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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2023; 63(4): 647-707

Published online December 31, 2023 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2023.63.4.647

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Survey of the Arithmetic and Geometric Approach to the Schottky Problem

Jae-Hyun Yang

Department of Mathematics, Inha University, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
e-mail : jhyang@inha.ac.kr or jhyang8357@gmail.com

Received: March 7, 2023; Accepted: May 7, 2023

In this article, we discuss and survey the recent progress towards the Schottky problem, and make some comments on the relations between the André-Oort conjecture, Okounkov convex bodies, Coleman's conjecture, stable modular forms, Siegel-Jacobi spaces, stable Jacobi forms and the Schottky problem.

Keywords: Theta function, Jacobian, André,-Oort conjecture, Compactifications, Siegel-Jacobi space

For a positive integer g, we let


be the Siegel upper half plane of degree g

and let

Sp(2g,)={M (2g,2g)|tMJgM=Jg}

be the symplectic group of degree g, where F(k,l) denotes the set of all k×l matrices with entries in a commutative ring F for two positive integers k and l, tM denotes the transposed matrix of a matrix M and


Then Sp(2g,) acts on g transitively by


where M=ABCDSp(2g,) and Ωn. Let


be the Siegel modular group of degree g. This group acts on g properly discontinuously.

Let Ag:=Γg\g be the Siegel modular variety of degree g, that is, the moduli space of g-dimensional principally polarized abelian varieties, and let Mg be the the moduli space of projective curves of genus g. Then according to Torelli's theorem, the Jacobi mapping


defined by


is injective. The Jacobian locus Jg:=Tg(Mg) is a (3g3)-dimensional subvariety of Ag

The Schottky problem is to characterize the Jacobian locus or its closure J¯g in Ag. At first this problem had been investigated from the analytical point of view : to find explicit equations of Jg (or J¯g) in Ag defined by Siegel modular forms on g, for example, polynomials in the theta constant θϵδ(τ,0) (see Definition (2.4)) and their derivatives. The first result in this direction was due to Friedrich Schottky [125] who gave the simple and beautiful equation satisfied by the theta constants of Jacobians of dimension 4. Much later the fact that this equation characterizes the Jacobian locus J4 was proved by J. Igusa [73] (see also E. Freitag [47] and Harris-Hulek [68]). Past decades there has been some progress on the characterization of Jacobians by some mathematicians. Arbarello and De Concini [6] gave a set of such equations defining J¯g. The Novikov conjecture which states that a theta function satisfying the Kadomtsev-Petviasvili (briefly, K-P) differential equation is the theta function of a Jacobian was proved by T. Shiota [129]. Later the proof of the above Novikov conjecture was simplified by Arbarello and De Concini [7]. Bert van Geeman [53] showed that J¯g is an irreducible component of the subvariety of AgSat defined by certain equations. Here AgSat is the Satake compactification of Ag. I. Krichever [80] proved that the existence of one trisecant line of the associated Kummer variety characterizes Jacobian varieties among principally polarized abelian varieties.

S.-T. Yau and Y. Zhang [177] obtained the interesting results about asymptotic behaviors of logarithmical canonical line bundles on toroidal compactifications of the Siegel modular varieties. Working on log-concavity of multiplicities in representation theory, A. Okounkov [106, 107] showed that one could associate a convex body to a linear system on a projective variety, and use convex geometry to study such linear systems. Thereafter R. Lazarsfeld and M. Mustată [81] developed the theory of Okounkov convex bodies associated to linear series systematically. E. Freitag [45] introduced the concept of stable modular forms to investigate the geometry of the Siegel modular varieties. In 2014, using stable modular forms, G. Codogni and N. I. Shepherd-Barron [24] showed there is no stable Schottky-Siegel forms. We recall that Schottky-Siegel forms are scalar-valued Siegel modular forms vanishing on the Jacobian locus. Recently G. Codogni [23] found the ideal of stable equations of the hyperelliptic locus. About twenty years ago the author [148, 158] introduced the notion of stable Jacobi forms to try to study the geometry of the universal abelian varieties. In this paper, we discuss the relations among logarithmical line bundles on toroidal compactifications, the André-Oort conjecture, Okounkov convex bodies, Coleman's conjecture, Siegel-Jacobi spaces, stable Schottky-Siegel forms, stable Schottky-Jacobi forms and the Schottky problem.

This article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly survey some known approaches to the Schottky problem and some results so far obtained concerning the characterization of Jacobians. In Section 3, we briefly describe the results of Yau and Zhang concerning the behaviors of logarithmical canonical line bundles on toroidal compactifications of the Siegel modular varieties. In Section 4, we review some recent progress on the André-Oort conjecture. In Section 5, we review the theory of Okounkov convex bodies associated to linear series (cf. [20, 81]). In Section 6, we discuss the relations among logarithmical line bundles on toroidal compactifications, the André-Oort conjecture, Okounkov convex bodies, Coleman's conjecture and the Schottky problem. In the final section we give some remarks and propose some open problems about the relations among the Schottky problem, the André-Oort conjecture, Okounkov convex bodies, stable Schottky-Siegel forms, stable Schottky-Jacobi forms and the geometry of the Siegel-Jacobi space. We define the notion of stable Schottky-Jacobi forms and the concept of stable Jacobi equations for the universal hyperelliptic locus. In Appendix A, we survey some known results about subvarieties of the Siegel modular variety. In Appendix B, we review recent results concerning an extension of the Torelli map to a toroidal compactification of the Siegel modular variety. In Appendix C, we describe why the study of singular modular forms is closely related to that of the geometry of the Siegel modular variety. In Appendix D, we briefly talk about singular Jacobi forms. Finally in Appendix E, we review the concept of stable Jacobi forms introduced by the author and relate the study of stable Jacobi forms to that of the geometry of the universal abelian variety.

Finally the author would like to mention that he tried to write this article in another new perspective concerning the Schottky problem different from that of other mathematicians. The list of references in this article is by no means complete though we have strived to give as many references as possible. Any inadvertent omissions of references related to the contents in this paper will be the author's fault.

Notations: We denote by , and the field of rational numbers, the field of real numbers and the field of complex numbers respectively. We denote by and + the ring of integers and the set of all positive integers respectively. + denotes the set of all positive real numbers. + and + denote the set of all nonnegative integers and the set of all nonnegative real numbers respectively. The symbol ":=" means that the expression on the right is the definition of that on the left. For two positive integers k and l, F(k,l) denotes the set of all k×l matrices with entries in a commutative ring F. For a square matrix AF(k,k) of degree k, tr(A) denotes the trace of A. For any MF(k,l),tM denotes the transpose of a matrix M. In denotes the identity matrix of degree n. For AF(k,l) and BF(k,k), we set B[A]=tABA. For a complex matrix A,A¯ denotes the complex conjugate of A. For A(k,l) and B(k,k), we use the abbreviation B{A}=tA¯BA. For a number field F, we denote by AF,f the ring of finite adéles of F.

Before we survey some approaches to the Schottky problem, we provide some notations and definitions. Most of the materials in this section can be found in [60]. We refer to [13, 31, 41, 60, 101, 117] for more details and discussions on the Schottky problem.

In this section, we let g be a fixed positive integer. For a positive integer ℓ, we define the principal level ℓ subgroup

Γg(l):=γSp(2g,)|γI2g(mod l).

and define the theta level ℓ subgroup

Γg(l,2l):=ABCDΓg(l)|diag(tAB)diag(tCD)0(mod l).

We let


Definition 2.1. ([72, pp.,49-50], [100, p.,123], [156, p.,862] or [167, p.,127]) Let ℓ a positive integer. For any ϵ and δ in 1lg/g, we define the theta function with characteristics ϵ and δ by

θϵδ(τ,z):= Ngeπi{(N+ϵ)τt (N+ϵ)+2(N+ϵ)t (z+δ)},(τ,z)g×g.

The Riemann theta function θ(τ,z) is defined to be


For each τg, we have the transformation behavior


The function


is called the theta constant of order ℓ. It is known that the theta constants θϵδ(τ) of order ℓ are Siegel modular forms of weight 12 for Γg(l,2l),[100, p.,200].

For a fixed τg, we let Λτ:=gτ+g be the lattice in g. According to the formula (2.3), the zero locus zg|θ(τ,z)=0 is invariant under the action of the lattice Λτ on g, and thus descends to a well-defined subvariety ΘτAτ:=g/Λτ. In fact Aτ is a principally polarized abelian variety with ample divisor Θτ.

Definition 2.2. For ϵ12g/g the theta function of the second order with characteristic ϵ is defined to be


We define the theta constant of the second order to be


Then we see that Θ[ϵ](τ) is a Siegel modular form of weight 12 for Γg(2,4).

We have the following results.

Theorem 2.1. (Riemann's bilinear addition formula),[72, p.,139]

θϵδ(τ,z)2= σ1 2 g /g (1)4tσδΘ[σ+ϵ](τ,0)Θ[σ](τ,z).

Theorem 2.2. For l2, the map


defined by


is an embedding.

Proof. See Igusa [72] for l=4n2, and Salvati Manni [120] for l2.

Remark 2.1. We consider the theta map


defined by


We observe that according to Theorem 2.1, Φ2(τ) can be recovered uniquely up to signs from Θ(τ). Since Φ2 is injective on Ag(4,8), the theta map Th is finite-to-one on Ag(2,4). In fact, it is known that the theta map Th is generically injective, and it is conjectured that Th is an embedding.

Now we briefly survey some approaches to the Schottky problem. As mentioned before, most of the following materials in this section comes from a good survey paper [60].

(A) Classical Approach

For τg and a positive integer lg,


denotes the subgroup of Aτ consisting of torsion points of order ℓ. For m=τϵ+δAτ[l], we briefly write


We define the Igusa modular form to be

Fg(τ):=2g mAτ[2]θm16(τ)mAτ [2] θm8(τ)2,τg.

It was proved that Fg(τ) is a Siegel modular form of weight 8 for the Siegel modular group Γg such that when rewritten in terms of theta constants of the second order using Theorem 2.1,


(Fg2)F3 is the defining equation for Th(J3(2,4))¯=Th(A3(2,4))¯7();

(Fg3)F4 is the defining equation for Th(J4(2,4))¯Th(A4(2,4))¯15().

For more detail, we refer to [47, 73, 125] for the case g=4 and refer to [117] for the case g=5. For g≥ 5, no similar solution is known or has been proposed.

Theorem 2.3. If g≥ 5, then Fg does not vanish identically on Jg. In fact, the zero locus of F5 on J5 is the locus of trigonal curves.

The above theorem was proved by Grushevsky and Salvati Manni [64].

(B) The Schottky-Jung Approach

Definition 2.3. For an étale connected double cover C˜C of a curve CMg (such a curve is given by a two-torsion point η(=0)J(C)[2]) we define the Prym variety to


where Ker0 denotes the connected component of 0 in the kernel and the map J(C˜)J(C) is the norm map corresponding to the cover C˜C. We denote by Pg1Ag1 the locus of Pryms of all étale double covers of curves in Mg.

The problem of describing Pg1 is called the Prym-Schottky problem.

Remark 2.2. The restriction of the principal polarization ΘJ(C˜) to the Prym gives twice the principal polarization. However this polarization admits a canonical square root, which thus gives a natural principal polarization on the Prym.

Theorem 2.4. (Schottky-Jung proportionality) Let τ be the period matrix of a curve C of genus g and let τ* be the period matrix of the Prym for 000100. Then for any ϵ,δ12g1/g1 the theta constants of J(C) and of the Prym are related by


Here the constant C is independent of ϵ,δ.

