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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2022; 62(2): 229-242

Published online June 30, 2022

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Uniformly Close-to-Convex Functions with Respect to Conjugate Points

Syed Zakar Hussain Bukhari∗, Taimoor Salahuddin, Imtiaz Ahmad and Muhammad Ishaq, Shah Muhammad

Department of Mathematics, Mirpur University of Science and Technology(MUST), Mirpur-10250(AJK), Pakistan
e-mail : fatmi@must.edu.pk, taimoor_salahuddin@yahoo.com, drimtiaz.maths@must.edu.pk and ishaq_381@yahoo.com

Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
e-mail : shah.maths@must.edu.pk

Received: April 3, 2018; Revised: November 29, 2018; Accepted: December 19, 2018

In this paper, we introduce a new subclass of k-uniformly close-to-convex functions with respect to conjugate points. We study characterization, coefficient estimates, distortion bounds, extreme points and radii problems for this class. We also discuss integral means inequality with the extremal functions. Our findings may be related with the previously known results.

Keywords: Characterizations, coefficients estimates, distortion bounds, extreme points, radii problems

Let U:=z:zand|z|<1 be the open unit disk and H(U) denote the class of all analytic functions f defined in the open unit disc U. For a positive integer n and a, let


We define the class A by

A:=fH[0,1]: f(z)=z+a2z2+  (zU).

Let P denote the class of Carathéodory functions p such that p(0)=1,Rep(z)>0 and


The Möbius function L0(z)=1+z1z,zUor its rotation acts as an extremal function for the class P and maps the open unit disc onto the right half-plane. Recall also the class P(γ)P, 0γ<1, consisting of functions pP such that (p(z))>γ in U. For f,gH(U), we say that the function f is subordinate to the function g and write f(z)g(z), if there exists a Schwarz function w, that is, wH(U), with w(0)=0 and |w(z)|<1, such that f(z)=g(w(z)). For a univalent function g, f(z)g(z) if and only if f(0)=g(0) and f(U)g(U). For reference, see [10]. Applying subordination, Janowski [6] introduced the class P[A,B] for 1B<A1. A function p analytic in U such that p(0)=1 belongs to the class P[A,B], if

p(z)1+Az1+Bz  zUorp(z)=1+Aw(z)1+Bw(z)  zU,

where w is a Schwarz function. Geometrically, the image p(U) of pP[A,B] lies inside the open unit disc centered on the real axis with diameter ends at p(1) and p(1). Clearly, P[A,B]P1A1B. The class P[A,B] is related with the class P of functions with positive real parts by pP if and only if


The simplest representation of the conic domain Δk is


This domain represents the right half plane for k=0, a hyperbola for 0<k<1, a parabola for k=1 and an ellipse for k>1. A normalized analytic function f is close-to-convex, if and only if there exists a function gC such that


We denote the class ofclose-to-convex functions by K. This class was introduced by Kaplan [16]. Sakaguchi [13] defined the class of starlike functions with respect to symmetric points as follows:

Definition 1.1. Let fS. Then fSCP, if it satisfies the condition:

Rezf(z)f(z)+f(z¯%)¯>0,  (zU).

For fA, fCCP [18] if and only if zfSCP, where CCP represents the class of convex functions with respect to conjugate points. Various authors studied the class CCP of functions convex with respect toconjugate points and its subclasses, for detail, see [11, 12, 16, 21]. Obviously, it is a subclass of close-to-convex functions and hence it represents univalent functions. Moreover, this class includes the class of convex functions and odd starlike functions with respect to the origin, see [13].

A normalized analytic function fQ the class of quasi convex, if and only if zfK. Silverman [19] introduced the class T of analytic univalent functions f having non-negative coefficients in the series representation:

f(z)=z n=2anzn  (an0, zU).

The class TSγ a subclasses of T is defined by TSγ=SγT. Selvaraj and Selvakumaran [14] investigated the classes SCP(δ,k,γ) and CCP(δ,k,γ) defined below:

Re2zFδ(z)1δF(z)+δzF(z)>k2zFδ(z)1δF(z)+δzF(z)1+γ  (zU),





0δ1,0γ<1,k0. Here we let TSCP(δ,k,γ)=TSCP(δ,k,γ). A function fCCP(δ,k,γ) [18] if and only if zf SCP(δ,k,γ). For δ=0, we have the classes SCP(k,γ) and CCP(k,γ) and also the classes

TSCP(k,γ)=TSCP(k,γ)and TCCP(k,γ)=TCCP(k,γ).

These and related classes have been introduced by various authors, for example, see [2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 15, 20].

Definition 1.2. A function fKCP(δ,k,γ,β) if we have

Re2zFδ(z)1δG(z)+δzG(z)>k2zFδ(z)1δG(z)+δzG(z)1+β  (zU),

where Fδ is given in (1.5),Gz=g(z)+g(z¯)¯:gTCCP(k,γ) and the class TCCP(k,γ) is defined in (1.6), 0δ1,0γ<1,k0 and 0β<1.

