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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2022; 62(1): 193-204

Published online March 31, 2022

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Locating-Hop Domination in Graphs

Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.*, Gemma P. Salasalan

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Science and Mathematics, Center for Graph Theory, Algebra, and Analysis, Premier Research Institute of Science and Mathematics, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Andres Bonifacio Ave., Iligan City, Philippines
e-mail : sergio.canoy@g.msuiit.edu.ph

Department of Arts and Sciences, Institute of Teacher Education, Arts and Sciences, Davao del Sur State College, Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur
e-mail : gemma.salasalan@g.msuiit.edu.ph

Received: May 4, 2021; Revised: August 16, 2021; Accepted: October 7, 2021

A subset S of V(G), where G is a simple undirected graph, is a hop dominating set if for each vV(G)S, there exists w ∈ S such that dG(v,w)=2 and it is a locating-hop set if NG(v,2)SNG(v,2)S for any two distinct vertices u,vV(G)S. A set SV(G) is a locating-hop dominating set if it is both a locating-hop and a hop dominating set of G. The minimum cardinality of a locating-hop dominating set of G, denoted by γlh(G), is called the locating-hop domination number of G. In this paper, we investigate some properties of this newly defined parameter. In particular, we characterize the locating-hop dominating sets in graphs under some binary operations.

Keywords: locating-hop, hop domination, complement-locating, complement locating-dominating

Locating-domination in a graph, a variation of the standard domination, was defined by Slater et al. in [13] and [14]. For protection of a certain system or network, the problem of determining the location of monitoring devices (e.g. fire alarms or cameras) so as to identify the exact location of an intruder (e.g. fire, burglar) when a problem at a facility or system arises can be modelled by this concept. This parameter and some of its variations had been studied in [2], [3], [6], [7], and [8].

In 2015, Natarajan and Ayyaswamy [10] introduced and studied the concept of hop domination in a graph. This concept and some of its variations were also studied in [1], [4], [9], and [12].

Apart from other possible applications of the concept of locating-hop domination similar to those of the standard locating-domination, the concept can also be used for a social network application. For example, consider a certain company with a large number of employees and suppose the company's president decides to form an internal committee of evaluators to do an assessment of the employees' job performance and productivity for management purpose. To minimize possible biases that may occur in the process, it is imposed that an evaluator should neither be a close friend nor an enemy to any employee (an individual outside this committee) under his or her evaluation list and that no two employees are evaluated by exactly the same set of evaluators from the committee. Also, to save time, an employee needs to be evaluated by a nearest non-biased evaluator. Since these criteria may still allow at most one employee (a non-evaluator) to be unevaluated or unassessed, it is further imposed that every employee outside the committee must go through the evaluation process, i.e., nobody is left out unevaluated. To model this evaluation process, a social network can be constructed, where each employee (including members of the committee) is represented by a vertex and an edge between two employees is formed if the they are either close friends or enemies. With respect to this network, the first set of imposed guidelines in the aforementioned evaluation process would actually require that the set of evaluators satisfies the 'locating-hop' condition. The additional imposed guideline (to ensure completeness of the evaluation process) would necessitate that the set of evaluators is a 'hop dominating' set. This social network application is a slight modification of the one given by Desormeaux et al. in [5] for non-dominating sets in graphs.

In this paper, we define and do an initial study of the concept of locating-hop dominating set in a graph. As formally defined in a bit and as implicitly mentioned earlier, a locating-hop set is 'almost' a hop dominating set as it may allow at most a vertex outside the set to be 'hop undominated'. In a portion of this paper, one may find a result (a result that deals with the concept of locating-hop dominating on a disconnected graph) that does not hold when the condition 'locating-hop dominating set' is replaced by just 'locating hop set'. This somehow also makes 'locating-hop dominating set' a bit interesting concept to define and study.

