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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2021; 61(3): 559-581

Published online September 30, 2021

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Approximate Controllability for Semilinear Neutral Differential Systems in Hilbert Spaces

Jin-Mun Jeong*, Ah-Ran Park, Sang-Jin Son

Department of Applied Mathematics, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, South Korea
e-mail : jmjeong@pknu.ac.kr and alanida@naver.com

Department of Applied Mathematics, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, South Korea
e-mail : sangjinyeah@nate.com

Received: April 16, 2020; Revised: October 12, 2020; Accepted: November 16, 2020

In this paper, we establish the existence of solutions and the approximate controllability for the semilinear neutral di erential control system under natural assumptions such as the local Lipschitz continuity of nonlinear term. First, we deal with the regularity of solutions of the neutral control system using fractional powers of operators. We also consider the approximate controllability for the semilinear neutral control equation, with a control part in place of a forcing term, using conditions for the range of the controller without the inequality condition as in previous results.

Keywords: approximate controllability, semilinear equation, neutral differential equation, local lipschitz continuity, controller operator, reachable set.

In this paper, we are concerned with the global existence of solution and the approximate controllability for the semilinear neutral system in a Hilbert space H:

ddt[x(t)+g(t,0t a(t,s,x(s))ds)]+Ax(t)=f(t,x(t))+k(t),t0,T,x(0)=x0.

Here, -A generates an analytic semigroup in H(see [21, Theorem 3.6.1]). The nonlinear operator f is assumed to be locally Lipschitz continuous with respect to the second variable, and g is Lipschitz continuous. This kind of equation arises in heat conduction in material with memory, in population dynamics, and in control systems with hereditary feed back control governed by an integro-differential law.

In the first part of this paper, we establish the well-posedness and regularity property for (1.1). The solvability for a class of semilinear functional differential equations has been studied by many authors as seen in Section 4.3.1 of Barbu [1] and [11, 13, 17]. Our approach is to obtain the L2-regularity under the above formulation of the semilinear neutral problem (1.1) using the contraction mapping principle (see the linear cases of [4]). Recently, the existence of solutions for mild solutions for neutral differential equations with state-dependence delay has been studied in the literature [8, 9, 10].

Next, based on the regularity for (1.1), we intend to establish the approximate controllability for the following semilinaer neutral control system with control part in place of a forcing term:

ddt[x(t)+g0t a(t,s,x(s))ds)]+Ax(t)=f(t,x(t))+Bu(t),t(0,T],x(0)=x0,

namely that the reachable set of trajectories of (1.2) is a dense subset of H. Here, the controller operator B is a bounded linear operator from a Banach space of control variables into H and u is a control. This kind of equations arise naturally in physics, in biology, control engineering problem, etc.

As for the approximate controllability for semilinear control systems, we refer to [2, 3, 5, 7, 20, 23]. The controllability for neutral equations has been studied by many authors, for example, the controllability of neutral functional differential systems with unbounded delay in [5, 6, 15], neutral evolution integrodifferential systems with state dependent delay in [14, 18], impulsive neutral functional evolution integrodifferential systems with infinite delay in [19]. However, there are few literature works treating the systems with local Lipschitz continuity. As a sufficient condition for the approximate controllabilityl, Wang [24] assumed that the semigroup S(t) generated by A is compact in order to guarantee the compactness of the solution mapping(see also [16]).

In this paper, we no longer require the compact property of the semigroup and the uniform boundedness of the nonlinear term, but instead we need properties fractional power of operators and conditions for the range of the controller without the inequality condition as in previous results.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the results of general linear evolution equations besides notations and assumptions are stated. In Section 3, we will obtain that the regularity for parabolic linear equations can also be applicable to (1.1) with nonlinear terms satisfying local Lipschitz continuity. The approach used here is similar to that developed in [11, 12, 16] on the general semilinear evolution equations, which is an important role to extend the theory of practical nonlinear partial differential equations. Thereafter, we investigate the approximate controllability for the problem (1.2) in Section 4. In the proofs of the main theorems, we need conditions on the range of the controller without the inequality condition as in previous results(see [16, 25]) without conditions of the compact property of a semigroup and the uniform boundedness. Finally we give a simple example to which our main result can be applied.

If H is identified with its dual space we may write VHV* densely and the corresponding injections are continuous. The norm on V, H and V* will be denoted by ||||, || and ||||*, respectively. The duality pairing between the element v1 of V* and the element v2 of V is denoted by (v1,v2), which is the ordinary inner product in H if v1,v2H.

