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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(2): 219-233

Published online June 30, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2024.64.2.219

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Generalized Fourier–Feynman Transform of Bounded Cylinder Functions on the Function Space Ca,b[0, T]

Jae Gil Choi

Department of Mathematics, Dankook University, Cheonan 31116, Republic of Korea
e-mail : jgchoi@dankook.ac.kr

Received: August 5, 2023; Revised: January 19, 2024; Accepted: March 10, 2024

In this paper, we study the generalized Fourier–Feynman transform (GFFT) for functions on the general Wiener space Ca,b[0, T]. We establish an explicit evaluation formula for the analytic GFFT of bounded cylinder functions on Ca,b[0, T]. We start by examining certain cylinder functions which belong in a Banach algebra of bounded functions on Ca,b[0, T]. We then obtain an explicit formula for the analytic GFFT of the bounded cylinder functions.

Keywords: generalized Brownian motion process, general Wiener space, generalized analytic Feynman integral, generalized analytic Fourier&ndash,Feynman transform, cylinder function

Let C0[0,T] be the classical Wiener space. In [4], Cameron and Storvick introduced a Banach algebra S(L2[0,T]) of analytic Feynman integrable functions on C0[0,T]. Each function in S(L2[0,T]) is defined as a stochastic Fourier transform of a complex measure on L2[0,T]. Cameron and Storvick showed that certain functions which arise naturally in quantum mechanics are elements of the Banach algebra S(L2[0,T]). Under strengthened measurability assumptions, Cameron and Storvick showed in [3] that the analytic Feynman integral of functions F having the form


gives a solution of an integral equation formally equivalent to Schrödiner equation. In (1.1), {θ(s,·),s[0,T]} is a family of the Fourier transforms of bounded measures on R. The functions given by equation (1.1) also are elements of the Banach algebra S(L2[0,T]), see [3, 4, 17].

A study of the analytic Fourier–Feynman transform is an interesting topic concerning with the analytic Feynman integral theory. The theory of the analytic Fourier–Feynman transform suggested by Brue [1] now plays a noteworthy role in infinite dimensional analysis.

In [9, 11], the authors used a generalized Brownian motion process (GBMP) to define a generalized analytic Feynman integral and an Lp(1p2) analytic GFFT for functions on a function space Ca,b[0,T]. The general Wiener space Ca,b[0,T] can be understood as a space of continuous sample functions of the GBMP. We refer to the references [9, 11, 19, 20] for more detailed informations about the definition of the GBMP associated with continuous functions a(·) and b(·) on the time interval [0,T], and the construction of the function space Ca,b[0,T]. Standard Brownian motion is centered and stationary in time, while in general, a GBMP is neither centered nor stationary in time.

In [9], the authors studied the Lp analytic GFFT of cylinder functions on Ca,b[0,T]. However, they provided the existences of only L1 and L2 GFFTs for cylinder functions on Ca,b[0,T] because the drift term a(t) of the GBMP makes establishing the existences of the GFFTs very difficult. The purpose of this paper is to study the cylinder functions on Ca,b[0,T] whose Lp analytic GFFT exists for all p[1,2]. For our purpose, we first examine certain cylinder functions which belong in a Banach algebra F(Ca,b[0,T]) of functions on the function space Ca,b[0,T]. The class F(Ca,b[0,T]) used in this paper is homeomorhic to the Banach algebra S(La,b2[0,T]) studied in [11]. We then provide an explicit formula for the GFFT of the cylinder function under our consideration.

In this section we first provide a brief background about the general Wiener space Ca,b[0,T] induced by the GBMP.

