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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2018; 58(1): 91-103

Published online March 23, 2018

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

On Deferred f-statistical Convergence

Sandeep Gupta* and Vinod K. Bhardwaj

Department of Mathematics, Arya P. G. College, Panipat-132103, India, e-mail : sandeep80.gupta@rediffmail.com, Department of Mathematics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-136119, India, e-mail : vinodk_bhj@rediffmail.com

Received: October 18, 2017; Accepted: March 9, 2018

In this paper, we generalize the concept of deferred density to that of deferred f–density, where f is an unbounded modulus and introduce a new non-matrix convergence method, namely deferred f–statistical convergence or Sp,qfconvergence. Apart from studying the Köthe-Toeplitz duals of Sp,qf, the space of deferred f–statistically convergent sequences, a decomposition theorem is also established. We also introduce a notion of strongly deferred Cesàro summable sequences defined by modulus f and investigate the relationship between deferred f–statistical convergence and strongly deferred Cesàro summable sequences defined by f.

Keywords: statistical convergence, modulus function, strong Cesà,ro summability, Kö,the-Toeplitz duals

The idea of statistical convergence which is, in fact, a generalization of the usual notion of convergence was introduced by Fast [17] and Steinhaus [31] independently in the same year 1951 and since then several generalizations and applications of this concept have been investigated by various authors namely Bhardwaj et al. [4, 5, 6, 7], Connor [13, 14], Et and Şengül [16], Fridy [18], Işık [21], Işık and Akbaş [22], Mursaleen [26], Rath and Tripathy [28], Salat [30], Temizsu [32] et al. and many others.

The idea of statistical convergence depends upon the density of subsets of the set ℕ of natural numbers. The natural density δ(K) of a subset K of the set ℕ of natural numbers is defined by


where |{kn : kK}| denotes the number of elements of K not exceeding n. Obviously, we have δ(K) = 0 provided that K is a finite set.

A sequence x = (xk) is said to be statistically convergent to L if for every ɛ > 0,


In this case we write S – lim xk = L. Since lim xk = L implies S – lim xk = L, statistical convergence may be considered as a regular summability method. The set of all statistically convergent sequences is denoted by S.

Connor [14], Ghosh and Srivastava [20], Bhardwaj and Singh [8, 9, 10], Çolak [12], Altin and Et [3] and some others have used a modulus function to extend the theory of statistical convergence and construct some new sequence spaces.

The idea of a modulus function was structured by Nakano [27] in 1953. Following Ruckle [29] and Maddox [25], we recall that a modulus f is a function from [0,∞) to [0,∞) such that (i) f(x) = 0 if and only if x = 0, (ii) f(x + y) ≤ f(x) + f(y) for x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, (iii) f is increasing, (iv) f is continuous from the right at 0. Hence f must be continuous everywhere on [0,∞). A modulus may be unbounded or bounded. For example, f(x) = xp where 0 < p ≤ 1, is unbounded, but f(x)=x1+x is bounded.

In the year 2014, Aizpuru et al. [2] have defined a new concept of density with the help of an unbounded modulus function and as a consequence they obtained a new concept of non-matrix convergence which is intermediate between the ordinary convergence and the statistical convergence, and agrees with the statistical convergence when the modulus function is the identity mapping.

Contributing in this direction, Bhardwaj et al. [6] introduced and studied a new concept of f-statistical boundedness by using the approach of Aizpuru et al. [2]. It is shown that the concept of f–statistical boundedness is intermediate between the ordinary boundedness and the statistical boundedness. It is also proved that bounded sequences are precisely those sequences which are f–statistically bounded for every unbounded modulus f.

We now recall some definitions that will be needed in the sequel

Definition 1.1

([2]) Let f–be an unbounded modulus function. The f–density of a set K ⊂ ℕ is defined by


provided the limit exists.

Remark 1.2

The concept of f-density reduces to that of natural density when f(x) = x. The equality δf (K) + δf (ℕ − K) = 1 does not hold, in general, where f is an unbounded modulus. However we can assert that if δf (K) = 0, then δf (ℕ − K) = 1.

