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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2022; 62(3): 595-613

Published online September 30, 2022

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

An Ideal-based Extended Zero-divisor Graph on Rings

Mohammad Ashraf, Mohit Kumar*

Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India
e-mail : mashraf80@hotmail.com

Department of Mathematics, Institute of Applied Sciences and Humanities, GLA University Mathura-281 406, Uttar Pradesh, India
e-mail : mohitkumaramu123@gmail.com

Received: June 10, 2019; Revised: April 13, 2020; Accepted: August 18, 2020

Let R be a commutative ring with identity and let I be a proper ideal of R. In this paper, we study the ideal based extended zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) and prove that ΓI(R) is connected with diameter at most two and if ΓI(R) contains a cycle, then girth is at most four girth at most four. Furthermore, we study affinity the connection between the ideal based extended zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) and the ideal-based zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) associated with the ideal I of R. Among the other things, for a radical ideal of a ring R, we show that the ideal-based extended zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) is identical to the ideal-based zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) if and only if R has exactly two minimal prime-ideals which contain I.

Keywords: connected, diameter, girth, annihilator, prime ideal, Prime radical

Throughout this paper let R be a commutative ring identity, I be a proper ideal of R which is not a prime ideal of R, Z(R) be the set of zero-divisors of R,Z(R)=Z(R){0},ZI(R)={uI | uvIfor some vI}, ZI(R)=ZI(R)I and N(R) be the set of nilpotent elements of R. Let B be a submodule of an R-module M and X be any subset of M. Then (B:X)={rR | rxBfor all xX}.MinI(R) will denote the set of minimal prime ideals of R which contain I. Let β(I)={rR | rnIfor some n} be a prime radical of I in R, then β(I)=β(I)I and I is said to be radical ideal if β(I)=I.R/I denotes the quotient ring of R, and for any x+IR/I we use the notation X. For any subset A of R, we have A=A{0}.

Let G=(V(G),E(G)) be a graph, where V(G) denotes the set of vertices and E(G) be the set of edges of G. We say that G is connected if there exists a path between any two distinct vertices of G. For vertices a and b of G, d(a,b) denotes the length of the shortest path from a to b. In particular, d(a,a)=0 and d(a,b)=if there exists no such path. The diameter of G, denoted by diam(G)=sup{d(a,b) | a,bV(G)}. A cycle in a graph G is a path that begins and ends at the same vertex. The girth of G, denoted by gr(G), is the length of a shortest cycle in G, (gr(G)= if Gcontains no cycle). A complete graph G is a graph where all distinct vertices are adjacent. The complete graph with |V(G)|=n is denoted by Kn. A graph G is said to be complete k-partite if there exists a partition i=1k=Vi=V(G), such that uvE(G) if and only if u and v are in different part of partition. If |Vi|=ni, then G is denoted by Kn1,n2,,nk and in particular G is called complete bipartite if k=2. K1,n is said to be a star graph. G¯ denotes the complement graph of G. A graph H=(V(H),E(H)) is said to be a subgraph of G, if V(H)V(G) and E(H)E(G). Moreover, H is said to be induced subgraph of G if V(H)V(G) and E(H)={uvE(G) | u,vV(H)} and is denoted by G[V(H)]. Let H1 and H2 be two disjoint graphs. The join of H1 and H2, denoted by H1H2, is a graph with vertex set V(H1H2)=V(H1)V(H2) and edge set E(H1H2)=E(H1)E(H2){uv | uV(H1),vV(H2)}. Also G is called a null graph if E(G)=ϕ. For a graph G, a complete subgraph of G is called a clique. The clique number, ω(G), is the greatest integer n1 such that KnG, and ω(G)= if KnG for all n1. The chromatic number χ(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of colours needed to colour all the vertices of G such that every two adjacent vertices get different colours. A graph G is perfect if χ(H)=ω(H) for every induced subgraph H of G. For a connected graph G,δ(G)=min{deg(x) | xV(G)},V(δ(G))={x | xV(G),deg(x)=δ(G)} and Δ(G)=max{deg(x) | xV(G)},V(Δ(G))={x | xV(G),deg(x)=Δ(G)}. A subset DV(G) is said to be a dominating set if every vertex in V(G)D is adjacent to a vertex in D. A dominating set D is called a weak (or strong) dominating set if for every uV(G)D there exists vD with deg(v)deg(u) (or deg(u)deg(v)) and u is adjacent to v. The domination number γ(G) of G is defined to be minimum cardinality of a dominating set of G and such a dominating set of G is called a γ-set of G. In a similar way, we define the weak (or strong) domination number γw(G) (or γs(G)) of G. A graph G is said to be excellent, if for every uV(G), there exists a γ-set D containing u. Graph-theoretic terms are presented as they appear in Diestel [9].

The study of algebraic structure associated with graph is an active and interesting area of research. Several authors have done a lot of work in this area for instance, see [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 4]. The idea of a zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring {R} with identity was introduced by I. Beck in [8], who defined the graph on the vertex set {R} in which distinct vertices u,v ∈ {R} are adjacent if and only if uv=0. He was mainly interested in coloring of rings. The first simplification of Beck's zero divisor graph was introduced by Anderson and Livingston in [2]. We recall from [2] that a zero-divisor graph Γ(R) of R is the (undirected) graph with set of vertices Z(R) and on the vertex set Z(R), in which any two distinct vertices u and v of Γ(R) are adjacent if and only if uv=0. In [13] Redmond introduced an ideal-based zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) with set of vertices ZI(R) and vertex set ZI(R), in which any two distinct vertices u and v of ΓI(R) are adjacent if and only if uvI. In [5] Bakhtyiari et al. introduced the extended zero-divisor graph Γ(R). The extended zero-divisor graph of R is an (undirected) graph Γ(R) with the vertex set Z(R) and two distinct vertices u and v of Γ(R) are adjacent if and only if either RuannR(v){0} or RvannR(u){0}.

In this paper we generalize the extended zero divisor graph Γ(R) to an ideal-based extended zero-divisor graph ΓI(R). The ideal based extended zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) is the (undirected) graph with the vertex set ZI(R), in which two distinct vertices u and v are adjacent if and only if either (Ru+I)(I:{v})I or (Rv+I)(I:{u})I. If we take I=(0), then ΓI(R)=Γ(R). It follows that the ideal-based zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) is a subgraph of ΓI(R). We prove that ΓI(R) is connected with diameter at most two, and if ΓI(R) contain a cycle, then girth is at most four. Furthermore, we study the connection between the ideal based extended zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) and the ideal-based zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) associated with the ideal I of a commutative ring R. Among the other things, for a radical ideal of a commutative ring R, we show that ideal-based extended zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) is identical to the ideal-based zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) if and only if R has exactly two minimal prime-ideals which contain I.

In this section, we generalize the notion of an extended zero-divisor graph Γ(R) to an ideal-based extended zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) and study fundamental properties of ΓI(R).

Definition 2.1. Let I be an ideal in a commutative ring R with unity. An ideal-based extended zero divisor graph ΓI(R) is an undirected graph with the set of vertices ZI(R), where any two distinct vertices u, v of ΓI(R) are adjacent if and only if either (Ru+I)(I:{v})I or (Rv+I)(I:{u})I.

Proposition 2.2. Let {I} be an ideal in a commutative ring R with unity. Then

(i) ΓI(R) is a subgraph of ΓI(R).

(ii) if I=(0), then ΓI(R)=Γ(R) and Γ(R) is a subgraph of ΓI(R).

