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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2021; 61(1): 23-32

Published online March 31, 2021

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Two Extensions of a Star Operation on D to the Polynomial Ring D[X]

Gyu Whan Chang, Hwankoo Kim*

Department of Mathematics Education, Incheon National University, Incheon 22012, Republic of Korea
e-mail : whan@inu.ac.kr

Division of Computer and Information Engineering, Hoseo University, Asan 31499, Republic of Korea
e-mail : hkkim@hoseo.edu

Received: February 22, 2020; Revised: March 18, 2020; Accepted: May 30, 2020

Let D be an integral domain with quotient field K, X an indeterminate over D, * a star operation on D, and Cl*(D) be the *-class group of D. The *w-operation on $D$ is a star operation defined by I*w={xKxJI for a nonzero finitely generated ideal J of D with J*=D}. In this paper, we study two star operations {*} and [*] on D[X] defined by A{*}= P*w-Max(D)ADP [X] and A[*]=( P*w-Max(D)AD[X]P[X] )AK[X]. Among other things, we show that Cl*(D)Cl[*](D[X]) if and only if D is integrally closed.

Keywords: star operation, extension of a star operation to the polynomial ring, t-class group, integrally closed, *-Noetherian domain.

Let D be an integral domain with quotient field K, and assume that D is not a field, i.e., DK. Let X be an indeterminate over D. For a polynomial fK[X], let cD(f) (or simply c(f)) be the fractional ideal of D generated by the coefficients of f. For a fractional ideal A of D[X], let cD(A)={cD(f)fA}; hence cD(A) is a fractional ideal of D. Let f(D) (resp., f(D)) be the set of nonzero (resp., nonzero finitely generated) fractional ideals of D; so f(D)F(D).

Let * be a star operation on D (see the next paragraph for definitions related to star operations). We say that a star operation ∑ on D[X] is an extension of * if (ID[X])K=I* for all IF(D). In this paper, we study two extensions [*] and {*} of * to D[X]; the star operation [*] (resp., {*}) on D[X], first studied in [4] (resp., [5]), is defined by A[*]=( P*w-Max(D)AD[X]P[X])AK[X] (resp., A{*}= P*w-Max(D)ADP[X]) for all AF(D[X]); hence A[w]=Aw and A[d]=A. We first study some properties of [*] and {*}. Then, as a corollary, we show that D is a *w-Noetherian domain if and only if D[X] is a {*}-Noetherian domain, if and only if D[X] is a [*]-Noetherian domain. Let (D[X])[[*]] and (D[X])[{*}] be the [*]- and {*}-integral closures of D[X] and let D[*w] be the *w-integral closure of D. We prove that (D[X])[[*]]=(D[X])[{*}]=D[*w][X]. Finally we prove that Cl*(D)Cl[*](D[X]) if and only if D is integrally closed. This is a generalization of the following well-known result: Clt(D)Clt(D[X]) if and only if D is integrally closed [8, Theorem 3.6].

A star operation on D is a mapping II* of F(D) into F(D) that satisfies the following three conditions for all 0aK and all I,JF(D): (i) (aD)*=aD and (aI)*=aI*, (ii) II*; IJ implies I*J*, and (iii) (I*)*=I*. Given a star operation * on D, we can construct two new star operations *f and *w on D as follows: I*f={J*JI and Jf(D)} and I*w={xKxJI for some Jf(D) with J*=D} for all IF(D). The v-operation is a star operation defined by Iv=(I1)1, where I1={xKxID}. The t-operation is defined by t=vf and the w-operation is defined by w=vw. The d-operation is just the identity function on F(D); so d=df=dw.

Let * be a star operation on D. Clearly, I*=I*f for all If(D) and (*f)f=*f. We say that * is of finite character if * = *f, i.e., if I*=I*f for all If(D); hence *f is of finite character. An If(D) is called a *-ideal if I = I*. Let *-Max(D) denote the set of *-ideals maximal among proper integral *-ideals of D. A *-ideal in *-Max(D) is called a maximal *-ideal. It is well known that *fMax(D), D= P*f-Max(D)DP, each integral *f-ideal is contained in a maximal *f-ideal and (*w)f=*w=(*f)w. Let *1 and *2 be two star operations on D. We mean by *1*2 that I*1I*2 for all IF(D). Clearly, *w*f*. Also, if *1*2, then (*1)w(*2)w and (*1)f(*2)f. It is well known that d*v, and hence d*wwtv and d*ft.

