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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2020; 60(4): 683-710

Published online December 31, 2020

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Characterizations of Lie Triple Higher Derivations of Triangular Algebras by Local Actions

Mohammad Ashraf, Mohd Shuaib Akhtar* and Aisha Jabeen

Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
e-mail : mashraf80@hotmail.com, mshuaibakhtar@gmail.com and ajabeen329@gmail.com

Received: April 24, 2019; Accepted: February 25, 2020

Let N be the set of nonnegative integers and A be a 2-torsion free triangular algebra over a commutative ring R . In the present paper, under some lenient assumptions on A , it is proved that if Δ = { δ n } n is a sequence of R -linear mappings δ n : A A satisfying δ n ( [ [ x , y ] , z ] ) = i + j + k = n [ [ δ i ( x ) , δ j ( y ) ] , δ k ( z ) ] for all x , y , z A with x y = 0 (resp. x y = p , where p is a nontrivial idempotent of A ), then for each n , δ n = d n + τ n ; where d n : A A is R -linear mapping satisfying d n ( x y ) = i + j = n d i ( x ) d j ( y ) for all x , y A , i.e. D = { d n } n is a higher derivation on A and τ n : A Z ( A ) (where Z ( A ) is the center of A ) is an R -linear map vanishing at every second commutator [ [ x , y ] , z ] with xy=0 (resp. x y = p ).

Keywords: triangular algebra, Lie higher derivation, Lie triple higher derivation

Let ℛ be a commutative ring with unity, 𝒜 be an algebra over ℛ and Z(𝒜) be the center of 𝒜. Recall that an ℛ-linear map d:𝒜⇒𝒜 is called a derivation on 𝒜 if d(xy)=d(x)y+xd(y) holds for all x,y∈𝒜. An ℛ-linear map δ:𝒜⇒𝒜 is called a Lie derivation on 𝒜 if δ([x,y])=[δ(x),y]+[x,δ(y)] holds for all x,y∈𝒜, where [x,y]=xy-yx is the usual Lie product. An ℛ-linear map δ:𝒜⇒𝒜 is called a Lie triple derivation on 𝒜 if δ([[x,y],z])=[[δ(x),y],z]+[[x,δ(y)],z]+[[x,y],δ(z)] holds for all x,y,z∈𝒜. It is easy to check that every derivation on 𝒜 is a Lie derivation on 𝒜 and that every Lie derivation on 𝒜 is a Lie triple derivation on 𝒜. However, the converse need not be true in general. For example if we consider the algebra 𝒜 of all 3 × 3 strictly upper triangular matrices over Z, the ring of integers, and define a map L:AA such that L0xy00z000=0y000z000.

Then it can easily be seen that L is a Lie triple derivation on 𝒜 which is neither a derivation nor a Lie derivation on 𝒜. Now, let N be the set of nonnegative integers and Δ={δn}n be a sequence of ℛ-linear mappings δn:AA such that δ0=idA, the identity map on 𝒜. Then Δ is said to be

  • (i) a higher derivation on 𝒜 if

    δn(xy)= i+j=nδi(x)δj(y),  for all  x,yA &  n;

  • (ii) a Lie higher derivation on 𝒜 if

    δn([x,y])= i+j=n[δi(x),δj(y)],  for all  x,yA &  n;

  • (iii) a Lie triple higher derivation on 𝒜 if

    δn([[x,y],z])= i+j=n[[δi(x),δj(y)],δk(z)],  for all  x,y,zA &  n.

It is also easy to observe that there exists Lie triple higher derivation on an algebra 𝒜 which is not a Lie higher derivation on 𝒜. For example consider the algebra 𝒜 of all 3 × 3 strictly upper triangular matrices over the field 𝒬 of rational numbers, and consider the sequence L={Ln}n of linear mappings Ln:AA such that Ln=Lnn!, where L is Lie triple derivation on 𝒜 which is not a Lie derivation on 𝒜. Then by using induction on n, it can be easily verified that ℒ is a Lie triple higher derivation on 𝒜 but not a Lie higher derivation on 𝒜.

The ℛ-algebra A=Tri(A,M,B)={am0baA,mM,bB} under the usual matrix operations is called a triangular algebra, where 𝒜 and 𝓑 are unital algebras over ℛ and ℳ is an (𝒜,𝓑)-bimodule. Recall that a left (resp. right) 𝒜-module ℳ is faithful if aℳ=0 (resp. ℳa=0) implies that a=0 for every a∈ 𝒜. The notion of triangular ring was first introduced by Chase [5] in 1960. Further, in the year 2000, Cheung [7] initiated the study of linear maps on triangular algebras. He described Lie derivations, commuting maps and automorphisms of triangular algebras (see for reference [8, 9]).

In the recent years, derivation and Lie derivation have been studied by several authors (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20]) in various directions. One direction of investigation is to study the conditions under which derivations and Lie derivations can be completely determined by the action on some subsets of 𝒜. We say that an ℛ-linear map δ:AA is derivable at a given point cA if δ(x)y+xδ(y)=δ(c) for every x,yA with xy=c and such c is called a derivable point of 𝒜. This kind of maps were discussed by several authors (see [6, 15, 22]). Similarly, an ℛ-linear map δ:AA is said to be a Lie derivable at a given point cA if δ([x,y])=[δ(x),y]+[x,δ(y)] for all x,yA with xy=c. Lu and Jing [18] discussed such maps on B(X) where X is a Banach space with dimX3 and B(X) is the algebra of all bounded linear operators acting on X and proved that if δ is Lie derivable at c=0 (resp. c=p, where p is a fixed nontrivial idempotent of B(X)), then δ=d+τ, where d is a derivation of B(X) and τ:B(X)I is a linear map vanishing at every commutator [x,y] with xy=0 (resp. xy=p). Ji and Qi [13] investigated this problem on triangular algebras and obtained that under some mild conditions on A, if L:AA is an R-linear map satisfying δ([x,y])=[δ(x),y]+[x,δ(y)] for any x,yA with xy = 0 (resp. xy = p, where p is a fixed nontrivial idempotent of A ), then δ=d+τ, where d is a derivation of A and τ:AZ(A) (where Z(A) is the center of A ) is an ℛ-linear map vanishing at commutators [x, y] with xy = 0 (resp. xy = p). Furthermore, in [17] Liu analysed Lie triple derivation on factor von Neumann algebra 𝒜 of dimension greater than one and found that if a linear map δ:AA satisfies δ([[x,y],z])=[[δ(x),y],z]+[[x,δ(y)],z]+[[x,y],δ(z)] for any x,y,zA with xy = 0 (resp. xy = p, where p is a fixed nontrivial projection of 𝒜), then there exist an operator r ∈ 𝒜 and a linear map f:AI (where I is the center of 𝒜) vanishing at every second commutator [[x, y], z] with xy = 0 (resp. xy = p) such that δ(x)=xrrx+f(x) for any xA.

