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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2018; 58(4): 637-650

Published online December 31, 2018

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

On [m,C]-symmetric Operators

Muneo Chō, Ji Eun Lee*, Jun Tomiyama

Department of Mathematics, Kanagawa University, Hiratsuka 259-1293, Japan
e-mail : chiyom01@kanagawa-u.ac.jp

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Sejong University, Seoul 05006, Korea
e-mail : jieunlee7@sejong.ac.kr and jieun7@ewhain.netjieun7@ewhain.net

Kôtarô Tanahashi
Department of Mathematics, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Sendai 981-8558, Japan
e-mail : tanahasi@tohoku-mpu.ac.jp

Meguro-ku Nakane 11-10-201, Tokyo 152-0031, Japan
e-mail : juntomi@med.email.ne.jp

Received: August 23, 2017; Revised: January 12, 2018; Accepted: October 23, 2018

In this paper first we show properties of isosymmetric operators given by M. Stankus [13]. Next we introduce an [m,C]-symmetric operator T on a complex Hilbert space ℋ. We investigate properties of the spectrum of an [m,C]-symmetric operator and prove that if T is an [m,C]-symmetric operator and Q is an n-nilpotent operator, respectively, then T +Q is an [m+2n − 2, C]-symmetric operator. Finally, we show that if T is [m,C]-symmetric and S is [n,D]-symmetric, then TS is [m+n−1, CD]-symmetric.

Keywords: Hilbert space, linear operator, conjugation,

Let ℋ be a complex Hilbert space with the inner product 〈,〉 and B(ℋ) be the set of bounded linear operators on ℋ. Let ℕ be the set of all natural numbers. For the study of Jordan operators, J.W. Helton ([9] and [10]) introduced an operator TB(ℋ) which satisfies


In particular, if T is normal, then αm(T) = (T* − T)m. An operator TB(ℋ) is said to be an m-symmetric operator if αm(T) = 0. Hence T is 1-symmetric if and only if T is Hermitian. It is well known that if T is m-symmetric, then T is n-symmetric for all nm. The concept of m-symmetric operators is little strong. For example, if T is m-symmetric, then σ(T) ⊂ ℝ (cf.[10]). And T is Hermitian even if T is 2-symmetric. Also if T is normal and m-symmetric, then T is Hermitian due to the fact that T* − T is normal and nilpotent, that is, T* − T = 0.

Recently, C. Gu and M. Stankus ([8]) showed interesting properties of m-symmetric operators. On the other hand, for m ∈ ℕ, an operator TB(ℋ) is said to be an m-isometric operator if


It is well known that if T is m-isometric, then T is n-isometric for all nm. In 1995, J. Agler and M. Stankus [1] introduced an m-isometric operator and showed many important results of such an operator. If T is an invertible m-isometric operator and m is even, then T is (m–1)-isometric. But if T is m-symmetric and m is even, then T is always (m–1)-symmetric by Theorem 3.4 of [12]. For every odd number m, there exists an invertible m-isometric operator T which is not (m–1)-isometric (see Theorem 1 in [5]).

Throughout this paper, let I be the identity operator on ℋ and m, n be natural numbers. An operator QB(ℋ) is said to be a nilpotent operator of order n if Qn = 0 and Qn–1 ≠ 0. For a subset A ⊂ ℂ, let A* = { : zA }. Let σ(T) and σp(T) be the spectrum and the point spectrum of TB(ℋ), respectively. The approximate point spectrum of T is defined by σa(T) := { z ∈ ℂ : T − zI is not bounded below}, and the surjective spectrum of T is defined by σs(T) := { z ∈ ℂ : T − zI is not surjective}. It is known that σ(T) = σa(T)∪ σs(T), σa(T)* = σs(T*), and σs(T)* = σa(T*).

First we show the following result of m-symmetric operators.

Proposition 2.1

Let TB(ℋ). Then the following statements hold;

  • T is a 2-symmetric operator if and only if T is Hermitian.

  • Let T be an m-symmetric operator. For ab and non-zero vectors x, y ∈ ℋ, if Tx = ax and Ty = by, thenx, y〉 = 0.

  • Let T be an m-symmetric operator. For ab and sequences {xk}, {yk} of unit vectors of ℋ, if (T − a)xk → 0 and (T − b)yk → 0, thenlimkxk,yk=0.


