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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(1): 31-46

Published online March 31, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2024.64.1.31

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Reverse Inequalities through k-weighted Fractional Operators with Two Parameters

Bouharket Benaissa, Noureddine Azzouz

Faculty of Material Sciences, Laboratory of Informatics and Mathematics, University of Tiaret, Algeria
e-mail : bouharket.benaissa@univ-tiaret.dz

Faculty of Sciences, University Center Nour Bachir El Bayadh, Algeria
e-mail : n.azzouz@cu.elbayadh.dz

Received: June 10, 2023; Revised: August 9, 2023; Accepted: August 17, 2023

The aim of this paper is to present an approach to improve reverse Minkowski and Hölder-type inequalities using k-weighted fractional integral operators a+wμ with respect to a strictly increasing continuous function μ, by introducing two parameters of integrability, p and q. For various choices of μ we get interesting special cases.

Keywords: k-weighted fractional integral operator, Minkowski's inequality, Hö,lder's inequality, k-Riemann-Liouville, k-Hadamard, k-Katugompola, k-Conformable

Fractional calculus, in which the introduction of several distinct fractional integral operators is used in solving integeral inequalities, has proved useful in applications in such fields as physics, engineering, and computer science. The operators introduced include the Riemann-Liouville, Hadamard, Katugompola, and proportional fractional integral operators. The proportional fractional integral operator is particularly noteworthy in being a generalized fractional operator. Specific applications of generalized operators can be found, for example, in [8], and [6].

In [7], the weighted fractional integral is defined as follows. For an integrable function f on the interval [a,b] and for a differentiable function μ such that μ'(t)0 for all t[a,b], it is


where w is a weighted (positive measurable) function.

Researchers have expanded and improved Minkowski's inverse inequality by applying it to fractional integral operators. This has resulted in the development of new mathematical tools that have enhanced our ability to solve problems in various fields. See [9], [10], [13].

In [1], the author presented the following generalization of the reverse Minkowski's inequality, for any measurable functions f,g>0 on (a,b) and p1, if 0<c<mαf(x)g(x)M for all x[a,b], then

M+αα(Mc)ab(αf(x)cg(x))pdx1pab fp (x)dx1p+ab gp (x)dx1pm+αα(mc)ab (αf(x)cg(x))p dx1p.

Using c=1 we get Sroysang's inequalities [12, Theorem 2.2] and if we put α=c=1 we obtain the Sulaiman's inequalities [11, Theorem 3.1]. In [2], the authors provide a generalization of the reverse Hölder's inequality. For λ,γ>0 and f,g,w>0 measurable functions on (a,b) and p>1 ,(1p+1p'=1), if 0<mαfλ(x)gγ(x)M for all x[a,b] we have

abfλ(x)w(x)dx1pabgγ (x)w(x)dx1 p Mm 1pqabf λ p (x)gγp (x)w(x)dx.

Moreover, a new version to the reverse Hölder's inequality with two parameters was has been presented on time scales in [3].

Motivated by the above literature, the present paper introduces a new definition of weighted fractional operators of a function with respect to another function. In Section 2, we present new versions of the reverse Minkowski-type inequality using k-weighted fractional operators with two parameters. Section 3 establishes the reverse Hölder-type inequality in fractional calculus using k-weighted fractional operators with two parameters. At the end of the paper, we conclude with a brief summary of the findings.

Let [a,b](0,+), where a<b. In this section, we present a definition of the k-weighted fractional integrals of a function f with respect to the function μ and we prove that they are bounded in a specified space.

Definition 2.1. Let β>0, k>0 and μ be a positive, strictly increasing differentiable function such that μ'(s)0 for all s[a,b]. The left and right sided k-weighted fractional integral of a function f with respect to the function μ on [a,b] are defined respectively as follows.


where w is a weighted function and the k-gamma function defined by


When f(s)=1, we denote




Remark 2.1. Let c>0 be a positive constant if f(s)=c, we get

 a+wμc.(x)=c  a+wμ1(x).