Proof. Let I be an ideal of a commutative ring R.

(i) Clearly, V(ΓI(R))=V(ΓI(R)) and let u and v be any two adjacent vertices of ΓI(R). Then uvI and u(Ru+I)(I:{v}), v(Rv+I)(I:{u}), i.e., (Ru+I)(I:{v})I, (Rv+I)(I:{u})I. Hence u and v also adjacent in ΓI(R), and by definition ΓI(R) is a subgraph of ΓI(R).

(ii) It trivially holds.

Lemma 2.3. Let I be a radical ideal in a commutative ring R which is not prime, and let uZI(R). Then

(i) (I:{u})=(I:{un}) for each positive integer n2,

(ii) (Ru+I)(I:{u})=I.

Proof. Assume that I is a radical ideal of a ring R which is not prime and uZI(R).

(i) Let n2. It is clear that (I:{u})(I:{un}). If v(I:{un}), then vunI. Since I is a radical ideal, vuI and v(I:{u}). Thus (I:{un})=(I:{u}).

(ii) This is clearly true.

The following lemma gives several useful properties of ΓI(R) and plays an important role in this section.

Lemma 2.4. Let I be a proper ideal of a ring R.

(i) If u-v is not an edge of ΓI(R) for some u,vZI(R), then (I:{u})=(I:{v}). If I is a radical ideal, then the converse is also true.

(ii) If (I:{u})(I:{v}) or (I:{v})(I:{u}) for some u,vZI(R), then u-v is an edge of ΓI(R).

(iii) If (Ru+I)(I:{u})I for some uZI(R), then u is adjacent to all other vertex in ΓI(R). In particular if uβ(I), then u is adjacent to every other vertex of ΓI(R).

(iv) ΓI(R)[β(I)] is a complete subgraph of ΓI(R).

Proof. Assume that I is an ideal of a ring R.

(i) If u-v is not an edge of ΓI(R) for some u,vZI(R), then (Ru+I)(I:{v})=I and (Rv+I)(I:{u})=I. Thus (Ru+I)(I:{v})(Ru+I)(I:{v})=I and (Rv+I)(I:{u})(Rv+I)(I:{u})=I and hence (I:{u})=(I:{v}). If I is a radical ideal of R, then by Lemma 2.3(ii), (Ru+I)(I:{v})=(Ru+I)(I:{u})=I and (Rv+I)(I:{u})=(Rv+I)(I:{v})=I. Thus u-v is not an edge of ΓI(R).

(ii) This is clear by part (i).

t(iii) Assume that (Ru+I)(I:{u})I for some uZI(R), and let v be another vertex of ΓI(R). If u is not adjacent to v, then by part (i),(I:{u})=(I:{v}) and hence (Ru+I)(I:{u})=I, a contradiction.

(iv) This is clearly true by (iii).

Theorem 2.5. Let I be an ideal of R. Then ΓI(R) is connected and dia(ΓI(R))2. Moreover if ΓI(R) contains a cycle, then gr(ΓI(R))4.

Proof. By Lemma 2.2(i), ΓI(R) is a connected subgraph of ΓI(R) such that V(ΓI(R))=V(ΓI(R). Therefore ΓI(R) is connected and gr(ΓI(R))4. Now we prove that dia(ΓI(R))2. If I is a non-radical ideal of R, then β(I)I and by Lemma 2.4(iii), dia(ΓI(R))2. If I is a radical ideal of R, then β(I)=I. Let u,vV(ΓI(R)) such that d(u,v)1. Then by Lemma 2.4(i), (I:{u})=(I:{v}). Since β(I)=I, by Lemma 2.3(ii), (Rv+I)(I:{v})=I. Therefore, for every w(I:{v})I both u,v are adjacent to w and d(u,v)=2. Thus diam(ΓI(R))2. This completes the proof.

Lemma 2.6. Let I be a proper ideal of a commutative ring R. Then ZI(R) is a union of prime ideals of R which contain I.

Proof. Let us define a map F:RR/I by F(x)=[x]. Clearly, F is a homomorphism from R onto R/I. By [11, p. 3], Z(R/I)=Pi where Pi is a prime ideal in R/I. clearly, ZI(R)=F1(Pi) where F1(Pi) is a prime ideal in R which contains I.

Corollary 2.7. Let I be a radical ideal of a commutative ring R. Then ZI(R)=Pi, where PiMinI(R).

Proof. The corollary is immediate from Lemma 2.6 and [10, Corollory 2.4].

Theorem 2.8. Let I be a proper ideal of a commutative ring R and let ΓI(R) contain a cycle. Then gr(ΓI(R))=4 if and only if I is a radical ideal with |MinI(R)|=2.

Proof. First assume that gr(ΓI(R))=4. If I is not a radical ideal, then β(I)I and by Lemma 2.4(iii) gr(ΓI(R))=3, a contradiction. Hence I must be a radical ideal of R. Let uZI(R). We will prove that (I:{u}) is a prime ideal of R. Suppose that ab∈ ({I}:{u}) such that a,b(I:{u}) but aubuI. Hence for every c(I:{u})I, it is easy to see that c-au-bu-c is a triangle, a contradiction. Hence (I:{u}) is a prime ideal. Since I is a radical ideal and by Lemma 2.3(ii) together with[10, Theorem 2.1] implies that (I:{u}) is a minimal prime ideal which contains I. i.e., (I:{u})MinI(R). By similar arguments (I:{v})MinI(R), for each v(I:{u})I. Now we prove that MinI(R)={(I:{u}),(I:{v})}. It is sufficient to show that (I:{u})(I:{v})=I. Assume on contrary (I:{u})(I:{v})I and a(I:{u})(I:{v})I. Then a-u-v-a is a triangle as uvI, a contradiction. Hence MinI(R)={(I:{u}),(I:{v})}.

Conversely, assume that I is a radical ideal of R and |MinI(R)|=2. Let Q1,Q2MinI(R). Since I is a radical ideal, we have ZI(R)=Q1Q2 and Q1Q2=I, by Corollary 2.7. It is not difficult to check that ΓI(R) =K|Q1|,|Q2|, where |Q1|=|Q1I| and |Q2|=|Q2I|. Since ΓI(R) contains a cycle, gr(ΓI(R))=4.

Example 2.9. For R=6×3 and I=(0)×3, it may be observed that Q1=(3)×3 and Q2=(2)×3 are the only two minimal prime ideals of R, which contain radical ideal I, where ZI(R)=Q1Q2 and Q1Q2=I. Since |Q1|=3 and |Q2|=6, it can be easily seen in the following Figure 2.1 that ΓI(R)=ΓI(R)= K|Q1|,|Q2|=K3,6 and gr(ΓI(R))=4.

Figure 1. .

Example 2.10. For R=2×2×2 and I=(0)×(0)×2, it can be easily seen in the above Figure 2.2, K2,2 is realizable as ΓI(R), which is not realizable as Γ(R).

Figure 2. .

Corollary 2.11. Let I be a proper ideal of a commutative ring R. Then ΓI(R) is K2,2 if and only if I is a radical ideal of R with |MinI(R)|=2 and each element of MinI(R) contains exactly two elements other than I.

Example 2.12. For R=24 and I=(8), it can be easily seen from the following Figures 2.3 and 2.4 that the ideal-based extended zero divisor graph ΓI(R)=K9 is different from ideal-based zero divisor graph ΓI(R) and ΓI(R) is a subgraph of ΓI(R)=K9.

