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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2021; 61(1): 155-168

Published online March 31, 2021

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

On the Seidel Laplacian and Seidel Signless Laplacian Polynomials of Graphs

Harishchandra S. Ramane*, K. Ashoka and Daneshwari Patil, B. Parvathalu

Department of Mathematics, Karnatak University, Dharwad - 580003, India
e-mail : hsramane@yahoo.com, ashokagonal@gmail.com and daneshwarip@gmail.com

Department of Mathematics, Karnatak University's Karnatak Arts College, Dharwad - 580001, India
e-mail : bparvathalu@gmail.com

Received: July 8, 2020; Revised: August 23, 2020; Accepted: October 5, 2020

We express the Seidel Laplacian polynomial and Seidel signless Laplacian polynomial of a graph in terms of the Seidel polynomials of induced subgraphs. Further, we determine the Seidel Laplacian polynomial and Seidel signless Laplacian polynomial of the join of regular graphs.

Keywords: Seidel Laplacian polynomial, Seidel signless Laplacian polynomial, join of graphs.

Let G be a simple, undirected graph with vertex set V(G)={v1,v2,,vn}. The degree di of a vertex vi is the number of edges incident to it. A graph G is said to be an r-regular graph if the degree of each vertex of G is equal to r. If v is a vertex of G, then G-v is a graph obtained from G by removing the vertex v along with the edges incident to v. The Seidel matrix of a graph G is an n×n matrix, defined as, S(G)=[sij], where sij=1 if the vertices vi and vj are adjacent, sij = 1 if the vertices vi and vj are not adjacent and sij=0 if i = j. The characteristic polynomial of S(G), denoted by ϕS(G:λ) is called the Seidel polynomial of G [3]. Let λ1,λ2,,λn be the eigenvalues of S(G).

The collection of the eigenvalues of the Seidel matrix of a graph G is called the Seidel spectrum of G [2].

The Seidel energy SE(G) of a graph G is defined as [6]

SE(G)= i=1n|λi|.

The Eq. (1.1) is analogous to an ordinary graph energy defined as the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of adjacency matrix of G [5]. For more details about the graph energy one can refer [8]. Results on Seidel energy can be found in [1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15].

Let DS(G)=diag(n12d1,n12d2,,n12dn) be the diagonal matrix in which di denotes the degree of a vertex vi.

The Seidel Laplacian matrix of a graph G is defined as [14]


and the Seidel signless Laplacian matrix of a graph G is defined as [13]


The characteristic polynomial of SL(G) is called the Seidel Laplacian polynomial and is denoted by ϕSL(G:λ). The characteristic polynomial of SL+(G) is called the Seidel signless Laplacian polynomial and is denoted by ϕSL+(G:λ). Results on Seidel Laplacian eigenvalues and Seidel signless Laplacian eigenvalues can be found in [13, 14]. In [10, 16] the expression for the Laplacian polynomial and signless Laplacian polynomial of a graph in terms of the characteristic polynomial of induced subgraphs is given. In this paper we obtain the Seidel Laplacian polynomial and the Seidel signless Laplacian polynomial of a graph in terms of the Seidel polynomial of the induced subgraphs of G. Using these results we express the Seidel Laplacian polynomial and the Seidel signless Laplacian polynomial of regular graphs in terms of the derivatives of the Seidel polynomial. Further we obtain the Seidel Laplacian polynomial and Seidel signless Laplacian polynomial of the join of regular graphs.

Let the set Nk(G)={MMV(G)and|M|=k}, k=0,1,2,,n. Note that |Nk(G)|=n k. Let PG(M)= vM(n12dv), where dv being the degree of the vertex v with PG(M) = 1 for k=0. Let the graph G-M be an induced subgraph of G with the vertex set V(G)-M. If M=V(G), then G-M=K0, a graph without vertices. We take ϕS(K0:λ)=1.

Theorem 2.1.

Let G be a graph on n vertices. Then

ϕSL(G:λ)=(1)n k=0 n MNk(G)PG(M)ϕS(GM:λ).

Proof. Let I be an identity matrix.

ϕSL(G:λ)=|λISL(G)|    =|λIDS(G)+S(G)|    = λ(n12d1 ) s12 s1n s21 λ(n12d2 ) s2n sn1 sn2 λ(n12dn )     = λp1 s12 s1n s21 λp2 s2n sn1 sn2 λpn ,

where pi=n12di, i=1,2,,n.

Splitting the above determinant as the sum of two determinants, we get


Again splitting each of the above determinants as the sum of two determinants and continuing the same procedure in succession, at the n-th step we have,

ϕSL(G:λ)=|λI+S(G)|+1in(pi)|λI+S(Gvi)|    +1i<jn(pi)(pj)|λI+S(Gvivj)|+    +1i<j<<kn(pi)(pj)(pk)|λI+S(Gvivjvk)|    =(1)n|λIS(G)|+MN1(G)PG(M)|λIS(GM)|    +MN2(G)PG(M)|λIS(GM)|+    +MNn(G)PG(M)|λIS(GM)|    =(1)nk=0nMNk(G)PG(M)|λIS(GM)|    =(1)nk=0nMNk(G)PG(M)ϕS(GM:λ)

Following Lemma gives the kth derivative of Seidel polynomial.