Let G be a simple graph with vertex-set V(G) and edge-set E(G). For any two vertices u,v ∈ V(G), the distance dG(u,v) between u and v is the length of a shortest u-v path in G. Any u-v path of length equal to dG(u,v) is called a geodesic (u-v godesic). Two vertices u and v are neighbors (sometimes adjacent) if uvE(G). The set of neighbors of a vertex u of G, denoted by NG(u), is called the open neighborhood of u in G. The closed neighborhood of u is the set NG[u]=NG(u){u}. The open neighborhood of XV(G) is the set NG(X)= uXNG(u) and its closed neighborhood is the set NG[X]=NG(X)X. The open hop neighborhood of u in G, denoted by NG(u,2), is the set given by NG(u,2)={wV(G):dG(u,w)=2} and its closed hop neighborhood is NG[u,2]=NG(u,2){u}. The open hop neighborhood of SV(G) is the set NG(S,2)= uSNG(u,2) and its closed hop neighborhood is the set NG[S,2]=NG(S,2)S. The degree of vertex u in G, denoted by degG(u), is equal to |NG(u)|.

A set SV(G) is a locating set of G if for any two distinct vertices v,wV(G)S, NG(v)SNG(w)S. A locating set S is a locating-dominating set of G if NG(v)S for each vV(G)S. The smallest cardinality of a locating (resp. locating-dominating) set of G is denoted by ln(G) (resp. γL(G)). Any locating (resp. locating-dominating) set of G with cardinality ln(G) (resp. gammaL(G)) is called a ln-set (resp. γL-set) of G. We also point out that a locating set is 'nearly' or 'almost' a dominating set because it may allow at most a vertex in V(G)S to be undominated. A study of the concept of locating set can also be found in [11].

A subset S of V(G) is called a hop dominating set of G if NG[S,2]=V(G), that is, for every vV(G)S, there exists u ∈ S such that dG(u,v)=2. The minimum cardinality of a hop dominating set of G, denoted by γh(G), is called the hop domination number of G. Any hop dominating set of G with cardinality γ(G) is called a γh-set of G.

A subset S of G is a locating-hop set of G if NG(u,2)SNG(v,2)S for every two distinct vertices u and v of V(G)S. A locating-hop set of G which is also a hop dominating set is called a locating-hop dominating set. The minimum cardinality of a locating-hop dominating set of G, denoted by γlh(G), is called the locating-hop domination number of G.

A set SV(G) is a complement-locating set of G (or a locating set of G¯) if for any two distinct vertices v,wV(G)S, NG¯(v)S=[V(G)NG(v)]S[V(G)NG(w)]S=NG¯(w)S. A complement-locating set S of G is called a complement locating-dominating set of G (or a locating-dominating set of G¯) if for each vV(G)S, [V(G)NG(v)]S=N G¯(v)S. The smallest cardinality of a complement-locating (resp. complement locating-dominating) set of G is denoted by cln(G) (resp. cldn(G)). Any complement-locating (resp. complement locating-dominating) set of G with cardinality cln(G) (resp. cldn(G)) is called a cln-set (resp. a cldn-set) of G. Clearly, cln(G)=ln(G¯) and cldn(G)=γL(G¯).

Since any set S of size s has 2s distinct subsets, it is easily observed from the definition that if S is locating-hop dominating of a graph G on n vertices, then the inequality 2s>ns is satisfied. We state this formally as a simple result.

Lemma 2.1. Let G be a connected graph on n vertices. If S is a locating-hop dominating set of G and s = |S|, then n<2s+s.

Proposition 2.2. Let G be a connected graph on n vertices. Then 1γlh(G)n. Moreover,

  • (i) γlh (G)=1 if and only if G is the trivial graph;

  • (ii) γlh (G)= n if and only if G=Kn.

Proof. Clearly, 1γlh(G)n.

(i) Suppose γlh(G)=1, say S={u} is a γlh-set of G. If G is a nontrivial connected graph, then there exists vV(G)NG(u). This implies that S is not a hop dominating set of G, a contradiction. Therefore, G is the trivial graph. Clearly, if G is the trivial graph, then γlh(G)=1.

