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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2023; 63(1): 131-139

Published online March 31, 2023

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Evaluation Subgroups of Mapping Spaces over Grassmann Manifolds

Abdelhadi Zaim

Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco
e-mail : abdelhadi.zaim@gmail.com

Received: November 13, 2021; Revised: May 9, 2022; Accepted: May 9, 2022

Let Vk,n denote the complex Steifel and Grk,n the Grassmann manifolds for 1k<n. In this paper, we compute, in terms of the Sullivan minimal models, the evaluation subgroups and, more generally, the relative evaluation subgroups of the fibration p:Vk,k+nGrk,k+n. In particular, we prove that GGrk,k+n,Vk,k+n;p is isomorphic to GrelGrk,k+n,Vk,k+n;pGVk,k+n.

Keywords: Rational homotopy theory, Sullivan minimal model, Gottlieb groups, evaluation subgroups, G-sequence, derivation

A basic object of study in homotopy theory is the Gottlieb groups. They are very interesting homotopy invariants but their calculations in general are difficult. As is well known, rational homotopy theory provides a natural framework to study these groups, where topological spaces are replaced by commutative differential graded algebras and topological fibrations replaced by algebraic fibrations.

For a CW-complex X, an element απnX is a Gottlieb element if there is a

continuous map H:Sn×XX such that the following diagram commutes:

where h:SnX is a representative map of α and is the folding map. Moreover, the set of all Gottlieb elements in πnX is a subgroup of πnX denoted by GnX and is called the n-th Gottlieb group of X or the n-th evaluation subgroup of πnX. Alternately, GnX is the image of the map induced on homotopy groups by the evaluation map, ev:aut1XX, where aut1X denotes the monoid of self-homotopy equivalences of X [3].

Similarly, if p:XY is a based map of simply connected CW-complexes and map(X,Y;p), the space of maps from X to Y which are homotopic to p, then the n-th evaluation subgroup of p, also called the n-th generalized evaluation subgroup, is defined in [9] by:


The n-th evaluation subgroup GnX occurs as the special case in which X=Y and p= IdX. The generalized evaluation subgroups play a well-known role in fixed point theory. In order to apply the generalized evaluation subgroups to fixed point theory, we need the computation of GnY,X;p which are proper subgroups of πnY and contain GnY properly. Unfortunately, there are not many explicit computations of GnY,X;p in literature.

In [10], K.Y. Lee and M.H. Woo introduced the n-th relative evaluation subgroup GnrelY,X;p, also called the n-th relative Gottlieb group, and showed that they fit in a sequence, called G-sequence, which is not necessarily exact:


The exactness of the G-sequence plays an important role in computing homotopy groups.

The complex Steifel and Grassmann form a very well-studied and interesting class of manifolds. They appear abundantly in geometry and topology. Here, we recall that, for 1k<n,


where Un is the unitary group [[2], Example 1.83 and Example 1.84]. There is a fibration UkiVk,k+npGrk,k+n for 1k<n.

In this paper, we use the notion of Sullivan minimal model and derivation to determine the rational evaluation subgroups and the rational relative evaluation subgroups of the fibration p:Vk,k+nGrk,k+n.

This section cannot provide and is not intended to give an introduction to the theory. We expect the reader to have gained a certain familiarity with necessary concepts for example from [1] or [2]. We merely recall some tools and aspects which play a larger role in the paper. All our spaces will be simply connected with the homotopy type of CW-complex with rational cohomology of finite type.

Definition 2.1. A commutative differential graded algebra (cdga) is a graded algebra A=i0Ai with a differential d:AiAi+1 such that d2=0, xy=1ijyx, and dxy=dxy+1ixdy for all xAi and yAj. A morphism f:(A,d)(B,d) of cdga's is called a quasi-isomorphism if H(f) is an isomorphism. a cdga (A,d) is called simply connected if H0(A)= and H1(A)=0.

A commutative graded algebra A is free if it is of the form


where Veven=i1V2i and Vodd=i0V2i+1. A Sullivan algebra is a cgda (ΛV,d), where V=i1Vi admits a homogeneous basis {xi}iI indexed by a well ordered set I such dxiΛ({xi})i<j. A Sullivan algebra is called minimal if dVΛ2V. If there is a quasi-isomorphism f:(ΛV,d)(A,d), where (ΛV,d) is a minimal Sullivan algebra, then we say that (ΛV,d) is a minimal Sullivan algebra of (A,d).

To a simply connected topological space X of finite type, Sullivan associates in a functorial way a cdga APL(X) of piecewise linear forms on X such that H(APL(X))H(X;) [8]. A Sullivan minimal model of X is a Sullivan minimal model of APL(X). Moreover, the rational homotopy type of X is completely determined by its Sullivan minimal model ΛV,d. In particular, there are isomorphisms

HΛV,dHX; as commutative graded algebras,    Vπ(X) as graded vector spaces.

