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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2024; 64(3): 395-405

Published online September 30, 2024 https://doi.org/10.5666/KMJ.2024.64.3.395

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

The Exponential Representations of Pell and Its Generalized Matrix Sequences

Sukran Uygun

Department of Mathematics, Science and Art Faculty, Gaziantep University, Campus, 27310, Gaziantep, Turkey
e-mail : suygun@gantep.edu.tr

Received: June 10, 2023; Revised: March 13, 2024; Accepted: April 1, 2024

In this paper we define a matrix sequence called the Pell matrix sequence whose elements consist of Pell numbers. Using a positive parameter k, we generalize the Pell matrix sequence to a k-Pell matrix sequence and using two parameters s, t we generalize them to (s, t)-Pell matrix sequences. We give the basic properties of these matrix sequences. Then, using these properties we obtain exponential representations of the Pell matrix sequence and its generalizations in different ways.

Keywords: Pell numbers, matrix sequences, generalized sequences, exponential matrices

Sequences of positive integers have long been studied and many special integer sequences are known to have applications in different areas of science. Many researchers devote their attention to special sequences, such a Pell, Pell-Lucas, and Modified Pell sequences, which satisfy a second-order recurrence relation. Horadam studied various properties of Pell numbers and Pell polynomials. Ercolano found generating matrices for Pell sequences. Many mathematicians have looked at generalizations of Pell sequences one gets by adding one or two parameters to the recursion relation but not altering the initial conditions. Identities and generalting functions for the k-Pell numbers were established in [3]. The authors of [2] investigated (s,t)-Pell and (s,t)-Pell-Lucas sequences and their matrix representations. In [4], (s,t)-Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers are studied using matrix methods. In [5], the exponential representations of the Jacobsthal matrix sequences were found. In this paper we give the definitions of Pell sequence and its parametrized generalizations. Using the elements of the sequence, we establish matrix sequences for the integer sequences. We demonstrate the exponential matrices for the Pell matrix sequence and its generalizations by various methods.

As seen [1, 6], the recurrence relation with initial conditions for the Pell sequence is given as

pn=2pn-1+pn-2,p0=0 and p1=1, n2.

The characteristic equation for the recurrence relation of the Pell sequence is


with roots r1=1+2 and r2=1-2. It is easily seen that r1+r2=2,r1r2=-1 and r1-r2=22. The Binet formula for showing Pell numbers as a function of the roots r1, r2 is established as


The sequence can be generalized using one parameter k, which is any positive integer. The k-Pell sequence pk,nnN in [3] is demonstrated by

pk,n=2pk,n-1+kpk,n-2,pk,0=0 and pk,1=1,n2.

It has the characteristic equation


with roots

rk,1=1+1+k and rk,2=1-1+k.

So, the following properties are established

rk,1rk,2=-k, rk,1+rk,2=2, rk,1-rk,2=21+k.

The Binet formula for the k-Pell sequence with roots rk,1 and rk,2 is given by


As established in [4, 5], the two-parameter Pell sequence (s,t) -Pell sequence pn(s,t)nN is obtained by the following recurrence relation


where s,t are real numbers such that s>0,t0 and s2+t>0. The characteristic equation of this recurrence relation is


with roots r1(s,t)=s+s2+t and r2(s,t)=s-s2+t. The roots satisfy the relations:

r1(s,t)r2(s,t)=-t, r1(s,t)+r2(s,t)=2s , r1(s,t)- r2(s,t)=2s2+t.

The Binet formula for (s,t)-Pell numbers with the roots r1(s,t), r2(s,t) is given by

pns,t= r1n(s,t)- r2n(s,t) r1(s,t)- r2(s,t).

The Pell matrix sequence PnnN is defined in [2] by the recurrence relation

Pn+1=2Pn+Pn-1, P0=1001,P1=2110.

The elements of Pell matrix sequence are the elements of Pell sequence such that


The k-Pell matrix sequence Pk,nnN is established by

Pk,n+1=2Pk,n+kPk,n-1,Pk,0=1001, Pk,1=21k0.

The elements of k-Pell matrix sequence are the elements of k-Pell sequence such that


The s,t-Pell matrix sequence Pn(s,t)nN is defined in [4, 5] by


The elements of (s,t)-Pell matrix sequence are the elements of (s,t)-Pell sequence such that


Lemma 2.1. Assume s,t are real numbers such that s,t>0,t0, n1 an integer, k any positive integer, the following identities hold:

Pn=P1n, Pk,n=Pk,1n, Pns,t=P1ns,t.

