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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2023; 63(4): 593-610

Published online December 31, 2023 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2023.63.4.593

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Generalized Chen's Conjecture for Biharmonic Maps on Foliations

Xueshan Fu, Seoung Dal Jung*

Department of Mathematics, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, People Republic of China
e-mail : xsfu@sut.edu.cn

Department of Mathematics, Jeju National University, Jeju 63243, Republic of Korea
e-mail : sdjung@jejunu.ac.kr

Received: August 31, 2023; Accepted: November 3, 2023

In this paper, we prove the generalized Chen's conjecture for (F,F)-biharmonic maps, such maps are critical points of the transversal bienergy functional.

Keywords: Riemannian foliation, Transversally harmonic map, Transversally biharmonic map, (F,F)&am

On a Riemannian geometry, harmonic maps play a central role to study the geometric properties. They are critical points of the energy functional E(ϕ) for smooth maps ϕ:(M,g)(M,g), where


where μM is the volume element. It is well known that harmonic map is a solution of the Euler-Largrange equation τ(ϕ)=0, where τ(ϕ)=trg(dϕ) is the tension field.

In 1983, J. Eells and L. Lemaire extended the notion of harmonic map to biharmonic map, which is a critical points of the bienergy functional E2(ϕ), where


It is well-known [9] that harmonic maps are always biharmonic. But the converse is not true. At first, B.Y. Chen [3] raised so called Chen's conjecture and later, R. Caddeo et al. [2] raised the generalized Chen's conjecture. That is,

Generalized Chen's conjecture: Every biharmonic submanifold of a Riemannian manifold of non-positive curvature must be harmonic.

About the generalized Chen's conjecture, Nakauchi et al. [19] showed the following.

Theorem 1.1. [19] Let (M,g) be a complete Riemannian manifold and (M',g') be of non-positive sectional curvature. Then

  • (1) every biharmonic map ϕ:MM with finite energy and finite bienergy must be harmonic.

  • (2) In the case Vol(M)=, every biharmonic map with finite bienergy is harmonic.

Now, we study the generalized Chen's conjecture for biharmonic maps on foliated Riemannian manifolds and extend Theorem 1.1 to foliations. Let (M,g,F) and (M,g,F) be the foliated Riemannian manifolds. Let ϕ:MM be a smooth foliated map, that is, map preserving the leaves. Then ϕ is said to be (F,F)-harmonic map [6] if ϕ is a critical point of the transversal energy EB(ϕ), which is given by


where dTϕ=dϕ|Q is the differential map of ϕ restricted to the normal bundle Q of F. From the first variational formula for the transversal energy functional [12], it is trivial that (F,F)-harmonic map is a solution of τ˜b(ϕ):=τb(ϕ)+dTϕ(κB)=0, where τb(ϕ)=trQ(trdTϕ) is the transversal tension field and κB is the basic part of the mean curvature form κ of F.

The map ϕ is said to be (F,F)-biharmonic map if ϕ is a critical point of the transversal bienergy functional E˜B,2(ϕ), where


By the first variation formula for the transversal bienergy functional E˜B,2(ϕ) (Theorem 3.7), we know that (F,F)-harmonic map is always (F,F)-biharmonic. But the converse is not true. So we prove the generalized Chen's conjecture for (F,F)-biharmonic map. That is, we prove the following theorem

Theorem 1.2. (cf. Theorem 3.10) Let (M,g,F) be a foliated Riemannian manifold and let (M,g,F) be of non-positive transversal sectional curvature K Q, that is, K Q0. Let ϕ:MM be a (F,F)-biharmonic map. Then

  • (1) if M is closed, then ϕ is automatically (F,F)-harmonic;

  • (2) if M is complete with Vol(M)= and E˜B,2(ϕ)<, then ϕ is (F,F)-harmonic.

  • (3) If M is complete with EB(ϕ)< and E˜B,2(ϕ)<, then ϕ is (F,F) -harmonic.

