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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2022; 62(4): 751-767

Published online December 31, 2022

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

On the Paneitz-Branson Operator in Manifolds with Negative Yamabe Constant

Ali Zouaoui

Department of Mathematics, Mustapha Stambouli University, Mascara 29000, Maâmounia-Algeria
e-mail : ali.zouaoui@univ-mascara.dz

Received: September 15, 2021; Revised: October 9, 2022; Accepted: October 10, 2022

This paper deals with the Paneitz-Branson operator in compact Riemannian manifolds with negative Yamabe invariant. We start off by providing a new criterion for the positivity of the Paneitz-Branson operator when the Yamabe invariant of the manifold is negative. Another result stated in this paper is about the existence of a metric on a manifold of dimension 5 such that the Paneitz-Branson operator has multiple negative eigenvalues. Finally, we provide new inequalities related to the upper bound of the mean value of the Q-curvature.

Keywords: Paneitz-Branson operator, Yamabe invariant, Q-curvature, Negative eigenvalues

Let (M,g) be a smooth 4-dimensional Riemannian manifold. The Paneitz operator discovered in [18] is the fourth order operator defined for all smooth functions u by


where Δg(u)=divg(u) is the Laplacian of u with respect to the metric g, and Scg and Ricg denote the scalar and the Ricci curvatures of g respectively (we will use this notation throughout the paper).

This operator is conformally covariant in the following sense: if g˜ is e2φg where φ is a smooth function, then the following holds


Moreover, this operator is intimately related to a conformally invariant Qg4curvature


Originally the Paneitz operator was introduced for physical motivations and has many applications in mathematical physics. This operator was generalized to manifolds of greater dimension (n5) by Branson.

Given a smooth compact Riemannian manifold (M,g) of dimension n5, the Paneitz-Branson operator is defined as




The Paneitz-Branson operator is also conformally covariant in this sense: if g˜=φ4n4g is a metric conformal to the metric g where φ is a smooth positive function, then

Pgn(uφ)=φn+4n4P g˜n(u),uC(M).

Of course, as an object in conformal geometry, a lot of research has been devoted to this operator; see [9], [4], [14], [8], and [21], and the references therein.

Our aim in this paper is to investigate the influence of the geometry on the sign of the eigenvalues of this operator. As a first result we give conditions sufficient to ensure the positivity of the Paneitz-Branson operator even when the scalar curvature is negative. In particular we prove the following.

Theorem 1.1. Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n≥ 5 with negative scalar curvature Scg not necessarily constant. If the following three conditions hold


then the Paneitz-Branson operator Pgn is positive.

The proof of this theorem is based on a new inequality which we give in the next section. Observe that in this theorem we allow the Yamabe constant of M to be negative (for the definition of the Yamabe constant one can see Section 4). Now, we give an outline of the rest of the paper. In Section 2 we prove Theorem 1.1 and give another result for the positivity of the operator Pgn when the scalar curvature is positive. In Section 3 we investigate the negativity of the eigenvalues of Pgn in an Einstein manifolds, in particular we prove the following.

Theorem 1.2. Given (M,g) an Einstein manifold of dimension n≥ 5 with negative scalar curvature. If


where λ1 is the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian operator Δg, then the first eigenvalue µ1 of the Paneitz-Branson operator is strictly negative.

Moreover, we also prove in this section, that it is possible to choose a metric g on the manifold M such that Pgn has multiple negative eigenvalues. Finally, in the last section we give several inequalities related to the mean value of the Q-curvature, as an example we prove the following result

Theorem 1.3. Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold endowed with a Yamabe metric g. If the scalar curvature Scgn(n1), then

M Qg dvgλ1 n 2§ Qh dvh

where λ1 is the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian operator Δg and Sn,h denotes the round sphere endowed with its canonical metric.

Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n≥ 5, we say that the Paneitz-Branson operator Pgn is positive [8] if


The conditions under which the operator Pgn is positive have been intensively studied. For example it was considered by Gursky [11] for dimension n=4, Yang and Xu [22] for dimension n≥ 5, Hebey and Robert [14], and recently by Gursky and Malchiodi [12].

Yang and Xu in [22] showed that when the dimension of (M,g) is n ≥ 6, if the Yamabe invariant of g is non negative and the Q-curvature is positive, then with respect to any conformal metric of positive scalar curvature, the Paneitz-Branson operator is positive.