The space LpW[a,b] of all real-valued Lebesgue measurable functions f on [a,b] with norm conditions:


is known as weighted Lebesgue space, where W be a weight function ( measurable and positive ).

  • Put W1, the space LpW[a,b] reduces to the classical space Lp[a,b].

  • Choose W(x)=wp(x)μ'(x), we get

LXwp[a,b]=f: fXwp=abw(x)f(x)pμ(x)dx1p<.

In the following Theorem we show that the k-weighted fractional integrals are clearly defined.

Theorem 2.1. The fractional integrals (2.1), (2.2) are defined for all functions fLXw1[a,b] and we have

 a+wμf(x)LXw1[a,b],  bwμf(x)LXw1[a,b].


 a+wμf(x)Xw1Cf(x)Xw1,    bwμf(x)Xw1Cf(x)Xw1,



Proof. For all βk>0, by using Fubini's Theorem, we get

 a+wμf(x)Xw1=abw(x)a+ wμf(x)μ(x)dx1kΓk (β)ab ax w(s)f(s) μ(s)(μ(x)μ(s))βk1μ(x)dsdx=1kΓk(β)abw(s)f(s) s b (μ(x)μ(s)) β k 1μ(x)dxμ(s)ds=1βΓk(β)abw(s)f(s)μ(b)μ(s)βk μ (s)ds μ(b)μ(a) βk Γk(β+k)abw(s)f(s) μ (s)ds=C f(x) Xw1 .



This gives us our desired formulas (2.5) and (2.4).

Setting μ(τ)=τ, then  a+Iwμf(x) and  b-Iwμf(x) reduce to the k-weighted fractional integral of Riemann-Liouville operator of order β0.


Setting μ(τ)=lnτ, then  a+Iwμf(x) and  b-Iwμf(x) reduce to the k-weighted fractional integral of Hadamard operator of order β0.


Setting μ(τ)=τρ+1ρ+1 where ρ>0, then  a+Iwμf(x) and  b-Iwμf(x) reduce to the k-weighted fractional integral of Katugompola operator of order β0.


Setting μ(τ)=(τ-a)θθ for θ>0 (respectively μ(τ)=(b-τ)θθ ), then  a+Iwμf(x) (respectively  b-Iwμf(x) ) are reduce to the k-weighted fractional integral of conformable operator of order β0.


For example see [5]. The most important feature of the k-weighted fractional integrals  a+Iwμf(x) and  b-Iwμf(x) is that they give certain types of the k-weighted fractional depends on the choice of the function μ.

We present the following Lemma [4], [3], that is used to prove our results.

Lemma 2.1. Let 1<qp< and f,W be non-negative measurable functions on [a,b]. We suppose that 0<tabfr(s)W(s)ds< for r>1, then

ab fq(s)W(s)dsabW(s)dspqp ab f p (s)W(s)dsqp


ab f q(s)W(s)dsabW (s)ds pq p ab fp (s)W(s)dsqp .

Proof. If p=q we get equality and for pq using the Hölder's integral inequality with pq>1, we have

abfq(s)W(s)ds=ab Wpqp (s)fq(s)Wqp(s)ds a b W(s)dspqp a b f p (s)W(s)dsqp.

Since 1<qp<1<p'q'<, thus the proof of the second inequality is similar to the first one.

Corollary 2.1. Let 1<qp<, f be non-negative measurable function on [a,x] and μ be a positive strictly increasing differentiable on [a,b] and  a+Iwμ is the operator defined by (2.1), then

 a+wμfq(x)1q a+wμ1(x)pqpq a+wμfp(x)1p,


 bwμfq(x)1q bwμ1(x)pqpq bwμfp(x)1p.

