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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2020; 60(3): 535-549

Published online September 30, 2020

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Submanifolds of Sasaki-like Almost Contact Manifolds with B-metric

Anu Devgan* and Rakesh Kumar Nagaich

Department of Mathematics, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002, India
e-mail : anudevgan13pup@gmail.com and nagaich58rakesh@gmail.com

Received: May 18, 2017; Revised: January 15, 2019; Accepted: January 21, 2019

In this paper, we introduce the geometry of contact CR submanifolds and radical transversal lightlike submanifolds of Sasaki-like almost contact manifolds with B-metric. We obtain some new results that establish a relationship between these two submanifolds.

Keywords: almost contact manifolds, B-metric, radical transversal lightlike submanifolds.

Bejancu [1] initiated the study of CR-submanifolds with Kaehler manifolds. Yano and Kon [10] introduced the concept of odd dimensional manifolds called the contact CR submanifolds of a Sasakian manifold. They proved some basic results for contact CR submanifolds of a Sasakian manifold with definite metric. Further, Matsumoto [8] studied such manifolds and obtained some fundamental results. Ganchev et al. [6] introduced the geometry of almost contact B metric manifolds which are a natural extension, to the odd dimensional case, of the geometry of the almost complex manifolds with B-metric.

Duggal and Sahin [5] defined and studied lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds and introduced radical tranversal lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds. Recently, Nakova [9] studied submanifolds of almost complex manifolds with Norden metric which are non-degenerate with respect to one Norden metric and lightlike with respect to other Norden metric on the manifold and introduced radical transversal lightlike submanifold of almost complex manifolds with the Norden metric. Ivanov et al[7] defined Sasaki-like almost contact Complex Riemannian manifolds that resemble with the Sasakian manifold and thus motivated us to study such manifolds.

In this paper, we study the geometry of contact CR submanifolds and radical transversal lightlike submanifolds of Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric. We investigate conditions for the integrability of distributions of contact CR-submanifolds and radical transversal lightlike submanifolds of Sasaki like almost contact manifold with B-metric. We find the necessary and sufficient condition for integrability of screen distribution of radical transversal lightlike submanifold with B-metric. Further, we obtain some new results that establish relationship between the concerned geometric objects of both the submanifolds of Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric. Finally, we prove that for a contact CR-product submanifold of Sasaki like almost contact manifold with B-metric, the induced connection ∇̃ of radical transversal lightlike submanifold with Norden metric is a metric connection.

Let (2n+1, ϕ, ζ, η) be an almost contact manifold with B-metric [6], that is, let (ϕ, ζ, η) be an almost contact structure consisting of a tensor field ϕ of type (1, 1) a vector field ζ, a 1-form η and a metric on satisfying the following algebraic conditions for arbitrary vector fields X and Y on :

ϕ2(X)=-X+η(X)ζ,         η(ζ)=1,         ϕζ=0,         ηoζ=0.g¯(ϕX,ϕY)=-g¯(X,Y)+η(X)η(Y),

The following identities are valid for an almost contact manifold with B-metric.

η(X)=g(X,ζ),         g(ϕX,Y)=g(X,ϕY).

The associated metric g˜¯ of on defined by


is also a B-metric on and the manifold (M̄, ϕ, ζ, η, g˜¯) is also called an almost contact manifold with B-metric. Both the metrics and g˜¯ are indefinite of signature (n + 1, n).

Let ¯and ˜¯ be the Levi-Civita connection of and g˜¯ respectively. The tensor field F of type (0, 3) is defined on by


and the following general properties hold [6]:


for any X, Y, ZT M̄. The relations of F with ∇ζ and ∇η are given by :

(Xη)Y=g(Xζ,Y)=F(X,ϕY,ζ),         η(Xζ)=0,         ϕ(Xϕ)ζ=Xζ

Let {ei, ζ}, (i = 1, 2, ....., 2n) be a basis of TmM and (gij) be the inverse matrix of gij then for XTm, the following 1-forms are associated with F :

θ(X)=gijF(ei,ej,X),         θ*(X)=gijF(ei,ϕej,X),         ω(X)=F(ζ,ζ,X),

Using above equation, we have

ω(ζ)=0         θ*(ϕX)=-θ(ϕ2X)-ω(X).

The Nijenhuis tensor N of the almost complex structure is defined by


An almost contact structure (ϕ, ζ, η) is said to be normal if and only if Nijenhuis tensor denoted by N vanishes [2] and such manifold (M̄,ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ;) is called normal almost contact manifold.