In this section, we are concerned with finding sufficient conditions on the curvature of g, to ensure the positivity of the Paneitz-Branson operator Pgn.

As a first result we have

Theorem 2.1. Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n≥ 5 with positive non constant scalar curvature and positive Q-curvature. If


then the Paneitz-Branson operator is positive.

Proof. To prove this theorem, we use an idea from [22].

First, we multiply both sides of (1.2) by u, and integrate by parts,

MuPgn(u)dvg=M (Δ g u)2dvg+anMScg|gu|2dvg4n2MRicg(gu,gu)dvg+n42M Q g u2dvg

where an as in (1.3). An application of the Bochner formula together with condition (2.1) gives

MuPgn(u)dvgM|g2u|2dvg+an1n MScg|gu|2dvg+n42M Q g u2dvg.

which implies the positivity of Pgn.

Now, to prove Theorem 2.1, we need the following lemma.

Lemma 2.2. uH22(M) we have

2nM|gu|2dvg1nM u 2dvg+M|g2u|2dvg

Proof. Let u be a smooth function, and consider the following tensor with local coordinates


The tensorial norm of T with respect to the metric g is


Since |T|g20, it follows that


Therefore, an integration by parts give us

2nM|gu|2dvg1nM u 2dvg+M|g2u|2dvg,uC(M).

Now, by the density of C(M) in H22(M) with respect to the norm

u2=M|g2u|2dvg+M|gu|2dvg+M u 2dvg,

one can assume that uH22(M) (instead of C(M)) and inequality (2.5) remains valid.

We are now in position to prove Theorem 1.1.

Proof. We begin with (2.2)

MuPgn(u)dvg=M (Δ g u)2dvg+anMScg|gu|2dvg4n2MRicg(gu,gu)dvg+n42M Q g u2dvg

An application of the Bochner formula, together with condition (1.7) gives

MuPgn(u)dvgM|g2u|2dvg+an+1n2n(n2) MScg|gu|2dvg+n42M Q g u2dvg.

Now, we apply inequality (2.4) with condition (1.8), to obtain

MuPgn(u)dvgM 2 n+ n32 n22n+8 2n(n1)(n2)Sc g|gu|2dvg

which implies by assumption (1.6), that Pgn is positive.

Our first observation is that the negativity of the quantity

κg:=M Q gdvg

is a sufficient condition for the negativity of the first eigenvalue µ1 of the operator Pgn.

Indeed by the variational definition of µ1, we have

μ1=infuH22(M)0MuPgn(u)dvgM u 2dvg,

where H22(M) is the Sobolev space defined as the completion of C(M) with respect to the norm

u2=M|g2u|2dvg+M|gu|2dvg+M u 2dvg.

It follows, in the particular case of u1, that

μ1n42Vg(M)M Q gdvg.

So, if

M Qg dvg<0

then μ1<0. Thus it is clear that though the scalar curvature of the manifold is positive; the Paneitz-Branson operator can have negative eigenvalues. The following is a typical example.

Example 3.1. Let (S4,h) be the standard round sphere of dimension 4 and (Σ3,g0) a hyperbolic manifold. We equip the product manifold


with the product metric


Thus (M7,g) is a conformally flat manifold, since it is the product of two manifolds with sectional curvatures of opposite sign Kp(S4)=+1, Kp(Σ3)=1. Moreover, the Ricci curvatures of S4 and Σ3 are respectively


and consequently, the scalar curvatures are


Finally, the scalar curvature of M7 is Scg=6 and |Ricg|g2=48.

Thus, as a conclusion, the manifold M7 is conformally flat manifold with positive scalar curvature (Scg=6) but according to formula (1.4) with negative Q-curvature (Qg=218), which implies that the first eigenvalue µ1 of the Paneitz-Branson operator is strictly negative.

However there is an important class of manifolds for which condition (3.3) is not satisfied, for example the Einstein manifolds (note that the previous example is not an Einstein manifold). Indeed, if the scalar curvature Scg of an Einstein manifold is a non zero constant, then the Q-curvature is strictly positive constant and satisfied


But still in this situation, the Paneitz-Branson operator has negative eigenvalues; Theorem 1.2 gives us an example. In what follow we prove this theorem.

