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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2021; 61(3): 613-629

Published online September 30, 2021

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Fixed Point Theorems for Mixed Monotone Vector Operators with Application to Systems of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

Abdellatif Sadrati*, My Driss Aouragh

MSISI Laboratory, AM2CSI Group, Department of Mathematics, FST, Errachidia, University Moulay Ismal of Meknes, B.P: 509, Boutalamine, 52000, Errachidia, Morocco
e-mail : abdo2sadrati@gmail.com and d.aouragh@hotmail.com

Received: April 11, 2020; Revised: November 18, 2020; Accepted: November 23, 2020

In this paper, we present and prove new existence and uniqueness fixed point theorems for vector operators having a mixed monotone property in partially ordered product Banach spaces. Our results extend and improve existing works on τ -ϕ-concave operators in the scalar case. As an application, we study the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for systems of nonlinear Neumann boundary value problems.

Keywords: fixed point in product cone, mixed monotone vector operators, systems of boundary value problems.

In [25], C. B. Zhai and X. M. Cao introduced the concept of τ-⊎-concave operators A:PP, where P is a cone in a Banach space, and proved the existence and uniqueness of fixed points for such operators. They did so without requiring upper and lower solutions, compactness or continuity conditions. Krasnoselskii [15] studied u0-concave operators with u0θ. In [27], Zhang and Zhai used the fixed point theorem for increasing α-concave operators to obtain the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for Neumann boundary value problems. The same authors in [26], proved new fixed point theorems for mixed monotone operators, and then they established some criterions for the local existence–uniqueness of positive solutions to some boundary value problems.

Indeed, there has been much attention focused on problems of positive solutions for diverse nonlinear boundary value problems (See, for instance, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]). However, most of these works studied the scalar case. Therefore, motivated by some papers, for example [25, 26] and the references therein, we propose in the present work to extend a fixed point theorem and its application to the vector case. In other words, we construct a fixed point theorems for a vector operator, and then we apply it to systems of nonlinear Neumman boundary value problems of the following type


in order to obtain existence and uniqueness of the positive solution.

Let E,. be a real Banach space which is partially ordered by a cone PE, i.e., xy if and only if y-x∈ P. If xy and x≠ y, then we denote x≾ y or yx. By 𝜃 we denote the zero element of E. Recall that a non-empty closed convex set PE is a cone if it satisfies (i)xP,λ0λxP, (ii)xP,xPx=θ. A cone P is said to be solid if its interior P° is non-empty. P is called normal if there exists a constant N>0 such that, for all x,yE,θxy implies xNy; in this case N is called the normality constant of P.

For all x,y∈ E, the notation x y means that there exist λ>0 and μ>0 such that λxyμx. Clearly ≃ is an equivalence relation. Given hθ (i.e., h∈ P and h≠ 𝜃), we denote by Ph the set Ph={xE:x~h}. It is easy to see that for h ∈ P, PhP is convex and λPh=Ph for all λ>0. If P° and hP°, it is clear that Ph=P°. Let us give the definition of mixed monotone operators with three variables as it is known in the literature.

Definition 1.1.([3]) Let X, be a partially ordered set and A:X×X×XX. Then the trivariate operator A is said to have the mixed monotone property if A(., u, y) and A(x, u, .) are monotone non-decreasing, and A(x, ., y) is monotone non-increasing, i.e., for any x, u, y ∈ X


The organization of this paper can be described as follows. In section 2, after introducing the definition of cooperative and competitive mixed monotone vector operators, we present two fixed point theorems corresponding to these two cases. We prove the first result and leave the second to the reader, since the steps of the proof will be analogous. In section 3, we give some applications of the results obtained in section 2 on the existence and uniqueness of solutions of system (1.1). Our results will be illustrated by concrete examples.

Inspired by the works [25] and [26], we present in this section our fixed point theorems for a system of two operators with three variables, which can be written as a vector operator. In other words, if X, is a partially ordered set and, if A1,A2:X×X×XX are two operators, then we define the vector operator Φ=(A1,A2):X×X×X×XX×X, noted Φ=(A1,A2), by


Then, we introduce the following definition.