Lemma 2.2.

Let G be a graph with n vertices and 0kn. Then

dkdλkϕS(G:λ)=k! MN k (G)ϕS(GM:λ).

Proof. We prove this by induction. The result is obvious for k = 0. Now for k = 1, we have

ddλϕS(G:λ)=ddλ|λInS(G)|= i=1 n|λIn1Si(G)|,

where Si(G) is the matrix obtained by eliminating i-th row and i-th column from S(G). The Eq. (2.3) can be written as

ddλϕS(G:λ)= i=1nϕS(Gi:λ),

where Gi is the graph obtained by removing the ith vertex of G, i=1,2,,n. The Eq. (2.4) can be written as

ddλϕS(G:λ)= i=1nϕS(Gvi:λ)      = MN1 (G)ϕS(GM:λ).

Assume that the result is true for (k-1)-th derivative. That is,

dk1dλk1ϕS(G:λ)=(k1)! M N k1 (G)ϕS(GM:λ).

Clearly, G-M' is the graph with n-k+1 vertices. Now differentiating the Eq. (2.5) with respect to λ, we have

dkdλkϕS(G:λ)=(k1)!ddλ M N k1 (G)ϕS(GM:λ)      =(k1)! M N k1 (G)ddλϕS(GM:λ)      =(k1)! M N k1 (G) vV(GM )ϕS(GMv:λ).

In Eq. (2.6), the inside summation is taken nk+11 times and the outside summation is taken nk1 times. Therefore, the Eq. (2.6) reduces to,

dkdλkϕS(G:λ)=k(k1)! M {v}N k (G)ϕS(G(M{v}):λ)      =k! MN k (G)ϕS(GM:λ)(sinceM=M{v}).

Corollary 2.3.

If G is an r-regular graph with n vertices, then

ϕSL(G:λ)=(1)n k=0 n(n2r1)kk!dkdxkϕS(G:x)x=λ.

Proof. For an r-regular graph G, PG(M)=(n2r1)k, if MNk(G). Thus, the result follows from the Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2).

Definition 2.4.

Let G1 and G2 be any two graphs. The join of G1 and G2 is G1G2, obtained by joining each vertex of G1 to all the vertices of G2.

Theorem 2.5.

If G1 is an r1-regular graph on n1 vertices and G2 is an r2-regular graph on n2 vertices, then


Proof. We have, ϕ(SL(G1G2):λ)

=|λISL(G1G2)|= (λ(n1 n2 2r1 1))In1 +S(G1 ) Jn1 ×n2 Jn2 ×n1 (λ(n2 n1 2r2 1))In2 +S(G2 ) = (λx)In1 +S(G1 ) Jn1 ×n2 Jn2 ×n1 (λy)In2 +S(G2 ) ,

where J is the matrix with all entries equal to one, x=n1n22r11 and y=n2n12r21. The above determinant can be re-written as,

λxs12s1n1111s21λxs2n1111sn11sn12λx111111λy s12 s1n2111 s21λy s2n2111 sn21 sn22λy,

where sij is the (i,j)-th entry of S(G1) for i,j=1,2,,n1 and s'ij is the (i,j)-th entry of S(G2) for i,j=1,2,,n2.

Performing row and column transformations on the determinant (2.7) which leave its value unchanged. Subtracting (n1+1)-th row from the rows (n1+2),(n1+3),,(n1+n2), we have

λxs12s1n1111s21λxs2n1111sn11sn12λx111111λy s12 s1n2000 s21λ+yλy s12 s2n2 s1n2000 sn21λ+y sn22 s12λy s1n2.

Adding the columns (n1+2),(n1+3),,(n1+n2) to the column (n1 + 1) in (2.8) and taking into account

j=1 n1sij=n112r1fori=1,2,,n1


j=1 n2sij=n212r2fori=1,2,,n2,

we get,

λxs12s1n1n211s21λxs2n1n211sn11sn12λxn211111λ+n1 s12 s1n20000λy s12 s2n2 s1n20000 sn22 s12λy s1n2.

The determinant (2.9) can be written as,




Subtracting the row 1 from the rows 2,3,,n1 in the first determinant of (2.10) we get,


Adding columns 2,3,,n1 to the column 1 of the Eq. (2.12) we get


Expanding the first determinant along the first column we get,


That is,




The above determinant can be written as,


Subtracting the columns 2,3,,n1 of (2.14) from the column 1, we obtain


Adding the row 1 to the rows 2,3,,n1 we have,


That is,

|A|=1(λ+n2)|(λ+n2)ISL(G1)|  =1(λ+n2)ϕSL(G1:λ+n2).

