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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2020; 60(3): 647-671

Published online September 30, 2020

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Global Existence and Ulam-Hyers Stability of Ψ-Hilfer Fractional Differential Equations

Kishor Deoman Kucche* and Jyoti Pramod Kharade

Department of Mathematics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416 004, Maharashtra,India
e-mail : kdkucche@gmail.com and jyoti.thorwe@gmail.com

Received: December 2, 2019; Revised: April 7, 2020; Accepted: April 14, 2020

In this paper, we consider the Cauchy-type problem for a nonlinear differential equation involving a Ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative and prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions in the weighted space of functions. The Ulam-Hyers and Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stabilities of the Cauchy-type problem is investigated via the successive approximation method. Further, we investigate the dependence of solutions on the initial conditions and their uniqueness using ϵ-approximated solutions. Finally, we present examples to illustrate our main results.

Keywords: Ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative, existence and uniqueness, Ulam-Hyers stability, successive approximations, є,-approximate solution, dependence of solution.

The theory of fractional differential equations (FDEs) [9] and their applications is a topic of great interest in pure and applied mathematics. The popluarity of FDEs and related problems is largely due to the many applications they have to various branches of science and engineering. The varied applications have yielded many different definitions of fractional derivative and fractional integral, which do not coincide in general. Hilfer [7] introduced the generalized Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of order µ ~(n-1<µ< n ∈ N) and of type ν ~(0≤ ν ≤ 1), defined by

Da+μ,νyt=Ia+νnμd dxnIa+1νnμyt,

which allows one to interpolate between the Riemann-Liouville derivative Da+μ,0= RLDa+μ and the Caputo derivative Da+μ,1= CDa+μ. Furati et al. [5, 6] considered the basic problems of existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions of the nonlinear Cauchy type problem involving a Hilfer fractional derivative.

Very recently, Sousa and Olivera [15] extended the concept of the Hilfer derivative operator and introduced a new definition of the fractional derivative- namely the Ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative of a function of order µ and of type ν with respect to another function Ψ. They discussed its calculus and derived a class of fractional integrals and fractional derivatives by giving a particular value to the function Ψ. In [16] Sousa and Olivera proved a generalized Gronwall inequality involving thier fractional integral with respect to another function and investigated basic results pertaining to the existence, uniqueness of solutions of, and and data dependence of, the Cauchy type problem involving a Ψ-Hilfer differential operator.

The fundamental problem of Ulam [14] was generalized for the stability of FDEs [18]. Stability of any FDE in the Ulam-Hyers sense is the problem of dealing with the replacement of a given FDE by a fractional differential inequality, and obtaining sufficient conditions about ``When the solutions of the fractional differential inequalities are close to the solutions of given FDE ?". For a Ulam-Hyers stability theory of FDEs and its recent development, one can refer to [1, 2, 3, 17, 18] and the references therein.

Huang et al. [8] investigated HU stability of integer order delay differential equations by the method of successive approximation. Kucche and Sutar [10] extended the idea of [8] and investigated the HU stability of nonlinear delay FDEs with the Caputo derivative. Oliveira and Sousa [4, 17] explored Ulam-Hyers and Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stabilities of Ψ- Hilfer nonlinear fractional differential and integrodifferential equations by means of the fixed point theorem of Banach.

Motivated by the work of [10, 15, 16], in this paper, we consider the Ψ-Hilfer fractional differential equation (Ψ-Hilfer FDE) of the form:

HDa+μ,ν;Ψy(t)=f(t,y(t)), t[a,b], 0<μ<1, 0ν1, Ia+1ρ;Ψy(a)=ya, ρ=μ+νμν,

where HDa+μ,ν;Ψ() is the (left-sided) Ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative of order µ and type ν, Ia+1ρ;Ψ is (left-sided) fractional integral of order 1-Π with respect to another function Ψ, in the Riemann-Liouville sense, and f:[a,b]× is a given function that will be specified latter.

The main objective of this paper is to prove the global existence and uniqueness of solutions to Ψ-Hilfer FDE (1.1)-(1.2). Using the method of successive approximations we investigate Ulam-Hyers (HU) and Ulam-Hyers-Rassias (HUR) stability of (1.1). Utilizing the generalized Gronwall inequality [15] we obtain estimations for the difference between two ϵ-approximated solutions of (1.1)-(1.2). With this we derive the results pertaining to uniqueness and dependence of solutions on the initial conditions.