(ii) Suppose γlh(G)=n and suppose further that GKn. Then there exist distinct vertices v,wV(G) such that dG(v,w)=2. Let S=V(G){v}. Then S is a locating hop dominating set of G. Hence, γlh(G)|S|=n1, a contradiction. Therefore, G = Kn. The converse is clear.

Proposition 2.3. Let G be a connected graph of order n. If γlh(G)=2, then 2n5. Moreover,

  • (i) if n=2,3, then G = P2 and G = P3, respectively;

  • (ii) if n = 4, then G = P4 or G = C4; and

  • (iii) if n = 5, then G= C5 or G is (isomorphic to) the graph obtained from a cycle C5 = [v1,v2,v3,v4,v5, v1] by adding the edge v3v5, or G is (isomorphic to) the graph obtained from a cycle C5 = [v1,v2,v3,v4,v5, v1] by adding the edge v3v5 and removing the edge v1v2.

Proof. Suppose that γlh(G)=2 and let S={v1,v2} be a γlh-set of G. Clearly, n2. By Lemma 2.1, n5. Hence, 2n5.

Clearly, (i) holds. Suppose n = 4. Let a,bV(G)S. Since S is a hop dominating set, we may assume without loss of generality that v1NG(a,2)S. Suppose that [a,x,v1] is an a-v1 geodesic. If x = v2, then v1v2E(G). It follows that NG(a,2)S={v1}. Since S is a locating hop dominating set, NG(b,2)S={v2} or NG(b,2)S={v1,v2}. Suppose NG(b,2)S{v2}. Then NG(b,2)S={v1,v2}. This implies that ab ∈ E(G). Since dG(a,v2)=dG(v1,v2)=1, it follows that dG(b,v1)=3, a contradiction. Therefore, NG(b,2)S={v2}. Thus, G is [b,a,v2,v1] or [b,v1,v2,a] or [b,a,v2,v1,b]. Suppose now that x = b. Then this forces NG(b,2)S={v2} because S is a hop dominating set. If v1v2E(G), then av2E(G) and NG(a,2)S={v1}. It follows that G=[v1,b,a,v2]=P4. Suppose v1v2E(G). Then G is [a,b,v1,v2] or [a,b,v1,v2,a]. Therefore, G = P4 or G = C4, showing that (ii) holds.

Next, suppose that n = 5. Let v3,v4,v5V(G)S. Since S is a locating hop dominating set, we may assume that NG(v3,2)S={v1}, NG(v5,2)S={v2}, and NG(v4,2)S={v1,v2}. Suppose first that v1v2E(G). Since NG(v4,2)S={v1,v2}, v1v4,v2v4E(G). It follows that v3v4,v4v5,v2v3,v1v5E(G). If v3v5E(G), then G=[v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v1]=C5. If v3v5E(G), then G is the graph obtained from the cycle [v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v1] by adding the edge v3v5. Suppose that v1v2E(G). Again, it can be shown that v3v4,v4v5,v2v3,v1v5E(G). Moreover, since NG(v3,2)S={v1} and NG(v5,2)S={v2}, it follows that v3v5E(G). Thus, G is the graph obtained from the cycle C5=[v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v1] by adding the edge v3v5 and removing the edge v1v2. This proves (iii).

Theorem 2.4. Let G1,G2,,Gk be the distinct components of G, where k ≥ 2. Then S is a locating hop dominating set of G if and only if Sj=SV(Gj) is a locating-hop dominating set of Gj for each j{1,2,,k}.

Proof. Suppose S is locating-hop dominating set of G and let j{1,2,,k}. Let vV(Gj)Sj. Since vS and S is a hop dominating set, there exists w ∈ S such that vNG(w,2). This implies that w ∈ Sj and vNGj(w,2). This shows that Sj is a hop dominating set of Gj. Next, let a,bV(Gj)Sj where a ≠ b. Since S is locating-hop set


Thus, Sj is a locating-hop dominating set of Gj for each j{1,2,,k}.

