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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2020; 60(2): 223-238

Published online June 30, 2020

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Lightlike Hypersurfaces of an Indefinite Nearly Trans-Sasakian Manifold with an (ℓ,m)-type Connection

Chul Woo Lee, Jae Won Lee∗

Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
e-mail : mathisu@knu.ac.kr
Department of Mathematics Education and RINS, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Korea
e-mail : leejaew@gnu.ac.kr

Received: February 14, 2020; Revised: March 31, 2020; Accepted: April 27, 2020

We study a lightlike hypersurface M of an indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian manifold with an (ℓ, m)-type connection such that the structure vector field ζ of is tangent to M. In particular, we focus on such lightlike hypersurfaces M for which the structure tensor field F is either recurrent or Lie recurrent, or such that M itself is totally umbilical or screen totally umbilical.

Keywords: (ℓ,m)-type connection, recurrent, Lie recurrent, lightlike hypersurface, indefi,nite nearly trans-Sasakian manifold.

A linear connection ∇̄ on a semi-Riemannian manifold (M̄, ḡ) is called an (ℓ, m)-type connection if there exist two smooth functions and m such that


for any vector fields , , on , where is the torsion tensor of ∇̄ and J is a (1, 1)-type tensor field and θ is a 1-form associated with a smooth vector field ζ by θ( ) = (X̄, ζ). Throughout this paper, we set (ℓ, m) ≠ (0, 0) and denote by X̄, Ȳ and the smooth vector fields on .

The notion of (ℓ, m)-type connection was introduced by Jin [8]. In the case (ℓ, m) = (1, 0), this connection ∇̄ becomes a semi-symmetric non-metric connection. The notion of a semi-symmetric non-metric connection on a Riemannian manifold was introduced by Ageshe-Chafle [1]. In the case (ℓ, m) = (0, 1), this connection ∇̄ becomes a non-metric φ-symmetric connection such that φ(X̄, Ȳ) = (JX̄, Ȳ ). The notion of the non-metric φ-symmetric connection was introduced by Jin [6].

Remark 1.1.([8])

Denote by ∇̃ a unique Levi-Civita connection of a semi-Riemannian manifold ( M̄, ḡ) with respect to . Then a linear connection ∇̄ on ( M̄, ḡ) is an (ℓ, m)-type connection if and only if ∇̄ satisfies


The subject of study in this paper is lightlike hypersurfaces of an indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian manifold = (M̄, ζ, θ, J, ḡ) with an (ℓ, m)-type connection subject to the conditions: (1) the tensor field J and the 1-form θ, defined by (1.1) and (1.2 are identical with the indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian structure tensor J and the structure 1-form θ of , respectively, and (2) the structure vector field ζ of is tangent to M.

Călin [3] proved that if the structure vector field ζ of M̄ is tangent to M, then it belongs to S(TM), we assume this in this paper.

A hypersurface M of a semi-Riemannian manifold (M̄, ḡ) is a lightlike hypersurface if its normal bundle TM is a vector subbundle of the tangent bundle TM. There exists a screen distribution S(TM) such that


where ⊕orth denotes the orthogonal direct sum. It is known from [4] that, for any null section ξ of TM on a coordinate neighborhood , there exists a unique null section N of a unique lightlike vector bundle tr(TM), of rank 1, in the orthogonal complement S(TM) of S(TM) in satisfying

g¯(ξ,N)=1,         g¯(N,N)=g¯(N,X)=0,         XS(TM).

In this case, the tangent bundle T M̄ of can be decomposed as follows:


We call tr(TM) and N the transversal vector bundle and the null transversal vector field with respect to the screen distribution S(TM), respectively.

In the following, we denote by X, Y and Z smooth vector fields on M, unless otherwise specified. Let ∇̄ be an (ℓ, m)-type connection on defined by (1.3) and P the projection morphism of TM on S(TM). As ζ belongs to S(TM), from (1.1) we have (∇̄XN, ξ) + (N, ∇̄Xξ) = 0. Thus the local Gauss and Weingarten formulae of M and S(TM) are given by


where ∇ and ∇* are the linear connections on TM and S(TM), respectively, B and C are the local second fundamental forms on TM and S(TM), respectively, AN and Aξ* are the shape operators, and τ is a 1-form.

An odd dimensional semi-Riemannian manifold (M̄, ḡ) is said to be an indefinite almost contact metric manifold [5, 6] if there exist a structure set {J, ζ, θ, ḡ}, where J is a (1, 1)-type tensor field, ζ is a vector field, θ is a 1-form and is the semi-Riemannian metric on such that

J2X¯=-X¯+θ(X¯)ζ,         Jζ=0,         θJ=0,         θ(ζ)=1,θ(X¯)=g¯(ζ,X¯),         g¯(JX¯,JY¯)=g¯(X¯,Y¯)-θ(X¯)θ(Y¯).

