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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(2): 245-260

Published online June 30, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2024.64.2.245

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Anisotropic Variable Herz Spaces and Applications

Aissa Djeriou∗ and Rabah Heraiz

Laboratory of Functional Analysis and Geometry of Spaces, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of M’sila, P. O. Box 166 Ichebilia, 28000 M’sila, Algeria
e-mail : aissa.djeriou@univ-msila.dz and rabah.heraiz@univ-msila.dz

Received: October 7, 2023; Revised: March 23, 2024; Accepted: April 1, 2024

In this study, we establish some new characterizations for a class of anisotropic Herz spaces in which all exponents are considered as variables. We also provide a description of these spaces based on bloc decomposition. As an application, we investigate the boundedness of certain sublinear operators within these function spaces.

Keywords: Anisotropic Herz space, variable exponents, bloc decomposition, sublinear operator

The aim of this paper is to establish a characterization of the anisotropic variable Herz spaces K˙p(·)α(·),q(·)(ARn) associated with non-isotropic dilations A on Rn in terms of block decompositions. All exponents in the considered spaces are variable. First, we define the set of variable exponents as follows:

P0Rn:=p measurable: p·:Rnc, for some c>0.

The subset of variable exponents with a range of [1,) is denoted by P(Rn). For pP0(Rn), we introduce the notation


Now we give the definition of variable Lebesgue spaces.

Definition 1.1. Let pP0(Rn). The Lebesgue space Lp(·)(Rn), with a variable exponent is the class of all measurable functions f on Rn such that the modular


is finite. This space is a quasi-Banach function space equipped with the norm


If p(x)p is constant, then Lp(·)(Rn)=Lp(Rn) is the classical Lebesgue space. We refer to the monographs [3] and [4] for further details and references on recent developments on variable Lebesgue spaces.

We present the most important condition on the exponent in the study of variable exponent spaces.

Definition 1.2. We say that a function g:RnR is locally log-Hölder continuous if there exists a constant clog>0 such that


for all x,yRn. In particular, if


for all xRn, then we say that g is log-Hölder continuous at the origin (or has a log decay at the origin). Additionally, if there exist gR and clog>0 such that


for all xRn, then we say that g is log-Hölder continuous at infinity (or has a log decay at infinity).

For some examples of a function locally log-Hölder continuous, see E. Nakai and Y. Sawano [7, Example 1.3].

The sets P0log(Rn) and Plog(Rn) consist of all exponents pP(Rn) that have a log decay at the origin and at infinity, respectively. The set Plog(Rn) is used for all those exponents pP(Rn) that are locally log-Hölder continuous and have a log decay at infinity, with p:=limxp(x).

It is well known that if pPlog(Rn), then pPlog(Rn), where p denotes the conjugate exponent of p given by 1/p(·)+1/p(·)=1.

Definition 1.3. Let p,qP0(Rn). The mixed Lebesgue-sequence space q(·)(Lp(·)) is defined on sequences of Lp(·)-functions by the modular


A (quasi)-norm is defined from this as usual:


If q(·) satisfies q+< , then we can replace (1.4) by the simpler expression

ϱlq()(Lp())((fv)v)= v|fv |q()p()q().

If ERn is a measurable set, then E stands for the (Lebesgue) measure of E and χE denotes its characteristic function.

In the following, we introduce some basic notation and definitions of non-isotropic spaces associated with general expansive dilations.

Definition 1.5. A dilation is n×n real matrix A, such that all eigenvalues λ of A satisfy λ>1. We suppose λ1,λ2,...,λn are eigenvalues of A so that 1<λ1...λn. Let λ-,λ+ be any numbers so that


A set Rn is said to be an ellipsoid if


for some nondegenerate n×n matrix P, where · denotes the Euclidean norm in Rn.

In [2, Lemma 2.2], it is demonstrated that for a dilation A, there exists an ellipsoid △ and r>1 satisfying

rA,  where =1.

For convenience, we set

Bk=Ak for kZ,

then, by (1.6) we obtain


where A>1.

Definition 1.7. A homogeneous quasi-norm associated with a dilation A is a measurable mapping σA:n0,, so that

σAx>0 for x0,

σAAx=bσAx for all xRn,

• there is c>0 so that σAx+ycσAx+σAy for all x,yRn.

For a fixed dilation A, we define the “canonical” quasi-norm σ.

Definition 1.8. Define the step homogeneous quasi-norm σ on n induced by the dilation A as


For any x,yRn, we have


where θ is the smallest integer so that


Also, we use the following notation


Now, we define the anisotropic Herz spaces with variable exponent.