Proof. See Schottky-Jung [126] and also Farkas [41] for a rigorous proof.

Definition 2.4. (The Schottky-Jung locus [60]). Let Ig-1 be the defining ideal for the image Th(Ag1(2,4))¯2g11 (see Remark 2.1). For any equation FIg1, we let Fη be the polynomial equation on 2g1 obtained by using the Schottky-Jung proportionality to substitute an appropriate polynomial of degree 2 in terms of theta constants of τ for the square of any theta constant of τ*. Let Sgη be the ideal obtained from Ig1 in this way. We define the big Schottky-Jung locus Sgη(2,4)Ag(2,4) to be the zero locus of Sgη. It is not known that IgSgη and thus we define Sgη(2,4) within Ag(2,4), and not as a subvariety of the projective space 2g1. We now define the small Schottky-Jung locus to be

Sg(2,4):=ηSg η(2,4),

where η runs over the set 122g/2g\{0}. We note that the action of Γg permutes the different η and the ideals Sgη. Therefore the ideal defining Sg(2,4) is Γg-invariant, and the locus Sg(2,4) is a preimage of some SgAg under the level cover.

Theorem 2.5. (a) The Jacobian locus Jg is an irreducible component of the small Schottky-Jung locus Sg.

(b) Jg(2,4) is an irreducible component of the big Schottky-Jung locus Sgη(2,4) for any η.

Proof. The statement (a) was proved by van Geeman [53] and the statement (b) was proved by Donagi [31].

Donagi [32] conjectured the following.

Conjecture 2.1. The small Schottky-Jung locus is equal to the Jacobian locus, that is, Sg=Jg.

(C) The Andreotti-Mayer Approach

We let SingΘ be the singularity set of the theta divisor Θ for a principally polarized abelian variety (A,Θ).

Theorem 2.6. For a non-hyperelliptic curve C of genus g, dim(SingΘJ(C))=g4, and for a hyperelliptic curve C, dim(SingΘJ(C))=g3. For a generic principally polarized abelian variety, the theta divisor is smooth.

Proof. The proof was given by Andreotti and Mayer [5].

Definition 2.5. We define the k-th Andreotti-Mayler locus to be


Theorem 2.7. Ng2,g=Agdec. Here

Agdec:= k=1 g1Ak×AgkAg

denotes the locus of decomposable ppavs (product of lower-dimensional ppavs) of dimension g.

Proof. The proof was given by Ein and Lazasfeld [38].

Theorem 2.8. Jg is an irreducible component of Ng4,g, and the locus of hyperelliptic Jacobians Hypg is an irreducible component of Ng3,g.

Proof. The proof was given by Andreotti and Mayer [5].

Theorem 2.9. The Prym locus Pg is an irreducible component of Ng6,g.

Proof. The proof was given by Debarre [26].

Theorem 2.10. The locus of Jacobians of curves of genus 4 with a vanishing theta-null is equal to the locus of 4-dimensional principally polarized abelian varieties for which the double point singularity of the theta divisor is not ordinary (i.e., the tangent cone does not have maximal rank).

Proof. See Grushevsky-Salvati Manni [63] and Smith-Varley [132].

Problem. Can it happen that Nk,g=Nk+1,g for some k,g?

(D) The Approach via the K-P Equation

In his study of solutins of nonlinear equations of Korteveg de Vrie type, I. Krichever [79] proved the following fact:

Theorem 2.11. Let τ be the period matrix of a curve C of genus g and let θ(z) (cf. (2.2)) be the Riemann theta function of the Jacobian J(C). Then there exist three vectors W1,W2,W3 in g with W1=0 such that, for every zg, the function


satisfies the so-called Kadomstev-Petriashvili\ equation (briefly the K-P equation)

3uyy=ut 3uux 2uxxx x.

S.P. Novikov conjectured that τg is the period matrix of a curve if and only if the Riemann theta function corresponding to τg satisfies the K-P equation in the sense we just explained in Theorem 2.11. Shiota [129] proved that the Novikov conjecture is true, following the work of Mulase [96] and Mumford [98].

Arbarello and De Concini [7] gave another proof of the Novikov conjecture.

(E) The Approach via Geometry of the Kummer Variety

Definition 2.6. The map is the embedding given by

Kum:Aτ/±12g1(),  Kum(z)=Θ[ϵ](τ,z)|ϵ12g/g.

We call the image of Kum the Kummer variety. Note that the involution ±1 has 22g fixed points on Aτ which are precisely Aτ[2], and thus the Kummer variety singular at their images in 2g1().

Theorem 2.12. For any points p1,p2,p3 of a curve of genus g, the following three points on the Kummer variety are collinear:


Proof. See Fay [42] and Gunning [65].

Theorem 2.13. For any curve CMg, for any 1kg and for any p1,,pk+2,q1,,qkC the k+2 points of the Kummer variety

Kum2pj+ i=1kqi i=1 k=2pi,j=1,,k+2

are linearly dependent.

Proof. See Gunning [66].

I. Krichever [80] gave a complete proof of a conjecture of Welters concerning a condition for an indecomposable principally polarized abelian variety to be the Jacobian of a curve:

Theorem 2.14. Let Agind:=Ag\Agdec be the locus of indecomposable ppavs of dimension g. For a ppav AAgind, if Kum(A)2g1 has one of the following

(W1) a trisecant line

(W2) a line tangent to it at one point, and intersecting it another point

(this is a semi-degenerate trisecant, when two points of secancy coincides)

(W3) a flex line (this is a most degenerate trisecant when all three points of secancy coincide)

such that none of the points of intersection of this line with the Kummer variety are A[2] (where Kum(A) is singular), then AJg.

For the Prym-Schottky problem, it will be natural whether the Kummer varieties of Pryms have any special geometric properties. Indeed, Beauville-Debarre [14] and Fay [43] obtained the following.

Theorem 2.15. Let CMg. For any p,p1,p2,p3C˜Prym(C˜C) on the Abel-Prym curve the following four points of the Kummer variety


lie on a 2-plane in 2g1().

A suitable analog of the trisecant conjecture was found for Pryms using ideas of integrable systems by Grushevsky and Krichever [62]. They proved the following.

Theorem 2.16. If for some AAgind and some p,p1,p2,p3A the quadrisecant condition in Theorem 2.15 holds, and

moreover there exists another quadrisecant given by Theorem 2.15 with p replaced by -p, then APg˜.

(F) The Approach via the Γ00 Conjecture

Definition 2.7. Let (A,Θ)Ag. The linear system Γ00|2Θ| is defined to consist of those sections that vanish to order at least 4 at the origin:


We define the base locus


Theorem 2.17. For any g≥ 5 and any CMg, we have on the Jacobian J(C) of C the equality


Proof. The above theorem was proved by Welters [143] set theoretically and also by Izadi scheme-theoretically. Originally Theorem 2.17 was conjectured by van Geeman and van der Geer [54].

van Geeman and van der Geer [54] conjectured the following.

Γ00 Conjecture. Let (A,Θ)Agind. If FA0, then AJg.

Definition 2.8. Let (A,Θ)Ag. For any curve Γ on A and any point x∈ A, we define

ε(A,Γ,x):=Θ.ΓmultxΓ,  ε(A,x):=infΓxε(A,Γ,x).

We define the Seshadri constant of (A,Θ) by


Theorem 2.18. If the Γ00 conjecture holds, hyperelliptic Jacobians are characterized by the value of their Seshadri constants.

Proof. See O. Debarre [28].

Theorem 2.19. If some AAgind, the linear dependence

Θ[ϵ](τ,z)=cΘ[ϵ](τ,0)+ 1abgcabΘ[ϵ](τ,0)τab

for some c,cab(1abg) and for all ϵ12g/g holds with rank(cab)=1, then AJg.

Proof. See S. Grushevsky [59].

(G) Subvarieties of a ppav: Minimal Cohomology Classes

The existence of some special subvarieties of a ppav (A,Θ)Ag gives a criterion that A is the Jacobian of a curve. We start by observing that for the Jacobian J(C) of a curve CMg we can map the symmetric product Symd(C)(1d<g) to J(C)=Picg1(C) by fixing a divisor DPicg1d(C) and mapping

Φ(d):Symd(C)J(C),  (p1,,pd)D+ i=1 dpi.

The image Wd(C) of the map Φ(d) is independent of D up to translation, and we can compute its cohomology class


where [Θ] is the cohomology class of the polarization of J(C). One can show that the cohomology class is indivisible in cohomology with -coefficients, and we thus call this class minimal. We note thatW1(C)C. These subvarieties Wd(C)(1d<g) are very special.

We have the following criterion.

Theorem 2.20. A ppav (A,Θ)Ag is a Jacobian if and only if there exists a curve CA with [C]=[Θ]g1(g1)!H2g2(J(C)) in which case (A,Θ)=J(C).

Proof. See Matsusaka [92] and Ran [116].

Debarre [27] proved that Jg is an irreducible component of the locus of ppavs for which there is a subvariety of the minimal cohomology class. He conjectured the following.

Conjecture 2.2. If a ppav (A,Θ)Ag has a d-dimensional subvariety of minimal class, then it is either the Jacobian of a curve or a five dimensional intermediate Jacobian of a cubic threefold.

This approach to the Schottky problem gives a complete geometric solution to the weaker version of the problem: determining whether a given ppav is the Jacobian of a given curve.

In this section, we review the interesting results obtained by S.-T. Yau and Y. Zhang [177] concerning the asymptotic behaviors of the logarithmical canonical line bundle on a toroidal compactification of the Siegel modular variety.

Let Γ be a neat arithmetic subgroup of Γg. Let Ag,Γ:=Γ\g and A¯g,Γ be the toroidal compactification of Ag,Γ constructed by a GL(g,)-admissible family of polyhedral decompositions ΣF0 of the cones. Here F0 denotes the standard minimal cusps of g. A¯g,Γ is an algebraic space, but a projective variety in general. Y.-S. Tai proved that if ΣtorΓ is projective (see [9, Chapter IV, Corollary 2.3, p.,200]), then A¯g,Γ is a projective variety. It is known that A¯g,Γ is the unique Hausdorff analytic variety containing Ag,Γ as an open dense subset (cf. [9]).

Assume the boundary divisor D,Γ:=A¯g,Γ\Ag,Γ is simple normal crossing. We put N=g(g+1)/2. For each irreducible component Di of D,Γ=jD j, let si a global section of the line bundle [Di] defining Di. Let σmax be an arbitrary top-dimensional cone in ΣF0 and renumber all components Di's of D,Γ such that D1,,DN correspond to the edges of σmax with marking order. Yau and Zhang [177, Theorem 3.2] showed that the volume form Φg,Γ on Ag,Γ may be written by

Φg,Γ=2NgVolΓ(σmax)2dVg j=1Nsj 2Fσmaxg+1(logs11,,logsNN),

where dVg is a continuous volume form on a partial compactification Uσmax of Ag,Γ with Ag,ΓUσmaxA¯g,Γ, and each j is a suitable Hermitian metric of the line bundle [Dj] on A¯g,Γ(1jN) and Fσmax[x1,,xN] is a homogeneous polynomial of degree g. Moreover the coefficients of Fσmax depends only on both Γ and σmax with marking order of edges. Using the above volume form formula they showed that the unique invariant Kähler-Einstein metric on Ag,Γ endows some restraint combinatorial conditions for all smooth toroidal compactifications of Ag,Γ.

