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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2017; 57(4): 631-640

Published online December 23, 2017

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

On Some Binomial Difference Sequence Spaces

Jian Meng$ and Meimei Song

Department of Mathematics, Tianjin  University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China

Received: May 11, 2017; Accepted: September 9, 2017

The aim of this paper is to introduce the binomial sequence spaces b0r,s(),bcr,s() and br,s() by combining the binomial transformation and difference operator. We prove that these spaces are linearly isomorphic to the spaces c0, c and ℓ, respectively. Furthermore, we compute the Schauder bases and the α-, β- and γ-duals of these sequence spaces.

Keywords: sequence space, matrix transformations, Schauder basis, $alpha$-, $eta$- and $gamma$-duals

Let w denote the space of all sequences. By ℓp, ℓ, c and c0, we denote the spaces of p-absolutely summable, bounded, convergent and null sequences respectively. Let Z be a sequence space, then Kizmaz[12] introduced the following difference sequence spaces


for Z ∈ {ℓ, c, c0}, where Δxk = xkxk+1 for each k ∈ ℕ = {1, 2, 3...}–the set of positive integers. Since then, many authors have studied further generalization of the difference sequence spaces [5, 9, 15, 17]. Moreover, Altay and Polat [3], Polat and Başar [14] and many others have studied new sequence spaces from matrix point of view that represent difference operators.

For an infinite matrix A = (an, k) and x = (xk) ∈ w, the A-transform of x is defined by Ax = {(Ax)n} and is supposed to be convergent for all n ∈ ℕ, where (Ax)n=k=0an,kxk. For two sequence spaces X and Y and an infinite matrix A = (an, k), the sequence space XA is defined by XA = {x = (xk) ∈ w : AxX}, which is called the domain of matrix A in the space X. By (X : Y ), we denote the class of all matrices such that XYA.

The Euler means Er of order r is defined by the matrix Er=(en,kr), where 0 < r < 1 and

en,kr={(nk)(1-r)n-krkif 0kn,0if k>n.

The Euler sequence spaces e0r,ecr and er were defined by Altay and Başar [1] and Altay, Başar and Mursaleen [2] as follows




Altay and Polat [3] defined further generalization of the Euler sequence spaces e0r(),ecr() and er() by


for Z{e0r,ecr,er}, where ∇xk = xkxk−1 for each k ∈ ℕ. Here any term with negative subscript is equal to naught. Moreover, many authors have used especially the Euler matrix for defining new sequence spaces. For instance, Kara and Başarir [10], Karakaya and Polat [11] and Polat and Başar [14].

Recently Bişgin [6, 7] defined another type of generalization of the Euler sequence spaces and introduced the binomial sequence spaces b0r,s,bcr,s and br,s. Let r, s ∈ ℝ and r + s ≠ 0. Then the binomial matrix Br,s=(bn,kr,s) is defined by

bn,kr,s={1(s+r)n(nk)sn-krkif 0kn,0if k>n,

for all k, n ∈ ℕ. For sr > 0 we have

  • ||Br, s ||< ∞,

  • limnbn,kr,s=0 for each k ∈ ℕ,

  • limnkbn,kr,s=1.

Thus, the binomial matrix Br, s is regular for sr > 0. Unless stated otherwise, we assume that sr > 0. If we take s + r = 1, we obtain the Euler matrix Er. So, the binomial matrix generalizes the Euler matrix. Bişgin defined the following spaces of binomial sequences




The main purpose of the present paper is to study the difference spaces b0r,s(),bcr,s() and br,s() of the binomial sequence whose Br, s(∇)-transforms are in the spaces c0, c and ℓ, respectively. These new sequence spaces are the generalization of the sequence spaces defined in [3, 6, 7]. Also, we compute the bases and the α-, β- and γ-duals of these sequence spaces.

In this section, we introduce the spaces b0r,s(),bcr,s() and br,s() and prove that these sequence spaces are linearly isomorphic to the spaces c0, c and ℓ, respectively.

We first define the binomial difference sequence spaces b0r,s(),bcr,s() and br,s() by




Let us define the sequence y = (yn) as the Br, s(∇)-transform of a sequence x = (xk), that is


for each n ∈ ℕ. Then, the binomial difference sequence spaces b0r,s(),bcr,s() and br,s() can be redefined by all sequences whose Br, s(∇)-transforms are in the space c0, c and ℓ. Let X be the one of the spaces b0r,s(),bcr,s() and br,s(). It is obvious that these sequence spaces are linear spaces normed by


Theorem 2.1

The sequence space X is a complete linear metric space with the norm defined by theequation (2.2).