Definition 2.1. Let X, be a partially ordered set. Let A1,A2:X×X×XX be two operators and Φ=(A1,A2) be given as in (2.1).

(i) We say that the operator Φ=(A1,A2) is a cooperative mixed monotone vector operator if A1, A2 are mixed monotone as in Definition 1.1.

(ii) We say that Φ=(A1,A2) is a competitive mixed monotone vector operator if A1(.,u,y), A2(x,u,.) are monotone non-decreasing, and A1(x,.,y), A1(x,u,.), A2(x,.,y), A2(.,u,y) are monotone non-increasing.

2.1. Cooperative mixed monotone vector operator

Lemma 2.2. Let E be a real Banach space and P be a cone in E. Consider two operators A1,A2:P×P×PP such that Φ=(A1,A2) satisfies the following conditions:

(C1) Φ=(A1,A2) is cooperative mixed monotone, and there exist h,k∈ P with hθ,kθ such that


(C2) There exist positive-valued functions τ1,τ2 on interval (a,b), φ1,φ2 on (a,b)×(a,b)×P×P×P and ψ1,ψ2:(a,b)×(a,b)×(0,1] such that

(i) τ1,τ2:(a,b)(0,1) are surjections.

(ii) For any x,uPh, for any y,vPk, for any t,s(a,b) and any ε(0,1]




Then A1:Ph×Ph×PkPh, A2:Ph×Pk×PkPk. Moreover, there exist x0,u0Ph, y0,v0Pk and r(0,1)such that


Proof. For any x,uPh and y,vPk there exists λ*(0,1) such that


It follows from (C2)(i) that there exist t*,s*(a,b) such that τ1(t*)=λ* and τ2(s*)=λ*, which gives


Then, by the mixed monotone properties of operators A1, A2 and condition (C2)(ii), we have




From A1(h,h,k)Ph, we have A1(x,u,y)Ph and hence, A1:Ph×Ph×PkPh. Analogously we obtain A2:Ph×Pk×PkPk.

Now, since A1(h,h,k)Ph,A2(h,k,k)Pk, there exists λ0(0,1) such that


It follows from (C2)(i) that there exist t0,s0(a,b) such that τ1(t0)=λ0 and τ2(s0)=λ0, which gives


Set ε0=min{τ1(t0),τ2(s0)}. Then we have ψi(t0,s0,ε0n)ψi(t0,s0,ε0n1), for all n=1,2,... and i=1,2. By (C2) (ii), we can choose a positive integer m such that


Put x0=ε0mh, u0=1ε0mh, v0=1ε0mk and y0=ε0mk. It is clear that x0,u0Ph with x0=ε02mu0<u0 and y0,v0Pk with y0=ε02mv0<v0. Furtheremore, for any r(0,ε02m)(0,1), x0ru0 and y0rv0. Also, by the mixed monotone properties, A1(x0,u0,y0)A1(u0,x0,v0) and A2(x0,v0,y0)A2(u0,y0,v0). Moreover, combining (C2)(ii) with (2.6) and (2.7), we have on the one hand,

A1(x0,u0,y0)=A1τ1(t0)[τ1(t0)]m1h,1τ1(t0)1[τ1 (t0 )]m1h,τ2(s0)[τ2(s0)]m1k    φ1t0,s0,[τ1(t0)]m1h,1[τ1 (t0 )]m1h,[τ2(s0)]m1k    A1[τ1(t0)]m1h,1[τ1 (t0 )]m1h,[τ2(s0)]m1k    ψ1(t0,s0,ε0m1)A1[τ1(t0)]m1h,1[τ1 (t0 )]m1h,[τ2(s0)]m1k    ψ1(t0,s0,ε0m1)...ψ1(t0,s0,1)A1(h,h,k)    ψ1(t0,s0,ε0m1)...ψ1(t0,s0,1)τ1(t0)h    ψ1(t0,s0,ε0m)...ψ1(t0,s0,ε0)ε0h    ε0mh=x0.