Proof. Let (M,g) be an Einstein manifold of dimension n5 with negative scalar curvature, and uH22(M).

MuPgn(u)dvg=M (Δ g u)2dvg+n22n42n(n1)ScgM|gu|2dvg      +(n4)(n24)16n(n1)2 Scg2M u2dvg.

In the particular case when uφ1, where φ1 is an eigenfunction corresponding to the first eigenvalue λ1 of Δg; (3.5) becomes

M φ1 Pgn(φ1)dvg=λ12+n22n42n(n1)Scgλ1+(n4)(n24)16n(n1)2 Scg2 M φ1 2 dvg.

So, if λ1 is satisfied (1.9), then it is obvious that the quantity


is strictly negative, which implies immediately the negativity of the first eigenvalue µ1 of the operator Pgn by the variational definition (3.2) of µ1.

It turns out that Riemannian manifolds with negative scalar curvature are the most favoured example for the Paneitz-Branson operator to have negative eigenvalues. In fact, in [7] Canzani et al provided several examples of manifolds of negative curvature for which the Yamabe operator


has multiple negative eigenvalues. In particular, they proved the following

Theorem 3.2. Let (M,g) be a compact connected Riemannian manifold. Then, for every m there is a metric g on M such that the Yamabe operator Lg has at least m negative eigenvalues counted with multiplicity.

Below, we extend this result to the Paneitz-Branson operator on compact connected Einstein manifolds of dimension n=5.

Theorem 3.3. Let (M,g) be a compact connected Einstein manifold of dimension 5. For every m there is a metric g0 on M such that the Paneitz-Branson operator Pg0n has at least m negative eigenvalues counted with multiplicity.

The proof of this result is based on an idea of Canzani et al [7].

Proof. Let (M,g) be a compact connected Einstein manifolds of dimension n=5. By a result of Lohkamp [16], for any λ, there exist a metric g0 such that λ is the first eigenvalue of Δg0 of multiplicity m, the volume Vg0(M) of M with respect to g0 satisfies Vg0(M)=1, and Ricg0m2g.

Since (M,g) is an Einstein manifold, so we may assume


Thus, uH22(M), the Paneitz-Branson operator Pg0n take the form


which implies

MuPg0 n(u)dvg0 =M Δ g 0 u2dvg0 118m2M|g0 u|2dvg0 +105256m4M u2dvg0 .

In particular, for uφ1 the eigenfunction associated to the first eigenvalue λ of Δg0 with multiplicity m, (3.7) yields

M φ1 Pg0 n(φ1)dvg0 =λ2118m2λ+105256m4 M φ1 2 dvg0 .

So, if we set λ=12m2, then it follows from (3.8), that μ1=7256m4 is a negative eigenvalue for the Paneitz-Branson operator with multiplicity m.

An other example of manifolds such that the Paneitz-Branson operator admits multiple negative eigenvalues is also presented by Canzani et al in [7]. Before stating this result, we need to introduce the notion of the GJMS operator Pgk.

Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n≥ 3. Let k be a positive integer such that n>2k. In [10], Graham-Jenne-Mason-Sparling defined a differential operator denoted by Pgk. From the conformal geometric point of view, this operator can be considered as a generalization of both the Yamabe operator given in (3.6) and the Paneitz-Branson operator given in (1.2). More precisely, this operator is conformally covariant in the sense that if g˜:=φ4n2kg where φC(M),φ>0, then

Pgk(φu)=φn+2kn2k.P g˜k(u),uC(M).

Moreover, Pgk is self-adjoint with respect to the L2-scalar product. This operator is intimately related to the geometric quantity of Q-curvature, denoted as Qgk and satisfying


A lot of work has been devoted to the study of the GJMS operator, see, for example, [17],[3],[19],[15], and [21], and the references therein.

Having defined the GJMS operator, we can now state the result of Canzani et al.

First, Let (M,g) be a compact hyperbolic product manifold


of dimension n, equipped with a product metric


where (N,g1) is an hyperbolic manifold of dimension n-2, and (Σ,g2) is an hyperbolic surface with genus s2. Notice that (M,g) is an Einstein manifold with Ricg=g.