Remark 1.3. On foliations, there is another kinds of harmonic map, called transversally harmonic map, which is a solution of the Eular-Lagrange equation τb(ϕ)=0 [15]. Also, the transversally biharmonic map is defined [4], which is not a critical point of the bienergy E˜B,2(ϕ). Two definitions for harmonic maps are equivalent when the foliation is minimal. The generalized Chen's conjectures for transversally biharmonic map have been proved in [11, 13].

Let (M,g,) be a foliated Riemannian manifold of dimension n with a foliation of codimension q(=np) and a bundle-like metric g with respect to [18, 23]. Let Q=TM/T be the normal bundle of , where T is the tangent bundle of . Let gQ be the induced metric by g on Q, that is, gQ=σ*(g|T), where σ:QT is the cnonical bundle isomorphism. Then gQ is the holonomy invariant metric on Q, meaning that LXgQ=0 for XT, where LX is the transverse Lie derivative with respect to X. Let Q be the transverse Levi-Civita connection on the normal bundle Q [23, 24] and RQ be the transversal curvature tensor of Q, which is defined by RQ(X,Y)=[X,Y][X,Y] for any X,YΓTM. Let KQ and RicQ be the transversal sectional curvature and transversal Ricci operator with respect to , respectively. Let ΩBr() be the space of all basic r-forms, i.e., ωΩBr() if and only if i(X)ω=0 and LXω=0 for any XΓT, where i(X) is the interior product. Then Ω*(M)=ΩB*()ΩB*() [1]. It is well known that κB is closed, i.e., dκB=0, where κB is the basic part of the mean curvature form κ [1, 20] . Let *¯:ΩBr(F)ΩBqr(F) be the star operator given by


where χF is the characteristic form of F and * is the Hodge star operator associated to g. Let , be the pointwise inner product on ΩBr(F), which is given by


where ν is the transversal volume form such that *ν=χF. Let δB:ΩBr(F)ΩBr1(F) be the operator defined by


where dB=d|ΩB*(F). It is well known [22] that δB is the formal adjoint of dB with respect to the global inner product. That is,

M dω1 ,ω2 μM=M ω1 ,δB ω2 μM

for any compactly supported basic forms ω1 and ω2, where μM=νχF is the volume element.

There exists a bundle-like metric such that the mean curvature form satisfies δBκB=0 on compact manifolds [5, 16, 17]. The basic Laplacian ΔB acting on ΩB*(F) is given by


Now we define the bundle map AY:ΓQΓQ for any Y ∈ TM by


where LYs=π[Y,Ys] for π(Ys)=s. It is well-known [14] that for any infitesimal automorphism Y (that is, [Y,Z]ΓTF for all ZΓTF [14])


where π:TMQ is the natural projection and Ys is the vector field such that π(Ys)=s. So AY depends only on Y¯=π(Y) and is a linear operator. Moreover, AY extends in an obvious way to tensors of any type on Q [14]. Then we have the generalized Weitzenböck formula on ΩB*(F) [10]: for any ωΩBr(F),


where F(ω)= a,bθai(Eb)RQ(Eb,Ea)ω and

tr*trω=aE a ,E a 2ω+κBω.

The operator tr*tr is positive definite and formally self adjoint on the space of basic forms [10]. If ω is a basic 1-form, then F(ω)=RicQ(ω). Now, we recall the transversal divergence theorem on a foliated Riemannian manifold for later use.

Theorem 2.1. [26] Let (M,g,F) be a closed, oriented Riemannian manifold with a transversally oriented foliation F and a bundle-like metric g with respect to F. Then for a transversal infinitesimal automorphism X,

M div (π(X))μM=M gQ (π(X),κB)μM,

where divs denotes the transversal divergence of s with respect to the connection .