Here we let


where T is defined by (1.3). In our investigation of the class TKCP(δ,k,γ,β), we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions, coefficient estimates, distortion bounds, extreme points, radii of close-to-convexity, starlikeness and convexity. We also obtain integral means inequality and other related properties.

We now state some useful lemmas which we may need to establish our results in the sequel.

Lemma 2.1. If γR and ωC then

Reωγ ω+1-γ-ω-1-γ0.

Lemma 2.2. If γR and ωC then


Lemma 2.3. ([14]) Let fTCCP(k,γ). Then

bn1γ(1+k)n2n(k+γ), n2.

Lemma 2.4. ([14]) Let f,gS with fg. Then for η>0 and z=reiθ, we have

02π gre iθηdθ02π fre iθηdθ.

We employ the similar techniqueof Aqlan et al. [1] to find the coefficient estimates for the functions in the class TKCP(δ,k,γ,β).

Theorem 3.1. A function fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β), if and only if it satisfies the coefficient conditions


for 0δ1,0γ<1,k0,0β<1 and bn is given by


Proof. Suppose that fA satisfies the condition given in (3.1). We prove that fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β). In view of Lemma 2.1, it is enough to show that


where Fδ is given by (1.5), Gz=gzgz, and gCCP(δ,k,γ). We now consider that



Hz=2z21+keiθ n=2nθnanzn+2keiθ n=2θnbnzn,
Jz=1δG(z)+δzG(z)=2z n=22θnbnzn,θn=1δ+nδ.

To obtain (3.2) or (3.3), in view of Lemma 2.1, we need to prove that


Also for H and J as above, we see that

Nz42βz n=22nan+21βbnθnznk n=22nan2bnθnzn.

Again we consider that

Mz2βz+ n=22nan21βbnθnzn+k n=22nan2bnθnzn,

or we can write

Mz2βz n=22nan21βbnθnznk n=22nan2bnθnzn.

Keeping in view (3.6),(3.7) and (3.8), we have

Dz41βr4 n=2nan+nkanβ+kbnθnrn.

For the limiting value of r, that is, r1 and in view of (3.1) and (3.9), we obtain

Dz41β4 n=2n1+kanβ+kbnθn.

Again this inequlity alongwith (3.1) implies (3.6). Hence fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β). Conversely, suppose that fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β). By Lemma 2.2, we have (3.2), i.e.,



ψz=2zFδz1δG(z)+δzG(z)=z n=2nznan n=2nn1δanznz n=2θnbnzn              =1 n=2nanθnzn11 n=2θnbnzn1


ψzβ=21β2 n=2nanβbnθnzn122 n=2θnbnzn1


ψz1=2 n=2nanβbnθnzn122 n=2θnbnzn1.

Using (3.11) and (3.12) in (3.10), we get

Re21β2 n=2θnnanβbnzn122 n=2θnbnzn12keiθ n=2nanbnθnzn122 n=2θnbnzn10.

We choose z=r>0 to have

Re21β2 n=2nanβbnθnrn122 n=2θnbnrn12keiθ n=2nanbnθnrn122 n=2θnbnrn10.

For Reeiθ>eiθ=1 and θn=1δ+nδ, the above inequality becomes

Re21β n=221+knank+βbnθnrn11 n=2θnbnrn10.

Again taking r1, we get




This completes the proof.

As an immediate consequence of the above Theorem 3.1, we have the following theorem for the coefficients estimates of fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β).

Theorem 3.2. For a function f:fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β), we have


for 0δ1,0γ<1,k0,0β<1.

Proof. For fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β), we use Theorem 3.1 to have

n=221+kn1δ+nδan21β+k+β n=21δ+nδbn.

Using Lemma 2.3 in (3.13), we have


This implies that


The equality holds for the function


Now we solve the growth problems for functions in the class TKCP(δ,k,γ,β).

Theorem 4.1.If a function fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β), then for z=rexpiθU, we have




Proof. For fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β), the inequality (3.1) yields

n=2 1δ+nδ2 1+knan k+βbn21β41+k1+δn=2an21β+1+δk+βn=2bn

This implies that


Thus from fzz+z2 n=2an with 0<z=r<1, we have

fzr+ n=2anr2r+1β21+k1+δ+1γk+β81+kkγ+2r2

Similarly for the lower bounds on the left side of (4.1), we can write

fzzz2 n=2anr1β21+k1+δ+1γk+β81+kkγ+2r2.

The inequalities (4.3) and (4.4) lead to (4.1). On the same lines, we can find the lower and upper bounds of f which are given by (4.2). The bounds on f and f represented by (4.1) and (4.2) respectively are sharp for the extremal function f given below by (4.5) and its derivative


Here we find the extremal points of functions belonging to the newly introduced class.

Theorem 5.1. Let f1z=z and


where θn=1δ+nδ and =11n. Then fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β), if and only if it takes the form

fz= n=2μnfnz,where μn0 and  n=1μn=1.