Figure 3. .

As we have seen in the previous section, ideal-based extended zero divisor graphs and ideal-based zero-divisor graphs are close to each other, it would be interesting to characterize ideals of a ring whose ideal-based extended zero-divisor graph and ideal-based zero divisor graph are identical. We first study the case when I is a radical ideal of R.

Theorem 3.1. Let I be a radical ideal of a commutative ring R with |MinI(R)|=k2. Then k=2 if and only if ΓI(R)=ΓI(R).

Proof. First assume that ΓI(R)=ΓI(R). To prove that k=2, assume on the contrary Q1,Q2,Q3 are distinct minimal prime ideals of R which contain I. Let uQ1Q2Q3. Thus Q2Q3(I:{u}) as (I:{u})Q2Q3. So one may choose uvI, for some vQ2Q3Q1. Without loss of generality, assume that vQ2Q1. Obviously, (I:{v})Q1. Also, it follows from [10, Theorem 2.1], there exists an element w(I:{u}) such that wQ1. Therefore, (I:{u})(I:{v}) and by Theorem 2.4(ii), u-v is an edge of ΓI(R), a contradiction.

Conversely, assume that Q1 and Q2 are only two distinct minimal prime ideals of R which contain I. It is not difficult to check that ΓI(R)=ΓI(R)=K|Q1|,|Q2|. Where Q1=Q1I and Q2=Q2I.

The following corollary follows from Theorem 3.1.

Corollary 3.2. Let I be a radical ideal of a commutative ring R, which is not a prime ideal. Then the following statements are equivalent:

(i) gr(ΓI(R))=4.

(ii) ΓI(R)=ΓI(R) and gr(ΓI(R))=4.

(iii) |MinI(R)|=2 and each minimal prime ideal of MinI(R) has at least two different elements other then elements of I.

(iv) ΓI(R)=Km,n for some m,n and m,n2.

In the rest of this section we study the case that I is a non radical ideal of R

Theorem 3.3. Let I be a non radical ideal of a commutative ring R. Then the following statements are equivalent.

(i) ΓI(R)=ΓI(R).

(ii) If uvI for some u,vZI(R), then (I:{u})=(I:{v}) and (I:{u}) is a prime ideal of R.

Proof. (i)(ii) Assume that uvI, for some u,vZI(R). Since ΓI(R)=ΓI(R), we deduce that (I:{u})=(I:{v}), by Lemma 2.4(i). We now show that (I:{u}) is a prime ideal of R. Let ab(I:{u}), a(I:{u})and b(I:{u}). Then auI and buI,a,bZI(R). By Lemma 2.4(iii), u,vβ(I) and hence ua or ub. Without loss of generality, one may assume that ub. But since au(Ru+I)(I:{v}), we find that ubI, a contradiction. Therefore, (I:{u}) is a prime ideal of R, as desired.

(ii)(i) If uv ∈ I for all u,vZI(R), then ΓI(R) is complete and by Proposition 2.2(i), ΓI(R) is complete. i.e., ΓI(R)=ΓI(R). To complete the proof, we prove that if uvI. Then (Ru+I)(I:{v})=I and (Rv+I)(I:{v})=I. Since (I:{u})=(I:{v}) If u(I:{u}), then u(I:{v}) and hence uvI, a contradiction. Thus u(I:{u}). Also, if (Ru+I)(I:{u})I, then there exists rR such that ruI and ru2I. Since u2(I:{u}) as (I:{u}) is a prime ideal of R,r(I:{u}), a contradiction. Hence (Ru+I)(I:{u})=I. Similarly, (Rv+I)(I:{v})=I.

Corollary 3.4. Let I be a non radical ideal of a commutative ring R and ΓI(R)=ΓI(R). Then the following hold.

(i) ZI(R) is an ideal of R.

(ii) β(I)2I.

(iii) (I:ZI(R))=β(I).

Proof. Assume that I is not a radical ideal of R.

(i) Since I is a non radical ideal of R,β(I)ϕ. Let uβ(I). Then by Lemma 2.4(iii) u is adjacent to every other vertex of ΓI(R). Since ΓI(R)=ΓI(R),u is adjacent to every other vertex of ΓI(R), and hence by [13, Theorem 2.5(b)] u, is adjacent to every other vertex of Γ(R/(I) and by [2, Theorem 2.5], we find that Z(R/I) is an annihilator ideal, i.e., Z(R/I)=annR/I([u]). Since Z(R/I)=annR/I([u]), we find that (I:{u})=ZI(R) and thus ZI(R) is an ideal of R.

(ii) By the first part, clearly β(I)2I.

(iii) By the first part, clearly (I:ZI(R))=β(I).

Corollary 3.5. Let I be a non radical ideal of a commutative ring R. Then ΓI(R)=ΓI(R)=KpKq¯ if and only if (I:ZI(R)) is a prime ideal.

Proof. First assume that ΓI(R)=ΓI(R)=KpKq¯. Hence every vertex of Kp is adjacent to all the other vertices. But there is no adjacency between any two vertices of Kq¯. This implies that (I:ZI(R))=V(Kp)I, thus uvI, for every u,vV(Kq¯), and hence (I:{u})=(I:{v})=(I:ZI(R)). By Theorem 3.3 (I:ZI(R)) is a prime ideal of R.

Conversely since (I:ZI(R)) is a prime ideal of R, we find that uvI,for all u,v(I:ZI(R)) and uvIfor all u,vZI(R)(I:ZI(R)). Now it is enough to show that ΓI(R)[(I:ZI(R))] is complete, ΓI(R)[ZI(R) (I:ZI(R))] is null graph and ΓI(R)=ΓI(R)[(I:ZI(R))]ΓI(R)[ZI(R)(I:ZI(R))]. We finally show that ΓI(R)=ΓI(R). Obviously, uvI if and only if u,vZI(R)(I:ZI(R)). This together with (I:ZI(R)) is a prime ideal, imply that if uvI, then (I:{u})=(I:{v})=(I:ZI(R)). Thus (I:{u}) is a prime ideal of R. Now by Theorem 3.3, ΓI(R)=ΓI(R).

Corollary 3.6. Let I be a non trivial non-radical ideal of a commutative ring R. Then the following statements are equivalent.

(i) ΓI(R) is a star graph.

(ii) gr(ΓI(R))=.

(iii) ΓI(R)=ΓI(R) and gr(ΓI(R))=.

(iv) (I:ZI(R)) is a prime ideal of R,|I|=|β(I)|=|ZI(R)|=2.

(v) ΓI(R)=K1,1.

(vi) ΓI(R)=K1,1.

Proof. (i)(ii) It is clear.

(ii)(iii) If aβ(I), then a is adjacent to every other vertex in ΓI(R). Since gr(ΓI(R))= and ΓI(R) is a connected subgraph of ΓI(R), we conclude that ΓI(R)=ΓI(R), and hence gr(ΓI(R))=.

(iii)(iv) Since I is a non trivial non radical ideal of R, it can be easily seen that ΓI(R) is a star graph and ΓI(R)=ΓI(R). Therefore by Corollary 3.5, (I:ZI(R)) is a prime ideal of R. Since I is a nontrivial non radical ideal of R,|I|2 and |β(I)|4. If |I|=m>2, then β(I)|=n6 and we can assume that u,v,wβ(I) such that by Lemma 2.4(iii), u-v-w-u is a triangle and ΓI(R) is not a star graph. Thus |I|=2. If |I|=2, then |β(I)|=4, otherwise by Lemma 2.4(iii), ΓI(R) is not a star graph. Thus |I|=|β(I)|=2. If |ZI(R)|3, the we can assume that β1,β2β(I) and zZI(R)β(I) such that by Lemma 2.4(iii), β1β2zβ1 forms a triangle. Hence |I|=|β(I)|=|ZI(R)|=2.

