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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2018; 58(3): 547-557

Published online September 30, 2018 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2018.58.3.547

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Elliptic Linear Weingarten Surfaces

Young Ho Kim

Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
e-mail : yhkim@knu.ac.kr

Received: May 10, 2018; Accepted: May 25, 2018

We establish some characterizations of isoparametric surfaces in the three-dimensional Euclidean space, which are associated with the Laplacian operator defined by the so-called II-metric on surfaces with non-degenerate second fundamental form and the elliptic linear Weingarten metric on surfaces in the three-dimensional Euclidean space. We also study a Ricci soliton associated with the elliptic linear Weingarten metric.

Keywords: elliptic linear Weingarten metric, finite-type immersion, Gauss map, isoparametric surface, Ricci soliton.

Surfaces in the Euclidean 3-space E3 with constant mean curvature H which are often called H-surfaces and those with constant Gauss curvature K are called K-surfaces.

As Bonnet pointed out that K-surfaces and H-surfaces are big classes hard to classify, the so-called Weingarten condition is considered. We call a surface S in E3linear Weingarten if a linear combination of the mean curvature H and the Gauss curvature K is a constant, i.e.,


for some real numbers a, b and c which are not all zero. If a2 + bc > 0, the local graph of the surface satisfies the elliptic condition for differential equation relative to the principal curvatures [3, 4, 5].

On the other hand, the eigenvalue problem of an isometric immersion x: MEm of a Riemannian manifold M into a Euclidean space Em is a nice tool to determine a geometric character for a sphere, i.e., if Δx = kx is satisfied for a non-zero real number k, then M is part of a sphere [6]. Generalizing this notion, B.-Y. Chen defined the notion of order and type for the immersion of M into Em. By definition, a finite-type immersion x: MEm of a submanifold M into a Euclidean space Em means x is decomposed as a finite sum of the eigenvectors of the Laplace operator Δ of M in the following


where x0 is a constant vector and x1, …, xk are non-constant vectors satisfying Δxi = λixi, i = 1, 2, …, k. In particular, if all of λ1, …, λk are different, it is called k-type or the submanifold M is said to be of k-type (cf. [1, 2]). Thus, if a submanifold M of Em is 1-type, then its immersion x satisfies


for some non-zero real number k and a constant vector C.

All surfaces under consideration is smooth and connected unless otherwise stated.

Let S be an oriented surface in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space E3 and x: SE3 an isometric immersion. Then a unit vector field N called the Gauss map is well-defined on S.

We now assume that the immersion x satisfies (1.1) with a2 + bc > 0. In this case, the surface S is called the elliptic linear Weingarten or shortly ELW surface. An ELW surface with b = 0 has constant mean curvature and that with a = 0 has constant Gauss curvature.

We put E1 = 〈xs, xs〉, F1 = 〈xs, xt〉, G1 = 〈xt, xt〉, E2 = 〈xss, N〉, F2 = 〈xst, N〉, and G2 = 〈xtt, N〉, where x = x(s, t) for some coordinate system (s, t) of S. We then have the first and second fundamental forms, respectively,


Then, similarly to Lemma 1 in [3], we have

Lemma 2.1

Let x: ME3be an ELW immersion of a surface S in E3satisfying (1.1). Then,


defines a Riemannian metric on M.

The Riemannian metric σ defined in Lemma 2.1 is called the ELW metric. Then we have the Gauss map η relative to the Riemannian metric σ, which is called the associated Gauss map.

Let (u, v) be the isothermal coordinates for σ. If we adopt the same notations by E1 = 〈xu, xu〉, F1 = 〈xu, xv〉, G1 = 〈xv, xv〉, E2 = 〈xuu, N〉, F2 = 〈xuv, N〉, and G2 = 〈xvv, N〉 as above relative to the isothermal coordinates (u, v), we have


for some positive function λ. Without loss of generality, we may assume that

a2+bc=1         and         c0

by taking the appropriate direction for the Gauss map if necessary. In particular, (2.3) shows that if b = 0, then we may assume that a = 1. In this case, the ELW metric σ is nothing but the first fundamental form I. The ELW metric σ is said to be non-trivial if b ≠ 0.

