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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2020; 60(1): 185-195

Published online March 31, 2020

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

The W-curvature Tensor on Relativistic Space-times

Hassan Abu-Donia, Sameh Shenawy∗, Abdallah Abdelhameed Syied

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt
e-mail : 이메일donia_1000@yahoo.com
Basic Science Department, Modern Academy for Engineering and Technology, Maadi, Egypt
e-mail : drshenawy@mail.com and drssshenawy@eng.modern-academy.edu.eg
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt
e-mail : a.a_syied@yahoo.com

Received: June 10, 2019; Revised: November 13, 2019; Accepted: November 25, 2019

This paper aims to study the –curvature tensor on relativistic space-times. The energy-momentum tensor T of a space-time having a semi-symmetric –curvature tensor is semi-symmetric, whereas the whereas the energy-momentum tensor T of a space-time having a divergence free –curvature tensor is of Codazzi type. A space-time having a traceless –curvature tensor is Einstein. A –curvature flat space-time is Einstein. Perfect fluid space-times which admits –curvature tensor are considered.

Keywords: Einstein&rsquo,s field equation, perfect fluid space-times, energymomentum tensor, semi-symmetric curvature tensor

In [12, 13, 14, 15, 16], the authors introduced some curvature tensors similar to the projective curvature tensor of [9]. They investigated their geometrical properties and physical significance. These tensors have been recently studied in different ambient spaces [1, 4, 5, 18, 17, 20, 11]. However, we have noticed that little attention has been paid to the W3–curvature tensor. This tensor is a (0, 4) tensor defined asW3(U,V,Z,T)=R(U,V,Z,T)-1n-1[g(V,Z)Ric (U,T)-g(V,T)Ric (U,Z)],

where R(U, V,Z, T) = g(R((U, V) Z, T), R(U, V)Z = ∇UV −∇UV −∇[U,V ]Z is the Riemann curvature tensor, ∇ is the Levi-Civita connection, and Ric (U, V) is the Ricci tensor. For simplicity, we will denote W3 by ; in local coordinates, it is


The –curvature tensor has neither symmetry nor cyclic properties.

A semi-Riemannian manifold M is semi-symmetric [19] if


where R(ζ, ξ) acts as a derivation on R. M is Ricci semi-symmetric [8] if


where R(ζ, ξ) acts as a derivation on Ric. A semi-symmetric manifold is known to be Ricci semi-symmetric as well. The converse does not generally hold. Along the same line of the above definitions we say that M has a semi-symmetric –curvature tensor if


where R(ζ, ξ) acts as a derivation on .

This study was designed to fill the above mentioned gap. The relativistic significance of the –curvature tensor is investigated. First, it is shown that space-times with semi-symmetric Wjk=gilWijkl tensor have Ricci semi-symmetric tensor and consequently the energy-momentum tensor is semi-symmetric. The divergence of the –curvature tensor is considered and it is proved that the energy-momentum tensor T of a space-time M is of Codazzi type if M has a divergence free –curvature tensor. If M admits a parallel –curvature tensor, then T is a parallel. Finally, a –flat perfect fluid space-time performs as a cosmological constant. A dust fluid –flat space-time satisfies Einstein’s field equation is a vacuum space.

A 4–dimensional relativistic space-time M is said to have a semi-symmetric-curvature tensor if


where R(ζ, ξ) acts as a derivation on the tensor . In local coordinates, one gets


Contracting both sides with gil yields


where Wjk=gilWijkl. Thus we have the following theorem.

Theorem 2.1

M is Ricci semi-symmetric if and only ifWjk=gilWijklis semi-symmetric.

The following result is a direct consequence of this theorem.

Corollary 2.2

M is Ricci semi-symmetric if the-curvature is semi-symmetric.

A space-time manifold is conformally semi-symmetric if the conformal curvature tensor is semi-symmetric.

Theorem 2.3

Assume that M is a space-time admitting a semi-symmetricWjk=gilWijkl. Then, M is conformally semi-symmetric if and only if it is semi-symmetric i.e..

The Einstein’s field equation is


where Λ,R, k are the cosmological constant, the scalar curvature, and the gravitational constant. Then


i.e., M is Ricci semi-symmetric if and only if the energy-momentum tensor is semi-symmetric.

Theorem 2.4

The energy-momentum tensor of a space-time M is semi-symmetric if and only ifWjk=gilWijklis semi-symmetric.

Remark 2.5

A space-time M with semi-symmetric energy-momentum tensor has been studied by De and Velimirovic in [2].

It is clear that μWijkl=0 implies (μν-νμ)Wijkl=0. Thus the following result rises.

Corollary 2.6

Let M be a space-time having a covariantly constantcurvature tensor. Then M is conformally semi-symmetric and the energy-momentum tensor is semi-symmetric.

A space-time is called Ricci recurrent if the Ricci curvature tensor satisfies


where b is called the associated recurrence 1–form. Assume that the Ricci tensor is recurrent, then


Corollary 2.7

The following conditions on a space-time M are equivalent

  • The Ricci tensor is recurrent with closed recurrence one form,

  • T is semi-symmetric, and

  • Wjk=gilWijklis semi-symmetric.

The tensor Wjklh of type (1, 3) is given by Wjklh=ghiWijkl=Rjklh-13[gjkRlh-gilRkh].