(iv)(v) It is clear by Corollary 3.5.

(v)(vi) It is clear.

(vi)(i) It is clear.

In this section, we study the graph theoretical relationship between ΓI(R) and Γ(R/I) under certain parameters like clique number, max (or min) degree, vertex chromatic number, also determine a necessary and sufficient condition for ΓI(R) to be regular and Eulerian.

Theorem 4.1. Let I be an ideal of a commutative ring R and let u,vZI(R). Then

(i) if [u] is adjacent to [v] in Γ(R/I), then u is adjacent to v in ΓI(R),

(ii) if u is adjacent to v in ΓI(R) and [u][v], then [u] is adjacent to [v] in Γ(R/I),

(iii) if u adjacent to v in ΓI(R) and [u]=[v], then there exists rZI(R) such that ruI and rvI, but ru2I and rv2I,

(iv) if u is adjacent to v in ΓI(R), then all (distinct) elements of [u] and [v] are adjacent in ΓI(R). If there exists rR such that ruI and ru2I, then all the distinct elements of [u] are adjacent in ΓI(R).

Proof. (i) If [u] is adjacent to [v] in Γ(R/I), then either (R/I)[u]annR/I([v]){I} or (R/I)[v]annR/I([u]){I}. This implies that either (Ru+I)(I:{v})I or (Rv+I)(I:{u})I. By definition u is adjacent to v in ΓI(R).

(ii) If u is adjacent to v in ΓI(R) then either (Ru+I)(I:{v})I or (Rv+I)(I:{u})I. Since [u][v], either (R/I)[u]annR/I([v]){I} or (R/I)[v]annR/I([u]){I}. By definition [u] is adjacent to [v] in Γ(R/I).

(iii) If u is adjacent to v in ΓI(R), then either (Ru+I)(I:{v})I or (Ru+I)(I:{v})I. i.e., either (Ru+I)(I:{v})Iϕ or (Ru+I)(I:{v})Iϕ. Suppose that (Ru+I)(I:{v})Iϕ. Then there exists α(Ru+I)(I:{v})I such that α=ru+i for some rRI,iI. Clearly ruvI. Since [u]=[v],u=v+j for some jI, we find that ru2=ruu=ru(v+j)=ruv+rujI. Similarly rv2I. Now if (Ru+I)(I:{v})Iϕ, then by the similar proof there exists rRI such that ru2,rv2I.

(iv) If u is adjacent to v in ΓI(R), then either (Ru+I)(I:{v})I or (Rv+I)(I:{u})I. Let u+i[u], v+j[v]. Then (R(u+i)+I)(I:{v+j})I or (R(v+j)+I)(I:{u+i})I. By definition u+i is adjacent to v+j in ΓI(R).

Proposition 4.2. Let I be an ideal of a ring R. Then ΓI(R) contains |I| disjoint subgraphs isomorphic to Γ(R/I).

Proof. Let {aλ | λΛ}ZI(R) be a set of coset representative vertices of Γ(R/I),i.e., V(Γ(R/I))={[aλ]:λΛ} and for each αI, define a graph Gα=(Vα,Eα) with Vα={aλ+α:λΛ}, where aγ+α is adjacent to aδ+α in Gα whenever, [aγ] is adjacent to [aδ] in Γ(R/I). i.e., either (R/I)[aγ]ann(R/I)([aδ]){I} or (R/I)[aδ]ann(R/I)([aγ]){I}. By Theorem 4.1 Gα is a subgraph of ΓI(R). Also each GαΓI(R/I), and GαGβ are disjoint if αβ because if αβ then V(Gα)V(Gβ)=ϕ.

There is a strong relation between ΓI(R) and Γ(R/I). Next theorem shows that how one can construct ΓI(R) from ΓI(R/I).

Theorem 4.3. Let ΓI(R) be an ideal based extended zero-divisor graph of a ring R. Then we can always construct ΓI(R) from Γ(R/I).

Proof. Let {[aλ] | λΛ} be a set of coset representative vertices of Γ(R/I), i.e., V(Γ(R/I))={[aλ]:λΛ} and for each αI, define a graph Gα=(Vα,Eα) with Vα={aλ+α:λΛ}, where aγ+α is adjacent to aδ+α in Gα whenever, [aγ] is adjacent to [aδ] in Γ(R/I), i.e., either (R/I)[aγ]ann(R/I)([aδ]){I} or (R/I)[aδ]ann(R/I)([aγ]){I}. Define a graph H=(V(H),E(H)) where V(H)= αIV(Gα) and E(H) is:

(i) all edge contained in Gα for each αI.

(ii) For distinct γ,δΛ and for any α,βI,aγ+α is adjacent to aδ+β if and only if [aγ] is adjacent to [aδ] in (Γ(R/I)).

(iii) For γΛ and distinct α,βI,aγ+α is adjacent to aγ+β if and only if there exists a rR such that raγI, but raγ2I.

Clearly, V(H)V(ΓI(R)). Note that if uV(ΓI(R)), then by Theorem 4.1 [u]V(Γ(R/I)) and therefore, V(ΓI(R))V(H)). So V(H)=V(ΓI(R)). By Theorem 4.1, all edges which are defined above by (i) and (ii) are also edges in ΓI(R). If aγ+α is adjacent to aγ+β for distinct α,βI, then there exists rR such that raγI, but raγ2I. Therefore, (R(aγ+β)+I)(I:{aγ+α})I and (R(aγ+γ)+I)(I:{aγ+β)}I. Thus, the edges which are defined above by (iii) are also edge of ΓI(R). Let u and v be distinct adjacent vertices of ΓI(R). Then there exist α,βI and γ,δΛ such that u=aγ+α and v=aδ+β. If γδ and u adjacent to v in ΓI(R). Hence by Theorem 4.1, [aγ] is adjacent to [aδ] in Γ(R/I). Hence, the edge u-v corresponds to an edge of type (i) or (ii) of H. If γ=δ, then there exists rR such that raγI, but raγ2I and the edge u-v corresponds to an edge of type (iii) of H.

Proposition 4.4. Let I be an ideal of a ring R. If Γ(R/I) is infinite, then ΓI(R) is infinite. If Γ(R/I) is a graph with n vertices, then ΓI(R) is a graph with n|I| vertices.

Proof. This is immediate from Theorem 4.3.

Definition 4.5. Let {[aλ] | λΛ} be a set of coset representative vertices of Γ(R/I). [aλ] is said to be a row of ΓI(R), and if there exists rR such that raλI and raλ2I, then we call [aλ] connected row of ΓI(R) and ξn denote the n connected row which is contained in a maximal complete subgraph of Γ(R/I).

Remark 4.6. Let I be an ideal in a commutative ring {R} with unity. Then every connected column of ΓI(R) defined in [13] is a connected row of ΓI(R). By Example 2.12 and Figures 2.2 and 2.4 we observe that [2]={2,10,18} is a connected row of ΓI(R) which is not a connected column of ΓI(R).

Figure 4. .

