2.271

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Existence Results for an Nonlinear Variable Exponents Anisotropic Elliptic Problems

Mokhtar Naceri

ENS of Laghouat; Box 4033 Station post avenue of Martyrs, Laghouat, Algeria Laboratory EDPNL-HM, ENS-Kouba, Algiers, Algeria
e-mail : nasrimokhtar@gmail.com or m.naceri@ens-lagh.dz

Received: January 26, 2024; Revised: May 26, 2024; Accepted: June 12, 2024

In this paper, we prove the existence of distributional solutions in the anisotropic Sobolev space W1,p()(Ω) with variable exponents and zero boundary, for a class of variable exponents anisotropic nonlinear elliptic equations having a compound nonlinearity G(x,u)= i=1N(f+u)pi(x)1 on the right-hand side, such that f is in the variable exponents anisotropic Lebesgue space Lp()(Ω), where p()=(p1(),,pN())(C(Ω¯,]1,+[))N.

Keywords: Variable exponents, Nonlinear, Anisotropic elliptic equations, Lebesgue-Sobolev spaces, Distributional solution, Existence

In this work, we demonstrate the existence of distributional solutions for a specific class of anisotropic nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations with variable exponents, of the type :

-i=1Ni(iupi(x)-2iu)=i=1N(f+u)pi(x)-1, in Ω,u=0, on Ω,

where ΩRN (N2) is an open bounded Lipschitz domain (having a Lipschitz boundary Ω), iu=uxi,i=1,,N, and the datum f belongs to the variable exponents anisotropic Lebesgue space Lp()(Ω), which is defined as follows:

Lp()(Ω)= i=1NLpi()(Ω).

Here, problem (1.1) is p(x)-Laplacian operator equations, which involve the anisotropic operator with variable exponents defined between the space W1,p()(Ω)(which will be further discussed in Section 2) and its dual, as follows:


It is important to note that operators of this type have numerous applications in applied sciences. For instance, they are commonly used in electro-rheological fluids and image processing, as seen in references [6, 7, 2]. The noveltly of our work is that we take the right-hand side as a compound nonlinearity G(x,u)=i=1N(f+u)pi(x)-1 that links the unknown u and the datum fLp()(Ω). One cannot seperate these to reduce the problem to the classical case where the right-hand side is in certain Sobolev spaces.

The proof is based on the usual method, which requires proving the existence of a sequence of suitable approximate solutions (un) using the Leray-Schauder's fixed point Theorem. Prior estimates are then used to show the boundedness of the solutions un and the almost everywhere convergence of their partial derivatives iun,i=1,,N, which can be converted into strong L1-convergence. With this convergence, we can pass to the limit by L1-strongly sense in iunpi(x)-2iun, and in (fn+un)pi(x)-1, and finally we conclude the convergence of un to the solution of (1.1).

The paper is divided into several sections, with Section 2 covering mathematical preliminaries. In this section, we discuss variable exponents anisotropic Lebesgue-Sobolev spaces and their key characteristics, as well as mentioning some embedding theorems. The main theorem and its proof can be found in Section 3.

In this section, we will provide a brief reminder about variable exponent anisotropic Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces. We will mention their most important properties and facts that are relevant to this paper. For further information, please refer to sources [5, 1, 3]).

Let ΩRN>(N2) be a bounded open subset, we define the set


where, p+=maxxΩ¯p(x),   and   p=minxΩ¯p(x).

Let p()C+(Ω¯). Then the following Young's inequality holds true for all a,bR and all ε>0,


where, p'(·) denotes the Sobolev conjugate of p() (i.e. 1p()+1p'(·)=1 in Ω¯).

In addition, for any two real a,b((a,b)(0,0)) :

(|a|p(x)2a|b|p(x)2b)(ab)22p+ |ab|p(x) ,if p(x)2,(p- 1)|ab|2 (|a|+|b|)2p(x) ,if 1<p(x)<2.

Also, we will recall this elementary inequality:


which is valid for ai0,i=1,,m and r0.

The variable exponent Lebesgue space Lp()(Ω) defined by

Lp()(Ω):={measurable functionsu:ΩR;ρp()(u)<},


ρp()(u):=Ωu(x)p(x)dx, the convex modular of u.

It is a Banach space, and reflexive if p->1, under the norm


The Hölder type inequality:

Ω uvdx 1 p+1 p u p() v p() 2u p() v p() ,

holds true.

The variable exponents Sobolev space W1,p()(Ω) defined as fellows


it becomes a Banach space when equipped with the norm


We define also the Banach space W01,p()(Ω) by


endowed with the norm (2.4). Moreover, is reflexive and separable if p()C+(Ω¯).

The following results came in [1, 3].

If (un),uLp()(Ω), then we have


Now, we will introduce the concept of anisotropic Sobolev spaces with variable exponents W1,p()(Ω), as we need them to solve our problem (1.1).