Proof. Consider

fz= n=2μnfnz=μ1f1z+ n=2μnfnz,μ1=1- n=2μn.

This proves that

fz=z n=2μn21β(1+k)n2n(k+γ)+1γk+β1δ+nδ21+kn(1+k)n2n(k+γ)1δ+nδzn.


n=2μn2 1β (1+k)n2n(k+γ)+ 1γ k+β 1δ+nδ2 1+kn (1+k)n2n(k+γ) 1δ+nδ×2 1+kn (1+k)n2n(k+γ) 1δ+nδ2 1β (1+k)n2n(k+γ)+ 1γ k+β 1δ+nδ=n=2μn=1μ11.

Therefore, by Defintion 1.2, we have fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β). Conversely, suppose that fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β). Then by Theorem 1.2, we have

an21β(1+k)n2n(k+γ)+1γk+β1δ+nδ21+kn(1+k)n2n(k+γ)1δ+nδ, n2.

where θn=1δ+nδ and =11n. By letting 1 n=2δn=δ1 and

δn=21β(1+k)n2n(k+γ)+1γk+β1δ+nδ21+kn(1+k)n2n(k+γ)1δ+nδan, n2,

we have

n=1δnfnz=δ1f1z n=2δnfnz=fz.

Theorem 6.1. If fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β), then fKμ for z<r0(δ,k,γ,β), we have


Proof. By a simple computation, we can write

fz1= n=2nanzn1 n=2nanzn1.

For fKμ, the class of close-to-convex of order µ, we have the condition

n=2n 1μanzn11.

For the coefficient condition required by the Theorem 3.1, the inequality (3.1) is true if


or we can write


This completes the proof.

Theorem 6.2. If fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β), then fSμ,0μ<1 for z<r1, such that

r1=inf21μn1+k(1+k)n2n(k+γ)θn21β(1+k)n2n(k+γ)+1γk+βθnnμ1n1, n2

where θn=1δ+nδ.

Proof. A simple computation leads to

zfzfz1=z n=2nanznz n=2anzn1 n=2nananzn11 n=2anzn1.

For a starlike function f of order µ, we have the condition:

n=2 nμ 1μanzn11.

From the coefficient condition required by the Theorem 3.1, the inequality (6.2) is true if


where θn=1δ+nδ. This expression yields that


where θn=1δ+nδ. This is the desired proof.

Theorem 6.3. If fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β), then fCμ for z<r2, where

r2=inf21μn21+k(1+k)n2n(k+γ)1δ+nδ21β(1+k)n2 n(k+γ)+1γk+β1δ+nδnμ11n, n2.

Proof. Consider

zfzfz= n=2nn1anzn11 n=2nanzn1 n=2nn1bnzn11 n=2nanzn1.

For fCμ, the class of convex functions of order µ, we have the condition:

n=2 nμ 1μnanzn11.

From the condition required by the Theorem 3.1, the inequality (6.3) is true if

z21μn21+k(1+k)n2n(k+γ)θn21β(1+k)n2 n(k+γ)+1γk+βθnnμ1n1, n2,

where θn=1δ+nδ. This expression yields the required result.

In [19], Silverman found that the function f2(z)=zz22 is often extremal for the family T. He applied this function to resolve his integral means inequality, conjectured in [17] and settled in [18], that is

02π fzηdθ02π f2zηdθ,,f2Tand0<r<1

In [18], he also proved his conjecture for the subclasses Tγ and Cγ of T. We solve Silverman's conjecture for the class of functions TKCP(δ,k,γ,β). We only need the concept of subordination between analytic functions already defined above and a subordination theorem of Littlewood [8].

Theorem 7.1. If fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β),0δ1,0β<1,k0 and


then for z=reiθ, and 0<r<1 we have

02π fzηdθ02π f2zηdθ.

Proof. For fTKCP(δ,k,γ,β), the relation (7.1) is equivalent to

02π 1n=2anzn1ηdθ02π 1 1βz2 1+k 1+δ 1γ k+βz8 1+k kγ+2ηdθ.

By Lemma 2.4, it is enough to prove that

1 n=2anzn111β2 1+k 1+δ+ 1γ k+β8 1+k kγ+2z

Suppose that

1 n=2anzn1=11βωz21+k1+δ1γk+βωz81+kkγ+2,ω0=0,|ωz|1.

This can be written as

ωzz n=221+kn2(1+k)n2n(k+γ)1δ+nδan21β(1+k)n2n(k+γ)+1γk+β1δ+nδz.

This completes the proof by Theorem 3.1.

In this research, we used the idea associated with the conic domains and introduced a new subclass of k-uniformly close-to-convex functions with respect to conjugate points. We study characterization, coefficient estimates, distortion bounds, extreme points and radii problems for this class. We also discussed the integral means inequality with the extremal functions. Our findings may be related with the previously known results.

The Authors would like to thank Worthy Vice Chancellor MUST, Mirpur, AJK for his untiring efforts for the promotion of research conducive environment at MUST.

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