Let ϕ:(M,g,)(M,g,) be a smooth foliated map, i.e., dϕ(T)T, and ΩBr(E)=ΩBr()E be the space of E-valued basic r-forms, where E=ϕ1Q is the pull-back bundle on M. We define dTϕ:QQ by


Trivially, dTϕΩB1(E). Let ϕ and ˜ be the connections on E and Q*E, respectively. Then a foliated map ϕ:(M,g,F)(M,g,F) is called transversally totally geodesic if it satisfies


where (˜trdTϕ)(X,Y)=(˜XdTϕ)(Y) for any X,YΓQ. Note that if ϕ:(M,g,F)(M,g,F) is transversally totally geodesic with dϕ(Q)Q, then, for any transversal geodesic γ in M, ϕγ is also transversal geodesic. From now on, we use ∇ instead of all induced connections if we have no confusion. We define d:ΩBr(E)ΩBr+1(E) by


for any sΓE and ωΩBr(F). Let δ be a formal adjoint of d with respect to the inner product. Note that


where τb(ϕ) is the transversal tension field of ϕ defined by


The Laplacian Δ on ΩB*(E) is defined by


Moreover, the operator AX is extended to ΩBr(E) as follows:


where LX=di(X)+i(X)d for any XΓTM and i(X)(ωs)=i(X)ωs. Hence ΨΩB*(E) if and only if i(X)Ψ=0 and LXΨ=0 for all XΓTF.

Then the generalized Weitzenböck type formula (2.2) is extended to ΩB*(E) as follows [12]: for any ΨΩBr(E),


where tr*tr is the operator induced from (2.3) and F(Ψ)= a,b=1qθai(Eb)R(Eb,Ea)Ψ. Moreover, we have that for any ΨΩBr(E),


3.1. (F,F)-harmonic maps

About this section, see [6]. Let Ω be a compact domain of M. Then the transversal energy functional of ϕ on Ω is defined by


Then Dragomir and Tommasoli [6] defined (F,F)-harmonic if ϕ is a critical point of the transversal energy functional EB(ϕ). Also, we obtain the first variational formula [6, 12]

ddtEB(ϕt;Ω)|t=0=Ω τ˜b(ϕ),VμM,

where V=dϕtdt|t=0 is the normal variation vector field of a foliated variation {ϕt} of ϕ and


From (3.8), we have the following [6].

Proposition 3.1. A foliated map ϕ is (F,F)-harmonic map if and only if τ˜b(ϕ)=0.

Remark 3.2. (1) If ϕ:M is a basic function, then τ˜b(ϕ)=ΔBϕ. So (F,F)-harmonic map is a generalization of a basic harmonic function.

(2) On foliated manifold, there is another kinds of harmonic map, transvesally harmonic map, which is a solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation τb(ϕ)=0 by Konderak and Wolak [15]. But the transversally harmonic map is not a critical point of the energy functional EB(ϕ). Two definitions are equivalent when the foliation is minimal.

Now, we define the transversal Jacobi operator JϕT:Γϕ1QΓϕ1Q by

JϕT(V)=tr*trVtrQR Q(V,dTϕ)dTϕ.

Then JϕT is a formally self-adjoint operator. That is, for any V,WΓϕ1Q,

M JϕT(V),WμM=M V,JϕT(W)μM.

Also, we have the second variation formula for the transversal energy functional EB(ϕ).

Theorem 3.3. ([6], The second variation formula) Let ϕ:(M,g,F)(M,g,F) be a (F,F)-harmonic map and let {ϕs,t} be the foliated variation of ϕ supported in a compact domain Ω. Then

2stEB(ϕs,t;Ω)|(s,t)=(0,0)=Ω J ϕT(V),WμM,

where V and W are the variation vector fields of ϕs,t.

Proof. Let V=ϕs,ts|(s,t)=(0,0) and W=ϕs,tt|(s,t)=(0,0) be the variation vector fields of ϕs,t. Let Φ:M×(ϵ,ϵ)×(ϵ,ϵ)M be a smooth map, which is defined by Φ(x,s,t)=ϕs,t(x). Let Φ be the pull-back connection on Φ1Q. It is trivial that [X,t]=[X,s]=0 for any vector field XTM. From (3.8), we have

2stEB(ϕs,t;Ω)=Ω 2 ϕ s,t st ,τ˜b(ϕs,t)μMΩ ϕ s,t t , s Φ τ˜b(ϕs,t)μM.

At (s,t)=(0,0), the first term vanishes because of τ˜b(ϕ)=0. So

2stEB(ϕs,t;Ω)|(s,t)=(0,0)=Ω W, s Φ τ˜b(ϕs,t)|(s,t)=(0,0)μM.

