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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(2): 235-244

Published online June 30, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2024.64.2.235

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

On The Sets of f−Strongly Cesàro Summable Sequences

Ibrahim Sulaiman Ibrahim*, Rifat Çolak

University of Zakho, College of Education, Department of Mathematics, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
e-mail : ibrahim.ibrahim@uoz.edu.krd

Firat University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Türkiye
e-mail : rftcolak@gmail.com

Received: August 15, 2023; Revised: January 18, 2024; Accepted: January 20, 2024

In this paper, we establish relations between the sets of strongly Cesàro summable sequences of complex numbers for modulus functions f and g satisfying various conditions. Furthermore, for some special modulus functions, we obtain relations between the sets of strongly Cesàro summable and statistically convergent sequences of complex numbers.

Keywords: Natural density, Modulus function, Statistical convergence, Strong Cesà,ro summability

The principle of statistical convergence arose from the first version of the monograph of Zygmund [29] in 1935, and its definition was given in a short note by Fast [12] and later independently by Schoenberg [25] where some specific characteristics of statistical convergence were identified. In recent decades, statistical convergence has arisen in several fields under different names. It appears in such fields as measure theory, approximation theory, Banach spaces, hopfield neural networks, locally convex spaces, summability theory, ergodic theory, number theory, turnpike theory, trigonometric series, Fourier analysis, and optimization. Such authors as Connor [6], Fridy [13], Šalát [27], Rath and Tripathy [22], Et [10], Duman [9], León-Saavedra et al. [18], Weisz [28] have explored statistical convergence from the perspective of spaces of sequences; this is referred to as the theory of summability.

In 1953, Nakano [21] presented the idea of a modulus function for the first time. In 2014, with the benefit of an unbounded modulus function, Aizpuru et al. [1] characterized the notion of f-density, and so introduced a new nonmatrix convergence principle. Using this notion, Bhardwaj et al. [4] have recently extended statistical convergence to the notion of f-statistical boundedness. It has been demonstrated that bounded sequences are definitely those sequences which are f-statistically bounded for every unbounded modulus.

By using a modulus function, Maddox [20], Connor [7], Ruckle [23], Gosh and Srivastava [14], Altin and Et [2], Sarma [24], Kamber [17] and others have constructed various sequence spaces. Further details and applications of the principles of statistical convergence and strong Cesàro summability are available in [5, 8, 11, 15, 16, 26].

In this study, the symbols c and denote the spaces of convergent and bounded sequences, respectively. The symbols C, R and N denote the sets of all complex, real and natural numbers, respectively.

Definition 2.1. [27] Let UN. The natural density of U and is defined as


in the case the limit exists, where Un=un:uU is the cardinality of the indicated set.

It is obvious that δN=1 and δU=δN-δN\U=1-δN\U and also δU=0 if U is a finite subset of N.

Definition 2.2. [27] A sequence xk of complex numbers is statistically convergent (or S-convergent) to lC if


for every ε>0. We write S-limxk=l or xklS in this particular case. Throughout the paper, the class of all S-convergent sequences will be symbolized by S. That is, we set

S=x=xk:ε>0,limn1nkn:xklε=0 for some l.

Definition 2.3. [21] A function f:R+0R+0 is a modulus function (or simply a modulus) if

  • fh=0h=0,

  • fh1+h2fh1+fh2 for all h1,h2R+0,

  • f is increasing,

  • f is continuous at 0 from the right.

From the above characteristics we clearly get that a modulus f is continuous on R+0. There are bounded and unbounded modulus functions. As an example, fh=hh+1 is a bounded modulus, but fh=logh+1 is an unbounded modulus. Furthermore, for every modulus f and each positive integer n, we have fnhnfh from condition 2.

Lemma 2.4. [19] For any modulus f, limhfhh exists and limhfhh=infh0,fhh.

Definition 2.5. [1] Suppose f is an unbounded modulus. The f-density of a subset U of N is defined by


if the limit exists.