An ℛ-linear map δ:𝒜⇒ 𝒜 is Lie triple derivable at a given point c ∈ 𝒜 if δ([[x,y],z])=[[δ(x),y],z]+[[x,δ(y)],z]+[[x,y],δ(z)] for all x,y,zA with xy=c. It is obvious that the condition of being a Lie triple derivable map at some point is much weaker than the condition of being a Lie triple derivation. So far, there has been no result on the study of the local actions of Lie triple derivations on triangular algebras. Motivated by these observations, the purpose of the present paper is to characterize the additive mapping δn on triangular algebra A satisfying δn([[x,y],z])= i+j+k=n[[δi(x),δj(y)],δk(z)] for any x,y,z ∈ A with xy=0 (resp. xy=p, where p is a fixed nontrivial idempotent).

Throughout the present paper A will denote a triangular algebra which is 2-torsion free. Define two natural projections πA:AA and πB:AB by πAam0b=a and πBam0b=b. The center of A coincides with

Z(A)={a00baA,bB,am=mb for all mM}.

Moreover, πA(Z(A))Z(A) and πB(Z(A))Z(B), and there exists a unique algebra isomorphism η:πB(Z(A))πA(Z(A)) such that η(b)m=mb for all mM.

Let 1A (resp.1B) be the identity of the algebra A (resp.B) and let I=1A001B be the identity of triangular algebra A. Throughout this paper, we shall use the following notations: p1=1A000 and p2=Ip1=0001B . Set A11={a000aA}, A12={0m00mM} and A22={000bbB}. Then we can write A=A11A12A22, where A11 is a subalgebra of A isomorphic to A, A22 is a subalgebra of A isomorphic to B and A12 is a (A11,A22)-bimodule isomorphic to the bimodule M. To simplify the notation we will use the following convention: a11A=A11, a22B=A22 and a12M=A12. Then each element xA can be represented in the form x=a11+a12+a22, where a11A11,a22A22 and a12A12.

In what follows, we write aij, it indicates aijAij and the corresponding element in A,B or M. Note that aijakl=0 if jk.

The proof of the following lemma can be seen in [8, Propositon 3].

Lemma 1.1.

Let A be a triangular algebra Tri(A11,A12,A22). If πA11(Z(A))=Z(A11) and πA22(Z(A))=Z(A22), then there is a unique algebra isomorphism η:Z(A22)Z(A11) such that η(b)bZ(A) for any bZ(A22).

The main result of the present paper states as follows:

Theorem 2.1. Let A=Tri(A11,A12,A22) be a 2-torsion free triangular algebra consisting of algebras A11 and A22 over a commutative ring R with unity 1A11 and 1A22 respectively and A12 be a faithful (A11,A22)-bimodule, which is faithful as a left A11-module and also as a right A22-module. Suppose that

  • (i) πA11(Z(A))=Z(A11) and πA22(Z(A))=Z(A22).

  • (ii) For any aA11, if [a,A11]Z(A11), then aZ(A11) or for any bA22, if [b,A22]Z(A22), then bZ(A22).

If Δ={δn}n is a sequence of R-linear maps δn:AA such that δn[[x,y],z]= i+j+k=n[[δi(x),δj(y)],δk(z)]

for all x,y,zA with xy=0, then for each n,

δn=dn+τn; where dn:AA is R-linear mapping satisfying dn(xy)= i+j=ndi(x)dj(y) for all x,yA, i.e., D={dn}n is a higher derivation of A and τn:AZ(A) is an R-linear map vanishing at every second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=0.

The proof of Theorem 2.1 is based on the induction on n. We provide the proof, for n=1, through several claims. Indeed, we show that under the given assumptions of our theorem every Lie triple derivation δ1=δ on A there exists a derivation d on A and a linear mapping τ:AZ(A) vanishing on second commutators such that δ(x)=d(x)+τ(x) for all xA.

Proof of Theorem 2.1. Claim 1. p1δ(p1)p1+p2δ(p1)p2Z(A); δ(a12)=p1δ(a12)p2A12 for any a12A12.

Since a12p1=0 for any a12A12, we have


On multiplying the above equality from left by p1 and right by p2, we get


This implies that p1δ(p1)a12a12δ(p1)p2=0, that is, p1δ(p1)p1a12a12p2δ(p1)p2=0, and hence p1δ(p1)p1+p2δ(p1)p2Z(A). By putting δ(a12)=r11+r12+r22, δ(p1)=p11+p12+p22 in (2.1), we get r11=0=r22 and so we have piδ(a12)pi=0 for i{1,2}, δ(a12)=p1δ(a12)p2.

Similarly we can get the following result:

Claim 2. p1δ(p2)p1+p2δ(p2)p2Z(A).

Claim 3. δ(I)=p1δ(I)p1+p2δ(I)p2Z(A).

Since p1(Ip1)=0, we have


This yields that δ(I)=p1δ(I)p1+p2δ(I)p2. By Claims 1 & 2, we have δ(I)=p1δ(p1)p1+p2δ(p1)p2+p1δ(p2)p1+p2δ(p2)p2Z(A).