The Ψ-Hilfer FDE (1.1)-(1.2) is quite general in the sense that for different particular values of the parameters μ, ν and for various specific functions Ψ the derivative operator HDa+μ,ν;Ψ reduces to many well known fractional derivative operators that are recorded in [15]. Among these are the: Riemann-Liouville derivative, Caputo derivative, Hilfer derivative, Katugampola Derivative, Caputo-Katugampola Derivative, Hilfer-Katugampola Derivative, Hadmard Derivative, Caputo-Hadmard Derivative, Hilfer-Hadmard Derivative, Chen fractional derivative, Jumarie derivative, Prabhakar derivative, Erd`elyi-Kober derivative, Riesz derivative, Feller derivative, Weyl derivative, Cassar derivative, and Caputo-Riesz derivative.

Moreover, for Ψ(t)=t and ν=1 the results of the current paper yield results from [10] and for Ψ(t)=t and μ=ν=1 yield results from [8].

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, some basic definitions and results concerning the Ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative that are important for the development of the paper are given. Section 3 deals with the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the problem (1.1)-(1.2). Section 4 deals with the HU stability of (1.1) via successive approximations. In Section 5, we study an ϵ-approximate solution of (1.1). In Section 6, we provide an illustrative example.

In this section, we recall few definitions, notions and the fundamental results about the fractional integrals of a function with respect to another function [9], and the Ψ-Hilfer fractional operator [15, 16].

Let 0<a<b<, Δ=[a,b]+=[0,),0ρ<1 and ΨC1(Δ,) be an increasing function such that Ψ(x)0, xΔ. The weighted spaces C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,), C1ρ;Ψρ(Δ,) and  C1ρ;Ψμ,ν(Δ,) of functions are defined as follows:

  • (i) C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)=h:(a,b]: (Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρh(t)C(Δ,) , with the norm ||h||C1ρ;Ψ=maxtΔ(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρh(t),

  • (ii) C1ρ;Ψρ(Δ,)=hC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,):Da+ρh(t)C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,),

  • (iii) C1ρ;Ψμ,ν(Δ,)=hC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,): HDa+μ,νh(t)C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,).

Definition 2.1.([9, 12])

The Ψ-Riemann fractional integral of order µ > 0 of the function h is given by

Ia+μ;Ψht:=1Γμat LΨ μ (t,η)hηdη,


LΨμ(t,η)=Ψη ΨtΨη μ1.

Lemma 2.2.

Let µ >0, ν >0 and δ >0. Then

  • (i) Ia+μ;ΨIa+ν;Ψh(t)=Ia+μ+ν;Ψh(t),

  • (ii) if h(t)=(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))δ1, then Ia+μ;Ψh(t)=Γ(δ)Γ(μ+δ)(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μ+δ1.

We need the following results [9, 12] which are useful in the analysis of the paper.

Lemma 2.3.([16])

If µ > 0 and 0 ≤ ρ < 1, then Ia+μ;Ψ is bounded from Cρ;Ψ(Δ,) to Cρ;Ψ(Δ,). Also, if ρ ≤ µ, then Ia+μ;Ψ is bounded from Cρ;Ψ(Δ,) to C(Δ,).

Definition 2.4.([15])

The Ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative of a function h of order 0 < µ < 1 and type 0 ≤ ν ≤ 1, is defined by

HDa+μ,ν;Ψh(t)=Ia+ν(1μ);Ψ 1Ψ'td dtIa+(1ν)(1μ);Ψh(t).

Lemma 2.5.([15])

If hC1(Δ,), 0 < µ < 1 and 0 ≤ ν ≤ 1 , then

  • (i) Ia+μ;ΨHDa+μ,ν;Ψh(t)=h(t)ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+(1ν)(1μ);Ψh(a), where ΩΨρ(t,a)=(Ψ(t)Ψ(a)) ρ1Γ(ρ).

  • (ii) HDa+μ,ν;ΨIa+μ;Ψh(t)=h(t).

Definition 2.6.([9])

Let µ > 0, ν > 0. The one parameter Mittag-Leffler function is defined as

Eμ(z)= k=0zkΓ(kμ+1),

and the two parameter Mittag-Leffler function is defined as

Eμ,ν(z)= k=0zkΓ(kμ+ν).

In this section we derive the existence and uniqueness results of the Cauchy-type problem (1.1)-(1.2) by utilizing the following modified version of contraction principle.

Lemma 3.1.([13])

Let X be a Banach space and let T be an operator which maps the element of X into itself for which Tr is a contraction, where r is a positive integer then T has a unique fixed point.