For the converse, suppose that Sj=SV(Gj) is a locating-hop dominating set of Gj for each j{1,2,,k}. Then clearly, S is a hop dominating set of G. Let v,wV(G)S with vw and let Gi and Gj be the components of G with vV(Gi)Si and wV(Gj)Sj. Since Si and Sj are locating-hop sets (where it may happen that i = j),


Therefore, S is a locating-hop set of G.

It is worth mentioning that Theorem 2.4 does not hold if 'locating-hop dominating' is replaced by 'locating-hop'. Indeed, if there are two distinct locating sets Sj and Sk which have each a single vertex in V(Gj)Sj and V(Gk)Sk, respectively, that are not hop-dominated in the respective components, then the set S cannot be a locating hop set of G.

The next result follows from Theorem 2.4.

Corollary 2.5. Let G1,G2,,Gk be the distinct components of G. Then γlh(G)= j=1kγlh(Gj).

As an immediate consequence of Proposition 2.2(ii) and Theorem 2.4, we have the next result.

Corollary 2.6. Let G be a graph of order n. Then γlh(G)=n if and only if every component of G is complete. In particular, γlh(Kn)=γlh( K¯n)=n.

The next result is a general version (it includes disconnected graphs) of the one given in [11].

Theorem 2.7. Let G be graph of order n2. Then the following statements hold.

  • (i) 1 ≤ ln(G) ≤ n-1 and ln(G) = 1 if and only if G ∈{K2, øverline{K2}, P3, K1 ∪ K2}.

  • (ii) ln(G) = n- 1 if and only if G = Kn or G=K¯n.

From the preceding result and the fact that cln(G)=ln(G¯), we get the next result.

Corollary 2.8. Let G be graph of order n2. Then the following statements hold.

  • (i) 1cln(G)n1 and cln(G)=1 if and only if G{K2,K2¯,P3,K1K2}.

  • (ii) cln(G) = n- 1 if and only if G = Kn or G=K¯n.

The following relationship is obtained in [2].

Theorem 2.9. Let G be a connected graph of order n2. If ln(G)<γL(G), then γL(G)=ln(G)+1.

It should be noted that Theorem 2.9 also holds for disconnected graphs. Hence, the next result is immediate.

Corollary 2.10. Let G be a graph of order n2. If cln(G)<cldn(G), then cldn(G)=γL(G¯)=ln(G¯)+1=cln(G)+1.

The join of two graphs G and H, denoted by G+H is the graph with vertex set V(G+H)=V(G)V(H) and edge set E(G+H)=E(G)E(H){uv:uV(G),vV(H)}.

Theorem 2.11. Let G and H be any two graphs. Then SV(G+H) is a locating-hop dominating set of G+H if and only if S=SGSH where SG and SH are complement locating-dominating sets of G and H (locating-dominating sets of G¯ and H¯ ), respectively.

Proof. Suppose that S is a locating-hop dominating set of G+H. Let SG=V(G)S and SH=V(H)S. Since S is a hop dominating set of G+H, SG and SH. If SG = V(G), then it is a complement locating-dominating set of G. Suppose SGV(G) and let vV(G)SG. Since S is a hop dominating set, there exists w ∈ S such that dG+H(w,v)=2. Hence, wSGNG(v). Next, let x,yV(G)SG where x ≠ y. Since S is a hop locating set, [V(G)NG(x)]SG=NG+H(x,2)SNG+H(y,2)S=[V(G)NG(y)]SG, showing that SG is a complement-locating set of G. Thus, SG is a complement locating-dominating set of G. Similarly, SH is a complement locating-dominating set of H.