On the other hand,

A1(u0,x0,v0)=A11[τ1 (t0 )]mh,[τ1(t0)]mh,1[τ2 (s0 )]mk    1φ1t0,s0,1[τ1 (t0 )]mh,[τ1 (t0 )]mh,1[τ2 (s0 )]mk    A11[τ1 (t0 )]m1h,[τ1(t0)]m1h,1[τ2 (s0 )]m1k    1ψ1(t0,s0,ε0m)A11[τ1 (t0 )]m1h,[τ1(t0)]m1h,1[τ2 (s0 )]m1k    1ψ1(t0,s0,ε0m)...1ψ1(t0,s0,ε0)A1(h,h,k)    1ψ1(t0,s0,ε0m)...1ψ1(t0,s0,ε0)1τ1(t0)h    1ε0mh=u0.

in a similar way, we obtain


Theorem 2.3. Let P be a normal cone in a Banach space E. Consider two operators A1,A2:P×P×PP such that (C1),(C2) in Lemma 2.2 hold. Then the operator Φ=(A1,A2):Ph×Pk×Ph×PkPh×Pk,

defined by (2.1), has a unique fixed point (x*,y*)Ph×Pk, that is, Φ(x*,y*,x*,y*)=(x*,y*), or equivalently A1(x*,x*,y*)=x* and A2(x*,y*,y*)=y*. Moreover, for any initial x0,u0Ph and y0,v0Pk, constructing successively the sequences


we have xnx*0, unx*0 nd yny*0, vny*0 (as n).

Proof. Let x0,u0Ph, y0,v0Pk and r∈ (0,1) be as obtained in Lemma 2.2. By constructing successively the sequences as in (2.8), and using Lemma 2.2 combined with the mixed monotone property of the operators A1,A2, we obtain


In addition, we have


We put


Then, xnrnun and ynrnvn, n=1,2,..., and therefore


Hence, rn+1rn, that is, {rn} is an increasing convergent sequence with {rn}(0,1]. Set r*=limnrn. We claim that r*=1, otherwise, 0<rnr*<1. By (C2)(i), there exist t*,s*(a,b) such that τ1(t*)=r* and τ2(s*)=r*. We distinguish two cases.

First case. There exists n0 such that rn0=r*. Thus, for all nn0 we have rn=r* and

xn+1=A1(xn,un,yn)A1rnun,1rnxn,rnvn        =A1τ1(t*)un,1τ1(t*)xn,τ2(s*)vn        φ1(t*,s*,un,xn,vn)A1(un,xn,vn)        ψ1t*,s*,ε0mun+1,

Analogously we have


Which means that

n+1=r*min{ψ1(t*,s*,ε0m),ψ2(t*,s*,εm)}  >min{τ1(t*),τ2(s*)}=r*.

This is a contradiction.

Second case. For all integer n, rn<r*<1, then 0<rnr*<1. By (C2)(i), there exist αn,βn(a,b) such that τ1(αn)=rnr*=τ2(βn). In this case we have

xn+1=A1(xn,un,yn)  A1rnun,1rnxn,rnvn  =A1rnr*r*un,r*rn1r*xn,rnr*r*vn  =A1τ1(αn)r*un,1τ1(αn)1r*xn,τ2(βn)r*vn  φ1αn,βn,r*un,1r*xn,r*vnA1r*un,1r*xn,r*vn  ψ1(αn,βn,(r*ε0)m)ψ1(t*,s*,ε0m)un+1.

Analogously we obtain


It follows that


If n, we get


This is also a contradiction.

Now, by the same reasoning as in [4, Theore 2.2] and [26, Lemma 2.1] we obtain limnxn=limnun=x* and limnyn=limnvn=y*. Hence


If n, we get x*=A1(x*,x*,y*) and y*=A2(x*,y*,y*). That is, (x*,y*) is a fixed point of Φ in Ph×Pk.