Theorem 3.2.

Let 0 < µ < 1 and 0≤ ν ≤ 1, and ρ=µ+ν-{µ ν}. Let f:(a,b]× be a function such that f(,y())C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) for any yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,), and let f satisfies the Lipschitz condition with respect to second argument


for all t∈ (a,b] and for all y1,y2 ∈ ℛ, where L > 0 is a Lipschitz constant.Then the Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2) has a unique solution in C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,).

Proof. The equivalent fractional integral to the initial value problem (1.1)-(1.2) is given by [15]

y(t)=ΩΨρ(t,a)ya+Ia+μ;Ψf(t,y(t))=ΩΨρ(t,a)ya+1Γ(μ)at L Ψμ (t,η)f(η,y(η))dη,t(a,b].

Our aim is to prove that the fractional integral (3.2) has a solution in the weighted space C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,). Consider the operator T defined on :C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) by

(Ty)(t)=ΩΨρ(t,a)ya+1Γ(μ)at L Ψμ (t,η)f(η,y(η))dη.

By Lemma 2.3, it follows that Ia+μ;Ψf(.,y(.))C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) Clearly, yaΩΨρ(t,a)C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,). Therefore, from (3.3), we have TyC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) for any yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) This proves T maps C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) into itself. Note that the fractional integral equation (3.2) can be written as fixed point operator equation

y=Ty, yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,).

We prove that the above operator equation has a fixed point which will act as a solution for the problem (1.1)-(1.2). For any t ∈ (a,b], consider the space Ct;Ψ=C1ρ;Ψ([a,t],) with the norm defined by,


Using mathematical induction for any y1,y2Ct;Ψ and t(a,b], we prove that

Tjy1Tjy2Ct;ΨΓ(ρ)(L(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μ )jΓ(jμ+ρ)y1y2Ct;Ψ, j.

Let any y1,y2Ct;Ψ. Then from the definition of operator T given in (3.3) and using Lipschitz condition on f, we have

Ty1Ty2Ct;Ψ=maxw[0,t](Ψ(w)Ψ(a))1ρTy1(w)Ty2(w)=maxw[0,t](Ψ(w)Ψ(a))1ρ1Γ(μ)awLΨμ(w,η)f(η,y1(η))f(η,y2(η))dηLmaxw[0,t](Ψ(w)Ψ(a))1ρ1Γ(μ)awLΨμ(w,η)y1(η)y(η)dη=Lmaxw[0,t](Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ1Γ(μ)awLΨμ(w,η)(Ψ(η)Ψ(a))ρ1×(Ψ(η)Ψ(a))1ρy1(η)y2(η)dηL(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρΓ(μ)atLΨμ(t,η)(Ψ(η)Ψ(a))ρ1×maxw[0,η](Ψ(w)Ψ(a))1ρ(y1(w)y2(w))dηL(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρΓ(μ)y1y2ct;ΨatLΨμ(t,η)(Ψ(η)Ψ(a))ρ1dηLy1y2Ct;Ψ (Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρIa+μ;Ψ(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))ρ1=(L(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μ)Γ(ρ)Γ(μ+ρ)y1y2Ct;Ψ.

Thus the inequality (3.4) holds for j=1. Let us suppose that the inequality (3.4) holds for j = r ∈N, i.e. suppose

Try1Try2Ct;ΨΓ(ρ)(L(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μ )rΓ(rμ+ρ)y1y2Ct;Ψ

holds. Next, we prove that (3.4) holds for j = r + 1. Let y1,y2Ct;Ψ and denote y1*=Try1 and y2*=Try2. Then using the definition of operator T and Lipschitz condition on f, we get


From (3.5), we have

y1*y2*Cs;Ψ=Try1Try2Cs;ΨΓ(ρ)(L(Ψ(s)Ψ(a))μ )rΓ(rμ+ρ)y1y2Cs;Ψ.



Thus we have

Tr+1y1Tr+1y2Ct;ΨΓ(ρ)(L(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μ )r+1Γ((r+1)μ+ρ)y1y2Ct;Ψ.

Therefore, by principle of mathematical induction the inequality (3.4) holds for all j ∈ N and for every t in Δ. As a consequence we find on the fundamental interval Δ,

Tjy1Tjy2C 1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)Γ(ρ)(L(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))μ )jΓ(jμ+ρ)y1y2C 1ρ;Ψ(Δ,).