Definition 1.9. Let p,qP0(Rn) and α:RnR with αL(Rn). The homogeneous anisotropic Herz space K˙p()α(),q()A;n associated with the dilation A is defined as the set of all fLlocp(·)Rn{0} such that

fK˙p()α(),q()A;n:=bkα()fχk klq()(Lp)<.

The non-homogeneous anisotropic Herz space Kp()α(),q()A;n associated with the dilation A consists of all fLlocp(·)Rn such that

fKp()α(),q()A;n:=fχB0 p+bkα()fχk k1lq()(Lp)<.

Clearly, K˙p(·)0,p(·)ARn=Kp(·)0,p(·)ARn=Lp(·)ARn. Recall that the anisotropic Herz spaces Kp()α(),qA;n and K˙p()α(),qA;n, where q is constant, are introduced by H. Wang in [8]. A detailed discussion of the properties of these spaces may be found in [9] and [10].

By the same argument used in [6], we can establish the next result, which will be useful in the sequel.

Proposition 1.10. Let αL(Rn) and p,qP0(Rn). If α and q are log-Hölder continuous at

infinity, then


Additionally, if α and q have a log decay at the origin, then

fK˙p()α(),q()A;n( k= 1bkα(0)fχkp()q(0))1/q(0)+( k=0bkα fχkp()q )1/q.

Recall that the expression fg means that fcg for some independent constant c (and non-negative functions f and g), and fg means fgf.

In this section, we introduce several lemmas used to prove the main theorems in sections 3 and 4. In the following, we denote by c as a generic positive constant, i.e. a constant whose value may change from line to line.

The following lemma plays an important role in the proof of the main results.

Lemma 2.1. Let pP(Rn) and Rk:=BkBk-1,kZ. If bk2-n and p is log-Hölder continuous at infinity, then we have


with the implicit constants independent of k.

Proof. Our proof based on an idea from [1, Lemma 2.2] where the case of the Euclidean ball was studied. First, we have


which is equivalent to


In particular, we will show that

ϱp()(bkpχk):=n|bkpχkx|p(y)dy=bkRk b k p p(y) p dyc,

for some constant c>0. For that, it is sufficient to prove that bkp-p(y)p is bounded, i.e. k(p-p(y)p)logbc for all yRk.

Since p is log-Hölder continuous at infinity, then (2.2) is bounded by

bkp(y)ppbk1log(e+y)bk/logy,  yRk.

We can distinguish two cases as follows:

Case 1: For every integer k0, due to [2, Lemma 3.2] and Definition 1.8, we deduce that

bklogλ/logbyϱ(x)logλ+/logb=bklogλ+/logb for k0,

for all yRk. This implies that (2.3) is bounded by


Case 2: Considering the case [-nlog2logb]k-1, i.e. 2-nbk<1, we have (2.3) bounded by

kp(y)pplogb p(y)plog1bk  2np+log2  c.

In either case, we obtain that (2.2) is bounded by


Now, we show that bkpχkp(·). This is a consequence of Hölder's inequality and the estimate χkp(·)bkp which was already proved. In fact, we have


This finishes the proof.

Remark 2.4. It is known that for pPlog, we have




for small balls BRn and


for large balls (B1), with constants only depending on the log-Hölder constant of p. See, for example, [3, Corollary 4.5.9].

The next lemma is a Hardy-type inequality which is easy to prove.

Lemma 2.5 ([5]) Let γ>1, κ>0 and 0<q. Let εkk be a sequence of positive real numbers, such that


Then, the sequences


belong to q, and

δkklq+ ηkklqcI,

with c>0 only depending on γ and q.

The following lemma presents the Hölder inequality in Lp·(Rn).

Lemma 2.6 ([3]). Let pP(Rn). Then, there exists a constant c such that for all fLp·(Rn) and gLp(n),fgL1(n), and


Now, we establish characterizations of the spaces K˙p()α(),q()A;n and

Kp()α(),q()A;n in terms of central bloc decompositions, which will be convenient for the study of the boundedness of operators on these spaces.

Let us first recall the definition of bloc decomposition.

Definition 3.1. Let αL(Rn), be log-Hölder continuous, both at the origin and at infinity and pP(Rn). A function ak is said to be a central α(·),p(·)-bloc, if

(i) suppak=xRn:akx0¯Bk.

(ii) akp()bkα(0),  k<0.

(iii) akp()bkα,  k0.

A function ak on Rn is said to be a central (α(·),p(·))-bloc of restricted type, if it satisfies the condition (iii) and suppakBk,k0.

Remark 3.2. If α and p are constants, then we recover the classical case.

One of the main results of this paper will be the following theorem. It generalizes Theorem 2.3 of H. Wang [8] by taking q as a constant.