For the converse, suppose that S=SGSH where SG and SH are complement locating-dominating sets of G and H, respectively. Let vV(G+H)S. Suppose vV(G)SG. Then by assumption, there exists zSGNG(v). It follows that dG+H(z,v)=2. Similarly, if vV(H)SH, then there exists wSH such that that dG+H(w,v)=2. This shows that S is a hop dominating set of G+H. Now let a,bV(G+H)S where a ≠ b. Suppose that a,bV(G)SG. Since SG is a complement-locating set of G, NG+H(a,2)S=[V(G)NG(a)]SG[V(G)NG(b)]SG=NG+H(b,2)S. Similarly, NG+H(a,2)S=[V(H)NH(a)]SH[V(H)NH(b)]SH=NG+H(b,2)S if a,bV(H)SH. Suppose now that aV(G)SG and bV(H)SH. Then NG+H(a,2)S=[V(G)NG(a)]SG[V(H)NG(a)]SH=NG+H(b,2)S. Therefore, S is a locating-hop dominating set of G+H.

Corollary 2.12. Let G be a graph and let n be a positive integer. Then SV(Kn+G) is a locating hop dominating set of Kn+G if and only if S=V(Kn)SG where SG is a complement locating-dominating set of G.

Proof. The only complement locating-dominating set of Kn is V(Kn). Thus, by Theorem 2.11, the result follows.

The next results follow directly from Theorem 2.11 and Corollary 2.12.

Corollary 2.13. Let G and H be any two graphs. Then γlh(G+H)=cldn(G)+cldn(H)=γL(G¯)+γL(H¯).

Corollary 2.14. Let G be a graph and let n be a positive integer. Then γlh(Kn+G)=n+γL(G¯).

The corona of graphs G and H, denoted by GH, is the graph obtained from G by taking a copy Hv of H and forming the join v+Hv=v+Hv for each v ∈ V(G).

Theorem 2.15. Let G be a non-trivial connected graph and let H be any graph. Then SV(GH) is a locating-hop dominating set of GH if and only if S=A[vV(G)Dv] where

  • (i) AV(G) such that for any two distinct vertices v,wV(G)A, NG(v)NG(w) or NG(v,2)ANG(w,2)A;

  • (ii) Dv is a complement-locating set of Hv for each vV(G)NG(A);

  • (iii) Dv is a complement locating-dominating set of Hv for each v ∈ V(G) ∖ NG(A);

  • (iv) Dw is a dominating set of Hw for each w ∈ V(G) such that NG(v) = {w} for some vV(G)A and NG(w)A=; and

  • (v) if Dv is not a complement locating-dominating set of Hv for some v ∈ V(G), then Dw is a complement locating-dominating set of Hw for each w ∈ V(G) ∖ {v} with NG(w) ∩ A = NG(v) ∩ A.

Proof. Suppose S is a locating-hop dominating set of GH. Let A=SV(G) and let Dv=SV(Hv) for each vV(G). Then S=A[vV(G)Dv]. Let v,wV(G)A with vw. Since S is a hop-locating set,

[NG(v,2)A][xNG(v)Dx]=NGH(v,2)S            NGH(w,2)S            =[NG(w,2)A][yNG(w)Dy].

This implies that NG(v,2)ANG(w,2)A or NG(v)NG(w), showing that (i) holds.

Next, let vV(G) and let a,bV(Hv)Dv with ab. Since S is a locating-hop set,




This shows that Dv is a complement-locating set of Hv. Hence, (ii) holds. Suppose vV(G)NG(A). Since S is a hop dominating set, Dv must be a complement locating-dominating set of Hv, showing that (iii) holds. To show (iv), suppose that w ∈ V(G) such that NG(v)={w} for some vV(G)A and NG(w)A=. If Dw=V(Hw), then we are done. So suppose DwV(Hw) and let qV(Hw)Dw. Then by assumption and the fact that S is a locating-hop set,


This implies that NH(q)Dw. This shows that Dw is a dominating set of Hw. Again, since S is a locating-hop set GH, (v) also holds.