(a) If T is Hermitian, then it is obvious that T is 2-symmetric. If T is 2-symmetric, then T is 1-symmetric from [12, Theorem 3.4] and so it is Hermitian. (b) Since a, bσ(T), it follows from [10] that a, b are real numbers. Hence it holds


Since ab, we have 〈x, y〉 = 0.

(c) By similar arguments of the proof of (b), a, b are real numbers and it holds


Since ab, we have limkxk,yk=0.

Definition 1

For an operator TB(ℋ), we define γm,n(T) by


Then T is said to be (m, n)-isosymmetric if γm,n(T) = 0.

It is easy to see that

γm+1,n(T)=T*γm,n(T)T-γm,n(T)and γm,n+1(T)=T*γm,n(T)-γm,n(T)T.

Hence if T is (m, n)-isosymmetric, then T is (m′, n′)-isosymmetric for all n′n and n′n. M. Stankus proved the following properties.

Proposition 2.2.([13, Corollary 30])

Let T be (m, n)-isosymmetric.

  • If σ(T) ⊂ {x ∈ ℝ : |x| > 1} or σ(T) ⊂ {x ∈ ℝ : |x| < 1}, then T is n-symmetric.

  • If σ(T) ⊂ {e : 0 < θ < π} or σ(T) ⊂ {e : π < θ < 2π}, then T is m-isometric.

For a, b ∈ ℂ and non-zero vectors x, y ∈ ℋ, if Tx = ax, Ty = by, then it holds that


Hence we have the following theorem.

Theorem 2.3

Let T be (m, n)-isosymmetric and x, y be unit vectors and xk, yk be sequences of unit vectors of ℋ.

  • If Tx = ax, Ty = by, ab and ab̄, thenx, y〈 = 0.

  • If (T − a)xk → 0, (T − b)yk → 0 (k → ∞), ab and ab̄, thenlimkxk,yk=0.

Theorem 2.4

Let T be (m, n)-isosymmetric.

  • Then Tk is (m, n)-isosymmetric for any k ∈ ℕ.

  • If T is invertible, then T−1is (m, n)-isosymmetric.


(1) Note that for k ∈ ℕ, the following equation holds;


where λ and μj are some constants. From this, we have


Hence Tk is (m, n)-isosymmetric.

(2) Assume that T is invertible. Since

0=T*-m-nγm,n(T)T-m-n=j=0m(-1)j(mj)T*-m-nT*m-jαn(T)Tm-jT-m-n=j=0m(-1)j(mj)T*-n-jαn(T)T-n-j=j=0m(-1)j(mj)T*-j(T*-nαn(T)T-n)T-j={j=0m(-1)j(mj)T*-j·(αn(T-1))·T-j=γm,n(T-1)(mis even)j=0m(-1)j(mj)T*-j·(-αn(T-1))·T-j=-γm,n(T-1)(mis odd),

it follows that T−1 is (m, n)-isosymmetric.

Operators T and S are said to be doubly commuting if TS = ST and TS* = S*T. From the equation


if T and S are doubly commuting, then it holds


Theorem 2.5

Let T be (m, n)-isosymmetric and let Q be a nilpotent operator of order k. If T and Q are doubly commuting, then T +Q is (m+2k −2, n+2k −1)- isosymmetric.


From equation (2.1), it holds


(1) If j ≥ 2k or ik or lk, then αj(Q) = 0 or Qi = 0 or Q*l = 0, respectively.

(2) If j ≤ 2k −1 and ik −1 and lk − 1, then h = m+2k − 2 − i − lm and n + 2k − 1 − jn + 2k − 1 (2k − 1) = n, i.e., γh,n+2k−1−j(T) = 0.

By (1) and (2) we have γm+2k−2,n+2k−1(T + Q) = 0. Therefore T + Q is (m + 2k − 2, n + 2k − 1)-isosymmetric.

Note that the equation


From this, if T and S are doubly commuting, then it holds


Theorem 2.6

Let T be (m, n)-isosymmetric and let S be m′-isometric and n′-symmetric. If T and S are doubly commuting, then TS is (m+m′ −1, n+n′ −1)- isosymmetric.


From equation (2.2), it holds


(1) If km′ or jn′, then γk,j(S) = 0.