Remark 1.3

For any unbounded modulus f and K ⊂ ℕ, δf (K) = 0 implies that δ(K) = 0. But converse need not be true in the sense that a set having zero natural density may have non-zero f–density with respect to some unbounded modulus f.

Definition 1.4

([2]) Let f be an unbounded modulus function. A number sequence x = (xk) is said to be f–statistically convergent to ℓ, or Sf–convergent to ℓ, if for each ɛ > 0,


and we write it as Sf lim xk = ℓ. The set of all f–statistically convergent sequences is denoted by Sf.

In view of Remark 1.3, it follows that every f–statistically convergent sequence is statistically convergent, but a statistically convergent sequence need not be f–statistically convergent for every unbounded modulus f.

In 1932, R.P. Agnew [1] introduced the concept of deferred Cesàro mean of real (or complex) valued sequences x = (xk) defined by


where p = {p(n) : n ∈ ℕ} and q = {q(n) : n ∈ ℕ} are the sequences of non-negative integers satisfying

p(n)<q(n)and limnq(n)=

Agnew also showed that the method given by (1) has many more important properties besides being regular.

Motivating from the work of Agnew, the concepts of deferred density and deferred statistical convergence were given by Küçükaslan and Yılmaztürk [24, 33] as follows:

Let K be a subset of ℕ and denote the set {k : p (n) < k ≤ q (n), kK} by Kp,q (n).

Definition 1.5

The deferred density of K is defined by

δp,q(K)=limn1(q(n)-p(n))Kp,q(n),provided the limit exists.

The vertical bars indicate the cardinality of the enclosed set Kp,q (n). If q (n) = n, p (n) = 0, then deferred density coincides with natural density of K.

Definition 1.6

A real valued sequence x = (xk) is said to be deferred statistically convergent to L, if for each ɛ > 0


In this case we write Sp,qlim xk = L. The set of all deferred statistically convergent sequences will be denoted by Sp,q. If q (n) = n, p (n) = 0, then deferred statistical convergence coincides with usual statistical convergence.

Quite recently, Et et al. [15] introduced and examined the concept of deferred statistical boundedness of order α and established the realtion between statistical boundedness and deferred statistical boundedness of order α.

In the present paper we extend the notion of deferred-density to that of deferred f–density in the same way as natural density was extended to f–density by Aizpuru et al. [2] and then introduce a new and more general non-matrix summability method, namely deferred f–statistical convergence where f is an unbounded modulus. It is shown that the terms of a deferred f–statistical convergent sequence (xk) coincide to that of a convergent sequence for almost all k deferred with respect to f. Apart from studying various inclusion relations, a decomposition theorem is also estblished. Finally we conclude the paper by the introduction of the concept of strongly deferred Cesàro summable sequences defined by modulus f and it is shown that a bounded sequence which is deferred f–statistical convergent to ℓ is strongly deferred Cesàro summable with respect to f to ℓ.

Throughout the paper, we consider the sequences of non negative integers p = {p(n) : n ∈ ℕ}and q = {q(n) : n ∈ ℕ} satisfying p(n) < q(n) and limnq(n)=. Any other restriction ( if needed) on p(n) and q(n) will be mentioned in the related theorems.

We begin this section by introducing a new concept of deferred f–density of a subset of ℕ.

Definition 2.1

The deferred f–density of a subset K of ℕ is defined as


provided the limit exists. The verticle bars indicate the cardinality of the enclosed set. It is obvious that finite sets have zero deferred f–density for any unbounded modulus f.

Remark 2.2

For q(n) =n p(n) = 0 the deferred f–density reduces to f–density and when f(x) = x, the deferred f–density coincides with deferred density. If q(n) =n p(n) = 0 and f(x) = x, the deferred f–density turns out to be natural density.

The equality δp,q(K) + δp,q(ℕ − K) = 1 remains no longer true, if deferred density is replaced by deferred f–density, i.e., δp,qf(K)+δp,qf(-K)=1 does not hold, in general where f is an unbounded modulus. Let us demonstrate it with the help of following example.

Example 2.3

Take K = (2, 4, 6, …), q(n) = 4n, p(n) = 2n and f(x) = log(x+1). Then


Also, δp,qf(-K)=1.