For the converse, suppose that S is as described and satisfies properties (i)-(v). Let xV(GH)S and let vV(G) such that xV(v+Hv). Suppose x = v. Then vA. Let wV(G)NG(v). Pick any yDw. Then ySNGH(v,2). Suppose x ≠ v. Then xV(Hv)Dv. If NG(v)A, say uNG(v)A, then uSNGH(x,2). If NG(v)A=, then there exists z[V(Hv)NHv(x)]Dv by property (iii). Hence, there exists zSNGH(x,2). This shows that S is a hop dominating set of GH.

Now let a,bV(GH)S with a ≠ b and let v,wV(G) such that aV(v+Hv) and b ∈ V(w + Hw). Consider the following cases:

Case 1: v = w

Suppose a,bV(Hv)Dv. By (ii) and (iii), Dv is a complement locating-dominating set of Hv. Consequently, NGH(a,2)SNGH(b,2)S. Suppose a = v and bV(Hv)Dv. Pick any z ∈ NG(v). Since DzNGH(a,2)NGH(b,2), it follows that NGH(a,2)SNGH(b,2)S.

Case 2: vw

Suppose a = v and b = w. Then v,wV(G)A. By property (i), NG(v)NG(w) or NG(v,2)ANG(w,2)A. If NG(v,2)ANG(w,2)A, then NGH(a,2)SNGH(b,2)S. Suppose NG(v)NG(w). We may assume that that there exists pNG(v)NG(w). Then DpNGH(a,2)NGH(b,2). Hence, NGH(a,2)SNGH(b,2)S.

Next, suppose that a = v and bV(Hw)Dw (or b = w and aV(Hv)Dv). If |NG(v)|>1 or vwE(G), pick any zNG(v){w}. Then DzNGH(a,2)NGH(b,2). It follows that NGH(a,2)SNGH(b,2)S. Suppose that NG(v)={w}. If NG(w)A, then NGH(a,2)SNGH(b,2)S because NG(w)ANGH(b,2)NGH(a,2). If NG(w)A=, then Dw is a dominating set of of Hw by (iv). Hence, NGH(a,2)SNGH(b,2)S.

Finally, suppose that aV(Hv)Dv and bV(Hw)Dw. If [V(Hv)NHw(a)]Dv and [V(Hw)NHw(b)]Dw, then NGH(a,2)SNGH(b,2)S. Suppose one, say [V(Hv)NHw(a)]Dv=. If NG(v)ANG(w)A, then NGH(a,2)SNGH(b,2)S. If NG(v)A=NG(w)A, then [V(Hw)NHw(b)]Dw by (v). Thus, NGH(a,2)SNGH(b,2)S.

Accordingly, S is a locating-hop dominating set of GH.

The lexicographic product of graphs G and H, denoted by G[H], is the graph with vertex set V(G[H])=V(G)×V(H) such that (v,a)(u,b)E(G[H]) if and only if either uvE(G) or u = v and abE(H).

Note that every non-empty subset C of V(G)×V(H) can be expressed as C=xS[{x}×Tx], where SV(G) and TxV(H) for each xS.

Theorem 2.16. Let G and H be non-trivial connected graphs. Then C= xS[{x}×Tx ], where SV(G) and

TxV(H) for each xS, is a locating-hop dominating set of G[H] if and only if the following conditions hold:

  • (i) S = V(G)

  • (ii) Tx is a complement-locating set of H for all xS.

  • (iii) If Tx is not complement locating-dominating for some xS, then Ty is complement locating-dominating for all y ∈ S ∖ {x} with NG(x,2) = NG(y,2).

  • (iv) Tx is a complement locating-dominating set of H for each x ∈ S ∖ NG(S,2).

