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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2023; 63(4): 577-591

Published online December 31, 2023 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2023.63.4.577

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

A Note on Marcinkiewicz Integral Operators on Product Domains

Badriya Al-Azri, Ahmad Al-Salman*

Sultan Qaboos University, College of Science, Department Mathematics, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
e-mail : ab8500703@gmail.com

Sultan Qaboos University, College of Science, Department Mathematics, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Department of Mathematics, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
e-mail : alsalman@squ.edu.om or alsalman@yu.edu.jo

Received: May 9, 2022; Revised: June 29, 2023; Accepted: July 5, 2023

In this paper we establish the Lp boundedness of Marcinkiewicz integral operators on product domains with rough kernels satisfying a weak size condition. We assume that our kernels are supported on surfaces generated by curves more general than polynomials and convex functions. This generalizes and extends previous results.

Keywords: Marcinkiewicz operators, Product domains, Lp estimates, Maximal functions, Convex functions

Let d2 (d=n or d=m) and Sd1 be the unit sphere in d equipped with the normalized Lebesgue measure dσ. Let ΩL1(Sn1) be a homogeneous function of degree zero on n satisfying


where y=y|y|Sn1 for y0. The Marcinkiewicz integral operator μΩ is given by


In [18], E. M. Stein established the Lp boundedness (1<p2) of μΩ provided that ΩLipα(0<α1). Subsequently, A. Benedek, A. Calderón, and R. Panzone proved the Lp boundedness of μΩ under the stronger condition that ΩC1(Sn1) [10]. Since then, several authors have studied the Lp boundedness of μΩ under various conditions on the function Ω. A particular result that is of interest to us in this paper is the main result in [12]. In [12], Fan and Pan proved that μΩ is bounded on Lp for all p2+2ϵ1+2ϵ,2+2ϵ provided that Ω satisfies

supξSn1Sn1|Ω(y)|log1ξ y 1+ϵdσ(y)<

for some ϵ>0. For ϵ>0, we let F(ϵ,Sn1) be the space of all integrable functions on Sn1 that satisfy the condition (1.3). The set of conditions (1.3) were introduced by Grafakos and Stevanov in [17]. Grafakos and Stevanov showed that


Furthermore, it can be easily seen that


For additional background information and related results on the operator μΩ, we advice readers to consult [2], [4]-[9], [12], and [15], among others.

Our aim in this paper is to study the Lp boundedness of a related class of Marcinkiewicz integral operators on product domains. For suitable functions Φ,Ψ:+ and ΩL1(Sn1×Sm1) satisfying




for any t,s>0, we define the associated Marcinkiewicz integral operator on n×m by

MΩ,Φ,Ψf(x,y)= F t,sΦ,Ψ(f)(x,y)2dtds 22( t + s ) 12,


Ft,sΦ,Ψ(f)(x,y)= Λ( t , s )f(xΦ(|u|)u,yΨ(|v|)v)Ω(u,v)|u|n1|v|m1dudv

and Λ(t,s)={(u,v)n×m:|u|2tand|v|2s}.

For the sake of simplicity, we denote MΩ,Φ,Ψ by MΩ,c when Φ(t)=Ψ(t)=t. In [14], Ding proved that the operator MΩ,c is bounded on L2(n×m) provided that ΩL(log+L)2(Sn1×Sm1). Subsequently, Chen, Fan, and Ying extended Ding's result to Lp for all 1<p< [11]. The condition ΩL(log+L)2(Sn1×Sm1) was very much relaxed by AL-Qassem, Al-Salman, Pan, and Chang in [2]. In fact, the authors of [2] proved that MΩ,c is bounded on Lp for all 1<p< provided that kernel satisfies the weaker condition ΩL(logL)(Sn1×Sm1) (see [13] for the case p=2). In the same paper [2], the authors showed that condition ΩL(log+L)(Sn1×Sm1) can not be replaced by any condition in the form ΩL(log+L)α(Sn1×Sm1) for some α<1.

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the Lp boundedness of MΩ,Φ,Ψ for mappings Φ and Ψ more general than polynomials and convex functions, provided that Ω satisfies the condition


for some ϵ>0, where


For ϵ>0, we let F(ϵ,Sn1,Sm1) be the class of all ΩL1(Sn1×Sm1) that satisfy (1.8). The class F(ϵ,Sn1,Sm1) is the analogy of the class F(ϵ,Sn1) in the one parameter setting above. It is clear that, for any ϵ>0, we have


Moreover, it was observed in [4] that




Historically, in [4], Al-Salman proved the Lp boundedness of MΩ,Φ,Ψ for all p2+2ϵ1+2ϵ,2+2ϵ provided that Ω satisfies (1.8) and the functions Φ and Ψ are either convex increasing functions or satisfy a growth condition in the form

|φ(t)|C1td,  |φ(t)|C2td2

where d0, t(0,) and C1,C2,C3 and C4 are positive constants independent of t.