Let (Ca,b[0,T],B(Ca,b[0,T]),μ) denote the function space induced by a GBMP Y determined by continuous functions a(t) and b(t) where B(Ca,b[0,T]) is the Borel σ-algebra induced by sup-norm, see [19] and [20, Chapters 3 and 4]. We assume in this paper that a(t) is an absolutely continuous real-valued function on [0,T] with a(0)=0, a'(t)L2[0,T], and b(t) is an increasing, continuously differentiable real-valued function with b(0)=0 and b'(t)>0 for each t[0,T]. Then we can consider the coordinate process X:[0,T]×Ca,b[0,T]R given by X(t,x)=x(t) which is the continuous realization of Y [20, Theorem 14.2]. For any t[0,T] and xCa,b[0,T], we have X(t,x)=x(t)N(a(t),b(t)). We then complete this function space to obtain the measure space (Ca,b[0,T],W(Ca,b[0,T]),μ) where W(Ca,b[0,T]) is the set of all μ-Carathéodory measurable subsets of Ca,b[0,T].

A subset B of Ca,b[0,T] is said to be scale-invariant measurable (s.i.m.) provided ρB is W(Ca,b[0,T])-measurable for all ρ>0, and a s.i.m. set N is said to be a scale-invariant null set provided μ(ρN)=0 for all ρ>0. A property that holds except on a scale-invariant null set is said to hold scale-invariant almost everywhere (s-a.e.). A function F is said to be s.i.m. provided F is defined on a s.i.m. set and F(ρ·) is W(Ca,b[0,T])-measurable for every ρ>0. If two functions F and G defined on Ca,b[0,T] are equal s-a.e., then we write FG.

Let La,b2[0,T] be the space of functions on [0,T] which are Lebesgue measurable and square integrable with respect to the Lebesgue–Stieltjes measures on [0,T] induced by a(·) and b(·): i.e.,

La,b2[0,T]={v:0T v 2(t)db(t)< and 0T v 2(t)d|a|(t)<}

where a(·) is the total variation function of a(·). Then La,b2[0,T] is a separable Hilbert space with inner product defined by (u,v)a,b=0Tu(t)v(t)d[b(t)+a(t)]. For more details, see [9, 11].

Consider the function space

Ca,b[0,T]={wCa,b[0,T]:w(t)=0tz(s)db(s)  for some   zLa,b2[0,T]}.

For wCa,b'[0,T], let the operator D:Ca,b'[0,T]La,b2[0,T] be defined by the formula


Then Ca,b'Ca,b'[0,T] with inner product (w1,w2)Ca,b'=0TDw1(t)Dw2(t)db(t) is a separable Hilbert space.

Note that the two separable Hilbert spaces La,b2[0,T] and Ca,b'[0,T] are (topologically) homeomorphic under the linear operator given by (2.1). The inverse operator of D is given by (D-1z)(t)=0tz(s)db(s) for t[0,T]. In the case that a(t)0, then the operator D:C0,b'[0,T]L0,b2[0,T] is an isometry.

In this paper, in addition to the conditions put on a(t) above, we now add the condition


from which it follows that


where M=supt[0,T](1/b'(t)). Thus, the function a:[0,T]R satisfies the condition (2.2) if and only if a(·) is an element of Ca,b'[0,T].

Let {en}n=1 be a complete orthonormal set of functions in (Ca,b'[0,T],·Ca,b') such that the Den's are of bounded variation on [0,T]. For wCa,b'[0,T] and xCa,b[0,T], we define the Paley–Wiener–Zygmund stochastic integral (w,x) as follows:


if the limit exists. We will emphasize the following fundamental facts. For each wCa,b'[0,T], the Paley–Wiener–Zygmund stochastic integral (w,x) exists for μ-a.e. xCa,b[0,T]. If Dw=zLa,b2[0,T] is of bounded variation on [0,T], then the Paley–Wiener–Zygmund stochastic integral (w,x) equals the Riemann–Stieltjes integral 0TDw(t)dx(t)=0Tz(t)dx(t). Also we note that for w,xCa,b'[0,T], (w,x)=(w,x)Ca,b'. Furthermore for each wCa,b'[0,T], the Paley–Wiener–Zygmund stochastic integral (w,x) is a Gaussian random variable on Ca,b[0,T] with mean (w,a)Ca,b'=0TDw(t)da(t) and variance wCa,b'2=0T{Dw(t)}2db(t).