In [6] Ganchev et al. defined eleven basic classes Fi(i = 1, 2, ....11) of almost contact manifolds with B-metric and gave a classification of almost contact manifolds with B-metric with respect to tensor F. The special class F0 defined by the condition F(X, Y, Z) = 0 belongs to everyone of the basic classes. Throughout this paper, we will consider the class F0.

Definition 2.1.([7])

An almost contact manifold (M̄,ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ) with B- metric is Sasaki-like if the structure tensors ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ satisfy the following equalities


Also, the covariant derivative ¯ϕ satisfies the following equality


In this paper, we refer to these manifolds as indefinite Sasaki-like almost contact manifolds with B-metric.

In this section, we define and study contact CR-submanifolds of Sasaki-like almost contact manifolds with B-metric and investigate their integrability conditions.

Definition 3.1

A submanifold (M, g) of a (2n+1)-dimensional Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric with structure tensors (ϕ, ζ, η) is called a contact CR-submanifold if there exists a differentiable distribution D : xDxTxM and the complementary orthogonal distribution D:xDxTxM on M which satisfies the following conditions:

  • (i) ζD,

  • (ii) ϕDxTxM for each xM,

  • (iii) ϕDxTxM for each point xM.

The complementary orthogonal distribution of ϕD in TM is denoted by π. The tangent bundle T M̄ of has the following decomposition


Let E and G be the projection morphisms of TM on the distributions D and D respectively, then for any XTM, we can write


where EXD and GXD. Applying ϕ to (3.1), we get


where ϕEX = HXD and ϕGX = KXϕD are the tangential and the normal components of ϕX, respectively.

Similarly for any VTM, we have


where tV and fV are the tangential and the normal parts of ϕV, respectively.

Let ¯ and ∇ be the Levi-Civita connections of and g on and M, respectively. Then the Gauss and Weingarten formulae for are given by


for any vector fields X, YTM and VTM, where h is the second fundamental form of M, AV is the shape operator of M with respect to V and D is the normal connection on TM which is a metric linear connection. Since ζTM, we have, for any vector field XTM,


and on equating the components of ϕX, we get

Xζ=HX,         KX=h(X,ζ).

Let E1 and E2 be the projection morphisms of TM on ϕD and π, respectively. Then (3.2) and (3.3) can be written as

¯XY=XY+h1(X,Y)+h2(X,Y),         ¯XV=-AVX+DX1V+DX2V,



It should be noted that D1 and D2 are not linear connections on TM but are Otsuki connections with respect to the vector bundle morphisms E1 and E2 respectively. Thus the above equation (3.6) reduces to


where X1N=DX1N and X2W=DX2W are metric connections on ϕD and π, respectively and D1(X,W)=DX1W and D2(X,N)=DX2N are F() bilinear mappings. Making use of equations (3.7) to (3.9), we have


Lemma 3.1

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of an indefinite Sasaki-like almost contact manifold (M̄,ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ) with B-metric. Then we have




for any X, YTM.


Since is a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric,


for any X, YTM, and using (3.7) and (3.8), we obtain


Considering the tangential, (ϕD), and π components, respectively, of the above equation, the lemma follows.

Lemma 3.2

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold (M̄,ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ) with B-metric. Then we have


for any X, YTM, NϕDand Wπ.


Let NϕD then we have ∇̄XtN = ϕ̄∇̄XN. By using (3.7) and (3.8), we obtain


Comparing the tangential components, we get (X1t)N=-HANX+AfNX, where (X1t)N=XtN-tX1N and comparing ϕD and π components, the relations (3.19) and (3.20) follows respectively.

Next, let Wπ and making use of (3.9) we have


Comparing the tangential, ϕD and π components of above equation the relations (3.21), (3.22) and (3.23) follows respectively. Thus the proof is completed.

Theorem 3.3

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold (M̄,ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ with B-metric. Then1K = 0 if and only if1t = 0.


Let ∇1K = 0. Using (3.14), we have h1(X, HY ) = 0. Now taking the inner product with respect to NϕD and using relation (3.10), we get


which implies ANXD, that is, HANX = 0. Next, by making use of relation (3.18), we have ∇1t = 0. The converse follows similarly.

Lemma 3.4

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold (M̄, ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ) with B-metric. Then we have




for any Z, WD.


Since is a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric, we have, for any Z, WD, ∇ZϕW = ϕZW. Taking inner products with Uπ, we obtain


which implies


Thus, the proof is completed.

Lemma 3.5

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold (M̄,ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ) with B-metric. Then the anti-invariant distribution Dis integrable.


For any Z, W on D, making use of relation (3.24) yields


By virtue of relation (3.15), we have




thus the assertion follows using relation (3.25).