A fibration p:XY of simply connected CW-complexes with fiber F has a Sullivan model which is an inclusion: ΛW,dΛWΛV,D of cdga in which ΛW,d is a Sullivan minimal model of Y and ΛWΛV,D is a Sullivan model (not necessarily minimal) of the total space X.

Definition 2.2. Let ϕ:ΛW,dWΛV,dV be a morphism of cdga's. Define a ϕ-derivation 𝜃 of degree n to be a linear map θ:ΛWΛV that reduces degree by n such that θxy=θxϕy+1nxϕxθy. When n=1 we require additionally that dVθ=θdW. Let DernΛW,ΛV;ϕ denote the vector space of ϕ-derivations of degree n for n>0. Define a linear map :DernΛW,ΛV;ϕDern1ΛW,ΛV;ϕ by θ=dVθ1θθdW.

Note that DerΛW,ΛV;ϕ, is a chain complex, where DerΛW,ΛV;ϕ=nDernΛW,ΛV;ϕ. In case ΛWΛV and ϕ=IdΛV, the chain complex of derivations DerΛV,ΛV;IdΛV is just the usual complex of derivations on the cdga ΛV which we denoted by DerΛV. There is an isomorphism of graded vector spaces


The detailed discussion of the following are in [4]. The post-composition with the augmentation ε:ΛV gives a chain complex map

ε:DerΛW,ΛV;ϕ DerΛW,;ε.

The n-th evaluation subgroup of ϕ is defined as follows:

GnΛW,ΛV;ϕ=ImHnε:HnDerΛW,ΛV;ϕHomnW, for n2.

Then wHomnW,(w is the dual of the basis element w of Wn) is in GnΛW,ΛV;ϕ if and only if w extends to a derivation 𝜃 of DernΛW,ΛV;ϕ such that θ=0.

In case ΛWΛV and ϕ=IdΛV, we get the Gottlieb group of ΛV,dV, defined as follows:

GnΛV=ImHnε:HnDerΛVHomnV, for n2.

In particular, if X is a finite CW-complex, then from [4] and [7] we have

GnY,X;pGnY,X;pGnΛW,ΛV;ϕ for n2.

We now recall the definition of the mapping cone of a chain map ϕ:AB.

Definition 2.3. Let ϕ:A,dAB,dB be a map of differential graded vector spaces. The mapping cone of ϕ denoted by Relϕ is defined as follows: Relnϕ=An1Bn with the differential δa,b=dAa,ϕa+dBb.

Further, define inclusion and projection maps J:BnRelnϕ by Jb=0,b and P:RelnϕAn1 by Pa,b=a. These yield a short exact sequence of chain complexes


This definition can be applied to the Sullivan model ϕ:ΛW,dWΛV,dV of the fibration p:XY.

Note that the pre-composition with ϕ give maps

ϕ:DerΛVDerΛW,ΛV;ϕandϕ^:  DerΛV,;ε DerΛW,;ε

where ε is the augmentation of either ΛV or ΛW. Following G. Lupton and S.B. Smith [4] (see also [11]), we consider the commutative diagram

On passing to homology and using the naturality of the mapping cone construction, we obtain the following homology ladder for n2.

The following definition is very useful to compute the relative evaluation subgroups of a map.

Definition 2.4. Suppose ϕ:ΛW,dWΛV,dV is a map of cdga's. We define the n-th relative evaluation subgroup of ϕ by:

GnrelΛW,ΛV;ϕ=ImHε,ε:HnRelϕHnRelϕ^ for n2.

We end this section by an overriding hypothesis. In general, we assume that all spaces appearing in the sequel are rational simply connected CW-complex and are of finite type.

Let Grk,n be the complex Grassmann manifold and Vk,n the complex Steifel manifold for 1k<n. There is a fibration UkiVk,k+npGrk,k+n. Hence for 1k<n, a Sullivan minimal model of p is given by


where ϕx2i=0 for i1,...,k and ϕy2j+1=z2j+1 for jn,...,n+k1. In this section, we use Sullivan minimal models to compute the evaluation subgroups and the relative evaluation subgroups of the fibration p:Vk,k+nGrk,k+n.

We begin by the following which we will use in the sequel.

Theorem 3.1. GVk,n=πVk,n for 1k<n.

Proof. First, we recall that an H-space X is a space with a multiplication μ:X×XX that is associative up to homotopy and admits a unit up to homotopy. Secondly, Since the complex Steifel manifold has the rational homotopy type of an H-space, then the multiplication µ provides a composition Sn×XX×XX giving GVk,n=πVk,n, as nedeed.

We note that Theorem 3.1 can also be proved from the Sullivan minimal model for Vk,n. We turn now to the evaluation subgroups of the fibration p.

Theorem 3.2. GGrk,k+n,Vk,k+n;p=πGrk,k+n for 1k<n.