Let E1,,Ed be any different irreducible components of the boundary divisor D,Γ such that k=1dEk. Let Kg,Γ be the canonical line bundle on A¯g,Γ. Yau and Zhang [177] also proved the following facts (a) and (b):

(a) Let i1,,id+. If dg1 and N k=1dik>2 (or if dg and N k=1dik=1),

then we have

Kg,Γ+D,ΓN k=1dikE1i1Edid=0.

(b) Kg,Γ+D,Γ is not ample on A¯g,Γ.

They also showed that if d<g1, then the intersection number


can be expressed explicitly using the above volume form formula. The proofs of (a) and (b) can be found in [177, Theorem 4.15].

In this section we review recent progress on the André-Oort conjecture quite briefly.

Definition 4.1. Let (G,X) be a Shimura datum and let K be a compact open subgroup of G(Af). We let


be the Shimura variety associated to (G,X). An algebraic subvariety Z of the Shimura variety ShK(G,X) is said to be weakly special if there exist a Shimura sub-datum (H,XH) of (G,X), and a decomposition


and y2X2 such that Z is the image of X1×{y2} in ShK(G,X). Here (Had,XHad) denotes the adjoint Shimura datum associated to (G,X) and (Hi,Xi)(i=1,2) are Shimura data. In this definition, a weakly special subvariety is said to be special if it contains a special point and y2 is special.

André [4] and Oort [108] made conjectures analogous to the Manin-Mumford conjecture where the ambient variety is a Shimura variety (the latter partially motivated by a conjecture of Coleman [25]). A combination of these has become known as the André-Oort conjecture (briefly the A-O conjecture).

A-O Conjecture. Let S be a Shimura variety and let Σ be a set of special points in S. Then every irreducible component of the Zariski closure of Σ is a special subvariety.

Definition 4.2. [111, 112] A pre-structure is a sequence Σ=(Σn:n1) where each Σn is a collection of subsets of n. A pre-structure Σ is called a structure over the real field if, for all n,m1 with mn, the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) Σn is a Boolean algebra (under the usual set-theoretic operations);

(2) Σn contains every semi-algebraic subset of n;

(3) if AΣm and BΣn, then A×BΣm+n;

(4) if n≥ m and A∈ Σn, then πn,m(A)Σm, where πn,m:nm is a coordinate

projection on the first m coordinates.

If Σ is a structure, and, in addition,

(5) the boundary of every set in Σ1 is finite,

then Σ is called an o-minimal structure over the real field.

If Σ is a structure and Zn, then we say that Z is definable in Σ if ZΣn. A function f:AB is definable in a structure Σ if its graph is definable, in which case the domain A of f and image f(A) are also definable by the definition. If A,,f, are sets or functions, then we denote by A,,f, the smallest structure containing A,,f,. By a definable family of sets we mean a definable subset Zn×m which we view as a family of fibres Zyn as y varies over the projection of Z onto m which is definable, along with all the fibres Zy. A family of functions is said to be definable if the family of their graphs is. A definable set usually means a definable set in some o-minimal structure over the real field.

Remark 4.1. The notion of a o-minimal structure grew out of work van den Dries [33, 34] on Tarski's problem concerning the decidability of the real ordered field with the exponential function, and was studied in the more general context of linearly ordered structures by Pillay and Steinhorn,[115], to whom the term "o-minimal" ("order-minimal") is due.

In 2011 Pila gave a unconditional proof of the A-O conjecture for arbitrary products of modular curves using the theory of o-minimality.

Theorem 4.1. Let


where n,m,l0,Yi=Γ(i)\1(1in) are modular curves corresponding to congruence subgroups Γ(i) of SL(2,) and Ej(1jm) are elliptic curves defined over ¯ and Gm is the multiplicative group. Suppose V is a subset of X. Then V contains only a finite number of maximal special subvarieties.

Proof. See Pila [111, Theorem 1.1].

In 2013 Peterzil and Starchenko proved the following theorem using the theory of o-minimality.

Theorem 4.2. The restriction of the uniformizing map $π:gAg to the classical fundamental domain for the Siegel modular group Sp(2g,) is definable.

Proof. See Peterzil and Starchenko [109, 110].

In 2014 Pila and Tsimerman gave a conditional proof of the A-O conjecture for the Siegel modular variety Ag.

Theorem 4.3. If g6, then the A-O conjecture holds for Ag. If g≥ 7, the A-O conjecture holds for Ag under the assumption of the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH) for CM fields.

Proof. See Pila-Tsimerman [113, 114].

Quite recently using Galois-theoretic techniques and geometric properties of Hecke correpondences, Klingler and Yafaev proved the A-O conjecture for a general Shimura variety, and independently using Galois-theoretic and ergodic techniques Ullmo and Yafaev proved the A-O conjecture for a general Shimura variety, under the assumption of the GRH for CM fields or another suitable assumption. The explicit statement is given as follows.

Theorem 4.4.Let (G,X) be a Shimura datum and K a compact open subgroup of G(Af). Let Σ be a set of special points in ShK(G,X). We make one of the two following assumptions:

(1) Assume the GRH for CM fields.

(2) Assume that there exists a faithful representation GGLn such that with respect to this representation, the Mumford-Tate group MT(s) lie in one GLn()-conjugacy class as s ranges through Σ. Then every irreducible component of Σ in ShK(G,X) is a special subvariety.

Proof. See Klingler-Yafaev [76] and Ullmo-Yafaev [136].

Remark 4.2. We refer to [112] for the theory of o-minimality and the A-O conjecture. We also refer to [52] for the A-O conjecture for mixed Shimura varieties.

In this section, we briefly review the theory of Okounkov convex bodies associated to pseudoeffective divisors on a smooth projective variety. For more details of this theory, we refer to [20, 81].

Let X be a smooth projective variety of dimension d. We fix an admissible flag Y on X


where each Yk is a subvariety of X of codimension k which is nonsingular at x. We let + denote the set of all non-negative integers. We first assume that D is a big Cartier divisor on X. For a section sH0(X,OX(D))\{0}, we define the function


as follows:

First we set ν1=ν1(s):=ordY1(s). Using a local equation f1 for Y1 in X, we define naturally a section

s1=sf1ν 1H0(X,OX(Dν1Y1))

that does not vanish along Y1, its restriction s1|Y 1 defines a nonzero section

s1:=s 1|Y1H0(Y1,OY1(Dν1Y1)).

We now take


and continue in this manner to define the remaining νi(s).

Next we define


be the set of valuation vectors of non-zero sections of OX(D). Then we finally set

Δ(D):=ΔY(D)=closedconvexhull m11mvect(|mD|).

Therefore Δ(D) is a convex body in d that is called the Okounkov body of D with respect to the fixed flag Y. We refer to [81, § 1.2] for some properties and examples of Δ(D).

We recall that a {\sf graded linear series} W(D)={Wm(D)}m0 associated to D consists of subspaces

Wm:=Wm(D)H0(X,OX(mD)),  W0=

satisfying the inclusion

WkWlWk+l  forallk,l0.

Here the product on the left denotes the image of WkWl under the multiplication map H0(X,OX(kD))H0(X,OX(lD))H0(X,OX((k+l)D)).

Definition 5.1. ([81, Definition 1.16]) Let W be a graded linear series on X belonging to a divisor D. The graded semigroup of W is defined to be

Γ(W):=ΓY(W)=(νY (s),m)|0sWm,m0+d×+d+1.

Under the above notations, we associate the convex body ΔY(W) of a graded linear series W with respect to Y on X as follows:


where + denotes the set of all non-negative real numbers and Γ(W) denotes the closure of the convex cone in +d×+ spanned by Γ(W). ΔY(W) is called the Okounkov body of W with respect to Y. If W is a complete graded linear series, that is, Wm=H0(X,O(mD)) for each m, then we define


Remark 5.1. ΔY(D) depends on the choice of an admissible flag Y. By the homogeneity of ΔY(D) (see [81, Proposition 4.13]), we can extend the construction of ΔY(D) to -divisors D and even to -divisors using the continuity of ΔY(D).

Definition 5.2. ([81, Definition 2.5 and 2.9])

(I) We say that a graded linear series W satisfies Condition (B)

if Wm0 for all m0, and for all sufficiently large m, the rational map ϕm:X>(Wm) defined by |Wm| is birational on its image.

(II) We say that a graded linear series W satisfies Condition (C) if

(1) for any m0, there exists an effective divisor Fm such that Am:=mDFm is ample, and

(2) for all sufficiently large t, we have


If W is complete, that is, Wm=H0(X,OX(mAm)) for all m≥ 0 and D is big, then it satisfies Condition (C).

Lazarsfeld and Mustată [81] proved the following.

Theorem 5.1. Let X be a smooth projective variety of dimension d. Suppose that a graded linear series W satisfies Condition (B) or Condition (C). Then for any admissible flag Y on X, we have






Proof. See [81, Theorem 2.13].

Remark 5.2. It is known by Lazarsfeld and Mustată ([81, Proposition 4.1]) that for a fixed admissible flag Y on X, if D is big, then ΔY(D) depends only on the numerical class of D. If D is not big, then it is not true (cf. [20, Remark 3.13]).

Definition 5.3. For a divisor D on X, we let


For m(D), we let


be the rational map defined by the linear system |mD|. We define the {\sf Iitaka dimension} of D as the following value


Definition 5.4. Let D be a divisor on X such that κ(D)0. A subset U of X is called a Nakayama subvariety of D if κ(D)=dimD and the natural map

H0(X,OX(mD)) H0(U,OU(mD|U))

is injective for every non-negative integer m.

Definition 5.5. [20, Definition 3.8] Let D be a divisor on X such that κ(D)0. The valuative Okounkov body ΔYval(D) associated to D is defined to be

ΔYval(D):=ΔY(D)n,  n=dimX.

For a divisor D with κ(D)=, we define ΔYval(D):=.

Remark 5.3. If D is big, then ΔYval(D) coincides with ΔY(D) for any admissible flag Y on X.

Recently Choi, Hyun, Park and Won [20] showed the following.

Theorem 5.2. Let D be a divisor with κ(D)0 on a smooth projective variety X of dimension n. Fix an admissible flag Y containing a Nakayama subvariety U of D such that Yn={x} is a general point. Then we have




Proof. See [20, Theorem 3.12].

Definition 5.6. [20, Definition 3.17] Let D be a pseudo-effective divisor on a projective variety X of dimension n. The limiting Okounkov body ΔYlim(D) of D with respect to an admissible flag Y is defined to be


where A is any ample divisor on X. If D is not a pseudo-effective divisor, then we define ΔYlim(D):=.

Definition 5.7. [20, Definition 2.11] Let D be a divisor on a projective variety X of dimension d. We defne the numerical Iitaka dimension κν(D) by


for a fixed ample Cartier divisor A if h0(X,OX(|mD|+A)) for infinitely many m>0, and we define κν(D)= otherwise.

Let D be a pseudo-effective Cartier divisor on a projective variety X of dimension n. Let VX be a positive volume subvariety of D. Fix an admissible flag V on V


let A be an ample Catier divisor on X. For each positive integer k, we consider the restricted graded linear series Wk:=W(kD+A|V) of kD+A along V given by

Wm(kD+A|V)=H0(X|V,m(kD+A))  form0.

We define the restricted limiting Okounkov body of a Cartier divisor D with respect to a positive volume subvariety V of D as


By the continuity, we can extend this definition for any pseudo-effective -divisor.

Definition 5.8. Let D be a pseudo-effective divisor on a projective variety X of dimension n with its positive volume subvariety VX. We define the restricted limiting Okounkov body ΔVlim(D) of D with respect to an admissible flag V to be a closed convex subset


where A is any ample divisor on X. If D is not a pseudo-effective divisor, then we define ΔVlim(D):=.