In the sequel, we define


where δp1δ(p1)p2(x) is the inner derivation determined by p1δ(p1)p2, that is,

δp1δ(p1)p2(x)=[p1δ(p1)p2,x]=p1δ(p1)p2xxp1δ(p1)p2  for all  xA.

One can verify that


for all x,y,zA with xy=0. Moreover by Claim 1, we have


By Claim 3, we get f(I)=δ(I)Z(A). Consequently f(p2)=f(I)f(p1)Z(A).

Clearly for any a12A12, δp1δ(p1)p2(a12)=[p1δ(p1)p2,a12]=0. By Claim 1, we have f(a12)=δ(a12)A12, and hence

Claim 4. For any a12A12,f(a12)A12.

Claim 5. f(Aii)AiiAjj. There exists an R-linear map τi:AiiZ(A) such that f(aii)τi(aii)Aii for all aiiAii,where i,j=1,2 and ij.

First we show for i=1. Since a11p2=0 for any a11A11 and f(p2)Z(A), it follows that


Multiplying by p1 from the left we get p1f(a11)p2=0 and hence f(a11)A11A22.

Similarly, we can prove the result for i=2. Thus, f(Aii)AiiAjj.

Now we can write f(a11)=p1f(a11)p1+p2f(a11)p2. Moreover, since a11a22=0, for any a22A22 and xA, it is easy to check that


Multiplying by p2 on both the sides of the above equation, we get


This implies that [p2f(a11)p2,a22]Z(A22). Hence by hypothesis (ii), we find that


Define τ1:A11Z(A) such that τ1(a11)=η(p2f(a11)p2)p2f(a11)p2, where η is the map defined in Lemma 1.1. Thus, we get

f(a11)τ1(a11)=p1f(a11)p1+p2f(a11)p2η(p2f(a11)p2)p2f(a11)p2      =p1f(a11)p1η(p2f(a11)p2)A11.

Since f is R-linear, one can verify that τ1 is R-linear. Similarly, we can define R-linear map τ2:A22Z(A) by τ2(a22)=p1f(a22)p1η1(p1f(a22)p1). Then

f(a22)τ2(a22)=p1f(a22)p1+p2f(a22)p2p1f(a22)p1η1(p1f(a22)p1)      =p2f(a22)p2η1(p1f(a22)p1)A22.

Now, for anyx=a11+a12+a22A, we define two R-linear maps τ:AZ(A) and d:AA by

τ(x)=τ1(a11)+τ2(a22)     and     d(x)=f(x)τ(x)  respectively.

Then, d(Aij)Aij   for  1ij2  and  d(a12)=f(a12).

Claim 6. d is a derivation.

Since f & τ are ℛ-linear and d(x)=f(x)-τ(x), d is ℛ-linear. It remains to show that d(xy)=d(x)y+xd(y), for all x,yA. Now, we divide the proof into the following three steps:

Step 1. Since a12a11=0 for any a11A11, a12A12 and τ(x) is in Z(A), we have


Hence, d(a11a12)=d(a11)a12+a11d(a12). Similarly, we can get

d(a12a22)=d(a12)a22+a12d(a22)  for all  a12A12,a22A22.

Step 2. Let a11,b11A11. For any a12A12, we have


On the other hand,


Comparing (2.2) and (2.3), we have

(d(a11b11)d(a11)b11a11d(b11))a12=0  for all  a12A12.

Since A12 is a faithful left A11-module, we get

d(a11b11)=d(a11)b11+a11d(b11)  for all  a11,b11A11.

Similarly, one can arrive at

d(a22b22)=d(a22)b22+a22d(b22)  for all  a22,b22A22.

Step 3. Let x=a11+a12+a22, y=b11+b12+b22 be in A.

By Steps 1 & 2, we have


On the other hand, d(Aij)Aij for 1ij2, we have


Hence, we find that d(xy)=d(x)y+xd(y), i.e., d is a derivation.

Claim 7. τ vanishes at second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=0 for all x,y,zA.

Suppose xy=0. Since τ(x)Z(A), we have


for all x,y,zA. The proof of our theorem for n=1 is now complete.

Now, suppose that the conclusion holds for all m<n. That is, there exist linear maps dm:AA and τm:AZ(A) such that δm(x)=dm(x)+τm(x), τm([[x,y],z])=0 with xy=0 and dm(xy)= i+j=mdi(x)dj(y) for all x,y,zA.

Moreover, δm has the following properties:


We will show that δn also satisfies the similar properties. We prove this through the following claims:

Claim 8. p1δn(p1)p1+p2δn(p1)p2Z(A);δn(a12)=p1δn(a12)p2A12 for any a12A12.

Since a12p1=0 for any a12A12, by induction hypothesis, we have

δn(a12)=δn([[a12,p1],p1])=[[δn(a12),p1],p1]+[[a12,δn(p1)],p1]+[[a12,p1],δn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[δi(a12),δj(p1)],δk(p1)]=δn(a12)p1p1δn(a12)p1p1δn(a12)p1+p1δn(a12)+a12δn(p1)p1a12δn(p1)+p1δn(p1)a12a12δn(p1)+δn(p1)a12.

On multiplying the above equality by p1 and p2 from left and right respectively, we get


This implies that p1δn(p1)a12a12δn(p1)p2=0, that is, p1δn(p1)p1a12a12p2δn(p1)p2=0, and hence p1δn(p1)p1+p2δn(p1)p2Z(A). By putting δn(a12)=s11+s12+s22, δn(p1)=t11+t12+t22 in (2.4), we get s11=0=s22 and so, we have piδn(a12)pi=0 for i{1,2}. Hence, δn(a12)=p1δn(a12)p2.

Since p2a12=0 for any a12A12. Similarly, we can get the following result.

Claim 9. p1δn(p2)p1+p2δn(p2)p2Z(A).

Claim 10. δn(I)=p1δn(I)p1+p2δn(I)p2Z(A).