Let (xm)m=1 be a Cauchy sequence in X, where xm=(xmk)k=1X for each m ∈ ℕ. For every ɛ > 0, there is a positive integer m0 such that ||xmxl ||< ɛ for m, lm0. Then we get


for m, lm0 and each k ∈ ℕ. So (Br,s(xmk))m=1 is a Cauchy sequence in the set of complex numbers ℂ. Since ℂ is complete, we have liml→∞Br, s(∇xlk) = Br, s(∇xk) for each k ∈ ℕ. Hence

limlBr,s[(xmk-xlk)]=Br,s[(xmk-xk)]ɛfor m>m0,

which implies that ||xmx ||< ɛ for all m>m0. Then we have xmx as m→∞.

Next, we shall prove that xbr,s(). And we have


which implies that xbr,s(). Thus, br,s() is a complete linear metric space. Obviously, b0r,s(),bcr,s() are closed subspaces of br,s(), so b0r,s(),bcr,s()are also complete linear metric spaces.

Theorem 2.2

The sequence spacesb0r,s(),bcr,s()andbr,s()are linearly isomorphic to the spaces c0, c and, respectively.


Similarly, we only prove the theorem for the space b0r,s(). To prove b0r,s()c0, we must show the existence of a linear bijection between the spaces b0r,s() and c0.

Consider T:b0r,s()c0 by T(x) = Br, s(∇xk). The linearity of T is obvious and x = 0 whenever T(x) = 0. Therefore, T is injective.

Let y = (yn) ∈ c0 and define the sequence x = (xk) by


for each k ∈ ℕ. Then we have


which implies that xb0r,s() and T(x) = y. Consequently, T is surjective and is norm preserving. Thus, b0r,s()c0.

Theorem 2.3

The inclusionsc0()e0r()b0r,s(),c()ecr()bcr,s()and()er()br,s()strictly hold.


Similarly, we only prove the inclusion c0()e0r()b0r,s(). By the Theorem 2.3 of Altay and Polat [3], we deduce that c0()e0r() strictly holds. Now, we prove that e0r()b0r,s() holds. If r + s = 1, we have Er = Br, s. So e0r()b0r,s() holds. Let 0 < r < 1 and s = 4. We define a sequence x = (xk) by xk=(-3r)k for each k ∈ ℕ. It is clearly that [Er(xk)]n=(r+3r(-2-r)n)c0 and [Br,s(xk)]n=(r+3r(14+r)n)c0. So, we have xb0r,s()e0r(). This shows that the inclusion e0r()b0r,s() strictly holds.

For a normed space (X, || · ||), a sequence {xk : xkX}k∈ℕ is called a Schauder basis [8] if for every xX, there is a unique scalar sequence (λk) such that x-k=0nλkxk0, as n→∞. Next, we shall give a Schauder basis for the sequence spaces b0r,s() and bcr,s().

We define the sequence g(k)(r,s)={gi(k)(r,s)}i by

gi(k)(r,s)={0if 0i<k,(s+r)kj=ki(jk)r-j(-s)j-kif ik,

for each k ∈ ℕ.

Theorem 3.1

The sequence (g(k)(r, s))k∈ℕis a Schauder basis for the binomial sequence spaceb0r,s()and everyx=(xi)b0r,s()has a unique representation by


where λk(r, s) = [Br, s(∇xi)]k for each k ∈ ℕ.


Obviously, Br,s(gi(k)(r,s))=ekc0, where ek is the sequence with 1 in the kth place and zeros elsewhere for each k ∈ ℕ. This implies that g(k)(r,s)b0r,s() for each k ∈ ℕ.

For xb0r,s() and m ∈ ℕ, we put


By the linearity of Br, s(∇), we have



[Br,s((xi-xi(m)))]k={0if 0k<m,[Br,s(xi)]kif km,

for each k ∈ ℕ.

For any given ɛ > 0, there is a positive integer m0 such that


for all km0. Then we have


which implies that xb0r,s() is represented as (3.1).

To show the uniqueness of this representation, we assume that


Then we have


which is a contradiction with the assumption that λk(r, s) = [Br, s(∇xi)]k for each k ∈ ℕ. This shows the uniqueness of this representation.

Theorem 3.2

Let g = (1, 2, 3, 4, …) and limk→∞ λk(r, s) = l. The set {g, g(0)(r, s), g(1)(r, s), …, g(k)(r, s), …} is a Schauder basis for the spacebcr,s()and everyxbcr,s()has a unique representation by


Obviously, Br,s(gik(r,s))=ekc0c and gc()bcr,s(). For xbcr,s(), we put y = xlg and we have yb0r,s(). Hence, we deduce that y has a unique representation by (3.1), which implies that x has a unique representation by (3.2). Thus, we complete the proof.