We then have the Laplacian Δσ with respect to the Riemannian metric σ by

Δσ=-1det σ(2u2+2v2)=-1λ(2u2+2v2).

If we compute λ2 by using (2.2), we have


from which,


Since 2aH + bK = c ≥ 0, we get


or, equivalently


Then, we get

Lemma 2.2

Let S be an ELW surface in E3satisfying (1.1) with a2 + bc = 1. Then, the associated Gauss map η and the Gauss map N are the same.

From the first and second fundamental forms I and II, we have the shape operator A of the form




As is given in [3], we have

Theorem 2.3

Let x: SE3be an ELW immersion satisfying (1.1) with a2+bc = 1. Then, we have


In this section, we characterize harmonic and bi-harmonic ELW surfaces in E3 with respect to the ELW metric σ.

Let S be an ELW surface with the metric σ defined by (2.1) satisfying a2+bc = 1.

Definition 3.1

An ELW surface S in E3 is said to be σ-harmonic or ELW harmonic if its immersion x satisfies Δσx = 0. It is said to be σ-biharmonic or ELW biharmonic if its immersion x satisfies (Δσ)2x = 0.

First of all, we prove

Theorem 3.2

Let S be an ELW surface in E3with the ELW metric σ. Then, S is σ-harmonic if and only if S is minimal or part of a plane.


Suppose that the ELW surface S is σ-harmonic. From (2.9), we have


If b = 0, then c = 0. From the Weingarten condition (1.1) between the mean curvature H and Gauss curvature K, we see that H = 0, i.e., S is minimal.

If b ≠ 0, (3.1) gives K = −c/b. Thus, the mean curvature is given by H = c/a. Since H2K ≥ 0, c/b ≥ 0 and hence the Gauss curvature K ≤ 0. In this case, if c = 0, S is part of a plane. If c ≠ 0, the Gauss curvature satisfies K < 0. Since the mean curvature H and the Gauss curvature K are constant, S is part of an isoparametric surface in E3 which is one of a plane, a sphere or a circular cylinder. Thus, this case cannot occur.

Conversely, suppose that the ELW surface S is minimal. Then, (2.3) gives bK = c. If b = 0, we get automatically c = 0 and (2.9) shows that S is σ-harmonic.

We now suppose b ≠ 0. Then, the Gauss curvature K is given by K = c/b. In this case, if c = 0, S is totally geodesic. In case of c > 0, there exists no possible isoparmetric surface with H = 0 and K ≠ 0 in E3.

If S is totally geodesic, (1.1) shows that the ELW surface S is σ-harmonic.

We now compute (Δσ)2x. From (2.9), we get


Using Lemma 2.2 with (2.6)–(2.8) and (2.9), we obtain


We now prove

Theorem 3.3

Let S be an ELW surface in E3with the ELW metric σ. Then, if S is σ-biharmonic, then S is part of either a minimal surface or an isoparametric surface in E3, i.e., S is part of a sphere, a plane or a circular cylinder. Conversely, if we take appropriate real numbers a, b and c, then a sphere, a plane or a minimal surface is σ-biharmonic.


Suppose that the ELW surface S is σ-biharmonic. Then, from (3.3), we get

bΔσK+2(c+bK)(aK-cH)=0,b(A11A12A21A22)   (KuKv)=(00)

Case 1: b ≠ 0.

Suppose the open subset M0 = {pS|K(p) ≠ 0} of S is not empty. Let U be a component of M0. It follows from (3.5) that the Gauss curvature K is non-zero constant on U. Together with (3.4), the mean curvature H is constant. Thus, U is contained in a plane, a circular cylinder or a sphere. Since the Gauss curvature K is non-zero, U is part of a sphere. By continuity, U is the whole surface S.