Lemma 3.6

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold (M̄,ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ) with B-metric. Then the distribution D is integrable if and only if h1(X,ϕY ) = h1(Y,ϕX).


For any X, Y on D and taking into consideration the relations (3.14) and (3.15) infers that KXY = h1(X,ϕY ). Further for any Z on D yields (KXY,ϕZ) = (h1(X,ϕY ), ϕZ) which implies (∇XY, Z) = (h1(X,ϕY ), ϕZ). It follows that g([X, Y ], Z) = (h1(X,ϕY ), ϕZ) – (h1(Y,ϕX), ϕZ). Thus, making use of the non-degenerate property of ϕ(D), the result follows.

Like a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasakian manifold, a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric is known as contact CR-product if it is locally a product of M1 and M2, where M1 and M2 are the leaf of the distribution Dζ and D respectively.

Theorem 3.7

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold (M̄,ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ) with B-metric. Then (M, g) is a contact CR-product if and only if


XDand ZD.


Proof is similar with that of Theorem 6.1 of [8].

Theorem 3.8

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold (M̄,ϕ, ζ, η, ḡ) with B-metric. Then the following assertions are equivalent :

  • (i) D1is a metric Otsuki connection on TM.

  • (ii) D1(X, W) = 0 for any XTM and Wπ.

  • (iii) D2(X, N) = 0 for any XTM and NϕD.

  • (iv) D2is a metric Otsuki connection on TM.


Since ∇1 and ∇2 are metric connections on ϕ(TM) and π, respectively and making use of relation (3.12) we have


thus, the assertions (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are equivalent.

Consider an m-dimensional submanifold (M, g) immersed in a real (m + n)-dimensional semi-Riemannian manifold (M̄, ḡ) of constant index q such that m, n ≥ 1, 1 ≤ qm+ n − 1 and let g be the induced metric of on M. Then M is called a lightlike submanifold of if is a degenerate metric on the tangent bundle TM of M. For a degenerate metric g on M, TM is a degenerate n-dimensional subspace of Tx. Thus both TxM and TxM are no longer complementary but degenerate orthogonal subspaces of T M̄. So, there exists a subspace called radical or null subspace, that is,


Further, if the mapping Rad(TM) : xMRadTxM, defines a smooth distribution of rank r > 0 on M then the submanifold M is called an r-lightlike submanifold of and Rad(TM) is known as the radical distribution on M. A semi-Riemannian complementary distribution S(TM) of Rad(TM) in TM is a screen distribution. We have


and that S(TM) is a complementary vector subbundle to Rad(TM) in TM. Let tr(TM) and ltr(TM) be complementary (but not orthogonal) vector bundles to TM in T M̄ |M and to Rad(TM) in S(TM) respectively. Then, we have


For a quasi-orthonormal fields of frames of along M, we have the following.

Theorem 4.1.([4])

Let (M, g, S(TM), S(TM)) be an r-lightlike submanifold of a semi-Riemannian manifold (M̄, ḡ). Then there exists a complementary vector bundle ltr(TM) of Rad(TM) in S(TM)and a basis of ltr(TM) |Uconsisting of smooth section {Na} of S(TM)|U, whereUis a coordinate neighbourhood of M, such that

g¯(Na,ξb)=δab,         g¯(Na,Nb)=0,         forany         a,b{1,2,..,r},

where {ξ1, ..., ξr} is a lightlike basis of Rad(TM).

Let (M, g̃) be an r-lightlike submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B metric(M̄, ϕ, ḡ, g˜¯). Let ˜¯ be the Levi-Civita connection of the metric g˜¯ on and ˜be the induced connection on M then Gauss and Weingarten formulae are given by ˜¯XY=˜XY+h˜(X,Y),         ˜¯XV=-A˜VX+XtV,

for arbitrary X, YTM and Vtr(TM), where {∇̃XY, ÃVX} and {(X, Y ),{h˜(X,Y),XtV} } belong to TM and tr(TM), respectively and ∇̃; and ∇t are linear connections on TM and tr(TM), respectively. Moreover, ∇̃ is torsion-free linear connection, is a tr(TM)-valued symmetric ℱ(M)-bilinear form on TM and à is a TM-valued ℱ(M)-bilinear form on tr(TM) × (TM). In general, ˜and ∇t are not metric connections. Let L and S be the projection morphisms of tr(TM) on ltr(TM) and S(TM⊥̃), respectively then



DXlV=L(XtV);         DXsV=S(XtV).