An IF(D) is called *-invertible if (II1)*=D. Let Inv*(D) be the set of *-invertible *-ideals of D. Then Inv*(D) forms an abelian group under the usual *-multiplication I×J:=(IJ)*. Let Prin(D) be the subgroup of Inv*(D) consisting of nonzero principal fractional ideals of D. Hence, Prin(D) Invd(D) Inv*w(D)= Inv*f(D) Inv*(D) Invv(D). The *-class group of D is the factor group Cl*(D)= Inv*(D)/Prin(D). For a *-invertible *-ideal I of D, let [I] denote the ideal class of Cl*(D) containing I. Hence, [I]= [J] for *-invertible *-ideals I,J if and only if I = aJ for some aK. It is clear that if *1*2 are star operations on D, then Inv*1(D) Inv*2(D), and thus Cl*1(D)Cl*2(D).

The reader can be referred to [9, Section 32] for basic properties of star operations.

Throughout D is an integral domain with quotient field K and D ≠ K, and let * be a star operation on D. Let X be an indeterminate over D, and let K(X) be the quotient field of the polynomial ring K[X]. Set N*={fD[X]c(f)*=D}; then N*=N*f=N*w and D[X]N*={gfgD[X] and fN*} is an overring of D[X], which is also called the Nagata ring with respect to the star operation * and often denoted by Na(D, *). It is known that I*w=ID[X]N*K= P *f Max(D)IDP for all IF(D) [3, Lemma 2.3] and *f-Max(D) = *w-Max(D) [1, Theorem 2.16].

Our first result is the extension [*] of *w to D[X]. This is the star operation version of [4, Theorem 2.3], and hence the proofs are omitted.

Theorem 2.1.

Let X and Y be two indeterminates over D, and let

Δ={QSpec(D[X])QD=(0) or Q=(QD)[X] and (QD)*fD}.SetS=D[X][Y]{Q[Y]QΔ}anddefineA[*]=A[Y]SK(X) for all AF(D[X]).
  • (1) The mapping [*] : F(D[X]) ⇒ F(D[X]), given by A ↦ A[*]}, is a star operation on D[X] and [*]w =[*].

  • (2) [*] = [*f] =[*w].

  • (3) (ID[X])[*]} ∩ K = I*w} for all I ∈ F(D).

  • (4) (ID[X])[*]} = I*w}D[X] for all I ∈ F(D).

  • (5) [*]-Max(D[X])={QQ Spec(D[X]) such that QD=(0) and cD(Q)*f=D}{P[X]P*f-Max(D)}.

  • (6) [v]=[t]=[w] is the w-operation on D[X].

We next give some characterizations of the star operation [*] on D[X] which is introduced in Theorem 2.1.

Corollary 2.2.

If AF(D[X]), then

  • (1) A[*]=( P*f-Max(D)AD[X]P[X])AK[X]

  • (2) A[*]=AD[X]N*AK[X]

  • (3) A[*]D[X]N*=AD[X]N* and A[*]D[X]P[X]=AD[X]P[X] for all P*f-Max(D).

Proof. (1) Note that A[*]w= Q[*]-Max(D[X])AD[X]Q. Also note that AK[X]={AD[X]QQ Spec(D[X]) and QD=(0)} and that if Q Spec(D[X]) with QD=(0) and cD(Q)*fD, then QP[X], and hence D[X]P[X]D[X]Q for some P*fMax(D). Thus by (1) and (5) of Theorem 2.1, we have A[*]=( P*f-Max(D)AD[X]P[X])({QSpec(D[X])QD=(0) and cD(Q)*f=D}=( P * f-Max(D)AD[X]P[X])AK[X].