Proof. Using the inequality (2.6) by taking W(s)=1w(x)kΓk(β)μ'(s)(μ(x)-μ(s))βk-1w(s), we obtain that

0x1 w(x)kΓk(β)μ(s) (μ(x)μ(s)) βk 1w(s)fq(s)ds 0 x 1 w(x)k Γ k (β) μ (s) (μ(x)μ(s)) β k 1w(s)ds pqp× 0 x 1 w(x)k Γ k (β) μ (s) (μ(x)μ(s)) β k 1 w(s) f p (s)ds qp,

this gives the desired results.

Let 0a<b<+, w be a weight function and f,g be a positive measurable functions on [a,b], suppose that fp, gpLXw1[a,b], where

LXw1[a,b]=f: fXw1=abw(x)f(x)μ(x)dx<.

Theorem 3.1. Let f,g>0,1qp<+,α>0 and

0<c<mαf(s)g(s)M,  foralls[a,x],


M+αα(Mc)  a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))qdx1q  a+wμ fq(x)dx1q+ a+wμ1(x) pqq a+wμ gp(x)dx1pm+αα(mc)   a+ wμ1(x) pqq a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))pdx1p,


M+αα(Mc)  bwμ (αf(x)cg(x))qdx1q  bwμ fq(x)dx1q+   b wμ1(x) pqq   bwμ gp(x)dx1pm+αα(mc)   b wμ1(x) pqq bwμ (αf(x)cg(x))pdx1p.

Proof. From the assumption (3.2) we get




that yields


taking the qth power of the above inequality and multiplying by the positive quotient


we obtain


integrating with respect to s over [a,x], we get

Mα(Mc)  a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))qdx1q  a+wμ fq(x)dx1qmα(mc)  a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))qdx1q,

applying the inequality (2.7) on the right-hand side of (3.5), we get

Mα(Mc)  a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))qdx1q  a+wμ fq(x)dx1qmα(mc)  a+wμ1(x)pqpq   a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))pdx1p.

Using the assumption (3.2), we obtain




for p1 we deduce that


multiplying by the positive quotient 1w(x)kΓk(β)μ'(s)(μ(x)-μ(s))βk-1w(s) and integrating with respect to s over [a,x], thus

1Mc  a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))p1p  a+wμ gp(x)1p1mc  a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))p1p.


1Mc a+wμ1(x)pqpq a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))p 1p a+wμ1(x)pqpq a+wμ gp (x)1p1mc a+ wμ1(x)pqpq a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))p 1p.

Applying the inequality (2.7) on the left-hand side of (3.7), we get

1Mc  a+wμ (αf(x)cg(x))q1q a+wμ1(x)pqpq  a+wμ gp(x)1p1m-c a+Iwμ1(x)p-qpq a+Iwμ(αf(x)-cg(x))p1p.

Adding the inequalities (3.6) and (3.8), we get the required inequality (3.3). The proof of the inequality (3.4) is similar to the proof of the inequality (3.3).

We present some results which are special cases of Minkowski's reverse type inequalities via the k-weighted fractional integral (2.1) with two-parameters in the Corollaries mentioned below.

Setting μ(τ)=τ, w(τ)=1 and β=k=1, then we get  a+Iwμ1(x)=x-a and


Corollary 3.1. ( Reverse Minkowski type inequality via Riemann integral operator.) Let f,g>0,1qp<+,α>0 and

0<c<mαf(s)g(s)M,  foralls[a,x],


M+αα(Mc)ax (αf(t)cg(t))qdt1qaxfq(t)dt1q+ xapq q axgp(t)dt1pm+αα(mc) xapq q ax (αf(t)cg(t)) p dt1p.

The inequality (3.9) is a new result via Riemann operator on [a,x] with two parameters 0<qp and for q=p we get [1, Theorem 1.2].

Setting w(τ)=1 and μ(τ)=τ we get  a+Iwμ1(x)=1Γk(β+k)(x-a)βk and

RLa+kf(x)=1kΓk(β)ax (xt) β k 1 f(t)dt,x>a.