Proof. The proof is made by induction method. We want to prove the last equality that Pns,t=P1ns,t. For n=1, it is easily seen that the assumption is true. Assume that Pks,t=P1ks,t is true for kn. We want to seek for the assumption is valid for k=n+1:

P1n+1s,t=P1ns,tP1s,t=Pns,tP1s,t =pn+1s,tpns,ttpns,ttpn-1s,t2s1t0 =2spn+1s,t+tpns,tpn+1s,ttpn+1s,ttpns,t =Pn+1s,t.

If we choose s=t=1 in this equality, we get the first equality.

Similarly, If we choose s=1, t=k, we get the second equality.

Lemma 2.2. Assume s,t are real numbers such that s,t>0,t0 and n1 an integer, k any positive integer, the following identities hold:

Pm+n=PmPn, Pk,m+n=Pk,mPk,n, Pm+ns,t=Pms,tPns,t.

Proof. The proof is made by induction method. We want to prove the second equality that Pk,m+n=Pk,mPk,n. For n=0, it is easily seen that the assumption is true. Assume that Pk,m+i=Pk,mPk,i is true for in. We want to seek for the assumption is valid for i=n+1:

Pk,m+n+1=2Pk,m+n+kPk,m+n-1=2Pk,mPk,n+kPk,mPk,n-1 =Pk,m(2Pk,n+kPk,n-1)=Pk,mPk,n+1.

The other proofs are made by using the same procedure.

In this section, we want to present the exponential representations of the nth element of Pell matrix sequence and the nth element of generalized Pell matrix sequences. If a function f(z) of a complex variable z has a Maclaurin series expansion f(z)=k=0akzk which converges for zR, then the matrix series k=0akAk converges, provided A is square and each of its eigenvalues has absolute value less than R. In such a case, f(A) is defined as f(A)=k=0akAk .

Theorem 3.1. For any integer n0, the exponential representation of the nth element of (s,t)-Pell matrix sequence is in the following form:


where I2 is the identity matrix and pn(s,t) is defined in [4]. The theorem gives us the opportunity finding the exponential representations of the nth element of (s,t)-Pell matrix sequence using the nth power of first element of (s,t)-Pell matrix sequence. Similarly, the exponential representation of the nth element of k-Pell matrix sequence is


and the exponential representation of the nth element of the Pell matrix sequence is


Proof. The eigenvalues of P1(s,t)=2st10 are r1(s,t)=s+s2+t and r2(s,t)=s-s2+t. By Lemma 2.1, we know that Pns,t=P1ns,t. Therefore, the eigenvalues of Pn(s,t) are r1n(s,t)=s+s2+tn and r2n(s,t)=s-s2+tn. By the equality ePn(s,t)=a1Pn(s,t)+a0I2, we get


By these equations, the values of a0, a1 arefound. If we substitute the values of a0, a1, it is obtained that


Applying the Maclaurin series expansion of expx and (1.4), (1.5), we obtain the following:




If the results are combined

ePn(s,t)=r1n(s,t)er2n(s,t)-r2n(s,t)er1n(s,t)r1n(s,t)-r2n(s,t)I2+er1n(s,t)-er2n(s,t)r1n(s,t)-r2n(s,t)Pn(s,t) =(-t)nk=0r2nk-n(s,t)1k!-(-t)nk=0r1nk-n(s,t)1k!I2/r1n(s,t)-r2n(s,t) +k=0pnk(s,t)pn(s,t)k!Pn(s,t) =-(-t)nk=0pnk-n(s,t)pn(s,t)k!I2+k=0pnk(s,t)pn(s,t)k!P1n(s,t).

If we choose s=t=1, we can apply this result for classic Pell matrix sequence defined in (2.1). The eigenvalues of P1=2110 matrix are r1=1+2 and r2=1-2. By r1r2=-1

ePn=r1ner2n-r2ner1nr1n-r2nI2+er1n-er2nr1n-r2nPn =k=0pnkpnk!P1n-(-1)nk=0pnk-npnk!I2

where Pn is the nth element of the classic Pell matrix sequence.

If we choose s=1, t=k, we can apply this result for k-Pell matrix sequence defined in (2.2). The eigenvalues of Pk,1=21k0 matrix are 1+1+k and 1-1+k. By Lemma 2.1, the eigenvalues of Pk,n matrix as rk,1n =1+1+knand rk,2n=1-1+kn. By the Binet formula for Pk,n and rk,1rk,2=-k

ePk,n=rk,1nerk,2n-rk,2nerk,1nrk,1n-rk,2nI2+erk,1n-erk,2nrk,1n-rk,2nPk,n =(-k)ni=0rk,2ni-n1i!-(-k)ni=0rk,1ni-n1i!I2/rk,1n-rk,2n+i=0pk,nipk,ni!Pk,n =-(-k)ni=0pk,ni-npk,ni!I2+i=0pk,nipk,ni!Pk,1n

where Pk,n is the nth element of the k-Pell matrix sequence.