Recently Choi, Hyun, Park and Won [20] proved the following.

Theorem 5.3. Let D be a pseudo-effective divisor on a projective variety X. Fix a positive volume subvariety VX of D (see [20, Definition 2.13]). For an admissible flag V of V, we have




Here VolX|V+(D) denotes the augmented restricted volume of D along V (see [20, Definition 2.2]) for the precise definition of VolX|V+(D)).

Proof. See [20, Theorem 3.20].

In this section, we discuss the relations among logarithmical line bundles on toroidal compactifications, the André-Oort conjecture, Okounkov convex bodies, Coleman's conjecture and the Schottky problem.

For τ=(τij)g, we write τ=X+iY with X=(xij),Y=(yij) real. We put dτ=(dτij) and dτ¯=(d τ ¯ ij). We also put

Ω=1+δij2τij  and  Ω¯=1+δij2 τ ¯ ij.

C. L. Siegel [130] introduced the symplectic metric dsg;A2 on g invariant under the action (1.1) of Sp(2g,) that is given by

dsg;A2=Atr(Y1dτY1dτ¯),  A+

and H. Maass [89] proved that its Laplacian is given by


Here tr(M) denotes the trace of a square matrix M. And

dvg(τ)=(detY)(g+1) 1ijgdxij 1ijgdyij

is a Sp(2g,)-invariant volume element on g,(cf.,[131, p.,130]).

Siegel proved the following theorem for the Siegel space (g,dsg;12).

Theorem 6.1. (Siegel [130]). (1) There exists exactly one geodesic joining two arbitrary points τ0,τ1 in g. Let R(τ0,τ1) be the cross-ratio defined by

R(τ0,τ1)=(τ0τ1)(τ0 τ¯1)1( τ¯0 τ¯1)( τ¯0τ1)1.

For brevity, we put R*=R(τ0,τ1). Then the symplectic length ρ(τ0,τ1) of the geodesic joining τ0 and τ1 is given by



log1+R*121R*122=4R* k=0R*k2k+12.

(2) For MSp(2g,), we set


Then R(τ1,τ0) and R(τ˜1,τ˜0) have the same eigenvalues.

(3) All geodesics are symplectic images of the special geodesics


where a1,a2,,ag are arbitrary positive real numbers satisfying the condition

k=1g logak2=1.

The proof of the above theorem can be found in [90] or [130, pp.,289-293].

Definition 6.1. Let Z be an irreducible subvariety of a Shimura variety ShK(G,X). Choose a connected component S of X and a class ηKG(Af)/K such that Z is contained in the image of S in ShK(G,X). We say that Z is a totally geodesic subvariety if there is a totally geodesic subvariety YS such that Z is the image of Y×ηK in ShK(G,X).

B. Moonen [94] proved the following fact.

Theorem 6.2. Let Z be an irreducible subvariety of a Shimura variety ShK(G,X). Then Z is weakly special if and only if it is totally geodesic.

Proof. See [94, Theorem 4.3, pp.,553-554].

In the 1980s Coleman [25] proposed the following conjecture.

Coleman's Conjecture. For a sufficiently large integer g, the Jacobian locus Jg contains only a finite number of special points in Ag.

We also have the following conjecture.

Coleman’s Conjecture. For a sufficiently large integer g, the Jacobian locus Jg cannot contain a non-trivial totally geodesic subvariety.

Conjecture 6.1. Conjecture 6.1 is false for an integer g6.

The stronger version of Conjecture 6.1 is given as follows:

Conjecture 6.2. For a sufficiently large integer g, there does not exist a geodesic in Ag contained in J¯g and intersecting Jg.

Theorem 6.3. Suppose the André-Oort conjecture and Conjecture 6.1 hold. Then Coleman's conjecture is true.

Proof. Let g be a sufficiently large integer g. Suppose Jg contains an infinite set Σ of special points. Then

ΣΣ¯J ¯ gAg.

The truth of the André-Oort conjecture implies that Σ¯ contains an irreducible special subvariety Y. According to Theorem 6.2, Y is a totally geodesic subvariety of J¯g. From the truth of Conjecture 6.1, we get a contradiction. Therefore Jg contains only finitely many special points.

Now we propose the following problems.

Problem 6.1. Develop the spectral theory of the Laplace operator g;A,B on g and Γ\g for a congruence subgroup Γ of Γg explicitly.

Problem 6.2. Construct all the geodesics contained in J¯g with respect to the Siegel's metric dsg;A2.

Problem 6.3. Study variations of g-dimensional principally polarized abelian varieties along a geodesic inside Jg.

Problem 6.4. Prove the A-O conjecture for Ag unconditionally.

From now on, we will adopt the notations in Section 3.

Problem 6.5. Let p4,Γ:A4,ΓA4 be a covering map and let J4,Γ:=p4,Γ1(J4).

Let A¯4,Γ be a toroidal compactification of A4,Γ which is projective. Then J4,Γ is a divisor on A¯4,Γ. Compute the Okounkov bodies ΔY(J4,Γ), ΔYval(J4,Γ) and ΔYlim(J4,Γ) explicitly. Describe the relations among J4,J4,Γ and these Okounkov bodies explicitly. Describe the relations between these Okounkov bodies and the GL(4,)-admissible family of polyhedral decompositions defining the toroidal compactification A¯4,Γ.

Problem 6.6. Assume that a toroidal compactification A¯g,Γ is a projective variety. Compute the Okoukov convex bodies ΔY(Kg,Γ), ΔYval(Kg,Γ), ΔYlim(Kg,Γ), ΔY(D,Γ), ΔYval(D,Γ), ΔYlim(D,Γ), ΔY(Kg,Γ+D,Γ), ΔYval(Kg,Γ+D,Γ), ΔYlim(Kg,Γ+D,Γ) explicitly. Describe the relations between these Okounkov bodies and the GL(g,)-admissible family of polyhedral decompositions defining the toroidal compactification A¯g,Γ.

Problem 6.7. Assume that g5. Let pg,Γ:Ag,ΓAg be a covering map and let Jg,Γ:=pg,Γ1(Jg). Assume that A¯g,Γ is a toroidal compactification of Ag,Γ which is a projective variety. Let DJ,Γ be a divisor on A¯g,Γ containing Jg,Γ. Describe the Okounkov bodies ΔY(DJ,Γ),ΔYval(DJ,Γ),ΔYlim(DJ,Γ). Study the relations between Jg,Γ,DJ,Γ and these Okounkov bodies.

We have the following diagram:


Here pg,Γ:Ag,ΓAg is a covering map.

Finally we propose the following questions.

Question 6.1. Let Γ be a neat arithmetic subgroup of Γg. Does the closure J¯g,Γ of Jg,Γ intersect the infinity boundary divisor D,Γ? If g is sufficient large, it is probable that J¯g,Γ will not intersect the boundary divisor D,Γ.

Question 6.2. Let Γ be a neat arithmetic subgroup of Γg. Does the closure J¯g,Γ of Jg,Γ intersect the canonical divisor Kg,Γ?

Question 6.3. Let Γ be a neat arithmetic subgroup of Γg. How curved is the closure J¯g,Γ of Jg,Γ along the boundary of Jg,Γ?

Quite recently using the good curvature properties of the moduli space (Mg,ωWP) endowed with the Weil-Petersson metric ωWP, Liu, Sun and Yau [87] obtained interesting results related to Conjecture 6.2. Let us explain their results briefly. We consider the coarse moduli space (Mg,ωWP) endowed with the Weil-Petersson metric ωWP and the Siegel modular variety (Ag,ωH) endowed with the Hodge metric ωH. Let Tg:Mg Ag be the Torelli map (see (1.2)). Assume that V is a submanifold in Mg such that the image Tg(V) is totally geodesic in (Ag,ωH), and also that Tg(V) has finite volume. Under these two assumptions they proved that V must be a ball quotient. As a corollary of this fact, it can be shown that there is no higher rank locally symmetric subspace in Mg. A precise statement is as follows.

Theorem 6.4. Let Ω be an irreducible bounded symmetric domain and let ΓAut(D) be a torsion free cocompact lattice. We set X=Ω/Γ. Let h be a canonical metric on X. If there exists a nonconstant holomorphic mapping


then Ω must be of rank 1, i.e., X must be a ball quotient.

Proof. The proof of the above theorem can be found in [87].

In this final section we give some remarks and propose some open problems about the relations among the Schottky problem, the André-Oort conjecture, Okounkov convex bodies, stable Schottky-Siegel forms, stable Schottky-Jacobi forms and the geometry of the Siegel-Jacobi space. We define the notion of stable Schottky-Jacobi forms and the concept of stable Jacobi equations for the universal hyperelliptic locus.

For two positive integers g and h, we consider the Heisenberg group


endowed with the following multiplication law


with (λ,μ;κ),(λ,μ;κ)H(g,h). We refer to [146, 151, 154, 157, 160, 167, 170, 173] for more details on the Heisenberg group H(g,h). We define the Jacobi group GJ of degree g and index h that is the semidirect product of Sp(2g,) and H(g,h)


endowed with the following multiplication law

(M,(λ,μ;κ))(M,(λ,μ;κ))=(MM,(λ˜+λ,μ˜+μ;κ+κ+ λ ˜ tμ μ ˜ tλ))

with M,MSp(2g,),(λ,μ;κ),(λ,μ;κ)H(g,h) and (λ˜,μ˜)=(λ,μ)M. Then GJ acts on g×(h,g) transitively by


where M=ABCDSp(2g,),(λ,μ;κ)H(g,h) and (τ,z)g×(h,g).

We note that the Jacobi group GJ is not a reductive Lie group and the homogeneous space g×(h,g) is not a symmetric space. From now on, for brevity we write g,h=g×(h,g). The homogeneous space g,h is called the Siegel-Jacobi space of degree g and index h.

For τ=(τij)g, we write τ=X+iY with X=(xij),Y=(yij) real. We put dτ=(dτij) and dτ¯=(d τ ¯ ij). We also put

Ω=1+δij2τij  and  Ω¯=1+δij2 τ ¯ ij.

For a coordinate z(h,g), we set

z=U+iV,U=(ukl),V=(vkl)real,dz=(dzkl),dz¯=(d z ¯ kl),
Z=z11 zh1 z1g zhg ,Z= z¯11 z¯h1 z¯1g z¯hg .

The author proved the following theorems in [163].

Theorem 7.1. For any two positive real numbers A and B,

dsg,h;A,B2=Atr(Y1dτY1dτ¯)  +B{tr(Y1tVVY1dτY1dτ¯)+tr(Y1t(dz)dz¯)  tr(VY1dτY1t(dz¯))tr(VY1dτ¯Y1t(dz))}

is a Riemannian metric on g,h which is invariant under the action (7.1) of GJ.

In fact, dsg,h2 is a Kähler metric of g,h.

Proof. See [163, Theorem 1.1].

Theorem 7.2. The Laplacian Δg,h;A,B of the GJ-invariant metric dsg,h;A,B2 is given by



M1=trYtYΩ¯Ω+trVY1tVtYZBZ  +trVtYΩ¯Z+tr tVtYZBΩ



Furthermore M1 and M2 are differential operators on g,h invariant under the action (7.1) of GJ.

Proof. See [163, Theorem 1.2].

Remark 7.1. We refer to [36, 75, 164, 166, 171, 175, 176, 178] for topics related to dsg,h;A,B2 and g,h;A,B.