Since p1(Ip1)=0, by using the induction hypothesis, we find that

0=δn([[p1,Ip1],p1])=[[δn(p1),Ip1],p1]+[[p1,δn(Ip1)],p1]+[[p1,Ip1],δn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[δi(p1),δj(Ip1)],δk(p1)]=p1δn(I)p1δn(I)p1p1δn(I)+p1δn(I)p1.

On multiplying by p1 from the left and by p2 from the right, we have p1δn(I)p2=0, and hence we get that δn(I)=p1δn(I)p1+p2δn(I)p2. By Claims 8 & 9, we have δn(I)=p1δn(p1)p1+p2δn(p1)p2+p1δn(p2)p1+p2δn(p2)p2Z(A).

In the sequel, we define


where δp1δn(p1)p2(x) is the inner derivation determined by p1δn(p1)p2, that is,

δp1δn(p1)p2(x)=[p1δn(p1)p2,x]=p1δn(p1)p2xxp1δn(p1)p2  for all  xA.

One can verify that

fn([[x,y],z])=[[fn(x),y],z]+[[x,fn(y)],z]+[[x,y],fn(z)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(x),fj(y)],fk(z)]

for all x,y,zA with xy=0. Moreover by Claim 8, we have


By Claim 10, we find that fn(I)=δn(I)Z(A). Consequently fn(p2)=fn(I)fn(p1)Z(A). Clearly for any a12A12, δp1δn(p1)p2(a12)=[p1δn(p1)p2,a12]=0. By Claim 8, we have fn(a12)=δn(a12)A12, and hence

Claim 11. For any a12A12, fn(a12)A12.

Claim 12. fn(Aii)AiiAjj. There exists an R-linear map τni:AiiZ(A) such that fn(aii)τni(aii)Aii for all aiiAii,where i,j=1,2 and ij.

First we show the result for i=1. Since a11p2=0 for any a11A11 and fn(p2)Z(A), using induction hypothesis, it follows that

0=fn([[a11,p2],p2])=[[fn(a11),p2],p2]+[[a11,fn(p2)],p2]+[[a11,p2],fn(p2)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a11),fj(p2)],fk(p2)]=fn(a11)p2p2fn(a11)p2p2fn(a11)p2+p2fn(a11).

Multiply by p1 from the left to get p1fn(a11)p2=0. So, fn(a11)A11A22.

Similarly we can find the result for i=2. Thus, fn(Aii)AiiAjj.

Now we can write fn(a11)=p1fn(a11)p1+p2fn(a11)p2. Moreover, since a11a22=0 for any a22A22 and xA, it is easy to observe that

0=fn([[a11,a22],x])=[[fn(a11),a22],x]+[[a11,fn(a22)],x]+[[a11,a22],fn(x)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a11),fj(a22),]fk(x)]=[[fn(a11),a22],x]+[[a11,fn(a22)],x]=[[fn(a11),a22]+[a11,fn(a22)],x].

Multiplying by p2 on both the sides, we get


This implies that [p2fn(a11)p2,a22]Z(A22). Hence by assumption (ii), we get p2fn(a11)p2Z(A22). Define τn1:A11Z(A) by τn1(a11)=η(p2fn(a11)p2)p2fn(a11)p2, where η is the map defined in Lemma 1.1. Thus, we get


Since fn is ℛ-linear, one can verify that τn1 is ℛ-linear. Similarly, we can define ℛ-linear map τn2:A22Z(A) by τn2(a22)=p1fn(a22)p1η1(p1fn(a22)p1). Then


Now, for any x=a11+a12+a22A, we define two ℛ-linear maps τn:AZ(A) and dn:AA by

τn(x)=τn1(a11)+τn2(a22)     and     dn(x)=fn(x)τn(x)  respectively.

Then, dn(Aij)Aij   for  1ij2  and  dn(a12)=fn(a12).

Claim 13. dn(xy)= i+j=ndi(x)dj(y)forallx,yA

Since fn & τn are ℛ-linear and dn(x)=fn(x)τn(x), dn is an ℛ-linear. It remains to show that dn(xy)= i+j=ndi(x)dj(y)forallx,yA.

Now, we divide the proof into the following three steps:

Step 1. Since a12a11=0 for any a11A11, a12A12 and τn(x) is in

Z(A), by induction hypothesis, we have

dn(a11a12)=fn([[a11,a12],p1])=[[fn(a11),a12],p1]+[[a11,fn(a12)],p1]+[[a11,a12],fn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a11),fj(a12)],fk(p1)]=[[fn(a11),a12],p1]+[[a11,fn(a12)],p1]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a11),fj(a12)],(p1)]=[[dn(a11)+τn(a11),a12],p1]+[[a11,dn(a12)+τn(a12)],p1]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[dn(a11)+τn(a11),dn(a12)+τn(a12)],p1]=[[dn(a11),a12],p1]+[[a11,dn(a12)],p1]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[dn(a11),dn(a12)],p1]=dn(a11)a12a11dn(a12) i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n di(a11)dj(a12)

Hence, dn(a11a12)= i+j=ndi(a11)dj(a12). Similarly, we can get

dn(a12a22)= i+j=ndi(a12)dj(a22)  for any  a12A12,a22A22.

Step 2. Let a11,b11A11. For any a12A12, we have

dn(a11b11a12)=i+k=ndi(a11b11)dk(a12)=dn(a11b11)a12+ i+k=n k0 di(a11b11)dk(a12)=dn(a11b11)a12+ l+t+k=n k0 dl(a11)dt(b11)dk(a12).

On the other hand,

dn(a11b11a12)=i+j=ndi(a11)dj(b11a12)=i+j+k=ndi(a11)dj(b11)dk(a12)=i+j=ndi(a11)dj(b11)a12+ i+j+k=n k0 di(a11)dj(b11)dk(a12).

Comparing (2.5) and (2.6), we have

(dn(a11b11) i+j=ndi(a11)dj(b11))a12=0.

Since A12 is a faithful left A11-module, we get

dn(a11b11)= i+j=ndi(a11)dj(b11).

Similarly, we can calculate

dn(a22b22)= i+j=ndi(a22)dj(b22).