By definition of two parameter Mittag-Leffler function, we have

Eμ,ρ(L(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))μ)= j=0(L(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))μ)jΓ(jμ+ρ)

Note that (L(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))μ)jΓ(jμ+ρ) is the jth term of the convergent series of real numbers. Therefore,


Thus we can choose j ∈ N such that


so that Tj is a contraction.

Therefore, by Lemma 3.1, T has a unique fixed point y* in C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,), which is a unique solution of the Cauchy type problem (1.1)-(1.2). □

Remark 3.3.

The existence result proved above is with no restriction on the interval Δ=[a,b], and hence solution y* of (1.1)-(1.2) exists for any a,b (0 < a < b < ∞). Thus the Theorem 3.2 guarantees global unique solution in C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,).

To discuss HU and HUR stability of (1.1), we adopt the approach of [11, 18]. For ϵ > 0 and continuous function ϕ:Δ ⇒ [0,∞), we consider the following inequalities:

|HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)f(t,y*(t))|ϵ, tΔ, |HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)f(t,y*(t))|ϕ(t), tΔ, |HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)f(t,y*(t))|ϵϕ(t), tΔ.

Definition 4.1.

Problem (1.1) has HU stability if there exists a real number Cf>0 such that for each ϵ > 0 and for each solution y*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) of the inequation (4.1) there exists a solution yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) of (1.1) with


Definition 4.2.

Problem (1.1) has generalized HU stability if there exists a function Cf([0,)),[0,)) with Cf(0)=0 such that for each solution y*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) of the inequation (4.1) there exists a solution yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) of (1.1) with


Definition 4.3.

Problem (1.1) has HUR stability with respect to a function ϕ if there exists a real number Cf,ϕ > 0 such that for each solution y*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) of the inequation (4.3) there exists a solution yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) of (1.1) with

|(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ(y*(t)y(t))|Cf,ϕϵϕ(t), t(Δ,).

Definition 4.4.

Problem (1.1) has generalized HUR stability with respect to a function ϕ if there exists a real number Cf,ϕ>0 such that for each solution y*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) of the inequation (4.2) there exists a solution yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) of (1.1) with

|(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ(y*(t)y(t))|Cf,ϕϕ(t),   tΔ.

In the next theorem we will make use of the successive approximation method to prove that the Ψ-Hilfer FDE (1.1) is HU stable.

Theorem 4.5.

Let f:(a,b]× be a function such that f(,y())C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) for any yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) and that satisfies the Lipschitz condition

|f(t,y1)f(t,y2)|L|y1y2|, t(a,b], y1,y2,

where L > 0 is a constant. For every ϵ > 0, if y*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) satisfies

|HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)f(t,y*(t))|ϵ, tΔ,

then there exists a solution y of equation (1.1) in C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) with Ia+1ρ;Ψy*(a)=Ia+1ρ;Ψy(a) such that

y*yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)(Eμ(L(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))μ)1)L(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))1ρϵ, tΔ.

Proof. Fix any ϵ > 0, let zC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) satisfies

|HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)f(t,y*(t))|ϵ,  tΔ.

Then there exists a function σy*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) ( depending on y* ) such that |σy*(t)|ϵ, tΔ and

HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)=f(t,y*(t))+σy*(t), tΔ.

If y*(t) satisfies (4.5) then it satisfies the equivalent fractional integral equation

y*(t)=ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+1ρ;Ψy*(a)+1Γ(μ)at L Ψμ (t,η)f(η,y*(η))dη+1Γ(μ)at L Ψμ (t,η)σy*(η)dη, tΔ.


y0(t)=y*(t),  tΔ

and consider the sequence {yn}n=1C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) defined by

yn(t)=ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+1ρ;Ψy*(a)+1Γ(μ)at L Ψμ (t,η)f(η,y n1(η))dη, tΔ.

Using mathematical induction firstly we prove that for every t ∈ Δ and yjC1ρ;Ψ[a,t]=Ct;Ψ

yjy j1Ct;ΨϵL(L(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μ)jΓ(jμ+1)(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ, j.