In [3], Al-Salman introduced a class of functions generalizing the convexity property. To be more specific, a function ψ:[0,) is said to belong to the class PCλ(d) (d>0) if there exist, λ, a polynomial P, and φC0([0,)) such that

(i)ψ(t)=P(t)+λφ(t)(ii)P(0)=0andφ(j)(0)=0for0jd(iii)φ(j)is positive nondecreasing on(0,) for0jd+1.

It was shown in [3] that the class d0(PCλ(d)) contains properly the class of polynomials Pd as well as the class of convex increasing functions. The author of [3] pointed out that the function θ(t)=t2+t2ln(1+t) is in PCλ(2) which is neither convex nor polynomial.

In light of the aforementioned discussion, it is natural to ask the following:

Question. Let MΩ,Φ,Ψ be given by (1.6) and assume that ΩF(ϵ,Sn1,Sm1) atisfying (1.4)-(1.5) for some ϵ>0. Suppose that ΦPCλ(d),ΨPCα(b) for d,b>0 and λ,α Is MΩ,Φ,Ψ bounded on Lp for some 1<p<?

In the following theorem, we give an affirmative answer to the above question:

Theorem 1.1. Suppose that ΩF(ϵ,Sn1,Sm1) satisfying (1.4)-(1.5). If ΦPCλ(d),ΨPCα(b) for d,b>0 and λ,α. Then MΩ,Φ,Ψ is bounded on Lp(n×m) for p2+2ϵ1+2ϵ,2+2ϵ with Lp bounds independent of λ,α and the coefficients of the particular polynomials involved in the standard representation (i) of Φ and Ψ in (1.11).

We remark here that Theorem 1.1 is a fundamental generalization of Theorem 1.1 in [4].

Throughout this paper, the letter C will denote of a constant that may vary at each occurrence but it is independent of the essential variables.

We start for the following result in [16]:

Lemma 2.1. ([16]) Suppose that P(y)=|α|=maαyα is polynomial of degree m on n and ε<1m. Then there exists Aε>0 such that



P= |α|=m|aα|.

The bound Aε may depend on ε,m and n but it is independent of the coefficients of the polynomial.

Also, we shall need the following lemma in [1]:

Lemma 2.2.([1]) If φCd+1[0,) and satisfies the conditions i)-(ii) (1.11), then

(i) φ(αr)αφ(r)    for0α1andr>0

(ii) φ(αr)αφ(r)    forα1andr>0.

(iii) φd+1(r)rd1φ(r)forr>0.

The following well known theorem on maximal functions is significant:

Theorem 2.3. ([3]) Suppose that Υ:nd is a non-constant mapping and assume that ψPCλ(d) for some d0 and λ. Suppose also that ρ>0. If ΩL1(Sn1) is homogeneous of degree zero in n, then the maximal function MΨ,Ω given by

MΨ,Ω(f)(x)=supjρj<|y|<ρj+1f(xψ(|y|)Υ(y))Ω(y)|y|n dy



for 1<p<. Here, the constant Cp is independent of λ,Υ(y) and the coefficients of the particular polynomials involved in the representation (1.11) of ψ.

Now, we move to obtain the needed oscillatory estimates. For ΩL1(Sn1×Sm1) and suitable mappings Φ,Ψ:+, we define the family of measures {σΦ,Ψ,Ω,t,s:t,s} by

n×nfdσΦ,Ψ,Ω,t,s =Γ(2t,2s)f(xΦ(|u|)u,yΨ(|v|)v)Ω(u,v)|u|n1|v|m1 dudv



The corresponding maximal function is defined by


For simplicity, we shall let


Now, for ΦPCλ1(d) and ΨPCλ2(b) for some b,d>0, let


where λ1,λ2, PPd, QPb, φ1Cd+1[0,), and φ2Cb+1[0,). Let

P(t)= k=0dck,1tkandQ(t)= k=0bck,2tk.