At x∈ M, by a straight calculation, we have

sΦτ˜b(ϕs,t)=aE a ΦE aΦdΦ(s)κBΦdΦ(s)+aRΦ(ddt,Ea)dΦ(Ea).

Hence at (s,t)=(0,0), we have

sΦτ˜b(ϕs,t)|(s,t)=(0,0)=tr*trV+trQR Q(V,dTϕ)dTϕ.

That is, we have


Hence the proof of (3.12) follows from (3.13) and (3.15).

Now, we define the basic Hessian HessϕT of ϕ by

HessϕT(V,W)=M J ϕ T (V),WμM.

Then HessϕT(V,W)=HessϕT(W,V) for any V,Wϕ1Q. If HessϕT is positive semi-definite, that is, HessϕT(V,V)0 for any normal vecor field V along ϕ, then ϕ is said to be weakly stable. Hence we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.4. ([6], Stability) Let M be a closed Riemannian manifold and M' be of non-positive transversal sectional curvature. Then any (F,F)-harmonic map ϕ:(M,F)(M,F) is weakly stable.

Remark 3.5. For the stability of transversally harmonic map (that is, τb(ϕ)=0), see [11, Corollary 4.6]. In fact, under the same assumption, a transversally harmonic map is transversally f-stable, that is, M (JϕTκB )V,VefμM0, where f is a basic function such that κB=df.

3.2. (F,F)-biharmonic maps

We define the transversal bienergy functional E˜B,2(ϕ) on a compact domain Ω by


Definition 3.6. A foliated map ϕ:(M,g,F)(M,g,F) is said to be (F,F)-biharmonic map if ϕ is a critical point of the transversal bienergy functional E˜B,2(ϕ).

Theorem 3.7. (The first variation formula) For a foliated map ϕ,

ddtE˜B,2(ϕt;Ω)|t=0=Ω J ϕT ( τ ˜ b(ϕ)),VμM,

where V=dϕtdt|t=0 is the variation vector field of a foliated variation ϕt of ϕ.

Proof. Let Φ:M×(ϵ,ϵ)M be a smooth map, which is defined by Φ(x,t)=ϕt(x). Let Φ be the pull-back connection on Φ1Q. It is trivial that [X,t]=0 for any vector field X ∈ TM. From (3.17), we have

ddtE˜B,2(ϕt;Ω)|t=0=Ω d dt Φ τ ˜ b(ϕt)|t=0,τ˜b(ϕ)μM.

From (3.11), (3.15) and (3.19), we finish the proof.

From the first variation formula for the transversal bienergy functional, we know the following fact.

Proposition 3.8. A (F,F)-biharmonic map ϕ is a solution of the following equation


Here (τ˜2)b(ϕ) is called the (F,F)-bitension field of ϕ.

Remark 3.9. (1) From Remark 3.2, if ϕ is a basic function on M, then


So (F,F)-biharmonic map is a generalization of basic biharmonic function.

(2) A (F,F)-harmonic map is trivially (F,F)-biharmonic map.

(3) There is another kinds of biharmonic map on foliations, called transversally biharmonic map, which is a solution of (τ2)b(ϕ):=JϕT(τb(ϕ))κBτb(ϕ)=0 [11].

Actually, transversally biharmonic map is a critical point of the transversal f-bienergy functional E2,f(ϕ), which is defined by


where f is a solution of κB=df.

3.3. Generalized Chen's conjecture

Now, we consider the generalized Chen's conjecture for (F,F)-biharmonic maps.

Theorem 3.10. Let (M,g,F) be a foliated Riemannian manifold and let (M,g,F) be of non-positive transversal sectional curvature, that is, K Q0. Let ϕ:MM be a (F,F)-biharmonic map. Then

  • (1) if M is closed, then ϕ is automatically (F,F)-harmonic;

  • (2) if M is complete with Vol(M)= and E˜B,2(ϕ)<, then ϕ is (F,F)-harmonic;

  • (3) If M is complete with EB(ϕ)< and E˜B,2(ϕ)<, then ϕ is (F,F) -harmonic.

