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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2021; 61(1): 75-98

Published online March 31, 2021

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Univalent Functions Associated with the Symmetric Points and Cardioid-shaped Domain Involving (p,q)-calculus

Om Ahuja, Nisha Bohra, Asena Çetinkaya, Sushil Kumar*

Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University, Ohio, 44021, U.S.A
e-mail : oahuja@kent.edu

Department of Mathematics, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 021, India
email : nishib89@gmail.com

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, İstanbul Kültür University, İstanbul, Turkey
e-mail : asnfigen@hotmail.com

Bharati Vidyapeeth's college of Engineering, Delhi-110063, India
e-mail : sushilkumar16n@gmail.com

Received: March 19, 2020; Revised: July 28, 2020; Accepted: July 28, 2020

In this paper, we introduce new classes of post-quantum or (p,q)-starlike and convex functions with respect to symmetric points associated with a cardiod-shaped domain. We obtain (p,q)-Fekete-Szegö inequalities for functions in these classes. We also obtain estimates of initial (p,q)-logarithmic coefficients. In addition, we get q-Bieberbach-de-Branges type inequalities for the special case of our classes when p=1. Moreover, we also discuss some special cases of the obtained results.

Keywords: (p, q)-Fekete-Szegö, inequalities, (p,q)-starlike functions, (p,q)-convex functions, (p,q)-logarithmic coefficient bounds, cardioid-shaped domain, q-Bie

We first recall the basic definitions in univalent function theory. Let A denote the class of analytic functions f in the open unit disk D={z:|z|<1} normalized by the conditions f(0)=0 and f'(0)=1. If fA, then

f(z)=z+ n=2anzn(zD).

Let S be the subclass of A containing all the univalent functions in D. A function fA is starlike if and only if RE zf(z)/f(z)>0 and convex if and only if RE1+zf(z)/f(z)>0 for all zD. We denote these two classes, respectively, by S* and K. Closely related with these two classes is the class P of all functions ψ which are analytic and have positive real part in D with ψ(0)=1. An analytic function f is subordinate to an analytic function g, denoted by fg, if there is an analytic function w defined on D with w(0)=0 and |w(z)|<1 satisfying f=g°w. By making use of subordination, Kumar and Ravichandran [17] introduced and studied the geometric properties of the class SR*=S*(φ0), where φ0 is a rational function given by


Note that the image of the open unit disk under the rational function φ0(z) is Cardioid shaped bounded region as shown in Figure 1. Chakrabarti and Jagannathan [8] in 1991 introduced the concept of (p,q)-calculus in order to generalize or unify several forms of q-oscillator algebras well-known in the physics literature. We first recall some basics of (p,q)-calculus. Let 0<qp1. The (p,q)-bracket or twin basic number [n]p,q is defined by

Figure 1. Image of unit disk D under the function φ0

For 0<q<1, q-bracket [n]q for n=0,1,2, is given by [n]q=[n]1,q. The (p,q)-derivative of a function f is defined by


In particular, Dp,qzn=[n]p,qzn1. For a function fA, the (p,q)-derivative operator is given by Dp,qf(z)=1+ n=2[n]p,qanzn1. For definitions and properties of (p,q)-calculus, one may refer to [8]. The (1,q) derivative operator D1,q, denoted by Dq is known as the q-derivative operator. Jackson in 1909 and 1910 [14, 15], initiated the study of q-operator Dq defined by


Quantum Calculus or q-calculus is a theory of calculus where smoothness is not required. It may be considered as an extension of classical analysis discovered by Newton and Leibniz. In recent years, q-calculus has attracted attention of many researchers due to its wide range of applications in various fields, as for example, in the areas of ordinary fractional calculus, orthogonal polynomials, basic hypergeometric functions, combinatorics, the calculus of variations and many others. For further details about the theory of q-calculus, one may refer to [2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 21].

If f,gA with

f(z)= n=1anznandg(z)= n=1bnzn,

then the convolution or Hadamard product of f and g, denoted by fg, is defined by

f(z)g(z)=(fg)(z)=z+ n=2anbnzn.

If g(z)=z/(1z), then obviously fg=f for all fA. Again, if g(z)=z/(1z)2, then it is straightforward to notice that fg=zf for all fA.

We now introduce two new classes of (p,q)-starlike and (p,q)-convex functions with respect to symmetric points associated with the rational function φ0.