Now, for any x0,u0Ph and y0,v0Pk, we can choose a small number λ1(0,1) such that


From (C2)(i), there exist t1,s1(a,b) such that τ1(t1)=λ1=τ2(s1), and hence


Similarly to Lemma 2.2, set ε1=min{[τ1(t1)],[τ2(s1)]} and choose a sufficiently large integer m such that


Put x¯0=ε1mh, u¯0=1ε1mh, v¯0=1ε1mk and y¯0=ε1mk. Then, x¯0,u¯0Ph and y¯0,v¯0Pk with x¯0<x0,u0< u¯0 and y¯0<y0,v0< v¯0. Construct the sequences


Therefore, there exist (u*,v*)Ph×Pk such that Φ(u*,v*,u*,v*)=(u*,v*) and limnx¯n=limnu¯n=u*, limny¯n=limnv¯n=v*. By the uniqueness of fixed points of operator 𝚽 in Ph×Pk, we have x*=u* and y*=v*. Moreover, by induction, x¯nxn,un u¯n and y¯nyn,vn v¯n, for n=1,2,... Finally, by the normality of the cone P we get limnxn=limnun=x* and limnyn=limnvn=v*.

2.2. Competitive Mixed Monotone Vector Operator

We will give below, another result of existence and uniqueness of a fixed point concerning competitive mixed monotone vector operators. Similarly to the case of cooperative mixed monotone vector operators, we will have a lemma, then the existence theorem. The steps of the proofs are not very far from those of the previous case, for that we leave them to the reader.

Lemma 2.4. Let E be a real Banach space and P be a cone in E. Consider two operators A1,A2:P×P×PP such that Φ=(A1,A2) satisfies the following conditions:

(C1) Φ=(A1,A2) is competitive mixed monotone, and there exist h,k ∈ P with hθ,kθ such that


(C2) There exist positive-valued functions τ on interval (a,b), φ1,φ2 on (a,b)×P×P×P and ψ1,ψ2:(a,b)×(0,1] such that

(i) τ:(a,b)(0,1) is surjection.

(ii) For any x,uPh, for any y,vPk, for any t(a,b) and any ε(0,1]




Then A1:Ph×Ph×PkPh, A2:Ph×Pk×PkPk. Moreover, there exist x0,u0Ph, y0,v0Pk and r(0,1) such that


Theorem 2.5. Let P be a normal cone in a Banach space E. Consider two operators A1,A2:P×P×PP such that (C1) and (C2) of Lemma 2.4 hold. Then, the operator Φ=(A1,A2):Ph×Pk×Ph×PkPh×Pk defined by (2.1) has a unique fixed point (x*,y*)Ph×Pk, that is, Φ(x*,y*,x*,y*)=(x*,y*), or equivalently A1(x*,x*,y*)=x* and A2(x*,y*,y*)=y*. Moreover, for any initial x0,u0Ph and y0,v0Pk, constructing successively the sequences


we have xnx*0, unx*0 and yny*0, vny*0 (as n).

In this section, we study the existence and uniqueness of the solution to a system of nonlinear boundary value problems (SNBVPs for short), as applications to the fixed point theorems in the previous section.

Consider the following systems of NBVPs


where 𝜃 and ω are positive constants, λ and β are positive parameters, f and g are continuous functions.

Note that the existence results of the scalar version of the above systems, namely nonlinear boundary value problems (NBVPs for short), was studied by many researchers (see, e.g., [2, 12, 22, 23, 24]) by using fixed piont theorem in cone.