The Banach algebra F(Ca,b[0,T]) is defined as the space of all functions F on Ca,b[0,T] having the form


for s-a.e. xCa,b[0,T], where σ is in M(Ca,b'[0,T]), the space of complex-valued Borel measures on B(Ca,b'[0,T]), the Borel σ-algebra of subsets of the Cameron–Martin space Ca,b'[0,T].

Note that every function given by (3.1) is s.i.m..

A function F on Ca,b[0,T] is called a cylinder function if


for μ-a.e. xCa,b[0,T], where f is a complex-valued Lebesgue measurable function on Rn and {h1,,hn} is a finite set of functions in Ca,b'[0,T].

Example 3.1. Let F1:Ca,b[0,T]C be given by


where {w1,,wn} is a lineally independent set of functions in Ca,b'[0,T]. The GFFT of functions given by the right-hand side of (3.3) are studied in [9]. Let 0=t0<t1<<tnT be a subdivision of [0,T].

  • For each l{1,,n}, let wl(t)=0tχ[0,tl](s)db(s) on [0,T]. Then we can rewrite equation (3.3) as


  • For each l{1,,n}, let wl(t)=0tχ[tl-1,tl](s)db(s) on [0,T]. Then we can rewrite equation (3.3) as


Letting a(t)=0 and b(t)=t on [0,T], the general Wiener space Ca,b[0,T] reduces to the classical Wiener space C0[0,T]. In [2, 5, 6, 14], the authors studied certain classes of functions of the forms (3.4) and (3.5) on C0[0,T] and they used those classes to complete their researches concerning the analytic Feynman integral and the analytic Fourier–Feynman transform on C0[0,T].

Let S:Ca,b'[0,T]Ca,b'[0,T] be the linear operator given by


Then the adjoint operator S* of S is given by


It is easily shown that S* is injective. For a more detailed study of the operator S and S*, see [10].

Example 3.2.

Let F4:Ca,b[0,T]C be given by

F4(x)=f(0T z1 (t)x(t)db(t),,0T zn (t)x(t)db(t)),

where {z1,,zn} is a lineally independent subset of La,b2[0,T]. Then

{w1,,wn}={0 z 1(s)db(s),,0 z n(s)db(s)}

is a lineally independent subset of Ca,b'[0,T], see [10]. Since S* is linear and injective, {S*w1,,S*wn} also is an independent subset of Ca,b'[0,T]. Furthermore, by an integration by parts formula, it follows that


for each l{1,,n}. Hence


is a cylinder function on Ca,b[0,T].

Let 0=t0<t1<<tnT be a subdivision of [0,T] and for each l{1,,n}, let zl(s)=χ[0,tl](s) on [0,T]. Then we can rewrite equation (3.7) as


In view of the fact that L1(Rn)L(Rn), one can see that every cylinder function on Ca,b[0,T] is not necessarily in the Banach algebra F(Ca,b[0,T]). Thus the rest of this section, we consider a class of cylinder functions on Ca,b[0,T] and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the cylinder functions given by (3.2) to be in the Banach algebra F(Ca,b[0,T]).

Let M(Rn) denote the space of complex-valued Borel measures on B(Rn), the Borel σ-algebra of Rn. Let ν be in M(Rn). Then the Fourier transform ν of ν given by the formula

ν^(u)=n exp{i l=1nul vl}dσ(v),

is a complex-valued function on Rn.

Next theorem provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the cylinder functions on Ca,b[0,T] to be in F(Ca,b[0,T]). This result subsumes similar known results given in [5, 6, 7, 13].

