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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2017; 57(1): 109-124

Published online March 23, 2017

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Some New Subclasses of Analytic Functions defined by Srivastava-Owa-Ruscheweyh Fractional Derivative Operator

Khalida Inayat Noor1
Rashid Murtaza1
Janusz Sokól2

Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Park Road, Islamabad, Pakistan1
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów, ul. Prof. Pigonia 1, 35-310 Rzeszów, Poland2

Received: January 5, 2016; Accepted: December 6, 2016

In this article the Srivastava-Owa-Ruscheweyh fractional derivative operator La,λα is applied for defining and studying some new subclasses of analytic functions in the unit disk E. Inclusion results, radius problem and other results related to Bernardi integral operator are also discussed. Some applications related to conic domains are given.

Keywords: analytic functions, convolution, subordination, Srivastava-Owa-Ruscheweyh  ,fractional derivative operator, multiplier linear fractional differential operator, gamma function, incomplete beta function

Let denote the class of all normalized functions of the form


which are analytic in the open unit disk E = {z : |z| < 1}.

Let , , , (β) and (β) denote the subclasses of consisting of functions that are univalent, convex, starlike, convex of order β and starlike of order β in E respectively, see [10]. For the functions

f(z)=z+j=2ajzj         and         g(z)=z+j=2bjzj,zE,

the convolution (Hadamard product) is defined as


Let f and g be analytic functions in E. Then f is said to be subordinate to g written as fg and f(z) ≺ g(z), zE, if there exits a Schwarz function ω analytic in E, with ω (0) = 0 and |ω(z)| < 1 for zE, such that f(z) = g (ω(z)), zE.

Recently, the theory of fractional calculus has found interesting applications in the theory of analytic functions. The classical definitions of fractional operators and their generalizations have fruitfully been applied in obtaining, for example, the characterization properties, coefficient estimates, distortion inequalities and convolution structures for various subclasses of analytic functions.

The fractional derivative of order α, 0 ≤ α < 1 is defined in [23] as follows

Dzαf(z)=1Γ(1-α)ddz0zf(t)(z-t)αdt,   0α<1,zE,

where the function f(z) is analytic in a simply connected domain in the complex plane containing the origin and the multiplicity of (zt)α is removed by requiring log(zt) ∈ ℝ, whenever (zt) > 0. The gamma function Γ is defined as

Γ(z)=0e-xxz-1dx,   ez>0.

Note that


Owa and Srivastava [24, 30] introduced the operator Ωα : as follows

Ωαf(z)=Γ(2-α)zαDzαf(z),   0α<1,=z+j=2Γ(1+j)Γ(2-α)Γ(1+j-α)ajzj,   zE,=ϕ(2,2-α;z)*f(z),

where the incomplete beta function φ(a, c; z) is defined as follows


where a, c are complex numbers different from 0, −1, −2, …. It can be seen that


Mishra and Gochhayat [19] have studied some properties of the operator Ωα and introduced new subclass of k-uniformly convex functions. In a recent paper Ibrahim and Darus [12] introduced the fractional differential subordination based on the operator Ωα. Srivastava and Mishra [29] studied the applications of fractional calculus to the parabolic starlike and uniformly convex functions using the operator Ωα.

Al-Oboudi [1, 2] defined the linear multiplier fractional differential operator of order 1 as follows

Dλαf(z)=(1-λ)Ωαf(z)+λz(Ωαf(z))=z+j=2Γ(1+j)Γ(2-α)Γ(1+j-α)(1+λ(j-1))ajzj,=φ(2,2-α;z)*gλ(z)*f(z),   zE,

where 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ α < 1 and

gλ(z)=z-(1-λ)z2(1-z)2,   0λ1.



where Ωα was defined by (1.4) and


Bulut [5, 6, 7, 8] used the Al-Oboudi fractional differential operator of order n to define some new integral operators and obtain interesting results. Recently, Noor et al [22] used fractional derivative to define some new subclasses of analytic functions in the conic regions. Now for a > 0, let

ka(z)=z(1-z)a=z+j=2Γ(a+j-1)Γ(a)Γ(j)zj,   zE.

Ozkan [25] defined the convolution of f given by (1.1) and ka(z) such that

(ka*f)(z)=z+j=2Γ(a+j-1)Γ(a)Γ(j)ajzj,   zE.