Let C[0,1] be the Banach space equipped with the sup norm. Set


It is easy to show that P is a normal cone in C[0, 1] of which the normality constant is 1. By a positive solution of (3.1) we means a couple of functions (x,y)C2[0,1]×C2[0,1], with x(t) and y(t) are positive on (0,1), such that (x,y) satisfies the system of differential equations and the boundary conditions in (3.1). It is well known that the Green's function Gm(t,s) for the boundary problem



Gm(t,s)=1ρm ψm (s)ψm (1t),0st1, ψm (t)ψm (1s),0ts1,

where ρm=12m(emem), ψm(t)=12(emt+emt). In addition, ψm(t) is increasing in t[0,1] and 0<Gm(t,s)Gm(t,t),0t,s1. Also, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1.([24, Lemma 2.1]) Let Gm(t,s) be the Green's function for the boundary value problem (3.2). Then


where C=1ψm2(1).

In the sequel, we will need the following notations.

For t[0,1], let


where constants 𝜃, ω replace m in the BVP (3.2). Then it is easy to check that


Now, we are able to formulate and prove the main results in this section. The following theorems give sufficient conditions so that SNBVP (3.1) has a unique positive solution.

Theorem 3.2. Let f,g:[0,1]×[0,)×[0,)×[0,)[0,) be functions satisfying

(H1) f,g:[0,1]×[0,)×[0,)×[0,)[0,) are continuous functions such that for all t[0,1], the functions f(t,.,u,y), f(t,x,u,.), g(t,.,u,y), g(t,x,u,.) are nondecreasing and f(t,x,.,y), g(t,x,.,y) are nonincreasing.

(H2) There exist positive-value functions τi on (0,1), ϕi on (0,1)×(0,1)×[0,)×[0,)×[0,) (i=1,2) such that

(i) τ1,τ2:(0,1)(0,1) are surjections.

(ii) For all x,u,y(0,), for all t[0,1] and all γ,ν(0,1)


Moreover, for any ε(0,1)


(H3) There exist continuous functions ai,bi:[0,1] (i=1,2) and numbers p,p,q,q such that


uniformly in t[0,1] (with |(x,y)|=|x|+|y| is the usual norm in ×) and


uniformly in t[0,1]. Moreover,


where A={s[0,1]:a1(s)0} and B={s[0,1]:b1(s)0}.

Then, the SNBVP (3.1) has a unique positive solution (xλ*,yβ*) in Ph×Pk.

Proof. We are going to prove that all hypotheses of Theorem 2.3 are verified for adequate vector operator. First, it is a standard result that (x,y) is a solution of the SNBVP (3.1) if, and only if

x(t)=λ01 Gθ(t,s)f(s,x(s),x(s),y(s))ds,y(t)=β01 Gω(t,s)g(s,x(s),y(s),y(s))ds,

where Gθ(t,s) and Gω(t,s) are the Green's functions as in (3.2). Define

A1,λ(x,u,y)(t)=λ01 Gθ (t,s)f(s,x(s),u(s),y(s))ds,A2,β(x,v,y)(t)=β01 Gω (t,s)g(s,x(s),v(s),y(s))ds,

for any x,y,u,vP and set Φ(λ,β)(x,y,u,v)=A1,λ(x,u,y),A2,β(x,v,y). Then, (xλ,yβ) is a solution of SNBVP (3.1) if, and only if Φ(λ,β)(xλ,yβ,xλ,yβ)=(xλ,yβ).

By (H1), it is easy to see that A1,λ,A2,β:P×P×PP and that A1,λ,A2,β are mixed monotone operators.

On the one hand, since Gθ(t,s)>0, for all t,s[0,1], using (3.7) we have for t1[0,1] fix, 01 Gθ(t1,s)a1(s)ds>0. It follows that for any ε>0 verifying 01 Gθ(t1,s)(a1(s)ε)ds>0, there exist numbers δ,M with 0<δ<M such that


Choose α(0,1) satisfying 1α(h0+k0)M and αh0δ. It follows that there exist γ,ν(0,1) such that τ1(γ)=α and τ2(ν)=α. Then for all t[0,1]



A1,λ(h,h,k)λCα1p(h0+k0)p01 Gθ(t1,s)(a1(s)ε)dsh.