Theorem 3.4. For every m, we can choose the hyperbolic metric g2 on Σ so that the GJMS operator Pgk has at least m negative eigenvalues for all odd integers kn12.

If we further assume that n=4l or n=4l+1 for some l, then the same conclusion holds for all integers kn2.

It seems that this result does not cover the case of the Paneitz-Branson operator in manifolds of five dimension.

Indeed, if n=5, then either k is an odd integer less then 2, i.e, k=1 and in this case we have only the Yamabe operator Pg1, or l=1, i.e., n=4l+1, and in this case k52. This means all GJMS operators are of order greater than 3, and as is obvious, the Paneitz-Branson operator does not appears in this sequence of operators. So, in this section and by the same technique, we investigate the case of the Paneitz-Branson operator on manifolds of dimension 5, and we prove the following.

Theorem 3.5. Let (M,g) be a compact hyperbolic product manifold


of dimension 5, equipped with a product metric


where (N,g1) is an hyperbolic manifold of dimension 3, and (Σ,g2) is an hyperbolic surface with genus s≥ 2. For any m, there exists a metric g2 on Σ, such that the Paneitz-Branson operator has at least m negative eigenvalues.

It should be mentioned that the basic idea underlying the presented proof was borrowed from [7].

Proof. Let (N,g1) be a hyperbolic manifold of dimension 3, and (Σ,g2) be a hyperbolic surface with genus s2. Consider the product manifold M=N×Σ equipped with the product metric g:=g11+1g2.

After scaling by a positive constant we may assume that the scalar curvature Scg of the manifold M is


In other words, (M,g) is an Einstein manifold; therefore, the operator Pgn has the following formula


Let λ be an eigenvalue of Δg2 and let φ be an eigenfunction associated to λ. If we regard φ as a function on M, then


Combining this with (3.9), we then see that φ is an eigenfunction of Pgn with eigenvalue


Now, let m; Since 14740,38 and Σ has genus s≥ 2, so it follows by a result of Buser [6] that one can find an hyperbolic metric g2 on Σ, such that the Laplacian Δg2 has at least m eigenvalues which belong to 740,38.

Therefore, we infer by (3.10) that, for each eigenvalue λ of Δg2 in the interval 740,38; there exists a negative eigenvalue μ(λ) for the Paneitz-Branson operator Pgn. As a conclusion, the operator Pgn has m negative eigenvalues. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.5.

We finish this section with a classification result which comes as a consequence of the negativity of the first eigenvalue of the Paneitz-Branson operator.

Proposition 3.6. Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension 5 with non negative Q-curvature, and negative scalar curvature. Assume that


If the first eigenvalue µ1 of the Paneitz-Branson operator is non positive, then (M,g) is conformally diffeomorphic to the round sphere (S5,h).

To prove this result we need the following lemma of Tashiro [20]. For the following version one can see [13] page 291.

Lemma 3.7. Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n2. If there exist a non constant function fC(M); such that


then (M,g) is conformally diffeomorphic to the round sphere Sn,h.

Proof. Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension 5; and let uH22(M). By formula (2.2) and since Qg0, we have


using the formula

|2u|g2=2 u+15Δgugg2+15Δgu2

with the Bochner formula

M Δgu2dvg=M|2u|2dvg+MRicg(gu,gu)dvg

we obtain

MuPgn(u)dvg54M 2u+1 5 Δ gug g2 112MRicg(gu,gu)dvg      +1324MScg|gu|2dvg.

So, if (3.11) holds, then

MuPgn(u)dvg54M 2u+1 5 Δ gug g2,uH22(M).

Now, if the first eigenvalue µ1, of the Paneitz-Branson operator Pgn is non positive, then it follows from (3.15) in the particular case when uφ, where φ is the eigenfunction corresponding to the first eigenvalue µ1 of Pgn, that

M 2φ+15 Δgφgg2dvg=0

which implies that


or, equivalently


Thus, (M,g) is conformally diffoemorphic to the round sphere (S5,h) by Lemma 3.7.

Our purpose in this section is to get an upper bound for the quantity κg, where

κg=M Q gdvg



in terms of curvatures such as scalar curvature and Ricci curvature. A famous result in this subject is the result of Gursky in [11] for four-dimensional Riemannian manifolds.