Now extending the concept of [4] and [25, 30], we define the Srivastava-Owa-Ruscheweyh La,λα:AA as follows

La,λαf(z)=z(1-z)a*Dλαf(z)=z+j=2Γ(a+j-1)Γ(2-α)Γ(j+1)Γ(1+j-α)Γ(a)Γ(j){1+λ(j-1)}ajzj=z(1-z)a*φ(2,2-α;z)*gλ(z)*f(z),   zE,

which is called the Srivastava-Owa-Ruscheweyh fractional derivative operator.

It can easily be seen that

  • For α = 0, λ = 0. La,00f(z)=(ka*f)(z),

    see [25].

  • For a = n + 1 > 0, α = 0, λ = 0. Ln+1,00f(z)=z(1-z)n+1*f(z),

    see [28].

  • For a = n + 1 > 0, α = 0. Ln+1,00f(z)=z(1-z)n+1*Dλ0f(z),

    see [26].

From the definition of La,λα, we can establish the following identity as well


We assume that h is analytic, convex, univalent in E with h(0) = 1 and ℜ h(z) > 0, zE. Using the operator La,λα, we define the following

Definition 1.1

Let Pa,λα(h,δ) be the class of functions f satisfying


for a > 0, 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ α < 1 and for all zE.

We note that the class Pa,00(h,δ)=Pa(h,δ), was studied by Ozkan in [25] and the class Pa,00(h,0)=Sa(h), was studied by Padmanabhan and Parvatham in [26].

Obviously, for the special choices of function h and parameters α, a, λ, we have the following relationship.

P1,00(1+z1-z,0)=S*,P2,00(1+z1-z,0)=P1,00(1+z1-z,1)=C,P1,00(1+(1-2β)z1-z,0)=S*(β),         0β<1,P2,00(1+(1-2β)z1-z,0)=P1,00(1+(1-2β)z1-z,1)=C(β).

Definition 1.2

Let Ja,λα(h,γ) denote the subclass of consisting of the functions f which satisfies the following condition


for some a > 0, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ α < 1, 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 and for all zE. Note that


see [25].

Definition 1.3

Let Ma,λα(h,γ) be the class of functions f which satisfies the following condition


for some a > 0, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ α < 1, 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 and for all zE.

To prove our main results, we need the following Lemmas.

Lemma 2.1.([18])

Let h be analytic, univalent, convex in E, with h(0) = 1 and[β1h(z)+γ1] > 0, β1, γ1 ∈ ℂ, zE. If p is analytic in E, with p(0) = h(0), then




Lemma 2.2.([11])

Let h be analytic, univalent, convex in E, with h(0) = 1. Let p be analytic in E, with p(0) = h(0). If γ2 ≠ 0, ℜ γ2 ≥ 0 and

p(z)+zp(z)γ2h(z),   γ20,   zE,





Lemma 2.3.([9])

If ψ, gand F is analytic function with(F(z)) > 0 for zE, then

e((ψ*Fg)(z)(ψ*g)(z))>0,   zE.

Lemma 2.4.([21])

Let p(z) and q(z) be analytic in E, with p(0) = q(0) = 1 and e(q(z))>12 for |z| < ρ, (0 < ρ ≤ 1). Then the image of Eρ = {z : |z| < ρ} under p * q is a subset of closed convex hull of p(E).

In this section, we will prove our main results.

Theorem 3.1

Assume that a ≥ 1, 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ α < 1 and

1z{(1-δ)(La,λαf(z))+δz(La,λαf(z))}0   zE.


Pa+1,λα(h,δ)Pa,λα(h,δ),   forallzE.

We suppose that fPa+1,λα(h,δ) and let


Then by (3.1) the function p(z) is analytic in E, with p(0) = 1. From (1.7) and (3.2), we obtain


Since fPa+1,λα(h,δ), therefore by using (3.2), we have

p(z)+zp(z)p(z)+(a-1)h(z)in E.

Thus it follows from the Lemma 2.1 that

p(z)h(z)   for a1in E.

Hence fPa,λα(h,δ) for a ≥ 1.

As special cases of Theorem 3.1, we have the following results.