Proof. Suppose C is a locating-hop dominating set of G[H]. Suppose there exists zV(G)S. Pick distinct vertices a,b ∈ V(H). Then (z,a),(z,b)V(G[H])C and NG[H]((z,a))C= x NG (z,2)S [{x}×Tx]=NG[H]((z,b))C. This implies that C is not a locating-hop set, contrary to our assumption. Thus, S = V(G), showing that (i) holds.

Now let xS. Let p,qV(H)Tx with p ≠ q. Then (x,p),(x,q)V(G[H])C. Now, NG[H]((x,p),2)C=[{x}×(V(H)NH(p))]({x}×Tx)[wNG(x,2)({w}×Tw)] and NG[H]((x,q),2)C=[{x}×(V(H)NH(q))]({x}×Tx)[wNG(x,2)({w}×Tw)]. Since C is a locating-hop set, [{x}×(V(H)NH(p))]({x}×Tx)[{x}×(V(H)NH(q))]({x}×Tx). This implies that (V(H)NH(p))Tx(V(H)NH(q))Tx. Hence, Tx is a complement-locating set of H, showing that (ii) holds. Suppose there exists x such that Tx is not complement locating-dominating and let yS{x} with NG(x,2)=NG(y,2). Let pV(H)Tx be such that [V(H)NH(p)]Tx= and let qV(H)Ty. Since C is a locating-hop dominating set, NG(x,2)=NG(y,2), and [V(H)NH(p)]Tx=, it follows that [V(H)NH(q)]Ty. This implies that Ty is a complement locating-dominating set of H, showing that (iii) holds.

Next, let xSNG(S,2). If Tx = V(H), then Tx is a complement locating-dominating set of H. So suppose that TxV(H) and let tV(H)Tx. Since C is hop dominating and (x,t)C, there exists (w,s)C such that dG[H]((x,t),(w,s))=2. The condition xSNG(S,2) would imply that w = x and s[V(H)NH(t)]Tx. Hence, Tx is a complement locating-dominating set of H, showing that (iv) holds.

For the converse, suppose that C satisfies properties (i)-(iv). Let (x,a)V(G[H])C. Then aV(H)Tx. If xNG(S,2), then there exists zNG(x,2). Let b ∈ Tz. Then (z,b)CNG[H]((x,a),2). Suppose xSNG(S,2). By (iv), Tx is a complement locating-dominating set of H. Hence, there exists p[V(H)NH(a)]Tx. This implies that (x,p)CNG[H]((x,a),2). Therefore, C is a hop dominating set of G[H].

Next, let (v,q),(w,s)V(G[H])C with (v,q)(w,s). Then

NG[H]((v,q),2)C=[{v}×(V(H)NH(q))]({v}×Tv)[ z NG(v,2)[{z}×Tz],


NG[H]((w,s),2)C=[{w}×(V(H)NH(s))]({w}×Tw)[ y NG(w,2)[{y}×Ty].

Consider the following cases:

Case 1: v = w

Then q,sV(H)Tv with q ≠ s. By (ii), Tv is a complement-locating set; hence, [V(H)NH(q)]Tv[V(H)NH(s)]Tv. It follows that NG[H]((v,q),2)CNG[H]((v,s),2)C.

Case 2: v ≠ w

Then qV(H)Tv and sV(H)Tw. If NG(v,2)NG(w,2), then clearly, NG[H]((v,q),2)CNG[H]((w,s),2)C. Suppose NG(v,2)=NG(w,2). If Tv and Tw are both complement locating-dominating sets, then NG[H]((v,q),2)CNG[H]((w,s),2)C. Suppose Tv is not complement locating-dominating. Then Tw is complement locating-dominating by (iii). It follows that NG[H]((v,q),2)CNG[H]((w,s),2)C.

Accordingly, C is a locating-hop dominating set of G[H].

A connected graph G is distance-two point determining if NG(x,2)NG(y,2) for any distinct vertices x,yV(G).

Note that P4, C4, and the star K1,n, where n ≥ 2, are distance-two point determining.