Remark 7.2. Erik Balslev [11] developed the spectral theory of 1,1;1,1 on 1× for certain arithmetic subgroups of the Jacobi modular group to prove that the set of all eigenvalues of 1,1;1,1 satisfies the Weyl law.

Remark 7.3. The sectional curvature of (1×,ds1,1;A,B2) is 3A and hence is independent of the parameter B. We refer to [176] for more detail.

Remark 7.4. For an application of the invariant metric dsg,h;A,B2 we refer to [175].

Definition 7.1. Let D=diag(d1,d2,,dg) be the g×g diagonal matrix with positive integers d1,,dg satisfying d1|d2||dg, usually called a polarization type. D=Ig is called the principal polarization type.

For a fixed τg and a fixed polarization type D=diag(d1,,dg), we let LτD:=gτ+gD be a lattice in g and AτD:=g/LτD be a complex torus of a polarization type D. Let {c0,,cN} be the set of representatives in gD1 whose components of each ci(0iN) lie in the interval [0,1). Here N=d1dg1.

We recall Lefschetz theorem (see [100, p.128, Theorem 1.3]).

Theorem 7.3 Let D=diag(d1,,dg) be a polarization type and N=d1dg1.

(1) Assume d12. Then the functions θc00(τ,z),,θcN0(τ,z) have no zero in common, and the mapping φD:g×gN() defined by


is a well-defined holomorphic mapping. For each τg, the map φτD:gN() defined by

φτD(z):=φD(τ,z),  zg

induces a holomorphic mapping from the complex torus AτD into N().

(2) If d13, for each τg, the map φτD:gN() is an analytic embedding, whose image is an algebraic subvariety of N().

Definition 7.2 Let D=diag(d1,,dg) with d12 be a polarization type, and N=d1dg1. For each τg, we define the map ΨD:gN() by

ΨD(τ):=φD(τ,0),  τg

and define the map ΦD:g×gN()×N()by

ΦD(τ,z):=(φD(τ,z),ΨD(τ)),  (τ,z)g×g.

We have the following theorem proved by Baily [10].

Theorem 7.4 Assume that d14 and that 2|d1 or 3|d1. Then the image of g×g under ΦD is a Zariski-open subset of an algebraic subvariety of N()×N().

Proof. See [10, Section 5.1] or [110, Theorem 8.11].



be the arithmetic subgroup of GJ, where


We let


be the universal family of principal polarized abelian varieties of dimension gh. Let πg,h:Ag,hAg be the natural projection. We define the universal Jacobian locus

Jg,h:=πg,h1(Jg),  Jg(Ag):=theJacobianlocus.

Problem 7.1. Characterize Jg,h=πg,h1(Jg). Describe Jg,h in terms of Jacobi forms. We refer to [15, 37, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 155, 158, 159, 161, 162, 168, 171, 179] for more details about Jacobi forms.

Problem 7.2. Compute the geodesics, the distance between two points and curvatures explicitly in the Siegel-Jacobi space (g,h,dsg,h;A,B2). See Theorem 6.1 for the Siegel space g.

Problem 7.3. Find the analogue of the Hirzebruch-Mumford Proportionality Theorem for Ag,Γu (see (7.8) below).

Let us give some remarks for this problem. Before we describe the proportionality theorem for the Siegel modular variety, first of all we review the compact dual of the Siegel upper half plane g. We note that g is biholomorphic to the generalized unit disk Dg of degree g through the Cayley transform. We suppose that Λ=(2g,,) is a symplectic lattice with a symplectic form ,. We extend scalars of the lattice Λ to . Let

Yg:=L2g|dimL=g,x,y=0for allx,yL

be the complex Lagrangian Grassmannian variety parameterizing totally isotropic subspaces of complex dimension g. For the present time being, for brevity, we put G=Sp(2g,) and K=U(g). The complexification G=Sp(2g,) of G acts on Yg transitively. If H is the isotropy subgroup of G fixing the first summand g

, we can identify Yg with the compact homogeneous space G/H. We let


be an open subset of Yg. We see that G acts on Yg+ transitively. It can be shown that Yg+ is biholomorphic to G/Kg. A basis of a lattice LYg+ is given by a unique 2g×g matrix t(Igτ) with τg. Therefore we can identify L with τ in g. In this way, we embed g into Yg as an open subset of Yg. The complex projective variety Yg is called the compact dual of g.

Let Γ be an arithmetic subgroup of Γg. Let E0 be a G-equivariant holomorphic vector bundle over g=G/K of rank r. Then E0 is defined by the representation τ:KGL(r,). That is, E0G×Kr is a homogeneous vector bundle over G/K. We naturally obtain a holomorphic vector bundle E over Ag,Γ:=Γ\G/K. E is often called an automorphic or arithmetic vector bundle over Ag,Γ. Since K is compact, E0 carries a G-equivariant Hermitian metric h0 which induces a Hermitian metric h on E. According to Main Theorem in [97], E admits a unique extension E˜ to a smooth toroidal compactification A˜g,Γ of Ag,Γ such that h is a singular Hermitian metric good on A˜g,Γ. For the precise definition of a good metric on Ag,Γ we refer to [97][p.242]. According to Hirzebruch-Mumford's Proportionality Theorem(cf. [97, p.262]), there is a natural metric on G/K=g such that the Chern numbers satisfy the following relation


for all α=(α1,,αr) with nonegative integers αi(1ir) and i=1rαi=12g(g+1), where Eˇ0 is the G-equivariant holomorphic vector bundle on the compact dual Yg of g defined by a certain representation of the stabilizer StabG(e) of a point e in Yg. Here volΓ\g is the volume of Γ\g that can be computed(cf. [130]).

Problem 7.4. Compute the cohomology H(Ag,h,*) of Ag,h. Investigate the intersection cohomology of Ag,h.

Problem 7.5. Generalize the trace formula on the Siegel modular variety obtained by Sophie Morel to the universal abelian variety. For her result on the trace formula on the Siegel modular variety, we refer to her paper [95, Cohomologie d'intersection des variétés modulaires de Siegel, suite].

Problem 7.6. Construct all the geodesics contained in Jg,h.

Problem 7.7. Develop the theory of variations of abelian varieties along the geodesic joining two points in Jg,h.

Problem 7.8. Discuss the André-Oort conjecture for Ag,h. Gao proved the Ax-Lindemann-Weierstras theorem for Ag,h, and using this theorem proved the André-Oort conjecture for Ag,h under the assumption of the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis for CM fields in his paper [52].

Let Γ be a neat arithmetic subgroup of Γg. We put ΓJ:=ΓH(g,h). We let


Let Ag,h,Γtor be a toroidal compactification of Ag,h,Γ. Let Kg,h,Γ be the canonical line bundle over Ag,h,Γtor and let


be the infinity boundary divisor on Ag,h,Γtor. Let πg,h,Γ:Ag,h,ΓAg,Γ be a projection and let pg,Γ:Ag,ΓAg be a covering map. We define

Jg,h,Γ:=pg,Γ πg,h,Γ 1(Jg).

Problem 7.9. Assume that A4,h,Γtor is a toroidal compactification of A4,h,Γ which is projective. Compute the Okounkov bodies ΔY(J4,h,Γ), ΔYval(J4,h,Γ) and ΔYlim(J4,h,Γ) explicitly. Describe the relations among J4,J4,h,Γ and these Okounkov bodies explicitly. Describe the relations between these Okounkov bodies and the GL(4,)-admissible family of polyhedral decompositions defining the toroidal compactification A¯4,Γ.

Problem 7.10. Assume that a toroidal compactification Ag,h,Γtor is a projective variety. Let Kg,h,Γ be the canonical line bundle over Ag,h,Γtor and D,g,h,Γ be the infinity boundary divisor on Ag,h,Γtor. Compute the Okoukov convex bodies ΔY(Kg,h,Γ),ΔYval(Kg,h,Γ),ΔYlim(Kg,h,Γ),ΔY(D,g,h,Γ),ΔYval(D,Γu),ΔYlim(D,g,h,Γ),ΔY(Kg,h,Γ+D,g,h,Γ),ΔYval(Kg,h,Γ+D,g,h,Γ) and ΔYlim(Kg,h,Γ+D,g,h,Γ) explicitly. Describe the relations between these Okounkov bodies and the GL(g,)-admissible family of polyhedral decompositions defining the toroidal compactification Ag,h,Γtor.

Problem 7.11. Assume that a toroidal compactification Ag,h,Γtor of Ag,h,Γ is a projective variety. Let DJ,Γ be a divisor on Ag,h,Γtor containing Jg,h,Γ. Describe the Okounkov bodies ΔY(DJ,Γ),ΔYval(DJ,Γ) and ΔYlim(DJ,Γ). Study the relations among Jg,Γ,Jg,h,Γ,DJ,Γ and these Okounkov bodies.

We have the following diagram:

Here pg,h,Γ:Ag,h,ΓAg,h is a covering map.

We propose the following questions.

Question 7.1. Let Γ be a neat arithmetic subgroup of Γg. Does the closure J¯g,h,Γ of Jg,h,Γ intersect the infinity boundary divisor D,g,h,Γ? If g is sufficient large, it is probable that J¯g,h,Γ will not intersect the boundary divisor D,g,h,Γu.

Question 7.2. Let Γ be a neat arithmetic subgroup of Γg. Does the closure J¯g,h,Γ of Jg,h,Γ intersect the canonical divisor Kg,h,Γ?

Question 7.3. Let Γ be a neat arithmetic subgroup of Γg. How curved is the closure J¯g,h,Γ of Jg,h,Γ along the boundary of Jg,h,Γ?

Now we make some conjectures.

Conjecture 7.1. For a sufficiently large integer g, the locus Jg,h contains only finitely many special points. This is an analogue (or generalization) of Coleman's conjecture.

Conjecture 7.2. For a sufficiently large integer g, the locus Jg,h cannot contain a non-trivial totally geodesic subvariety inside Ag,h for the Riemannian metric dsg,h;A,B2.

Conjecture 7.3. For a sufficiently large integer g, there does not exist a geodesic that is contained in Jg,h for the Riemannian metric dsg,h;A,B2.

Finally we discuss the connection between the universal Jacobian locus Jg,h and stable Jacobi forms. We refer to Appendix E in this article for more details on stable Jacobi forms. First we review the concept of stable modular forms introduced in [45]. The Siegel 𝚽-operator

Φg,k:[Γg+1,k][Γg,k],  k+

defined by


where [Γg,k] denotes the vector space of all Siegel modular forms on g of weight k. Using the theory of Poincaré series, H. Maass [88] proved that if k is even and k42g, then Φg,k is a surjective linear map. In 1977, using the theory of singular modular forms, E. Freitag [45] proved the following facts (a) and (b) :

  • (a) for a fixed even integer k, Φg,k is an isomorphism if g>2k ;

  • (b) [Γg,k]=0 if g>2k,k0 (mod 4).

The fact (a) means that the vector spaces [Γg,k] stabilize to the infinity vector space [Γ,k] as g increases. In this sense, he introduced the notion of the stability of Siegel modular forms.

Definition 7.3. A Siegel modular form f[Γg,k] is said to be stable if there exists a nonegative integer m+ satisfying the following conditions (SM1) and (SM2) :

  • (SM1) g+m>2k;

  • (SM2) f=Φg+1,kΦg+2,kΦg+m,k(F) for some F[Γg+m,k].

Scalar-valued Siegel modular forms on Ag vanishing on the Jacobian locus, equivalently, forms on the Satake compactification AgSat that vanish on the closure JgSat of Jg in AgSat are called Schottky-Siegel forms. The normalization ν:AgSatAg+1Sat gives a restriction map which coincides with the Siegel operator Φg,k (k+).