By definition of successive approximations and using (4.6) we have



y1y0Ct;ΨϵL(L(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μ)Γ(μ+1)(Ψ(t)Ψ(a)) 1ρ,

which proves the inequality (4.9) for j = 1. Let us suppose that the inequality (4.9) holds for j=r, we prove it for j=r+1. By definition of successive approximations and Lipschitz condition on f, we obtain

yr+1yrCt;Ψ=maxw[0,t](Ψ(w)Ψ(a))1ρyr+1(w)yr(w)=maxw[0,t](Ψ(w)Ψ(a))1ρIa+μ;Ψf(w,yr(w))Ia+μ;Ψf(w,yr1(w))Lmaxw[0,t](Ψ(w)Ψ(a))1ρ1Γ(μ)aw LΨμ (w,η)yr(η)yr1(η)dηL(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρΓ(μ)atLΨμ(t,η)(Ψ(η)Ψ(a))ρ1×maxw[0,t](Ψ(w)Ψ(a))1ρyr(w)yr1(w)dη=L(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρΓ(μ)atLΨμ(t,η)(Ψ(η)Ψ(a))ρ1yryr1Cη;Ψdη.

Using the inequality (4.9) for j=r, we have




which is the inequality ((4.9)) for j=r+1. Using the principle of mathematical induction the inequality ((4.9)) holds for every j ∈ N and every t ∈ Δ.


yjy j1C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)ϵL(L(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))μ)jΓ(jμ+1)(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))1ρ.

Now using this estimation we have

j=1yjy j1C 1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)ϵL(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))1ρ j=1 (L (Ψ(b)Ψ(a))μ)jΓ(jμ+1).

Thus we have

j=1yjy j1C 1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)ϵL(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))1ρEμ(L(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))μ)1.

Hence the series

y0+ j=1(yjy j1)

converges in the weighted space C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,). Let yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) such that

y=y0+ j=1(yjy j1).

Noting that

yn=y0+ j=1 n(yjy j1)

is the nth partial sum of the series (4.11), we have

ynyC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)0 as n.

Next, we prove that this limit function y is the solution of fractional integral equation with Ia+1ρ;Ψy*(a)=Ia+1ρ;Ψy(a)$. Next, by the definition of successive approximation, for any t ∈ Δ, we have

(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρy(t)ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+1ρ;Ψy(a)1Γ(μ)atLΨμ(t,η)f(η,y(η))dη=(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρy(t)ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+1ρ;Ψz(a)1Γ(μ)atLΨμ(t,η)f(η,y(η))dη=(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρy(t)yn(t)+1Γ(μ)atLΨμ(t,η)f(η,yn1(η))dη1Γ(μ)atLΨμ(t,η)f(η,y(η))dη(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρy(t)yn(t)+(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρIa+μ;Ψ{f(t,yn1(t))f(t,y(t))}yynC1ρ;Ψ[a,b]+L(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ1Γ(μ)atLΨμ(t,η)|yn1(η)y(η)|dηyynC1ρ;Ψ[a,b]+Lyn1yC1ρ;Ψ[a,b](Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρIa+μ;Ψ(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))ρ1=yynC1ρ;Ψ[a,b]+LΓρΓ(μ+ρ)(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μyn1yC1ρ;Ψ[a,b], n.

By taking limit as n → ∞ in the above inequality, for all t ∈ [a,b], we obtain

(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρy(t)ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+1ρ;Ψy(a)1Γ(μ)at L Ψμ (t,η)f(η,y(η))dη=0.

Since, (Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ0 for all tΔ, we have

y(t)=ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+1ρ;Ψy(a)+1Γ(μ)at L Ψμ (t,η)f(η,y(η))dη, tΔ.

This proves that y is the solution of (1.1)-(1.2) in C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) Further, for the solution y* of inequation (4.4) and the solution y of the equation (1.1), using (4.7) and (4.12), for any t ∈ Δ, we have




This proves the equation (1.1) is HU stable.

Corollary 4.6.

Suppose that the function f satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 4.5. Then, the problem (1.1) is generalized HU stable.

Proof. Set


in the proof of Theorem 4.5. Then Ψf(0)=0 and for each y*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) that satisfies the inequality

|HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)f(t,y*(t))|ϵ, tΔ,

there exists a solution y of equation (1.1) in C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) with Ia+1ρ;Ψy*(a)=Ia+1ρ;Ψy(a) such that

y*yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)Ψf(ϵ), tΔ.

Hence fractional differential equation (1.1) is generalized HU stable.

Theorem 4.7.

Let f:(a,b]× be a function such that f(,y())C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) for any yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) and that satisfies the Lipschitz condition

|f(t,y1)f(t,y2)|L|y1y2|, t(a,b], y1,y2,

where L > 0 is a constant. For every ϵ > 0, if y*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) satisfies

|HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)f(t,y*(t))|ϵϕ(t),  tΔ,

where ϕC(Δ,+) is a non-decreasing function such that

|Ia+μ;Ψϕ(t)|λϕ(t), tΔ

and ν > 0 is a constant satisfying 0 < ν L < 1. Then, there exists a solution yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) of equation (1.1) with Ia+1ρ;Ψy*(a)=Ia+1ρ;Ψy(a) such that

|(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ(y*(t)y(t))|λ1λL(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))1ρϵϕ(t), tΔ.