Proposition 2.4

If for any unbounded modulus f,δp,qf(K)=0then δp,q(K) = 0.


As limn1f(q(n)-p(n))f({kK:p(n)+1kq(n)}=0, so for every p ∈ ℕ, there exists n0 ∈ ℕ such that for nn0 we have


Since f is increasing, so we have


which results δp,q(K) = 0.

Remark 2.5

Converse of above proposition need not be true in the sense that a set having zero deferred density may have non-zero deferred f–density. This is illustrated by the following example.

Example 2.6

Let f(x) = log(x+1) and K = (1, 4, 9, 16, …). Take q(n) = n2 and p(n) = n. Then


and so δp,q(K) = 0 and

δp,qflog(n-[n]+1)log(n2-n+1)log(n-[n])log(n2+1)12as         n.

This implies that δp,qf0.

Before proceeding further we first introduce the following notation

For an unbounded modulus f, if x = (xk) is a sequence such that xk satisfies property P for all k, except a set of deferred f–density zero, then we say x = (xk) satisfies P for “almost all k deferred with respect to f” and we abbreviate this by “ a.a. k deferred w.r.t. f”.

Definition 2.7

Let f be an unbounded modulus. A sequence x = (xk) is said to be deferred f–statistically convergent to ℓ if for each ɛ > 0,

limn1f(q(n)-p(n))f({p(n)+1kq(n):xk->ɛ})=0,i.e.,δp,qf({k:xk->ɛ})=0,i,.e.,xk-ɛa.a.kdeferred w.r.t.f

In this case we write Sp,qf-lim xk=.

Proposition 2.8

Let f be an unbounded modulus. Then every deferred f-statistically convergent sequence is deferred statistically convergent but converse need not be true.


In view of Proposition 2.4, the result follows. In order to establish the strict inclusion, one may consider consider the sequence x = (xk) where

xk={k,if k=n2,0,if kn2,         n=1,2,3,.

and f(x) = log(x + 1) with q(n) = n and p(n) = 0.

Following the technique used in Aizpuru et al. [2], we prove the following

Proposition 2.9

Let f be an unbounded modulus. ThenSp,qf-lim xk=if and only if there exists K ⊂ ℕ such thatδp,qf(K)=0andlim xkk-K=.

Step 1

For each j ∈ ℕ, let Kj={k:xk->1j}. As Sp,qf-lim xk=, so δp,qf(Kj)=0, i.e., limn1f(q(n)-p(n))f({kKj:p(n)+1kq(n)})=0. In otherwords limn1f(q(n)-p(n))f({p(n)+1kq(n):xk->1j})=0. It is to be noted that KjKj+1. We only need to prove the case when some of the Kj ’s are non-empty. Without loss of generality we may assume that K1φ. Take any n1K1. Now take n2K2 with n2> n1 and limn1f(q(n)-p(n))f({p(n)+1kq(n):xk->12})<12, for all nn2. Inductively we get n1< n2< n3< … such that njKj and limn1f(q(n)-p(n))f({p(n)+1kq(n):xk->1j})<1j, for all nnj. Now consider K=j([nj,nj+1]Kj).

Step 2

Let n ∈ ℕ. We claim Kp,q(n)Kp,qj(n) for some j.

Let tKp,q(n). Then tK with p(n)+1 < tq(n). As tK so tn1. Clearly, there exist some j ∈ ℕ such that njt < nj+1 and so tKj. As a result, we have tKp,qj(n). This establishes the claim. Now

f(Kp,q(n))f(q(n)-p(n))f(Kp,qj(n))f(q(n)-p(n)=1f(q(n)-p(n))f({p(n)+1kq(n):xk->1j})1jfor all nnj

and so δp,qf(K)=0.

Step 3

Let ɛ > 0. Then there exists some j ∈ ℕ such that 1j<ɛ. For i ∈ ℕ − K and inj, then there exists pj with npinp+1and this implies iKp, so xi-<1p1j<ɛ. Thus limi∈ℕ−K xi = ℓ.