(2) Recall from [12, Proposition 2.1] that {P[X]N*|P*fMax(D)} is the set of maximal ideals of D[X]N*; hence AD[X]N*= P *f -Max(D)(AD[X]N* )P[X]N* = P*f-Max(D)AD[X]P[X]. Thus by (1), we have A[*]=AD[X]N*AK[X].

(3) This is an immediate consequence of (1) and (2).

Next we introduce a new star operation {*} on D[X], which is an extension of *w in the sense of (ID[X]){*}=I*w[X] for all IF(D) (Corollary 2.4(3)).

Theorem 2.3.

Let X and Y be two indeterminates over D. Let N(*)={fD[Y]c(f)*=D}, and define

A{*}=A[Y]N(*)K(X) for all AF(D[X]).
  • (1) The mapping {*}:F(D[X])F(D[X]), given by AA{*}, is a star operation on D[X] and {*}={*f}={*w}.

  • (2) A{*}={uK(X)uJA for some Jf(D) with J*=D}.

  • (3) A{*}= P*f-Max(D)ADP[X].

Proof. (1) The property of {*}={*f}={*w} is an immediate consequence of the fact that N(*)=N(*f)=N(*w). Next, if (D[X]){*}=D[X], then the axioms for star operations are easily checked by the definition of {*}.

Clearly D[X](D[X]){*}. For (D[X]){*}D[X], let f,gD[X], uN(*) and hD[X][Y] such that gf=huD[X][Y]N(*)K(X). Then ug = fh and gcD[X](u)=fcD[X](h). Note that cD[X](u)=cD(u)[X], and hence


by Theorem 2.1(4). Hence gD[X]=g(cD[X](u))[*]=f(cD[X](h))[*]fD[X], and thus gfD[X]. Therefore (D[X]){*}D[X], and so (D[X]){*}=D[X].

(2) Let B={uK(X)uJA for some Jf(D) with J*=D}.

() Let u=gfA{*}=A[Y]N(*)K(X), where gA[Y] and fN(*). Then uf=g, and so ucD(f)ucD(f)[X]=ucD[X](f)=cD[X](g)A and cD(f)*=D. Thus uB.

() If uB, there exists a Jf(D) with J*=D such that uJA. Choose fD[Y] with cD(f)=J. Then fN(*), and hence JD[X][Y]N(*)=D[X][Y]N(*). So uuD[X][Y]N(*)K(X)=uJD[X][Y]N(*)K(X)A[Y]N(*)K(X)=A{*}. Thus BA{*}.

(3) Let B be as in the proof of (2). By (2), it suffices to show that

B= P*f-Max(D)ADP[X].

() uBuJA for some Jf(D) with J*=DuuDP[X]=uJDP[X]ADP[X] for all P*fMax(D)u P * f-Max(D)ADP[X].

() For v P*f-Max(D)ADP[X], set I={dDdvA}. Then I is an ideal of D such that IP for all P*fMax(D), and hence I*f=D. Since *f is of finite character, there exists a Jf(D) such that JI and J* = D. Hence vJvIA, and thus vB.

In [5, Proposition 16], the authors studied the star operation {*} on D[X] defined in Theorem 2.3(3) in a more general setting of semistar operations (see Remark 2.6(1) for the definition of semistar operation). Hence, the properties (1)-(4) and (6) of the next corollary were proved in [5, Propositions 16, 17 and Remark 19(c)].

Corollary 2.4.

  • (1) {*}[*].

  • (2) (ID[X]){*}K=I*w for all IF(D).

  • (3) (ID[X]){*}=I*w[X]=(ID[X])[*] for all IF(D).

  • (4) {*}={*}f={*}w.

  • (5) A{*}[Y]N(*)=A[Y]N(*) and A{*}DP[X]=ADP[X] for all P*fMax(D).

  • (6) {d} is the d-operation on D[X].