It is known [5, 6] that, for any lightlike hypersurface M of an indefinite almost contact metric manifold such that the structure vector field ζ of is tangent to M, J(TM) and J(tr(TM)) are subbundles of S(TM), of rank 1, such that J(TM)∩J(tr(TM)) = {0}. Thus there exist two non-degenerate almost complex distributions Do and D with respect to J, i.e., J(Do) = Do and J(D) = D, such that


In this case, the decomposition form of TM is reformed as follows:


Consider two lightlike vector fields U and V, and their 1-forms u and v such that

U=-JN,         V=-Jξ,         u(X)=g(X,V),         v(X)=g(X,U).

Denote by the projection morphism of TM on D. Any vector field X of M is expressed as X = S̄X + u(X)U. Applying J to this form, we have


where F is a tensor field of type (1, 1) globally defined on M by FX = J S̄X. Applying J to (2.7) and using (2.5) and (2.6), we have


Using (1.1), (1.2), (2.1) and (2.7), we see that


where T is the torsion tensor with respect to the induced connection ∇ on M and η is a 1-form such that η(X) = (X, N).

From the fact that B(X, Y) = (∇̄XY, ξ), we know that B is independent of the choice of the screen distribution S(TM) and satisfies

B(X,ξ)=0,         B(ξ,X)=0.

The local second fundamental forms are related to their shape operators by

B(X,Y)=g(Aξ*X,Y)+mu(X)θ(Y),C(X,PY)=g(ANX,PY)+{η(X)+mv(X)}θ(PY),g¯(Aξ*X,N)=0,         g¯(ANX,N)=0.

As S(TM) is non-degenerate, taking X = ξ to (2.13), we obtain

Aξ*ξ=0,         ¯Xξ=-Aξ*X-τ(X)ξ.

Applying ∇X to = −V and FV = ξ by turns and using (2.5), we have


Applying ∇X to v(Y ) = g(Y, U) and using (2.9), we obtain


Applying ∇X to g(U, U) = 0 and g(V, V ) = 0 and using (2.9), we get

v(XU)=0,         u(XV)=0.

Definition 3.1.([7])

The structure tensor field F of M is said to be recurrent if there exists a 1-form ω on M such that


Theorem 3.2

Let M be a lightlike hypersurface of an indefinite almost contact metric manifold M̄ with an (ℓ, m)-type connection ∇̄ such that ζ is tangent to M. If F is recurrent, then F is parallel with respect to the induced connectionfrom ∇̄.


Comparing (2.18) with (3.1) in which we replace Y with V, we obtain


Also, comparing (2.17) with (3.1), taking Y = ξ, we obtain


Taking the scalar product with V and ζ to (3.3), we have

u(XV)=0,         θ(XV)=0.

Applying F to (3.2) and using (2.8) and (3.4) and then, comparing this result with (3.3), we get ω = 0. Thus F is parallel with respect to ∇.

Definition 3.3.([7])

The structure tensor field F of M is called Lie recurrent if there exists a 1-form θ on M such that


where ℒX denotes the Lie derivative on M with respect to X, that is,


The structure tensor field F is called Lie parallel if ℒXF = 0.

Theorem 3.4

Let M be a lightlike hypersurface of an indefinite almost contact metric manifold M̄ with an (ℓ, m)-type connection ∇̄ such that ζ is tangent to M. If F is Lie recurrent, then F is Lie parallel.


As the induced connection ∇ from ∇̄ is torsion-free, from (3.5) and (3.6) we have


Comparing (2.18) with (3.7), taking Y = V, we obtain


Also, comparing (2.17) with (3.7), taking Y = ξ, we obtain


Taking the scalar product with V and ζ to (3.9), we obtain

u(XV-VX)=0,         θ(XV-VX)=0.

Applying F to (3.8) and using (2.8) and (3.10) and then, comparing this result with (3.9), we have σ = 0. Thus F is Lie parallel.

Definition 4.1.([9])

An indefinite almost contact metric manifold is called an indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian manifold if {J, ζ, θ, ḡ} satisfies


where ∇̃ is the Levi-Civita connection of . We say that the set {J, ζ, θ, ḡ} is an indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian structure of type (α, β).

Note that the indefinite nearly Sasakian manifolds, indefinite nearly Kanmotsu manifolds and indefinite nearly cosymplectic manifolds are important examples of indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian manifold such that

α=1,   β=0;         α=0,   β=1;         α=β=0,respectively.

