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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2023; 63(4): 539-550

Published online December 31, 2023 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2023.63.4.539

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Generalized k-Balancing and k-Lucas Balancing Numbers and Associated Polynomials

Kalika Prasad and Munesh Kumari*, Jagmohan Tanti

Department of Mathematics, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India
e-mails: klkaprsd@gmail.com and muneshnasir94@gmail.com

Department of Mathematics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India
e-mail: jagmohan.t@gmail.com

Received: February 7, 2023; Revised: August 2, 2023; Accepted: August 9, 2023

In this paper, we define the generalized k-balancing numbers {Bn(k)} and k-Lucas balancing numbers {Cn(k)} and associated polynomials, where n is of the form sk+r, 0r<k. We give several formulas for these new sequences in terms of classic balancing and Lucas balancing numbers and study their properties. Moreover, we give a Binet style formula, Cassini's identity, and binomial sums of these sequences.

Keywords: k-balancing numbers, k-Lucas balancing numbers, k-balancing and k-Lucas balancing polynomials, Partial sums

Special number sequences such as the Fibonacci, Lucas, Horadam, Jacobsthal, and balancing numbers sequences are widely studied in number theory. Finding generalizations of such number sequences, establishing new identities, and finding applications of these sequences in other branches of mathematics have become very a popular research goal; see, for example, [6, 13]. Mikkawy and Sogabe [2] introduced a new family of k-Fibonacci numbers Fn(k) where n is of kind sk+r, 0r<k. Among other properties, then gave a relation to the classic Fibonacci numbers. Later, Özkan et al. [8] further studied this sequence and introduced a new family of k-Lucas numbers. Kumari et al. [7] extended the study to Mersenne numbers and investigated some new families of k-Mersenne and generalized k-Gaussian Mersenne numbers and their polynomials.

Motivated by these works on new families of sequences, in this paper, we study a new family of k-balancing and k-Lucas balancing numbers and associated polynomials, where the concept of balancing numbers and balancers was originally introduced in 1999 by Behera and Panda [1].

A natural number n is said to be a balancing number [1] with balancer r if it satisfies the Diophantine equation


The balancing numbers Bn and Lucas balancing numbers Cn are defined as

Bn+2=6Bn+1Bn,n0  with  B0=0,B1=1,
and  Cn+2=6Cn+1Cn,n0  with  C0=1,C1=3.

The first few terms of balancing and Lucas-balancing sequence are

Closed form formulas play an important roll in establishing many algebraic identities. The closed form formulas for balancing and Lucas-balancing numbers [11], are given as

Bn=λ1nλ2nλ1λ2=λ1nλ2n42  and  Cn=λ1n+λ2n2,

where λ1=3+8 and λ2=38 are the roots of the characteristic equation x26x+1=0.

We will use the following useful relations for the balancing and Lucas-balancing numbers.

Lemma 1.1. ([12]) For all integers m and n, we have

  • 1. 2BmCm=B2m.

  • 2. Bm+n+Bmn=2BmCn.

  • 3. Bm+nBmn=2CmBn.

  • 4. BmnBm+n=Bm2Bn2.

  • 5. CnmCn+mCn2=12(C2m1).

  • 6. C2n=2Cn21.

  • 7. Cn2=8Bn2+1.

Fibonacci numbers have many generalizations, in which both the initial values and/or the recurrence relation are modified. The k-Fibonacci numbers, tribonacci numbers, Horadam numbers, generalized Fibonacci and Leonardo numbers, higher order Fibonacci numbers, are some examples of generalization of Fibonacci numbers. Likewise, k-balancing numbers {Bk,n} and k-Lucas balancing numbers {Ck,n}, both generalisations of balancing numbers, were introduced and studied by Özkoc and Tekcan [9] and Ray [11]. These sequences are given by the following recurrences:

Bk,n+2=6Bk,n+1Bk,n,n0  with  Bk,0=0,Bk,1=1,and  Ck,n+2=6Ck,n+1Ck,n,n0  with  Ck,0=1,Ck,1=3k.

Later in [10], Ray extended the k-balancing numbers Bk,n to the sequence of balancing polynomials {Bn(x)} by replacing k with a real variable x and presented numerous properties of balancing polynomials. Frontczak [3] also studied the balancing polynomials by relating them to Chebyshev polynomials.

In this paper, we give a new generalization of balancing and Lucas-balancing numbers à la [2], which we call the generalized k-balancing and k-Lucas balancing numbers. They are defined in Section 2. Then in Section 3, we give associated polynomials having a connection with balancing polynomials.

Our main defintion is as follows.