(2) If km′ −1 and jn′ − 1, then m+m′ − 1 − km and n + n′ − 1 − jn, i.e., γm+m′−1−k,n+n′−1−j(T) = 0.

By (1) and (2) we have γm+m′−1,n+n′−1(TS) = 0. Hence it completes the proof.

For a complex Hilbert space ℋ, let ℋ⊗ℋ denote the completion of the algebraic tensor product of ℋ and ℋ endowed a reasonable uniform cross-norm. For operators TB(ℋ) and SB(ℋ), TSB(ℋ ⊗ ℋ) denote the tensor product operator defined by T and S. Note that TS = (TI)(IS) = (IS)(TI).

Theorem 2.7

Let T be (m, n)-isosymmetric and let S be m′-isometric and n′-symmetric. Then TS is (m + m′ − 1, n + n′ − 1)-isosymmetric.


It is clear that if T is (m, n)-isosymmetric, then TI is (m, n)-isosymmetric and if S is m′-isometric and n′-symmetric, then IS is m′-isometric and n′-symmetric. Since TI and IS are doubly commuting, it follows from Theorem 2.6 that TS is (m + m′ − 1, n + n′ − 1)-isosymmetric. Hence it completes the proof.

In this section, we introduce [m,C]-symmetric operators and provide several examples. An antilinear operator C on ℋ is said to be a conjugation if C satisfies C2 = I and 〈Cx,Cy〉= 〈y, x〉 for all x, y ∈ ℋ. An operator TB(ℋ) is said to be complex symmetric if CTC = T* for some conjugation C.

Definition 2

For an operator TB(ℋ) and a conjugation C, we define the operator αm(T;C) by


An operator TB(ℋ) is said to be an [m,C]-symmetric operator if αm(T;C) = 0.

Hence if T is complex symmetric and [m,C]-symmetric, then T is m-symmetric. It holds that


Moreover, if T is [m,C]-symmetric, then T is [n,C]-symmetric for every natural number n (≥ m) and ker(αm−1(T;C)) (m ≥ 2) is an invariant subspace for T.

Example 3.1

Let ℋ = ℂ2 and let C be a conjugation on ℋ given by C(xy)=(y¯x¯) for x, y ∈ ℂ.

  • If T=(i11-i) on C2, then T is not Hermitian and CTC=(i11-i)=T.

    Hence T is [1, C]-symmetric.

    Hence, in this case, σ(T) = {0} due to the fact that T is nilpotent.

  • Let S=(i22-i) on C2. Then S is not Hermitian and CSC=(i22-i) and CSC = SS*. Therefore, S is [1, C]-symmetric. Furthermore, σ(S) = {1,−1}.

  • If R=(112i12i2) on C2, then


    Hence R is [2, C]-symmetric. It is easy to see that R is not [1, C]-symmetric. Moreover, σ(R)={32}.

  • Let W=(2i11-2i) on C2. Then it is easy to see that CWC = WW*.

    Hence W is [1, C]-symmetric and σ(W)={3i,-3i}.

Example 3.2

Let ℋ = ℓ2, let {en}n=1 be the natural basis of ℋ and let C : ℋ → ℋ be a conjugation given by


where {xn} is a sequence in C with n=1|xn|2< and Cen = en.

  • If UB(ℋ) is the unilateral shift on ℓ2, then it is easy to compute U = CUC and so U is a [1, C]-symmetric operator with (unit disk).

  • Let W be the weighted shift given by Wen = αnen+1, where αn={2i         (n=1)n+1ni(n2).



    for all n ≥ 1. Hence W is [2, C]-symmetric operator.

An operator A ∈ ℒ(ℋ) is n-Jordan if A = T + N where T is self-adjoint, N is nilpotent of order [n+12], and TN = NT where [k] denotes the integer part of k.

Example 3.3

Let C be a conjugation C on ℋ. Suppose that A = T + N is an n-Jordan operator where T = T* = CTC, N is nilpotent of order [n+12], TN = NT, and CN = NC. Then A is [n,C]-symmetric for the conjugation C. Indeed, since T = T* = CTC, TN = NT, and CN = NC, it follows that


which means that A is an n-symmetric operator from [12, Theorem 3.2]. Hence A is [n,C]-symmetric.