Proof. Write the Sullivan minimal model for Vk,k+n [[2], Example 2.40] as


and the Sullivan minimal model for Grk,k+n [[6], Lemma 1] as


where dWx2i=0 for i1,...,k and dy2j+1Λ2x2,...,x2k for jn,...,n+k1. Here, in both Sullivan minimal models subscripts denoting degrees. Let us calculate GGrk,k+n,Vk,k+n;p as follows.

Let x2i,1 denote the derivation αi in Der2iΛW,ΛV;ϕ for i1,...,k such that αix2i=1 and zero on other generators. Further, let βj=y2j+1,1 in Der2j+1ΛW,ΛV;ϕ for jn,...,n+k1. Since dy2j+1Λ2x2,...,x2k, a direct computation shows that βj is a ∂-cycle in Der2j+1ΛW,ΛV;ϕ. Furthermore, a simple analysis on the differential prove that βj cannot bound. This means that, for jn,...,n+k1

[βj]0 in H2j+1(DerΛW,ΛV;ϕ).

Next, consider the derivation αi for i1,...,k. We see that

αie=dVαieαi(dWe) for eW    =0αi(dWe)

So, by the minimality of ΛW,dW and ϕx2i=0, we get αi(dWe)=0 and further (αi)=0. Otherwise, it is easy to check that αi cannot bound for i1,...,k. We omit this detail for clarity. Suppose that there is an odd derivation αi in DerΛW,ΛV;ϕ such that (αi)=αi. This means that in particular ((αi))(x2i)=αi(x2i) and hence 0=1. So, this is a contradiction. Hence, we have proved that αi are non zero homology class in H2iDerΛW,ΛV;ϕ for i1,...,k. Furthermore, since

εαi=x2i for i1,...,k and εβj=y2j+1 for jn,...,n+k1

We deduce that

GΛW,ΛV;ϕ=HomW,      =πGrk,k+n.

We now continue with the main result. We prove the following:

Theorem 3.3. Consider the fibration Vk,k+npGrk,k+n for 1k<n and φ:(ΛW,dW)(ΛV,dV) its Sullivan minimal model. Then

GrelΛW,ΛV;ϕ=0,x2i for i1,...,k.

Proof. First of all, recall that


where ϕx2i=0 for i1,...,k and ϕy2j+1=z2j+1 for jn,...,n+k1. As in the Proof of Theorem 3.3, we denote by αi=x2i,1 in Der2iΛW,ΛV;ϕ for i1,...,k,βj=y2j+1,1 in Der2j+1ΛW,ΛV;ϕ and θj=z2j+1,1 in Der2j+1ΛV for jn,...,n+k1. Thus, the map ϕ:DerΛVDerΛW,ΛV;ϕ is given on generators by

ϕθj=βj for jn,...,n+k1.

Further, in Relϕ, one gets

δθj,0=0,βj for jn,...,n+k1 and δ0,αi=0 for i1,...,k.

Therefore, by contradiction it is easy to show that 0,αi are non-bounding δ-cycles. Hence, we have for i1,...,k

0,αi0 in HRelϕ.

On other hand, we see that

Relϕ^=Der1ΛV,;ε DerΛW,;ε.

Moreover for degree reason, it is spanned by

0,x2i,0,y2j+1,z2j+1,0 for i1,...,k and jn,...,n+k1.

However, in Relϕ^, one gets

δ^z2j+1,0=0,y2j+1 and δ^0,x2i=0.

Therefore, 0,x2i are cycles, which are not boundaries. Combining all the above, we obtain for i1,...,k


It follows that

GrelΛW,ΛV;ϕ=0,x2i for i1,...,k.

By Theorem 3.1, Theorem 3.2, Theorem 3.3 and the sequence (1.1), we have the exactness of the G-sequence for jn,...,n+k1


and for i1,...,k


Remark 3.4. Since V1,n=S2n1 and Gr1,n=P2n1 [2]. Then, our results motivated us to extend (up to changing degree) the O. Maphane results [9].

To will illustrate Theorem 3.3, we propose the following example.

Example 3.5. Consider the fibration V2,5pGr2,5. The Sullivan minimal model of Gr2,5 is given by Λx2,x4,y7,y9,d where dx2=dx4=0,dy7=x423x22x4+x24 and dy9=4x23x43x2x42x25. Hence a Sullivan minimal model of p, which we denote by


is given on generators by ϕx2=0=ϕx4,ϕy7=z7 and ϕy9=z9.

Let α2=x2,1,α4=x4,1,β7=y7,1,β9=y9,1 in DerΛW,ΛV;ϕ, and θ7=z7,1 and θ9=z9,1 in DerΛV. Hence, we have

ϕθ7=β7 and ϕθ9=β9.

Then, a short computation shows that δ0,α2=0=δ0,α4,δθ7,0=0,β7 and δθ9,0=0,β9. It follows that 0,α2 and 0,α4 are non zero homology classes in HRelϕ. Moreover, since

ε,ε0,α2=0,x2 and ε,ε0,α4=0,x4

we conclude that


The author is very grateful to the referee for carefully reading the manuscript and his helpful suggestions.

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