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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2020; 60(4): 831-837

Published online December 31, 2020

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Klein Bottles and Dehn Filling on a Component of Twocomponent Link Exterior

Nabil Sayari

Département de Mathématiques et de Statistique, Université de Moncton, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada
e-mail : nabil.sayari@umoncton.ca

Received: November 20, 2019; Revised: July 17, 2020; Accepted: July 21, 2020

Let M be the exterior of a hyperbolic link K ∪ L in a homology 3-sphere Y, such that the linking number lk(K, L) is non-zero. In this note we prove that if γ is a slope in ∥N(L) such that the manifold ML(γ) obtained by γ-Dehn filling along ∥ N(L) contains a Klein bottle, then there is a bound on Δ (µ, γ), depending on the genus of K and on lk(K, L).

Keywords: Dehn filling, essential surface, Klein bottle, Scharlemann cycle

Let M be a compact, connected, orientable and irreducible 3-manifold with a toral boundary component T. The unoriented isotopy class of a non-trivial simple closed curve on T is called its slope, and if γ1 and γ2 are slopes on T then Δ (γ1, γ2) will denote their minimal geometric intersection number.

Let γ be a slope on T, and let M(γ) be the 3-manifold obtained by γ-Dehn filling. Thus M(γ) = M ∪ Jγ, where Jγ is a solid torus, glued to M along T in such a way that γ bounds a disk in Jγ.

Recall that a surface in a 3-manifold is called essential if it is properly embedded and either (i) incompressible, not parallel to a subsurface of the boundary of the 3-manifold, and not a 2-sphere, or (ii) a 2-sphere that does not bound a 3-ball.

In [6], Thurston has shown that if M is hyperbolic then M(γ) is also hyperbolic, for all but finitely many slopes γ. A slope γ is said to be exceptional if M(γ) is not hyperbolic. Then the exceptional slopes γ has been the subject of many important works in low dimensional topology. This paper is devoted to a special class of exceptional slopes, those which produce a Klein bottle in the resulting 3-manifold. Note that a 3-manifold which contains a Klein bottle contains also an essential 2-torus or an essential 2-sphere, or is Seifert fibered, so is not hyperbolic.

In the case where M is the exterior of a hyperbolic knot in S3, Gordon and Luecke [2] showed that if M(γ) contains a Klein bottle, then Δ (µ, γ)=1. Ichihara and Teragaito [Corollary 1.3, 4] also showed that Δ (λ, γ)≤ 4g, where g is the genus of the knot. It is then natural to ask if it is possible for an arbitrary hyperbolic link K ∪ L, that some Dehn filling on L produces a 3-manifold containing a Klein bottle.

More precisely, let K ∪ L be a hyperbolic link in a homology 3-sphere Y such that their linking number lk(K, L) ≠ 0; we denote the genus of K in Y by g. Denote its exterior by M and let µ be the meridional slope on the boundary of a tubular neighborhood N(L) of L. Let ML(γ) be the 3-manifold obtained by γ-Dehn filling along ∥ N(L). Then our main result is stated as follows:

Theorem 1.1. If ML(γ) contains a Klein bottle, then


Remark 1.2. Theorem 1.1 can be generalized if we take a link with more components instead the knot K.

Let M be a compact, connected, orientable and irreducible 3-manifold with a toral boundary component T. Let (Fi,Fi)(M,M)(i=1,2) be an orientable surface, which is possibly compressible or ∥-compressible in M. Suppose that FiT= and that components of F1T and of F2T have distinct slopes γ1 and γ2 on T. We assume that F1 and F2 intersect transversely and that F1 and F2 intersect in the minimal number of points so that each component of F1 and each of F2 intersect just Δ(γ1,γ2) times in T. We obtain a surface Fi^ when we cap off the components of FiT with disks.

The intersections of F1 and F2 in M give rise to a pair of labeled graphs, G1F1^ and G2F2^. We obtain these graphs as follow: G1 is the graph obtained by taking as fat vertices the disks F^1 IntF1 and as edges the arc components of F1F2 in F^1. Similarly, G2 is the graph in F^2 whose vertices are the disks F^2 IntF2 and whose edges are the arc components of F1F2 in F^2. Note that we neglect circle components of F1F2. We number the components of F11,2,...,n1 in the order in which they appear on T. Similarly, we number the components of F21,2,...,n2. This gives a numbering of the vertices of G1 and G2. Furthermore, it induces a labelling of the endpoints of edges in G1 and G2. On a vertex of G1 (resp. G2) one sees the labels 1 through n2 repeated Δ(γ1,γ2) times (resp. $1$ through $n_1$ repeated Δ(γ1,γ2) times) appearing in order around the vertex. Two vertices on G1 are parallel if the ordering of the labels on each is clockwise or the ordering on each is anticlockwise, otherwise the vertices are called antiparallel. An edge of G1 is a positive edge if it connects parallel vertices. Otherwise it is a negative edge. The same applies to vertices of G2. The orientability of Fi (i =1,2) and M gives us the parity rule: An edge e in Gi is a positive edge if and only if the corresponding edge in Gj is a negative edge.