For lV* we denote (l,v) by the value l(v) of l at v ∈ V. The norm of l as element of V* is given by


Therefore, we assume that V has a stronger topology than H and, for brevity, we may regard that


Let b(,) be a bounded sesquilinear form defined in V×V and satisfying Gårding's inequality


where ω1>0 and ω2 is a real number. Let A be the operator associated with this sesquilinear form:


Then -A is a bounded linear operator from V to V* by the Lax-Milgram Theorem. The realization of A in H which is the restriction of A to


is also denoted by A. From the following inequalities




is the graph norm of D(A), it follows that there exists a constant C0>0 such that


Thus we have the following sequence


where each space is dense in the next one which continuous injection.

Lemma 2.1. With the notations (2.3), (2.4), we have


where (V,V*)1/2,2 denotes the real interpolation space between V and V*(Section 1.3.3 of [22]).

It is also well known that -A generates an analytic semigroup S(t) in both H and V*. For the sake of simplicity we assume that ω2=0 and hence the closed half plane {λ:Reλ0} is contained in the resolvent set of A.

If X is a Banach space, L2(0,T;X) is the collection of all strongly measurable square integrable functions from (0,T) into X and W1,2(0,T;X) is the set of all absolutely continuous functions on [0,T] such that their derivative belongs to L2(0,T;X). C([0,T];X) will denote the set of all continuously functions from [0,T] into X with the supremum norm. If X and Y are two Banach spaces, L(X,Y) is the collection of all bounded linear operators from X into Y, and L(X,X) is simply written as L(X). Let the solution spaces W(T) and W1(T) of strong solutions be defined by


Here, we note that by using interpolation theory, we have


The semigroup generatedby -A is denoted by S(t) and there exists a constant M such that


The following Lemma is from Lemma 3.6.2 of [21].

Lemma 2.2. There exists a constant M>0 such that the following inequalities hold for all t>0 and every x ∈ H or V*:


First of all, consider the following linear system


By virtue of Theorem 3.3 of [4](or Theorem 3.1 of [11], [21]), we have the following result on the corresponding linear equation of (2.6).

Proposition 2.3. Suppose that the assumptions for the principal operator A stated above are satisfied. Then the following properties hold:

(1) For x0V=(D(A),H)1/2,2(see Lemma 2.1) and kL2(0,T;H), T>0, there exists a unique solution x of (2.6) belonging to W(T)C([0,T];V) and satisfying


where C1 is a constant depending on T.

(2) Let x0H and kL2(0,T;V*),T>0. Then there exists a unique solution x of (2.6) belonging to W1(T)C([0,T];H) and satisfying


where C1 is a constant depending on T.

Corollary 2.4. Suppose that kL2(0,T;H) and x(t)=0tS(ts)k(s)ds for 0tT. Then there exists a constant C2 such that




Proof. The assertion (2.9) is immediately obtained by (2.7). Since

||x||L2(0,T;H)2=0T |0tS(ts)k(s)ds|2dtM0T ( 0 t| k(s)|ds) 2 dtM0Tt0t |k(s)|2dsdt    MT2 20T |k(s)|2ds

it follows that


From (2.3), (2.9), and (2.10) it holds that


So, if we take a constant C2>0 such that


the proof is complete.

From now on, we establish the following results on the local solvability of the following equation;


where A is the operator mentioned in Section 2 and f is a nonlinear mapping from [0,T]×V into H which will be assumed later. It is also well known that Aα is a closed operator with its domain dense and D(Aα)D(Aβ) for 0<α<β. Due to the well known fact that Aα is a bounded operator, we can assume that there is a constant Cα>0 such that


Lemma 3.1. For any T>0, there exists a positive constant Cα such that the following inequalities hold for all t>0:


Proof. The inequality (2.5) implies (3.3) by properties of fractional power of A and the definition of W(t). For more details about the above lemma, we refer to [21, 17].

We give the following assumptions.

Assumption(A). Let a:+×+×VH

be a continuous function. Then there exists a constant La such that


Assumption(F). Let f:[0,T]×VH be a nonlinear mapping such that There exists a function L:+ such that


hold for any t[0,T], ||x||r and ||y||r.

Assumption(G). Let g:[0,T]×HH be a nonlinear mapping such that there exist constants β>1/3 and Lg satisfying the following conditions hold:

(i) For any xH, the mapping g(,x) is strongly measurable;

(ii) There exist positive constants Lg and β>1/3 such that


for all t[0,T], and x,x^H.