Proof. For every ϵ > 0, let y*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) satisfies

|HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)f(t,y*(t))|ϵϕ(t), tΔ.

Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 4.5, there exists a function σy*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) (depending on y*) such that

y*(t)=ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+1ρ;Ψy*(a)+Ia+μ;Ψf(t,y*(t))+Ia+μ;Ψσy*(t), tΔ,

Further, using mathematical induction, one can prove that the sequence of successive approximations {yn}n=1C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) defined by

yn(t)=ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+1ρ;Ψy*(a)+1Γ(μ)at L Ψμ (t,η)f(η,y n1(η))dη, tΔ.

satisfy the inequality

yjy j1Ct;ΨϵL(λL)j(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρϕ(t), j.

Using the inequation (4.15), we obatin

j=1 yjy j1C t;ΨϵLj=1 (λL)j(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρϕ(t).


j=1 yjy j1C t;Ψϵλ1λL(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρϕ(t), tΔ.

Following the steps as in the proof of the Theorem 4.5, there exists yC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) such that ynyC1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)0 as n. This y is the solution of the problem (1.1)-(1.2) with Ia+1ρ,Ψy(a)=Ia+1ρ,Ψy*(a), and we have

y=y0+ j=1(yjy j1).

Further, for the solution y* of inequation and the solution y of the equation (1.1), for any t ∈ Δ,

|(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ(y*(t)y(t))|=(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρy0(t)y0(t)+j=1(yj(t)yj1(t))j=1(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ(yj(t)yj1(t))j=1yjyj1Ct,Ψ=ϵλ1λL(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρϕ(t), tΔ.

Thus, we have

|(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ(y*(t)y(t))|λ1λL(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))1ρϵϕ(t), tΔ.

This proves the equation (1.1) is HUR stable.

Corollary 4.8.

Suppose that the function f satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 4.7.Then, the problem (1.1) is generalized HUR stable.

Proof. Set ϵ=1 and Cf,ϕ=λ1λL(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))1ρin the proof of Theorem 4.7. Then for each solution y*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) that satisfies the inequality

|HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)f(t,y*(t))|ϕ(t), tΔ,

there exists a solution y of equation (1.1) in C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) with Ia+1ρ;Ψy*(a)=Ia+1ρ;Ψy(a) such that

|(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))1ρ(y*(t)y(t))|Cf,ϕϕ(t), tΔ.

Hence the fractional differential equation (1.1) is generalized HUR stable.

Definition 5.1.

A function y*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,) that satisfies the fractional differential inequality

|HDa+μ,ν;Ψy*(t)f(t,y*(t))|ϵ,  tΔ,

is called an ϵ-approximate solution of Ψ-Hilfer FDE (1.1).

Theorem 5.2.([15])

Let u v be two integrable, non negative functions and g be a continuous, nonnegative, nondecreasing function with domain Δ. If

utvt+gtat LΨμ (τ,s)uτdτ,


utvt+at k=1 gt Γμ k Γ μk LΨ μk(t,τ)vτdτ, tΔ.

Theorem 5.3.

Letf:(a,b]× be a function which satisfies Lipschitz condition


for each t ∈ (a,b] and all y1,y2, where L > 0 is constant. Let yi*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,),(i=1,2) be an ϵi-approximte solutions of FDE (1.1) corresponding to Ia+1ρ;Ψyi*(a)=ya(i), respectively. Then,

y1*y2*C 1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)( ϵ1+ ϵ2) (Ψ(b)Ψ(a)) μρ+1Γ(μ+1)+ k=1 Lk Γ((k+1)μρ+1)(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))(k+1)μ+|y a(1)y a(2)|1Γ(ρ)+ k=1 Lk Γ(ρ+kμ)(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))kμ.

Proof. Let yi*C1ρ;Ψ(Δ,),(i=1,2) be an ϵi-approximate solution of FDE (1.1) that satisfies the initial condition Ia+1ρ;Ψyi*(a)=ya(i). Then,

|HDa+μ,ν;Ψyi*(t)f(t,yi*(t))|ϵi, tΔ.