Conversely, assume given condition holds. Let ɛ > 0 be given. Then there exists k0 ∈ ℕ such that |xk − ℓ| ≤ ɛ for all k ∈ ℕ − K and kk0. Consequently, {k ∈ ℕ : |xk − ℓ| > ɛ} ⊂ K ∪ {1, 2, …, k0} which yields the result.

The next proposition indicates that the terms of a deferred f–statistically convergent sequence (xk) are coincident to that of a convergent sequence for almost all k deferred with respect to f.

A sequence x = (xk) is deferred fstatistically convergent if and only if there exists a convergent sequence y = (yk) such that xk = yk a.a. k deferred w.r.t. f.


Let x = (xk) is deferred f–statistically convergent sequence. Then there exists ℓ such that for each ɛ > 0, δp,qf(B)=0 where B = {k ∈ ℕ : |xk − ℓ| > ɛ}. Consider

yk={xk,if k-B;,if kB.

Then y = (yk) ∈ c and yk = xk a.a. k deferred w.r.t. f.

Conversely, let lim yk = ℓ. Then for ɛ > 0, there exists a positive integer k0 such that |yk − ℓ| < ε for all kk0 Let A = {k ∈ ℕ : xkyk}. Now {k ∈ ℕ : |xk − ℓ| > ɛ} ⊂ A ∪ {1, 2, 3, …, k0} yields the result.

(Decomposition Theorem) If x = (xk) is a deferred fstatistically convergent sequence, then there exists a convergent sequence y = (yk) and a deferred fstatistically null sequence z = (zk) such that x = y + z. However, this decomposition is not unique.


Let x = (xk) is a deferred f–statistically convergent sequence. Then there exists ℓ such that for each ɛ > 0, δp,qf(A)=0 where A = {k ∈ ℕ : |xk − ℓ| > ɛ}. Define sequences y = (yk) and z = (zk) as follows :

yk={xk,if k-A;,if kA.zk={0,if k-A;xk-,if kA.

Clearly x = y+z where y is a convergent sequence and z is a deferred f–statistically null sequence, i.e., Sp,qfc+Sp,q;0f where c and Sp,q;0f denote the spaces of convergent and deferred f–statistically null sequences. As c,Sp,q;0fSp,qf, so c+Sp,q;0fSp,qf. Consequently, we have Sp,qf=c+Sp,q;0f. Using the fact that φcSp,q;0f where φ is the space of finitely non-zero scalar sequences, we have Sp,qfcSp,q;0f, i.e., decomposition is not unique.

Before proceeding to the computation of duals we recall

The idea of dual sequence spaces was introduced by Köthe and Toeplitz [23] whose main results concerned α-duals; the α-dual of sequence space X being defined as

Xα={a=(ak)s:kakxk<      forall         x=(xk)X}

where s denotes the space of scalar sequences.

In the same paper [23], they also introduced another kind of dual, namely, the β-dual (see [11] also, where it is called the g-dual by Chillingworth ) defined as

Xβ={a=(ak)s:kakxk         converges   forall         x=(xk)X}.

[Sp,qf]α=[Sp,qf]β=φ, the space of finitely non-zero scalar sequences.


We here only prove [Sp,qf]α=φ, as the proof of part [Sp,qf]β=φ, will be similar. It is sufficient to show that [Sp,qf]αφ since φ[Sp,qf]α obviously. Let (ak)[Sp,qf]α. Then ∑k |akxk| < ∞ for all x=(xk)Sp,qf. Suppose (ak) ∉ φ, i.e., (ak) has infinitely many non-zero terms. Following Lemma 5 of [19], for each n ∈ ℕ, if (p(n), q(n)] contains a k such that ak ≠ 0, let mn be the least such k; otherwise leave mn undefined. Thus there are infinitely many mns and mn ∈ (p(n), q(n)]. Now define xk=1ak if k = mn for some n = 1, 2, 3 … and xk = 0 otherwise. For ɛ > 0, we have 1f(q(n)-p(n))f({p(n)+1<kq(n):xk-0>ɛ})1f(q(n)-p(n))f(1)0 as n → ∞ and so (xk)Sp,qf. But p(n)+1<kq(n)akxk=1 for infinitely many n and so ∑k |akxk| = ∞

We begin this section by introducing the notion of strongly deferred Cesàro summable sequences with respect to modulus f which is a generalization of the spaces of strongly Cesàro summable sequences. It is shown that bounded deferred f–statistical convergent sequences are strongly deferred Cesàro summable with respect to f.