Corollary 3.2.([25])

If (3.1) is satisfied for α = 0 and λ = 0, then Pa+1,00(h,δ)Pa,00(h,δ).

Corollary 3.3

If (3.1) is satisfied for δ = 0, α = 0, λ = 0, a = 1 and h(z)=1+z1-z,P2,00(1+z1-z,0)P1,00(1+z1-z,0). That is, zE.

Theorem 3.4

Assume that


If fPa,λα(h,δ) for a ≥ 1, then FcPa,λα(h,δ), where Fc is defined as

Fc(z)=1+czc0ztc-1f(t)dt,   c>-1,   zE.

Suppose that fPa,λα(h,δ) and let


Then by (3.4) the function p(z) is analytic in E, with p(0) = 1. From (3.3), we can write


This means that


From (3.4) and (3.5), we have


Since fPa,λα(h,δ), therefore from (3.6), it follows that

p(z)+zp(z)p(z)+ch(z)   in E.

This implies by using Lemma 2.1 with β1 = 1 and γ1 = c that p(z) ≺ h(z) in E. Thus FcPa,λα(h,δ) in E.

Taking a = 1, α = 0, λ = 0, h(z)=1+z1-z, zE in Theorem 3.4, we deduce Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 of Bernardi [3] with δ = 0 and δ = 1 respectively.

Theorem 3.5

For a > 0, 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ α < 1, we have


Suppose that fJa+1,λα(h,γ) and let


where p(z) is analytic in E, with p(0) = 1. Taking δ = 1 in (1.7), we obtain


Differentiating (3.8) and using (3.7), we have


Now by applying Lemma 2.2 and from (3.9), we can write ph in E. Thus fJa,λα(h,γ) in E.

Theorem 3.6

If fJa,λα(h,γ), then FcJa,λα(h,γ), where Fc is defined by (3.3).


We assume that fJa,λα(h,γ). Let


where p(z) is analytic in E, with p(0) = 1. From (3.8) and (3.10), we obtain


Using Lemma 2.2 with (3.11), we have ph in E and hence FcJa,λα(h,γ).

For α = 0, λ = 0, we have the following result, see [25].

Corollary 3.7

If fJa,00(h,γ)=Ja(h,γ), then Fc (h, γ), where Fc is defined by (3.3).

Theorem 3.8

For a > 0, 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ α < 1, we have


Let fMa+1,λα(h,γ) and


where p(z) is analytic in E, with p(0) = 1.

Differentiating (3.8) and using (3.12), we obtain


Since fMa+1,λα(h,γ), therefore

(La+1,λαf(z))+γz(La+1,λαf(z))h(z)   for all zE.

By using (3.13), it follows that

p(z)+zp(z)ah(z)   in   E.

Now by using Lemma 2.2, we obtain ph in E and hence fMa,λα(h,γ).

Corollary 3.9.([25])

For α = 0, λ = 0, we have


Theorem 3.10

  • fMa,λα(h,γ)zfJa,λα(h,γ),

  • Ma,λα(h,γ)Ja,λα(h,γ).


(i) Let fMa,λα(h,γ). Now using the fact


we can write


Since fMa,λα(h,γ), therefore

(La,λαf(z))+γz(Lζa,λαf(z))h(z)in E.

From (3.14), it follows that

(1-γ)La,λα(zf(z))z+γ(La,λα(zf(z)))in E.

Hence zfJa,λα(h,γ).

(ii) Let fMa,λα(h,γ) and let


where p(z) is analytic in E, with p(0) = 1. From (3.15), we obtain


Thus from Lemma 2.2, we have ph in E. Hence fJa,λα(h,γ).

For α = 0, λ = 0, we have some well known results due to [25].

Corollary 3.11

  • fMa,00(h,γ)zfJa,00(h,γ),

  • Ma,00(h,γ)Ja,00(h,γ).

Theorem 3.12

For γ > η ≥ 0, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ α < 1, we have

  • Ja,λα(h,γ)Ja,λα(h,η),

  • Ma,λα(h,γ)Ma,λα(h,η).


(i). The case η = 0 is trivial. Suppose that η > 0. Let fJa,λα(h,γ) and let z1 be any arbitrary point in E. Then


Since (La,λαf(z1))zh(E), we can write the following equality


Now as ηγ<1 and h(E) is convex. Therefore from (3.16), it follows that


Thus fJa,λα(h,η).