Besides Dl and Ds do not define linear connections on tr(TM) but they are Otsuki connections on tr(TM) with respect to L and S, respectively. Therefore (4.1) and (4.2) become


where ∇l and ∇s are defined by XlN=DXlN and XsW=DXsW are metric linear connections on ltr(TM) and S(TM⊥̃), respectively. Dl and Ds are defined by Dl(X,W)=DXlW and Ds(X,N)=DXsN are ℱ(M)-bilinear mappings. Using (4.3)– – (4.5) and taking into account that ˜¯ is a metric connection, we obtain


Let P′ be the projection morphism of TM on S(TM) then new induced geometric objects on the screen distribution S(TM) are given as below.

XPY=X*PY+h*(X,PY),         Xξ=-Aξ*X+X*tξ,

for any X, YTM and ξRad(TM), where {X*PY,Aξ*X } and {h*(X, P′ Y ), X*tξ } belong to S(TM) and Rad(TM), respectively. ∇* and ∇*t are linear connections on complementary distributions S(TM) and Rad(TM), respectively. h* and A* are Rad(TM)-valued and S(TM)-valued bilinear forms and they are called as the second fundamental forms of distributions S(TM) and Rad(TM), respectively, for any X, YTM, ξRad(TM) and Nltr(TM).

From the geometry of Riemannian submanifolds, it is known that on a non degenerate submanifold the induced connection ∇ is a metric connection. But unfortunately, this is not true incase of a lightlike submanifold. Indeed, considering ∇̄ a metric connection, we have


for any X, Y, ZTM.

In [11], Sahin defined radical transversal lightlike submanifolds for an indefinite Sasakian manifold. In this paper, we define radical transversal lightlike submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric as follows.

Definition 4.2

Let (M, g̃, S(TM), S(TM)) be a lightlike submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, ḡ, g˜¯). Then M is a radical transversal lightlike submanifold of M̄ if


It is important to note that for an indefinite Sasakian manifold [11] there do not exist any 1-lightlike radical transversal lightlike submanifolds. But for a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric there exists an 1-lightlike radical transversal lighlike submanifold.

Lemma 4.3

There exists an 1-lightlike radical transversal lighlike submanifold (M, g̃) of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, ḡ, g˜¯).


Let us suppose that (M, g̃) be an 1-lightlike radical transversal lighlike submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, ḡ, g˜¯). Then we have, Rad(TM) = spanζ and ltr(TM) = spanN. Using the definition of Sasaki-like almost contact manifold, we have,


Let N ∈ Γ(ltr(TM)), then using(4.8), we have g˜¯(ϕζ,ζ)=g˜¯(N,ζ)=1, Thus, we conclude that there exists an 1-lightlike radical transversal lighlike submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric.

Theorem 4.4

Let (M, g̃) be a radical lightlike submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, η, ζ, ḡ, g˜¯). Then the induced metric connection ∇̃ on M is a metric connection if and only if AϕYX has no component in S(TM) for XTM and YRad(TM).


We know that the necessary and sufficient condition for an induced connection to be a metric connection is that for any XTM and YRad(TM), ∇XYRad(TM). Suppose ∇̃ is a metric connection on M then for any ZS(TM) and making use of (4.1), we have


By making use of (2.2) yields


Next to it, using (4.4), the proof is completed.

Since there are two B-metrics on an indefinite almost contact manifold with B-metric, there are two corresponding induced metrics on the submanifold M of . Hence M is either non-degenerate (degenerate) with respect to both the induced metrics or degenerate with respect to one and non-degenerate with respect to other. In [9], Nakova studied the case when the submanifold (M, g) is non-degenerate and (M, g̃) is a degenerate submanifold of . In particular, Nakova proved the following theorem for an almost complex manifold with a Norden metric.

Theorem 5.1.([9])

Let (M̄, J̄, ḡ, g˜¯) be a 2n-dimensional almost complex manifold with a Norden metric and M be an m-dimensional submanifold of M̄. The submanifold (M, g) is a CR-submanifold with an r-dimensional totally real distribution Dif and only if (M, g̃) is an r-lightlike radical transversal lightlike submanifold of M̄.

Thus, in this case, the tangent bundle T M̄ of has the following decomposition.


where S(TM) = D, RadTM = D, S(TM⊥̃) = (ϕD) and ltrTM = ϕD. For a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric, we have


We have verify the above result for a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric and the proof is same as above theorem if we consider that ζS(TM) [3].