Step 3. Let x=a11+a12+a22, y=b11+b12+b22 be in A. By Steps 1 & 2, we have

dn(xy)= i+j=ndi(x)dj(y).

Claim 14. τn vanishes at second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=0 for all x,y,zA.

Since xy=0, we find that


for all x,y,zA. The proof is now complete.

The proof of the following theorem shares the same outline as that of Theorem 2.1 but requires different technique.

Theorem 3.1.

Let A=Tri(A11,A12,A22) be a 2-torsion free triangular algebra consisting of algebras A11 and A22 over a commutative ring R with unity 1A11 and 1A22 respectively and A12 be a faithful (A11,A22)-bimodule. Suppose that

  • (i) πA11(Z(A))=Z(A11) and πA22(Z(A))=Z(A22).

  • (ii) For any aA11, if [a,A11]Z(A11), then aZ(A11) or for any bA22, if [b,A22]Z(A22), then bZ(A22).

  • (iii) For every aA11, there exists an integer t such that t1A11a is invertible.

If Δ={δn}n is a sequence of R-linear mappings δn:AA such that δn[[x,y],z]= i+j+k+=n[[δi(x),δj(y)],δk(z)] for all x,y,zA with xy=p, then for each n, δn=dn+τn; where dn:AA is R-linear mapping satisfying dn(xy)= i+j=ndi(x)dj(y) for all x,yA, i.e., D={dn}n is a higher derivation of A and τn:AZ(A) is an R-linear map vanishing at every second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=p.

For the proof of Theorem 3.1, we proceed by induction on n. We provide the proof, for n=1, through several claims. Indeed, we show that for every Lie triple derivation δ1=δ on A there exist a derivation d on A and a linear mapping τ:AZ(A) vanishing on second commutators such that δ(x)=d(x)+τ(x) for all xA.

Proof of Theorem 3.1. Claim 1. p1δ(p1)p1+p2δ(p1)p2Z(A); δ(a12)=p1δ(a12)p2A12 for any a12A12.

Since (p1+a12)p1=p1 for any a12A12, we have


On multiplying the above equality by p1 and p2 from the left and the right respectively, we get 2(p1δ(p1)a12a12δ(p1)p2)=0. This gives that p1δ(p1)a12a12δ(p1)p2=0, that is, p1δ(p1)p1a12a12p2δ(p1)p2=0. It follows that p1δ(p1)p1+p2δ(p1)p2Z(A). By putting δ(a12)=r11+r12+r22, δ(p1)=p11+p12+p22 in (3.1), we get r11=0=r22 and so we have piδ(a12)pi=0 for i{1,2}. Hence, δ(a12)=p1δ(a12)p2. Now, define


where δp1δ(p1)p2 is the inner derivation determined by p1δ(p1)p2. Then, we have


and f([[x,y],z])=[[f(x),y],z]+[[x,f(y)],z]+[[x,y],f(z)] for all x,y,zA with xy=p. Moreover, for any a12A12, by Claim 1, we have


Claim 2. f(I)=p1f(I)p1+p2f(I)p2Z(A) and f(p2)Z(A).

Since Ip1=p1, we have


This yields that p1(f(I)p1p1f(I)p1p1f(I)p1+p1f(I))p2=0 and hence we find that p1f(I)p2=0.

So, we get f(I)=p1f(I)p1+p2f(I)p2. For any a12A12, since (p1a12)(I+a12)=p1, we have


On multiplying above equality by p1 and p2 from the left and the right respectively, we get a12f(I)p2p1f(I)a12=0 and a12p2f(I)p2p1f(I)p1a12=0.

his implies that f(I)=p1f(I)p1+p2f(I)p2Z(A). Consequently, f(p2)=f(I)f(p1)Z(A).

Claim 3. f(Aii)AiiAjj. There exists an R-linear map τi:AiiZ(A) such that f(aii)τi(aii)Aii for all aiiAii,where i,j=1,2 and ij.

First we show for i=1. Suppose that a11 is invertible in A11, that is, there exists an element a111A11 such that a11a111=a111a11=p1. From a11a111=p1 and (a111+p2)a11=p1, we have


and hence by Claim 2,


On multiplying by p1 from the left and by p2 from the right, we get p1f(a11)p2=0, and hence we find that f(a11)A11A22.

If a11 is not invertible in A11, by the hypothesis (iii), there exists an integer t such that tp1a11 is invertible in A11. It follows from the preceding case that f(tp1a11)A11A22. Therefore, we have


Similarly, we can prove the result for i=2. Now we can write f(a11)=p1f(a11)p1+p2f(a11)p2. First suppose that a11 is invertible in A11 with inverse element a111. Note that a11a111=p1 and (a111+a22)a11=p1, we get


and hence


Multiplying by p2 on both the sides, we get


This implies that [p2f(a11)p2,a22]Z(A22). Hence by hypothesis (ii), we get p2f(a11)p2Z(A22).

If a11 is not invertible in A11, by the hypothesis (iii), there exists an integer t such that (tp1a11) is invertible in A11. It follows from the preceding case that


Multiplying by p2 on both the sides, we get


This implies that [p2f(a11)p2,a22]Z(A22). Hence by hypothesis (ii), we get p2f(a11)p2Z(A22).

Define τ1:A11Z(A) by τ1(a11)=η(p2f(a11)p2)p2f(a11)p2, where η is the map defined in Lemma 1.1. Thus, we get


Since f is an ℛ-linear, one can verify that τ1 is ℛ-linear.

Similarly, we can define ℛ-linear map τ2:A22Z(A) by τ2(a22)=p1f(a22)p1η1(p1f(a22)p1). Then


Now, for any x=a11+a12+a22A, we define two R-linear mappings τ:AZ(A) and d:AA by τ(x)=τ1(a11)+τ2(a22) and d(x)=f(x)τ(x) respectively. Then, d(Aij)Aij  for  1ij2  and  d(a12)=f(a12).

Claim 4. d is a derivation.