The proof of part (ii) is similar to (i).

Theorem 3.13

If Ψ ∈ and fPa,λα(h,δ), then fPa,λα(h,δ), for a ≥ 1.


Let Ψ ∈ , G(z)=(1-δ)(La,λαf(z))+δz(La,λαf(z))S*(h)S* and p(z)=zG(z)G(z). Consider


where p(z)=zG(z)G(z)h(z)in E. We now apply Lemma 2.3 and using (3.17), we have Ψ*fPa,λα(h,δ).

Note that the above result also holds for the classes Ja,λα(h,γ) and Ma,λα(h,γ).

Theorem 3.14

For δ ≥ 0, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ α < 1, we have


The case δ = 0 is trivial, so we suppose that δ > 0. Assume that Pa,λα(h,δ) and let




This means that zN(z)N(z)h(z) in E. That is N(h). Let


where p(z) is analytic in E, with p(0) = 1. Now


Therefore using (3.18), we obtain


Since zN(z)N(z)h(z) in E. This implies that

p(z)+zp(z)p(z)+(1/δ-1)h(z)in E.

Now by using Lemma 2.2, we have p(z) ≺ h(z) in E. Thus fPa,λα(h,δ).

For different choices of analytic function h, we have some applications of the main results. For k ∈ [0,∞), Kanas [13, 14, 15] defined the conic domain Ωk as follows


For k = 0, this domain represents the whole right half plane. Also we obtain the right branch of hyperbola for 0 < k < 1, the parabola for k = 1 and the ellipse for k > 1. The following functions pk(z) are univalent with pk (0) = 1, pk(0)>0 and plays the role of extremal functions mapping E onto the conic domains Ωk


Here u(z)=z-t1-tz,t(0,1), t ∈ (0, 1), zE and z is chosen such that k=cosh (πR(t)4R(t)), R(t) is Legender’s elliptic integral of the first kind and R′ (t) is the complementary integral of R(t). For details, we refer to [13], [14], [15] and [20]. In [16] some linear operators associated with k-uniformly convex functions were considered. Now by choosing h(z) = pk(z) in Theorem 3.14, we can easily prove the following

Corollary 4.1

For δ ≥ 0, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, 0 ≤ α < 1, we have




Some of the special cases are given as follows.

  • Let k = 0. Then fPa,λα(1+z1-z,δ)fPa,λα(11-z,0). That is e(z(La,λαf(z))La,λαf(z))>12in E.

  • For k = 1, we have Pa,λα((1+2π2[log(1+z1-z)]2,δ))Pa,λα(q1,0)

    and e(z(La,λαf(z))La,λαf(z))>q1(-1)=12.

  • Let k > 1 and fPa,λα(pk,δ)fPa,λα(z(z-k)log(1-zk),0). That is e(z(La,λαf(z))La,λαf(z))>1(k+1)log(1+1k).

  • For the case k = 2, we note that Pa,λα(p2,δ)Pa,λα(q2,0). This gives us e(z(La,λαf(z))La,λαf(z))>q2(-1)13log320.813.

Now we prove a radius result for the class Ma,λα(h,σ).

Theorem 4.2

Let fMa,λα(h,0). Then fMa,λα(h,σ), for |z| < rσ, where




where p(z) is analytic in E, with p(0) = 1. Then


where gσ(z)=z-(1-σ)z2(1-z)2. It is known [17] that e(gσ(z)z)>12 in |z| < rσ. This implies that gσ(z)zh2(z) and e(h2(z))>12 in |z| < rσ. Now by using Lemma 2.4 and from (4.2), we obtain

p(z)+σzp(z)h2(z)*h(z)h(z)   in   z   <rσ.

It follows that

p(z)+σzp(z)=(La,λαf(z))+σz(La,λαf(z))h(z)   in   z   <rσ.

Thus fMa,λα(h,σ) in |z| < rσ, where rσ is given by (4.1).

The authors are grateful to Dr. S. M. Junaid Zaidi, Rector, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan for providing excellent research and academic environment. This research is supported by the HEC NPRU project No: 20-1966/R&D/11-2553, titled, Research unit of Academic Excellence in Geometric Functions Theory and Applications.

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