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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2018; 58(2): 399-426

Published online June 23, 2018

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Cofinite Graphs and Groupoids and their Profinite Completions

Amrita Acharyya, Jon M. Corson and Bikash Das*

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Toledo, Main Campus, Toledo, OH 43606-3390, USA, e-mail : Amrita.Acharyya@utoledo.edu, Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0350, USA, email : jcorson@ua.edu, Department of Mathematics, University of North Georgia, Gainesville Campus, Oakwood, Ga. 30566, USA, email : Bikash.Das@ung.edu

Received: February 8, 2016; Accepted: April 1, 2018


Cofinite graphs and cofinite groupoids are defined in a unified way extending the notion of cofinite group introduced by Hartley. These objects have in common an underlying structure of a directed graph endowed with a certain type of uniform structure, called a cofinite uniformity. Much of the theory of cofinite directed graphs turns out to be completely analogous to that of cofinite groups. For instance, the completion of a directed graph Γ with respect to a cofinite uniformity is a profinite directed graph and the cofinite structures on Γ determine and distinguish all the profinite directed graphs that contain Γ as a dense sub-directed graph. The completion of the underlying directed graph of a cofinite graph or cofinite groupoid is observed to often admit a natural structure of a profinite graph or profinite groupoid, respectively.

Keywords: profinite graph, cofinite graph, profinite group, cofinite group, profinite groupoid, cofinite groupoid, uniform space, completion, cofinite entourage