Proof. (1) If AF(D[X]), then by Corollary 2.2 and Theorem 2.3(2), we have A{*}= P*f-Max(D)ADP[X]( P*f-Max(D)AD[X]P[X])AK[X]=A[*]. Hence {*}[*]. Also, if Q is a prime ideal of D[X] such that QD*fMax(D) and(QD)[X]Q, then Q{*}= P*f-Max(D)QDP[X]QDQD[X]D[X]=Q, and hence Q{*}=Q. But Q[*]=( P*f-Max(D)QD[X]P[X])QK[X]=( P*f-Max(D)D[X]P[X])K[X]=D[X]. Hence Q{*}Q[*], and thus {*}[*].

(2) (ID[X]){*}K=(ID[X][Y]N(*)K(X))K=(ID[Y]N(*))[X]K=ID[Y]N(*)K=I*w [3, Lemma 2.3].

(3) By (1) and (2), we have I*w[X](ID[X]){*}(ID[X])[*]. Thus by Theorem 2.1(4), (ID[X]){*}=I*w[X]=(ID[X])[*].

(4) Let S={fD[X][Y](cD[X](f)){*}=D[X]}. If gN(*), then cD[X](g)=cD(g)[X]. Hence (cD[X](g)){*}=(cD(g)[X]){*}=cD(g)*w[X]=D[X] by (3), and so gS. Thus N(*)S. So if AF(D[X]), then A{*}=A[Y]N(*)K(X)A[Y]SK(X)=A{*}w [3, Lemma 2.3]. Hence {*}{*}w, and since {*}w{*}f{*}, we have {*}={*}f={*}w.

(5) This is an immediate consequence of the definition of {*} and Theorem 2.3(3).

(6) This follows directly from Theorem 2.3(2).

We say that D is a *-Noetherian domain if D satisfies the ascending chain condition on integral *-ideals. Hence a Noetherian domain is just the d-Noetherian domain, while a Mori (resp., strong Mori) domain is a v-Noetherian (resp., w-Noetherian) domain. It is clear that if *1*2 are star operations on D, then *1-Noetherian domains are *2-Noetherian; hence Noetherian domains strong Mori domains Mori domains. Also, D is a *-Noetherian domain if and only if each *-ideal I of D is of finite type, i.e., I = J* for some Jf(D); in particular, if D is *-Noetherian, then *= *f.

Corollary 2.5.

The following statements are equivalent.

  • (1) D is a *w-Noetherian domain.

  • (2) D[X]N* is a Noetherian domain, where N*={fD[X]cD(f)*=D}.

  • (3) D[X] is a [*]-Noetherian domain.

  • (4) D[X] is a {*}-Noetherian domain.

Proof. (1) (2) [3, Theorem 2.6 (1) (3)].

(2) (4) Let N(*) be as in Theorem 2.3. Then (D[Y]N(*))[X]=D[X][Y]N(*) is Noetherian by Hilbert basis theorem. Hence if A is a nonzero ideal of D[X], then A[Y]N(*) is finitely generated, i.e., A[Y]N(*)=(f1,,fk)D[X][Y]N(*) for some f1,,fkA. Thus A{*}=A[Y]N(*)K(X)=(f1,,fk)D[X][Y]N(*)K(X)=(f1,,fk){*}.

(4) (3) This follows because {*}[*] by Corollary 2.4(1).

(3) (1) Let I1I2I3 be a chain of *w-ideals of D. Then by Theorem 2.1(4), I1[X]I2[X]I3[X] is a chain of [*]-ideals of D[X]. Hence there exists an integer n such that In[X]=Ik[X] for all kn, and thus In=In[X]D=Ik[X]D=Ik by Theorem 2.1(3).

Remark 2.6.

(1) Let F¯(D) be the set of nonzero D-submodules of K. Then F(D)F¯(D). A semistar operation on D is a mapping EE of F¯(D) into F¯(D) that satisfies the following three conditions for all 0xK and all E,FF¯(D):

  • (i) (xE)=xE

  • (ii) EE; EF implies EF, and

  • (iii) (E)=E.

As in the star operation case, the w-operation is defined by Ew={xKxJE for some Jf(D) with J=D}. It is clear that if D=D, then the function |F(D):F(D)F(D), given by II, is a star operation. Conversely, for any star operation *1 on D, define


Then the mapping *e:F¯(D)F¯(D), given by EE*e, is a semistar operation and *e|F(D)=*1.