Let ϕ:MM be a (F,F)-biharmonic map. Then from (3.20)

(trϕ)*(trϕ)τ˜b(ϕ)aR Q (τ˜b(ϕ),dTϕ(Ea))dTϕ(Ea)=0,

where {Ea} be a local orthonomal basic frame of Q. From the generalized Weitzenbock formula (3.5) and (3.6), we have


Hence from (3.21), we get


That is,

|τ˜b(ϕ)|ΔB|τ˜b(ϕ)|= |dB|τ˜b(ϕ)||2|trτ˜b(ϕ)|2        +aRQ (τ˜b(ϕ),dTϕ(Ea))dTϕ(Ea),τ˜b(ϕ).

By the Kato's inequality, that is, |trτ˜b(ϕ)||dB|τ˜b(ϕ)||, and K Q0, we have


That is, |τ˜b(ϕ)| is basic subharmonic.

(1) If M is closed, then |τ˜b(ϕ)| is trivially constant. From (3.23), we have that for all a,


Now, we define the normal vector field Y by

Y=adTϕ(E a),τ˜b(ϕ)Ea.

Then from (3.25), we have

div(Y)=aE a Y,E a=τb(ϕ),τ˜b(ϕ).

So by integrating (3.26) and by using the transversal divergence theorem (Theorem 2.1), we get


which implies that τ˜b(ϕ)=0, that is, ϕ is the (F,F)-harmonic map.

(2) Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold. Note that for any basic 1-form ω, it is trivial that δBω=δω and so ΔBf=Δf for any basic function f. Hence by the Yau's maximum principle [25, Theorem 3], we have following lemma.

Lemma 3.11. If a nonnegative basic function f is basic-subharmonic, that is, ΔBf0, with M fp<(p>1), then f is constant.

Since E˜B,2(ϕ)<, by (3.24) and Lemma 3.11, |τ˜b(ϕ)| is constant. Moreover, since Vol(M)=, M|τ˜B(ϕ)|2μM< implies τ˜b(ϕ)=0, that is, ϕ is (F,F)-harmonic.

(3) Now we define a basic 1-form ω on M by


for any normal vector field X. By using the Schwartz inequality, we get


On the other hand, by a straight calculation, we know that


Since M|ω|μM< and M (δB )ωμM=E˜B,2()<, by the Gaffney's theorem [8], we know that

M|τ˜b(ϕ)|2μM=M (δB ω)μM=M (δω)μM=0.

Hence τ˜b(ϕ)=0, that is, ϕ is (F,F)-harmonic.

Remark 3.12. Note that for transversally biharmonic map, we need some conditions that the transversal Ricci curvature of M is nonnegative and positive at some point (cf. [11, Theorem 6.5]).

Now, we study the second variation formula for the transversal bienergy functional E˜B,2(ϕ).

Theorem 3.13. (The second variation formula) For a foliated map ϕ:(M,g,F)(M,g,F), we have

d2dt2E˜B,2(ϕt;Ω)|t=0=Ω V V, ( τ ˜ 2)b (ϕ)μM+Ω |JϕT(V)|2μM        Ω RQ (V,τ˜b(ϕ))τ˜b(ϕ),VμM        4M RQ (trV,τ˜b(ϕ))dTϕ,VμM        +Ω (τ˜b(ϕ)R Q )(V,dTϕ)dTϕ,VμM        +2Ω (trR Q )(dTϕ,V)τ˜b(ϕ),VμM,

where V=dϕtdt|t=0 is the normal variation vector field of {ϕt}.

Proof Let Φ:M×(ϵ,ϵ)M be a smooth map, which is defined by Φ(x,t)=ϕt(x). Let 𝚽 be the pull-back connection on Φ1Q. It is trivial that [X,t]=0 for any vector field X∈ TM. From definition, we have

d2dt2E˜B,2(ϕt;Ω)=Ω d dt Φ d dt Φ τ ˜ b(ϕt),τ˜b(ϕt)μM+Ω|ddtΦτ˜b(ϕt)|2μM.