Definition 1.1.

A function fS is said to be in class STSp,qφ0(z) if it satisfies the following subordination condition:


where φ0 is a rational function defined by (1.2).

The functions in the class STSp,qφ0(z) may be called as (p,q)-starlike functions with respect to symmetric points associated with the rational function φ0. Using the concept of the subordination, we say that there exists a function w analytic in Dwithw(0)=0,|w(z)|<1 such that


which is equivalent to




In view of convolution, we obtain




On substituting (1.5) and (1.6) into (1.4), we conclude that the function f is in the class STSp,qφ0(z) if and only if


We remark that for technique used in proving (1.7), one may refer to [1, 30].

Remark 1.2.

If we replace the rational function φ0 in Definition 1.1 by the function (1+z)/(1-z), then the subordination condition (1.3) reduces to the inequality


and it gives rise to a new class of (p,q)-starlike functions with respect to symmetric points, denoted by Ss*(p,q). For p=1, the class Ss*(q)Ss*(1,q) is a special case of a more general class Ss*(ϕ;p,q) where ϕ is an analytic function with positive real part in D with ϕ(0)=1,ϕ(0)>0. The class Ss*(ϕ;1,q) was studied in [24]. Also, note that for p=1 and ϕ(z)=(1+z)/(1z), the class


was introduced and studied by Sakaguchi [26].

Definition 1.3.

A function fS is said to be in class CSp,qφ0(z) if the following subordination condition holds:


where φ0 is a rational function defined by (1.2).

The functions in the class CSp,qφ0(z) may be called as (p,q)-convex functions with respect to symmetric points associated with the rational function φ0. Applying the method used in proving (1.7), we find that the function f is in the class CSp,qφ0(z) if and only if


Remark 1.4.

If we replace the rational function φ0 in Definition 1.3 by the function (1+z)/(1-z), then the subordination condition (1.8) reduces to the inequality


This condition defines a new class of (p,q)-convex functions with respect to symmetric points, denoted by Cs(p,q). For p=1, the class Cs(q)Cs(1,q) is a special case of a more general class Cs(ϕ;p,q) where ϕ is as defined in Remark 1.2. The class Cs(ϕ;1,q) was studied in [24]. We also note that, the class


was introduced and studied by Das and Singh [10].

Remark 1.5.

For special values of parameters p and q, we get the following new classes as special cases of Definitions 1.1 and 1.3; for example:

  • (1) STqφ0(z):=STS1,qφ0(z),

  • (2) CTqφ0(z):=CS1,qφ0(z),

  • (3) STφ0(z):=limq1STS1,qφ0(z)

  • (4) CTφ0(z):=limq1CS1,qφ0(z).

The sharp bounds of the initial coefficients yield the information regarding the geometric properties like the growth, distortion and covering estimates of the functions. Sharp estimates of the coefficient functional |a3μa22| for various subclasses of the class S have been computed by many authors, see [12, 16, 18, 19, 25, 28]. The logarithmic coefficients γn of fS are defined by the following series expansion:

logf(z)z=2 n=1γnzn,zD.

The nth logarithmic coefficient of the Koebe function k(z)=z/(1eiθz)2 is γn=einθ/n for each &#_120579; and for all n ≥ 1. The authors in [11] computed the sharp bound of nth logarithmic coefficient of every univalent function of the type (1.1) by using the work of Baernstein on integral means. In 2018, the researchers in [4, 22] determined the estimates of logarithmic coefficients for certain subclasses of close-to-convex functions. Recently, SokÓŁ and Thomas [29] proved the sharp inequalities for the coefficients of log(f(z)/z) for the subclass of starlike functions associated with Bernoulli lemniscate. Recent details can be seen in [9].

Motivated by the stated research papers, we determine the sharp bounds on (p,q)-Fekete-Szegö inequalities for a function f respectively in the classes STSp,qφ0(z) and CSp,qφ0(z). The estimates of the initial (p,q)-logarithmic coefficients have also been obtained for these classes. In the last section, taking p=1, 0<q<1, q-Bieberbach-de-Branges type inequalities are established for these classes.

In this section, we investigate the behaviour of the Fekete-Szegö functionals defined on STSp,qφ0(z) and CSp,qφ0(z) associated with the Cardioid shaped bounded region given by Figure 1.

Theorem 2.1.

