Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(2): 197-204
Published online June 30, 2024
Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.
Minimal Generators of Syzygy Modules Via Matrices
Haohao Wang* and Peter Oman
Department of Mathematics, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701, USA
e-mail : and
Received: April 20, 2023; Revised: November 18, 2023; Accepted: March 10, 2024
Let R =
Keywords: Smith Normal Form, Cauchy-Binet Formula, Basis, Modules
1. Introduction
Systems of linear equations, vector spaces, and bases for vector spaces are widely studied in linear algebra. Modules are a generalization of vector spaces from linear algebra in which the “scalars" are allowed to be from an arbitrary ring, rather than a field. Many linear algebraic methods remain effective over principal ideal domains where the extended Euclidean algorithm may be utilized for computing with unimodular matrices. This paper is devoted to the some applications of linear algebra in studying modules over a univariate polynomial ring
Over the ring R, given
has a solution
is called a syzygy of
A fundamental fact of linear algebra over a field that is a finitely generated vector space has a basis – the minimal generating (spanning) sets of a vector space are linearly independent and therefore form a basis. However, modules are more complicated than vector spaces; for instance, not all modules have a basis. It remains an interesting and an active research area to find a minimal generating set, or an upper bound for the size of a minimal generating set for different kinds of modules under various of conditions [2], [4], [6], and [8]. Hilbert's syzygy theorem [7] states that, if M is a finitely generated module over a multivariate polynomial ring
This short paper investigates the minimal set of generators of a family of special modules. Our focus is centered on two finitely generated modules – the first module is Syz(f), the syzygy module of
A natural question to ask is “how to link a basis for
This paper is structured as the following. We begin in Section 2 with a brief review of results concerning a matrix factorization over PIDs, and the concepts of syzygy modules. We then answer the question that "how to link a basis for
2. A Brief Review
In this section, we provide a brief review of results concerning a matrix factorization over a PID, the concepts of syzygy modules, and the Hilbert-Burch theorem. First, we recall the Smith normal form over a PID and the Cauchy-Binet formula.
Theorem 2.1. (Smith Normal Form over PID [1, Theorem 3.1]) Let R be a PID and let
Theorem 2.2. (Cauchy-Binet formula [1, Theorem 2.34, Page 210]) Suppose that A is an
where the sum extends over all subsets K of
Next, we review a few concepts and results concerning syzygies, please refer [3, Chapters 4, 5] and [5, Chapter 20] for details. Recall that given a generating set
The set of syzygies form a module
for some
Equation (2.2) is formulated from the following Hilbert–Burch theorem by applying M=S and
Theorem 2.3.(Hilbert–Burch Theorem [3, Proposition 2.6, Chater 6])
Suppose that an ideal I in
Then there exists a non-zero element
3. Main results
In this section, we investigate the relationship between a μ-basis for
We continue our notation – set
Theorem 3.1. Let
Proof. By Theorem 2.1,
First, we claim that there exists a
To prove our claim, we note that the columns of T' form a μ-basis for
By the definition of
Now, we apply Cauchy-Binet formula in Theorem 2.2 to both sides of Equation (3.3). First, we compute all
The last equality holds since the columns of S' form a μ-basis for
Again, applying Equation (2.1), we compute all
where the last equality is due to Equation (2.2). It is easy to observe that the diagonal matrix D in Equation (3.1) has the property that
In addition, the equality
yields that
Therefore, the Equation (3.3) yields that for each
and the Equations (3.4) and (3.5) show that
Hence, we have proved that there exists a
Now we are ready to prove the statement of the theorem. Note that on one hand,
that is, columns of
that is, columns of
Thus, replacing T' and S' by VT and
Therefore, we conclude that there exists a
Below, we will provide a simple example to illustrate Theorem 3.1.
Example 3.1. Consider
A μ-basis for
We have that
4. Conclusions
Applying linear-algebraic techniques, we obtained a relationship on the minimal generators
We took advantage the Smith normal form of the matrix A over
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