Theorem 4.7. Let I be a ideal in a commutative ring R. Then ω(ΓI(R))= ξn|I|+ω(Γ(R/I))n.

Proof. Suppose that ω(Γ(R/I))=k and A={[a1],[a2],,[ak]}V(Γ(R/I)) such that Γ(R/I)[A] is an induced maximal complete subgraph of Γ(R/I). Let B=[ai] where [ai] is a connected row and [ai]A, C={ai | [ai]is a non-connected row,[ai]A}. Then by Theorem 4.2, ΓI(R)[BC] is a complete subgraph in ΓI(R). If BC{u} is a complete subgraph in ΓI(R), then uA forms a clique of size k+1, a contradiction. Thus ΓI(R)[BC] is a maximal complete subgraph. Consequently, ω(ΓI(R))=|BC|=ξn|I|+ω(Γ(R/I))n.

Corollary 4.9. Let I be an ideal of a commutative ring R such that ΓI(R) has no connected row. Then

(i) ω(ΓI(R))=ω(Γ(R/I)),

(ii) χ(ΓI(R))=χ(Γ(R/I)).

Proof (i) Clearly, we observe that ω(Γ(R/I))ω(ΓI(R)). Consider the case, when ω(Γ(R/I))=k<, and suppose that H is a complete subgraph of ΓI(R) with the set of (distinct) vertices u1,u2,,uk+1. Since {H} is complete, we get a complete subgraph of ΓI(R) with the set of vertices [u1],[u2],,[uk+1]. Now ω(Γ(R/I))=k implies that [ul]=[um] for some lm and hence ul=um+i for some i∈ I. Since H is complete, ul adjacent to um in ΓI(R). Then we get rR such that ralI, but ral2I and [ul] is a connected row ΓI(R), a contradiction. Hence ω(ΓI(R))=k.

(ii) By Corollary 4.2, Γ(R/I) is isomorphic to a subgraph of ΓI(R) and hence χ(Γ(R/I))χ(ΓI(R).

Suppose that χ(Γ(R/I))=n and C1,C2,,Cn are distinct color classes of Γ(R/I). Consider the set Sj= [a]C j [a]. Since ΓI(R) has no connected row, each Sj is an independent set of ΓI(R) and V(ΓI(R))= j=1nSj.

Thus S1,S2,,Sn are distinct color classes for ΓI(R) and the graph ΓI(R) colored by n distinct proper colors, and therefore χ(ΓI(R)n. Hence χ(Γ(R/I))=χ(ΓI(R).

Corollary 4.9. Let I be a radical ideal of a commutative ring R . Then

(i) ω(ΓI(R))=ω(Γ(R/I)).

(ii) χ(ΓI(R))=χ(Γ(R/I)).

Theorem 4.10. Let I be an ideal in a commutative ring R. If ω(Γ(R/I)) =χ(Γ(R/I)), then ω(ΓI(R))=χ(ΓI(R)).

Proof. Suppose that ω(Γ(R/I)) =χ(Γ(R/I))=n. Let {aλ | λΛ}ZI(R) be a set of coset representative vertices of Γ(R/I), i.e., V(Γ(R/I))={[aλ]:λΛ} and C1,C2,,Cn are distinct color classes of Γ(R/I). Since ω(Γ(R/I))=n, there exists [a1],[a2],,[an]V(Γ(R/I)) such that any two of them lies in distinct color classes. Without loss of generality, assume that [aj]Cj, for all j{1,2,n}.A={[a1],[a2],,[an]}. Then Γ(R/I)[A] is a maximal complete subgraph of Γ(R/I). Let B={aj | [aj]A}{aj+i | [aj]A,rajI and raj2I for some rR,iI}. Since Γ(R/I)[A] is a maximal complete subgraph of Γ(R/I),ΓI(R)[B] is a maximal complete subgraph of ΓI(R), and therefore |B|ω(ΓI(R)). Hence we color the vertices of ΓI(R) with |B| distinct colours. Clearly [a], an induced independent set of ΓI(R) when there does not exists any rR such that raI and ra2I with [a]A and color the vertices a+i[a] with the colour of a for all iI. Let U={a : [a]A}. Then U have distinct colors. For each yU,[y]=[at] such that t{1,2,,n}. Since [at]Sj and Sjs are independent, for each iI color the vertices at+i with the color of aj+i. Hence color the vertices of C=V(ΓI(R))U in this way, and this coloring is proper, therefore χ(ΓI(R))|B|. Since ω(ΓI(R))χ(ΓI(R)), χ(ΓI(R))=ω(ΓI(R)). This completes the proof.

Lemma 4.11. Let I be an ideal of a ring R and aV(ΓI(R)). Then

deg(a)=|I|degΓ([a]), if [a] is a nonconnected row,|I|degΓ([a])+|I|1, if [a] is a connected row.

Proof. Clearly, deg(a)|I|degΓ([a]). If [a] is connected row, then ΓI(R)[[a]] is a complete subgraph of ΓI(R). Thus deg(a)=|I|degΓ([a])+|I|1. If [a] is non-connected row, then deg(a)=|I|degΓ([a]).

Lemma 4.12. Let I be an ideal of a ring R Then

δ(ΓI(R))=|I|δ(Γ(R/I))+|I|1,if each [a]V(δ(Γ(R/I)) is a connected row,|I|δ(Γ(R/I)), otherwise.

Proof. If [a]V(δ(Γ(R/I)) is a connected row, then deg(a)deg(b) for all bV(ΓI(R) and by Lemma 4.11, deg(a)=|I|degΓ([a])+|I|1 ( or deg(a)=|I|δ(Γ(R/I))+|I|1). Thus δ(ΓI(R))=|I|δ(Γ(R/I))+|I|1. Otherwise, deg(a)deg(b) for all bV(ΓI(R) and by Lemma 4.11, deg(a)=|I|degΓ([a]) (or deg(a)=|I|δ(Γ(R/I)). Thus δ(ΓI(R))=|I|δ(Γ(R/I)).

Lemma 4.13. Let I be an ideal of a ring R Then

Δ(ΓI(R))=|I|Δ(Γ(R/I))+|I|1, if each[a]V(Δ(Γ(R/I)) is a non connected row,|I|Δ(Γ(R/I)), otherwise.

Proof. If [a]V(Δ(Γ(R/I)) is a non-connected row, then deg(b)deg(a) for all bV(ΓI(R) and by Lemma 4.11, deg(a)=|I|degΓ([a]) ( or deg(a)=|I|Δ(Γ(R/I))). Thus Δ(ΓI(R))=|I|δ(Γ(R/I)). Otherwise, deg(b)deg(a) for all bV(ΓI(R) by Lemma 4.11, deg(u)=|I|degΓ([a]+|I|1) (or deg(a)=|I|Δ(Γ(R/I)+|I|1). Thus Δ(ΓI(R))=|I|Δ(Γ(R/I))+|I|1.

Theorem 4.14. Let I be an ideal in a commutative ring R. If ΓI(R) has no connected row, then ΓI(R) is Eulerian if and only if |I| is even or Γ(R/I) is Eulerian.

Proof. Suppose that ΓI(R) is Eulerian. Then deg(a) is even for all aV(ΓI(R)). Since ΓI(R) has no connected row, deg(a)=|I|degΓ([a]) is even for all [a]V(Γ(R/I)). Hence either |I| is even or degΓ([a]) is even for all [a]V(Γ(R/I)), i.e., Γ(R/I) is Eulerian.