We let


be the graded ring of Siegel modular forms on g. It is known that A(Γg) is a finitely generated -algebra and the field of modular functions K(Γg) is an algebraic function field of transcendence degree 12g(g+1).

The ring


is an inverse limit in the category


Freitag [45] proved that A is the polynomial ring over on the set of theta series θS, where S runs over the set of equivalence classes of indecomposable positive definite unimodular even integral matrices. In general, A(Γg) is not a polynomial ring (cf. [45, p.,204]).

We define the stable Satake compactification ASat by

ASat:=gA gSat=lim gAgSat

and the stable Jacobian locus JSat by

JSat:=gJ gSat=lim gJgSat.

G. Codogni and N. I. Shepherd-Barron [24] proved the following theorem.

Theorem 7.5. There are no stable Schottky-Siegel forms. That is, the homomorphism from


induced by the inclusion JSatASat is injective, where ωJ is the restriction of the canonical line bundle ω on ASat to JSat.

Proof. See Theorem 1.3 and Corollary 1.4 in [24].

We refer to Appendix D in this paper for the definition of Jacobi forms.

Now we consider the special case ρ=detk with k+. We define the Siegel-Jacobi operator




where FJk,M(Γg),τg1 and z(h,g1). We observe that the above limit exists and Ψg,M is a well-defined linear map,(cf.,[179]).

The author [149] proved the following theorems.

Theorem 7.6. Let 2M be a positive even unimodular symmetric integral matrix of degree h and let k be an even nonnegative integer. If g+h>2k, then the Siegel-Jacobi operator Ψg,M is injective.

Proof. See [149, Theorem 3.5].

Theorem 7.7. Let 2M be as above in Theorem 2.1 and let k be an even nonnegative integer. If g+h>2k+1, then the Siegel-Jacobi operator Ψg,M is an isomorphism.

Proof. See [149, Theorem 3.6].

Theorem 7.8. Let 2M be as above in Theorem 2.1 and let k be an even nonnegative integer. Assume that 2k>4g+h and k0(mod 2). Then the Siegel-Jacobi operator Ψg,M is surjective.

Proof. See [149, Theorem 3.7].

Remark 7.5. The author [149, Theorem 4.2] proved that the action of the Hecke operatos on Jacobi forms is compatible with that of the Siegel-Jacobi operator.

Definition 7.4. A collection (Fg)g0 is called a stable Jacobi form of weight k and index M if it satisfies the following conditions (SJ1) and (SJ2):

  • (SJ1) FgJk,M(Γg) for all g0.

  • (SJ2) Ψg,MFg=Fg1 for all g1.

Remark 7.6. The concept of a stable Jacobi forms was introduced by the author [148, 158].

Example. Let S be a positive even unimodular symmetric integral matrix of degree 2k and let c(2k,h) be an integral matrix. We define the theta series ϑS,c(g) by

ϑS,c(g)(τ,z):= λ (2k,g)eπitr(Sλτt λ)+2tr(t cSλt z),(τ,z)g,h.

It is easily seen that ϑS,c(g)Jk,M(Γg) with M:=12 tcSc for all g0 and Ψg,MϑS,c(g)=ϑS,c(g1) for all g1. Thus the collection


is a stable Jacobi form of weight k and index M.

Definition 7.5. Let M be a half-integral semi-positive symmetric matrix of degree h and k+. A Jacobi form FJk,M(Γg) is called a Schottky-Jacobi form of weight k and index M for the universal Jacobian locus if it vanishes along Jg,h.

Definition 7.6. Let M be a half-integral semi-positive symmetric matrix of degree h and k+. A collection (Fg)g0 is called a stable Schottky-Jacobi form of weight k and index M if it satisfies the following conditions (1) and (2):

  • (1) FgJk,M(Γg) is a Schottky-Jacobi form of weight k and index M for all g0.

  • (2) Ψg,MFg=Fg1 for all g1.

We expect to prove the following claim :

Claim: There are no stable Schottky-Jacobi forms for the universal Jacoban locus.

The author [174] proved the following.

Theorem 7.9. Let 2M be a positive even unimodular symmetric integral matrix of degree h. Then there do not exist stable Schottky-Jacobi forms of index M for the universal Jacobian locus.

Proof. See [174, Theorem 4.1].

Let (Λ,Q) be an even unimodular positive definite quadratic form of rank m. That is, Λ is a finitely generated free group of rank m and Q is an integer-valued bilinear form on Λ such that Q is even and unimodular. For a positive integer g, the theta series θQ,g associated to (Λ,Q) is defined to be

θQ,g(τ):= x1,,xgΛexpπi p,qgQ(xp,xq)τpq,  τ=(τpq)g.

It is well known that θQ,g(τ) is a Siegel modular form on g of weight m2. We easily see that

Φg,m2(θQ,g+1)=θQ,g  forallg+.

Therefore the collection of all theta series associated to (Λ,Q)

ΘQ:=θQ,g g0

is a stable modular form.

Definition 7.7. A stable equation for the hyperelliptic locus is a stable modular form (fg)g0 such that fg vanishes along the hyperelliptic locus Hypg for every g.

Recently G. Codogni [23] proved the following.

Theorem 7.10. The ideal of stable equations of the hyperelliptic locus is generated by differences of theta series


where P and Q are even unimodular positive definite quadratic forms of the same rank.

Proof. See Theorem 1.2 or Theorem 4.2 in [23].

In a similar way we may define the concept of stable Jacobi equation.

Definition 7.8. A stable Jacobi equation of index M for the universal hyperelliptic locus is a stable Jacobi form (Fg,M)g0 of index M such that Fg,M vanishes along the universal hyperelliptic locus Hypg,h:=πg,h1(Hypg) for every g.

The author [174] proved the following.

Theorem 7.11. Let 2M be a positive even unimodular symmetric integral matrix of degree h. Then there exist non-trivial stable Schottky-Jacobi forms of M for the universal hyperelliptic locus.

Proof. See [174, Theorem 4.2]

Problem 7.12. Find the ideal of stable Jacobi equations of the universal hyperelliptic locus.

Remark 7.7. We consider a half-integral semi-positive symmetric integral

matrix M such that 2M is not even or which is not unimodular.

The natural questions arise:

Question 7.1. Are there non-trivial stable Schottky-Jacobi forms of index M for the universal Jacobian locus?

Question 7.2. Are there non-trivial stable Schottky-Jacobi forms of index M for the universal hyperelliptic locus?

Appendix A. Subvarieties of the Siegel Modular Variety

In this appendix A, we give a brief remark on subvarieties of the Siegel modular variety and present several problems. This appendix was written on the base of the review [121] of G. K. Sankaran for the paper [165]. In fact, Sankaran made a critical review on Section 10. Subvarieties of the Siegel modular variety of the author's paper [165] and corrected some wrong statements and information given by the author. In this sense the author would like to give his deep thanks to the reviewer, Sankanran.

Here we assume that the ground field is the complex number field .

Definition A.1. A nonsingular variety X is said to be rational if X is birational to a projective space n() for some integer n. A nonsingular variety X is said to be stably\ rational if X×k() is birational to N() for certain nonnegative integers k and N. A nonsingular variety X is called unirational if there exists a dominant rational map φ:n()X for a certain positive integer n, equivalently if the function field (X) of X can be embedded in a purely transcendental extension (z1,,zn) of .

Remarks A.2. (1) It is easy to see that the rationality implies the stably rationality and that the stably rationality implies the unirationality.

(2) If X is a Riemann surface or a complex surface, then the notions of rationality, stably rationality and unirationality are equivalent one another.

(3) H. Clemens and P. Griffiths [22] showed that most of cubic threefolds in 4() are unirational but not rational.

The following natural questions arise :

Question 1. Is a stably rational variety rational?

Question 2. Is a general hypersurface Xn+1() of degree dn+1 unirational?

Question 1 is a famous one raised by O. Zariski (cf. B. Serge, Algebra and Number Theory (French), CNRS, Paris (1950), 135-138; MR0041480). In [12], A. Beauville, J.-L. Colliot-Thélène, J.-J. Sansuc and P. Swinnerton-Dyer gave counterexamples, e.g., the Ch^atelot surfaces Vd,PA3 defined by y2dz2=P(x), where P[x] is an irreducible polynomial of degree 3, and d is the discriminant of P such that d is not a square and hence answered negatively to Question 1.

Definition A.3. Let X be a nonsingular variety of dimension n and let KX be the canonical divisor of X. For each positive integer m+, we define the m-genus Pm(X) of X by


The number pg(X):=P1(X) is called the geometric genus of X. We let


For the present, we assume that N(X) is nonempty. For each mN(X), we let ϕ0,,ϕNm be a basis of the vector space H0(X,O(mKX)). Then we have the mapping ΦmKX:XNm() by


We define the Kodaira\ dimension κ(X) of X by


If N(X) is empty, we put κ(X):=. Obviously κ(X)dimX. A nonsingular variety X is said to be of general type if κ(X)=dimX. A singular variety Y in general is said to be rational, stably rational, unirational or of general type if any nonsingular model X of Y is rational, stably rational, unirational or of general type respectively. We define


A variety Y of dimension n is said to be of logarithmic general type if there exists a smooth compactification Y˜ of Y such that D:=Y˜Y is a divisor with normal crossings only and the transcendence degree of the logarithmic canonical ring

m=0H0(Y˜,m(K Y ˜ +[D]))

is n+1, i.e., the logarithmic Kodaira dimension of Y is n. We observe that the notion of being of logarithmic general type is weaker than that of being of general type.

Let Ag:=Γg\g be the Siegel modular variety of degree g, that is, the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension g. So far it has been proved that Ag is of general type for g≥ 7. At first Freitag [44] proved this fact when g is a multiple of 24. Tai [133] proved this for g≥ 9 and Mumford [99] proved this fact for g7. On the other hand, Ag is known to be unirational for g5: Donagi [30] for g=5, Clemens [21] for g=4 and classical for g≤ 3. For g=3, using the moduli theory of curves, Riemann [118], Weber [139] and Frobenius [51] showed that A3(2):=Γ3(2)\3 is a rational variety and moreover gave 6 generators of the modular function field K(Γ3(2)) written explicitly in terms of derivatives of odd theta functions at the origin. So A3 is a unirational variety with a Galois covering of a rational variety of degree [Γ3:Γ3(2)]=1,451,520. Here Γ3(2) denotes the principal congruence subgroup of Γ3 of level 2. Furthermore it was shown that A3 is stably rational (cf. []). For a positive integer k, we let Γg(k) be the principal congruence subgroup of Γg of level k. Let Ag(k) be the moduli space of abelian varieties of dimension g with k-level structure. It is classically known that Ag(k) is of logarithmic general type for k≥ 3 (cf. [99]). Wang [137, 138] gave a different proof for the fact that A2(k) is of general type for k≥ 4. On the other hand, the relation between the Burkhardt quartic and abelian surfaces with 3-level structure was established by H. Burkhardt [17] in 1890. We refer to [70, §, IV.2, pp.,132-135] for more detail on the Burkhardt quartic. In 1936, J. A. Todd [134] proved that the Burkhardt quartic is rational. van der Geer [56] gave a modern proof for the rationality of A2(3). The remaining unsolved problems are summarized as follows:

Problem 1. Are A4,A5 stably rational or rational?

Problem 2. Discuss the (uni)rationality of A6.