The f-density becomes the natural density if we take fh=h. In the case of the natural density, it is obvious that for any UN, we have δU+δN\U=1. But this conclusion is different for f-density, i.e., δfU+δfN\U=1 does not have to be true, in general. To verify this situation, we may take U=2,4,6,... and the modulus fh=logh+1, then we have δfN\U=1=δfU. But this situation happens for any unbounded modulus function when δfU=0 (for details see Remark 1.2 of [3]). For any finite UN, f-density and natural density have similar concepts, that is, δfU=0 and so that δfU+δfN\U=1.

We know that if UN, δfU=0 implies δU=0 for any unbounded modulus function f (see [1]). The converse need not hold. Indeed, take fh=logh+1 and set U=u2:uN. One gets that δU=0 but δfU=12. Moreover, if UN is finite and δU=0, then δfU=0.

Definition 2.6. Suppose f is an unbounded modulus. Then, the sequence xk of complex numbers is f-statistically convergent (or Sf-convergent) to lC if


for every ε>0. We write this as Sf-limxk=l or xklSf. The class of all Sf-convergent sequences will be symbolized by Sf throughout the paper, that is,

Sf=x=xk:ε>0,limn1fnfkn: xk lε=0 for some l.

Note that Sf-convergence reduces to S-convergence in the case fh=h.

Lemma 2.7. Suppose xk is any sequence of complex numbers. If xkSf, then its Sf-limit is unique.

Definition 2.8. Suppose f is a modulus. Then, the sequence xk of complex numbers is f-strongly Cesàro summable to lC if

limn1n k=1 nfxkl=0.

The symbol wf denotes the class of all f-strongly Cesàro summable sequences, that is,

wf=x=xk:limn1n k=1 nf xk l=0 for some l.

Note that this definition does not require the modulus function f to be unbounded.

The concepts of f-strong Cesàro summability and strong Cesàro summability are the same in the case fh=h and the set of all strongly Cesàro summable sequences will be denoted by w, that is, wf will reduce to w if fh=h.

In this section, we give the main results of the study.

3.1. Modulus functions and strong Cesàro summability

Theorem 3.1. Suppose f and g are any modulus functions. If suph0,fhgh<, then wgwf.

Proof. Assume that p=suph0,fhgh<. Then, we have fhghp and so that fhpgh for every h0,. Now, it is apparent that p>0 and if x=xk is g-strongly Cesàro summable to l, we may write

1n k=1 nf xkl1n k=1 npg xkl.

Taking the limits on both sides as n, we obtain that xwg implies xwf.

Remark 3.2. The converse of Theorem 3.1 does not have to be correct for every modulus functions f and g such that suph0,fhgh<, in general. The example below demonstrates that at least for certain specific modulus functions, the inclusion wgwf can be strict.

Example 3.3. Define the sequence x=xk as

xk=kif k=n30if kn3n,

and take the modulus functions fh=hh+1 and gh=h. Then, suph0,fhgh=1< and so that wgwf. By using the equality f0=0, we have

1nk=1 nf xk=1n k=1 k=m3 nfk+1n k=1 km3 nf0=1n k=1 k=m3 nk1+k<1n k=1 k=m3 n1n3n.

Since [3]nn0 as n, we get xwf. However,

1nk=1 ng xk=1nk=1 ng xk=1n k=1 k=m3 nk+1n k=1 km3 ng0=1n13+23+33+...+i3, maxii3n=1n ii+1 2 21n n 3 1n 3 2 2.

Since 1n[3]n-1[3]n22 as n so that xwg, where r denotes an integral part of the real number r. Hence, xwf-wg and the inclusion wgwf is strict.

Theorem 3.4. Suppose f and g are any modulus functions. If infh0,fhgh>0, then wfwg.

Proof. Suppose that q=infh0,fhgh>0. Then, we have fhghq and so that qghfh for every h0,. Now, if x=xk is f-strongly Cesàro summable to l, we may write

1n k=1 ng xkl1q1n k=1 nf xkl.

Taking the limits on both sides as n, we obtain that xwf implies xwg and this fulfills the proof.

Remark 3.5. The converse of Theorem 3.4 does not have to be correct for every modulus functions f and g if infh0,fhgh>0, in general. For this, recall the sequence x=xk in Example 3.3 and take the modulus functions f(h)=h and g(h)=hh+1. Then, infh0,fhgh>0 and xwg but xwf. This shows that at least for certain specific modulus functions, the inclusion wfwg can be strict.