Operating Ia+μ;Ψ on both the sides of the above inequation and using the Lemma 2.5, we get

Ia+μ;ΨϵiIa+μ;Ψ|HDa+μ,ν;Ψyi*(t)f(t,yi*(t))||1Γ(μ)at LΨμ (t,η)(HDa+μ,ν;Ψyi*(η)f(t,yi*(η)))dη|=|Ia+ μ;ΨHDa+ μ,ν;Ψyi*(t)Ia+μ;Ψf(t,yi*(t))|=|yi*(t)Ia+ 1ρ;Ψyi*(a)ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+μ;Ψf(t,yi*(t))|.


ϵiΓ(μ+1)(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μyi*(t)ya(i)ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+ μ;Ψf(t,yi*(t)), i=1,2.

Using the following inequalities

|xy||x|+|y| and |x||y||xy|, x,y,

from the inequation (5.4), for any t ∈ Δ, we have

(ϵ1+ϵ2)Γ(μ+1)(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μy1*(t)ya(1)ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+μ;Ψf(t,y1*(t))+y2*(t)ya(2)ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+μ;Ψf(t,y2*(t))y1*(t)ya(1)ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+μ;Ψf(t,y1*(t))  y2*(t)ya(2)ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+μ;Ψf(t,y2*(t))=(y1*(t)y2*(t))(ya(1)ya(2))ΩΨρ(t,a)Ia+μ[f(t,y1*(t))f(t,y2*(t))]|(y1*(t)y2*(t))|(ya(1)ya(2))ΩΨρ(t,a)  Ia+μ {f(t,y1*(t))f(t,y2*(t))}.


|(y1*(t)y2*(t))|(ϵ1+ϵ2)Γ(μ+1)(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μ+(ya(1)ya(2))ΩΨρ(t,a)  +Ia+μ;Ψ(f(t,y1*(t))f(t,y2*(t)))  (ϵ1+ϵ2)Γ(μ+1)(Ψ(t)Ψ(a))μ+(ya(1)ya(2))ΩΨρ(t,a)  +LΓ(μ)atLΨμ(t,η)|y1*(η))y2*(η)|dη.

Applying Theorem 5.2. with


we obtain


Thus for every t ∈ Δ, we have



y1*y2*C 1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)( ϵ1+ ϵ2) (Ψ(b)Ψ(a)) μρ+1Γ(μ+1)+ k=1 Lk Γ((k+1)μρ+1)(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))(k+1)μ+|y a(1)y a(2)|1Γ(ρ)+ k=1 Lk Γ(ρ+kμ)(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))kμ,

which is the desired inequality.

Remark 5.4.

If ϵ12=0 in the inequality (5.3) then y1* and y2* are the solutions of Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2) in the space C1ρ;Ψ[a,b]. Further, for ϵ12=0 the inequality takes the form

y1*y2*C 1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)|ya(1)ya(2)|1Γ(ρ)+ k=1 Lk Γ(ρ+kμ)(Ψ(b)Ψ(a))kμ,

which provides the information regarding the continuous dependence of the solution of the problem (1.1)-(1.2) on the initial condition. In addition, if ya(1)=ya(2) we have y1*y2*C 1ρ;Ψ(Δ,)=0, which gives the uniqueness of solution of the problem (1.1)-(1.2).

Example 6.1. Consider the Ψ-Hilfer FDEs

HD0+12,12;Ψy(t)=4y(t), tJ=[0,1], I0+14y(0)=2.

comparing with the Cauchy problem (1.1)-(1.2), we have

μ=12,ν=12,ρ=μ+νμν=34,y0*=I0+ 134;Ψy*(0)=2,and f(t,y(t))=4y(t).

Clearly, f satisfies Lipschitz condition with Lipschitz constant L = 4. By Theorem 3.2. the initial value problem (6.1)-(6.2) has a unique solution. Further, the Theorem 4.5. guarantees that the equation (6.1) is HU stable. Indeed, we prove that for given ϵ > 0 and solution y* of the inequality

|HD0+12,12;Ψy*(t)4y*(t)|ϵ, t[0,1],

we can find a constant C and a solution y of the given equation (6.1) such that


For example, take ϵ = 8 and consider the inequality

|HD0+12,12;Ψy*(t)4y*(t)|8, t[0,1].