For 0ld and 0sb, let

Pl(t)= k=0 lck,1tkandQs(t)= k=0 sck,2tk,

where we use the convention that jΘ=0. Now, by (2.2), we defined the family of measure {σt,s(d+1,b+1):t,s} via the Fourier transform by

σ^t,s(d+1,b+1)(ξ,η)=2(t+s) Γ( 2 t , 2 s )eiΦ(|u|)ξ.u+Ψ(|v|)η.v Ω(u,v)|u|n1|v|m1dudv.

For 0ld,0sb, we defined the family of measures {σt,s(l,s):t,s} by

σ^t,s(l,s)(ξ,η)=2(t+s) Γ( 2 t , 2 s )ei Pl (|u|)ξ.u+Qs (|v|)η.v Ω(u,v)|u|n1|v|m1dudv.

It is clear that


By (2.6)-(2.7), we have

MΩ,Φ,Ψ(f)(x,y)= σt,s(d+1,b+1)(f)(x,y)2dtds12.

We have the following two lemmas:

Lemma 2.4. Let {σt,s(d+1,b+1):t,s} be the measures given in (2.6). Suppose that ΩF(ϵ,Sn1,Sm1) for some ϵ>0. Then

(i) σt,s(d+1,b+1)C;

(ii) σ^t,s(d+1,b+1)(ξ,η)Clog+|λ1φ1(2t1)ξ|1ϵlog+|λ2φ2(2s1)η|1ϵ;

(iii) σ^t,s(d+1,b+1)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(d,b+1)(ξ,η)Cλ1φ1(2t)ξlog+|λ2φ2(2s1)η|1ϵ;

(iv) σ^t,s(d+1,b+1)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(d+1,b)(ξ,η)Cλ2φ2(2s)ηlog+|λ1φ1(2t1)ξ|1ϵ;

(v) σ^t,s(d+1,b+1)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(d,b+1)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(d+1,b)(ξ,η)+σ^t,s(d,b)(ξ,η)C|λ1φ1(2t)ξ||λ2φ2(2s)η|;

(vi) σ^t,s(d+1,b)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(d,b)(ξ,η)C|λ1φ1(2t)ξ|;

(vii) σ^t,s(d,b+1)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(d,b)(ξ,η)Cλ2φ2(2s)η.

Here C is independent of t,s and (ξ,η)n×m.

Lemma 2.5. Let {σt,s(l,s):0ld,0sb} be as in (2.7. Suppose that ΩF(ϵ,Sn1,Sm1) for some ϵ>0.Then

(i) σt,s(l,s)C;

(ii) σ^t,s(l,s)(ξ,η)Clog+|cl,1(2 t 1)ll!ξ|1ϵlog+|cs,2(2 s 1)ss!η|1ϵ;

(iii) σ^t,s(l,s)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(l1,s)(ξ,η)C|cl,1(2t)lξ|log+|cs,2(2 s 1)ss!η|1ϵ;

(iv) σ^ω,t,s(l,s)(ξ,η)σ^ω,t,s(l,s1)(ξ,η)Ccs,2(2s)sηlog+|cl,1(2t 1)ll!ξ|1ϵ;

(v) σ^t,s(l,s)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(l1,s)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(l,s1)(ξ,η)+σ^t,s(l1,s1)(ξ,η) C|cl,1(2t)lξ||cs,2(2s)sη|;

(vi) σ^t,s(l,s1)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(l1,s1)(ξ,η)C|cl,1(2t)lξ|;

(vii) σ^t,s(l1,s)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(l1,s1)(ξ,η)Ccs,2(2s)sη.

Here C is independent of t,s and (ξ,η)(n,m).

Now, we shall start by presenting the proof of Lemma 2.4.

Proof of Lemma 2.4. To prove (i), we have

σt,s(d+1,b+1)2(t+s) 2 t 1 2 t 2 s 1 2 s S n1 ×S m1 | Ω(u,v)|dtdrdσ(u)dσ(v)    CΩL1 C.

To get (ii), by polar coordinates, we have

σ^ j,k (d+1,b+1)(ξ,η)= Sn1×Sm1 2 t 1 2 t 2 s 1 2 s 2 ( t +s ) e i Φ(t)ξ.u +Ψ(r)η.v Ω(u,v)dtdrσ(u)dσ(v)2(t+s)S n1 ×S m1 |Ω(u,v)|AΦ,Ψ,t ,s dσ(u)dσ(v)


A Φ,Ψ,t,s= 2 t 1 2 t 2 s 1 2 s ei Φ(t)ξ.u +Ψ(r)η.v dtdr.