Since f & τ are ℛ-linear and d(x)=f(x)τ(x), d is an ℛ-linear. It remains to show that d(xy)=d(x)y+xd(y), for all x,yA. We divide the proof into the following three Steps:

Step 1. If a11 is invertible in A11 with inverse element a111, then (a111+a111a12)a11=p1 for any a11A11, a12A12, we have


Since [[f(a11),a111],p1]+[[a11,f(a111)],p1]+[[a11,a111],f(p1)]=0, we have


Hence, d(a12)=d(a11)a111a12+a11d(a111a12). Replacing a12 by a11a12, we arrive at


For any a11A11, let tp1a11 be invertible in A11. Then


Since d(p1a12)=d(p1)a12+p1d(a12), we have


Step 2. Let a12A12 and a22A22. Observe that (p1+a12)(p1+a22a12a22)=p1 and (p1+a22a12a22)(p1+a12)=p1+a12. Since f(p1)Z(A), we have


Thus, d(a12a22)=d(a12)a22+a12d(a22) for any a12A12,a22A22.

With the same approach as used in the proof of Claim 6 of Theorem 2.1, we can get:

Step 3. For any a11,b11A11 and a22,b22A22,

  • (i) d(a11b11)=d(a11)b11+a11d(b11),

  • (ii) d(a22b22)=d(a22)b22+a22d(b22).

Step 4. d(xy)=d(x)y+xd(y) for all x,yA.

Claim 5. τ vanishes at second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=p for all x,y,zA.

Since xy=p, we find that


for all x,y,zA. The proof for n=1 is now complete.

Now, suppose that the conclusion holds for all m<n. That is, there exist linear maps dm:AA and τm:AZ(A) such that δm(x)=dm(x)+τm(x), τm([[x,y],z])=0 with xy=p and dm(xy)= i+j=mdi(x)dj(y) for all x,y,zA.

Moreover, δm has the following properties:


We shall show that δn also satisfies the similar properties. We prove this through the following claims:

Claim 6. p1δn(p1)p1+p2δn(p1)p2Z(A); δn(a12)=p1δn(a12)p2A12 for any a12A12.

Since (p1+a12)p1=p1 for any a12A12, by induction hypothesis, we have

δn(a12)=δn([[p1+a12,p1],p1])=[[δn(p1)+δn(a12),p1],p1])+[[p1+a12,δn(p1)],p1]+[[p1+a12,p1],δn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[δi(p1+a12),δj(p1)],δk(p1)]=[[δn(a12),p1],p1]+[[a12,δn(p1)],p1]+[[a12,p1],δn(p1)]=δn(a12)p1p1δn(a12)p1p1δn(a12)p1+p1δn(a12)+a12δn(p1)p1a12δn(p1)+p1δn(p1)a12a12δn(p1)+δn(p1)a12.

On multiplying by p1 from the left and by p2 from the right in the above equation, we get 2(p1δn(p1)a12a12δn(p1)p2)=0. This gives that p1δn(p1)a12a12δn(p1)p2=0, that is, p1δn(p1)p1a12a12p2δn(p1)p2=0. It follows that p1δn(p1)p1+p2δn(p1)p2Z(A). By putting δn(a12)=s11+s12+s22, δn(p1)=t11+t12+t22 in (3.2), we get s11=0=s22 and so, we have piδn(a12)pi=0 for i{1,2}. Hence, δn(a12)=p1δn(a12)p2.

Now, define


where δp1δn(p1)p2 is the inner derivation determined by p1δn(p1)p2. Then, we have



fn([[x,y],z])=[[fn(x),y],z]+[[x,fn(y)],z]+[[x,y],fn(z)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(x),fj(y)],fk(z)]

for all x,y,zA with xy=p. Moreover, for any a12A12, by Claim 6, we have


Claim 7. fn(I)=p1fn(I)p1+p2fn(I)p2Z(A) and fn(p2)Z(A).

Since Ip1=p1, using induction hypothesis, we have

0=fn([[I,p1],p1])=[[fn(I),p1],p1]+[[I,fn(p1)],p1]+[[I,p1],fn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(I),fj(p1)],fk(p1)]=fn(I)p1p1fn(I)p1p1fn(I)p1+p1fn(I).

On multiplying by p1 and by p2 from the left and the right respectively, we get p1fn(I)p2=0. Hence, we find that fn(I)=p1fn(I)p1+p2fn(I)p2. For any a12A12, since (p1a12)(I+a12)=p1, using induction hypothesis, we have

fn(a12)=fn([[p1a12,I+a12],p1])=[[fn(p1)fn(a12),I+a12],p1]+[[p1a12,fn(I)+fn(a12)],p1]+[[p1a12,I+a12],fn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(p1a12),fj(I+a12)],fk(p1)]=fn(a12)p1a12fn(p1)p1p1fn(p1)a12+p1fn(a12)a12+a12fn(p1)+p1fn(I)p1+p1fn(a12)p1a12fn(I)p1f(I)p1p1fn(I)p1fn(a12)+a12fn(I)+p1fn(I)p1p1fn(I)a12+p1fn(a12)p1p1fn(a12)a12+a12fn(p1)fn(p1)a12.

Further, multiply by p1 from the left and by p2 from the right, we find that


This implies that fn(I)=p1fn(I)p1+p2fn(I)p2Z(A). Consequently, fn(p2)=fn(I)fn(p1)Z(A).

Claim 8. fn(Aii)AiiAjj. There exists an ℛ-linear map τni:AiiZ(A) such that fn(aii)τni(aii)Aii for all aiiAii,where i,j=1,2 and ij.

First we show the result for i=1. Suppose that a11 is invertible in A11, that is, there exists an element a111A11 such that a11a111=a111a11=p1. From a11a111=p1 and (a111+p2)a11=p1, by induction hypothesis, we have

0=fn([[a111,a11],p1])=[[fn(a111),a11],p1]+[[a111,fn(a11)],p1]+[[a111,a11],fn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a111),fj(a11)],fk(p1)],

and hence by Claim 7,

0=fn([[a111+p2,a11],p1])=[[fn(a111)+fn(p2),a11],p1]+[[a111+p2,fn(a11)],p1]+[[a111+p2,a11],fn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a111+p2),fj(a11)],fk(p1)]=[[p2,fn(a11)],p1]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(p2),fj(a11)],fk(p1)]=p2fn(a11)p1+p1fn(a11)p2.