Let 0.577351/3<qp1 and f given by (1.1) belongs to the class STSp,qφ0(z) and µ is any complex number. Then

|a3μa22|1k([3]p,q1)max1,([3]p,q 1)μ2[2]p,q2k[2]p,q2.

The result is sharp.

In order to prove Theorem 2.1, we need next two results.

Lemma 2.2.

([20]) If ψ(z)=1+c1z+c2z2+c3z3+ is in class P and µ is a complex number, then


The result is sharp for the functions given by


Lemma 2.3.

([20]) If ψ(z)=1+c1z+c2z2+c3z3+ is in class P and µ is a real number, then


When μ<0 and μ>1, equality holds if and only if ψ(z)=(1+z)/(1z) or one of its rotations. If 0<μ<1, then equality holds if and only if ψ(z)=(1+z2)/(1z2) or one of its rotations. If μ=0, equality holds if and only if


or one of its rotations. If μ=1, equality holds if and only if ψ is the reciprocal of one of the functions such that the equality holds in the case μ=0.

Also the upper bound in inequality (2.1) is sharp, and it can be improved as follows:




where 0<μ<1.

Proof of Theorem 2.1. Since fSTSp,qφ0(z), it follows that


where u:DD is a Schwarz function with u(0)=0. Define ψ:D by


or equivalently


Then ψ is analytic in D with ψ(0)=1. Since u:DD, the function ψ has positive real part in D, and hence |ci|2 for all i1. From (1.2), we get


Using (2.3) in (2.2), and on comparing both sides we get

[2]p,qa2=c112k, ([3]p,q1)a3=12kc2c122+12k2c12,8k3([3]p,q1)[4]p,qa4=(k(k3)+(k24k+2)[3]p,q)c13 +2k(3+2k2(k2)[3]p,q)c1c2+4k2([3]p,q1)c3.

Since 1/3<qp1, it follows that [3]p,q1=p2+pq+q213q21>0. Taking the absolute values of the above two equations and using the fact that |c1]2 and |c2c12/2|2, we obtain




Using (2.5) and (2.6), we obtain

a3μa22=1([3]p,q1)12kc2c122+c122k2μc12[2]p,q24k2    =12k([3]p,q1)c2νc12,



In view of Lemma 2.2, we get


where ν is given by (2.8). After substituting the value of |2ν-1|, we get the desired result. The result is sharp for the functions


Putting p=1 and q1, we get the following new result for the class STSφ0(z):

Corollary 2.4.

If a function f in the class STSφ0(z) and µ a complex number, then


The result is sharp.

Theorem 2.5.

Let 0.577351/3<qp1, fSTSp,qφ0(z) and µ is any real number. If




Further, if σ1μσ3, then


If σ3μσ2, then


Sharpness holds for all the inequalities.

Proof. Using equation (2.7), Lemma 2.3 and the fact [3]p,q1=p2+pq+q213q21>0 for 1/3<qp1, we obtain our results. The bounds are sharp as can be seen by defining the following functions for n=2,3 and 0λ1.

2zDp,qFn(z)Fn(z)Fn(z)=φ0(zn1),Fn(0)= F n(0)1=0, 2zDp,qGλ(z)Gλ(z)Gλ(z)=φ0z(z+λ)λz+1,Gλ(0)= Gλ(0)1=0, 2zDp,qHλ(z)Hλ(z)Hλ(z)=φ0(λz+1)z(z+λ),Hλ(0)= Hλ(0)1=0.

It is a routine to verify that these functions belong to STSp,qφ0(z). When μ<σ1 or μ>σ2, equality holds if and only if f is F2 or one of its rotations. When σ1<μ<σ2, equality holds if and only if f is F3 or one of its rotations. If μ=σ1, equality holds if and only if f is Gλ or one of its rotations and if μ=σ2, equality holds if and only if f is Hλ or one of its rotations.

Again replacing p by 1 and q1 in Theorem 2.5, we get the following new result for the class STSφ0(z):

Corollary 2.6.

Let fSTSφ0(z) and µ is any real number. If σ1=2(2k), σ2=2(2+k) and σ3=4, then


Further, if σ1μσ3, then


If σ3μσ2, then


Sharpness holds for all the inequalities.

Theorem 2.7.

Let 0.577351/3<qp1, fCSp,qφ0(z) and µ is any complex number. Then


The result is sharp.

