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KYUNGPOOK Math. J. 2019; 59(2): 203-207

Published online June 23, 2019

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

The Commutativity Degree in the Class of Nonabelian Groups of Same Order

Hojjat Rostami

Department of Education, Molla Sadra Teaching and Training Research Center, Zanjan 13858899, Iran

Received: July 30, 2017; Revised: March 29, 2019; Accepted: April 23, 2019

The commutativity degree of a finite group is the probability that two randomly chosen group elements commute. In this paper we give a sharp upper bound of commutativity degree of nonabelial groups in terms of their order.

Keywords: finite group, commutativity degree, nonnilpotent.

The commutativity degree of a finite group is the probability that two randomly chosen group elements commute. In the other words, the commutativity degree of a finite group G is the ratio


It is easy to see that cp(G)=xGCG(x)G2 where CG(x) is the centralizer of x in G. Also G is abelian if and only if cp(G) = 1.

During the last few decades, there has been a growing interest in the study of finite groups in terms of their commutativity degree. This ratio has been investigated by many authors. For example, Gustafson in [4] showed cp(G)58 for all non-abelian groups G. Lescot, in [6], determined all groups G with cp(G)12. Guranlik and G. R. Robinson considered all groups with cp(G)>340 and proved that such groups are either solvable or are isomorphic to A5×C2n where n ≥ 1 (see [3]). Another results about cp(G) can be found in [1] and [9].

Our result is as follows.

Theorem 1.1

Let G be a non-abelian group of ordern=p1n1p2n2prnrwhere ni >0 for each i and p1, ··· , pr are distinct primes. Then

  • (1) cp(G)p2+p-1p3and the equality holds if and only ifGZ(G)Zp×Zpwhere p is the smallest prime divisor ofGZ(G).

  • (2) Let G be a non-nilpotent group. Thencp(G)max{piti+pj2-1pitipj2:         pjpiti-1,1i,jr,1tini}.

    and the equality holds if and only ifGZ(G)Zpiti×Zpjfor integers i and j such thatpjpiti-1and 1 ≤ tini.

First part of above theorem generalizes Lemma 1.3 of [5] and the second part generalizes a result of Lescot which can be found in [5].

Throughout the paper all groups are finite and p is a prime. Also, for gG, we often use to denote the coset gZ(G), and use for the factor group HZ(G)Z(G) where H is any subgroup of G. Other notation is standard and can be found in [8].

A minimal non-abelin group is a non-abelian group all of whose subgroups are abelian. Following lemma gives an important property of minimal non-abelian p-groups. It will be used in the proof of Lemma 2.2.

Lemma 2.1

Let G be a minimal non-abelian p- group. ThenGZ(G)Zp×Zp.


Since G is non-abelian, there exist two elements x and y such that xyyx. Therefore CG(x) and CG(y) are two distinct centralizers of G. By hypothesis these centralizers are abelian and have index p. On the other hand if t ∈ (CG(x) ∩ CG(y)) Z(G) then CG(t) = CG(x) = CG(y). This is a contradiction. Thus CG(x) ∩ CG(y) = Z(G) and so GZ(G)Zp×Zp as a desired.

Using the above lemma and Theorem 10.1.7 of [8] and Exercise 9.1.11 of [8], we can say that every non-abelian group contains either a minimal non-abelian p-subgroup or a subgroup with Frobenius central factor. The following lemma play an important role in the proof of our main theorem.

Lemma 2.2

Let G be a group. If G is non-abelian, then G contains a subgroup H such that eitherHZ(H)ZrtZqor Zp × Zp where p, q and r are distinct primes.


Towards contradiction, let G be a counter-example of minimal order. If H is a non-abelian subgroup of G, then it, and consequently G, has a subgroup with the desired structure. So we may assume that G is a minimal non-abelian group. Using Theorem 10.1.7 of [8] and Exercise 9.1.11 of [8] and Lemma 2.1 we get a contradiction.