(iii) ig is measurable in t[0,T] for each xH and continuous in xH for a.e. t[0,T], where ig is the partial derivative with respect to i-th coordinate and the value ig(t,x) is the Gateau derivative of g(t, x) for each i=1,2 , and


for tT and x1,x2H.

Let us rewrite (Fx)(t)=f(t,x(t)) for each xL2(0,T;V). Then by Assumption (F), there is a constant, denoted again by L(r), such that


hold for x1,x2Br(T)={xL2(0,T;V):||x||L2(0,T;V)r}.

Lemma 3.2. Let us assume Assumptions (F),(G) and (A) for 0<st, we have




Proof. From Assumptions (G), (A) and using Hölder inequality we have


Moreover, we have


Theorem 3.3. Let Assumptions (F), (G) and (A) be satisfied. Assume that x0H, kL2(0,T;V*). Then, there exists a time T0(0,T) such that the equation (3.1) admits a solution


Proof. For a solution of (3.1) in the wider sense, we are going to find a solution of the following integral equation


To provea local solution, we will use the successive iteration method. First, put


and define xj+1(t) as


By virtue of Proposition 2.3, we have x0()W1(t), so



where C1 isa constant in Proposition 2.3. Choose




by (2.11) of Corollary 2.4, we have




Then From Assumption (G), (A), (3.3) and (3.4), we have




Then by Assumption (G), (3.2) and (3.4),



M1:=max{C2L(r)t,    23β113βC1βLg(Lat||x0||L2(0,t;V)+Lat+1)t3β2,    CβLg(Lat||x0||L2(0,t;V)+Lat+1)t}.

Then for any t satisfying M1<r, from(3.6) and (3.7),


By induction, it can be shown that for all j=1,2,...,


Hence, from the equation




In a similar way to (3.11) and (3.12) and Assumption (F), we can observe that the inequality

|xj+1xj||L2(0,t;V)M2||xjxj1||L2(0,t;V)      (M2)j||x1x0||L2(0,t;V).

Choose T0>0 satisfying max{M1,M2}<1, Then {xj} is strongly convergent to a function x in L2(0,T0;V) uniformly on 0tT0 and so is in W1,2(0,T;V*) by (iii) of Assumption (G). By letting j in (3.8) has a unique solution x in W1(T0).

From now on, we give a norm estimation of the solution of (3.1) and establish the global existence of solutions with the aid of norm estimations by similar argument using (3.1) and (iii) of Assumption (G).

Theorem 3.4. Under the Assumptions (A), (F) and (G), there exists a unique solution x of (3.1) such that


for any

x0H, kL2(0,T;V*). Moreover, there exists a constant C3 such that


where C3 is a constant depending on T.

Proof. Let x be a solution of (3.1) on [0,T0], T0>0 satisfies max{M1,M2}<1. Here, M1 and M2 be constants in (3.13) and (3.14), respectively. Then by virtue of Theorem 3.1, the solution x is represented as




By (3.9), we have x0()W1(T0), so



where C1 is a constant in Proposition 2.3. Moreover, from (3.9)-(3.12), it follows that


Thus, Moreover, there exists a constant C3 such that


Now from

|S(T0)x0+0T0S(T0s){(Fx)(s)+k(s)}ds|M|x0|+MT0L(r)+MT0 ||k||L2(0,T0;H),|g(t,0ta(t,s,x(s))ds)|Lg(Lat||x||L2(0,t;V)+Lat+1),



it follows that


Hence, we cansolve the equation in [T0,2T0] with the initial value x(T0) and obtain an analogous estimate to (3.16). Since the condition (3.13), (3.14) is independent of initial values, the solution can be extended to the interval [0,nT0] for any natural number n, i.e., for the initial u(nT1) in the interval [nT1,(n+1)T1], as analogous estimate (3.16) holds for the solution in [0,(n+1)T1].

From the following result, we obtain that the solution mapping is continuous, which is useful for physical applications of the given equation.

Corollary 3.5. Let the Assumptions (A), (F) and (G) be satisfied and (x0,k)H×L2(0,T;V*) for each T>0.

Then the solution x of the equation (3.1) belongs to xW1(T)L2(0,T;V)W1,2(0,T;V*)C([0,T];H) and the mapping


is continuous.