Let pi(·)C(Ω¯,[1,+)),i=1,,N, and we set for every x in Ω¯

p(x)=(p1(x),,pN(x)),p+(x)=max1iNpi(x),p(x)=min1iNpi(x),p¯(x)=N i=1 N1 pi (x),p+(x)=max1iNpi(x),p++=maxxΩ¯p+(x),p(x)=min1iNpi(x),p=minxΩ¯p(x), p ¯ (x)=Np¯ (x)Np¯ (x), for p¯ (x)<N, +, for p¯ (x)N.

The Banach space W1,p()(Ω) is defined by


under the norm

uW1,p()(Ω)=up+()+ i=1NDi upi ().

The spaces W01,p()(Ω) and W1,p()(Ω) are defined as follow


The following embedding results given in [4, 5].

Let ΩRN be a bounded domain and p()(C+(Ω¯))N.

Lemma 2.1. If rC+(Ω¯) and (p+(x),p¯(x)). Then the embedding

W1,p()(Ω)Lr(·)(Ω) is compact.

Lemma 2.2. If we have


Then the following inequality holds


where C>0 independent of u.Thus,

ui=1NDiuLpi(·)(Ω) is an equivalent norm on W1,p()(Ω).

Definition 3.1. The function u is a solution of the problem (1.1) in the sense of distributions if and only if uW01,1(Ω), and for all φCc(Ω),


Our main result is the following.

Theorem 3.1. Let p()(C+(Ω¯))N such that p¯<N and (2.8) holds, and assume that fLp()(Ω). Then the problem (1.1) has at least one distributional solution uW1,p()(Ω).

3.1. Existence of approximate solutions

Let (fn) be a sequence of bounded functions defined in Ω which converges to f in Lp()(Ω). Since fnLp()(Ω), from (2.5) we obtain


Through this, we conclude that

fn is bounded in Lpi(·)(Ω),i=1,,N.

Lemma 3.1. Let p()(C+(Ω¯))N such that p¯<N and (2.8) holds, and assume that fLp()(Ω). Then, there exists at least one weak solution unW1,p()(Ω) to the approximated problems

-i=1Ni(iunpi(x)-2iun)=i=1N(fn+un)pi(x)-1, in Ω,un=0, on Ω,

in the following sense

i=1NΩiunpi(x)2iuniφdx= i=1NΩ (f n+ u n) p i(x)1 ,

for every φW1,p()(Ω)L(Ω).

Before proving Lemma 3.1 we must prove the following lemma:

Lemma 3.2. Let nN* fixed, and for all (v,θ)X×[0,1] where X=Lp+(·)(Ω) we consider the problem

i=1Niiupi(x)2iu=θ i=1N(fn+v)pi(x)1, in Ω,u=0 on Ω.

For all (v,θ)X×[0,1] the problem (3.4) has only the weak solution u satisfying for all φW1,p()(Ω), the weak formulation

i=1NΩiupi(x)2iuiφdx=θ i=1NΩ(fn +v) p i (x)1 φdx.

Moreover, the operator Ψ:X×[0,1]X defined by :

Ψ(v,θ)=u(u is the only weak solution of the problem (3.4)),

is continuous and compact.

Proof Using (2.3) and the fact that fn,vLpi(·)(Ω) we get for all (v,θ)X×[0,1] that


Therefore, from (3.6) we obtain for all i=1,,N,


and this implies that

θ i=1N(fn+v)pi(x)1Lp()(Ω)=i=1NL p i()(Ω).

Here, p()=(p1(),,pN()) where p'i(·) denotes the Sobolev congugate of pi(·).

The existence of the weak solution u of the problem (3.4) in Lp+(·)(Ω) is directly produced by the main Theorem on monotone operators, and the uniqueness of this solution is a direct result of the homogeneous problem and this by assuming the existence of two weak solutions.

Now we give an estimate of the solution u of the problem (3.4). Taking φ=u as test function, and using (2.8), (2.3), (2.5), (2.6), the fact that pi(·)p¯*(·) (from (2.8)), Lemma 2.1, boundedness of fnLp()(Ω), and Hölder inequality, we have

i=1N Ωi u pi (x)dxi=1N Ω(fn +v) pi (x)1undx2i=1N (fn+v) pi(x)1 p i(x)upi()ci=1N f p i(x)1 p i(x) +i=1N v p i(x)1 p i(x) up(x)c2N+i=1N Ω f n p i (x) dx 1 p i +i=1N Ω v p i (x) dx 1 p i up(x)cc+i=1N v p i() p i+ p i up(x)C1+v p+() p++ p up(x),

where for the last equality we used that

c+ i=1Nvpi() pi+ pic+ i=1Nvpi() p++ pc+cvp+()p++p

for appropriate constants c” and c”'.