Corollary 2.17. Let G and H be non-trivial connected graphs. Then γlh(G[H])|V(G)|cldn(H)=|V(G)|γL(H¯). If G is distance-two point determining and γ(G)1, then γlh(G[H])=|V(G).|cln(H)=|V(G)|.ln(H¯).

Proof Let S = V(G) and let Tx be a cldn-set of H for each x ∈ V(G). By Theorem 2.16, C= xS[{x}×Tx ] is a locating-hop dominating set of G[H]. It follows that γlh(G[H])|C|=|V(G)|cldn(H).

Next, suppose that G is distance-two point determining and γ(G)1. Let S' = V(G) and let Rx be a cln-set of H for each x ∈ S. Since γ(G)1, xNG(S,2) for each x ∈ S. Thus, by Theorem 2.16, γlh(G[H])|C|=|V(G)|.cln(H)C= xS [{x}×Rx] is a locating-hop dominating set of G[H]. It follows that γlh(G[H])|C|=|V(G)|.cln(H). Now, if C0= xS 0 [{x}×Tx] is a γlh-set of G[H], then S0 = V(G) and Tx is a complement-locating set of H for each x ∈ V(G) by Theorem 2.16. Hence, γlh(G[H])=|C0|= xS 0|Tx||V(G)|.cln(H). Therefore, γlh(G[H])=|V(G)|.cln(H).

Corollary 2.18. Let G and H be non-trivial connected graphs. If G is distance-two point determining and γ(G)=1, then γlh(G[H])=cldn(H)+(|V(G)|1)cln(H).

Proof. Let DG=vV(G):vis a dominating set ofG. Since G is distance-two point determining, it follows that |DG| =1. Set S = V(G). Let Tv be a cldn-set of H for v ∈ DG and let Tx be a cln-set of H for each xV(G){v}. Then, by Theorem 2.16, C=[ xS{v}({x}×Tx)]({v}×Tv) is a locating-hop dominating set of G[H]. Hence, γlh(G[H])|C|=cldn(H)+(|V(G)|1)cln(H).

Suppose now that C*=[ xS * ({x}×Rx)] is a γlh-set of G[H]. Again, there exists a unique vertex v such that {v} is a dominating set of G. By Theorem 2.16, S*= V(G), Rv is a complement locating-dominating set and Rx is a complement-locating set of H for each xV(G){v}. Thus, γlh(G[H])=|C*|=|Rv|+ xS * {v}|Rx|cldn(H)+(|V(G)|1)cln(H). Therefore, γlh(G[H])=cldn(H)+(|V(G)|1)cln(H) as asserted.

Corollary 2.19. Let G be a non-trivial connected distance-two point determining graph and let p ≥ 2 be a positive integer.


Proof. Suppose first that γ(G)1. By Corollary 2.18 and the fact that cln(Kp)=ln( K¯p=p1, it follows that γlh(G[Kp])=|V(G)|(p1).

Next, suppose that γ(G) = 1. By Corollary 2.18 and the fact that cldn(Kp)=γL K¯p=p, we have γlh(G[Kp])=p+(p1)(|V(G)|1)=(p1)|V(G)|+1.

Corollary 2.20. Let H be a non-trivial connected graph and let p ≥ 2 be a positive integer. Then γlh(Kp[H])=p.cldn(H).

Proof. Let G = Kp. Then v is a dominating vertex of G for each v ∈ V(G). Thus, if C0= zS 0 [{z}×Tz] is a γlh-set of G[H], then S0 = V(G) and each Tz is a cldn-set of H by Theorem 2.16. Consequently, γlh(Kp[H])=p.cldn(H).

The authors are very much grateful to the referee for the corrections and suggestions he or she made in the initial manuscript. This paper had been improved due to the additional inputs and insights the referee had given to the authors.

Research is funded by the MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology and the Department of Science and Technology(DOST), Philippines.

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