On the other hand, for any ε>0 there exist numbers δ,M with 0<δ<M such that


Choose α(0,1) satisfying 1αh0M, α(h0+k0)δ. It follows that there exist γ,ν(0,1) such that τ1(γ)=α and τ2(ν)=α. Then for all t[0,1]



A1,λ(h,h,k)λ1ρθ(α)q1(h0+k0)q01 (a2 (s)+ε)dsh.

Consequently, A1,λ(h,h,k)Ph. Similarly, we get A2,β(h,k,k)Pk. The verification of (C1) in Lemma 2.2 is completed.

Next, we prove that (C2) holds. Let x,uPh, yPk and γ,ν(0,1). Set


and define


Then, the first inequality of (2.3) in (C2) is verified and

A1,λτ1(γ)x,1τ1(γ)u,τ2(ν)y(t)=λ01 Gθ (t,s)f(s,τ1(γ)x(s),1τ1(γ)u(s),τ2(ν)y(s))dsλ01 Gθ (t,s)ϕ1(γ,ν,x(s),u(s),y(s))f(s,x(s),u(s),y(s))dsφ1(γ,ν,x,u,y)λ01 Gθ (t,s)f(s,x(s),u(s),y(s))ds.

Which means that

A1,λτ1(γ)x,1τ1 (γ)u,τ2(ν)yφ1(γ,ν,x,u,y)A1,λ(x,u,y).

Analogously, we do the same reasoning for A2,β. This complete the proof.

Remark 3.3. Note that in [26, Theorem 3.1], the authors suppose a condition on their function f, which is equivalent in our case to f(t,h0,h0,k0)>0 and g(t,h0,k0,k0)>0, for all t[0,1]. But, our condition (3.7) in Theorem 3.2 is less restrictive.

Example 3.4. Let a,b:[0,1](0,+) be continuous functions. For any positive numbers c,c,d,d with 3cc>c and 2dd>d, consider system (3.1) by setting


for all x,u,y[0,+) and all t[0,1]. Then, we have for any surjective functions τ1,τ2:(0,1)(0,1), and γ,ν(0,1)


Thus, all hypotheses of Theorem 3.2 are verified. Therefore, system (3.1) with the above functions has a unique solution in Ph×Pk, where functions h and k are given by (3.4).

As an application of Theorem 2.5, we give the following result. The proof in this case will be similar to that of Theorem 3.2. Since this is almost verbal, we leave it to the reader.

Theorem 3.5. Let f,g:[0,1]×[0,)×[0,)×[0,)[0,) be functions satisfying

(H1) f,g:[0,1]×[0,)×[0,)×[0,)[0,) are continuous functions such that for all t∈ [0,1], the functions f(t,.,u,y), g(t,x,u,.) are nondecreasing and f(t,x,.,y), f(t,x,u,.), g(t,.,u,y),g(t,x,.,y) are nonincreasing.

(H2) There exist positive-value function τ on (0,1), positive-value functions ϕ1 and ϕ2 on (0,1)×[0,)×[0,)×[0,) such that

(i) τ:(0,1)(0,1) is surjection.

(ii) For all x,u,y(0,), for all t[0,1] and all γ(0,1)


Moreover, for any ε(0,1)


(H3) There exist continuous functions ai,bi:[0,1] (i=1,2) and numbers p,p,q,q such that


uniformly in t[0,1] and


uniformly in t[0,1]. Moreover,


where A={s[0,1]:a1(s)0} and B={s[0,1]:b1(s)0}.

Then, the SNBVP (3.1) has a unique positive solution (xλ*,yβ*) in Ph×Pk.

Example 3.6. Let a,b:[0,1](0,+) be continuous functions. For any positive numbers c,c,d,d with 3cc>c and 2dd>d, consider system (3.1) by setting


for all x,u,y[0,+) and all t[0,1]. Then, we have for any surjective functions τ:(0,1)(0,1), and γ(0,1)


Thus, all hypotheses of Theorem 3.5 are verified. Therefore, system (3.1) with the above functions has a unique solution in Ph×Pk, where functions h and k are given by (3.4).

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