(2) Let ⋆ be a semistar operation on D. A nonzero ideal I of D is called a quasi-⋆-ideal if I=ID, while D is a ⋆-Noetherian domain if D satisfies the ascending chain condition on quasi-⋆-ideals. Clearly, if D=D, then I is a quasi-⋆-ideal if and only if I=I. Hence if D=D, then D is ⋆-Noetherian if and only if D is |F(D)-Noetherian.

(3) Let S be the set of nonzero ideals B of D[X] such that J[X]B for some Jf(D) with J=D, and set A ={uK(X)uBA for some BS} for all AF¯(D[X]). Picozza proved that is a semistar operation on D[X] (cf. [13, Propositions 3.1 and 3.2]) and that D is w-Nottherian if and only if D[X] is -Noetherian [13, Theorem 3.6 (1) (2)].

(4) Suppose that D=D, and set *2=|F(D). Then *2 is a star operation on D by (1). Let AF(D). Note that uAuBA for some BSuJA for some Jf(D) with J*2=DuA{*2}. Conversely, vA{*2}vIA for some If(D) with I*2=DvI[X]A and I[X]SvA. Hence A{*2}=A . Thus |F(D[X])={*2}, and so the equivalence of (1) and (4) of Corollary 2.5 is the star operation analog of [13, Theorem 3.6 (1) (2)].

(5) See [4, Corollary 2.5(2)] for the semistar Noetherian domain analog of the equivalence of (1) (3) of Corollary 2.5.

Let D¯ be the integral closure of D. An element xK is called *-integral over D if there exists an If(D) such that xI*I*. Let


Then D[*], called the *-integral closure of D, is an integrally closed domain and D¯D[*]. Clearly if *1*2 are star operations on D, then D[*1]D[*2], and hence D[*w]D[*f]D[*]. It is known that D[*w]=D¯[X]N*K= P *f -Max(D)DP¯ [3, Theorem 4.1] and (D[X])[[v]]=D[w][X] [7, Proposition 1.7]. For more about *w-integral closure, see [3, 7].

Corollary 2.7.


Proof. (i) Since {*}[*] by Corollary 2.4(1), we have (D[X])[{*}](D[X])[[*]].

(ii) (Proof of (D[X])[[*]]D[*w][X]) Let f(D[X])[[*]]. Then there exists a nonzero finitely generated ideal A of D[X] such that fA[*]A[*]. Hence by Corollary 2.2(3), fAD[X]P[X]AD[X]P[X] for all P*fMax(D). Note that AD[X]P[X] is finitely generated; so fD[X]P[X]¯K[X]. Note also that D[X]P[X]¯K[X]=DP[X]¯DP[X]PDP[X]K[X]=DP[X]¯=DP¯[X]; so fDP¯[X]. Hence each coefficient of f is contained in ( P*f-Max(D)DP ¯[X])K= P*f-Max(D)DP ¯=D[*w]. Thus fD[*w][X].

(iii) (Proof of D[*w][X](D[X])[{*}]) Let uD[*w]. Then uJ*wJ*w for some Jf(D). Hence by Corollary 2.4(3), u(JD[X]){*}=uJ*wD[X]J*wD[X]=(JD[X]){*}. Since JD[X] is finitely generated, we have u(D[X])[{*}]. Hence D[*w](D[X])[{*}], and thus D[*w][X](D[X])[{*}].

Let D be an integral domain with quotient field K, X be an indeterminate over D, * be a star operation of finte type on D, and [*] and {*} be the star operations of finite type on D[X] as in Theorems 2.1 and 2.3.

Lemma 3.1.


Proof. (Proof of Cl*(D)Cl{*}(D[X])) Let IInv*(D). Then (II1)*w=D, and hence (ID[X](ID[X])1){*}=(ID[X](I1D[X])){*}=((II1)D[X]){*}=(II1)*wD[X]=D[X] (cf., Corollary 2.4(3) for the third equality). Thus the map φ:Cl*(D)Cl{*}(D[X]), given by [I][ID[X]], is well-defined.