Similarly from the Eq. (2.11) we get,


Thus, the result follows from the Eqs. (2.13), (2.15) and (2.16).

In this section we use analogous techniques of Section 2 to obtain the Seidel signless Laplacian polynomial.

Theorem 3.1.

Let G be a graph on n vertices. Then

ϕSL+(G:λ)= k=0n(1)k MN k(G)PG(M)ϕS(GM:λ).

Proof. We have SL+(G)=DS(G)+S(G). Therefore

ϕSL+(G:λ)=|λISL+(G)|    =|λIDS(G)S(G)|    = λ(n12d1 ) s12 s1n s21 λ(n12d2 ) s2n sn1 sn2 λ(n12dn )     = λp1 s12 s1n s21 λp2 s2n sn1 sn2 λpn ,

where, pi=n-1-2di for i=1,2,,n.

Splitting the above determinant as sum of two determinants, we have


Again splitting each of the above determinants as sum of two determinants and continuing the same procedure in succession, at the n-th step we have,

ϕSL+(G:λ)=|λIS(G)|+1in(pi)|λIS(Gvi)|  +1i<jn(pi)(pj)|λIS(Gvivj)|+  +1i<j<<kn(pi)(pj)(pk)|λIS(Gvivjvk)|  =|λIS(G)|+(1)MN1(G)PG(M)|λIS(GM)|  +(1)2MN2(G)PG(M)|λIS(GM)|+  +(1)nMNn(G)PG(M)|λIS(GM)|  =k=0n(1)kMNk(G)PG(M)|λIS(GM)|  =k=0n(1)kMNk(G)PG(M)ϕS(GM:λ).

Corollary 3.2.

If G is an r-regular graph with n vertices, then

ϕSL+(G:λ)= k=0n(1)k(n2r1)kk!dkdλkϕS(G:λ).

Proof. For an r-regular graph, PG(M)=(n2r1)k if MNk(G). Thus, the result follows from Eqs. (3.1) and (2.2).

Theorem 3.3.

If G1 is an r1-regular graph on n1 vertices and G2 is an r2-regular graph on n2 vertices, then


where s=n1(2n24r22) and t=n2(2n14r12).

Proof. We have,

ϕSL+(G1G2:λ)=|λISL+(G1G2)|      = (λx)In1 S(G1 ) Jn1 ×n2 Jn2 ×n1 (λy)In2 S(G2 ) ,

where J is the matrix with all entries equal to 1, x=n1n22r11 and y=n2n12r21.

The above determinant can be written as,

λxs12s1n1111s21λxs2n1111sn11sn12λx111111λy s12 s1n2111 s21λy s2n2111 sn21 sn22λy, 

where sij is the (i,j)-th entry in S(G1) for i,j=1,2,,n1 and s'ij is the (i,j)-th entry in S(G2) for i,j=1,2,,n2.

Performing row and column transformations on the determinant (3.3) which leave its value unchanged. Subtracting row (n1+1) from the rows (n1+2),(n1+3),,(n1+n2) in (3.3) we have,

 λxs12s1n1111s21λxs2n1111sn11sn12λx111111λy s12 s1n2000 s21λ+yλy+ s12 s2n2+ s1n2000 sn21λ+y sn22+ s12λy+ s1n2.

Adding the columns (n1+2),(n1+3),,(n1+n2) to the column (n1 + 1) and using

j=1 n1sij=n112r1fori=1,2,,n1


j=1 n2sij=n212r2fori=1,2,,n2

we get,

λxs12s1n1n211s21λxs2n1n211sn11sn12λxn211111λ+s s12 s1n20000λy+ s12 s2n2+ s1n20000 sn22+ s12λy+ s1n2.

The above determinant can be written as,




Subtracting the row 1 from the rows 2,3,,n1 of (3.4) we get,


Adding the columns 2,3,,n1 to the column 1, we have


Expanding the first determinant along the first column we get




The above determinant can be written as,


Subtracting the columns 2,3,,n1 from the column 1, we get


Adding the row 1 to rows 2,3,,n1 we have,

|A|=1λ+t λx s12 s1n1 s21 λx s2n1 s31 s32 s3n1 sn11 sn12 λx  =1λ+t|(λ+n2)ISL+(G1)|  =1λ+tϕSL+(G1:λ+n2).

Similarly we get,


The result follows by substituting the Eqs. (3.7) and (3.8) in Eq. (3.6).

H. S. Ramane thanks the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi for support through grant under UGC-SAP DRS-III Programme: F.510/3/ DRS-III/2016 (SAP-I). K. Ashoka thanks the Karnatak University for URS fellowship No. URS/2019-344. D. Patil thanks Karnataka Science and Technology Promotion Society, Bengaluru for fellowship No. DST/KSTePS/Ph.D Fellowship/OTH-01:2018-19.

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