Proof. Since fCSp,qφ0(z), it follows that


where u:DD is a Schwarz function with u(0)=0. Define ψ:D by


or equivalently


Then ψ is analytic in D with ψ(0)=1. Since u:DD, the function ψ has positive real part in D, and hence |ci|2 for i1. Therefore we have


Using (2.9) and (2.10), we get

[2]p,q2a2=12kc1 [3]p,q([3]p,q1)a3=12k(c2c122)+12k2c12.

Since 1/3<qp1, it follows that [3]p,q1=p2+pq+q213q21>0.

Using the method of proof used in Theorem 2.1, we obtain

a3μa22=1[3]p,q([3]p,q1)(12k(c2c122)+12k2c12)μc124k2[2]p,q4    =12k[3]p,q([3]p,q1)(c2νc12),



Using Lemma 2.2, we get


Substituting the value of |2ν1| completes the proof. The result is sharp for the functions


Replacing p by 1 and q1 in Theorem 2.7, we get the following new result for the class CSφ0(z).

Corollary 2.8.

If the function f is in the class CSφ0(z) and μ a complex number, then


The result is sharp.

Theorem 2.9.

Let 0.577351/3<qp1, fCSp,qφ0(z) and µ is any real number and let




Moreover, if δ1μδ3, then


and if δ3μδ2, then


These results are sharp.

Proof. Using Lemma 2.3, (2.11), and the fact [3]p,q1=p2+pq+q213q21>0 for 1/3<qp1, (2.12), we get the following results.

If μδ1, then


If δ1μδ2, then


If μδ2, then


Since 1/3<qp1, it follows that [3]p,q1=p2+pq+q213q21>0. On the other hand, using (2.11) and (2.12) for the values δ1μδ3 we have

|a3μa22|+(μδ1)|a2|2=12k[3]p,q([3]p,q1)|c2νc12|          +(μ(2k)[2]p,q4[3]p,q([3]p,q1))c124k2[2]p,q4          =1k[3]p,q([3]p,q1)(12|c2νc12|+νc12)          1k[3]p,q([3]p,q1).

Similarly, if δ3μδ2 we have


Similar to the results in previous corollaries, putting p=1 and q1, the Fekete-Szegö functionals can be obtained for the class CSφ0(z).

In this section, we obtain the estimates of the initial logarithmic coefficients of the functions f defined by (1.1) in STSp,q(φ0) and CSp,qφ0(z).

Theorem 3.1.

Let 0.577351/3<qp1 and f given by (1.1) belongs to class STSp,q(φ0). Then the estimates for initial logarithmic coefficients are given by

|γ1|12k.1[2]p,q, |γ2|14k([3]p,q1)max1,([3]p,q 1)4[2]p,q22k[2]p,q2,




ξ1=([2]p,q(32k+2(2+k)[3]p,q)+[4]p,q)2k[2]p,q(1[3]p,q), ξ2=3[2]p,q3(k(3+k(1+[3]p,q)4[3]p,q)+2[3]p,q)+(13k[2]p,q2+[3]p,q)[4]p,q12k2[2]p,q3([3]p,q1)

and H(ξ1;ξ2) is as in Lemma 3.2.

In order to prove Theorem 3.1, we need following result due to Prokhorov and Szynal.

Lemma 3.2.

([23]) Let w(z)=1+ n=1cnzn be a Schwarz function. Then for any real numbers q1 and q2, the following sharp inequality holds:



H(q1;q2)=1,if (q1 ,q2 )D1 D2 {(2,1)},|q2 |,if (q1 ,q2 )k=37Dk ,23(|q1 |+1)1+|q1|3(|q1|+1+q2)12,if (q1 ,q2 )D8 D9 ,q2 3q124q124q2 q1243(q21)12,if (q1 ,q2 )D10 D11 {(2,1)},23(|q1 |1)|q1|13(|q1|1q2)12,if (q1 ,q2 )D12 .

and for k=1,2,12, the sets Dk are defined as


Proof of Theorem 3.1. In view of series expansion (1.10), it follows that

γ1=a2/2, γ2=(a312a22)/2, γ3=(a4a2a3+13a23).