Definition 2.1. Let k and n{0} then !s,r{0} such that n=sk+r, 0r<k. The generalized k-balancing and k-Lucas balancing numbers Bn(k) and Cn(k) are defined as

Bn(k)=1(42)k(λ 1s λ2s )kr(λ 1 s+1 λ2 s+1 )r,Cn(k)=1 2k(λ 1s +λ2s )kr(λ 1 s+1 +λ2 s+1 )r,

where λ1 and λ2 are the roots of the characteristic equation corresponding to balancing sequence (1.1).

From Definition 2.1 and Eqn. (1.3), one gets the following relation between the generalized k-balancing and k-Lucas balancing numbers and the balancing and Lucas balancing numbers.

Bn(k)=BskrBs+1r and Cn(k)=CskrCs+1r, where n=sk+r.

If k=1 then r=0 and hence n=s. Therefore, Bn(1) and Cn(1) are the classic balancing and Lucas balancing numbers i.e. Bn(1)=Bn and Cn(1)=Cn.

In the case that k=2 or 3 we note some identities showing the relations between generalized k-balancing numbers and balancing numbers:

  • 1. B2s(2)=Bs2.

  • 2. B2s+1(2)=BsBs+1.

  • 3. B3s(3)=Bs3.

  • 4. B3s+1(3)=Bs2Bs+1.

  • 5. B3s+2(3)=BsBs+12.

  • 1. C2s(2)=Cs2=(C2s+1)/2.

  • 2. C2s+1(2)=CsCs+1.

  • 3. C3s(3)=Cs3.

  • 4. C3s+1(3)=Cs2Cs+1.

  • 5. C3s+2(3)=CsCs+12.

One can also check that B2s+1(2)=6B2s(2)B2s1(2) and B3s+1(3)=6B3s(3)B3s1(3). The same recurrences hold for generalized k-Lucas balancing numbers.

For k=1,2,3,4,5, a list of first few numbers of the generalized k-balancing and k-Lucas balancing numbers are displayed in Table 1 and 2.

Table 1 . Generalized k-balancing numbers.

5B5(k)1189210 3661

Table 2 . Generalized k-Lucas balancing numbers.


Theorem 2.2. For k,s, we have

Bsk(k)=Bsk and Csk(k)=Csk.

Proof. If r=0 then n=sk and hence from Eqn. (2.2) the above results are proved.

Lemma 2.3. We have

Bsk1(k)=Bs1Bsk1  and  Csk1(k)=Cs1Csk1.

Proof. Since,


Similarly, the second result holds.

Thus, we conclude that


A similar identity holds for Csk+r(k).

Theorem 2.4. For a1 and n such that n=sk+r, 0r<k, we have

(Wn(k))a=(Was(a))kr(Wa(s+1)(a))r, where Wi=Bi or Wi=Ci.

Proof. From Eqn. (2.2) for Wi=Bi or Wi=Ci, we can write


Thus using Theorem 2.2 in the above equation, the result holds.

In particular for a=2 in Theorem 2.4, we have

(Bn(k))2=(B2s(2))kr(B2(s+1)(2))r and (Cn(k))2=(C2s(2))kr(C2(s+1)(2))r.

Theorem 2.5. For k,s such that n=sk+1, the following relations are verified:

Bn(k)=6Bsk(k)Bsk1(k)  and  Cn(k)=6Csk(k)Csk1(k).

Proof. For the first identity, from Theorem 2.2 and Lemma 2.3, we write

6Bsk(k)Bsk1(k)=6BskBs1Bsk1     =Bsk1(6BsBs1)     =Bsk1Bs+1=Bsk+1(k).

A similar argument holds for the second identity.

Theorem 2.6. Let s,k, then for fixed k,s, the following results hold:

a=0 k1k1aBsk+a(k) =Bs(Bs+Bs+1)k1,
a=0 k1(1)ak1 aBsk+a(k) =(1)k1Bs(Bs+1Bs)k1,
a=0 k1Bsk+a(k) =Bs(Bk(s+1)(k)Bsk(k))Bs+1Bs,
a=0 k1aBsk+a(k) =Bs(k+2)+1(k+2)kBs(k+2)+k(k+2)+(k1)Bs(k+2)+k+1(k+2)(BsB s+1)2.

Proof. For the first identity (2.4), using relation (2.2), we write

a=0k1k1aBsk+a(k)=a=0k1k1aBskaBs+1a      =Bsa=0k1k1aBs+1aBsk1a      =Bs( B s + B s+1 )k1 (using the Binomial theorem).

Similarly, for the second identity (2.4), we have

a=0k1 (1)a k1 aBsk+a(k)=(1)k1a=0k1 (1) k1a k1 aBskaBs+1a        =(1)k1Bsa=0k1k1 aBs+1a( B s )k1a        =(1)k1Bs( B s+1 B s )k1 (using the Binomial theorem).