We already mentioned that Ag is of general type if g≥ 7. It is natural to ask if the subvarieties of Ag(g7) are of general type, in particular the subvarieties of Ag of codimension one. Freitag [49] showed that there exists a certain bound g0 such that for g≥ g0, each irreducible subvariety of Ag of codimension one is of general type. Weissauer [141] proved that every irreducible divisor of Ag is of general type for g ≥ 10. Moreover he proved that every subvariety of codimension ≤ g-13 in Ag is of general type for g ≥ 13. We observe that the smallest known codimension for which there exist subvarieties of Ag for large g which are not of general type is g1.A1×Ag1 is a subvariety of Ag of codimension g-1 which is not of general type.

Remark A.4. Let Mg be the coarse moduli space of curves of genus g over . Then Mg is an analytic subvariety of Ag of dimension 3g-3. It is known that Mg is rational for g=2,4,5,6. In 1915 Severi proved that Mg is unirational for g ≤ 10 (see E. Arbarello and E. Sernesi's paper [8] for a modern rigorous proof). The unirationality of M12 was proved by E. Sernesi [127] in 1981. Three years later the unirationality of M11 and M13 was proved by M. C. Chang and Z. Ran [19]. So the Kodaira dimension κ(Mg) of Mg is for g13. In 1982 Harris and Mumford [69] proved that Mg is of general type for odd g with g≥ 25 and κ(M23)0. J. Harris [67] proved that if g ≥ 40 and g is even, Mg is of general type. In 1987 D. Eisenbud and J. Harris [39] proved that Mg is of general type for all g≥ 24 and M23 has the Kodaira dimension at least one. In 1996 P. Katsylo [74] showed that M3 is rational and hence A3.

Remark A.5. For more details on the geometry and topology of Ag and compactifications of Ag, we refer to [1, 40, 48, 55, 57, 58, 61, 71, 82, 91, 122, 123, 124, 137].

Appendix B. Extending of the Torelli Map to Toroidal Compactifications of the Siegel Modular Variety

Let MgDM be the Deligne-Mumford compactification of Mg consisting of isomorphism classes of stable curves of genus g. We recall ([29, 102, 105]) that a complete curve C is said to be a stable curve of genus g ≥ 1 if

  • (S1) C is reduced;

  • (S2) C has only ordinary double points as possible singularities;

  • (S3) dimH1(C,OC)=1;

  • (S4) each nonsingular rational component of C meets the other components at more than two points.

P. Deligne and D. Mumford [29] proved that the coarse moduli space MgDM is an irreducible projective variety,and contains Mg as a Zariski open subset.

We have three standard explicit toroidal compactifications AgVI,AgVII and Agcent constructed from

  • (VI) the 1st Voronoi (or perfect) cone decomposition;

  • (VII) the 2nd Voronoi cone decomposition;

  • (cent) the central cone decomposition

respectively. We refer to [93, 128] for more details on the perfect cone decomposition and the 2nd Voronoi cone decomposition. In 1973, Y. Namikawa [102] proposed a natural question if the Torelli map


extends to a regular map


In fact, Agcent is the normalization of the Igusa blow-up of the Satake compactification AgSat along the boundary Agcent. In the 1970s, Mumford and Namikawa [103, 104] showed that the Torelli map Tg extends to a regular map


In 2012, V. Alexeev and A. Brunyate [2] proved that the Torelli map Tg can be extended to a regular map

TgVI:MgDM AgVI=Agperf

and that the extended Torelli map

Tgcent:MgDM Agcent

is regular for g ≤ 6 but not regular for g ≥ 9. Furthermore they also showed that the two compactifications AgVI and AgVII are equal near the closure of the Jacobian locus Jg. Almost at the same time the extended Torelli map Tgcent is regular for g ≤ 8 by Alexeev and et al. [3].

I would like to mention that K. Liu, X. Sun and S.-T. Yau [83, 84, 85, 86] showed the goodness of the Hermitian metrics on the logarithmic tangent bundle on Mg which are induced by the Ricci and the perturbed Ricci metrics on Mg. They also showed that the Ricci metric on Mg extends naturally to the divisor Dg:=MgDM\Mg and coincides with the Ricci metric on each component of Dg.

Liu, Sun and Yau [84] showed that the existence of Kähler-Einstein metric on Mg is related to the stability of the logarithmic cotangent bundle over MgDM.

Let E be a holomorphic vector bundle over a complex manifold X of dimension n. Let Φ:=ΦX be a Kähler class (or form) of X. Then 𝚽-degree of E is defined by

deg(E):=X c1 (E)Φn1

and the slope of E is defined to be


A bundle E is said to be 𝚽-stable if for any proper coherent subsheaf FE, we have


Let U be a local chart of Mg near the boundary with pinching coordinates (t1,,tm,sm+1,,sn) such that (t1,,tm) represent the degeneration direction. Let

Fi=dtiti(1im),  Fj=dsj(m+1jn).

Then the logarithmic cotangent bundle (T*Mg)DM is the unique extension of the cotangent bundle T*Mg over Mg to MgDM such that on U F1,F2,,Fn is a local holomorphic frame of (T*Mg)DM.

Liu, Sun and Yau [84] proved the following.

Theorem B.1. The first Chern class c1(T*Mg)DM is positive and (T*Mg)DM is stable with respect to


Remark B.2. We refer to [18, 135, 144, 145] for some topics related to Mg and MgDM.

Appendix C. Singular Modular Forms

Let ρ be a rational representation of GL(g,) on a finite dimensional complex vector space Vρ. A holomorphic function f:gVρ with values in Vρ is called a modular form of type ρ if it satisfies


for all ABCDΓg and τg. We denote by [Γg,ρ] the vector space of all modular forms of type ρ. A modular form f[Γg,ρ] of type ρ has a Fourier series

f(τ)= T0a(T)e2πi(Tτ),τg,

where T runs over the set of all semipositive half-integral symmetric matrices of degree g. A modular form f of type ρ is said to be singular if a Fourier coefficient a(T) vanishes unless det(T)=0.

For τ=(τij)g, we write τ=X+iY with X=(xij),Y=(yij) real. We put


H. Maass [90] introduced the following differential operator


characterizing singular modular forms. Using the differential operator Mg, Maass [90, pp.,202-204] proved that if a nonzero singular modular form of degree g and type ρ:=detk (or weight k) exists, then gk0 (mod 2) and 0<2kg1. The converse was proved by R. Weissauer [140].

Freitag [46] proved that every singular modular form can be written as a finite linear combination of theta series with harmonic coefficients and proposed the problem to characterize singular modular forms. Weissauer [140] gave the following criterion.

Theorem C.1. Let ρ be an irreducible rational representation of GL(g,) with its highest weight (λ1,,λg). Let f be a modular form of type ρ. Then the following are equivalent:

  • (a) f is singular.

  • (b) 2λg<g.

Now we describe how the concept of singular modular forms is closely related to the geometry of the Siegel modular variety. Let X:=AgSat be the Satake compactification of the Siegel modular variety Ag=Γg\g. Then Ag is embedded in X as a quasiprojective algebraic subvariety of codimension g. Let Xs be the smooth part of Ag and X˜ the desingularization of X. Without loss of generality, we assume XsX˜. Let Ωp(X˜) (resp. Ωp(Xs)) be the space of holomorphic p-form on X˜ (resp. Xs). Freitag and Pommerening [50] showed that if g>1, then the restriction map


is an isomorphism for p<dimX˜=g(g+1)2. Since the singular part of Ag is at least codimension 2 for g>1, we have an isomorphism


Here Ωp(g)Γg denotes the space of Γg-invariant holomorphic p-forms on \mathbb Hg. Let Sym2(g) be the symmetric power of the canonical representation of GL(g,) on n. Then we have an isomorphism


Theorem C.2. [140] Let ρα be the irreducible representation of GL(g,) with highest weight


such that corank(ρα)=α for 1αg. If α=1, we let ρα=(g+1,,g+1). Then

Ωp(g)Γg=[Γg,ρα],if p=g(g+1)2-α(α+1)20,otherwise.

Remark C.3. If 2α>g, then any f[Γg,ρα] is singular. Thus if p<g(3g+2)8, then any Γg-invariant holomorphic p-form on g can be expressed in terms of vector valued theta series with harmonic coefficients. It can be shown with a suitable modification that the just mentioned statement holds for a sufficiently small congruence subgroup of Γg.

Thus the natural question is to ask how to determine the Γg-invariant holomorphic p-forms on g for the nonsingular range g(3g+2)8pg(g+1)2. Weissauer [142] answered the above question for g=2. For g>2, the above question is still open. It is well know that the vector space of vector valued modular forms of type ρ is finite dimensional. The computation or the estimate of the dimension of Ωp(g)Γg is interesting because its dimension is finite even though the quotient space Ag is noncompact.

Finally we will mention the results due to Weisauer [141]. We let Γ be a congruence subgroup of Γ2. According to Theorem C.2, Γ-invariant holomorphic forms in Ω2(2)Γ are corresponded to modular forms of type (3,1). We note that these invariant holomorphic 2-forms are contained in the nonsingular range. And if these modular forms are not cusp forms, they are mapped under the Siegel 𝚽-operator to cusp forms of weight 3 with respect to some congruence subgroup (dependent on Γ) of the elliptic modular group. Since there are finitely many cusps, it is easy to deal with these modular forms in the adelic version. Observing these facts, he showed that any 2-holomorphic form on Γ\2 can be expressed in terms of theta series with harmonic coefficients associated to binary positive definite quadratic forms. Moreover he showed that H2(Γ\2,) has a pure Hodge structure and that the Tate conjecture holds for a suitable compactification of Γ\2. If g3, for a congruence subgroup Γ of Γg it is difficult to compute the cohomology groups H(Γ\g,) because Γ\g is noncompact and highly singular. Therefore in order to study their structure, it is natural to ask if they have pure Hodge structures or mixed Hodge structures.

Appendix D. Singular Jacobi Forms

In this section, we discuss the notion of singular Jacobi forms. First of all we define the concept of Jacobi forms.

Let ρ be a rational representation of GL(g,) on a finite dimensional complex vector space Vρ. Let M(h,h) be a symmetric half-integral semi-positive definite matrix of degree m. The canonical automorphic factor


for GJ on g,h is given as follows:

Jρ,M((g,(λ,μ;κ)),(τ,z))=e2πitrM(z+λτ+μ)(Cτ+D)1Ct(z+λτ+μ)          ×e2πitrM(λτtλ+2λtz+κ+μtλ)ρ(Cτ+D),

where g=ABCDSp(2g,),(λ,μ;κ)H(g,h) and (τ,z)g,h. We refer to [152] for a geometrical construction of Jρ,M.

Let C(g,h,Vρ) be the algebra of all C functions on g,h with values in Vρ. For fC(g,h,Vρ), we define


where g=ABCDSp(2g,),(λ,μ;κ)H(g,h) and (τ,z)g,h.

Definition D.1. Let ρ and M be as above. Let


be the discrete subgroup of H(g,h). A Jacobi form of index M with respect to ρ on a subgroup Γ of Γg of finite index is a holomorphic function fC(g,h,Vρ) satisfying the following conditions (A) and (B):

(A) f|ρ,M[γ˜]=f for all γ˜Γ˜:=ΓH(g,h).

(B) For each MΓg, f|ρ,M[M] has a Fourier expansion of the following form :

(f|ρ,M[M])(τ,z)= T=tT0 half-integral R (g,h)c(T,R)e2πiλΓtr(Tτ)e2πitr(Rz)

with λΓ(0) and c(T,R)0 only if 1λΓT12R12tRM0.