Replacing the Levi-Civita connection ∇̃ by the (ℓ, m)-type connection ∇̄ given by (1.3), the equation (4.1) is reduced to


Applying ∇̄ζ to (ζ, ζ) = 1 and using (1.1), we have θ(∇̄ζζ) = . Taking = = ζ to (4.2), we obtain (∇̄ζJ)ζ = 0. It follows that J(∇̄ζζ) = 0. Applying J to this equation and using (2.5) and the fact that θ(∇̄ζζ) = , we have ∇̄ζζ = ℓζ. From this equation, (2.1) and (2.3), we obtain

ζζ=ζ,         B(ζ,ζ)=0,         C(ζ,ζ)=0.

Definition 4.2.([4])

A lightlike hypersurface M of (M̄, ḡ) is said to be

  • totally umbilical if there is a smooth function ρ on a coordinate neighborhood in M such that Aξ*X=ρPX or equivalently


    In case ρ = 0 on , we say that M is totally geodesic.

  • screen totally umbilical if there exist a smooth function γ on a coordinate neighborhood such that ANX = γPX or equivalently


    In case γ = 0 on , we say that M is screen totally geodesic.

Theorem 4.3

Let M be a lightlike hypersurface of an indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian manifold M̄ with an (ℓ, m)-type connection such that the structure vector field ζ of M̄ is tangent to M.

  • If M is totally umbilical, then M is totally geodesic and m = 0.

  • If M is screen totally umbilical, then M is screen totally geodesic.


(1) If M is totally umbilical, then, taking X = Y = ζ to (4.4) and using (4.3), we have ρ = 0. Thus M is totally geodesic. On the other hand, since B = 0, taking X = U and Y = ζ to (2.11), we see that m = 0.

(2) If M is screen totally umbilical, then, taking X = PY = ζ to (4.5) and using (4.3), we have γ = 0. Thus M is screen totally geodesic.

Applying ∇̄X to JY = FY + u(Y )N and using (2.3), we have


Substituting (4.6) into (4.2) and using (2.7) and (2.11), we obtain


Lemma 4.4

Let M be a lightlike hypersurface of an indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian manifold M̄ with an (ℓ, m)-type connection ∇̄ such that the structure vector field ζ of M̄ is tangent to M. Then we have

{B(U,V)=C(V,V),B(U,ζ)+C(V,ζ)=2(m-α),B(U,U)=C(U,V),v(UV)=-τ(U),C(U,ζ)=0,2C(V,ζ)+C(ζ,V)=2m-3α,B(U,ζ)=C(V,ζ)+C(ζ,V)+α,B(U,ζ)=m+θ(Aξ*U),         θ(ξU)=θ(Aξ*U),

whereis the induced connection from ∇̄.


Applying ∇X to FU = 0 and FV = ξ by turns, we obtain


From these two equations, we obtain


Comparing this result with (4.7), taking X = U and Y = V, we have


Taking the scalar product with V, ζ, U and N to this and using (2.13), (2.14), (2.20) and η(∇XPY ) = C(X, PY ), we get (4.8).

By direct calculation from FU = 0, = 0 and (4.7), we obtain


Taking the scalar product with U and V to this by turns and using (2.5), (2.7), (2.14) and η(∇Uζ + ∇ζU) = C(U, ζ) + C(ζ, U), we get (4.8) and


Substituting (4.8) into (4.9), we have (4.8).

By directed calculation from FV = ξ, = 0 and (4.7), we obtain


Taking the scalar product with U and using (2.3), (2.11) and (2.13), we get (4.8): B(U, ζ) = C(V, ζ) + C(ζ, V ) + α.

Taking X = U and Y = ζ to (2.13), we have (4.8). On the other hand, applying ∇̄ X to v(Y ) = g(FY, N) and using (1.1), (2.1) and (2.2), we get


Taking the scalar product with N to (4.7), we obtain


Substituting (2.19) into the last equation, we have


Taking X = ζ and Y = ξ to this and using (2.11) and (2.12), we have


due to (2.14). Substituting this equation into (4.9), we obtain


Comparing this equation with (4.8), we have (4.8).

Lemma 4.5

Let M be a lightlike hypersurfac of an indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian manifold M̄ with an (ℓ, m)-type connection ∇̄ such that ζ is tangent to M. If one of the following three conditions is satisfied,

  • (∇XF)Y + (∇Y F)X = 0,

  • F is parallel with respect to the induced connectionon M, that is, ∇XF = 0,

  • F is recurrent,

then α = m and β = −ℓ. The shape operators Aξ*and AN satisfy

Aξ*V=0,         ANV=-2αζ,         ANξ=0,         θ(Aξ*U)=0,θ(ξU)=0,         ANX=C(X,V)U-2αv(X)ζ.