Theorem 3.3. Let αL(Rn),pPlog(Rn) and qP0(Rn). If α and q are log-Hölder continuous, both at the origin and at infinity with α(0),α>0, then the following two statements are equivalentes

  • f K˙p()α(),q()A;n

  • f can be represented by


where βk0, each ak is a central (α(·),p(·))-block with support contained in Bk and

( k= 1βkq(0))1q(0)+( k=0βkq )1q cfK˙p()α(),q()A;n.

Moreover, the norms fK˙p()α(),q()A;n and

inf( k= 1βkq(0)1q(0)+( k=0βkq )1q )

are equivalent, where the infimum is taken over all decompositions of f as in (3.4).

Proof. The idea of the proof is borrowed from [5], where the variable Herz-type Hardy spaces case is studied.

First, we show that (i) implies (ii). For every f K˙p()α(),q()A;n, we have

fx= k=fxχkx= k= b kαfχk pfxχkx b kαfχk p= k=βkakx,


βk=bkαfχk p and akx=fxχkxbkαfχkp.

It is obvious that suppakBk and

akp()bkα0 , if k1,bkα , if k0.

Thus, each ak is a central (α(·),p(·))- bloc with the support Bk and

(1k= βk q(0))1 q(0)+(k=0 βk q)1 q =(1k= b kα fχk pq(0))1 q(0)+(k=0 b kα fχk pq)1 q (1k= bkα0q(0) fχk pq(0))1 q(0)+(k=0 bkαq fχk pq)1 q f K˙ p() α(),q() A;n .

It remains to prove that (ii) implies (i). For this purpose, let f(x)=k=-βkakx be a decomposition of f that satisfies the hypothesis (ii) of Theorem 3.3, by the Minkowski inequality, we obtain

fχjp k=j|βk|akp for each j.

From this, (3.5), and Proposition 1.10, it follows that fK˙p()α(),q()A;n is bounded by

c(1k=bkα0q(0)(j=k|βj|a j p)q(0))1 q(0)+c(k=0bkα q (j=k|βj|a j p)q )1 q =I1+I2.

Then we deal with I1 and I2, separatly. For I1, we divide the sum j=k··· into two parts,


I1 is bounded by I1a+I1b, where

I1a:=c(1k=(bkα0 j=k 1|βj|aj p)q(0))1q(0)


I1b:=c(1k=(bkα0 j=0|βj|ajp)q(0))1q(0).

Since 0<α(0)<, then by Lemma 2.5 (with γ=bα(0)>1), we get

I1ac(1k=( j=k 1|βj|b(jk)α(0))q(0))1q(0)c(1k=βkq(0))1q(0).

By Hölder's inequality in 1 with 1q+1q=1 and since α(0),α>0, we obtain

I1bc(1k= bkα0q(0)(j=0|βj|b jα )q(0))1 q(0)c(1k= bkα0q(0))1 q(0)( j=0|βj|q )1 q ( j=0 b j α q )1 q c( j=0|βj|q )1 q cfK˙ p() α(),q() A;n .

Thus, we have the desired estimate for I1.

Next, we deal with I2. We have

I2=(k=0(bkα j=k |βj| aj p)q)1q(k=0( j=k |βj|b(jk)α)q)1q.

Since 0<α<, then by Lemma 2.5 (with γ=bα>1), we deduce that

I2(k=0βkq)1q (1k=βkq(0))1q(0)+(k=0βkq)1q.

This finishs the estimation of I2 and the proof of Theorem 3.3.

Remark 3.6. A non-homogeneous counterpart of Theorem 3.3 is available. Since Kp()α(),q()A;n=Kp()α,qA;n, its proof is an immediate consequence of [8, Theorem 2.5].

The next result concerns the boundedness, on anisotropic variable Herz spaces, of some sublinear operators T satisfying the size condition


for integrable and compactly supported functions f.

Theorem 4.2. Let αL(n),pP(n),qP0(n), and if α,p and q are log-Hölder continuous, both at the origin and at infinity such

0<α0<11/p(0) and 0<α<11/p.

Then every sublinear operator T satisfying (4.1) which is bounded on Lp()(n) is also bounded on K˙p()α(),q()A;n and Kp()α(),q()A;n, respectively.

Proof. It suffices to prove that T is bounded on K˙p()α(),q()A;n. The non-homogeneous case can be proved similarly. We must show that


for all fK˙p()α(),q()A;n. Thanks to Theorem 3.3, it holds that


where βi0 and ai's are α(),p()- bloc with suppaiBi. Hence, we obtain

TfK˙ p() α(),q() A;n( k= 1bkα(0)q(0)( i= βiTa iχk p())q(0))1/q(0)+( k=0bkα q ( i= βiTa iχk p()) q )1/q( k= 1bkα(0)q(0)( i=kθ1 βiTa iχk p())q(0))1/q(0)+( k= 1bkα(0)q(0)( i=kθ βiTa iχk p())q(0))1/q(0)+( k=0bkα q ( i=kθ1 βiTa iχk p()) q )1/q+( k=0bkα q ( i=kθ βiTa iχk p()) q )1/q:=J1+J2+J3+J4.