By change of variables, we get






By Lemma 2.2, we have




where 2t1<t<2t and 2s1<r<2s. Thus, by Van der Corput lemma in [19], we obtain




Thus, by combining the trivial estimates AΦ,tC and AΨ,sC with the estimates (2.14)-(2.15), we have





AΦ,t C log+ |ξ u | 1d+1 log+ |λ1 φ1 (2 t 1 )ξ| 1d+1 1+ϵ  C log+ |λ1 φ1 (2 t 1 )ξ|1ϵ log+ 1 |ξ u | 1+ϵ,

where ξ=ξ|ξ|. Similarly, we get

AΨ,sClog+|λ2φ2(2s 1)η|1ϵlog+1|η v |1+ϵ.

Thus, we arrive at the following estimate

AΦ,Ψ,t,sC2(t+s) log+ |λ1 φ1 ( 2 t 1 )ξ|1ϵ log+ 1 |ξ u | 1+ϵ   log+ |λ 2 φ 2 ( 2 s 1 )η|1ϵ log+ 1 |η v | 1+ϵ.

Finally, by (2.9), (2.18) and (1.8), we obtain


For the proof of (iii), we have

σ^ t,s (d+1,b+1)(ξ,η)σ^ t,s (d,b+1)(ξ,η)= Sn1 ×Sm1 2 t 1 2 t 2 s 1 2 s Ω (u,v)e iΨ(r)η. v e iΦ(t)ξ. u e iP(t)ξ. u dtdrdσ(u)dσ(v).

Thus, by Fubini's Theorem, we get

σ^ t,s (d+1,b+1)(ξ,η)σ^ t,s (d,b+1)(ξ,η)2(t+s) Sn1 2 t 1 2 t Sm1 2 s 1 2 s Ω (u ,v )eiΨ(r)η. v drdσ(v )            eiP(t)ξ.u e iλ1φ1(t)ξ. u1dtdσ(u)Cλ1φ1(2 t)ξ S n1×S m1|Ω(u,v)|dσ(u)dσ(v)12 1 2 eiΨ(2 s 1 r)η.v drdtCΩL1 λ1 φ1 (2 t )ξ12A Ψ,s dt

where φ1 is increasing, 2t1<t<2t and As,Ψ as in (2.17). Thus,

σ^t,s(d+1,b+1)(ξ,η)σ^t,s(d,b+1)(ξ,η)CΩL1λ1φ1(2t)ξ log+ | λ 2 φ 2 ( 2 s 1 )η| 1ϵ log+ 1 |η v | 1+ϵ.

Finally, by combining (1.8) and (2.22), we establish the estimate (iii). Similarly, we can obtain the estimate (iv). We omit details.

Now, to get the estimate (v), we have

σ^ t,s (d+1,b+1)(ξ,η)σ^ t,s (d,b+1)(ξ,η)σ^ t,s (d+1,b)(ξ,η)+σ^ t,s (d,b)(ξ,η)2(t+s) Sn1×Sm1 2t 1 2t 2 s 1 2 s | Ω(u ,v )||e iλ1φ1(t)ξ 1||e iλ2φ2(r)η 1|dtdrdσ(u )dσ(v )2(t+s)|λ1φ1(2t )ξ||λ2φ2(2s )η| S n1×S m1 2 t 1 2 t 2 s 1 2 s | Ω(u ,v )|dtdrdσ(u )dσ(v )CΩL 1 |λ1φ1(2t )ξ||λ2φ2(2s )η|C|λφ1(2t )ξ||λ2φ2(2s )η|.

For the estimate (vi), we have

σ^ t,s (d+1,b)(ξ,η)σ^ t,s (d,b)(ξ,η)2(t+s) S n1×S m1 2t12t 2s12s |Ω(u ,v )| e iλ1φ1(t)ξu 1dtdrdσ(u )dσ(v ).

Now, since φ1 is increasing and 2t1<t<2t, then by change of variables, we obtain


Similarly, we can prove (vii). We omit details. This completes the proof.

Proof of Lemma 2.5. The proof of Lemma 2.5 follows the same procedure as in the proof of Lemma 2.4. We only need to notice here that


We omit details.

Now, we have the following lemma on the concerned maximal functions:

Lemma 2.6. Suppose that ΩL1(Sn1×Sm1) and Φ,Ψ:+. Let MΦ,Ψ,Ω be the maximal function defined by

MΦ,Ψ,Ω(f)(x,y)=supt,s12t+s Γ( 2 t , 2 s ) f(xΦ(|u|)u,yΨ(|v|)v)Ω(u,v)|u|n1|v|m1dudv.