Let C be a conjugation on ℋ. Then C satisfies ||Cx|| = ||x|| and C(αx) = ᾱ·Cx for all x ∈ ℋ and all α ∈ ℂ. Moreover, since C2 = I, it follows that (CTC)* = CT*C and (CTC)n = CTnC for every positive integer n (see [7] for more details).

We now provide properties of [m,C]-symmetric operators.

Theorem 4.1

Let TB(ℋ) and let C be a conjugation on. Then the following assertions hold;

  • T is an [m,C]-symmetric operator if and only if so is T*.

  • If T is an [m,C]-symmetric operator, then Tk is [m,C]-symmetric for any k ∈ ℕ.

  • If T is an [m,C]-symmetric operator and invertible, then T−1is [m,C]- symmetric.

  • If T is a [2, C]-symmetric operator, then ker(T) ⊂ ker(T2)∩C(ker(T2)).


(a) Since T is [m,C]-symmetric, it follows that αm(T;C) = 0. Therefore,

0=C(αm(T;C))*C={αm(T*;C)         (mis even)-αm(T*;C)         (mis odd).

Hence T* is [m,C]-symmetric. The converse implication holds in a similar way. (b) Note that


where λj are some coefficients (j = 0, ...,m(k − 1)). This implies that


Hence Tk is [m,C]-symmetric.

(c) Since T is [m,C]-symmetric, it follows that αm(T;C) = 0 and therefore

0=CT-mC·αm(T;C)·T-m={αm(T-1;C)         (mis even)-αm(T-1;C)         (mis odd).

Hence T−1 is [m,C]-symmetric.

(d) It is clear ker(T) ⊂ ker(T2). If T is [2, C]-symmetric and x ∈ ker(T), then


and hence T2Cx = 0. Thus Cx ∈ ker(T2) and so xC(ker(T2)). Hence we get ker(T) ⊂ ker(T2)∩C(ker(T2)).

Lemma 4.2

For TB(ℋ), a conjugation C, and two complex numbers λ, μ, it holds


In particular, for λ ∈ ℂ we have


Using the multinomial formula, it holds


Equation (4.1) follows from λ = μ in the first formula.

By Lemma 2.7 of [3], for TB(ℋ) and two complex numbers λ, μ, it holds


We investigate properties of spectra of [m,C]-symmetric operators. In [11], S. Jung, E. Ko and J. E. Lee proved the following result.

Proposition 4.3.([11, Lemma 3.21])

If C is a conjugation onand TB(ℋ), then σ(CTC) = σ(T)*, σp(CTC) = σp(T)*, σa(CTC) = σa(T)* and σs(CTC) = σs(T)*.

Theorem 4.4

Let TB(ℋ) be an [m,C]-symmetric operator where C is a conjugation on. Then σp(T) = σp(T)*, σa(T) = σa(T)*, σs(T) = σs(T)* and σ(T) = σ(T)*.


Let zσa(T). Then there exists a sequence {xn} of unit vectors such that (Tz)xn → 0 (n→∞). By equation (4.1) it holds


Hence we have 0 = limn→∞αm(T;C)xn = limn→∞ (CTCz)m xn. Therefore, it is easy to see zσa(CTC). Hence σa(T) ⊂ σa(CTC). Since σa(CTC) = σa(T)* by Proposition 4.3, this means σa(T) ⊂ σa(T)*. Hence σa(T)*σa(T)** = σa(T) and so σa(T) = σa(T)*.

Since T* is also an [m,C]-symmetric operator by Theorem 4.1, we have σa(T*) = σa(T*)*. Hence σs(T) = σs(T)* and σ(T) = σa(T) ∪ σs(T) = σa(T)*σs(T)* = σ(T)*. From the above proof it is clear that σp(T) = σp(T)*.

For T,SB(ℋ), a pair (T,S) of operators is said to be a C-doubly commuting pair if TS = ST and CSC · T = T · CSC for a conjugation C.

Lemma 4.5

Let (T,S) be a C-doubly commuting pair where C is a conjugation on. Then it holds


From the assumption, it holds T ·CSjC = CSjC ·T and S·CTjC = CTjC ·S for every j ∈ ℕ. It is clear that equation (4.2) holds for m = 1. Assume that equation (4.2) holds for m. Then by (3.1) we have


Hence equation (4.2) holds for any m ∈ ℕ.

Therefore we have the following theorem.