For the third identity (2.5), since from (2.2) we write Bsk+a(k)=BskaBs+1a=Bsk(Bs+1/Bs)a. Thus

a=0k1B sk+a (k)=a=0k1Bsk( Bs+1 B s )a=Bska=0k1(B s+1Bs)a  =Bsk (B s+1 /Bs )k1B s+1/Bs1  =Bs(B s+1kBskB s+1Bs)  =BsB s+1Bs(Bk(s+1)(k)Bsk(k)).  =Bs(B k(s+1) (k)B sk (k))B s+1Bs.

And, for the last identity (2.6), note that a=1kaxa1=(1kxk1+(k1)xk)/(1x)2. Thus,

a=0k1aBsk+a(k)=Bsk1Bs+1a=0k1a( B s+1 B s )a1    =Bsk1Bs+1(1k (B s+1/Bs) k1+(k1) (B s+1/Bs)k (1B s+1/Bs)2)    =Bs k1B s+1kB s+1k+(k1)B s+1 k+1/Bs (1B s+1/Bs)2    =Bs k+1B s+1kBs2B s+1k+(k1)BsB s+1 k+1 (BsB s+1)2    =B s(k+2)+1 (k+2)kB s(k+2)+k (k+2)+(k1)B s(k+2)+k+1 (k+2) (BsB s+1)2(usingEqn.(2.2)).

Note that Theorem 2.6 is also valid for the generalized k-Lucas balancing numbers {Csk}.

Theorem 2.7. For k,s, we have

Bs+1kBsk=Bsk+k(k)Bsk(k)  and  Cs+1kCsk=Csk+k(k)Csk(k).

Proof. Results follow from Eqn. (2.2).

Theorem 2.8 (Cassini's identity). For s,k2, we have

Bsk+a(k)Bsk+a2(k)( B sk+a1 (k) )2=Bs2k2 a=1,0a1,and Csk+a(k)Csk+a2(k)( C sk+a1 (k) )2=8Cs2k2 a=1,0a1.

Proof. For a1, from Eqn. (2.2) we write

Bsk+a(k)Bsk+a2(k)(Bsk+a1(k))2=(BskaBs+1a)(Bska+2Bs+1a2)(Bska+1Bs+1a1)2         =Bs2k2a+2[Bs+1aBs+1a2(Bs+1)2a2]         =0

and if a=1 then with Eqn. (2.2) and Lemma 2.3

Bsk+1(k)Bsk1(k)( B sk (k) )2=(Bsk1Bs+1)(Bs1Bsk1)( B sk )2       =Bs2k2[Bs+1Bs1( B s )2]       =Bs2k2  (simplified using Eqn.(1.3)).

A similar argument holds for the second identity.

Theorem 2.9. For integers s, s1, s2 and k1, we have

  • 1. B2sk(k)=2kBsk(k)Csk(k).

  • 2. (Bs1+s2+Bs1s2)k=2kBs1k(k)Cs2k(k).

  • 3. (Bs1+s2Bs1s2)k=2kCs1k(k)Bs2k(k).

  • 4. B2s1(2)B2s2(2)=Bs1+s2Bs1s2.

  • 5. C2sk(k)=(2Cs21)k=(2Bs2+1)k.

  • 6. (Cs1+s2+Cs1s2)k=2kCs1k(k)Cs2k(k).

  • 7. (Cs1+s2Cs1s2)k=16kBs1k(k)Bs2k(k).

  • 8. C2s1(2)C2s2(2)=8Bs1+s2Bs1s2.

Proof. From Theorem 2.2 and 1 of Lemma 1.1, note that for the first identity, we have


For the second identity, from 2 of Lemma 1.1, we have


For the third identity, from 3 of Lemma 1.1, we have


For the fourth identity, from Theorem 2.2 and 4 of Lemma 1.1, we write


The argument for identities 5 - 8 are similar to that of 1 - 4 using Theorem 2.2 and Lemma 1.1.

For n0, the balancing and Lucas balancing polynomials Bn(x) and Cn(x) satisfy the recurrence relation

Heterogeneity  Index(HI)=D5%D95%

but with the initial values as B0(x)=0, B1(x)=1 and C0(x)=1, C1(x)=3x, respectively. The Binet type formulas for these polynomials are, respectively,

Bn(x)=λ1n(x)λ2n(x)9x21 and Cn(x)=λ1n(x)+λ2n(x)2,

where λ1=(3x+9x21)/2 and λ2=(3x9x21)/2 are roots of the characteristic equation λ26xλ+1=0.

Now, we define the generalized k-balancing and k-Lucas balancing polynomials in a similar fashion to the preceding section.