By substituting the value of a2 from (2.4) in (3.3), we get the desired bound of γ1. Since 1/3<qp1, it follows that [3]p,q1=p2+pq+q213q21>0. Further, we substitute the value of a2 and a3 from (2.4) and (2.5) in (3.4), then




Using Lemma 2.3, we get the required bound for γ2. On putting the values of a2, a3 and a4 from (2.4), (2.5) and (2.6) in (3.5), we have



G(c1,c2,c3)=12c3k2[2]p,q3([3]p,q1)6k[2]p,q2([2]p,q(32k+2(2+k)[3]p,q)    +[4]p,q)c1c2+(3[2]p,q3(k(3+k(1+[3]p,q)4[3]p,q)+2[3]p,q)    +(13k[2]p,q2+[3]p,q)[4]p,q)c13.

On simplifying,


where ξ1 and ξ2 are given by (3.1) and (3.2) respectively. By making use of Lemma 3.2 in inequality (3.6), we get the desired result.

The proof of next theorem is similar to the proof of previous theorem and hence it is omitted.

Theorem 3.3.

Let 0.577351/3<qp1 and fA be a function in CSp,qφ0(z). Then the estimates for initial logarithmic coefficients are given by

|γ1|12k.1[2]p,q2, |γ2|14k[3]p,q([3]p,q1)max1,[3]p,q ([3]p,q 1)4[2]p,q42k[2]p,q4,





and H(ζ2/ζ3;ζ1/ζ3) is defined as in Lemma 3.2.

In view of the work done in [6, 27], we investigate q-Bieberbach-de-Branges type coefficient inequalities for functions belonging to the classes STSqφ0(z) and CSqφ0(z).

Theorem 4.1.

If a function f of the form (1.1) is in STSqφ0(z), then for n1

|a2n|k+1k2n[2n]q j=1 n1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1), |a2n+1|k+1k2n+1([2n+1]q1) j=1 n1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1),

where k=2+1.

We need the following result for the proof of Theorem 4.1

Lemma 4.2.

Let ψ(z)=1+ k=1cnznP. If ψ(z)φ0(z)=1+z(k+z)/k(kz), k=2+1, then we have


for all n1.

Proof. Since ψ(z)1+z(k+z)/k(kz), we can write


where w is Schwarz function with w(0)=0 and |w(z)|<1. Using (4.4), we obtain the following


Using Parseval identity, and |z|=r, we get

k4n=1s|cn|2r2nk4n=1s|cn|2r2n+k4n=s+1|dn|2r2n    12π02π|k+kn=1s1cnrn+w(z)|2|w(z)|2dz    12π02π|k+kn=1s1cnrn+w(z)|2dz    (k+1)2+k2n=1s1|cn|2|r|2n.

If r1, then

k4 n=1s|cn|2(k+1)2+k2 n=1 s1|cn|2.

This gives desired result for all n1.

Proof of Theorem 4.1. In view of subordination, a function fSTq(φ0) if and only if


where w is a Schwarz function with w(0)=0 and |w(z)|<1. Letting

1+w(z)(k+w(z))k(kw(z))=ψ(z)=1+ k=1cnzn,

we have


where ψ(z)φ0(z)=1+z(k+z)/k(kz). This gives


Equating both sides of the equality (4.6), we get

[2]qa2=c1, ([3]q1)a3=c2, [4]qa4=c3+a3c1, ([5]q1)a5=c4+a3c2,

and for n'th term, we get

[2n]qa2n=c2n1+a3c2n3+...+a2n1c1, ([2n+1]q1)a2n+1=c2n+a3c2n2+...+a2n1c2.

In view of Lemma 4.2 and using (4.7), (4.8), (4.9) and (4.10) we get the following coefficient inequalities.

|a2|k+1k2[2]q,|a3|k+1k3([3]q1), |a4|k+1k4[4]q(k([3]q1)+k+1k([3]q1)), |a5|k+1k5([5]q1)(k([3]q1)+k+1k([3]q1)).

These bounds show that (4.1) and (4.2) are valid for n=1 and n=2.

We now prove (4.1) and (4.2) by using induction. Taking into account Lemma 4.2, (4.11) and (4.12) we get

|a2n|k+1k2n[2n]q(1+ s=1 n11k2s|a2s+1|)


|a2n+1|k+1k2n+1([2n+1]q1)(1+ s=1 n11k2s|a2s+1|).

Now, suppose that (4.1) and (4.2) hold for s ∈ {3,4,...,n-1}. In order to prove (4.1), we will use (4.13) and get

|a2n|k+1k2n[2n]q(1+ s=1 n1k+1k([2s+1]q1) j=1 s1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1)).