Conversely, assume that Γ(R/I) is Eulerian. Hence degΓ([a]) is even for all [a] V(Γ(R/I)). Since ΓI(R) has no connected row, deg(a)=|I|degΓ([a]) is even for all a V(ΓI(R). i.e., ΓI(R) is Eulerian. If |I| is even, then ΓI(R) is Eulerian.

Theorem 4.15. Let I be an ideal in a commutative ring R. If ΓI(R) has a connected row, then ΓI(R) is Eulerian if and only if |I| is odd and Γ(R/I) is Eulerian.

Proof. Suppose that ΓI(R) is Eulerian. Since ΓI(R) has a connected row, there exists xV(ΓI(R)) such that [x] is a connected row in ΓI(R) and by Lemma4.11, deg(x)=|I|degΓ[x]+|I|1 is even. Thus we have the following cases:

Case(a) |I|degΓ[x] and |I|1 are odd. Then |I| is even. Since |I|degΓ[x] is odd and |I| is even. Since |I| is even, |I|degΓ[x] can not be odd, and this case is not possible.

Case(b) |I|degΓ[x] and |I|1 are even. Thus |I|degΓ[x] is even for all [x]V(Γ(R/I)). i.e., degΓ[x] is even for all [x]V(Γ(R/I)). Therefore Γ(R/I) is Eulerian and |I| is odd.

Conversely, assume that Γ(R/I) is Eulerian, |I| is odd and xV(ΓI(R)). If [x] is a connected row, then deg(x)=|I|degΓ[x]+|I|1 is even and if [x] is a non-connected row, then deg(x)=|I|degΓ[x] is also even. Hence ΓI(R) is Eulerian.

Theorem 4.16. Let I be an ideal in a commutative ring R. If ΓI(R) has no connected row. Then ΓI(R) is regular if and only if Γ(R/I) is regular.

Proof. Suppose that ΓI(R) is regular graph, deg(x)=n for all xV(ΓI(R)). Since ΓI(R) has no connected row, by Lemma 4.11, deg(x)=|I|degΓ[x]=n for all [x]V(Γ(R/I)). Therefore degΓ[x]=n/|I| for all [x]V(Γ(R/I)). Clearly, if n is prime, then Γ(R/I)K2. Otherwise Γ(R/I) is a n|I|-regular.

Conversely, suppose that Γ(R/I) is a regular graph. Then degΓ[x]=n  [x]V(Γ(R/I)). Since ΓI(R) has no connected row, by Lemma 4.11, for all x V(Γ(R))deg(x)=|I|degΓ[x]=n|I|. Therefore ΓI(R) is n|I|-regular.

Theorem 4.17. Let I be an ideal in a commutative ring R and each row is connected. Then ΓI(R) is n-regular, where n|I|1 if and only if Γ(R/I) is regular.

Proof. Assume that ΓI(R) is a n-regular graph. Then deg(x)=n for all xV(ΓI(R)). Since each row is connected, by Lemma 4.11, deg(x)=|I|degΓ[x]+|I|1, for all xV(ΓI(R)) and hence degΓ[x]=n|I|+1|I| for all [x]V(Γ(R/I)). Since degΓ[x]0 and n|I|1, Γ(R/I) is a (n|I|+1|I|)-regular graph.

Conversely, suppose that Γ(R/I) is a regular graph. Then degΓ[x]=p for all [x]V(Γ(R/I). Since each row is connected, by Lemma 4.11, deg(x)=p|I|+|I|1 for all xV(ΓI(R). Thus ΓI(R is a n-regular.

Theorem 4.18. Let I be an ideal of a ring R. Then 1χ(Γ(R/I)) χ(ΓI(R))|I|χ(Γ(R/I)).

Proof. Clearly, 1χ(Γ(R/I)). Since Γ(R/I) is isomorphic to a subgraph of ΓI(R), χ(Γ(R/I))χ(ΓI(R)). Let χ(Γ(R/I))=n, and C1,C2,,Cn be distinct color classes for Γ(R/I). Assume that each row is connected. Now for each 1jn, and iI define a set Dji={x+j : [x]Cj}. Since Cj's are independent, Dji are independent. Also 1jn( iI)Dji=V(ΓI(R). Thus {Dji : 1jn,iI} are distinct color classes for ΓI(R). |I|n colors are required for colouring and this colouring is proper. Hence χ(ΓI(R))|I|χ(Γ(R/I)).

Proposition 4.19. Let I be a proper ideal of a commutative ring R. If ΓI(R) has a connected row, then |I|ω(ΓI(R)).

Proof. Assume that [u] is a connected row in ΓI(R). Then there exists rR such that ruI and ru2I. If u1,u1[u], then (Ru1+I)(I:{u2})I and by definition u1 is adjacent to u2 in ΓI(R). i.e., K|I| is a subgraph of ΓI(R), and hence |I|ω(ΓI(R)).

Corollary 4.20. Let I be a proper ideal of a commutative ring R such that |I|=. If ΓI(R) has a connected row, then ω(ΓI(R))=.

Corollary 4.21. Let I be a proper ideal of a commutative ring R such that |V(ΓI(R))|2. If ΓI(R) has a connected row, then |I|+1ω(ΓI(R)).

Lemma 4.22. Let I be an ideal of a commutative ring R. Then gr(ΓI(R))gr(Γ(R/I)).

Proof. If gr(ΓI(R))=, then our result holds. Now suppose that gr(Γ(R/I))=k<. Let [a1][a2],,[ak][a1] be a cycle in ΓI(R) with k distinct vertices. Then a1a2,,aka1 is also a cycle in ΓI(R) of length k. Hence gr(ΓI(R))k.

In this section, our aim is to study the planarity of ideal based extended zero-divisor graph ΓI(R) and explore the condition under which ΓI(R) is planar. For a radical ideal I of an Artinian ring R, we show that ΓI(R) is weakly perfect.

Theorem 5.1. Let I be an ideal of a commutative ring R. Then ΓI(R) is a complete n-partite graph if and only if Γ(R/I) is a complete n-partite graph.

Proof. Suppose that ΓI(R)=K|W1|,|W2|,,|Wn| where V(ΓI(R))= i=1nWi and WjWk=ϕ for jk. Define a map F:RR/I by F(x)=[x]. Clearly F is a homomorphism from {R} onto R/I. It is easy to check that Γ(R/I) =K|F(W1)|,|F(W2)|,,|F(Wn)| is a complete n-partite graph.

Conversely, suppose that Γ(R/I)=K|L1|,|L2|,,|Ln| where V(Γ(R/I))= i=1nLi and LjLk=ϕ for j≠ k. Define a map S:RR/I by S(y)=[y]. Clearly S is a homomorphism from R onto R/I. It is easy check that ΓI(R) =K|S1(L1)|,|S1(L2)|,,|S1(Ln)| is a complete n-partite graph.

Lemma 5.2. Let I be an ideal of R such that R/ID1×D2××Dk, where k2 is a positive integer and Dj is an integral domain, for every 1jk. Then ΓI(R) is a complete (2k2)-partite.

Proof. Given R/ID1×D2××Dk. Then by [6, Lemma 2.1], Γ(R/I) is a complete (2k2)-partite and by Theorem 5.1, ΓI(R) is a complete (2k2)-partite hence proved.

Proposition 5.3. Let I be a radical ideal of a commutative ring R with |MinI(R)|< and suppose that P,Q are coprime, for every two distinct P,QMinI(R). Then the following statements are equivalent.