Proof. From Theorem 3.4, it follows that if (x0,k)H×L2(0,T;V*) then x belongs to W1(T). Let (x0i,ki)H×L2(0,T;V*) and xiW1(T) be the solution of (3.1) with (x0i,ki) in place of (x0,k) for i=1,2. Hence, we assume that xi belongs to a ball Br(T)={yW(T):||y||W1(T)r}.



Then, by virtue of 2) of Proposition 2.1, we get


Set ||||L2(0,T0;V)=||||L2 forbrevity, where T0>0 satisfies max{M1,M2}<1.

Then, we have

||px1px2||L2(0,T;V*)||px1px2||L2=||g(t,0ta (t,s,xj(s))ds)+g(t,0ta (t,s,xj1(s))ds)||L2+0tS (ts){(Fx1)(s))(Fx2)(s))}dsL2+0tA S(ts){g(s,0sa (s,τ,x1(τ))dτ)dsg(s,0sa (s,τ,x2(τ)))}dτ)dsL2M2||x1x2||L2.

Hence, by (3.17), (3.18) and (iii) of Assumption (G), we see that


This implies that (xn(T0),(xn)T0) (x(T0),xT0) in H×L2(0,T;V*). Hence the same argument shows that xnx in


Repeating this processwe conclude that xnx in W1(T).

Let U be a Banach space of control variables, and let B be an operator from U to H, called controller. In this paper, we are concerned with the approximate controllability for the following the semilinear neutral control system with a control part Bu in place of k of (3.1):


Let x(T;f, u) be a state value of the system (4.1) at time T corresponding to the nonlinear term f and the control u.

Definition 4.1 The system (4.1) is said to be approximately controllable in the time interval [0,T] if for every desired final state x1H and ϵ>0 there exists a control function uL2(0,T;U) such that the solutionx(T;f,u) of (4.1) satisfies |x(T;f,u)x1|<ϵ.

In order to obtain results of controllability, we need the stronger hypotheses than those of Section 3:

Assumption (A1). Let a:+×+×HH

be a continuous function. Then there exists a constant La such that


Assumption (F1). Let f:[0,T]×H be a nonlinear mapping such that

(i) tf(t,x) is measurable;

(ii) f is locally Lipschitz continuous respect to x, that is, for each r>0, there exists a constant Lf=L(r)>0 such that


hold for any t[0,T], |x|r and |y|r.

Assumption (G1). Let g:[0,T]×HD(A) be a nonlinear mapping such that there exists Lg satisfying the following conditions hold:

(i) (i) and (iii) of Assumption (G) in Section 3 are satisfied.

(ii) There exists positive constants Lg such that


for all t[0,T], and x,x^H.

We define the linear operator S^ from L2(0,T;H) to H by

S^p=0T S(Ts)p(s)dsforpL2(0,T;H).

Assumption (S). For any ε>0 and pL2(0,T;H) there exists a uL2(0,T;U) such that


where q is a constant independent of p.

Here, we remark that Assumptions (A1), (F1) and (G1) are actually sufficient conditions for Assumptions (A), (F) and (G), respectively. So, if (x0,k)H×L2(0,T;V*) then from Theorem 3.2 and Corollary 3.1, it follows that the solution x of the equation (4.1) belongs to xL2(0,T;V)W1,2(0,T;V*)C([0,T];H) and the mapping


is continuous.

Lemma 4.2. Let u1 and u2 be in L2(0,T;U). Then under the Assumptions (A1), (F1), (G1), and ||x(;f,u1)||C([0,T;H])<r, we have


for 0tT, where


Proof. For brevity, we set xi(t)=x(t;f,ui)(i=1,2). Let


Then, we see


Here, by Assumptions (F1) and(G1), he following inequalities hold:




Thus from (4.4)-(4.6) and using Gronwall's inequality, it follows that


Therefore, (4.2) holds.

Theorem 4.3. Under the Assumptions (A1), (F1), (G1) and (S), the system (4.1) is approximately controllable on [0,T].

Proof. Let us define a reachable set for the system (4.1):


Then we will show that D(A)RT¯, i.e., for given ε>0 and ξTD(A) there exists uL2(0,T;U) such that


Noting that

g(t,0ta(t,s,x(s))ds)=0tS(ts){g(t,0ta(t,s,x(s))ds)        +sAg(t,0ta(t,s,x(s))ds)/t}ds,

the solution of (4.1) is represented as



G(s,x(s))=g(t,0ta(t,s,x(s))ds)+sAg(t,0ta(t,s,x(s))ds)/t+f(s,x(s))    +Ag(s,0sa(s,τ,x(τ))dτ).