On the other hand, by (2.6), we get


and we have


Through this, we find that


Then, we conclude


So, we get


By combining (3.7) and (3.8), we obtain

up()pc1+vp+()p++ p up()+c,

where, c>0 and c'>0. Since up()>1, from (3.9) we have


Since up()1, we find that (3.10) only holds in this case with under certain conditions, such as c1 or c'1. The goal is to combine the two cases up()>1, and up()1 into same result (3.10).

We will now prove the continuity of Ψ. Let (vm,θm) be a sequence of Lp+(·)(Ω)×[0,1] converging to (v,θ) in this space. Then,

vmv, Strongly in Lp+()(Ω),
θmθ, in .

After considering the sequence (um) defined by um=Ψ(vm,θm),mN*, we obtain for n fixed in N* and all φW1,p()(Ω)


For v,θ defined in (3.11), (3.12), we put u=Ψ(v,θ), then we have for n fixed in N* and all φW1,p()(Ω)


By(3.10) and the boundedness of (vm) in Lp+(·)(Ω) (from (3.11)):


with ϱ>0 independent of m.

From (3.15) we conclude that the sequence (um) is bounded in W1,p()(Ω). So, there exists a function wW1,p()(Ω) and a subsequence (still denoted by (um)) such that

umw weakly in W1,p()(Ω).

By (3.16), (2.8), and Lemma 2.1, we obtain that

umw Strongly in Lp+(·)(Ω).

Since the function s(fn+s)pi(x)-1 is continuous on Lp+(·)(Ω), we can pass to the limit in (3.13) as m+, then we get for all φW1,p()(Ω),


and this implies that w=Ψ(v,θ).

The uniqueness of the weak solution of problem (3.4) then shows that w=u=Ψ(v,θ). So,

Ψ(vm,θm)=umu=Ψ(v,θ) Strongly in Lp+(·)(Ω).

Which shows the continuity of Ψ.

We now move on to prove the compactness of Ψ. Let B˜ be a bounded of Lp+(·)(Ω)×[0,1]. Thus B˜ is contained in a product of the type B×[0,1] with B a bounded set of Lp+(·)(Ω), which can be assumed to be a ball of center O and of radius r>0.

For uΨ(B˜), thanks to (3.10), we get


For u=Ψ(v,θ) with (v,θ)B×[0,1] ( vp+(·)r). This proves that Ψ applies B˜ in the closed ball in W1,p()(Ω)Lp+(·)(Ω) of center O and radius ρ. Let un be a sequence of elements of Ψ(B˜), therefore un=Ψ(vn,θn) with (vn,θn)B˜. Since un remains in a bounded of W1,p()(Ω), it is possible to extract a subsequence which converges strongly to an element u of Lp+(·)(Ω). This proves that Ψ(B˜)¯Lp+(·)(Ω) is compact. So Ψ is compact.

Proof (of the Lemma 3.1):

It is clear that


because u=0Lp+(·)(Ω) the only weak solution of the problem (3.4) in the case θ=0.

Now we show that there is an M>0 such that


For that, we give the estimate for vLp+(·)(Ω) such that v=Ψ(v,θ), then we have for all φW1,p()(Ω),


After choosing φ=v in (3.21), and using (2.3), the fact that fnLp()(Ω),vLp+(·)(Ω), and Young's inequality, we obtain

i=1N Ωivpi(x)dxci=1N Ω(fn p i (x)1v+v p i (x))dxci=1N Ωvpi(x)dx+cC(ε)i=1N Ωfn pi(x)dx+εi=1N Ωv pi(x)dx=c(1+ε)i=1N Ωvpi(x)dx+cC(ε)i=1N Ωfnpi(x)dxc(1+ε)NΩ+i=1N Ωv p+(x)dx+C(ε)C(ε).

So, for any fixed choice of ε in (3.22), we obtain


Using similar arguments to those used for (3.8), we get


By combining (3.23) and (3.24) with using (2.8), we obtain that


From this, we conclude that, there exist c>0, such that


This implies (3.20). Through, (3.19), (3.20), and Lemma 3.2, we can apply the Leray-Schauder Theorem. So, the operator Ψ1:XX defined by Ψ1(u)=Ψ(u,1) has a fixed point, which shows the existence of a solution of the approximated problems (3.2) in the sense of (3.3).

3.1.1. A Priori Estimates

Lemma 3.3. Let f,a and pi,i=1,,N be restricted as in Theorem 3.1. Then there exist C>0 independent of n, such that


Proof After choosing φ=un in (3.3), and using (2.3), the fact that fnLp()(Ω),unW1,p()(Ω), and Young's inequality, we obtain

i=1N Ωiunpi(x)dxci=1N Ω(f n p i (x)1 u n + u n p i (x))dxci=1N Ωunpi(x)dx+cC(ε)i=1N Ωfn pi(x)dx+εi=1N Ωun pi(x)dx=c(1+ε)i=1N Ωunpi(x)dx+cC(ε)i=1N Ωfnpi(x)dxc(1+ε)NΩ+i=1N Ωun p+(x)dx+C(ε)C(ε).