The following theorem shows us a second way for expressing the exponential representation of the nth element of (s,t)-Pell matrix sequence.

Theorem 3.2. For any integer n0, the exponential representation of the nth element of (s,t)-Pell matrix sequence is in the following form:


where U is an invertible matrix and


This result has more advantage for finding the exponential representations of the nth element of (s,t)-Pell matrix sequence. Because we only need the elements of the sequence (pn(s,t)).

Proof. Because of the eigenvalues of Pn(s,t) are r1(s,t)n and r2(s,t)n, there is an invertible U matrix such that


Therefore, the exponential form is


Then, we obtain

er1(s,t)n00er2(s,t)n=r1(s,t)er2(s,t)n-r2(s,t)er1(s,t)nr1(s,t)-r2(s,t)I2 +er2(s,t)n-er1(s,t)nr1(s,t)-r2(s,t)r1(s,t)00r2(s,t) =i=0(-t)r2ni-1(s,t)-r1ni-1(s,t)r1(s,t)-r2(s,t)1i!I2 +i=0r2ni(s,t)-r1ni(s,t)r1(s,t)-r2(s,t)1i!r1(s,t)00r2(s,t) =i=0tpni-1(s,t)i!I2-i=0pni(s,t)i!r1(s,t)00r2(s,t).

If we choose s=t=1, we can apply this result for classic Pell matrix sequence as



er1n00er2n=r1er2n-r2er1nr1-r2I2+er1n-er2nr1-r2r100r2 =i=0r1ni-1-r2ni-1r1-r21i!I2+i=0r1ni-r2nir1-r21i!r100r2 =i=0pni-1i!I2+i=0pnii!r100r2.

If we choose s=1, t=k, we can apply this result for k-Pell matrix sequence. The eigenvalues of matrix are 1+1+k and 1-1+k. By Lemma 2.1, the eigenvalues of Pk,n matrix as rk,1n =1+1+kn and rk,2n=1-1+kn.By the Binet formula for Pk,n and rk,1rk,2=-k, we get



erk,1n00erk,2n=rk,1erk,2n-rk,2erk,1nrk,1-rk,2I2+erk,1n-erk,2nrk,1-rk,2rk,100rk,2 =i=0krk,1ni-1-rk,2ni-1rk,1-rk,21i!I2+i=0rk,1ni-rk,2nirk,1-rk,21i!rk,100rk,2 =ki=0pk,ni-1i!I2+i=0pk,nii!1+1+k001-1+k.

Theorem 3.3. For n0, the exponential representation of the (2n)th element of Pell matrix sequence is given in the following form:


Proof. By using Lemma 2.2, there is an invertible U matrix such that


By using the properties of the exponential matrix, we have


We also obtain




By combining the results, the proof is completed.

Exponential representation of (2n)th k-Pell and (s,t)-Pell matrix sequences can be obtained by using the same procedure. We give the results as


Theorem 3.4. For n0, the exponential representation of the (2n)th element of (s,t)-Pell matrix sequence is computed in the following form:


Proof. The eigenvalues of P1(s,t) are r1(s,t)=s+s2+t and r2(s,t)=s-s2+t. The eigenvalues of P2n(s,t) are r12n(s,t)=s+s2+t2n and r22n(s,t)=s-s2+t2n. By the equality eP2n(s,t)=a1P2n(s,t)+a0I2, we get


By these equations, the values of a0, a1 arefound. If we substitute the values of a0, a1, it is obtained that

eP2n(s,t)=r12n(s,t)er22n(s,t)-r22n(s,t)er12n(s,t)r12n(s,t)-r22n(s,t)I2 +er12n(s,t)-er22n(s,t)r12n(s,t)-r22n(s,t)P2n(s,t) =k=01k!r22nk-2n(s,t)-r1nk-n(s,t)I2r12n(s,t)-r22n(s,t) +k=0p2nk(s,t)p2n(s,t)k!P2n(s,t) =-t2nk=0p2nk-2n(s,t)p2n(s,t)k!I2+k=0p2nk(s,t)p2n(s,t)k!P12n(s,t)

If we choose s=t=1, we can apply this result for the classic Pell matrix sequence


If we choose s=1, t=k, we can apply this result for k-Pell matrix sequence


The exponential representations of the Pell matrix sequence and its generalized matrix sequences are investigated in this study. The elements of the sequences are 2×2 matrices. This study can be extended to 3×3 matrices. The other special integer sequences can also be used for finding exponential representations of them.

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