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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal -0001; 56(3): 951-964

Published online November 30, -0001

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

On Concircular Curvature Tensor with respect to the Semi-symmetric Non-metric Connection in a Kenmotsu Manifold

 Abdul Haseeb

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Jazan University, Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Received: May 1, 2015; Accepted: July 25, 2016

In 1969, S. Tanno classified connected almost contact metric manifolds whose automorphism groups possess the maximum dimension [14]. For such a manifold, the sectional curvature of plane sections containing ξ is a constant, say c. He showed that they can be divided into three classes: (1) homogeneous normal contact Riemannian manifolds with c > 0, (2) global Riemannian products of a line or a circle with a Kaehler manifold of constant holomorphic sectional curvature if c = 0 and (3) a warped product space R ×fC if c > 0. It is known that the manifolds of class (1) are characterized by admitting a Sasakian structure. K. Kenmotsu [12] characterized the differential geometric properties of the manifolds of class (3); the structure so obtained is now known as Kenmotsu structure. Kenmotsu manifolds have been studied by various authors such as G. Pathak and U. C. De [13], J. B. Jun, U. C. De and G. Pathak [11], A. Yildiz et al. [17] and many others.

In 1924, the idea of semi-symmetric linear connection on a differentiable manifold was introduced by A. Friedmann and J. A. Schouten [8]. In 1930, E. Bartolotti [2] gave a geometrical meaning of such a connection. In 1932, H. A. Hayden [10] introduced semi-symmetric metric connection in Riemannian manifolds and this was studied systematically by K. Yano [15]. The semi-symmetric non-metric connection in a Riemannian manifold have been studied by N. S. Agashe and M. R. Chafle [1], U. C. De and S. C. Biswas [7], L. S. Das, M. Ahmad and A. Haseeb [6], S. K. Chaubey and R. H. Ojha [5] and others. Recently, A. Haseeb, M. A. Khan and M. D. Siddiqi studied an ε-Kenmotsu manifold with a semi-symmetric metric connection and obtained some new noteworthy results on this manifold [9].

Let ∇ be a linear connection in an n-dimensional differentiable manifold M. The torsion tensor T and the curvature tensor R of ∇ are given respectively by


The connection ∇ is said to be symmetric if its torsion tensor T vanishes, otherwise it is non-symmetric. The connection ∇ is said to be metric connection if there is a Riemannian metric g in M such that ∇g = 0, otherwise it is non-metric. It is well known that a linear connection is symmetric and metric if it is the Levi-Civita connection.

A linear connection ∇ is said to be semi-symmetric connection if its torsion tensor T is of the form


where η is a 1-form.

Semi-symmetric connections play an important role in the study of Riemannian manifolds. There are various physical problems involving the semi-symmetric metric connection. For example, if a man is moving on the surface of the earth always facing one definite point, say Jaruselam or Mekka or the North pole, then this displacement is semi-symmetric and metric [8].

Motivated by the above studies, in this paper we obtain some new results on concircular curvature tensor in a Kenmotsu manifold with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection. The paper is organized as follows : In Section 2, we give a brief introduction of a Kenmotsu manifold and define semi-symmetric non-metric connection. In Section 3, we find the curvature tensor, Ricci tensor and scalar curvature in a Kenmotsu manifold with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection. Section 4 deals with the study of concircular curvature tensor in a Kenmotsu manifold with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection and we establish the relation between concircular curvature tensors with respect to the connections ∇ and ∇̄. In Section 5, we show that the Kenmotsu manifold satisfying the condition *(ξ, X) = 0 is an η-Einstein manifold. Section 6 is devoted to the study of concircularly flat and ξ-concircularly flat Kenmotsu manifolds with respect to the connection ∇̄. In Section 7, we study concircularly symmetric Kenmotsu manifolds with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection.

An n-dimensional smooth manifold (M, g) (n = 2m + 1 > 1) is said to be an almost contact metric manifold [3], if it admits a (1, 1) tensor field φ, a structure vector field ξ, a 1-form η and the Riemannian metric g which satisfy

φ2X=-X+η(X)ξ,g(X,ξ)=η(X),         η(φX)=0,         φ(ξ)=0,         η(ξ)=1,g(φX,φY)=g(X,Y)-η(X)η(Y)

for arbitrary vector fields X and Y on M.

An almost contact metric manifold M(φ, ξ, η, g) is said to be Kenmotsu manifold if ([12])


where ∇ denotes the Riemannian connection of g.