Theorem 3.3. Let {w1,,wn} be a linearly independent subset of Ca,b'[0,T]. Let F:Ca,b[0,T]C be a cylinder function on Ca,b[0,T] given by the right-hand side of (3.3). Then F is in F(Ca,b[0,T]) if and only if there exists a measure σM(Rn) such that σ=f almost everywhere on Rn.

We will provide a more basic theorem ensuring that various functions are in F(Ca,b[0,T]).

Theorem 3.4. Let (Q,Σ,γ) be a σ-finite measure space and let φl:QCa,b'[0,T] be ΣB(Ca,b'[0,T]) measurable for each l{1,,n}. Let θ:Q×RnC be given by θ(η·)=νη(·) where νη is in M(Rn) for every ηQ and where the family {νη:ηQ} satisfies:

  • νη(B) is a Σ-measurable function of η for every BB(Rn),

  • νηL1(Q,Σ,γ).

Under these conditions, the function F:Ca,b[0,T]C given by


is in the class F(Ca,b[0,T]) and satisfies the inequality FQνηdγ(η).


Using the techniques similar to those used in [7], we can show that νη is measurable as a function of η, that θ is Σ×B(Rn)-measurable, and that the integrand in equation (3.10) is a measurable function of η for every xCa,b[0,T].

We define a measure τ on Σ×B(Rn) by


Then by the first assertion of [17, Theorem 3.1] with the current condition (ii), τ satisfies τQνηdγ(η). Now let Φ:Q×RnCa,b'[0,T] be defined by


Then Φ is Σ×B(Rn)B(Ca,b'[0,T])-measurable using the hypothesis for φl, l{1,,n}. Let σ=τΦ-1.

Then clearly σM(Ca,b'[0,T]) and satisfies στ.

From the change of variables theorem and the second assertion of [17, Theorem 3.1], it follows that for a.e. xCa,b[0,T] and for every ρ>0,

F(ρx)=Q ν^η ((φ1(η),ρx)~,,(φn(η),ρx)~)dγ(η)=Q[ n exp{i l=1nvl (φl(η),ρx)~}dνη(v1,,vn)]dγ(η)=Q× n exp{i l=1nvl (φl(η),ρx)~}dτ(η;v1,,vn)=Q× n exp{i(Φ(η; v1 ,, vn),ρx)~}dτ(η;v1,,vn)=Ca,b [0,T] exp{i(w,ρx)~}dτ°Φ1(w)=Ca,b [0,T] exp{i(w,ρx)~}dσ(w).

Clearly, σ is a complex measure in M(Ca,b'[0,T]). Thus the function F given by equation (3.10) belongs to F(Ca,b[0,T]) and satisfies the inequality


as desired.

The following corollaries are relevant to Feynman integration theories and quantum mechanics where exponential functions play an important role.

Our next corollary comes from the fact that F(Ca,b[0,T]) is a Banach algebra

Corollary 3.5. Let F be given by equation (3.10), and let Ξ:CC be an entire function.

Then (ΞF)(x) is in F(Ca,b[0,T]). In particular, exp{F(x)}F(Ca,b[0,T]).

Corollary 3.6 (Necessary condition of Theorem 3.3 with weaker condition). Let {g1,,gn} be a finite (not necessarily linearly independent) subset of Ca,b'[0,T]. Given ν with νM(Rn), define a function F:Ca,b[0,T]C by


Then F is in the class F(Ca,b[0,T]).

Proof. Let (Q,Σ,γ) be a probability space and for l{1,,n}, let φl(η)gl. Take ν(·). Then for all ρ>0 and for a.e. xCa,b[0,T],


Hence FF(Ca,b[0,T]).

In this section, we obtain an explicit formula for the Lp analytic GFFT of the cylinder functions in F(Ca,b[0,T]). Let C+={λC:Re(λ)>0} and let C˜+={λC{0}:Re(λ)0}. Throughout the rest of this paper, λ-1/2(or λ1/2) always is chosen to have positive real part for all λC˜+.