This yields that p1(p2fn(a11)p1+p1fn(a11)p2)p2=0 and hence we find that p1fn(a11)p2=0. From this we get fn(a11)A11A22.

On the other hand if a11 is not invertible in A11, by the hypothesis (iii), there exists an integer t such that tp1-a11 is invertible in A11. It follows from the preceding case that fn(tp1a11)A11A22. Therefore, we have fn(a11)=tfn(p1)fn(tp1a11)A11A22. Similarly, we can prove that for i=2.

Now we can write fn(a11)=p1fn(a11)p1+p2fn(a11)p2. First, suppose that a11 is invertible in A11 with inverse element a111. Note that a11a111=p1 and (a111+a22)a11=p1, using induction hypothesis, we get

0=fn([[a111,a11],x])=[[fn(a111),a11],x]+[[a111,fn(a11)],x]+[[a111,a11],fn(x)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a111+a22),fj(a11)],fk(x)]

and hence

0=fn([[a111+a22,a11],x])=[[fn(a111)+fn(a22),a11],x]+[[a111+a22,fn(a11)],x]+[[a111+a22,a11],fn(x)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a111+a22),fj(a11)],fk(x)]=[[fn(a22),a11],x]+[[a22,fn(a11)],x]=[[fn(a11),a22]+[a11,fn(a22)],x].

Multiplying by p2 on both the sides, we get


This implies that [p2fn(a11)p2,a22]Z(A22). Hence by hypothesis (ii), we get p2fn(a11)p2Z(A22).

If a11 is not invertible in A11, by the hypothesis (iii), there exists an integer t such that (tp1a11) is invertible in A11. It follows from the preceding case that

0=fn([[a22,tp1a11],x])=[[fn(a22),tp1a11],x]+[[a22,tfn(p1)fn(a11)],x]+[[a22,tp1a11],fn(x)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a22),fj(tp1a11)],fk(x)]=[[fn(a22),a11],x][[a22,fn(a11)],x]++ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a22),fj(tp1a11)],fk(x)]=[[fn(a22),a11],x]+[[a22,fn(a11)],x]=[[fn(a11),a22]+[a11,fn(a22)],x].

Multiplying by p2 on both the sides, we get


This implies that [p2fn(a11)p2,a22]Z(A22). Hence by hypothesis (ii), we get p2fn(a11)p2Z(A22).

Define τn1:A11Z(A) by τn1(a11)=η(p2fn(a11)p2)p2fn(a11)p2, where η is the map defined in Lemma 1.1. Thus, we get


Since fn is ℛ-linear, one can verify that τn1 is ℛ-linear. Similarly, we can define ℛ-linear map τn2:A22Z(A) by τn2(a22)=p1fn(a22)p1η1(p1fn(a22)p1). Then


Now, for any x=a11+a12+a22A, we define two ℛ-linear maps τn:AZ(A) and dn:AA by τn(x)=τn1(a11)+τn2(a22)     and     dn(x)=fn(x)τn(x).

Then, dn(Aij)Aij   for  1ij2  and  dn(a12)=fn(a12).

Claim 9. dn(xy)= i+j=ndi(x)dj(y) for all x,yA.

Since fn & τn are ℛ-linear and dn(x)=fn(x)τn(x),dn is an ℛ-linear. It remains to show that dn(xy)= i+j=ndi(x)dj(y), for all x,yA.

We divide the proof into the following three Steps:

Step 1. If a11 is invertible in A11 with inverse element a111, then (a111+a111a12)a11=p1 for any a11A11, a12A12, we have

dn(a12)=dn([[a11,a111+a111a12],p1])=fn([[a11,a111+a111a12],p1])=[[fn(a11),a111+a111a12],p1]+[[a11,fn(a111)+fn(a111a12)],p1]+[[a11,a111+a111a12],fn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a11),fj(a111+a111a12)],fk(p1)].


0=[[fn(a11),a111],p1]+[[a11,fn(a111)],p1]+[[a11,a111],fn(p1)]+ i+j+k+=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(a11),fj(a111)],fk(p1)],

we find that

dn(a12)=[[fn(a11),a111a12],p1]+[[a11,fn(a111a12)],p1]+[[a11,a111a12],fn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0<i,j,k<n [[fi(a11),fj(a111a12)],fk(p1)]=[[fn(a11),a111a12],p1]+[[a11,fn(a111a12)],p1]+ i+j=n 0<i,j<n [[fi(a11),fj(a111a12)],p1]=[[dn(a11)+τn(a11),a111a12],p1]+[[a11,dn(a111a12)+τn(a111a12)],p1]+ i+j=n 0<i,j<n [[di(a11)+τi(a11),dj(a111a12)+τj(a111a12)],p1]=[[dn(a11),a111a12],p1]+[[a11,dn(a111a12)],p1]+ i+j=n 0<i,j<n [[di(a11),dj(a111a12)],p1] =[[dn(a11),a111a12],p1]+[[a11,dn(a111a12)],p1]di(a11)dj(a111a12)=dn(a11)a111a12a11dn(a111a12) i+j=n 0<i,j<n di(a11)dj(a111a12)= i+j=ndi(a11)dj(a111a12).

Hence, dn(a12)= i+j=ndi(a11)dj(a111a12). Replacing a12 by a11a12, we arrive at

dn(a11a12)= i+j=ndi(a11)dj(a12).

For any a11A11, let tp1a11 be invertible in $\mathfrak{A}_{11}$. Then

dn((tp1a11)a12)= i+j=ndi(tp1a11)dj(a12).

Since dn(p1a12)= i+j=ndi(p1)dj(a12), we have dn(a11a12)= i+j=ndi(a11)dj(a12).