If g2, the condition (B) is superfluous by K{ö}cher principle(cf. [179, Lemma 1.6]). We denote by Jρ,M(Γ) the vector space of all Jacobi forms of index M with respect to ρ on Γ. Ziegler (cf. [37][Theorem 1.1] or [179][Theorem 1.8]) proves that the vector space Jρ,M(Γ) is finite dimensional. In the special case ρ(A)=(det(A))k with AGL(g,) and a fixed k, we write Jk,M(Γ) instead of Jρ,M(Γ) and call k the weight of the corresponding Jacobi forms. For more results about Jacobi forms with g>1 and h>1, we refer to [147, 149, 150, 152, 159, 179]. Jacobi forms play an important role in lifting elliptic cusp forms to Siegel cusp forms of degree 2g.

Without loss of generality we may assume that M is positive definite. For simplicity, we consider the case that Γ is the Siegel modular group Γg of degree g.

Let g and h be two positive integers. We recall that M is a symmetric positive definite, half-integral matrix of degree h. We let


be the open convex cone of positive definite matrices of degree g in the Euclidean space g(g+1)2. We define the differential operator Mg,h,\M on Pg×(h,g) defined by



Y=(yμν)Pg,V=(vkl)(h,g),Y=1+δμν 2yμν



We note that this differential operator Mg,h,M generalizes the Maass operator Mg (see Formula (C.1)).

The author [153] characterized singular Jacobi forms as follows:

Theorem D.2. Let fJρ,M(Γg) be a Jacobi form of index M with respect to a finite dimensional rational representation ρ of GL(g,). Then the following conditions are equivalent :

  • (1) f is a singular Jacobi form.

  • (2) f satisfies the differential equation Mg,h,Mf=0.

Theorem D.3. Let ρ be an irreducible finite dimensional representation of GL(g,). Then there exists a nonvanishing singular Jacobi form in Jρ,M(Γg) if and only if 2k(ρ)<g+h. Here k(ρ) denotes the weight of ρ.

For the proofs of the above theorems we refer to Theorems 4.1 and 4.5 in [153].

Exercise D.4. Compute the eigenfunctions and the eigenvalues of Mg,h,M (cf. [153, pp.2048-2049]).

Now we consider the following group GL(g,)H(g,h) equipped with the multiplication law


where A,BGL(g,) and (λ,μ,κ),(λ,μ,κ)H(g,h). We observe that GL(g,) acts on H(g,h) on the right as automorphisms. And we have the canonical action of GL(g,)H(g,h) on Pg×(h,g) defined by


where AGL(g,),(λ,μ,κ)H(g,h) and (Y,V)Pg×(h,g).

Lemma D.5. The differential operator Mg,h,M defined by the formula (D.1) is invariant under the action (D.2) of GL(g,)(0,μ,0)|μ(h,g).

Proof. It follows immediately from the direct calculation.

We have the following natural questions.

Problem D.6. Develop the invariant theory for the action of

GL(g,)H(g,h) on Pg×(h,g). We refer to [169, 172] for related topics.

Problem D.7. Discuss the application of the theory of singular Jacobi forms to the geometry of the universal abelian variety as that of singular modular forms to the geometry of the Siegel modular variety (see Appendix C).

Appendix E. Stable Jacobi Forms

Throughout this appendix we put


For a commutative ring R and an integer m, we denote by Sm(R) the set of all m×m symmetric matrices with entries in R.

We know that the Siegel-Jacobi space


is a non-symmetric homogeneous space. Here

KJ=(k,(0,0;κ)) |kU(g), κSh()

is a subgroup of GJ. Let gJ be the Lie algebra of the Jacobi group GJ. Then gJ has a decomposition





pJ=abba,(P,Q;0)|a,bSg(),P,Q(h,g) .

We observe that kJ is the Lie algebra of KJ. The complexification pJ:=p of pJ has a decomposition



p+J=XiXiXX,(P,iP;0)|XSg(),P(h,g) .


pJ=XiXiXX,(P,iP;0)|XSg(),P(h,g) .

We define a complex structure IJ on the tangent space pJ of g,h at (iIg,0) by


Identifying (h,g)×(h,g) with (h,g) via


we may regard the complex structure IJ as a real linear map

IJ(X+i Y,Q+i P)=(Y+iX,P+iQ),

where X+i YSg(),Q+iP(h,g).IJ extends complex linearly on the complexification pJ. With respect to this complex structure IJ, we may say that a function f on g,h is holomorphic if and only if ξ f=0 for all ξpJ.

Since the space g,h is diffeomorphic to the homogeneous space GJ/KJ, we may lift a function f on g,h with values in Vρ to a function Φf on GJ with values in Vρ in the following way. We define the lifting



Φf(x):=(f|ρ,M[x])(iIg,0)  =Jρ,M(x,(iIg,0))f(x(iIg,0)),

where xGJ and F(g,h,Vρ)(resp.F(GJ,Vρ)) denotes the vector space consisting of functions on g,h(resp.GJ) with values in Vρ.

We see easily that the vector space Jρ,M(Γg) is isomorphic to the space Aρ,M(Γg,h) of smooth functions Φ on GJ with values in Vρ satisfying the following conditions:

  • (1a) Φ(γx)=Φ(x) for all γΓJ and xGJ.

  • (1b) Φ(xr(k,κ))=e2πiσ(Mκ)ρ(k)1Φ(x) for all xGJ,r(k,κ)KJ.

  • (2) YΦ=0 for all YpJ.

  • (3) For all MSp(2g,), the function ψ:GJVρ defined by


is bounded in the domain YY0. Here x(iIg,0)=(τ,z) with τ=X+iY,Y>0.

Clearly Jρ,Mcusp(Γg) is isomorphic to the subspace Aρ,M0(Γg,h) of Aρ,M(Γg,h) with the condition (3+) that the function gΦ(g) is bounded.

Let M be a fixed positive definite symmetric half-integral matrix of degree h. Let ρ:=(ρn) be a stable representation of GL(,). That is, for each n+,ρn is a finite dimensional rational representation of GL(n,) and ρ is compatible with the embeddings αkl:GL(k,)GL(l,)(k<l) defined by


For two positive integers m and n, we put


For k,l+ with k<l, we define the mapping Φl,k,M of Aρl,M(Γl,m) into the functions on Gk,mJ by


where FAρl,M(Γl,mJ),x=(M,(λ,μ;κ))Gk,mJ with M=ABCDSp(2k,) and


Proposition E.1. The limit (E.2) always exists and the image of Aρl,M(Γl,h) under Φl,k,M is contained in Aρk,M(Γk,h). Obviously the mapping


is a linear mapping.

The mapping Φl,k,M is called the Siegel-Jacobi operator. For any g+, we put


where ρ runs over all isomorphism classes of irreducible rational

representations of GL(g,). For g=0, we set A0,M:=.

For each g+, we put


where ρ runs over all isomorphism classes of irreducible rational representations of GL(g,) with highest weight λ(ρ)(2)g. It is obvious that if k<l, then the Siegel-Jacobi operator Φl,k,M maps Al,M(resp. Al,M) into Ak,M(resp.Ak,M).

We let


be the inverse limits of (Ak,M,Φl,k,M) and (Ak,M,Φl,k,M) respectively.

Proposition E.2. A,M has a commutative ring structure compatible with the Siegel-Jacobi operators. Obviously A,M is a subring of A,M.

For a stable irreducible representation ρ=(ρg) of GL(,), we define


Proposition E.3. We have


where ρ runs over all isomorphism classes of stable irreducible representations of GL(,).

Definition E.4. Elements in A,M are called stable automorphic forms on G,hJ of index M and elements of A,M are called even stable automorphic forms on G,hJ of index M.

For g1, we define


where ρ runs over all isomorphism classes of irreducible rational representations of GL(g,) and M runs over all equivalence classes of positive definite symmetric, half-integral matrices of any degree 1. We set A0:=.

For g1, we also define


where ρ runs over all isomorphism classes of irreducible rational representations of GL(g,) with highest weight λ(ρ)(2)g and M runs over all equivalence classes of positive definite symmetric half-integral matrices of any degree 1.

Let ρ=(ρg) be a stable irreducible rational representation of GL(,). For each irreducible rational representation ρg of GL(g,) appearing in ρ, we put


where M runs over all equivalence classes of positive definite symmetric half-integral matrices of any degree ≥ 1. Clearly the Siegel-Jacobi operator Φl,k:=MΦl,k,M(k<l) maps A(ρl;ρ) into A(ρk;ρ).

Using the Siegel-Jacobi operators, we can define the inverse limits


Theorem E.5.


where ρ runs over all equivalence classes of stable irreducible representations of GL(,).

Let ρ and M be the same as in the previous sections. For positive integers r and g with r<g, we let ρ(r):GL(r,)GL(Vρ) be a rational representation of GL(r,) defined by


The Siegel-Jacobi operator Ψg,r:Jρ,M(Γg)Jρ(r),M(Γr) is defined by


where fJρ,M(Γg),τr and z(h,r). It is easy to check that the above limit always exists and the Siegel-Jacobi operator is a linear mapping. Let Vρ(r) be the subspace of Vρ spanned by the values {(Ψg,rf)(τ,z)|fJρ,M(Γg),(τ,z)r×(h,r)}. Then Vρ(r) is invariant under the action of the group


We can show that if Vρ(r)0 and (ρ,Vρ) is irreducible, then (ρ(r),Vρ(r)) is also irreducible.

Theorem E.6. The action of the Siegel-Jacobi operator is compatible with that of that of the Hecke operator.

We refer to [149] for a precise detail on the Hecke operators and the proof of the above theorem.

Problem E.7. Discuss the injectivity, surjectivity and bijectivity of the Siegel-Jacobi operator.

This problem was partially discussed by the author [149] and Kramer [78] in the special cases. For instance, Kramer [78] showed that if g is arbitrary, h=1 and ρ:GL(g,)× is a one-dimensional representation of GL(g,) defined by ρ(a):=(det(a))k for some k+, then the Siegel-Jacobi operator


is surjective for km0.

Theorem E.8. Let 1rg1 and let ρ be an irreducible finite dimensional representation of GL(g,). Assume that k(ρ)>g+r+rank(M)+1 and that k is even. Then


Here Jρ(r),Mcusp(Γr) denotes the subspace consisting of all cuspidal Jacobi forms in Jρ(r),M(Γr).

Idea of Proof. For each fJρ(r),Mcusp(Γr), we can show by a direct computation that


where Eρ,M(g)(τ,z;f) is the Eisenstein series of Klingen's type associated with a cusp form f. For a precise detail, we refer to [179].

Remark E.9. Dulinski [35] decomposed the vector space Jk,M(Γg)(k+) into a direct sum of certain subspaces by calculating the action of the Siegel-Jacobi operator on Eisenstein series of Klingen's type explicitly.

For two positive integers r and g with r≤ g-1, we consider the bigraded ring




where Γr(l) denotes the principal congruence subgroup of Γr of level ℓ and M runs over the set of all symmetric semi-positive half-integral matrices of degree h. Let


be the Siegel-Jacobi operator defined by (E.11).

Problem E.10. Investigate ProjJ,(r)(l) over M(r)(l) and the quotient space


for 1rg1.

The difficulty to this problem comes from the following facts (A) and (B):

  • (A) J,(r)(l) is not finitely generated over M(r)(l).

  • (B) Jk,Mcusp(Γr(l))kerΨr,r1,l in general.

These are the facts different from the theory of Siegel modular forms. We remark that Runge (cf. [119, pp.190-194]) discussed some parts about the above problem.

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