Suppose K is vanishing, i.e., S is flat. By the condition of (1.1), we get 2aH = c. Since a2 + bc = 1, a cannot be zero.

If c = 0, H = 0 and thus the surface S is part of a plane.

In case of c ≠ 0, the only possible case for the surface S as an isoparametric surface in E3 is contained in a circular cylinder.

Case 2: b = 0.

(3.3) implies


If c = 0, the ELW condition gives the mean curvature H is vanishing.

Suppose c ≠ 0. Then, H = c/2 and K = c2/2. However, this case cannot occur because H2K ≥ 0.

Conversely, it is easy to show that if we take appropriate real numbers a, b and c, a minimal surface, a plane or a sphere is σ-biharmonic.

Let S be a surface in E3 with non-degenerate second fundamental form via an isometric immersion x: SE3.

Let ∇̃be the Levi-Civita connection on E3 and ∇ the induced connection on S. Then, the Gauss and Codazzi equations of S in E3 are respectively given by


where A is the shape operator of S and X, Y and Z are the vector fields tangent to S.

Since A is non-degenerate, we can choose a coordinate patch x(u, v) on a neighborhood around p such that xu, xv are in the principal directions. Then, we have


with respect to the coordinate frame {xu, xv} so that the mean curvature and the Gaussian curvature are respectively given by H = (κ1 + κ2)/2 and K = κ1κ2. Define a symmetric tensor h by


for tangent vector fields X and Y to S.

Since h is non-degenerate, h is regarded as a non-degenerate metric on M, which is called the II-metric with representation given by


On the other hand, it is easy to derive


Without loss of generality, we may regard as κ1 > 0. We put


for some positive functions a and b, where ɛ = ±1 depending upon the signature of h22. Then, we have the equations of Gauss


We then define the II-Laplace operator ΔII with respect to the metric h by

ΔII=-1|det h|{u(|det h|1a2u)+v(ɛ|det h|1b2v)}=-1ab{u(bau)+ɛv(abv)}.

If we put f = b/a, then (4.12) can be written as


Using (4.9), (4.10) and (4.11), we have

Lemma 4.1

Let M be a surface of S3(1) with non-degenerate second fundamental form. Then, we have


We then have immediately from Lemma 4.1

Proposition 4.2

There do not exist II-harmonic surfaces of S3(1) with non-degenerate second fundamental form satisfying ΔIIx = 0.

Suppose that the surface S satisfies ΔIIx = kx+C for some real number k ≠ 0 and a constant vector C, that is, S is of 1-type with respect to II-metric. From equation (4.14), we see that kx + C is in the normal direction, i.e., kx + C = ρN for some function ρ. It follows that


from which, we get


and ρ is a constant. Thus, the surface S is part of a sphere.

Conversely, suppose that the surface S is part of sphere with radius r. Without loss of generality, we may assume that the center of S is the origin. It is straightforward to compute


Therefore, S is of 1-type with respect to II-metric. Therefore, we have

Theorem 4.3

Let S be a surface of E3with non-degenerate fundamental form. Then, S is of 1-type with respect to II-metric if and only if S is part of a sphere.

In this section, we discuss about the geometric meaning of the Gauss curvature Kσ on the ELW surface M defined by the Riemannian metric σ. We call Kσ the ELW-Gauss curvature. Let ∇σ be the Levi-Civita connection compatible with the Riemannian metric σ on M.

By straightforward computation, we have the following

Lemma 5.1

Let M be an ELW surface with the metric σ. Then, the Christoffel symbolsΓ¯jihare given by


Making use of Lemma 5.1, we have the ELW-Gauss curvature Kσ


where Rσ is the curvature tensor defined by ∇σ and we have put


for tangent vector field X, Y, Z, W on M.