Theorem 5.2

Let (M, g) be a submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, η, ζ, ḡ, g˜¯). Then the submanifold (M, g) is a contact CR-submanifold with an r-dimensional totally real distribution if and only if (M, g̃) is an r-lightlike contact radical transversal lightlike submanifold of M̄.

Theorem 5.3

Let (M, g̃) be a radical transversal lightlike submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, η, ζ, ḡ, g˜¯). Then the radical distribution of (M, g̃) is integrable.


Let ξ1, ξ2 ∈ Γ(Rad(TM)) and X ∈ Γ(S(TM)) then we have g˜¯(˜¯ξ1ξ2,X)=-g¯(ϕξ2,¯ξ1X)=g¯(¯ξ1ϕξ2,X)=-g¯(Aϕξ2ξ1,X).

Hence g˜¯(˜¯ξ1ξ2-˜¯ξ2ξ1,X)=g¯(Aϕξ1ξ2-Aϕξ2ξ1,X).

Since ξ1, ξ2 ∈ Γ(D) = Γ(Rad(TM)), using (3.24) we obtain g˜¯([ξ1,ξ2],X)=0 which implies that [ξ1, ξ2] ∈ Γ(Rad(TM)). Hence the result follows.

Theorem 5.4

Let (M̄, ϕ, η, ζ, ḡ, g˜¯) be a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric and (M, g) be a contact CR submanifold of M̄. Then the invariant distribution D of contact CR-submanifold (M, g) is integrable if and only if the screen distribution S(TM) of radical transversal lightlike submanifold (M, g̃) is integrable.


Let X, YS(TM) and Nltr(TM) then


and hence g˜¯([X,Y],N)=g¯(h1(X,ϕY)-h1(Y,ϕX),N). Thus the assertion follows using Lemma 3.6.

Theorem 5.5

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, η, ζ, ḡ, g˜¯). Then the induced connection ∇̃ on the radical transversal lightlike submanifold (M, g̃) is a metric connection if and only if (M, g) is a contact CR-product.


Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric then using (3.7), (3.8) and (3.18), we have


Comparing the tangential parts, we have


Taking inner product with YRad(TM) and using (2.3) we have g˜¯(ϕ˜XZ,Y)=g˜¯(AϕZX-η(X)Z,Y)=g¯(AϕZ(X)-η(X)Z,ϕY)+η(AϕZX-η(X)Z)η(Y)=0.

Using Theorem 3.7. we have ˜ XZRad(TM) and hence, the induced connection ˜ is a metric connection on (M, g̃).

Theorem 5.6

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of a of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, η, ζ, ḡ, g˜¯). If K is parallel, that is, ∇1K = 0 then the screen distribution S(TM) of radical transversal lightlike submanifold (M, g̃) is a parallel distribution with respect to ∇̃ and h*vanishes identically on lightlike submanifold (M, g̃).


Let K be parallel then using (3.14), we get h1(X, HY ) = 0 and using this in (3.10), we obtain g(ϕY, ANX) = 0, for any X, YTM. Further using (2.2) and (4.4), we obtain g˜¯(Y,ANX)=0, implies ÃN is Γ(Rad(TM))-valued operator. Thus from Theorem 2.6 on page 162 of [4], the assertion follows.

Theorem 5.7

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, η, ζ, ḡ, g˜¯). If(X1t)N=0then the screen distribution S(TM) of radical transversal lightlike submanifold (M, g̃) is a parallel distribution with respect to ∇̃ and h*vanishes identically on lightlike submanifold (M, g̃).


Using the hypothesis in (3.18), we get HANX = 0 implies ANXD, for any XTM. Therefore for any YD,


The rest of the proof is similar to that of above Theorem.

Theorem 5.8

Let (M, g) be a contact CR-submanifold of of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, η, ζ, ḡ, g˜¯). then the radical distribution Rad(TM) of radical transversal lightlike submanifold (M, g̃) is integrable and the shape operatorAξ*of the screen distribution of (M, g̃) vanishes identically on Rad(TM), for any ξRad(TM).


We know that for a contact CR-submanifold of of a Sasaki-like almost contact manifold with B-metric (M̄, ϕ, η, ζ, ḡ, g˜¯), the totally real distribution D is always integrable. Therefore for any XD and Z, Z′D, we have


Since XD, we obtain, using (2.2),


Now replace ξ by Z and Y by Z′ in (3.19), where Z, Z′ ∈ Γ(D) = Rad(TM), we get


Adding (5.2) and (5.3), we obtain g˜¯(Z,hl(HX,Z))=0 consequently hl(HX, Z) = 0. Thus by virtue of Theorem 2.7 on page 162 of [4], the assertion follows.

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