The outcome below is a result of Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.4.

Corollary 3.6. Suppose f and g are any modulus functions. If


then wf=wg.

Corollary 3.7. Suppose f is a modulus function. If infh0,fhh>0, then wf=w.

Proof. Since wwf for any modulus function by the first part of Theorem 3.4 of [3] for the case α=1, taking gh=h in Theorem 3.4, we obtain wfw if infh0,fhh>0. Therefore, wf=w if infh0,fhh>0.

3.2. Relations between statistical convergence and strong Cesàro summability according to modulus functions

Theorem 3.8. suppose f and g are unbounded modulus functions. If infh0,fhgh>0 and limhghh>0, then every f-strongly Cesàro summable sequence is g-statistically convergent, that is, wfSg.

Proof. Suppose that β=infh0,fhgh>0. Then, we have fhghβ and so that βghfh for every h0,. Now, if x=xk is f-strongly Cesàro summable to l, we may write

1nk=1 nf xklβ1nk=1 ng xklβ1n k=1 xklεng xklβ1n kn: xklεgεβ1ng kn: xklεgεg1=g kn: xklεgngnngεg1β.

Taking the limits on both sides as n, we obtain that xwf implies xSg since limhghh>0.

Remark 3.9. The converse of Theorem 3.8 does not have to be correct for every unbounded modulus functions f and g if infh0,fhgh>0 and limhghh>0, in general. The following illustration can demonstrate that at least for certain specific unbounded modulus functions, the inclusion wfSg can be strict.

Example 3.10. Recall the sequence x=xk in Example 3.3 and take the modulus functions f(h)=g(h)=h. Then, we have infh0,fhgh>0 and limhghh>0 and also


By taking the limits on both sides as n, we get that xSg. However, xwf as shown in Example 3.3.

The outcome below is acquired by taking gh=fh in Theorem 3.8.

Corollary 3.11. Suppose f is an unbounded modulus. If limhfhh>0, then every f-strongly Cesàro summable sequence is f-statistically convergent.

Remark 3.12. Corollary 3.11 was given with the extra condition “fxycfxfy for all x0, y0 and some positive number c” in [3]. It seems that this extra condition is not necessary and it should be neglected.

The outcome below is acquired by taking gh=h in Theorem 3.8 (see also in [3]).

Corollary 3.13. Suppose f is an unbounded modulus. If infh0,fhh>0, then every f-strongly Cesàro summable sequence is statistically convergent.

The outcome below is acquired by taking fh=h in Corollary 3.13, which is the first part of Theorem 2.1 of [6], for the case q=1.

Corollary 3.14. A strongly Cesàro summable sequence is statistically convergent.

Theorem 3.15. Suppose f and g are unbounded modulus functions. Then, every bounded and f-statistically convergent sequence is g-strongly Cesàro summable sequence, i.e., Sfwg.

Proof. Assuming that f and g are unbounded modulus functions. Since SfS by the first part of Corollary 2.2 of [1], and since Sw by the second part of Theorem 2.1 of [6], then we have SfSw, that is, Sfw. On the other hand, since wwg for any modulus g by the first part of Theorem 3.4 of [3] for the case α=1, it follows that Sfwg.

Remark 3.16. The converse of Theorem 3.15 does not have to be correct for every unbounded modulus functions f and g, in general. The following example demonstrates this situation.

Example 3.17. Let us consider the sequence x=xk as

xk=1if k=n20if kn2n,

and take the modulus functions gh=fh=logh+1. Then, by using the equality g0=0, we have

1nk=1 ng xk0=1nk=1 ng xk=1n k=1 k= n2ng1+1n k=1 k n2ng0=1n k=1k=n2 nlog2nnlog20 as n.

So that xwg. Although,


That is, xSf. This means that the inclusion Sfwg is strict.

The following inclusions are a result of Theorem 3.15.

Corollary 3.18. If f is any unbounded modulus, then we have

  • Sfwf,

  • Sfw, and

  • Swf.

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