We now consider the non-trivial ELW metric σ with a constant λ, i.e., S satisfies a2 + bc = 1 with b ≠ 0.

Theorem 5.2

Let S be a non-trivial ELW surface of E3with the ELW metric σ. Then, S is flat if and only if λ is constant.


Suppose that the surface S is non-trivial ELW and flat. Then,


Since S is ELW, the mean curvature H is constant and thus S is part of a plane or a circular cylinder.

If S is part of plane, the metric σ is nothing but σ = aI and λ = aE1. We may take an isothermal coordinate system so that E1 = G1 are constant and hence λ is constant.

If S is part of a circular cylinder, the second fundamental form is given by


for some non-zero constant k. Thus, we have λ = aE1 = (a+bk)G1 and F1 = 0, from which, we get k = c/a and λ = G1/a. In this case, we also can take an isothermal coordinate system so that E1 and G1 are constant and hence λ is constant.

Conversely, suppose that λ is constant. Then, we get


By using the relationships aE1 + bE2 = λ and aF1 + bF2 = 0, we have


Multiplying the last two equation with a, we obtain


Therefore, the Gauss curvature K is constant. Since S is ELW, the mean curvature is also constant. Thus, S is part of a plane, a circular cylinder or a sphere.

Suppose that S is a part of a sphere. Then, S is totally umbilic and thus its second fundamental form II is given by


for some non-zero constant k. Therefore, the function λ is represented by λ = (a + bk)E1 = (a + bk)G1 and E1 = G1 is constant. It follows that the Gauss curvature K vanishes, which is a contradiction.

Hence, the ELW surface S is flat.

Corollary 5.3

Let S be a non-trivial ELW surface with the ELW metric σ. If S is flat, the ELW-Gauss curvature Kσ of S vanishes.

A complete Riemannian manifold (M, g) is a Ricci soliton if there exists a smooth function f on M satisfying


for some constant ρ, where ∇2 is the Hessian defined by (∇2f)(X, Y) = ∇XYf − (∇XY)f for vector fields X, Y on M. In this case, f is called a potential function of the Ricci soliton. The Ricci soliton is called steady if ρ = 0, shrinking if ρ > 0 and expanding if ρ < 0. If f is constant, (M, g) is Einstein. Thus, a Ricci soliton is a natural extension of Einstein manifolds.

Let (S, σ) be a Ricci soliton and ELW surface in E3 with λ as a potential function, i.e., M satisfies


for a constant ρ, where Ricσ is the Ricci tensor associated with the metric σ and ∇σ is the Levi-Civita connection on S compatible with σ. The Ricci tensor is given by


where e1, e2 are orthonormal frame along S with respect to the metric σ and Rσ is the curvature tensor defined by (5.4).

Let x: SE3 be an immersion of a Ricci soliton and ELW surface S into E3 with the isothermal coordinate system (u, v) with respect to σ. Then, we have a natural orthonormal frame e1 = xu/λ and e2 = xv/λ. Using (6.2), we get


Therefore, equation (6.1) gives


from which, we get

λu=Φ(u)λ         and         λv=Ψ(v)λ

for some non-zero functions Φ = Φ(u) and Ψ = Ψ(v). Therefore, we have


Suppose λu ≠ 0 on an open subset U on S. Then, λu = λv and the functions Φ and Ψ are constant on U. Thus, on U, λv = λu = λC for some non-zero constant C. It follows u = v, which is a contradiction. Hence, λu = 0 on S. Similarly, we can have λv = 0 on S. Thus, λ is a constant. According to Corollary 5.3, S is flat and its ELW Gauss curvature Kσ is also vanishing.

Conversely, if the function λ is constant, it is trivial that S is a Ricci soliton satisfying (6.1).

Thus, we have

Theorem 6.1

Let S be an ELW surface in E3with the ELW metric σ. Then, S is a Ricci soliton with respect to σ with λ as a potential function if and only if S is part of a plane or a circular cylinder.

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