If ΦPCλ(d) and ΨPCα(b) for some d,b>0 ,then


Proof. For ΦPCλ(d) and ΨPCα(b), let

MΨ,Ω(f)(x,y)=sups12s2s 1<|v|<2s f(,yΨ(|v|)v)Ω(,v)|v|m1d(v)


MΦ,Ω(f)(x,y)=supt12t2t 1<|u|<2t f(xΦ(|u|)u),)Ω(u,)|u|n1d(u)

By using the observation MΦ,Ψ,Ω(f)MΦ,ΩMΨ,Ω(f) and Theorem 2.3, we get

MΦ,Ψ,Ω(f)pMΦ,ΩMΨ,Ω(f)p    CpΩ1MΨ,Ω(f)p    CΩ1fp,

where denotes the composition of operators. This ends the proof.

Assume that ΩF(ϵ,Sn1,Sm1) for some ϵ>0. Let σt,s(l,s) be the measure defined by (2.7). Now, for t,s, we defined the family of measure {τt,s(l,s):0ld+1,0sb+1} by


Here ϕ(t)C0() such that ϕ(t)=1 for |t|12 and ϕ(t)=0 for |t|1. Here, we set cd+1,1=λ1 and cb+1,2=λ2. By Lemma 2.4 and Lemma 2.5, we obtain that {τt,s(l,s):0ld+1,0sb+1} satisfy

τ^t,s(l,s)(ξ,η)C|al,tLl(ξ)|log+|bs,s Qs (η)|1ϵ;
τ^t,s(l,s)(ξ,η)C|bs,sQs(η)|log+|al,t Ll (ξ)|1ϵ;


l=1 d+1s=1b+1τ t,s (l,s)=σt,s(d+1,b+1),


Ll(ξ)=λ1 ξ,l=d+1ck,1 ξ,ld+1,Qs(η)=λ2 η,s=b+1cs,2 η,sb+1,
al,t=φ1 (2t 1),l=d+1C(2t 1 )l,ld+1, andbs,s=φ2 (2s 1),s=b+1C(2s 1 )s,sb+1

Thus, by (3.7), we have

M Ω,Φ,Ψ(f)(x,y)C l=1 d+1 s=1 b+1 τ t,s (l,s)(f)(x,y)2dtds12.


MΩ(l,s)(f)= τt,s(l,s) (f)(x,y)2dtds12

Now, we need to prove that MΩ(l,s) is bounded on Lp for p2+2ϵ1+2ϵ,2+2ϵ. By an elementary procedure, we choose two collections of C functions {νk(l)}k and {νk(s)}k on (0,) that satisfy the following properties:

kνk(l)(u)= kνk(s)(u)=1;

Defined the functions {υk(l)):k} on n and {υk(s)):k} on

m by



(τt,s(l,s)f)(x,y)= j kυ t +j(l) υ s +k(s) τt,s(l,s)f(x,y),

where t the greatest integer function less than or equal to t. Thus

MΩ(l,s)(f)(x,y)C j kUj,k(l,s)(f)(x,y),


Uj,k(l,s)(f)(x,y)= υt+j(l) υs+k(s) τt,s(l,s) f(x,y)2dtds12.

By Littlewood-Paley Theory in [18], we have


for all 1<p< with constant C>0 , where


Thus, by (3.17), Lemma 2.6, (3.2), and Lemma 1 in [16], we obtain


for p(1,) and C>0.

Next, we seek suitable L2 - norm of Uj,k(l,s)(f). We shall adopt the same steps followed by Al-Salman in [4]. By (3.10), defined the intervals Ek(l) and Ej(s) in by




and (ξ,η)n×n.

It is clear that, from (3.19) and (3.20), the following are satisfied


where (t,s)Ek(l)(ξ)×Ej(s)(η). Therefore, for (t,s)Ek(l)(ξ)×Ej(s)(η), by Lemma 2.2, (3.22), and (3.23), we have


Thus, by Plancherel's Theorem, (3.2)-(3.6) and (3.24)-(3.27), we get




By an interpolation between (3.18) and (3.28) , we get


for all p2+2ϵ1+2ϵ,2+2ϵ. Since the series jkB j,k is converged, we get


for all p2+2ϵ1+2ϵ,2+2ϵ. This completes the proof.

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