Also the following relations hold in a Kenmotsu manifold [12]:

(Xη)Y=g(X,Y)-η(X)η(Y),R(X,Y)ξ=η(X)Y-η(Y)X,R(ξ,X)Y=-R(X,ξ)Y=η(Y)X-g(X,Y)ξ,η(R(X,Y)Z)=g(X,Z)η(Y)-g(Y,Z)η(X),S(X,ξ)=-(n-1)η(X),S(ξ,ξ)=-(n-1),         i.e.,         Qξ=-(n-1)ξ,

where g(QX, Y ) = S(X, Y ). It yields to



We consider the three dimensional manifold M = [(x, y, z) ∈ R3 | z ≠ 0], where (x, y, z) are the cartesian coordinates in R3. Choosing the vector fields

e1=zx,         e2=zy,         e3=-zz,

which are linearly independent at each point of M. Let g be the Riemannian metric define by

g(e1,e3)=g(e2,e3)=g(e2,e2)=0,         g(e1,e1)=g(e2,e2)=g(e3,e3)=1.

Let η be the 1-form defined by η(Z) = g(Z, e3) for any vector field Z on TM. Let φ be the (1, 1) tensor field defined by φ(e1) = −e2, φ(e2) = e1, φ(e3) = 0. Then by the linearity property of φ and g, we have

φ2Z=-Z+η(Z)e3,         η(e3)=1         and         g(φZ,φW)=g(Z,W)-η(Z)η(W)

for any vector fields Z, W on M.

Let ∇ be the Levi-Civita connection with respect to the metric g. Then we have

[e1,e2]=0,         [e1,e3]=e1,         [e2,e3]=e2.

The Riemannian connection ∇ with respect to the metric g is given by


From above equation which is known as Koszul’s formula, we have


Using the above relations, for any vector field X on M, we have


for ξe3. Hence the manifold M under consideration is a Kenmotsu manifold of dimension three.

Definition 2.1([16])

A Kenmotsu manifold M is said to be an η-Einstein manifold if its Ricci tensor S of type (0,2) is of the form


where a and b are smooth functions on M. If a = 0, then the manifold will be called a special type of η-Einstein manifold.

Definition 2.2([4])

The concircular curvature tensor C* in a Kenmotsu manifold M is defined by


where R and r are the Riemannian curvature tensor and the scalar curvature of the manifold respectively.

Definition 2.3

A Kenmotsu manifold M is said to be symmetric if


for all vector fields X, Y, Z, W on M, where R is the curvature tensor with respect to ∇.

Definition 2.4

A Kenmotsu manifold M is said to be concircularly symmetric if


for all vector fields X, Y, Z, W on M, where C* is the concircular curvature tensor defined by (2.14).

A linear connection ∇̄ in M is called semi-symmetric connection if its torsion tensor




Further, a semi-symmetric connection is called semi-symmetric non-metric connection [1] if


Let M be an n-dimensional Kenmotsu manifold and ∇ be the Levi-Civita connection on M, the semi-symmetric non-metric connection ∇̄ on M is given by


The curvature tensor of semi-symmetric non-metric connection ∇̄ in M is defined by


Using Equations (2.6) and (2.20) in (3.1), we get




is the Riemannian curvature tensor of the connection ∇.

Contracting X in (3.2), we get


where and S are the Ricci tensors of the connections ∇̄ and ∇, respectively on M.

This gives


Contracting again Y and Z in (3.3), it follows that


where and r are the scalar curvatures of the connections ∇̄ and ∇, respectively on M.

Lemma 3.1

Let M be an n-dimensional Kenmotsu manifold with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection. Then


By taking Z = ξ in (3.2) and using (2.7) and (2.2), we get (3.6). (3.7) follows from (3.2) and (2.8). By using (2.10) and (3.3) we have (3.8). From (2.11) and (3.4), we get (3.9). (3.10) follows, by considering X = φX and Y = φY in (3.3) and using (2.2), (2.3) and (2.12).

Thus we are in a position to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 3.2

In a Kenmotsu manifold with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection the curvature condition R̄(ξ, Y ). S̄ = 0 is satisfied.


In order to prove the theorem (3.2), we consider the following expression


Taking X = ξ in (3.11), we have


Using (3.7), we obtain


By making use of (3.8) in (3.13), we get


This completes the proof.