Step 2. Let a12A12 and a22A22. Observe that (p1+a12)(p1+a22a12a22)=p1 and (p1+a22a12a22)(p1+a12)=p1+a12. Since fn(p1)Z(A), we have

dn(a12)=dn([[p1+a22a12a22,p1+a12],p1])=fn([[p1+a22a12a22,p1+a12],p1])=[[fn(p1)+fn(a22)fn(a12a22),p1+a12],p1]+[[p1+a22a12a22,fn(p1)+fn(a12)],p1]+[[p1+a22a12a22,p1+a12],fn(p1)]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(p1+a22a12a22),fj(p1+a12)],fk(p1)]=[[fn(a22)fn(a12a22),p1+a12],p1]+[[p1+a22a12a22,fn(a12)],p1]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[fi(p1+a22a12a22),fj(p1+a12)],fk(p1)]=[[dn(a22)dn(a12a22),p1+a12],p1]+[[p1+a22a12a22,dn(a12)],p1]+ i+j+k=n 0i,j,k<n [[di(p1+a22a12a22),dj(p1+a12)],dk(p1)]  =[[dn(a22)dn(a12a22),p1+a12],p1]+[[p1+a22a12a22,dn(a12)],p1]+ i+j=n 0<i,j<n di(a12)dj(a22)=dn(a12a22)+a12dn(a22)dn(a12)+dn(a12)a22+ i+j=n 0<i,j<n di(a12)dj(a22)

Thus, dn(a12a22)= i+j=ndi(a12)dj(a22) for any a12A12,a22A22.

Using the same approach as used in the proof of Claim 13 of Theorem 2.1, we find that

Step 3. For any a11,b11A11 and a22,b22A22,

  • (i) dn(a11b11)= i+j=ndi(a11)dj(b11),

  • (ii) dn(a22b22)= i+j=ndi(a22)dj(b22).

Step 4. dn(xy)= i+j=ndi(x)dj(y) for all x,yA.

Claim 10. τn vanishes at second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=p for all x,y,zA.

Since xy=p, we find that


for all x,y,zA. The proof is now complete.

As an application of Theorems 2.1 & 3.1, we consider the nest algebra case. We know that every nontrivial nest algebra is a triangular algebra (see [11]), which satisfies the conditions of Theorems 2.1 & 3.1 and hence we have the following results.

Theorem 4.1.

Let 𝒩 be an arbitrary nontrivial nest on a Hilbert space T of dimension greater than 2, Alg𝒩 be the associated nest algebra. If Δ={δn}n is a sequence of ℛ-linear maps δn:AlgNAlgN satisfying δn[[x,y],z]= i+j+k=n[[δi(x),δj(y)],δk(z)] for all x,y,zAlgN with xy=0. Then for each n, δn(x)=hn(x)+τn(x)  for all  xAlgN; where H={hn}n is an inner higher derivation on AlgN and τn:AlgNFI (where FI is the center of AlgN) is an R-linear map vanishing at the second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=0.

Proof. Since N is nontrivial nest, the associated nest algebra is a triangular algebra which satisfies the conditions of Theorem 2.1. Then there exists a higher derivation D={dn}n of AlgN and a linear map τn:AlgNFI vanishing at the second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=0 such that for each n, δn(x)=dn(x)+τn(x)  for all  xAlgN. Since every higher derivation on AlgN is inner (see [10, 21]), there is an inner higher derivation H={hn}n on AlgN. This implies that for each n δn(x)=hn(x)+τn(x)  for all  xAlgN.

Theorem 4.2.

Let 𝒩 be a nontrivial nest on a Hilbert space T of dimension greater than 2, Alg𝒩 be the associated nest algebra and p be a nontrivial projection in 𝒩. If Δ={δn}n is a sequence of ℛ-linear maps δn:AlgNAlgN satisfying δn[[x,y],z]= i+j+k=n[[δi(x),δj(y)],δk(z)] for all x,y,zAlgN with xy=p. Then for each n, δn(x)=hn(x)+τn(x)  for all  xAlgN; where H={hn}n is an inner higher derivation on AlgN and τn:AlgNFI (where FI is the center of AlgN) is an R-linear map vanishing at the second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=p.

Proof. Let A11=pAlgNp, A22=(Ip)AlgN(Ip) and A12=pAlgN(Ip). Then A11 and A22 are unital algebras with unit element p and I-p respectively and AlgN=Tri(A11,A12,A22) is a triangular algebra. Also AlgN satisfies the conditions of Theorem 3.1, then there exists a higher derivation D={dn}n of AlgN and a linear map τn:AlgNFI vanishing at the second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=p such that for each n, δn(x)=dn(x)+τn(x)  for all  xAlgN. Since every higher derivation on AlgN is inner (see [10, 21]) there exists an inner higher derivation H={hn}n on AlgN such that for each n, δn(x)=hn(x)+τn(x)  for all  xAlgN.

If Hilbert space T is finite dimensional, then nest algebras are upper block triangular matrices algebras [7].

Theorem 4.3.

Let Bn(R) be a proper block upper triangular matrix algebra over a commutative ring ℛ. If Δ={δn}n is a sequence of ℛ-linear maps δn:Bn(R)Bn(R) satisfying δn([[x,y],z])= i+j+k=n[[δi(x),δj(y)],δk(z)] for all x,y,zBn(R) with xy=0 (resp. xy=p, p be a nontrivial projection in Bn(R)). Then for each n, δn(x)=hn(x)+τn(x)  for all  xBn(R); where H={hn}n is an inner higher derivation on Bn(R) and τn:Bn(R)FI (where FI is the center of Bn(R)) is an ℛ-linear map vanishing at the second commutator [[x,y],z] with xy=0 (resp. xy=p).

Proof. It can be easily seen that conditions of Theorems 2.1 & 3.1 hold for block upper triangular matrix algebra and from [21, Proposition 2.6] all higher derivations of Bn(R) are inner. Hence δn is the sum of an inner higher derivation hn:Bn(R)Bn(R) and a functional τn:Bn(R)FI that vanishes on all second commutators of Bn(R).

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