Theorem 4.1. Let (M4,g) be a smooth compact four-dimensional Riemannian manifold. If the Yg(M)0 then κg8π2. Moreover, Yg(M)0 and κg=8π2 if and only if (M4,g) is conformally equivalent to the round sphere.

There is no analogue to this theorem for manifolds of greater dimension (n5) or for manifolds with negative Yamabe constant. Almost all that is known in this direction is Theorem 1.3 in the case of manifolds with Yamabe metric.

Now, we begin by the following lemma which is useful for the sequel.

Lemma 4.2. Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n5 with negative scalar curvature, not necessarily constant. Its Yamabe constant Yg(M) satisfies


It is worth noticing that the previous inequality give us a lower bound for the Yamabe constant, which is negative since the scalar curvature is negative. From now on, we use the following notations.

The quantity


denotes the norm of a function u in the Lebesgue space Lp(M), and 2=2nn2 the critical Sobolev exponent. Now we prove the lemma.

Proof. First let us recall the definition of the Yamabe constant:

Yg(M):=infuH22(M)0M|gu|2dvg+n24(n1)MScgu2dvgu2 2.

By the Hölder's inequality and since Scg(x)<0, we have

M|gu|2dvg+n24(n1)MScgu2dvgn24(n1)Scgn2 u2 2

which implies that the number n24(n1)Scgn2 is a lower bound for

M|gu|2dvg+n24(n1)MScgu2dvgu2 2.



Now, we state our main result

Theorem 4.3. Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n5 with non constant negative scalar curvature (Scg(x)<0,xM). If the Q-curvature satisfies Qg0, then

M Qg dvgαnScgn2 Scg2 2 |maxxMScg(x)|



Before proving this theorem, let us make the following remark.

If we integrate (4.1) over M, then it follows by the divergence theorem and the inequality |Ricg|g21nScg2 that

M Qg dvgn248n(n1)2 MScg2dvg.

So, it appears that (4.3) is an analogous inequality to (4.5), and with the same dimensional constant n248n(n1)2.

Now, we prove Theorem 4.3.

Proof. Multiply (4.1) by Scg, we have, after integration by parts,

MScgQgdvg=12(n1)M|gScg|2dvg+anMScg3dvg2(n2)2 MScg|Ricg|2dvg

where an=n34n2+16n168(n1)2(n2)2. Since |Ricg|21nScg2, we have

MScgQgdvg12(n1)M|gScg|2dvg+n244n(n1)MScg3dvg .

Now, by the definition of the Yamabe constant Yg(M) we get

M|gScg|2dvgScg2 2Yg(M)n24(n1)MScg3dvg,

and combining this with (4.6) one gets

MScgQgdvg12(n1)Scg2 2Yg(M)+n22n(n1)MScg3dvg .

Or equivalently, since Scg<0

MScgQgdvg12(n1)Scg2 2Yg(M)n22n(n1)M|Scg|3dvg .

Now using Lemma 4.3 together with the following Hölder's inequality

M|Scg|3dvgScg2 2Scgn2

we deduce that

MScgQgdvgn248n(n1)2 Scg2 2Scgn2 .

Therefore, from (4.9) and the fact Scg<0, it follows that

|maxxMScg(x)|M Q gdvgn248n(n1)2 Scg2 2Scgn2

which proves (4.3).

Now, it remains for us to prove Theorem 1.3.

Proof. Let (M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold endowed with a Yamabe metric. As is well known, the scalar curvature Scg of M is constant and satisfied by the Aubin estimate [2]


where λ1 is the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian operator Δg.

Now, An integration by parts of the formula (4.1) over M gives us

M Qg dvg=anMScg2dvg2(n2)2 M|Ricg|2dvg

where an as in (1.3). Since |Ricg|21nScg2, we have

M Qg dvgn248n(n1)2 MScg2dvg,

and with (4.10) we infer

M Qg dvgn248nλ12Vg(M)

where Vg(M) stands for the volume of M with respect to g.

Recall now from [1] that the scalar curvature satisfied


where Yg(M) is the Yamabe constant of M, and Vh(Sn) is the volume of § with respect to h.

If Scgn(n1), then it follows from (4.13) that


Combining (4.14) with (4.12), we infer

M Qg dvgn(n24)8 λ1 n 2Vh(Sn).

Recall that Qh=n(n24)8, the inequality (1.10) follows.

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