An edge e is an interior edge if it connects vertices, and a boundary edge otherwise. An edge with labels x and y at its endpoints is called an {x, y}-edge. If an edge has a label x at least one endpoint, it is called an x-edge. An x-cycle is a cycle σ of x-edges of G1 such that all the vertices of G1 in σ are parallel and such that the cycle can be oriented so that the tail of each edge has label x. A Scharlemann cycle is an x-cycle that bounds a disk face of G1 (called a Scharlemann disk). The number of edges in a Scharlemann cycle, σ, is called the length of σ. A pair of adjacent parallel positive edges \{e1, e2\} in G1 is called an S-cycle if it is a Scharlemann cycle of length 2. A Scharlemann cycle is called a trivial loop if its length equals one, and a non-trivial Scharlemann cycle otherwise. Let ti be the number of trivial loops in the graph Gi, and bi the number of boundary edges each of which has an end point in a fat vertex. Since b1 = b2, we denote this number by b. Then we have the following inequality from Hayashi and Motegi [Theorem 2.1, 3].

Theorem 2.1. Suppos the graph Gi (i=1, 2) contains no non-trivial Scharlemann cycles. Then we have:


As in Section 1, let M be the exterior of a hyperbolic link KL in a homology 3-sphere Y, such that the linking number lk(K,L)0. Let P=ΣM, where Σ is a Seifert surface of minimal genus g ≥ 1 for the knot K. Now, among all these minimal genus surfaces, we choose P such that p=|PN(L)| is minimal. Then P is incompressible and boundary-incompressible in M. Note that p|lk(K,L)|. Let ML(γ) be the 3-manifold obtained by γ-Dehn filling along N(L). Suppose that ML(γ) contains a Klein bottle S^ such that s=|S^Jγ| is minimal and s > 1. Let S=S^M, then S is incompressible and boundary-incompressible in M.

Let T^=N(S^), where N(S^) denotes a thin regular neighborhood of S^ in M(γ). Then T^ is a 2-torus, intersecting Jγ in t=2s points. Let T=T^M.

As above, the intersection PT gives rise to a pair of labeled graphs, GPP^ML(μ) and GTT^ML(γ). The choice of P^, S^ and N(S^) guarantees that the intersection PT is essential: no circle component of PT bounds a disk in P or in T, and no arc component of PT is boundary-parallel in either P or T. In particular neither GP nor GT contains trivial loops. Also, since TN(K)=, then the graphs GP and GT have no boundary edges. Since the torus T^ is separating, then T^ divides ML(γ) in a black side, U, and a white side W. Therefore, the faces of GP are divided into black and white faces. Furthermore each black face of GP is a face of length 2, corresponding to the regular neighborhood of an arc component of PS. See [2] (pages 626-628) for more details.

Lemma 3.1. s is odd.

Proof. If s is even, then we can obtain a closed non-orientable surface in M by attaching suitable annuli in M to S along S, which impossible (since the homology sphere Y does not contain a closed non-orientable surface).

Lemma 3.2. GT does not contain a Scharlemann cycle.

Proof. Assume for contradiction that GT contains a Scharlemann cycle. Now by a standard argument of surgery (see for example [Lemma 2.5.2, 1]), we can construct a new surface P' of genus g such that 0P=0P and |PN(L)|=p2 contradicting the minimality of p.

Now let {σj}j=1,,m denote the set of all Scharlemann cycles in GP and let {Dj}j=1,,m be the set of their corresponding Scharlemann disks in GP.

The following Lemma can be proved by using [Lemma 2.1, 5]. However for convenience of the readers we give a proof here.

Lemma 3.3. m(Δ(μ,γ)2)p2g+1

Proof. Let P^×[ϵ,ϵ] be a small regular neighborhood of P^, and let R^ be the closed surface of genus 2g obtained by taking two copies of P^ glued together along a small regular neighborhood C of 0P. R^=(P^×{ϵ})C(P^×{ϵ}). Without loss of generality we can assume that R^ is contained in YN(K) (we push slightly R^ in YN(K)). Let R=R^M, then R is a collection of 2p components, each having the meridional slope µ in N(L). As above, we define the labelled graphs of intersection, GR in R^ and GT in T^. We note that GR is made of two disjoint copies of GP.

By hypothesis the graph GP contains only m Scharlemann cycles, so GR contains exactly 2m Scharlemann cycles. Recall that for each Scharlemann cycle σj in GP there exists a disk face Dj such that GPintDj=. For each j, let Bj a small disk contained in intDj. Now, we consider the annuli Hj in Bj×[ϵ,ϵ], such that one boundary component of Hj lies in Bj×{ϵ}, while the other lies in Bj×{ϵ}. Let H=H1H2Hm. Let F^ be the resulting surface obtained by deleting Bj's and then attaching H to R^. It is easy to see that F^ is a closed surface of genus 2g+m. As usual, let F=F^M. Let (GF, GT) be the pair of intersection graphs associated to the pair of surfaces (F, T). Note that GF has no Scharlemann cycle.

Now by Hayashi-Motegi's inequality [Theorem 2.1, 3], applied to the two graphs obtained from FT we get:


Hence, the proof is completed.