Theorem 4.6

Let TB(ℋ) be an [m,C]-symmetric operator and let SB(ℋ) be an [n,C]-symmetric operator where C is a conjugation on. If (T,S) is a C-doubly commuting pair, then T + S is an [m + n − 1, C]-symmetric operator.


By Lemma 4.5, it holds


(i) If 0 ≤ jm − 1, then m+ n − 1 − jm+ n − 1 − (m − 1) = n. Therefore we have

αm+n−1−j(S;C) = 0.

(ii) If jm, then αj(T;C) = 0.

Hence we get αm+n−1(T + S;C) = 0 and so T + S is [m+ n − 1, C]-symmetric.

Theorem 4.7

Let C be a conjugation on. If Q is a nilpotent operator of order n, then Q is a [2n − 1, C]-symmetric operator.


It holds


(i) If 0 ≤ jn − 1, then 2n − 1 − j ≥ 2n − 1 − (n − 1) = n. Hence Q2n−1−j = 0.

(ii) If jn, then Qj = 0.

Therefore α2n−1(Q;C) = 0 and hence Q is [2n − 1, C]-symmetric.

Corollary 4.8

Let TB(ℋ) be an [m,C]-symmetric operator and let QB(ℋ) be a nilpotent operator of order n where C is a conjugation on. If (T,Q) is a C-doubly commuting pair, then T + Q is an [m+2n − 2, C]-symmetric operator.


The proof follows from Theorems 4.6 and 4.7.

Example 4.9

Let Cn be the conjugation on Cn defined by


Assume that Rn is an n × n matrix as follows;


for a, bC. Since Qn is nilpotent of order n, it follows that Corollary 4.8 that Rn is a [2n − 1, Cn]-symmetric operator.

Lemma 4.10

If (T,S) is a C-doubly commuting pair where C is a conjugation on ℋ, then it holds


It is easy to see that equation (4.3) holds for m = 1. Assume that equation (4.3) holds for m. Then by (3.1) we obtain


Hence equation (4.3) holds for any m ∈ ℕ.

Theorem 4.11

Let T be an [m,C]-symmetric operator and let S be an [n,C]- symmetric operator where C is a conjugation on. If (T,S) is a C-doubly commuting pair, then TS is an [m + n − 1, C]-symmetric operator.


Since (T,S) is a C-doubly commuting pair, it follows from equation (4.3) that


(i) If 0 ≤ jm − 1, then m+ n − 1 − jm+ n − 1 − (m − 1) = n. Therefore we get αm+n−1−j(S;C) = 0.

(ii) If mj, then αj(T;C) = 0.

Therefore αm+n−1(TS;C) = 0. Hence TS is [m + n − 1, C]-symmetric.

Corollary 4.12

Let C be a conjugtion on. If T = T1I and S = IS1where T1and S1are [m,C]-symmetric, then TS is [2m − 1, C]-symmetric.


Since T1 and S1 are [m,C]-symmetric, it follows that T = T1I and S = IS1 are [m,C]-symmetric. In addition, we know that (T,S) is a C-doubly commuting pair. Therefore, TS is [2m − 1, C]-symmetric by Theorem 4.11.

In [6], B. Duggal proved the following proposition.

Proposition 4.13

Let T and S be an m-isometric operator and an n-isometric operator, respectively. Then TS is an (m + n − 1)-isometric operator.

Similarly, we show the following result.

Theorem 4.14

Let T be an [m,C]-symmetric operator and let S be an [n,D]- symmetric operator where C and D are conjugations on. Then TS is an [m + n − 1, CD]-symmetric operator on ℋ ⊗ ℋ.


Since C and D are conjugations on ℋ, it follows from [4] that CD is a conjugation on ℋ ⊗ ℋ. If T is [m,C]-symmetric and S is [n,D]-symmetric, it is easy to see that TI is [m,CD]-symmetric and IS is [n,CD]-symmetric on ℋ ⊗ ℋ, respectively. Also it is clear that (TI, IS) is a CD-doubly commuting pair. Since TS = (TI)(IS), it follows from Theorem 4.11 that (TI)(IS) = TS is [m + n − 1, CD]-symmetric.

This paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Takayuki Furuta with cordial appreciation. This is partially supported by Grant-in-Aid Scientific Research No.15K04910. The second author was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2016R1A2B4007035).

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