In order to complete the proof, it is sufficient to show that

k+1k2m[2m]q j=1 m1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1)=k+1k2m[2m]q(1+ s=1 m1k+1k([2s+1]q1) j=1 s1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1))

for m{3,4,...,n}. We note that (4.15) is valid for m=3. Assume that (4.15) holds for 4mn1. Then we obtain

k+1k2n[2n]q(1+ s=1 n1k+1k([2s+1]q1) j=1 s1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1))=k+1k2n[2n]q(1+ s=1 n2k+1k([2s+1]q1) j=1 s1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1))+k+1k2n[2n]q.k+1k([2n1]q1) j=1 n2k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1)=k+1k2n[2n]q.k2(n1)[2(n1)]qk2(n1)[2(n1)]q(1+ s=1 n2k+1k([2s+1]q1) j=1 s1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1))+k+1k2n[2n]qk+1k([2n1]q1) j=1 n2k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1)=k+1k2n[2n]q j=1 n1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1).

Therefore, (4.15) is valid for m=n. This completes the proof of (4.1). Similarly, using (4.14) we obtain (4.2).

Theorem 4.3.

If a function f of the form (1.1) is in the class CSqφ0(z), then for n1

|a2n|k+1k2n[2n]q2 j=1 n1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1), |a2n+1|k+1k2n+1[2n+1]q([2n+1]q1) j=1 n1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1).

Proof. In view of subordination, a function fCSq(φ0) if and only if


where w is a Schwarz function with w(0)=0 and |w(z)|<1. Using equation (4.5), we have


where ψ(z)φ0(z)=1+z(k+z)/k(kz). This gives


Equating both sides, we get

[2]q2a2=c1, [3]q([3]q1)a3=c2, [4]q2a4=c3+[3]qa3c1, [5]q([5]q1)a5=c4+[3]qa3c2,

and for n'th term we get

[2n]q2a2n=c2n1+[3]qa3c2n3+...+[2n1]qa2n1c1, [2n+1]q([2n+1]q1)a2n+1=c2n+[3]qa3c2n2+...+[2n1]qa2n1c2.

Using Lemma 4.2 and (4.18), (4.19), (4.20) and (4.21) we get the following coefficient inequalities.

|a2|k+1k2[2]q2,|a3|k+1k3[3]q([3]q1), |a4|k+1k4[4]q2(k([3]q1)+k+1k([3]q1)), |a5|k+1k5[5]q([5]q1)(k([3]q1)+k+1k([3]q1)).

These bounds show that (4.16) and (4.17) are valid for n=1 and n=2.

We now prove (4.16) and (4.17) by using induction. Using Lemma 4.2 and equations (4.22) and (4.23) we get

|a2n|k+1k2n[2n]q2(1+ s=1 n11k2s[2s+1]q|a2s+1|)


|a2n+1|k+1k2n+1[2n+1]q([2n+1]q1)(1+ s=1 n11k2s[2s+1]q|a2s+1|).

Now, suppose that (4.16) and (4.17) hold for s{3,4,...,n1}. In order to prove (4.16), we will use (4.24) and get

|a2n|k+1k2n[2n]q2(1+ s=1 n1k+1k([2s+1]q1) j=1 s1k+1+k([2j+1]p,q1)k([2j+1]q1)).

In order to complete the proof, it is sufficient to show that

k+1k2m[2m]q2 j=1 m1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1)=k+1k2m[2m]q2(1+ s=1 m1k+1k([2s+1]q1) j=1 s1k+1+k([2j+1]q1)k([2j+1]q1))

for m{3,4,...,n}. We note that (4.26) is valid for m=3. Assume that (4.26) holds for 4mn1. Then using the same method given in Theorem 4.1, we prove that (4.26) is valid for m=n. This completes the proof of (4.16). Similarly, using (4.25) we obtain (4.17).

In Remark 1.2 and Remark 1.4, we defined two new classes Ss*(ϕ;p,q) and Cs(ϕ;p,q) where ϕ is an analytic function with positive real part in D with ϕ(0)=0 and ϕ(0)>0. We omitted analogous results and proofs of these two new classes because techniques are similar to the corresponding techniques used for STSp,qφ0(z) and CTSp,qφ0(z) in this paper. However, results for all these classes are expected to be different.

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