Let F be a s.i.m. function on Ca,b[0,T] such that JF(λ)=Ca,b[0,T]F(λ-1/2x)dμ(x)

exists and is finite for all λ>0.

If there exists a function JF*(λ) analytic in C+ such that JF*(λ)=JF(λ) for all λ>0, then JF*(λ) is defined to be the analytic function space integral of F over Ca,b[0,T] with parameter λ, and for λC+ we write Eanλ[F]JF*athrmanλx[F(x)]=JF*(λ).

Let qR{0} and let F be a s.i.m. function whose analytic function space integral JF*(λ) exists for all λC+.

If the following limit exists, we call it the analytic generalized Feynman integral of F with parameter q, and we write


where λ-iq through C+.

We are now ready to state the definition of the analytic GFFT of functions F on Ca,b[0,T].

Definition 4.1. Let F be a s.i.m. function on Ca,b[0,T]. For λC+ and yCa,b[0,T], let Tλ(F)(y)=Exanλ[F(y+x)]. For p(1,2], we define the Lp analytic GFFT, Tq(p)(F) of F, by the formula


if it exists; i.e., for each ρ>0,


where 1/p+1/p'=1. We define the L1 analytic GFFT, Tq(1)(F) of F, by the formula


for s-a.e. yCa,b[0,T], if the limit exists.

Remark 4.2. In [2, pp. 5–7], Cameron and Storvick exhibited two measurable functions F and G on the classical Wiener space C0[0,T] such that F(x)=G(x) for a.e. xC0[0,T] and yet their Fourier–Feynman transforms are unequal a.e.. Based on this fact, Johnson and Skoug [15] defined the Lp analytic Fourier–Feynman transform for functions on C0[0,T] under the concept of the scale-invariant measurability. In fact, it was pointed out in [16] that the concept of `scale-invariant measurability' is correct for the analytic Fourier–Feynman transform and the analytic Feynman integration theories. For more details, see [18, pp. 1155–1157].

We note that for 1p2, Tq(p)(F) is defined only s-a.e.. If Tq(p)(F) exists and if FG, then Tq(p)(G) exists and Tq(p)(G)Tq(p)(F). For more detailed studies of the GFFT of functions on Ca,b[0,T], see [9, 11].

In view of (4.1) and (4.2), we set


Theorem 4.3 below is a simple modification of the result [12, Theorem 9]. The condition (4.4) below will guarantee the existence of the right-hand side of (4.5) below.

Theorem 4.3. Let q0R{0} and let F be given by equation (3.1). Suppose that the associated measure σ of F satisfies the condition

Ca,b[0,T] exp{1|2q0| wCa,b aCa,b }d|σ|(w)<+.

Then, for all p[1,2] and all qR[-q0,q0], the Lp analytic GFFT Tq(p)(F) exists and is given by the formula

Tq(p)(F)(y)=Ca,b[0,T] exp{i(w,y)~i2qwCa,b 2+i(iq)1/2(w,a)Ca,b }dσ(w)

for s-a.e. yCa,b[0,T].

In view of Theorems 3.4 and 4.3, we can provide the following evaluation formula for the Lp analytic GFFT of functions F in F(Ca,b[0,T]).

Theorem 4.4. Let (Q,Σ,γ), {φ1,,φn}, {νη:ηQ}, θ, and F be as in Theorem 3.4. Suppose that given a positive real q0,

Q×n exp{aCa,b 2|q0| l=1nφl(η)Ca,b |vl|}d(|νη|×γ)(η,v)=Q[n exp{aCa,b 2|q0| l=1nφl(η)Ca,b |vl|}d|νη|(v)]dγ(η)<+.