Note that the function y*(t)=2(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))14Γ(34) satisfies the inequality (6.3). Further,


which shows y* is not the solution of the Cauchy problem (6.1)-(6.2). Next, as discussed in the proof of Theorem 4.5, we define the sequence of successive approximations to the solution of (6.1) as follows:

y0(t)=y*(t)=2(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))14Γ(34)y n(t)= Ω Ψ34(t,a) I a +134;Ψy*(a)+ 1Γ(μ) a t LΨμ (t,η)f(η,yn1(η))dη=(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))14Γ(34)+ 4Γ( 1 2) 0 t LΨ 1 2 (t,η)yn1(η))dη, tJ,n.



In general, we have

yn(t)=2(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))14 j=0 n(4(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))12 )jΓ(j12+34),n.

The exact solution of the initial value problem (6.1)-(6.2) is given by

y(t)=limnyn(t)  =limn2(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))14j=0n(4(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))12)jΓ(j12+34)  =2(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))14E12,34(4(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))12).



where Cf=182E12,34(4(Ψ(1)Ψ(0))12)2Γ(34).. Along a similar line, for each ϵ > 0 and for each solution y*C134;Ψ[a,b] (4.1), one can find by the method of successive approximation a solution yC134;Ψ[a,b] of (6.1) that satisfies the inequality


Example 6.2. Consider the nonlinear Ψ-Hilfer FDEs

HD0+μ,ν;Ψy(t)=3π4(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))+(Ψ(t)Ψ(0))3y2(t), t[0,1], I0+1ρy(0)=0.

Define f:[0,1]×[b,b],0<b< by


Then, for any t ∈ [0,1] and u,v ∈ [-b,b], we have


Since f satisfies the Lipschitz condition with L=2b, by Theorem 3.2, problem (6.5)-(6.6) has a unique solution and by Theorem 4.5, (6.5) is HU stable.

In particular, for μ=12,ν=1 and Ψ(t)=t, the problem (6.5)-(6.6) reduces to the following nonlinear Caputo FDEs

CD0+12y(t)=3π4t+t3y2(t), t[0,1], y(0)=0.

Note that for ϵ = 2.5 and y*(t)=0,t[0,1], we have |CD0+12y*(t)f(t,y*(t))|<ϵ,t[0,1]. Further, y*(t) is not solution of the problem (6.7)-(6.8). Therefore, for the Caputo FDEs (6.7)-(6.8) the successive approximation defined by (4.7)-(4.8) takes the form

y0(t)=y*(t)=0,t[0,1]yn(t)=y*(0)+I0+12f(t,y n1)(t)=I0+12f(t,y n1)(t),t[0,1],n1.

One can verify that the first four successive approximations y0,y1,y2,y3 to the solution of (6.7)-(6.8) are


Further, by direct substitution one can easily check that y(t)=t32,t[0,1] is the exact solution of the problem (6.7)-(6.8).

From Fig.1, it very well may be seen that the successive approximations given above are converging with the exact solution.

Next, we examine the HU stability of equation (6.7), by demonstrating that for each ϵ > 0 and each solution y*C([0,1],) of the inequality

|CD0+12y*(t)f(t,y*(t))|<ϵ, where f(t,y*(t))=3π4t+t3y*2(t), t[0,1],

we have a solution y(t)=t32, t[0,1] of the problem (6.7)-(6.8) such that

yy*<Cfϵ, for some Cf>0.


  • (i) For y1*(t)=t65 and ϵ = 3.7, we have |CD0+12y1*(t)f(t,y1*(t))|<ϵ,  and y1*y<Cfϵ, Cf=0.55.

  • (ii) Fory2*(t)=t and ϵ = 4.5 , we have |CD0+12y2*(t)f(t,y2*(t))|<ϵ,  and y2*y<Cfϵ, Cf=0.44.

  • (iii) For y3*(t)=t75 and ϵ = 4.7 , we have |CD0+12y3*(t)f(t,y3*(t))|<ϵ,  and y3*y<Cfϵ, Cf=0.43.

  • (iv) For y4*(t)=t2 and ϵ = 4.9 , we have |CD0+12y4*(t)f(t,y4*(t))|<ϵ,  and y4*y<Cfϵ, Cf=0.41.

  • (v) For y5*(t)=t52 and ϵ = 5 , we have |CD0+12y5*(t)f(t,y5*(t))|<ϵ,  and y5*y<Cfϵ, Cf=0.40.

Remark 6.3.

From Fig.2, it follows that the ϵ-approximated solutions yi*(t),(i=1,2,3,4,5) approaches to the exact solution yExact(t) when ϵ " 0.

The authors express their gratitude to the referees for their suggestions that improved the final version of this paper.

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