Analogous to the Definition 2.2, the concircular curvature tensor * on a Kenmotsu manifold with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection is given by


where and are the curvature tensor and scalar curvature with respect to the connection ∇̄, respectively.

By making use of (3.2) and (3.5) in the above equation, we obtain


where C*(X, Y )Z is the concircular curvature tensor with respect to the connection ∇ and is given by (2.14). The equation (4.2) is the relation between the concircular curvature tensors with respect to the connections ∇̄ and ∇.

Interchanging X and Y in (4.2), we have


On adding (4.2) and (4.3) and using the fact that R(X, Y )Z + R(Y, X)Z = 0, we get


From (3.2), (4.1) and first Bianchi identity R(X, Y )Z +R(Y, Z)X +R(Z, X)Y = 0 with respect to ∇, we obtain


Equation (4.4) (resp.,(4.5)) shows that in a Kenmotsu manifold with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection the concircular curvature tensor is skew-symmetric (resp., cyclic).

Next, taking inner product of (4.1) with ξ, we have


Using (3.2) and (3.5) in (4.6), we find


*(ξ, X). S̄ = 0

Now we consider a Kenmotsu manifold with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection ∇̄ satisfying the condition


Then we have


By virtue of (2.2), (3.5), (3.7) and (4.1), we have


From (5.2), (5.3) and (5.4), we have


which on using (3.8), reduces to


By using (3.3), (5.5) takes the form


This implies that either the scalar curvature of M is r = n2 − 3n + 2 or S = (n − 1)g(X, Y ) − 2(n − 1)η(X)η(Y ). The converse part is trivial.

Thus we can state the following theorem.

Theorem 5.1

The concircular curvature tensor with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection in a Kenmotsu manifold satisfies C̄*(ξ, X).S̄ = 0 if and only if either M has the scalar curvature n2 − 3n + 2 or M is an η-Einstein manifold.

Firstly, we assume that the manifold M with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection is concircularly flat, that is, *(X, Y )Z = 0. Then from (4.1), it follows that


Taking inner product of the above equation with ξ, we have


In view of (2.2), (2.9), (3.2) and (3.5), we get


This implies that either the scalar curvature of M is r = −(n − 1)(n + 2) or


Putting Y = ξ in (6.4) and using (2.2), it follows that


Taking X = QX in (6.5), and using (2.10), we get


Hence we can state the following theorem.

Theorem 6.1

For a concircularly flat Kenmotsu manifold with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric, either the scalar curvature is −(n − 1)(n + 2) or the manifold is a special type of η-Einstein manifold.

Secondly, we assume that the manifold M with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection is ξ-concircularly flat, that is, *(X, Y )ξ = 0. For this taking Z = ξ in (6.1), we have


In view of (3.5) and (3.6), we have


Taking Y = ξ in (6.8) and using (2.2), we get


Taking inner product of (6.9) with U, we have


Now taking X = QX in (6.10), we have


By making use (2.10) and the fact that S(X, U) = g(QX, U), we find


This implies that either the scalar curvature of M is r = (n − 1)(n − 2) or


Hence we can state the following theorem.

Theorem 6.2

For a ξ-concircularly flat Kenmotsu manifold with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric, either the scalar curvature is (n − 1)(n − 2) or the manifold is a special type of η-Einstein manifold.

Next, taking Z = ξ in (4.2) and using (2.2), we get


Making use of (2.2), it follows that


Since η(X)Yη(Y )X = R(X, Y )ξ ≠ 0, in a Kenmotsu manifold, in general, then we have the following theorem.

Theorem 6.3

ξ-concircularly flatness in Kenmotsu manifolds with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection and the Levi-Civita connection are not equivalent.

Using (2.14), we can write


Now differentiating (4.2) with respect to W, we have


Making use of (2.6) in (7.2), we obtain


From (7.1) and (7.3), we get


In view of (4.1) and (4.7), (7.4) takes the form


Now differentiating (2.14) with respect to W, we get


From (7.5) and (7.6), we obtain


from which we have




If the scalar curvature r is constant and F(X, Y, Z, W) = 0, then (7.8) reduces to


Hence we can state the following theorem.

Theorem 7.1

A Kenmotsu manifold is concircularly symmetric with respect to the semi-symmetric non-metric connection ∇̄ if and only if it is symmetric with respect to Riemannian connection, provided the scalar curvature r is constant and F(X, Y, Z, W) = 0.

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