Then for all p[1,2] and all qR[-q0,q0], the Lp analytic GFFT Tq(p)(F) of F exists and is given by the formula

Tq(p)(F)(y)=Q[n exp{i l=1nvl (φl(η),y)~i2q l=1nvl φl(η)Ca,b 2+i(iq)1/2 l=1nvl (φl(η),a)Ca,b }dνη(v1,,vn)]dγ(η)

for s-a.e. yCa,b[0,T]. In particular, if {φ1(η),,φn(η)} is an orthogonal set of functions in Ca,b'[0,T], then it follows that

Tq(p)(F)(y)=Q[n exp{i l=1nvl (φl(η),y)~i2q l=1nvl2 φl(η)Ca,b 2+i(iq)1/2 l=1nvl (φl(η),a)Ca,b }dνη(v1,,vn)]dγ(η)

for s-a.e. yCa,b[0,T].

Proof. From (3.13) with ρ=1, we see that the function F given by (3.10) is rewritten by

F(x)=Q[n exp{i l=1nvl (φl(η),x)~}dνη(v1,,vn)]dγ(η)=Ca,b [0,T] exp{i(w,x)~}dτ°Φ1(w)

for s-a.e. yCa,b[0,T], where τ and Φ are given by (3.11) and (3.12) respectively. Thus the condition (4.6) implies the condition (4.4) with σ=τΦ-1, and by Theorem 4.3, the Lp analytic GFFT of F given by (3.10) exists and is given by the formula

Tq(p)(F)(y)=Ca,b[0,T] exp{i(w,y)~i2qwCa,b 2+i(iq)1/2(w,a)Ca,b }dτ°Φ1(w)=Q×n exp{i(Φ(η;v1 ,,vn ),y)~i2qΦ(η;v1,,vn)Ca,b 2+i(iq)1/2(Φ(η;v1 ,,vn ),a)Ca,b }dτ(η;v1,,vn)=Q[n exp{i l=1n vl (φl (η),y)~i2q l=1n vl φl(η)Ca,b 2+i(iq)1/2 l=1n vl (φl (η),a)Ca,b }dνη(v1,,vn)]dγ(η)

for s-a.e. yCa,b[0,T]. From this, we also have (4.8).

From (4.3) and (4.7) with p=1, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 4.5. Let (Q,Σ,γ), {φ1,,φn}, {νη:ηQ}, θ, and F be as in Theorem 4.4. Then, for all qR[-q0,q0], the generalized analytic Feynman integral Eanfq[F] of F exists and is given by the formula

Exanfq[F(x)]=Q[n exp{i2q l=1nvlφl(η)Ca,b2+i(iq)1/2 l=1nvl(φl(η),a)Ca,b}dνη(v1,,vn)]dγ(η).

under the condition (4.6).

Given an orthonormal set {g1,,gn} of functions in Ca,b[0,T], let the function F:Ca,b[0,T]C be given by


where ν is the Fourier transform defined by equation ((3.9) for a complex-valued Borel measure ν in M(Rn). Then F is a bounded cylinder function, since ν(u)|ν<+. In [8], Chang and Choi studied an inverse transform corresponding to the Lp analytic GFFT of the function given by 3.9" ref-type="disp-formula">3.9) for a complex-valued Borel measure ν in M(Rn). Then F is a bounded cylinder function, since ν(u)|ν<+. In [8], Chang and Choi studied an inverse transform corresponding to the Lp analytic GFFT of the function given by (4.9). One of the main results in [8] is to establish the existence of the GFFT of the functions F given by (4.9).

Corollary 4.6. Let q0R{0} and let F be given by equation (4.9). Suppose that the associated measure ν of F satisfies the condition

n exp{aCa,b |2q0| l=1n|vl|}d|ν|(v)<+.

Then, for each p[1,2] and any qR[-q0,q0], the Lp analytic GFFT Tq(p)(F) exists and is given by the formula

Tq(p)(F)(y)=n exp{i l=1nvl (gl,y)~i2q l=1nvl2 +i(iq)1/2 l=1nvl (gl,a)Ca,b }dν(v)

for s-a.e. yCa,b[0,T].