Corollary 3.2. (Reverse Minkowski type inequality via k-Riemann-Liouville operator.) Under the assumptions of the Corollary 3.1 , we have

M+αα(Mc)RL a+k (αf(x)cg(x))q1qRL a+k fq(x)1q+ 1Γk(β+k) (xa)βk pqq RL a+k gp(x)1pm+αα(mc) 1Γk(β+k) (xa)βk pqq RL a+k (αf(x)cg(x))p1p,

The inequality (3.10) is a new result via the k-Riemann-Liouville operator on [a,x] with two parameters 0<pq, if we take k=1 we get a new Riemann-Liouville result.

Setting w(τ)=τ and μ(τ)=lnτ, we deduce  a+Iwμ1(x)=1Γk(β+k)lnxaβk and


Corollary 3.3. (Reverse Minkowski type inequality via k-Hadamard operator.) Under the assumptions of the Corollary 3.1 , we have

M+αα(Mc) H a+k (αf(x)cg(x))q1q H a+k fq(x)1q+ 1 Γk(β+k) lnxa βk pqqH a+k gp(x)1pm+αα(mc) 1 Γk(β+k) lnxa βk pqqH a+k (αf(x)cg(x))p1p.

Inequality (3.11) is a new result via the k-Hadamard operator on [a,x] with two parameters 0<pq. If we put k=1 we get a new result with the Hadamard operator.

Setting w(τ)=τ and μ(τ)=τρ+1ρ+1, we get  a+Iwμ1(x)=1Γk(β+k)xρ+1-aρ+1ρ+1βk and


Corollary 3.4. (Reverse Minkowski type inequality via k-Katugompola operator.) Under the assumptions of the Corollary 3.1 we have for all ρ>-1

M+αα(Mc)K a+k (αf(x)cg(x))q1qK a+k fq(x)1q+ 1Γk(β+k) xρ+1 aρ+1 ρ+1 βk pqq K a+k gp(x)1pm+αα(mc) 1Γk(β+k) xρ+1 aρ+1 ρ+1 βk pqq K a+k (αf(x)cg(x))p1p.

Inequality (3.12) is a new result via the k-Katugompola operator on [a,x] with two parameters 0<pq. If we put k=1 we get a new result with the Katugompola operator. Setting w(τ)=τ and μ(τ)=(τ-a)θθ, we have

 a+wμ1(x)=1Γk(β+k) (xa)θ θ βkandC1kf(x)=θ1βkkΓk(β)ax (xa)θ (ta)θ β k1 f(t)(ta)1θdt,x>a.

Corollary 3.5. (Reverse Minkowski type inequality via fractional k-conformal integral operator.) Under the assumptions of the Corollary 3.1 , we get

M+αα(Mc) C1k (αf(x)cg(x))q1q C1k fq(x)1q+ 1 Γk(β+k) (xa)θ θ βk pqqC1k gp(x)1pm+αα(mc) 1 Γk(β+k) (xa)θ θ βk pqqC1k (αf(x)cg(x))p1p.

Inequality (3.13) is a new result via the k-conformal operator on [a,x] with two parameters 0<pq. If we put k=1 we get a result with the conformal operator.

In the following theorem, we present and prove the reverse Hölder type inequality according to the k-weighted fractional integral with two parameters. Recall the k-weighted fractional integral defined as


Theorem 4.1. Let 0a<b<+, λ,γ>0, 1<qp<, 1p+1p'=1q+1q'=1. Let w be a weight function and f,g be a positive measurable functions on [a,b], suppose that fη, gηLXw1[a,b] where η>0. If

0<mfλ(s)gγ(s)M  foralls[a,x],


 a+wμ fqλp(x)1q  a+wμ g pγ q (x)1pM1p p (1m)1qq   a+wμ1(x)2q2p a+wμ fλp(x)gγ p (x)1p a+wμ fλq(x)gγ q (x)1 q.