Definition 3.1. Let k and for n0, ! s,r ∈ \mathbb{N}∪ {0} such that n=sk+r, 0r<k. Then the generalized k-balancing and k-Lucas balancing polynomials Bn(k)(x) and Cn(k)(x) are defined as

Bn(k)(x)= λ1s(x)λ2s(x) 9x21kr λ1 s+1(x)λ2 s+1(x) 9x21r,and Cn(k)(x)= λ1s(x)+λ2s(x)2kr λ1 s+1(x)+λ2 s+1(x)2r.

From Binet's formula (3.2) and Definition 3.1, we deduce the following relations between newly introduced sequences and existing one

Wsk+r(k)(x)=Wskr(x)Ws+1r(x), where Wi(x)=Bi(x)  or  Ci(x).

For the case k=1, we get r=0. Hence, from Eqn. (3.3), we have Ws(1)(x)=Ws(x).

For instance at k=2,3 in (3.3), we have noted some identities showing relations between newly introduced polynomials sequences and classic balancing/Lucas balancing polynomials:

  • 1. W2s(2)(x)=Ws2(x).

  • 2. W2s+1(2)(x)=Ws(x)Ws+1(x).

  • 3. W3s(3)(x)=Ws3(x).

  • 4. W3s+1(3)(x)=Ws2(x)Ws+1(x).

  • 5. W3s+2(3)(x)=Ws(x)Ws+12(x).

  • 6. W4s(4)(x)=Ws4(x).

  • 7. W4s+1(4)(x)=Ws3(x)Ws+1(x).

  • 8. W4s+2(4)(x)=Ws2(x)Ws+12(x).

  • 9. W4s+3(4)(x)=Ws(x)Ws+13(x).

Also the recurrence relations W2s+1(2)(x)=6W2s(2)(x)W2s1(2)(x) for k=2 and W3s+1(3)(x)=6W3s(3)(x)W3s1(3)(x) for k=3 are verified.

Theorem 3.2. For k,s, we have

Wsk(k)(x)=Wsk(x), where Wi(x)=Bi(x) or Ci(x).

Proof. If r=0 then sk+r= sk and hence from Eqn. (3.3) the result follows immediately.

By a similar argument to Lemma 2.3, we have Wsk1(k)(x)=Ws1(x)Wsk1(x) which will be used in the next theorem.

Theorem 3.3. For k,s such that n=sk+1, the following recurrence relation is satisfied.


Proof. From Eqn. (3.3) and Eqn. (3.1), we have

6xWsk(k)(x)Wsk1(k)(x)=6xWsk(x)Ws1(x)Wsk1(x)        =Wsk1(x)(6xWs(x)Ws1(x))        =Wsk1(x)Ws+1(x)        =Wsk+1(k)(x).

Theorem 3.4. We have

Wsk1(k)(x)=Ws1(x)Wsk1(x), where Wi(x)=Bi(x) or Ci(x).

Proof. Since,


An analogue argument to the preceding section proves the following theorems, so we omit the proofs.

Theorem 3.5. For k,s we have,


Theorem 3.6 (Cassini's identity) Let k,s ≥ 2, we have

Wnk+a(k)(x)Wnk+a2(k)(x)(Wnk+a1(k))2(x)=Bn2k2 (x),:if a=1 and Wn(x)=Bn(x),8Cn2k2 (x),:if a=1 and Wn(x)=Cn(x),0,:a1.

Theorem 3.7. For integers s, s1, s2 and k ≥ 1, the following relations are valid:

  • 1. B2sk(k)(x)=Bsk(k)(x)[Bs+1(x)Bs1(x)]k.

  • 2. B2s1(2)(x)B2s2(2)(x)=Bs1s2(x)Bs1+s2(x).

  • 3. [Bs+1(x)Bs1(x)]k=2kCsk(k)(x).

  • 4. [3xBs(x)Bs1(x)]k=2kCsk(k)(x).

  • 5. [Bs+1(x)3xBs(x)]k=Csk(k)(x).

  • 6. [Bs+12(x)Bs12(x)]k=6kxkB2sk(k)(x).

  • 7. [Cs+12(x)Cs12(x)]k=6kxk(9x21)kB2sk(k)(x).

  • 8. C2s1(2)(x)+C2s2(2)(x)=Cs1s2(x)Cs1+s2(x)+1.

  • 9. C2s(2)(x)(9x21)B2s(2)(x)=1.

  • 10.[3xCs1(x)+(9x21)Bs1(x)]k=Csk(k)(x).

  • 11. B2sk(k)(x)=2kBsk(k)(x)Csk(k)(x).

  • 12. C2sk(k)(x)=[2Cs2(x)1]k.

Proof. The arguments for these identities are analog to the proof of Theorem 2.9 and can be easily verified using Proposition 2.3 of [3] and Section 3 of [10] along with Theorem 3.2.

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