Proof. From equation (3.14), we already observe that


for s-a.e. xCa,b[0,T], where (Q,Σ,γ) is any probability space, φl(η)gl for each l{1,,n}, and ν(·). Also, the condition (4.6) implies the condition

Q×n exp{aCa,b 2|q0| l=1nglCa,b |vl|}d(|νη|×γ)(η,v)=Q[n exp{aCa,b 2|q0| l=1n|vl|}d|νη|(v)]dγ(η)=n exp{aCa,b 2|q0| l=1n|vl|}d|ν|(v)<+.

Thus, in view of Theorem 4.4 with these setting, equation (4.8) yields the formula (4.11) as desired.

From (4.3) and (4.11) with p=1, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 4.7. Let q0 and F be as in Corollary 4.6.

Then, for any qR[-q0,q0], the generalized Feynman integral Eanfq[F] exists and is given by the formula

Exanfq[F(x)]=n exp{i2q l=1nvl2+i(iq)1/2 l=1nvl(gl,a)Ca,b}dν(v).

In this section, we present various functions to apply our results in previous section. Let the linear operator S on Ca,b'[0,T] be given by equation (3.6). Let


Using an integration by parts formula, we see that {S*ψ} is an orthonormal set in Ca,b'[0,T], and using (3.8), we also have


For given m=(m1,,mn)Rn and σ2=(σ12,,σn2)Rn with σl2>0, l=1,,n, let νm,σ2 be the Gaussian measure given by

νm,σ2(G)=( l=1n2πσl2)1/2G exp{ l=1n(ul ml )22σl2}du,GB(n).

Then νm,σ2M(Rn) and

νm,σ2^(u)=exp{12 l=1nσl2ul2+i l=1nmlul}.

Under these setting, we can apply our results in previous section to the function having the form

F6(x)=exp{12 l=1nσl2[(gl,x)~]2+i l=1nml(gl,x)~},

where {g1,,gn} is an orthonormal set of functions in Ca,b'[0,T].

For instance, taking n=1, g1=S*ψ, m=m1=0 and σ2=σ12=2b(T)3/3 in F6, we have


Using (5.2), the Fubini theorem and the integration formula [10, equation (2.15)], it follows that for each nonzero real number q,

n exp{aCa,b |2q| l=1n|vl|}d|νm,σ2 |(v)= l=1n[(2πσ l2 )1/20 exp{vl 2 2 σl 2 +(ml σl 2 aCa,b |2q| )vlml 2 2 σl 2 }dvl+(2πσ l2 )1/20+ exp{vl 2 2 σl 2 +(ml σl 2 +aCa,b |2q| )vlml 2 2 σl 2 }dvl]
<l=1n[(2πσl2)1/2exp{v l 2 2 σ l 2 +(m l σ l 2 a C a,b |2q| )vlm l 2 2 σ l 2 }dvl+(2πσl2)1/2exp{v l 2 2 σ l 2 +(m l σ l 2 +a C a,b |2q| )vlm l 2 2 σ l 2 }dvl]=l=1n[exp{a C a,b 2 |2q|m la C a,b |2q| }+exp{a C a,b 2 |2q|+m la C a,b |2q| }]<+.

Thus for all qR{0}, Tq(p)(F6) (and hence Tq(p)(F7)) exists by Corollary 4.6. Also, we can apply Corollary 4.7 to obtain the generalized Feynman integrals Eanfq[F6] and Eanfq[F7].

The function


also is a function under our consideration, because

F8(x)=exp{i(S*b,x)~}=exp{i3b(T)3/2(S*ψ,x)~}= exp{i(S*ψ,x)~v}dδ1(v)=δ1^((S*ψ,x)~)

where ψ is given by (5.1) and δ1 is the Dirac measure concentrated at v=b(T)3/2/3 in R. Clearly, δ1 satisfies condition (4.10) with ν replaced with δ1, for all q0R{0}.

The functions given by equations (5.3) and (5.4) arise naturally in quantum mechanics.

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