Let {Ea} be a local orthonormal basic frame on Q such that ΦEa=0 at x∈ M. From (3.14), we have

ddtΦddtΦτ˜b(ϕt)=aE aΦE aΦddtΦdΦ(ddt)κBΦddtΦdΦ(ddt)+RΦ(κB,ddt)dΦ(ddt)      +aE aΦRΦ(ddt,Ea)dΦ(ddt)+addtΦRΦ(ddt,Ea)dΦ(Ea)      +aRΦ(ddt,Ea)E aΦdΦ(ddt).

At t=0, since dΦ(ddt)|t=0=dϕtdt|t=0=V, we have

ddtΦddtΦτ˜b(ϕt)|t=0=aE aE aVVκBVV+RQ(dTϕ(κB),V)V      +aE aRQ(V,dTϕ(Ea))V      +aVRQ(V,dTϕ(Ea))dTϕ(Ea)      +a RQ (V,dTϕ(Ea))E aV.

By a straight calculation together with the Bianchi identities, we have

aE aRQ(V,dTϕ(Ea))V=a(E a RQ )(V,dTϕ(E a))V+RQ (V,τb(ϕ))V          +2a RQ (V,dTϕ(Ea))E aV          a RQ (V,E aV)dTϕ(Ea)


aVRQ(V,dTϕ(Ea))dTϕ(Ea)=a(V RQ )(V,dTϕ(E a))dTϕ(Ea)            +a RQ (VV,dTϕ(Ea))dTϕ(Ea)            +a RQ (V,E aV)dTϕ(Ea)            +a RQ (V,dTϕ(Ea))E aV.

By summing the above equations, we have

ddtddtτ˜b(ϕt)|t=0=JϕT(VV)+RQ(V,τ˜b(ϕ))V      +a(V RQ )(V,dTϕ(E a))dTϕ(Ea)      +a(E a RQ )(V,dTϕ(E a))V      +4a RQ (V,dTϕ(Ea))E aV.

Then by integrating, we get

Ω d dtΦ d dtΦ τ˜b (ϕt)|t=0,τ˜b(ϕ)=Ω J ϕT(VV),τ˜b(ϕ)          +Ω RQ(V,τ˜b(ϕ))V,τ˜b(ϕ)          +aΩ (VR Q)(V,dTϕ(Ea))dTϕ(Ea),τ˜b(ϕ)          +aΩ (E a R Q)(V,dTϕ(Ea))V,τ˜b(ϕ)          +4aΩ RQ (V,dTϕ(Ea))E a V,τ˜b(ϕ).

From the second Bianchi identity, we get

(VR Q)(V,dTϕ(Ea))dTϕ(Ea),τ˜b(ϕ)=(EaR Q)(V,dTϕ(Ea))V,τ˜b(ϕ)              +(τ˜b(ϕ)R Q)(V,dTϕ(Ea))dTϕ(Ea),V.

From the above equation, we get

Ω d dtΦ d dtΦ τ˜b (ϕt)|t=0,τ˜b(ϕ)=Ω J ϕT(VV),τ˜b(ϕ)+Ω RQ(V,τ˜b(ϕ))V,τ˜b(ϕ)          +aΩ (τ˜b(ϕ)R Q)(V,dTϕ(Ea))dTϕ(Ea),V          +2aΩ (E a R Q)(V,dTϕ(Ea))V,τ˜b(ϕ)          +4aΩ RQ (V,dTϕ(Ea))E a V,τ˜b(ϕ).

From the above equation and (3.15), by using the curvature properties and self-adjointness of JϕT, the proof follows.

Definition 3.14. A (F,F)-biharmonic map ϕ:(M,g,F)(M,g,F) is said to be weakly stable if d2dt2E˜B,2(ϕt)|t=00.

Now, we consider the generalized Chen's conjecture for (F,F)-biharmonic map when the transversal sectional curvature of M' is positive, that is, K Q>0. In case of K Q0, see Theorem 3.10.

Let us recall the transversal stress-energy tensor ST(ϕ) of ϕ [4, 11]:

ST(ϕ)=12|dTϕ|2gQϕ*g Q .