(1) Assume that (∇XF)Y + (∇Y F)X = 0. Taking the scalar product with N to (4.7) and using (2.15), we have


Taking X = ξ, Y = ζ and X = V, Y = ζ in this equation, we obtain α = m and β = −. As α = m and β = −, (4.7) is reduced to


Taking the scalar product with V to (4.11), we have


Taking Y = V in this equation and using (2.14), we obtain


Replacing X by U to this equation, we have 2B(U, V ) = C(V, V ). Comparing this result with (4.8), we have C(V, V ) = 0. Thus we obtain

B(U,V)=C(V,V)=0,         B(X,V)=0.

Using (2.11) and (4.13), we see that B(V, X) = 0. From this, (2.13) and the fact that S(TM) is non-degenerate, we have (4.10): Aξ*V=0. Taking X = U and Y = V to (4.11) and using (4.13), we get (4.10): AN V = −2αζ. Also, taking X = U and Y = ξ to (4.11) and using (2.12), we get (4.10): AN ξ = 0. Taking X = V and Y = ζ to (2.14) and using (4.10) and the fact that m = α, we obtain C(V, ζ) = −m. From this result and (4.8), we have B(U, ζ) = m. Thus, from (4.8) we get (4.10): θ(Aξ*U)=θ(ξU)=0.

Taking Y = U to (4.12), we obtain


Replacing Y by U to (4.11) and using the last equation, we get


Taking X = U to this, we have ANU = u(ANU)U. Thus we have


(2) If F is parallel with respect to ∇, then (∇XF)Y + (∇Y F)X = 0. By item (1), we see that α = m and β = −. Aξ* and AN satisfy (4.10).

(3) If F is recurrent, then F is parallel with respect to ∇ by Theorem 3.2. By item (2), we see that α = m and β = −. Aξ* and AN satisfy (4.10).

Theorem 4.6

Let M be a lightlike hypersurface of an indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian manifold M̄ with an (ℓ, m)-type connection ∇̄ such that ζ is tangent to M. If F is Lie recurrent, then M̄ is an indefinite nearly β-Kenmotsu manifold with an (ℓ, m)-type connection ∇̄.


If F is Lie recurrent, then F is Lie parallel, i.e., σ = 0, by Theorem 3.4. Replacing Y by U to (3.7), we have (∇XF)U = −FUX. Applying ∇X to FU = 0, we get (∇XF)U = −FXU. Therefore we have


Taking the scalar product with N to this and using (2.20), we obtain

v(UX)=0,         τ(U)=0,

due to (4.8). Taking X = U to (3.8) and using (4.14) and (4.15), we get


Taking the scalar product with ζ to this equation, we have


Comparing this with (4.8) and using (2.11) and (4.8), we have

θ(ξU)=θ(Aξ*U)=0,         B(U,ζ)=m,         B(ζ,U)=0.

Applying ∇ξ to g(U, ζ) = 0 and using (2.9) and (4.17), we obtain


Taking the scalar product with U to (3.8), we have


Replacing X by ζ to this and using (2.4), (4.17) and (4.18), we have


As B(U, ζ) = m, from (4.9), we obtain

C(ζ,V)=α,         C(V,ζ)=m+α.

Substituting the last two results into (4.8), we get α = 0. Thus is an indefinite nearly β-Kenmotsu manifold with an (ℓ, m)-type connection.

Denote by R̄, R and R* the curvature tensors of the (ℓ, m)-type connection ∇̄ of and the induced connections ∇ and ∇* on M and S(TM), respectively. Using the Gauss-Weingarten formulae for M and S(TM), we obtain two Gauss equations for M and S(TM) such that


Definition 5.1

An indefinite nearly trans-Sasakian manifold is said to be a indefinite nearly generalized Sasakian space form, denoted by (f1, f2, f3), if there exist three smooth functions f1, f2 and f3 on such that


where is the curvature tensors of the Levi-Civita connection ∇̃ of .

The notion of (Riemannian) generalized Sasakian space form was introduced by Alegre et. al. [2]. Sasakian, Kenmotsu and cosymplectic space form are important kinds of generalized Sasakian space forms such that

f1=c+34,f2=f3=c-14;         f1=c-34,f2=f3=c+14;         f1=f2=f3=c4

respectively, where c is a constant J-sectional curvature of each space forms.