So, for any fixed choice of ε in (3.28), we obtain


By following the same arguments like in (3.8), we get


By combining (3.29) and (3.30) with using (2.8), we obtain that


From this, we conclude that, there exist c>0 independent of n, such that


Therefore, (3.27) has been proven.

Lemma 3.4. There exists a subsequence (still denoted (un)) such that, for all i=1,,N

iuniua.e. in Ω.

Proof From (3.27) the sequence (un) is bounded in W1,p()(Ω).

So, there exists a function uW1,p()(Ω) and a subsequence (still denoted by (un)) such that

unu weakly in W1,p()(Ω) and a.e in Ω.

We consider the function


and let's prove that,


We can write Θn in the following form

Θn=i=1N Ωiunpi(x)2iun(iuniu)dxi=1N Ωiupi(x)2iu(iuniu)dx=InJn,


In=i=1N Ωiunpi(x)2iun(iuniu)dx,Jn=i=1N Ωiupi(x)2iu(iuniu)dx.

After choosing φ=un-u in (3.3), with the use of (3.34), and boundedness of (fn+un)pi(x)-1 in Lp'i(·) (( p'i(·) is the Sobolev conjugate of pi(·))), we can obtain


Since (iun) is bounded in Lpi(·) (due (3.27)), then there exists a function wLpi(·) and a subsequence (still denoted by (iun)) such that

iunw weakly in Lpi(x).

Through (3.37) and the boundedness of iunpi(x)-2iun in Lp'i(x) we conclude that


Combining (3.36) and (3.38), we get


Equation (3.39) implies that w=iu, and so

iuniu weakly in Lpi(x).

From (3.40) and the boundedness of iupi(x)-2iu in Lp'i(x) we conclude that


From (3.36) and (3.41) we get (3.35).

We put for all i=1,,N


Through (2.2) we conclude that, for all i=1,,N


Then, (3.42) and (3.35) gives us, for all i=1,,N

λi,n(x)0, strongly in L1(Ω).

Therefore, for a subsequence (still denoted by (un) ), we get for every i=1,,N

λi,n(x)0 a.e. in Ω.

Then there exists a subset Ω0Ω, such that, Ω0=0 and for all xΩ\Ω0

iu(x)< ,and λi,n(x)0.

From (3.44), we have for some functions k


Let us prove that, there exists a function g such that


From (2.2), we obtain

k(x)c(iuniu)p1,if pi(x)2,ciuniu1+iun+iu2,if 1<pi(x)<2.

Through (3.46), we obtain (3.45). Now, we proceed by contradiction to prove that

iun(x)iu(x) in Ω\Ω0.

For this reason, we assume that there exists x0Ω\Ω0 such that iun(x0) does not converge to iu(x0). The Bolzano Weierstrass theorem implies that


By the passage to the limit in λi,n(x0) when n+, we obtain


From (2.2), we get that b=iu(x0). Therefore, we find that (3.33) has been proven.

3.2. Proof of the Theorem 3.1

From (3.33) and (3.27), Vitali's theorem gives , for all i=1,,N

iuniu in L1(Ω) and a.e. in Ω.

So, we have

iunpi(x)-2iuniupi(x)-2iu a.e. inΩ.

By (3.27) we can get, for all i=1,,N


Equation (3.50) implies that for all i=1,,N

iunpi(x)-2iun uniformly bounded in Lpi'(·)(Ω).

By Young's inequality and since iunLpi(·)(Ω), we get for all ε>0


For any fixed choice for ε, we conclude that, for all i=1,,N


So by (3.53), (3.49), (3.51), and Vitali's theorem, we derive, for all i=1,,N

iunpi(x)-2iuniupi(x)-2iu strongly inL1(Ω).

Now from (3.34) we conclude that

(fn+un)pi(x)-1(f+u)pi(x)-1 a.e. in Ω.

On the other hand, by (2.3) and since fn,unLpi(·)(Ω), we obtain for all i=1,,N


Equation (3.56) implies that, for all i=1,,N

(fn+un)pi(x)-1 uniformly bounded in Lpi'(·)(Ω).

Like in the proof of (3.53), using the inequality (2.3) and that fn,unLpi(·)(Ω), we can obtain for all i=1,,N


So by (3.58), (3.55), (3.57), and Vitali's theorem, we derive, for all i=1,,N

(fn+un)pi(x)-1(f+u)pi(x)-1 strongly inL1(Ω).

So we can pass to the limit in (3.3). Thus, we have proven the theorem 3.1.

The author would like to thank the referees for their comments and suggestions.

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