Note that for any vector field XΓQ,


If divST(ϕ)=0, then we say that ϕ satisfies the transverse conservation law [4]. If there exists a basic function λ2 such that ϕ*g Q =λ2gQ, then ϕ is called a transversally weakly conformal map. In the case of λ being nonzero constant, ϕ is called a transversally homothetic map. Hence we have the following propositions.

Proposition 3.15. [7]} Let ϕ:(M,g,F)(M,g,F) be a transversally weakly conformal map with codim(F)>2. Then ϕ is transversally homothetic if and only if ϕ satisfies the transverse conservation law.

Theorem 3.16. Let (M,g,F) be a closed foliated Riemannian manifold and (M,g,F) be a foliated Riemannian manifold with a positive constant transversal sectional curvature K Q. Let ϕ:MM be a (F,F)-biharmonic map such that ϕ is transversally weakly stable and satisfies the transverse conservation law. If F is minimal or ϕ is transversally weakly conformal with codimF>2, then ϕ is (F,F)-harmonic.

Proof. Let ϕ:MM be a (F,F)-biharmonic map, that is, (τ˜2)b(ϕ)=0.

Let K Q=c>0, where c is a positive constant. Then for any X,Y,ZΓQ

R Q(X,Y)Z=c{Y,ZXX,ZY}.

So (XR Q)(Y,Z)=0. Hence if we take V=τ˜b(ϕ) in Theorem 3.13, then from (3.33)

d2dt2E˜B,2(ϕt)|t=0=4M RQ (trτ˜b(ϕ),τ˜b)dTϕ,τ˜b(ϕ)μM      =4cM τ ˜ b (ϕ),dTϕtrτ˜b(ϕ),τ˜b(ϕ)μM      +4cM d T ϕ, tr τ ˜ b (ϕ)|τ˜b(ϕ)|2μM      =4cM τ b (ϕ),τ˜b(ϕ)|τ˜b(ϕ)|2μM      +4caM Ea (dTϕ(Ea),τ˜b(ϕ)|τ˜b(ϕ)|2)μM      12ca d T ϕ(Ea ), τ ˜ b( ϕ) E aτ˜b(ϕ),τ˜b(ϕ)μM.

If we choose a normal vector field X as


for any normal vector field Y, then

divX=aE a(τ˜b(ϕ),dTϕ(Ea)|τ˜b(ϕ)|2).

Hence by the transversal divergence theorem, we have

aE a(dTϕ(Ea),τ˜b(ϕ)|τ˜b(ϕ)|2)μM=div (X)μM=X,κBμM              = d T ϕ(κB),τ˜b(ϕ)|τ˜b(ϕ)|2μM.

Combining the above equations, we have

d2dt2E˜B,2(ϕt)|t=0=4cM |τ˜b(ϕ)|4μM      12caM τ ˜ b( ϕ),dTϕ(Ea) E aτ˜b(ϕ),τ˜b(ϕ)μM.

Since ϕ satisfies the transverse conservation law, that is, (divST(ϕ))(X)=0 for any X, we have


Moreover, since ϕ is transversally weakly conforml, from Proposition 3.15, ϕ is transversally homothetic. Hence

adTϕ(κB),dTϕ(Ea)E aτ˜b(ϕ),τ˜b(ϕ)=ακBτ˜b(ϕ),τ˜b(ϕ)

for some constant α. So if we choose the bundle-like metric such that δBκB=0, then

M a τ˜b (ϕ),dTϕ(Ea)Ea τ˜b(ϕ),τ˜b(ϕ)μM=αM κB τ ˜ b (ϕ),τ˜b(ϕ)μM=α2M δB κB ,| τ ˜ b (ϕ)|μM=0.

Hence from (3.34), we have

d2dt2E˜B,2(ϕt)|t=0=4c |τ˜b(ϕ)|4μM.

In case F is minimal, (3.35) also holds. Hence since ϕ is weakly stable and c>0, we have τ˜b(ϕ)=0, that is, ϕ is (F,F)-harmonic.

Remark 3.17. The generalized Chen's conjectures for the transversally biharmonic map have been studied in [11, 13] under some additional conditions such that the transversal Ricci curvature of M is nonnegative.

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