(i) |MinI(R)|=k.

(ii) ΓI(R) is a complete (2k2)-partite.

Proof. (i)(ii) Suppose that |MinI(R)|=k and define a map F : RR/I by F(x)=[x]. Clearly, F({MinI(R)})=Min(R/I) and |Min(R/I)|=k. Then by [6, Corollory 2.2], Γ(R/I) is a complete (2k2)-partite and by Theorem 5.1, ΓI(R) is a complete (2k2)-partite.

(ii)(i) Assume that ΓI(R) is a complete (2k2)-partite. Then by Theorem 5.1, Γ(R/I) is a complete (2k2)-partite and by [6, Corollary 2.2], |Min(R/I)|=k. Let us define a map S : RR/I by S(x)=[x]. Clearly,S1({Min(R/I}))=MinI(R) and |MinI(R)|=k.

Proposition 5.4. Let I be an ideal in a ring R such that R/ID1×D2××Dk, where k2 is a positive integer and Dj is an integral domain for each j{1,2,,n}. Then ω(Γ(R/I))=χ(ΓI(R))=χ(Γ(R/I))=ω(ΓI(R))=(2k2).

Proof. Given R/ID1×D2××Dk where k2 be a positive integer and Dj is an integral domain for each j{1,2,,k}. Then by [6, Lemma 2.1], Γ(R/I) is a (2k2)-partite graph and by Lemma 5.2, ΓI(R) is a (2k2)-partite graph. Hence ω(Γ(R/I))=χ(ΓI(R))=χ(Γ(R/I))=ω(ΓI(R))=(2k2).

Corollary 5.5. let I be a radical ideal in a commutative ring R with unity such that R/I is an Artinian ring. Then ω(Γ(R/I))=χ(ΓI(R))=χ(Γ(R/I))=ω(ΓI(R))=2|Max(R/I)|2.

Corollary 5.6. let I be a radical ideal in an Artinian ring R. Then ω(Γ(R/I))=χ(ΓI(R))=χ(Γ(R/I))=ω(ΓI(R))=2|Max(R/I)|2.

In order to achieve the goal, we need a celebrated Kuratowski's theorem from Graph Theory [14, Theorem 6.2.2].

Theorem 5.7. (Kuratowski's Theorem) A Graph G is planar if and only if it contains no subdivision of either K3,3 or K5.

Proposition 5.8. Let I be a proper ideal of R. If ΓI(R) is a planar graph. Then Γ(R/I) is also a planar graph but the converse need not be true in general.

Proof. Suppose that ΓI(R) is a planar graph. Since Γ(R/I) is isomorphic to a sub graph of ΓI(R). By Theorem 5.7, Γ(R/I) is a planar graph. For the converse with the help of Example 2.12, we note that in the Figure 2.4, ΓI(R)=K9 is not planar, but R/I=8 and Γ(R/I)=K3 a planar graph.

Theorem 5.9. Let I be a radical ideal of a commutative ring R. Then the following statements are equivalent.

(i) ΓI(R) is planar.

(ii) |MinI(R)|=2 and one element of MinI(R) has at most two elements different from I.

Proof. (i)(ii) Assume that ΓI(R) is planar. Suppose on the contrary that |MinI(R)|3. Let us define a map F:RR/I by F(x)=[x]. Clearly, F(MinI(R))=Min(R/I) and |Min(R/I)|3. By [6, heorem 3.4], Γ(R/I) is not planar and by Lemma 5.8, ΓI(R) is not planar, a contradiction. Therefore, |MinI(R)|=2 and by Theorem 3.1, ΓI(R)=ΓI(R). Let PI,QIMinI(R) such that |PII|3,|QII|3. Then K3,3 is a subgraph of ΓI(R) which is not Planar, a contradiction. Thus one element of MinI(R) has at most two elements different from I.r

(ii)(i) Suppose that |MinI(R)|=2 and one element of MinI(R) has at most two elements different from I. Then by Theorem 3.1, ΓI(R)=ΓI(R). Without loss of generality, we may assume that PI,QIMinI(R) such that |PII|=m, where 1m2 and |QII|=n. Thus ΓI(R)=Km,n, which is Planar.

Proposition 5.10. Let I be an ideal of a commutative ring R. Then ΓI(R) is not planar if one of the following statements hold.

(i) |I|5.

(ii) |β(I)|>4.

(iii) I is a radical ideal of R and |I|3.

Proof. Directly follows from Theorem 5.7.

Remark 5.11. It can be easily observed that if R is a commutative ring with unity, then |Z(R)|=2 if and only if R is ring-isomorphic to either 4 or 2(x)(x2).

Theorem 5.12. Let I be a non-radical ideal of a commutative ring R such that |I|=2. Then ΓI(R) is planar if and only if one of the following statements hold.

(i) R/I is ring-isomorphic to either 4 or 2(x)(x2).

(ii) (I:ZI(R)) is a prime ideal of R and |(I:ZI(R))|=4.

(iii) ZI(R)=β(I) and |β(I)|=6.

Proof. Assume that ΓI(R) is planar.

If |β(I)|=, then by Lemma 2.4 (iv),ΓI(R)[β(I)] is not planar. Thus ΓI(R) is not planar and we find that |β(I)|<. Since I is a proper additive subgroup of β(I),|I| divides |β(I)| and |β(I)|=2k, where k{1}. Then the following cases arises:

Case(1) k=2, i.e., |β(I)|=4. Then |Nil(R/I)|=2.

Subcase(i) If |ZI(R)|<, then |Z(R/I)|<. If |Z(R/I)|=2, then by Remark 5.11, R/I is isomorphic to either 4 or 2(x)(x2). If 2|Z(R/I)|<, then by [6, Theorem 3.6(1)], R/I is isomorphic to either 2×4 or 2×2(x)(x2). If R/I is isomorphic to 2×4, then there exists an isomorphism g:R/I2×4.

Notice that there exist α1,α2,α3,α4RI such that [α1], [α2], [α3], [α4]R/I and g([α1])=(0,1), g([α2])=(0,3), g([α3])=(1,0),g([α4])=(1,2). Since Γ(R/I)[{[α1],[α2][α3][α4]}]=K2,2 Γ(2×4)[{(0,1),(0,3),(1,0),(1,2)}], without loss of generality, we may assume that α1,α1+i,α2,α3,α3+i,α4RI, where iI and by Theorem 4.1 (i), ΓI(R) [{α1, α1+i, α2, α3, α3+i, α4}]=K3,3, which is not planar, a contradiction. If R/I is isomorphic to 2×2(x)(x2), then there exists an isomorphism f:R/I2×2(x)(x2). Notice that there exist β1,β2,β3,β4RI such that [β1],[β2],[β3],[β4]R/I and g([β1])=(0,(x2)), g([β2])=(0,1+(x2)), g([β3])=(1,(x2)),g([β4])=(1,x+(x2)). Since Γ(R/I)[{[β1], [β2] [β3] [β4]}]=K2,2Γ(2×4)[{(0,(x2)), (0,1+(x2)), (1,(x2)), (1,x+(x2))}], without loss of generality, we may assume that β1,β1+i,β2,β3,β3+i,β4RI, where iI and by Theorem 4.1 (i), ΓI(R) [{β1,β1+i,β2,β3,β3+i,β4}]=K3,3, which is not planar, again we get a contradiction.