Proof. From the hypothesis (4.1) we have




Multiplying the above inequality by the positive quotient μ'(s)(μ(x)-μ(s))βk-1w(s) and integrating with respect to s over [a,x], we deduce that

  a+wμ fλ(x)1pM1pp  a+wμ fλp(x)gγ p (x)1p,


 a+wμ1(x)pqpq  a+wμ fλ (x)1p a+wμ1(x)pqpqM1pp  a+wμ fλp (x)gγ p (x)1p.

Now replacing f by fλp in the inequality (2.7), we get

 a+wμfqλp(x)1q a+wμ1(x)pqpq a+wμfλ(x)1p,

according to inequalities (4.3) and (4.4), we deduce

 a+wμ fqλp(x)1q a+wμ1(x)1q1pM1pp a+wμ fλp(x)gγ p (x)1p.

Similarly, from the assumption (4.1) we have


multiplying by gγq'

gγ(s)m1qfλq(s)gγ q(s),

this gives us

 a+wμ gγ(x)1q1m1q q  a+wμ fλ q(x)gγq (x)1q,


 a+wμ1(x) qp q p a+wμ gγ(x)1q1m1qq a+wμ1(x) qp q p a+wμ fλq(x)gγ q (x)1q.

Again we replace f by gγq' in the inequality (2.7), we result

 a+wμg pγq (x)1 p a+wμ1(x)q p q p  a+wμgγ(x)1 q,

according inequalities (4.6) and (4.7), we obtain

 a+wμ g pγq (x)1p1m1qq  a+wμ1(x)1p1q  a+wμ fλq(x)gγq (x)1q.

Finally, by multiplying the inequalities (4.5) and (4.8) we get the desired inequality (4.2).

We now present some new inequalities with two parameters which are special cases of the inverse Hölder inequalities via the k-weighted fractional integral (2.1).

Corollary 4.1. Taking w1. Under the assumptions of Theorem 4.1, we result the following cases.

The reverse Hölder's inequality related to the Riemann integral:

axfqλp(t)dt1qaxg pγ q (t)dt1p B1ax fλ p (t)gγ p (t)dt 1paxfλ q(t)gγ q (t)dt1q



The reverse Hölder's inequality related to the k-Riemann-Liouville integral:

RLa+k fqλp(x)1qRLa+k g pγ q (x)1pB2RLa+k fλp(x)gγ p (x)1pRLa+k fλq(x)gγ q (x)1 q


B2=:Bm,Mp,q(x)=M1pp1m1qq1Γk(β+k) (xa)βk2q2p.

The reverse Hölder's inequality related to the k-Hadamard integral:

Ha+k fqλp(x)1qHa+k g pγ q (x)1pB3Ha+k fλp(x)gγ p (x)1pHa+k fλq(x)gγ q (x)1 q


B3=:Bm,Mp,q(x)=M1pp1m1qq1Γk(β+k) lnxa βk2q2p.

The reverse Hölder's inequality associated with k-Katugompola integral:

Ka+k fqλp(x)1qKa+k g pγ q (x)1pB4Ka+k fλp(x)gγ p (x)1pKa+k fλq(x)gγ q (x)1 q


B4=:Bm,Mp,q(x)=M1pp1m1qq1Γk(β+k) xρ+1aρ+1 ρ+1 βk2q2p.

The reverse Hölder's inequality associated with k-conformal integral:

C1k fqλp(x)1qC1k g p γ q(x)1pB5,C1k fλp(x)gγ p(x)1pC1k fλq(x)gγ q(x)1 q,


B5=:Bm,Mp,q(x)=M1pp1m1qq1Γk(β+k) (xa)θ θ βk2q2p.

Remark 4.1. Setting q=p in the above inequalities (4.9), (4.10), (4.11), (4.12) and (4.13), we obtain new formulas to the reverse Hölder's inequalities in fractional calculus with one parameter p>1.

We introduced new inequalities using k-weighted fractional integral operators with two parameters p and q. These inequalities are a novel extension of the reverse Minkowski and Hölder-type inequalities and include specific cases such as k-Riemann-Liouville, k-Hadamard, k-Katugompola and k-conformal fractional.

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