The following lemma, which will be used in prove of Theorem 1.1, gives some relations between commutativity degree of certain groups and their sections and subgroups.

Lemma 2.3

Let G be a finite group.

  • (1) For every proper subgroup H of G, we have cp(G) ≤ cp(H).

  • (2) Whenever NG, we havecp(G)cp(GN).

  • (3) For every section, X, of G, we have cp(G) ≤ cp(X).


See proof of Lemma 2 of [3].

Lemma 2.4

Let G be a non-abelian group.

  • (1) IfGZ(G)ZptZq, thencp(G)=pt+q2-1ptq.

  • (2) IfGZ(G)Zp×Zp, thencp(G)=p2+p-1p3.


Let G be a non abelian group and GZ(G)ZptZq. Since HZ(H) has an abelian subgroup of index q, Theorem A of [2] tells us that is a Frobenius group. Now, all centralizers of are either of order q or pt. By counting all of them and using the definition we get the result in first case.

Now let G be a group with central factor isomorphic to Zp × Zp. It is clear that all centralizers of noncentral elements of G are abelian of index p. So as a result we have


Now we recall a nilpotent number defined in [7].

Definition 2.5

A positive integer n is called a nilpotent number if every group of order n is nilpotent.

Now we are ready to prove Theorem 1.1.

Proof of Theorem 1.1

It is clear that there is at least one non-abelian group G of order n such that p is the smallest prime divisor of GZ(G). We denote some p-sylow subgroup of G by P. First we suppose that P is non-abelian and thus all Sylow p-subgroups P of G are non-abelian. By Lemma 2.2, P contains some minimal non abelian subgroup. Therefore by Lemma 2.3 and Lemma 2.4 we have the result in first case. Now let cp(G)=p2+p-1p3 but GZ(G) be not isomorphic to Zp × Zp. Then by Lemmas 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 we have a contradiction. Now if GZ(G)Zp×Zp, then Lemma 2.4 gives the result in first case.

Now let G be a non-nilpotent group. Thus n is not a nilpotent number and so there are positive integers r and s such that r|si − 1 for some integer i. Also let

ϒ={(r,s)rsare primes,rsi-1but rsj-1for all integers j<i}.

Put also Γ={rt+s2-1rts2(r,s)ϒ}. We know by [7] that ϒ and so Γ are non-empty. Now we choose (p, q) ∈ ϒ such that qα+p2-1qαp2 is a maximum element of Γ. We now define a group H.

It is well known that Aut(Zqi)PGLi(q) and so


Therefore there is some θAut(Zqi) with |θ| = q. Let


be a group homomorphism such that ι(a) = θ and Zp = 〈a〉. Now ZqiZp is a semidirect group with respect to ι and we denote ZqiZp×A by H in which A is abelian group with A=nqip. By Lemma 2.4, we have cp(H)=qi+p2-1qip.

Now we prove that for all non-nilpotent groups G of order n, cp(G)pi+q2-1piq. If all proper subgroups of G are nilpotent, then using Theorem 10.1.7 of [8] and Exercise 9.1.11 of [8] one can see that GZ(G) is Frobenius group whose Frobenius kernel is elementary abelian and whose Frobenius complement is of prime order. Now assume that G contains at least one proper non-nilpotent subgroup. Therefore by Lemma 2.2, G has a proper subgroup whose central factor is a Frobenius group with elementary abelian Frobenius kernel and cyclic Frobenius complement of prime order. Anyway, we can assume that K is a subgroup of G (perhaps G itself ) such that KZ(K)ZrtZs where r, s are distinct primes and t is an positive integer. By Lemma 2.3, cp(G)cp(KZ(K))=rt+s2-1rts2. But by choosing (p, q) ∈ ϒ, we have cp(G) ≤ cp(H) and proof is complete.

In the above theorem, if |G| is even, then we have the following.

Corollary 2.6

Let G be a non- nilpotent group of order n. Thencp(G)p+34pand equality holds if and only ifGZ(G)D2p.

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