Definition 3.1

Let f be a modulus. We define

wp,q;0f={xs:limn1q(n)-p(n)k=p(n)+1q(n)f(xk)=0},wp,qf={xs:limn1q(n)-p(n)k=p(n)+1q(n)f(xk-)=0   for some number },wp,q;f={xs:supn1q(n)-p(n)k=p(n)+1q(n)f(xk)<}.

Some well-known spaces are obtained by specializing f and p, q. For example, if q(n) = n, p(n) = 0 then the sequence space defined above becomes w0(f) w(f) and w(f) of Maddox [25], respectively. If we take f(x) =x q(n) = n, p(n) = 0, we obtain the familiar spaces w0, w and w of strongly Cesàro summable sequences, respectively.

It is easy to see that wp,q;0f,wp,qf and wp,q;f are linear spaces over the complex field ℂ. We now establish some inclusion relations between the spaces wp,q;0f,wp,qf and wp,q;f.

Proposition 3.2

For any modulus f,wp,q;0fwp,qfwp,q;f.


We establish only the second inclusion, the first being obvious. Let x=(xk)wp,qf. By definition of modulus function (iii) and (ii), we have


Following the technique used in [5], we have the following

Proposition 3.3

For any modulus f, we havewp,q;0wp,q;0f,wp,qwp,qfandwp,q;wp,q;f.

Proposition 3.4

Let f be a modulus. Iflimtf(t)t>0, then

  • (i) wp,q;0fwp,q;0.

  • (ii) wp,qfwp,q.

  • (iii) wp,q;fwp,q;.

In view of Proposition 3.3 and Proposition 3.4, we have the following

Proposition 3.5

Let f be any modulus such thatlimtf(t)t>0, then

  • (i) wp,q;0f=wp,q;0.

  • (ii) wp,qf=wp,q.

  • (iii) wp,q;f=wp,q;.

Proposition 3.6

Let f be an unbounded modulus such that there is a positive constant c such that f(xy) > cf(x)f(y) for all x ≥ 0 y ≥ 0 andlimtf(t)t>0. If a sequence is strongly deferred Cesàro summable with respect f to, then it is deferred f–statistically convergent to.


For any sequence x = (xk) and ɛ > 0, by the definition of modulus function (ii) and (iii) we have


As x=(xk)wp,qf, so x=(xk)Sp,qf.

Corollary 3.7

If xk → ℓ thenSp,qf-lim xk=.

Taking f(x) = x in Proposition 3.6, we obtain the following result, which is Theorem 2.1.1 of Kücükasalan and Yilmaztürk [24].

Corollary 3.8

If a sequence is strongly deferred Cesàro summable to, then it is deferred statistical convergent to.

Taking f(x) = x and q(n) = n, p(n) = 0 in Proposition 3.6, we obtain the following result, which is contained in Theorem 2.1 of Connor [13], for the case q = 1.

Corollary 3.9

If a sequence is strongly Cesàro summable to, then it is statistically convergent to.

Taking q(n) = n, p(n) = 0 in Proposition 3.6, we obtain the following result, which is particular case of part(a) of Theorem 8 of Connor [14].

Corollary 3.10

Let f be an unbounded modulus such thatlimtf(t)t>0. If a sequence is strongly Cesàro summable with respect to f tothen it is f–statistically convergent to.

Let us recall that ℓ is the set of all bounded sequences.

Proposition 3.11

If x = (xk) ∈ ℓand(xk)Sp,qfwithSp,qf-lim xk=l, then(xk)wp,qf, i.e., a bounded sequence which is deferred f–statistical convergent tois strongly deferred Cesàro summable with respect to f to.


Suppose that (xk) ∈ ℓ and Sp,qf-lim xk=. There exists a positive real number M such that |xk − ℓ|M for all k.


which yields the proof.

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