Corollary 3.1

The sequence spacesb0(r,s)()andbc(r,s)()are separable.

For the duality theory, the study of sequence spaces is more useful when we investigate them equipped with linear topologies. Köthe and Toeplitz [13] first computed the duals whose elements can be represented as sequences and defined the α-dual (or Köthe-Toeplitz dual). Next, we compute the α-, β- and γ-duals of the binomial sequence spaces b0r,s(),bcr,s() and br,s().

For the sequence spaces X and Y, define multiplier space M(X, Y ) by

M(X,Y)={u=(uk)w:ux=(ukxk)Yfor all x=(xk)X}.

Then the α-, β- and γ-duals of a sequence space X are defined by

Xα=M(X,1),Xβ=M(X,c)and Xγ=M(X,),

respectively. Let us give the following properties:

supKΓnkKan,k<supnkan,k<limnan,k=akfor each klimnkan,k=alimnkan,k=klimnan,k

where Γ is the collection of all finite subsets of ℕ.

Lemma 3.1.([16])

Let A = (an, k) be an infinite matrix. Then the following statements hold:

  • A ∈ (c0 : ℓ1) = (c : ℓ1) = (ℓ : ℓ1) if and only if (3.3) holds.

  • A ∈ (c0 : c) if and only if (3.4) and (3.5) hold.

  • A ∈ (c : c) if and only if (3.4), (3.5) and (3.6) hold.

  • A ∈ (ℓ : c) if and only if (3.5) and (3.7) hold.

  • A ∈ (c0 : ℓ) = (c : ℓ) = (ℓ : ℓ) if and only if (3.4) holds.

Theorem 3.3

The α-dual of the spacesb0r,s(),bcr,s()andbr,s()is the set


Let u = (uk) ∈ w and x = (xk) be defined by (2.3), then we have


for each k ∈ ℕ, where Gr,s=(gk,ir,s) is defined by

gk,ir,s={(s+r)ij=ik(ji)r-j(-s)j-iukif 0ik,0if i>k.

Therefore, we deduce that ux = (ukxk) ∈ ℓ1 whenever xb0r,s(),bcr,s() or br,s() if and only if Gr, sy ∈ ℓ1 whenever yc0, c or ℓ, which implies that u=(uk)[b0r,s()]α,[bcr,s()]α or [br,s()]α if and only if Gr, s ∈ (c0 : ℓ1) Gr, s ∈ (c : ℓ1) or Gr, s ∈ (ℓ : ℓ1) by Part (i) of Lemma 3.1. So we obtain that


if and only if


Thus, we have [b0r,s()]α=[bcr,s()]α=[br,s()]α=U1r,s.

Now, we define the sets U2r,s,U3r,s,U4r,s and U5r,s by U2r,s={u=(uk)w:supnkun,k<},U3r,s={u=(uk)w:limnun,kexists for each k},U4r,s={u=(uk)w:limnkun,k=klimnun,k},

and U5r,s={u=(uk)w:limnkun,kexists},



Theorem 3.4

We have the following relations:

  • [b0r,s()]β=U2r,sU3r,s,

  • [bcr,s()]β=U2r,sU3r,sU5r,s,

  • [br,s()]β=U3r,sU4r,s.


Let u = (uk) ∈ w and x = (xk) be defined by (2.3), then we consider the following equation


where Ur,s=(un,kr,s) is defined by

un,k={(s+r)ki=knj=ki(jk)r-j(-s)j-kuiif 0kn,0if k>n.

Therefore, we deduce that ux = (ukxk) ∈ c whenever xb0r,s() if and only if Ur, syc whenever yc0, which implies that u=(uk)[b0r,s()]β if and only if Ur, s ∈ (c0 : c) by Part (ii) of Lemma 3.1. So we obtain that [b0r,s()]β=U2r,sU3r,s. Using Parts (iii), (iv) instead of (ii) of Lemma 3.1, the proof can be proved in the similar way. So, we omit the detail.

Similarly, we give the following theorem without proof.

Theorem 3.5

The γ-dual of the spacesb0r,s(),bcr,s()andbr,s()is the setU2r,s.

By considering the definitions of the binomial matrix Br,s=(bn,kr,s) and difference operator, we introduce the sequence spaces b0r,s(),bcr,s() and br,s(). These spaces are the natural continuation of [3, 6, 7]. Our results are the generalization of the matrix domain of the Euler matrix of order r. In order to give full knowledge to the reader on related topics with applications and a possible line of further investigation, the e-book[4] is added to the list of references.

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