Subcase(ii) |ZI(R)|=. Since |I|=2<,|Z(R/I)|=. Hence by [6, Theorem 3.6(2)], Ann(Z(R/I)) is a prime ideal of R/I. This implies that (I:ZI(R)) is a prime ideal of R and by Corollary 3.5, ΓI(R)=ΓI(R)=KpKq¯, where p=|β(I)|,q=|ZI(R)β(I)|= and by Corollary 3.4 (iii),(I:ZI(R))=β(I). Thus if we take |β(I)|=l>4, then ΓI(R)=ΓI(R)=KlK¯ and ΓI(R)=ΓI(R)=KlK¯ contain K3,3 as a subgraph, and hence ΓI(R) is not planar. If |β(I)|=4, then ΓI(R)=ΓI(R)=K2K¯, which is planar. Hence |β(I)|=|(I:ZI(R))|=4.

Case(2) k=3, i.e., |β(I)|=6. Then |Nil(R/I)|=3 and by [6, Theorem 3.8], Ann(Z(R/I)) is a prime ideal of R/I. This implies that (I:ZI(R)) is a prime ideal of R and by Corollary 3.5, ΓI(R)=ΓI(R)=KpKq¯, where p=|β(I)|,q=|ZI(R)β(I)|. If ZI(R)β(I), then K5=K4K1¯ is a subgraph of K4Kq¯, which is not planar. Hence β(I)=ZI(R) and by Lemma 2.4 (iv),ΓI(R)=K4, which is Planar.

Case(3) k≥3, i.e., |β(I)|8. Then |β(I)|>4 and by Proposition 5.10 (ii), ΓI(R) is not Planar. Hence |β(I)|6.

Converse part holds trivially.

Theorem 5.13. Let I be a non-radical ideal of a commutative ring R and |I|=3. Then ΓI(R) is planar if and only if R/I is ring-isomorphic to either 4 or 2(x)(x2).

Proof. Assume ΓI(R) is planar. Since |I|=3,|β(I)|=6, and |Nil(R/I)|=2. If |Z(R/I)|>2, then K3,3 is a subgraph of ΓI(R). By Theorem 5.7, ΓI(R) is not planar, a contradiction. Hence |Z(R/I)|=2, then by Remark 5.11, R/I is isomorphic to either 4 or 2(x)(x2). Converse part holds trivially.

Proposition 5.14. Let I be a non-radical ideal of a commutative ring R and |I|=4. Then ΓI(R) is planar if and only if R/I is isomorphic to either 4 or 2(x)(x2).

Proof. Assume that ΓI(R) is planar. Since |I|=4,|β(I)|=8. If β(I)ZI(R), then there exists αZI(R)β(I) and by Lemma 2.4 (iv),ΓI(R)[{α}β(I)] forms K5, which is not planar. Hence β(I)=ZI(R),|Z(R/I)|=|Nil(R/I)|=2, and by Remark 5.11, R/I is isomorphic to either 4 or 2(x)(x2). Converse part holds trivially.

Proposition 5.15. Let I be non-radical ideal of a commutative ring R. Then γ(ΓI(R))=γs(ΓI(R))=1.

Proof. Let xβ(I). Then by Lemma 2.4, x is adjacent to every other vertex and deg(x)deg(y), for every y in V(ΓI(R)). Thus {x} is a γ-set of ΓI(R) and γ(ΓI(R))=γs(ΓI(R))=1.

Proposition 5.16. Let I be a radical ideal of a commutative ring R. Then γ(ΓI(R))=2 and ΓI(R) is excellent graph if one of the following statements hold.

(i) R/ID1×D2××Dk where k2 be a positive integer and Dj is an integral domain for each j{1,2,,k}.

(ii) |MinI(R)|=k.

Proof. (i) Clearly by Lemma 5.2, ΓI(R) is a complete (2k2)-partite. Assume that ΓI(R) =K|V1|,|V2|,,|Vk|. Clearly {x1,x2} is a γ-set, where x1V1 and x2V2. Since |I|2,|V1|2 and |V2|2. Clearly {y1,y2} is a γ-set, where y1V1{x1} and y2V2{x2}. Therefore γ(ΓI(R))=2.

(ii) Clearly by Proposition 5.3, ΓI(R) is a complete (2k2)-partite any by part (i) γ(ΓI(R))=2.

In this section, we study the ordering on the vertices of ΓI(R).

Definition 6.1. Given a graph H with vertices u and v, we define the relations , and on H as follows.

(i) uv if every vertex adjacent to v is also adjacent to u.

(ii) u∼ v if uv and v≤ u.

(iii) uv if u and v are adjacent and no other vertex of {H} is adjacent to both u and v.

Remark 6.2. Graphs ΓI(R) and Γ(R/I) are simple, so any vertex of these graphs is never considered to be self adjacent. Hence, if uv, then u-v not an edge (otherwise v is self adjacent).

Proposition 6.3. Let I be an ideal of a commutative ring R. Let u,vZI(R) such that [u] and [v] are nonconnected row of ΓI(R). Then [u][v] in Γ(R/I) if and only if uv in ΓI(R).

Proof. Assume [u][v] in Γ(R/I). Let zZI(R) be adjacent to v. Since [v] is nonconnected, [v][z] (otherwise, [v] is connected row). Thus, by Theorem 4.1, [z] is adjacent to [v], since [u][v] implies that [z] is adjacent to [u]. Hence, By Theorem 4.1, u is adjacent to z.

Conversely, assume uv in ΓI(R). Let [z]Z(R/I) be adjacent to [v] in ΓI(R). Then, by Theorem 4.1, z is adjacent to v in ΓI(R). Since uv implies that z is adjacent to u in ΓI(R). Since [u] is nonconnected row implies that [z][u] and by Theorem 4.1, [u] is adjacent to [z] in Γ(R/I).

Corollary 6.4. Let I be a proper ideal of a commutative ring R, and let u,vZI(R) such that [u] and [v] are nonconnected row of ΓI(R). Then [u][v] in Γ(R/I) if and only if uv in ΓI(R).

Corollary 6.5. Let I be a proper ideal of a commutative ring R, and let u,vZI(R) such that u,v[z], where [z] is a nonconnected row of ΓI(R). Then uv in ΓI(R).

Remark 6.6. In case of connected row, the conclusion of the above result fails, because in case of connected row we find a self adjacent vertices, as mention in the previous remark.

Proposition 6.7. Let I be an ideal of a commutative ring R such that |V(ΓI(R))|3. Suppose that u,vZI(R) such that [u][v] and both are nonconnected row of ΓI(R). Then [u][v] in Γ(R/I) if and only if uv in ΓI(R).

Proof. Assume uv in ΓI(R). Then u-v is an edge of ΓI(R) and by Theorem 4.1, [u]-[v] is an edge of ΓI(R). If [z]Z(R/I) such that [u]-[z] and [v]-[z] are edges in Γ(R/I), then by Theorem 4.1, u-z and v-z are edges in ΓI(R), a contradiction. Hence [u][v] in Γ(R/I).

Conversely suppose that [u][v] in Γ(R/I). Then u-v is an edge in ΓI(R). Assume that zZI(R) such that u-z and v-z are edges in ΓI(R). Then there exists r ∈ {R} such that either ruI or rzI but rzI Similarly, there exists sR such that either svI or szI, but svzI. Since [u] and [v] are non connected, [u][z][v]. Therefore, [u]-[z] and [v]-[z] are edges in Γ(R/I), which contradicts, [u][v], and hence uv in ΓI(R).

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