First, we estimate J1. Since


and taking xRk,yBi with ki+θ+1, then xBi+θ+1\Bi+θ, and we get


The condition (4.1) gives

TaixBi a i y ϱ(x)dy cbkBi a i y dy.

By Lemma 2.6 and the condition (ii) in Definition 3.1, we get

Taixbk aip() χ Bi p()cbki(α01+1/p(0)),

which implies that


By Lemma 2.5 (with γ=b-α(0)+1-1/p(0)>1), we have

J1(k=1(i=kθ1 βi b ki(α0+11/p(0)))q(0))1/q(0)( k=1βk q(0))1/q(0)cf K˙ p()α(),q() A;n .

To estimate J2, we distinguish two cases, k-θ<0 and k-θ0. Here we assume that k-θ<0. The other case will follow in the same way.

We divide the sum i=k-θ··· into two parts


then J2 is bounded by J2a+J2b, where

J2a:=(k=1b kα(0)q(0)( i=kθ 1 βi T a i χk p())q(0))1/q(0)J2b:=(k=1b kα(0)q(0)( i=0 βi T a i χk p())q(0))1/q(0).

For J2a, the numbers k and i are negatives numbers. Then, by the Lp(·)(Rn)-boundedness of T, Definition 3.1 and Lemma 2.5 (with γ=bα0>1), we deduce that

J2a(k=1b kα(0)q(0)( i=kθ 1 βi a i p())q(0))1/q(0)(k=1(i=kθ1βi b(ik)α(0))q(0))1/q(0)( k=1 βkq(0) )1/q(0)cfK˙ p()α(),q()A;n .

For J2b, we have k -1 and i0. By the Lp(·)(Rn)-boundedness of T and Definition 3.1, we have

J2b:=(k=1 b kα(0)q(0)( i=0 βi Ta i χk p())q(0))1/q(0)(k=1 b kα(0)q(0)( i=0 βi a i p())q(0))1/q(0)(k=1 b kα(0)q(0)( i=0 βi biα )q(0))1/q(0).

By Hölder's inequality in 1 with 1q+1q=1 and since α(0),α>0, we obtain

J2b(k=1 b kα(0)q(0))1/q(0)(i=0 βi q )1/q(i=0 b iα q )1/q(i=0 βi q )1/qcfK˙ p()α(),q()A;n .

Next, we estimate J3. We distinguish two cases, k-θ-10 and k-θ-1<0. Here we assume that k-θ-10. The other case follows similarly.

Let us decompose the sum i=-k-θ-1··· into two parts


Then J3 is bounded by J3a+J3b, where

J3a:= k=0bkα q i= 1βiT aiχkp()q 1/q,J3b:= k=0bkα q i=0 kθ1βiT aiχkp()q 1/q.

For J3a, we have k0 and i-1. By the condition (ii) in Definition 3.1 and Lemma 2.5, we obtain


which gives


Thanks to Hölder's inequality in 1, with 1q(0)+1q(0)=1, we easily obtain

J3a(k=0b k(α 1+1 p )q )1q (i=1 βi q(0) )1q(0)(i=1b i(α01+1 p0)q(0))1 q (0)(i=1 βi q(0) )1/q(0)cfK˙ p()α(),q()A;n .

Concerning J3b, where k and i are non-negatives numbers, we have by the condition (iii) in Definition 3.1 and Lemma 2.5


which gives

J3b:=(k=0 b kα q ( i=0 kθ1 βi Ta iχkp())q )1/q(k=0(i=0kθ1βi b(ki)(α +11/p ))q)1/q,

by Lemma 2.5 (with γ=b-α+1-1/p>1), we obtain

J3b( k=0βkq )1/qcfK˙p()α(),q()A;n.

Finally, we estimate J4. In this case k and i are non-negatives numbers, then by the Lp(·)(Rn)-boundedness of T, the condition (iii) in Definition 3.1 and Lemma 2.5 (with γ=bα>1), we easily obtain that

J4(k=0b kα q ( i=kθ βi a ip()) q )1/q(k=0(i=kθ βi b ikα )q)1/q(k=0βk q )1/qcfK˙ p()α(),q()A;n .

Combing the estimations of J1,J2,J3 and J4, we finish the proof of Theorem 4.2.

Remark 4.3. We would like to mention that if q(·) is constant, then the statements corresponding to Theorem 4.2 can be found in Theorem 3.1 of [8].

The authors are deeply grateful to the referees and the editors for their kind comments on improving the presentation of this paper.

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