As ξTD(A) there exists a hL2(0,T;H) such that


for instance, take h(s)=(ξT+sAξT)S(s)x0/T.

Let u1L2(0,T;U) be arbitrary fixed. Since by Assumption (S) there exists u2L2(0,T;U) such that


it follows


We can also choose w2L2(0,T;U) by Assumption (S) such that


and by Assumption (S)


for 0tT.

Choose a constant r1 satisfying


According to a simple calculation of (4.7), from Lemma 4.1 we have


where M3 is the constant of (4.2). For the sake of simplicity, set


Thus, in view of (4.9) and Assumption (S), we see

||Bw2||L2(0,t;H)q{0t|G(τ,x(τ;f,u2))G(τ,x(τ;f,u1))|2dτ}12      qL^{0tτ||Bu2Bu1||L2(0,τ;H)2dτ}12      qL^(0tτdτ)12||Bu2Bu1||L2(0,t;H)      =qL^(t22)12||Bu2Bu1||L2(0,t;H).

Put u3=u2w2. We determine w3 such that


for 0tT. Let r2 be a constant satisfying r2r1 and


Then, we have


By proceeding this process, the following holds


it follows that

n=1 B u n+1b un L 2(0,T;h)n=0 ( tq 2)nL^n)1 n! B u2B u1 L 2(0,T;h)<

Therefore, by virtue of Assumption (F1), there exists u*L2(0,T;U) such that

limnBun=u* inL2(0,T;H).

From (4.8), (4.9) it follows that


By choosing choose wnL2(0,T;U) by the Assumption (S) such that


putting un+1=unwn, we have


Therefore, for ε>0 there exists integer N such that




Thus the system (4.1) is approximately controllable on [0,T] as N tends to infinity.



Consider the following semilinear neutral differential control system in Hilbert space H:

dαdtα[x(t,y)+ n=10T e n2 (ts) (0ta(t+s)x(s,y)ds)dt=Ax(t,y)+dαdtα[x(t,y)+σ(x(t,y)x(0,y))1+|x(t,y)x(0,y)|+(Bu(t))(y),(t,y)[0,T]×[0,π],σ>0,x(0,y)=x0(y),y[0,π],

where h>0, a1() is Hölder continuous, and A1L(H).


a(u,v)=0π du(y) dydv(y)¯ dydy.



The eigenvalue and the eigenfunction of A are λn=n2 and zn(y)=(2/π)1/2sinny, respectively. Moreover,

(a1) {zn:nN} is an orthogonal basis of H and

S(t)x= n=1en2t(x,zn)zn,xH,t>0.

Moreover, there exists a constant M such that ||S(t)||L(H)M.

(a2) Let 0<α<1. Then the fractional power Aα:D(Aα)HH of A is given by

Aαx= n=1n2α(x,zn)zn,D(Aα):={x:AαxH}.

In particular,

A1/2x= n=11n(x,zn)zn,and||A1/2||=1.

The nonlinear mapping that appears on the control system for a diffusion and reaction process in an enzyme membrane is defined as


Then since


we can see that f satisfies Assumption (F1).

Define g:[0,T]×HH as

g(t,0ta(t,s,x(s))ds)= n=10T e n2(ts)(0ta(t+s)x(s,y)ds)dt,,t>0.

Then it can be checked that Assumption (G) is satisfied. Indeed, for xΠ, we know


where I is the identity operator form H to itself and, we assume that there is a constant ρ > 0

such that


for a constant κ>0.

Hence we have

|Ag(t,0ta(t,s,x(s))ds)|(M+1){|0t(a(t+s)a2(0))x(s)ds|          +|0ta(0)x(s)ds|}        (M+1)ρ{(2κ+1)1h2κ+1+h}||x||L2(0,T;V).

It is immediately seen that Assumption (G1) has been satisfied. A simple example of the controller operator B which satisfies Assumption (S) is introduced by Naito [16] as follows. Consider H=U and define the intercept operator B(α,T), 0<α<T, on L2(0,T;H) by


Then as seen in [16], for a given pL2(0,T;H) there exists a control uL2(0,T;H) such that S^p=S^B(α,T)u. Thus, all the conditions stated in Theorem 3.1 have been satisfied for the equation (5.1), and so there exists a solution of (5.1) belongs to W1(T)=L2(0,T;V))W1,2(0,T;V*)C([0,T];H), and by virtue of Theorem 4.1, the system (4.1) is approximately controllable on [0,T].

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