Lemma 3.4. If σ , τ and κ are Scharlemann cycles in GP, then two of them must have the same pair of labels.

Proof. See [Theorem 6.5, 2].

Lemma 3.5. If t ≥ 4 then GP does not contain a white Scharlemann disk. In particular every Scharlemann disk is a face of length 2.

Proof. See [Theorem 6.4, 2].

Proof of Theorem 1.1. Suppose that GP contains m Scharlemann cycles. By Lemma 3.5, any Scharlemann cycle in GP bounds a black face, hence any Scharlemann cycle σ in GP is a black S-cycle. Let {σj1}j=1,,m1 denote the set of all black S-cycles in GP having {x, x+1} as labels, and let {σj2}j=1,,m2 be the set of all black S-cycles in GP having {y, y+1} as labels such that {x,x+1}{y,y+1}. Since the torus T^ is separating, then x and y must have the same parity.

By Lemma 3.4, m1+m2=m. Recall that for each S-cycle σj1 (resp. σj2) in GP there exists a black disk face Dj1 (resp. a black disk face Dj2) such that GPintDj1= (resp. GPintDj2=).

Without loss of generality, we assume that m1m2 and {x,x+1}={1,2}. Now let Γ be the subgraph of GP consisting of the vertices of GP and all the edges of all the black S-cycles in GP having {1, 2} as labels. Denote by fk the faces of Γ. Now an Euler characteristic count gives

χ(P^)=12gp2m1+ fkχ(fk)=pm1+ fk=Dj 1χ(fk)

Now let F be the number of disk faces of Γ which are not a Scharlemann disk {Dj1}j=1,,m1. Then

12gpm1+ fk=Dj 1χ(fk)pm1+F

Lemma 4.1. Γ contains exactly m1 disks faces.

Proof. We argue by contradiction. Suppose that Γ contains a cycle σ bounding a disk face E, such that E is not a black Scharlemann disk. By construction of Γ, all the vertices of σ are parallel and {1, 2} are the labels of σ.

Now, let e be an edge of GPE. e is called a diagonal edge if e is incident to a vertex v and has other end in a vertex w which is not adjacent to v on σ.

We divide in two cases depending upon whether a diagonal edge e exists or not.

Case 1: There is no diagonal edge in GPE.

Let e be an edge of GPE. Therefore, if k is the label at one endpoint of e then 2s+3-k (mod 2s) is the label at the other endpoint

In particular, if e is an (s+1)-edge or an (s+2)-edge, then e is an {s+1, s+2}-edge. Note that since s > 1, then s+1,s+2={1,2}..

Now, let e and f be two adjacent {s+1, s+2}-edges of GPE. If e and f are parallel, then {e, f} is an S-cycle with {s+1, s+2} as labels. Since s+1 is even and {1, 2} are the labels of all the black S-cycles of Γ, then {e, f} is a white S-cycle, which contradicts Lemma 3.5. If not, GP must contain a white Scharlemann cycle with {s+1, s+2} as labels and having the same length as σ, but this is impossible by Lemma 3.5.

Case 2: There is a diagonal edge e in GPE.

Let e be a diagonal edge connecting two vertices v and w of σ. Let i be the label at the end of e at v and j be the label at the end of e at w. The diagonal edge e divides the disk E into two disks E1 and E2. Without loss of generality, we may assume that there is no other diagonal edge in GPE1. Let σ' be the cycle bounding E1.

As in Case 1, if two adjacent {s+1, s+2}-edges of GPE1 are parallel, then GP must contain a white S-cycle, which contradicts Lemma 3.5. If not, let u be a vertex of σ' adjacent to the vertex v and uw, then only one {s+1, s+2}-edge of GPE1 connect u to v, hence is+1,s+2. Using the same argument we show that j{s+1,s+2}. Since v and w are parallel, then by the parity rule i must be different to j. Hence {i,j}={s+1,s+2} and e must be an {s+1, s+2}-edge. Then GP must contain a white Scharlemann cycle with {s+1, s+2} as labels and having the same length as σ', but this also impossible by Lemma 3.5.

By the previous lemma, F=0. Hence we obtain:


Since m1m2, this yields


Now by Lemma 3.3, we get


Hence, the proof of Theorem 1.1 is completed.

We would like to thank the editor and reviewers for careful reading, and constructive suggestions for our manuscript. We would like to thank Professor Rebhi Salem for helpful comments.

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  2. C. McA. Gordon and J. Luecke, Dehn surgeries on knots creating essential tori, I, Comm. Anal. Geom., 3(3-4)(1995), 597-644.
  3. C. Hayashi and K. Motegi, Only single twists on unknots can produce composite knots, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 349(11)(1997), 4465-4479.
  4. K. Ichihara and M. Teragaito, Klein bottle surgery and genera of knots, Pacific J. Math., 210(2003), 317-333.
  5. D. Matignon and N. Sayari, Non-orientable surfaces and Dehn surgeries, Canad. J. Math., 56(5)(2004), 1022-1033.
  6. W. Thurston, Three dimensional manifolds, Kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 6(1982), 357-381.