Next, let IInv*(D) such that (ID[X]){*} is principal. Since (ID[X]){*}=I*wD[X], we have I*wD[X]=fD[X] for some fI*wD[X]. But, since I*wD[X]K=I*w(0), we have fK, and hence I*w=I*wD[X]K=fD[X]K=(fD)*w=fD. Thus, φ is injective. Therefore, Cl*(D)Cl{*}(D[X]).

(Proof of Cl{*}(D[X])Cl[*](D[X])) This follows because {*}[*] by Corollary 2.4.

Theorem 3.2.

Cl*(D)=Cl[*](D[X]) if and only if D is integrally closed.

Proof. () For α=abK such that a,bD and α is integral over D, let f = bX -a and Q=fK[X]D[X]. Since α is integral over D, there exists a monic polynomial gD[X] such that g(α)=0. Then gQ, and hence c(Q)=D, or c(Q)t=D. Hence Q is a maximal t-ideal, and so Q is t-invertible [11, Theorem 1.4]. Since Q is a t-ideal, we have QQQ1. Note that c(Q)*=D; hence Q is a maximal [*]-ideal of D[X] by Theorem 2.1(5), and thus (QQ1)[*]=D[X].

Next, since Cl*(D)=Cl[*](D[X]), there exists an integral ideal I of D and uK(X) such that ID[X]=Qu. For 0cI, c = qu for some qQ; so u=cq. Since fQ, we have fcqID[X]. Also, since deg(f)=1, we have deg(q)1. If deg(q)=0, i.e., qK, then I=ID[X]D=QuD=(0), a contradiction. Thus deg(q) = 1. Note that gQ and gcqID[X]. Hence gcq= i=0nciXiID[X]. Then gc= i=0n(ciq)Xi. Since each qciqID[X]=Qc, there exist some ai,biD such that ciq=(biXai)c and biXaiQ. Hence gc= i=0nXi(biXai)c, and so g= i=0nXi(biXai). Note that biαai=0 for each i, and so α=aibi. Since g is monic, bn=1, and thus α=anbn=anD.

() By Lemma 3.1, it suffices to show that φ is surjective. Let A be a [*]-invertible integral [*]-ideal of D[X]. Then A is a t-invertible t-ideal [6, Lemma 2.1], and hence A=fID[X] for some fD[X] and a t-invertible t-ideal I of D [8, Lemma 3.3]. Note that A=A[*]=(fID[X])[*]=fI*wD[X] by Theorem 2.1(4). Hence I is a *-invertible *-ideal, and [A]=[ID[X]]=φ([I]). Thus φ is surjective.

Corollary 3.3.

([8, Theorem 3.6]) Clt(D)Clt(D[X]) if and only if D is integrally closed.

Proof. This follows from Theorem 3.2 because Clt(D)=Clw(D) and Cl[w](D[X])=Clw(D[X])=Clt(D[X]).

An integral domain D with quotient field K is said to be seminormal if αK with α2,α3D implies that αD. Then the following theorem is well known: Pic(D)Pic(D[X]) if and only if D is seminormal [10, Theorem 1.6]. The proof of the next result is essentially the same as that in [2, p. 209]. For the sake of completeness we give its proof.

Proposition 3.4.

If the map φ in Lemma 3.1 is an isomorphism, then D is seminormal.

Proof. Let K be the quotient field of D. Assume that D is not seminormal. Then there exists αK such that αD, but α2,α3D. Consider the fractional ideals I:=(α2,1+αX) and J:=(α2,1αX) of D[X]. Then IJ=(α4,α2+α3X,α2α3X,1α2X2)D[X]. Now the equality X4α4+(1+α2X2)(1α2X2)=1 implies that IJ=D[X], and so I and J are invertible, with J=I1. Hence I is a {*}-invertible {*}-ideal of D[X]. As claimed in [2, p. 209], I is not extended from D, which implies that φ is not an isomorphism.

We do not know whether the converse of Proposition 3.4 holds.

The authors would like to thank the reviewer for comments and suggestions. This work was supported by the Incheon National University Research Grant in 2019.

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