By direct calculations from (1.2), (1.3) and (2.5), we have


Comparing the tangential, transversal and radical components of the left-right terms of (5.4) such that = X, = Y and = Z and using (2.11), (2.15), (4.6), (5.1), (5.2), (5.3) and the last two equations, we obtain


due to the following equations:


Using the Gauss-Weingarten formulae for S(TM), we obtain the following Codazzi equations for S(TM) such that


Replacing Z by ξ to (5.5) and using (2.12) and (5.9), we have


Comparing the radical components of the last two equations, we obtain


Applying ∇̄X to θ(U) = 0 and θ(ξ) = 0 and using (2.16), we obtain

(¯Xθ)(U)=-θ(XU),         (¯Xθ)(ξ)=θ(Aξ*X).

Theorem 5.2

Let M be a lightlike hypersurface of an indefinite nearly generalized Sasakian space form M̄ (f1, f2, f3) with an (ℓ, m)-type connection ∇̄ such that ζ is tangent to M. If one of the following conditions is satisfied ;

  • (∇XF)Y + (∇Y F)X = 0,

  • F is parallel with respect to the induced connection ∇, that is, ∇XF = 0,

  • F is recurrent,

then f1 + f2 = 0 and f2 = 2(U, V ).


If one of the items (1)~(3) is satisfied, then Aξ* and AN satisfy (4.10). Taking the scalar product with U to (4.10) and using (2.14), we have


Applying ∇X to C(Y, U) = 0 and using the last equation, we have


Substituting the last two equations into (5.7) with PZ = U, we obtain


Taking Y = V and X = ξ to this and using (4.10) and (5.9), we get


By using (2.14), (4.10) and the fact that m = α, we see that


From the last three equations, we get f1 + f2 = 0. Taking Y = V and X = U to (5.8) and using (4.10), we have f2 = 2(U, V )

Definition 5.3

A lightlike hypersurface M is said to be a Hopf lightlike hypersurface if the structure vector field U is an eigenvector of Aξ*.

Theorem 5.4

Let M be a lightlike hypersurface of an indefinite nearly generalized Sasakian space form M̄ (f1, f2, f3) with an (ℓ, m)-type connection such that ζ is tangent to M and F is Lie recurrent. Then


If M is a Hopf lightlike hypersurface of M̄ (c), then f2 = 0.


Taking the scalar product with U to (4.16) and using (2.20), we get


Applying ∇ξ to (5.10) and using (2.11), (2.13), (4.16) and (4.17), we have


Applying ∇U to B(ξ, U) = 0 and using (2.4) and (2.11)~(2.13), we have


due to (4.17). Taking X = ξ, Y = U and Z = U to (5.6) and using (2.12), (4.17), (5.9), (5.10) and the last two equations, we obtain


If M is a Hopf lightlike hypersurface of (c), that is, Aξ*U=λU for some smooth function λ, then g(Aξ*U,Aξ*U)=0. Thus f2 = 0.

Theorem 5.5

Let M be a totally umbilical lightlike hypersurface of an indefinite nearly generalized Sasakian space form M̄ (f1, f2, f3) with an (ℓ, m)-type connection such that ζ is tangent to M. Then

f2=0,         dτ(U,V)=0.

If M is totally umbilical, then B = 0 and m = 0 by (1) of Theorem 4.3. As B = m = 0 and S(TM) is non-degenerate, (2.13) is reduced


Taking X = ξ and Y = Z = U to (5.6) and using (4.8), (5.9) and (5.11), we get f2 = 0. Taking X = U and Y = V to (5.8) and using (5.11), we have (U, V ) = 0. Thus we have our theorem.

Theorem 5.6

Let M be a screen totally umbilical lightlike hypersurface of an indefinite nearly generalized Sasakian space form M̄ (f1, f2, f3) with an (ℓ, m)-type connection such that ζ is tangent to M. Then


If M is screen totally umbilical, then C = 0 by (2) of Theorem 4.3. As C = 0, from (2.11) and (4.8), we have

2m=3α,         B(U,ζ)=α,         B(ζ,U)=α-m,         θ(ξU)=α-m.

Applying ∇̄X to θ(ζ) = 1 and θ(V ) = 0, we have

(¯Xθ)(ζ)=-θ(X),         (¯Xθ)(V)=-θ(XV),

due to θ(∇̄Xζ) = ℓθ(X). Taking (1) X = ξ, Y = PZ = ζ; (2)X = ξ, Y = U, PZ = V; (3)X = ξ, Y = V, PZ = U to (5.7) and using (2.19), (5.9), (5.13) and (5.12), we have

f1-f3=ζ-2,         f1+2f2=-θ(UV),f1+f2=-m(m-α)-θ(VU).

From these equations, we have our theorem.

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