Consequently, one defines its divergence as


It is well known that the contraction of the second Bianchi identity gives


Thus, equation (3.1) becomes


If the –curvature tensor is divergence free, then equation (3.2) turns into


Multiplying by gjk we have


Thus, the tensor Rij is a Codazzi tensor and R is constant. Conversely, assume that the Ricci tensor is a Codazzi tensor. Then


However, the last equation implies that ∇lR = 0. Consequently, the –curvature tensor has zero divergence.

Theorem 3.1

Thecurvature tensor has zero divergence if and only if the Ricci tensor is a Codazzi tensor. In both cases, the scalar curvature is constant.

The divergence of the Weyl curvature tensor is given by


Remark 3.2

Since divergence free of –curvature tensor implies that Rij is a Codazzi tensor, the conformal curvature tensor has zero divergence.

Equation (2.3) yields


The above theorem now implies the following result.

Corollary 3.3

The energy-momentum tensor is a Codazzi tensor if and only if thecurvature tensor has zero divergence. In both cases, the scalar curvature is constant.

Einstein’s field equation infers


Now, it is noted that the above theorem may be proved using this identity.

A space-time M is called -symmetric if


Applying the covariant derivative on the both sides of equation (1.1), one gets


If M is a –symmetric space-time, then


Multiplying the both sides by gil, we get


and hence


Now, the following theorem rises.

Theorem 4.1

Assume that M is asymmetric space-time, then M is a Ricci symmetric if the scalar curvature is constant.

The second Bianchi identity for –curvature tensor is


If the Ricci tensor satisfies ∇mRil = ∇lRim, then


Conversely, if the above equation holds, then equation (4.3) implies


Multiplying the both sides with gik, then we have


which means that the Ricci tensor is of Codazzi type.

Theorem 4.2

The Ricci tensor satisfiesmRil = ∇lRim if and only if thecurvature tensor satisfiesequation (4.4).

For a purely electro-magnetic distribution, Eequation (2.3) reduces to


Its contraction with gij gives


In this case, it is T = R = 0. Thus equation (4.2) yields ∇mTjk = 0.

Theorem 4.3

The energy-momentum tensor of asymmetric space-time obeying Einstein’s field equation for a purely electro-magnetic distribution is locally symmetric.

Now, we consider –flat space-times. Multiplying both sides of equation (1.1) by gil yields


Thus, a Wjk–curvature flat space-time is Einstein, i.e.,


Now, equation (1.1) becomes


Theorem 5.1

A space-time manifold M is Einstein if and only ifWjk=0. Moreover, aflat space-time has a constant curvature.

A vector field ξ is said to be a conformal vector field if


where ℒξ denotes the Lie derivative along the flow lines of ξ and φ is a scalar. ξ is called Killing if φ = 0. Let Tij be the energy-momentum tensor defined on M. ξ is said to be a matter inheritance collineation if


The tensor Tij is said to have a symmetry inheritance property along the flow lines of ξ. ξ is called a matter collineation if φ = 0. A Killing vector field ξ is a matter collineation. However, a matter collineation is not generally Killing.

Theorem 5.2

Assume that M is aflat space-time. Then, ξ is conformal if and only ifξT = 2φT.


Using equations (5.1) and (2.3), we have




Assume that ξ is conformal. The above two equations lead to


Conversely, suppose that the energy-momentum tensor has a symmetry inheritance property along ξ. It is easy to show that ξ is a conformal vector field.

Corollary 5.3

Assume that M is aflat space-time. Then, M admits a matter collineation ξ if and only if ξ is Killing.

Equations (5.1) and (2.3) imply


Taking the covariant derivative of 5.4 we get


Since a –curvature flat space-time has ∇lR = 0, ∇lTij = 0.

Theorem 5.4

The energy-momentum tensor of aflat space-time is covariantly constant.

Let M be a space-time and Wklmi=gijWjklm be a (1, 3) curvature tensor. According to [3], there exists a unique traceless tensor klmi and three unique (0, 2) tensors , ℰkl such that


All of these tensors are given by




Assume that the –curvature tensor is traceless. Then


and consequently


Theorem 5.5

Assume that M is a space-time admitting a tracelesscurvature tensor. Then, M is an Einstein space-time.

For a perfect fluid space-time with the energy density μ and isotropic pressure p, we have


where ui is the velocity of the fluid flow with gijuj = ui and uiui = −1 [10, 6, 7]. In [2, Theorem 2.2], a characterization of such space-times is given. This result leads us to the following.

Theorem 5.6

Assume that the perfect fluid space-time M issemi-symmetric. Then, M is regarded as inflation and this fluid acts as a cosmological constant. Moreover, the perfect fluid represents the quintessence barrier.

Using Equations (5.2), we have


Multiplying the both sides by gij we get


For –curvature flat space-times, the scalar curvature is constant and consequently


Again, a contraction of equation (5.7) with ui leads to


The comparison between (5.8) and (5.10) gives


i.e., the perfect fluid performs as a cosmological constant. Then equation (5.6) implies


For a –flat space-time, the scalar curvature is constant. Thus μ = constant and consequently p = constant. Therefore, the covariant derivative of equation (5.12) implies ∇lTij = 0.

Theorem 5.7

Let M be a perfect fluidflat space-time obeyingequation (2.3), then the μ and p are constants and μ + p = 0 i.e. the perfect fluid performs as a cosmological constant. Moreover, ∇lTij = 0.

The following results are two direct consequences of being –curvature flat.

Corollary 5.8

Aflat space-time M obeyingequation (4.7) is a Euclidean space.

Corollary 5.9

Let M be a dust fluidflat space-time satisfyingequation (2.3) (i.e. Tij = μuiuj). Then M is a vacuum space-time(i.e. Tij = 0).

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